
7524 results

  • Phenotype

lines over-expressing each of the Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase cDNAs were obtained ... petioles of the 20-oxidase seedlings were approximately 50% longer and resembled controls treated with GA3

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

antisense AtGA20ox1 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were darker green

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

antisense AtGA20ox3 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were ... epinastic

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

lines over-expressing each of the Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase cDNAs were obtained ... petioles of the 20-oxidase seedlings were approximately 50% longer and resembled controls treated with GA3

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

At the seedling stage, hypocotyl and petiole lengths ... one line transformed with antisense AtGA20ox3 (line A3–1) were reduced compared with the control line

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

At the seedling stage, hypocotyl and petiole lengths in two lines transformed with antisense AtGA20ox1 cDNA (lines A1–1 and A1–2 ... were reduced compared with the control line

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

lines over-expressing each of the Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase cDNAs were obtained ... petioles of the 20-oxidase seedlings were approximately 50% longer and resembled controls treated with GA3

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

antisense AtGA20ox1 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were ... epinastic

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

antisense AtGA20ox3 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were darker green

Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes

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  • Phenotype

involute leaves ... icu5

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

re-1 ... showing reticulate leaves with veins greener than their interveinal regions

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

involute leaves ... icu4-2

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

involute leaves ... icu2

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rev ... displaying large ... rosette ... leaves

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

cue1 ... showing reticulate leaves with veins greener than their interveinal regions

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

dov1 ... showing reticulate leaves with veins greener than their interveinal regions

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rot3 ... rounded leaves

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

involute leaves ... clf-18

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

angustifolia (an ... narrow leaves

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

involute leaves ... hst

Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is broad ... asymmetric leaves 2 ... as2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

The lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is broad ... asymmetric leaves 1 ... as1

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

The lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is ... weakly wrinkled ... asymmetric leaves 2 ... as2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

Adult vegetative leaves are more ... asymmetric than the juvenile ones ... as1

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

loose rosette composed of leaves whose mar- gins show a more pronounced downward curl in the apical region ... as2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

the addition of GA3 to the medium anticipates the development of the wild-type Col-1 strain, producing partial phenocopies of the ser- rate mutant

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

The lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is ... weakly wrinkled ... asymmetric leaves 1 ... as1

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

Adult vegetative leaves are more ... asymmetric than the juvenile ones ... as2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

margins unevenly curled downwards ... as1

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

fas1-1 ... exhibit toothed leaves

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

yi-1 ... exhibit toothed leaves

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

Adult vegetative leaves are more lobed ... than the juvenile ones ... as1

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

display a dense rosette due to the reduced length of the petiole of the leaves ... as1

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

margins unevenly curled downwards ... as2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

serrate ... se ... narrow cotyledons

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

Adult vegetative leaves are more lobed ... than the juvenile ones ... as2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

min-1 ... exhibit toothed leaves

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

serrate ... se ... trichomes on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of all the vegetative leaves, in- cluding the juvenile ones

Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection

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  • Phenotype

When we induced the expression of a rot3-2 allele, ROT3G80E, into a null-type rot3-1 parent, plants ... without longer leaf petioles

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Transgenic rot3-1 plants (expressing the wild-type ROT3 gene) had ... increases in length of ... leaf petioles

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Transgenic rot3-1 plants (expressing the wild-type ROT3 gene) had ... increases in length of leaf blades

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

There were no significant changes in leaf width in trans- genic plants

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

When we induced the expression of a rot3-2 allele, ROT3G80E, into a null-type rot3-1 parent, plants had slightly enlarged leaf blades

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Transgenic rot3-1 plants (expressing the wild-type ROT3 gene) had longer leaves

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The rot3-2 allele causes enlarged leaf blades

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The rot3-2 allele causes ... short petioles

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Ectopic overexpression of the ROT3 gene affected polar elongation of leaf petioles more significantly than that of leaf blades

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

YAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are epinastic

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

YAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are ... narrow

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... Despite the marked transformation of the adaxial epidermis, the leaves are not completely abaxialized since they retain some adaxial character

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... vasculature ... consists of central unbranched strands

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Semi-dominant phb-1d mutations result in adaxialization of leaves

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Organs of phb-1d homozygotes are ... radially symmetrical

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing FIL ... seedlings the SAM is disrupted

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits malformed cotyledons

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

plants constitutively expressing FIL ... arrested primordia-like structures form around the periphery of the SAM. At least some of these structures appear to be ... arrested leaf primordia as trichomes could be observed on their adaxial surfaces

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

organs of phb-1d/+ heterozygotes are mosaics of adaxial and abaxial tissues

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves ... are linear

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

YAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... leaves ... decreased cell expansion

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

plants constitutively expressing FIL ... Despite the marked transformation of the adaxial epidermis, the leaves are not completely abaxialized since they retain some adaxial character

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Organs of phb-1d homozygotes are nearly completely adaxialized

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing FIL ... second class of transgenic plants ... cotyledons that are purple, likely due to accumulation of anthocyanins

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Homozygous yab3-1 plants do not display a phenotype different from wild-type plants

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... Cotyledons ... are linear

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

FIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are ... narrow

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... seedlings the SAM is disrupted

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing FIL ... the adaxial palisade mesophyll of the leaves being largely similar to that of wild type

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... Cotyledons ... are ... occasionally bifurcated

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves ... are occasionally bifurcated

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

FIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are epinastic

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... the vasculature still retained a normal adaxial-abaxial polarity (xylem, adaxial; phloem, abaxial)

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

YAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves ... morphology is abnormal

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing FIL ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits ... cotyledons that are purple

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

FIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... leaves ... decreased cell expansion

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... Occasionally, an ectopic SAM arises from the adaxial surface of a sinus of a bifurcated leaf

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Trumpet-shaped leaves, with an inner surface of abaxial identity and an outer surface of adaxial identity, are characteristic of phb-1d/+ heterozygotes

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... arrested leaf primordia

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... second class of transgenic plants ... cotyledons that are purple, likely due to accumulation of anthocyanins

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of plants constitutively expressing FIL ... In many cases, the adaxial epidermis of the leaves was not easily recognized as either wild-type abaxial or adaxial cell types, but rather appeared as a mixture of the two

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

FIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves ... morphology is abnormal

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... mesophyll appeared uniform with little evidence of polarity

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... the abaxial leaf surfaces may be mosaics of abaxial and adaxial tissues (Fig. 6M,N). In some cases, the epidermal leaf surfaces of double mutants are not identical to either wild-type adaxial or wild-type abaxial surfaces, but instead resemble a mixture of characters from both

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... the adaxial palisade mesophyll of the leaves being largely similar to that of wild type

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

adaxial epidermises of ... leaves ... constitutively expressing FIL ... resembling wild-type abaxial epidermises

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

adaxial epidermises of ... leaves of plants constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... resembling wild-type abaxial epidermises

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of plants constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... In many cases, the adaxial epidermis of the leaves was not easily recognized as either wild-type abaxial or adaxial cell types, but rather appeared as a mixture of the two

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing FIL ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits malformed cotyledons

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits ... cotyledons that are purple

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil ... leaves ... no mutant phenotype

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil ... cotyledons, no mutant phenotype

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... The adaxial leaf surfaces are relatively normal

Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

After seed germination, we noticed that some seedlings had smaller cotyledons than normal, and they were subsequently confirmed to be ask1–1 mutant plants either by their male sterile phenotype or by PCR

Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

During the initial analysis of the ask1–1 mutant, it was noticed that the mutant had small rosette leaves and a short stature, as compared with the wild type

Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ask1–1 plants ... Further examination of rosette leaf epidermal cells showed that the average size of the mutant leaf cells was similar to that of the wild type

Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

During vegetative development, rosette leaf growth was reduced in most ask1–1 plants, resulting in rosette leaves that were slightly smaller than wild-type rosette leaves

Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In addition, abaxial epidermal cell density on the cotyledon was essentially the same between the wild-type (73 6 3 cells/mm2; n 5 15) and the ask1–1 mutant (73 6 4 cells/mm2; n 5 15)

Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

At 16 days after germination, both 35S::ANT and control seedlings had the same number of rosette leaves, and all leaves of 35S::ANT seedlings were the same size as corresponding control leaves (Fig. 4A). However, 35S::ANT leaves continued to grow beyond the period in which corresponding control leaves ceased to grow

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

length ... of mature ant-1 leaves were ... reduced

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ectopic ANT expression is sufficient to increase organ size

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

width ... of mature ant-1 leaves were ... reduced

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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ectopic ANT expression is ... enhancing organ growth

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

there was no difference in ... the number of leaf primordia between ant-1 and control wild-type plants

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

reduction in size of ant-1 organs

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

plants highly expressed the ANT transgene ... Mass of leaves ... was increased as much as three times over those in control plants

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ectopic ANT expression ... is sufficient to increase organ ... mass

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ectopic ANT expression did not alter ... the size ... of organ primordia

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

there was no difference in the timing of leaf primordia initiation ... between ant-1 and control wild-type plants

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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increase of cell numbers ... is associated with the enlarged 35S::ANT organs

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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no obvious difference in cell size was detected in the epidermis between control and 35S::ANT organs

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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ant-1 cells were much larger than normal ... epidermis ... leaves

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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ant-1 organs ... decrease in cell number

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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ant-1 organs had fewer cells per unit area and per organ than the wild type

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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plants highly expressed the ANT transgene and displayed multiple organ hyperplasia

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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plants highly expressed the ANT transgene ... leaves ... without altering their superficial morphology

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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ant-1 cells were much larger than normal ... subdermal cell- layers of ... leaves

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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plants highly expressed the ANT transgene ... leaves ... were dramatically enlarged

Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis

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AtEXP10 ... antisense plants ... The physical basis for these growth changes was further explored in extensometer assays, which revealed a marked reduction in the extensibility of petiole cell walls

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... antisense plants had ... aberrant leaves as compared with controls

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... antisense ... plants showed variable degrees of leaf twisting and bending along the midrib and edges (Fig. ​(Fig.55 A and B). The aberrant morphology generally appeared after the fifth or sixth leaf (Fig. ​(Fig.55B) and later-stage leaves showed more severe phenotype

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... antisense ... The cellular basis for these growth alterations was examined by measurements of cell number and cell size in petioles of T3 plants (Table ​(Table2).2). Cell number per file did not differ significantly

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... antisense ... lines were significantly smaller than controls, averaging 71% (AS), 59% (AC), and 58% (AS35) in rosette diameter as compared with the control transgenic plants. AS35 lines showed a bimodal distribution with an extremely small-sized group (1–4 cm) and a moderately small-sized group (5–7 cm). The average rosette diameter of S lines was 18% larger than that of control lines

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... sense ... lines, rosette size became greater than that in controls after day 30, which is when the largest rosette leaves started to reach full size

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... antisense plants had smaller rosettes

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... antisense ... AS35 lines showed much slower growth than did the other antisense lines

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... sense ... The cellular basis for these growth alterations was examined by measurements of cell number and cell size in petioles of T3 plants (Table ​(Table2).2). Cell number per file did not differ significantly

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... sense plants were slightly larger and matured earlier than did control plants

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... antisense plants ... cell length was significantly ... decreased

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtEXP10 ... sense plants ... cell length was significantly increased

Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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overexpression of LEP ... Anatomical analysis of cDNAoe transgenics revealed increased ... and/or ectopic cell divisions

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let leaves ... the leaf blade was larger

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... older plants the ... cotyledon edge looked rough

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In a screen for leaf developmental mutants we isolated a transgenic line exhibiting a dominant leaf phenotype. Because of its conspicuous leafy petiole phenotype, which consisted of the formation of leaves without a petiole (Fig. 2A-D), this mutant was called lettuce (let). ... The penetrance of the leafy petiole phenotype was not complete in the first leaf pair (Fig. 2R). In let the petiole constituted 25% and 24% of total leaf length for the first and second rosette leaf (n=15) respectively, while all subsequently formed leaves lacked a petiole

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let ... No difference could be observed in the morphology of ... the primary leaves shortly after the outgrowth of the leaf primordia

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let ... conversion of the proximal petiole into a leaf blade

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... The cDNAoe-A transformants were most severely affected, developed only cotyledons and occasionally very small primary leaves (Fig. 7B). The hypocotyl of such plants was swollen at the base and the edge of the cotyledons was rough rather than smooth

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... The cDNAoe-B plants formed several rosette leaves but they remained small and the plants looked dwarfed

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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35SDE-LEP ... the let phenotype (leafy petioles ... was observed

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let ... Cotyledon development was comparable with that of wild-type plants

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

To study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... older plants the leaf ... edge looked rough

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let ... No difference could be observed in the morphology of ... the leaf primordia

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let ... The total width ... of ... the mutant leaves were comparable to that of wild type

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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No significant petiole was formed on let leaves

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... cDNAoe-B ... older plants the leaf ... edge looked rough

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... A subset of these cDNAoe-C plants had normal or slightly distorted rosette leaf formation

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let ... The total ... length of ... the mutant leaves were comparable to that of wild type

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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let ... No difference could be observed in the morphology of the apex

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... Leaves produced by cDNAoe-B plants initially showed a wild- type morphology, but upon further development exhibited gaps at the leaf edge resulting in a rough appearance. The formation of the rough cotyledon and leaf edges on cDNAoe-A and -B plants was caused by a loss of connection between ventral and dorsal blade tissue

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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overexpression of LEP ... Anatomical analysis of cDNAoe transgenics revealed increased ... and/or ectopic cell divisions

van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Internal structure of ... icu5 leaves was very similar to the wild-type En-2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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22 mutants that consistently presented leaves curling toward their adaxial side, a phenotype that we named Incurvata (Icu

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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number of cells in icu2 ... may also be lower than in the wild type

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA3 (ICU3): The only mutant allele ... early ... flowering

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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the Icu phenotype is caused by ... one completely dominant (in N379

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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Patches of epidermal tissue with a reduced cell size (Figure 4E), resulting in an uneven leaf surface, were consistently present as a regular feature of the Icu2 phenotype

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA3 (ICU3): The only mutant allele ... is recessive ... involute leaves

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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spongy mesophyll cells ... were found to be smaller in ... hst-5

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA4 (ICU4): The two alleles of this locus

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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icu5 ... morphological analysis by Ru¨ffer-Turner and Napp-Zinn (1980

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA2 (ICU2): Only one recessive allele, carried by N329 ... early flowering

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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Patches of epidermal tissue ... were randomly distributed on the adaxial side of the leaves ... leaves

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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number of cells in ... hst-5 mutants may also be lower than in the wild type

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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Leaves of icu5 individuals ... were dark green

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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Internal structure of icu4-1 ... leaves was very similar to the wild-type En-2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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All adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells ... were found to be smaller in ... icu2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains, respectively. Their mutant phenotype included ... early flowering

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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Leaves ... of icu5 individuals ... were ... slightly curled up

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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spongy mesophyll cells ... were found to be smaller in ... icu2

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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icu2 leaves with strong involute phenotype had clearly smaller cells in all their leaf tissues

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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All adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells, palisade ... were ... to be smaller in clf-18

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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clf ... mutants showed low fertility and a thin flowering stem when compared to the wild type (data not shown

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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the Icu phenotype is caused by ... N400

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains ... mutant phenotype included involute leaves

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA2 (ICU2): Only one recessive allele, carried by N329 ... Apetala flowers

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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CURVATA2 (ICU2): Only one recessive allele, carried by N329 ... Involute leaves

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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icu2 mutants showed low fertility and a thin flowering stem when compared to the wild type (data not shown

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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INCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains, respectively. Their mutant phenotype included ... flowers displayed a phenotype reminiscent of some apetala2 (ap2) mutants (Bowman et al. 1989; Figure 3B), and homeotic transformations of sepals into carpels and petals into stamens were observed mainly in the latest flowers

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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the Icu phenotype is caused by ... N401

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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icu5 ... morphological analysis ... by Ru¨ffer-Turner and Napp-Zinn

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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involute leaves ... N314 was named hasty-5 (hst-5

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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the Icu phenotype is caused by ... 10 being recessive

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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All adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells ... were found to be smaller in ... hst-5

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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spongy mesophyll cells ... were found to be smaller in clf-18

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

INCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains, respectively. Their mutant phenotype included ... small rosette size

Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis

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Shoots of single pkl-15 mutants ... were slow growing

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as1-1 pkl-15 ... On rare occasions, we detected ectopic meristems arising from the adaxial side of the leaf close to the sinus

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as2 ... curling of the leaves downward

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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leaf shape of as1-1 pkl-15 double mutants was similar to that of as1-1 single mutants

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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35S::KNAT1 leaves are ... folded upwards

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as1 ... increasing the width of the margin

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as1 as2 double mutant phenotype was indistinguishable from the as2 phenotype

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as1-1 pkl-15 double mutants ... close examination of the serrations and lobes of these leaves by SEM revealed ectopic growth of stipules in this region

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as2 ... The severity of the lobing phenotype increased gradually, such that the first formed leaves rarely had lobes but leaves that initiated later had one or more lobes

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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The serrate (se) mutant (Fig. 1B) showed strong serration of the leaves

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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about half of the leaves of as1 ... had lobes close to the base of the leaf

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as2 had lobes close to the base of the leaf

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as1 ... curling of the leaves downward

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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More files of long straight cells could be seen along the margins of ... as2 ... thus increasing the width of the margin

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as2 ... mutants showed rumpled rosette leaves

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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35S::KNAT1 leaves are lobed

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as2 ... increasing the width of the margin

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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Ectopic meristems were also occasionally detected on the adaxial surface of as2-2 pkl-15 double mutants, near the sinus

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... mutants showed rumpled rosette leaves

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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Shoots of single pkl-15 mutants were mostly normal

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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double mutants between se and as1 ... showed dramatic lobing of leaves

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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as1 ... The severity of the lobing phenotype increased gradually, such that the first formed leaves rarely had lobes but leaves that initiated later had one or more lobes

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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More files of long straight cells could be seen along the margins of as1 ... thus increasing the width of the margin

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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pkl-15 mutants were ... delayed in differentiation in most organs

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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pkl-15 ... leaf margins were not affected

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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35S::KNAT1 leaves are ... with ectopic stipules ... in the sinus regions

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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35S::KNAT1 leaves are ... with ectopic ... meristems in the sinus regions

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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double mutants between ... se and as2 showed dramatic lobing of leaves

Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot

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35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... were bigger

Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development

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35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... dry weight increased only 1.2-fold

Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development

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35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... an increase in the total fresh weight, ranging from 1.6- to 2.6-fold

Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development

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35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... were ... with larger leaves

Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development

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Scanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM) showed that cells in older leaves of the 35S::NAC1 plants were significantly larger

Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development

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35S::NAC1 antisense lines ... One-week-old seedlings displayed no clear phenotype either in the aerial part

Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development

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Transgenic 35S-ICK1 plants were smaller than control plants

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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The fresh weight (at 3 weeks) was ... lower in a number of independ- ent 35S-ICK1 lines

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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smaller size of 35S-ICK1 plants persisted through all stages of plant development ... including leaf

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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The 35S-ICK1 plants showed profound changes in the morphology of organs such as leaves

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 ... majority displayed ... morphological ... changes

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 plants ... increasing the size of cells

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 plants ... there was a range of changes in leaf shape

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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shorter leaf petioles ... 35S-ICK1 plants

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 lines had lower fresh weight

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 ... There was no inhibition of cell expansion

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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cells of 35S-ICK1 plants were clearly larger

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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reduced cell number in 35S-ICK1 plants

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 ... In some lines, leaves were ... serrated

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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cells of 35S-ICK1 plants in all tissues examined (leaves ... were on average slightly larger

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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  • Phenotype

35S-ICK1 plants ... there was a strong inhibition of cell division

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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growth was ... inhibited by ICK1 overexpression

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 ... much smaller size of transformants

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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  • Phenotype

35S-ICK1 plants ... majority displayed ... growth ... changes

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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35S-ICK1 plants ... leaf ... reduction in size

Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology

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as1-1 stm-1 ... Double-mutant vegetative shoots ... indistinguishable from ... as1 single mutants

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

as1-1 stm-1 ... Double-mutant ... leaves were indistinguishable from as1 single mutants

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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In wild-type leaves the abaxial epidermis over the midvein of the leaf petiole and blade is comprised of elongated cells (Fig. 1e). In as1 there are multiple bundles of elongated cells extending from the petiole into the blade (Fig. 1f). The enhancer trap (see Methods) ET2689 marks these elongated cells (Fig. 1g) and is expressed over a much broader region in as1 extending in multiple directions from the petiole

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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magnifica ... occasionally have ectopic shoots on the adaxial surface of the petiole

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... pattern reflects a change in ... mediolateral patterning of the leaf

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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Adult rosette leaves of magnifica, the first isolated mutant allele of as1 (ref. 16), have patches of callus-like growth on the leaf lamina

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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as1 ... The mutant leaf lamina is subdivided into prominent outgrowths or lobes

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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asymmetric leaves1 (as1) is a classical mutation in Arabidopsis that disrupts development of cotyledons

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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as1 ... Early leaves have few lobes located proximally

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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as1 ... later leaves have more lobes extending distally toward the leaf tip

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

asymmetric leaves1 (as1) is a classical mutation in Arabidopsis that disrupts development of ... leaves

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... pattern reflects a change in proximodistal ... patterning of the leaf

Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis

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Transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a BRI1–GFP fusion protein ... We observed a dramatic increase of BL binding activity in the membrane fractions

Wang ZY, Seto H, Fujioka S, Yoshida S, Chory J - BRI1 is a critical component of a plasma-membrane receptor for plant steroids

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Transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a BRI1–GFP fusion protein ... had longer petioles

Wang ZY, Seto H, Fujioka S, Yoshida S, Chory J - BRI1 is a critical component of a plasma-membrane receptor for plant steroids

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  • Phenotype

width/length ratio of ... epidermal ... cells of 35S::ATHB13 plants, however, decreased by 50% with an increase of sucrose from 0% to 6%

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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epidermal cells in cotyledons of 35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown on medium without sugar did not differ in ... size from those of the wild-type plants

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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High concen- trations of sucrose also caused both wild-type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons to bend downward

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown in vitro on standard medium containing 2% sucrose ... cotyledons of 35S::ATHB13 plants were nar- rower than those of the wild type. This difference was not observed in plants grown on the same medium but with sugar omitted ... The effect of ATHB13 expression on cotyledon shape was proportional to the sucrose concentration in the media, up to 8%

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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epidermal cells in cotyledons of 35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown on medium without sugar did not differ in shape ... from those of the wild-type plants

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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In both wild-type and 35S::ATHB13 plants, epidermal cells were somewhat longer in plants grown on media with sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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35S::ATHB13 cells were more affected by sucrose in this aspect and their shape was nearly rectangular, with the longest axis in the length dimension, in seedlings grown on 6% sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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  • Phenotype

High concen- trations of sucrose also caused ... wild-type ... cotyledons to bend downward

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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35S::ATHB13 plants grown on soil under long- day or short-day conditions ... rosette leaves were serrated

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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No developmental deviations from the wild type were found ... in a null mutant line of ATHB13

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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the palisade parenchyma more organized in ... wild- type ... cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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The interstitial space was reduced in size ... in ... wild- type ... cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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In the 35S::ATHB13 plants, the width of the epidermal cells decreased signifi- cantly with increasing concentrations of sucrose in the medium, from 124±24.3 µm at 0% to 80.5±18.2 µm at 6% sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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the true leaves of the 35S::ATHB13 plants differed from wild-type leaves in that their width decreased with increasing sucrose concentration in the medium

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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The internal anatomy of 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons was similar to that of the wild-type cotyledons

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown in vitro on standard medium containing 2% sucrose differed in cotyledon shape from wild-type seedlings

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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35S::ATHB13 cotyledons ... The vena- tion pattern was unaffected by growth conditions

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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The interstitial space was reduced in size ... in both wild- type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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35S::ATHB13 ... The shape of the epidermal cells also differed in the experiment, from a characteristic jigsaw puz- zle shape of the plants grown without sucrose to a more uniform outline of plants grown on sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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the palisade parenchyma more organized in both wild- type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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the difference in cotyledon width between wild-type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons is most likely caused by an inhibition of lateral cell expansion in 35S::ATHB13

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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No developmental deviations from the wild type were found among 39 independent transgenic anti- sense lines with an up to threefold reduction of the ATHB13 mRNA levels

Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13

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The positions of the deep lobes on as2-1 rosette leaves corresponded to those of the serrations on wild-type rosette leaves, as judged from their positions relative to those of hydathodes on the respective rosette leaves

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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The venation in each as2 leaf lamina was bilaterally asymmetrical

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2-1 ... rosette leaves, differentiation of vascular elements, such as xylem ... cells, was unaffected

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2-1 ... leaf lobes were usually observed on leaves at positions higher than the second rosette leaf. As the plants matured, the proportion of leaves with lobes at each leaf position increased. However, no lobes were observed on the first and second leaves, namely, the juvenile leaves of as2-1 plants

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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the patterns of venation in as2 rosette leaves were less complex than those in wild-type rosette leaves

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2 ... leaf surface was wavy

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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effect of the as2 mutation on venation ... In extreme cases, no midvein was obvious, and several veins of similar thickness were evident with a proximodistal orientation

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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Petioles of as2-1 ... leaves were always shorter than those of the wild type

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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development of the third leaf of as2-1. At the early stage of the development (Fig. 4Be,f,g), most of the as2- 1 leaf lamina was normal in shape but the secondary veins were being developed in an asymmetric manner

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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In the as2-1 leaf lamina, the central vascular bundle was thinner than in the wild type but several parallel bundles that were almost equivalent in thickness to the central bundle were observed with a proximodistal orientation

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2 leaf often had many deep and irregularly split lobes

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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In as2-1 leaves, there was a wider vascular bundle in the center

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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cotyledons of the as2-1 mutant ... had shorter petioles

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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no significant differences between as2-1 and the wild type in terms of ... number of palisade mesophyll cells

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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In as2-1 leaves, there was a wider vascular bundle in the center, with disconnected secondary vascular bundles on both sides of the wider bundle in the transition region

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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Even at the base of the petiole (Fig. 5D,F), the as2-1 mutant still had a single but wider vascular bundle, which was surrounded by bundle sheath cells (Fig. 5D). Such wider bundles appeared to contain several subvascular arrays, each of which consisted of xylem and phloem and was surrounded by bundle sheath-like cells

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2-1 ... rosette leaves, differentiation of vascular elements, such as ... phloem cells, was unaffected

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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The complexity of venation in as2-1 cotyledons was lower than that in the wild type

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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development of the third leaf of as2-1 ... As the leaf developed into the late stage, deep asymmetric lobes were generated

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2 ... leaf lamina was often plump and humped at its base

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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no significant differences between as2-1 and the wild type in terms of the length ... of the leaf lamina

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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cotyledons of the as2-1 mutant ... bent downwards

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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Petioles of ... as2-2 leaves were always shorter than those of the wild type

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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delayed development of the primary vein in as2

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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effect of the as2 mutation on venation ... several secondary veins failed ... to connect with the midvein in the leaf lamina and sometimes they ran separately through the petiole

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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in almost all the as2-1 primordia, the primary veins bifurcated irregularly and asymmetrically

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2 ... veins at the leaf margin were often insufficiently interconnected or were disconnected from one another

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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no significant differences between as2-1 and the wild type in terms of the ... width of the leaf lamina

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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effect of the as2 mutation on venation ... midvein ... was thinner than the wild-type midvein even when fully matured rosette leaves were compared

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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The secondary veins of as2-1 leaves developed with bilateral asymmetry, approached the primary vein at a more acute angle than in the wild type and, in some cases, did not connect with the primary vein in the leaf lamina

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2-1 ... asymmetric lamina

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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cotyledons of the as2-1 mutant ... were curled

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2 ... leaflet-like structures on petioles

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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as2 ... leaf lobes and leaflet-like structures all had single central veins, which were usually connected to a secondary vein in the basal region of the leaf lamina or the petiole

Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves

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  • Phenotype

In kan ... increase in the cross-sectional ... number of cells in abaxial cell layers

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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kan ... decreasing trichome number on the adaxial surface of rosette leaves

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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kan mutant ... Leaves ... almost completely flat at maturity

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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kan mutant ... Leaves at higher nodes also emerge as in-rolled primordia

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transformants showed amarked and usually terminal seedling phenotype

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... fused cotyledons

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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wild-type leaves of the ecotype Columbia (Col) always curl down- wards

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transgenic seedlings ... had ... pointed cotyledons

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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The first two leaves of kan mutant seedlings emerge in an upright position

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... seedlings had rectan- gular, rather than irregular, cotyledon epidermal cells

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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plants homozygous for kan produce abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 1 or 2. Plants heterozygous for mutant alleles of kan, including the null alleles kan-12 and kan-14, produce abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 3

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced normal plants or plants with a kan phenotype, but most had a variety of other abnormalities including narrow or cylindrical leaves (Fig. 4e) with few or no trichomes and no vasculature, single cotyledons, or fused cotyledons

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... cylindrical leaves ... with ... no vasculature

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transgenic seedlings ... had elongated ... cotyledons

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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the anatomy of kan- 12 SAMs ... was indistinguishable from wild type

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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In kan ... decrease in the cross-sectional area of adaxial mesophyll cells

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transgenic ... seedlings frequently lacked ... a shoot apical meristem (SAM

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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kan mutant ... not associated with a change in leaf size

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... produced no subsequent leaves

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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In kan, abaxial meso- phyll cells aremore regularly shaped

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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kan ... increasing abaxial trichome number

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... leaves ... with few or no trichomes

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Transgenic cotyledons also had a reduced amount of vascular tissue

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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In kan ... increase in the cross-sectional area ... of cells in abaxial cell layers

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants ... produced ... cylindrical leaves

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants ... narrow ... leaves

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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The first two leaves of kan mutant seedlings ... remain cupped throughout their development

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Transgenic cotyledons also had ... abnormally thick margins, consistent with the absence of well- defined adaxial and abaxial domains

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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constitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... single cotyledons

Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb-1d

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb-3d

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv ... 3

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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Dominant ... phavoluta ... cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv-1

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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The phb-1d mutation ... cause formation of ectopic meristems

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb ... 5d

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb-2d

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv ... 4

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb ... 4d

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

Dominant phabulosa ... cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv ... 2

McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots

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  • Phenotype

Epidermal leaf cells of 3-week-old gpa1 mutants are signif- icantly larger

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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gpa1 leaf ... morphology ... maintained

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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increase in cell expansion ... in the gpa1 mutants

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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gpa1 leaf size ... maintained

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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We have found that gpa1 mutants have reduced brassinolide responsiveness

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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Epidermal leaf cells of 3-week-old gpa1 mutants are signif- icantly ... fewer

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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The gpa1 mutants exhibit a rotundifolia-like (16) leaf shape when grown in light

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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over- expression of GPA1 led to ... initiation of adventitious meristems

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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overexpres- sion of GPA1 leads to increased cell division by shortening G1

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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over- expression of GPA1 led to excessive cell division in meristematic regions

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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This increase in cell expansion compensates the reduction in cell division in the gpa1 mutants

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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Inducible, ectopic expression of GPA1 in Arabidopsis conferred inducible, ectopic cell division in multiple organs

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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gpa1 mutants displayed phenotypes that were consistent with a reduction in cell divi- sion throughout development

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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gpa1 leaf ... fewer cells composing this organ

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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GPA1 under the control of a dexamethasone (dex)-inducible promoter ... induced phenotypes showed medium to severe reduction in growth (Fig. 5, B and C) that correlated with the level of GPA1 expression

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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decreased cell area in leaves overexpressing GPA1 are abundant

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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overexpres- sion of GPA1 leads to increased cell division

Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... comparison of rosette leaf size between wild type and AOD4 indicated that ... leaf blade ... are longer

Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis

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To ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... In light-grown AOD4 plants, the levels of DWF4 substrates, CN and 6-OxoCN decreased to 89 and 39% of those of the wild type, respectively, suggesting that they are being used by elevated DWF4 activity. The levels of compounds upstream of CN, including 24-MC and CR, were increased 1.7- and 1.3-fold, respectively. Indicative of facilitated metabolic flow at the 22α-hydroxylation step, the levels of downstream intermediates in the late C-6 oxidation pathway in light-grown AOD4 plants increased: 3.8-fold for 6-DeoxoCT; 4.8-fold for 6-DeoxoTE; 3.5-fold for 6-DeoxoTY; and 1.4-fold for 6-DeoxoCS. The levels of intermediates in the early C-6 oxidation pathway were either decreased; 40% (TY) and 82% (CS) those of wild type; or not detected: cathasterone (CT), teasterone (TE) and BL

Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis

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To ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... To learn how light affects the metabolic flow in the early and late C-6 oxidation pathways, we analyzed the endogenous levels of BRs in dark-grown seedlings of AOD4-4. The levels of CR and the two immediate precursors of the 22α-hydroxylation reaction, CN and 6-OxoCN, dropped to 72, 80 and 53% that of the wild type, respectively. Conversely, the levels of the downstream compounds were dramatically increased 57.8-fold (6-DeoxoCT), 4.7-fold (6-DeoxoTE), 8-fold (6-DeoxoTY) and 12-fold (6-DeoxoCS) in the late C-6 oxidation pathway, and 1.5-fold (typhasterol, TY) and 1.6-fold (CS) in the early C-6 oxidation pathway. Again, the BL level was lower than the detection limit in dark-grown seedlings ... Surprisingly, we were also able to detect novel 22α-hydroxylated steroids such as 22α-hydroxycampesterol (22-OHCR) (22S,24R)-22-hydroxyergost-4-en-3-one, and (22S,24R)-22-hydroxy-5α-ergostan-3-one (Figure 1 and data not shown). 22-OHCR was detected from both wild type and AOD4, with a dramatic increase in dark-grown seedlings; the level of 22-OHCR in dark-grown AOD4-4 seedlings was 488-fold greater compared to the wild type. Detection of 22 α-hydroxylated steroids implies that DWF4 has a broader range of substrate specificity than just CN and 6-OxoCN. Thus two enzymes, DWF4 and a Δ5-Δ4 isomerase, can act on CR, leading to one of two pathways: either the early C-22 hydroxylation reaction by DWF4, or the late C-22 hydroxylation reaction initiated by a Δ5-Δ4 isomerization reaction (Figure 1). Furthermore, we were able to detect another novel compound, 3-epi-6-DeoxoCT. The levels in dark-grown wild-type and AOD4-4 seedlings were 0.75 and 24 ng g−1 FW, respectively, and the levels in light-grown mature plants of wild type and AOD4-73 were 1.5 and 11 ng g−1 FW, respectively. Detection of 3-epi-6-DeoxoCT in both wild-type and AOD4 plants suggests that the 3-epimerization could occur before a conventional C-23 hydroxylation reaction

Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... comparison of rosette leaf size between wild type and AOD4 indicated that petioles ... are longer

Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis

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In light-grown dwf4-1 plants, the levels of the four compounds upstream of the 22α-hydroxylation step, 24-methylenecholesterol (24-MC), CR, CN and 6-oxocampestanol (6-OxoCN), were elevated 1.9-, 1.7-, 1.4- and 1.8-fold, respectively, compared to the levels in the wild type (Figure 1). However, the levels of the downstream intermediates were just barely detectable: 6-deoxocathasterone (6-DeoxoCT), 6-deoxotyphasterol (6-DeoxoTY), typhasterol (TY) and 6-DeoxoCS; or were not detected in comparison to the wild type: 6-deoxoteasterone (6-DeoxoTE), castasterone (CS) and BL. The BR levels in dwf4-1 suggest that a biochemical block exists at the 22α-hydroxylation step, and the blocking is nearly complete

Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants. Cotyledons ... point upward

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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small ... cotyledons ... lesser extent by 35S::KAN3

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... The surface of the radial cotyledons contained long rectangular cells, similar to those found on wild-type cotyledon margins

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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Of 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene ... three produced a few radialized leaves

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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Ectopic expression of ... KAN3 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found within those cotyledons

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found in the cotyledons and the upper three-quarters of the hypocotyl

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... On rare occasions, the cotyledons developed normally, but completely radialized leaves were formed

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants. Cotyledons are ... cup-shaped

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... Cotyledons became completely radialized

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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small ... cotyledons ... 35S::KAN2

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... the first 5-6 radial leaves had no trichomes at all, the later ones had trichomes around their entire circumference (Figure 4j). As trichomes form adaxially on the first 5-6 leaves and are later found on both leaf surfaces, we interpret these leaves as abaxialized while maintaining their normal heteroblasty. Transverse sections through these radial leaves revealed uniform radial anatomy, with subepidermal cells resembling the abaxial spongy mesophyll

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

Ectopic expression of ... KAN1 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found within those cotyledons

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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all lateral organs display gross morphological defects in kan1 kan2 plants

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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arrested meristem ... lesser extent by 35S::KAN3

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

in severely adaxialized homozygous phb-1d mutants no stipules are formed

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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Of 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene, 23 developed ... an arrested meristem

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

Of 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene, 23 developed only small ... cotyledons

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants ... Leaves are narrow

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

narrow cotyledons ... lesser extent by 35S::KAN3

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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Ectopic expression of ... KAN1 ... Both surfaces of the narrow cotyledons were similar in appearance to the abaxial surface of wild-type cotyledons, displaying rough topology and high density of stomata

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

ectopic meristems are commonly formed at the base of the abaxial side of the phb-1d leaves

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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Ectopic expression of ... KAN3 ... Both surfaces of the narrow cotyledons were similar in appearance to the abaxial surface of wild-type cotyledons, displaying rough topology and high density of stomata

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants ... Leaves ... develop ectopic outgrowths on their abaxial side only

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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kan1 kan2 plants, four, and sometimes up to six, stipules are formed at the base of each leaf

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found in the cotyledons and the upper three-quarters of the hypocotyl

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... radial leaves ... no vascular elements were found

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants ... Leaves are ... dark green

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

arrested meristem ... 35S::KAN2

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants. Cotyledons are narrow

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... radial leaves ... no vascular elements were found

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... radialized leaves ... had epidermal cell types normally found on the margins of wild-type leaves

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

plants mutated at the kan2 locus alone are indistinguishable from wild-type

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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Of 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene, 23 developed only ... narrow cotyledons

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... On rare occasions, the cotyledons developed normally, but completely radialized leaves were formed

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... Cotyledons became completely radialized

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

Ectopic expression of ... KAN2 ... Both surfaces of the narrow cotyledons were similar in appearance to the abaxial surface of wild-type cotyledons, displaying rough topology and high density of stomata

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

Ectopic expression of ... KAN2 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found within those cotyledons

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

narrow cotyledons ... 35S::KAN2

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... The surface of the radial cotyledons contained long rectangular cells, similar to those found on wild-type cotyledon margins

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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in moderately adaxialized phb-1d/+ plants, stipules surround the entire leaf base

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... the first 5-6 radial leaves had no trichomes at all, the later ones had trichomes around their entire circumference (Figure 4j). As trichomes form adaxially on the first 5-6 leaves and are later found on both leaf surfaces, we interpret these leaves as abaxialized while maintaining their normal heteroblasty. Transverse sections through these radial leaves revealed uniform radial anatomy, with subepidermal cells resembling the abaxial spongy mesophyll

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

When the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... radialized leaves ... had epidermal cell types normally found on the margins of wild-type leaves

Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants

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  • Phenotype

er mutants have ... shortened petioles

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

the lamina in agb1 is ... ∼85% as long as that in the wild type

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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we addressed the interaction between agb1 and er in the control of leaf shape by analyzing the agb1 er double mutant. With one exception, the double mutant has ... a shorter lamina ... than does either single mutant

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

we addressed the interaction between agb1 and er in the control of leaf shape by analyzing the agb1 er double mutant. With one exception, the double mutant has a shorter petiole ... than does either single mutant

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

agb1 has petioles ∼50% as long as those in the wild type

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

the lamina in agb1 is ∼125% wider

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

er mutants have rounded leaves

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

we addressed the interaction between agb1 and er in the control of leaf shape by analyzing the agb1 er double mutant. With one exception, the double mutant has ... a wider lamina than does either single mutant

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

agb1 plants also have ... short petioles

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

agb1 plants also have rounded leaves

Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-1/ ucu1-1 ... being dwarf

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-1/ ucu1-1 ... hypocotyls, leaf petioles, and roots shorter than those of the wild type

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis

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  • Phenotype

ucu1 mutants ... petioles ... cell length was remarkably diminished

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-1/ ucu1-1 ... compact dark green rosettes

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis

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  • Phenotype

The ucu1 mutants display ... a constitutive photomorphogenic response was shown when grown in the dark

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis

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  • Phenotype

Insensitivity to 24-epibrassinolide is extreme in ucu1-1/ucu1-1

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis

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  • Phenotype

When grown at 100% humidity, soil-grown spk1-1 plants survived for longer periods of time but ... leaves of spk1-1 were very narrow

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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At 30 to 50% humidity, the spk1-1 allele caused seedling lethality of soil-grown plants, usually within 2 to 3 days after germination

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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lateral growth rate of spk1-1 cotyledons was reduced

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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At 5 DAG, the spk1-1 epidermis contained 75% more cells than the wild type

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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seedling le- thal spk1-1 allele

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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spk1-1 ... analysis of the carbohydrate composition ... of cell walls of mutant and wild-type plants failed to reveal any signifi- cant differences

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

spk1 epidermal cells were more rounded and lacked the small protrusions that were observed along wild-type anticlinal walls

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

spk1-1 ... ultrastructure of cell walls of mutant and wild-type plants failed to reveal any signifi- cant differences

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

spk1-1 ... At 8 to 10 DAG, the cotyledon continued to expand, and the defects in cell-to-cell adhesion became quite severe

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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The pavement cells of spk1-1 leaves were simple in shape; lobes were either absent or severely re- duced in size, and most cell expansion occurred along a single axis

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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Within the midblade clusters of dividing cells, neither the cell division planes nor the direction of cell ex- pansion was oriented with respect to the long axis of the leaf (Figures 2G and 2H). Therefore, the additional cells in spk1-1 cotyledons do not contribute preferentially to cotyle- don elongation. In most spk1-1 cotyledons, a subset of epidermal cells near the tip and along the perimeter expanded preferentially along the long axis of the cotyledon

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

The cytoskeletal organization of spk1 epidermal cells was altered at the onset of the mutant cell shape phenotype ... At 1 DAG ... Populations of actin filaments and microtubules were present in mutant cells. However, evenly distributed cortical microtubules were detected only faintly in mutant cells, and no pattern of alternating foci of laterally associated cortical microtubules and cortical actin filaments along the perime- ter of the anticlinal walls was observed. Instead, putative membrane-associated actin filaments were detected most often at cell corners or at the ends of elongated cells (Figure 8B). At 2 DAG, cortical microtubules were aligned in an ex- tended radial pattern and often formed evenly spaced cir- cumferential hoops around elongated cells (Figure 8D). The absence of regions of highly clustered microtubules at 2 DAG was not caused by a complete lack of lateral cross-linking activity, because pairs of radial microtubules could be found in electron micrographs taken from ultrathin paradermal sections (D.B. Szymanski, unpublished results). However, distinct foci of laterally associated microtubules were not detected along the anticlinal walls of mutant cells during early developmental stages

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

When grown at 100% humidity, soil-grown spk1-1 plants survived for longer periods of time but were dwarfed

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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When cultured on agar-based media, spk1-1 fresh weight was similar to that of the wild type after 12 days of growth, but the organ shape and trichome defects persisted

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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spk1-1 ... The mean cell surface area was reduced 29 and 38% in 2- and 5-DAG mutant cotyledons, respectively

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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spk1-1 ... the cotyledon ... large gaps in the epidermis explain the developmental stage–specific seedling lethality of the mutant at low humidity

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

spk1 ... In expanding mutant cells at 2 and 5 DAG, cortical actin filaments in close proximity to the plasma membrane often were detected at seemingly ran- dom positions along the perimeter of the anticlinal cell wall, but their cortical localization was not correlated with any particular cell shape

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

When grown at 100% humidity, soil-grown spk1-1 plants survived for longer periods of time but ... the cotyledons ... of spk1-1 were very narrow

Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development

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  • Phenotype

The number of palisade cells in the third leaves of S4 plants in the leaf width direction was ∼59% of the wild-type cell number

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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  • Phenotype

These anatomical results suggest that a decrease in ... cell number directly affected the leaf morphology in S4 plants

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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The epidermal cells of S4 transgenic plants were smaller than those of wild-type plants

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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AtCAP1 overexpression ... transgenic plants showed reductions of leaf blade width

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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  • Phenotype

S4 transgenic plants ... cell areas of ... palisade cells ... were ... 64.1% of the wild-type areas

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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  • Phenotype

To characterize the morphological effects of AtCAP1 overexpression in Arabidopsis plants, we used young Arabidopsis seedlings that had produced and partially expanded the first two leaves before the third rosette leaf primordia were established (defined as the appearance of a leaf 1 mm long; Kim et al., 1998) to induce the accumulation of AtCAP1 protein by Dex treatment (1 μM) for 7 days. All anatomical comparisons were performed in third rosette leaves, except as noted otherwise ... typical transgenic plant overexpressing AtCAP1 showed ... rosette leaves of reduced size

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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  • Phenotype

To characterize the morphological effects of AtCAP1 overexpression in Arabidopsis plants, we used young Arabidopsis seedlings that had produced and partially expanded the first two leaves before the third rosette leaf primordia were established (defined as the appearance of a leaf 1 mm long; Kim et al., 1998) to induce the accumulation of AtCAP1 protein by Dex treatment (1 μM) for 7 days ... All anatomical comparisons were performed in third rosette leaves, except as noted otherwise ... a typical transgenic plant overexpressing AtCAP1 showed cotyledons ... of reduced size

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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AtCAP1 overexpression ... transgenic plants showed reductions of leaf blade ... length

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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The S4 plant overexpressing AtCAP1 at high levels showed the most severe phenotype, with ... 37% reductions of leaf blade ... length

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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BY-2 cells overexpressing AtCAP1 showed loss of actin filaments

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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  • Phenotype

S4 transgenic plants ... cell areas of abaxial epidermal cells ... were 78.4 ... of the wild-type areas

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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The S4 plant overexpressing AtCAP1 at high levels showed the most severe phenotype ... The petiole lengths in such plants were reduced severely (73.8%) compared with those of wild-type plants

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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  • Phenotype

AtCAP1 overexpression ... transgenic plants showed reductions of ... petiole length

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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The S4 plant overexpressing AtCAP1 at high levels showed the most severe phenotype, with 31.9 ... reductions of leaf blade width

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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These anatomical results suggest that ... decrease in cell size ... directly affected the leaf morphology in S4 plants

Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division

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  • Phenotype

Mutants with ... round leaves have been categorized as compact rosette (cro) mutants (Serrano-Cartagena et al. 1999

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... mutant leaves stopped growing in the longitudinal direction earlier than wild-type leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

with small ... leaves ... N356 was designated dwf1-5 (= cro2-3

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... Cells of ... leaves ... treated with BL ... were slightly, but significantly, smaller (P <0.05; t-test) than those of the control wild-type leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... defects in cell expansion ... were restored by BL-treatment to the level of control wild-type leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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dwf1-5 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in ... cell size

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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with small ... leaves ... N352 corresponding to det2-13 (= cro1-3

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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dwf1-5 ... rate of growth of each leaf, in terms of the relationship between the length and width of the leaf blade, was lower

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... Plots of leaf length vs. leaf width showed that the two-dimensional growth of leaf blades was altered

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-18 ... matured leaves ... were much smaller than those of wild-type plants

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Treatment with BL completely restored the stunted leaves of the det2-13 mutant plants to normal size

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... defects in ... cell proliferation ... were restored by BL-treatment to the level of control wild-type leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

det2-18 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in ... cell number

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

dwf1-5 ... mutant leaves stopped growing in the longitudinal direction earlier than wild-type leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

dwf1-5 ... Plots of leaf length vs. leaf width showed that the two-dimensional growth of leaf blades was altered

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

det2-13 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases ... in ... cell number

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

det2-13 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases ... in ... cell size

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

dwf1-5 ... leaves ... had smaller intercellular spaces than those of wild-type plants

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-18 ... had ... darker green color of ... leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-18 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in both cell size

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

det2-18 ... rate of growth of each leaf, in terms of the relationship between the length and width of the leaf blade, was lower

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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with small ... leaves ... N416 to det2-18 (= cro1-8

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

dwf1-5 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in ... cell number

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

det2-18 ... Plots of leaf length vs. leaf width showed that the two-dimensional growth of leaf blades was altered

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

dwf1-5 ... had ... darker green color of the mutant leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... matured leaves ... were much smaller than those of wild-type plants

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Mutants with ... round leaves ... N356 was designated dwf1-5 (= cro2-3

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

dwf1-5 ... matured leaves ... were much smaller than those of wild-type plants

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Mutants with small ... leaves have been categorized as compact rosette (cro) mutants (Serrano-Cartagena et al. 1999

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... leaves treated with BL were found to increase an average of 1.5 times in width

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... had ... darker green color of ... leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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with ... round leaves ... N352 corresponding to det2-13 (= cro1-3

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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This correlation suggests that the expansion in the width of det2 leaves as a result of BL treatment is primarily attributable to expansion of individual leaf cells

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... leaves treated with BL ... cell size increased an average of 1.3 times in width

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... leaves ... had smaller intercellular spaces than those of wild-type plants

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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However, there was no corresponding ... correlation between the average increase in the length of mutant leaves ... and ... the increase in cell length ... suggesting that the increase in the length of det2 leaves following BL treatment is dependent on both cell expansion and cell proliferation

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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size of cells in both the leaf-length and leaf-width directions of the det2-13 mutants increased following treatment with BL ... and approached the size of cells in wild-type plants (no BL treatment

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-18 ... mutant leaves stopped growing in the longitudinal direction earlier than wild-type leaves

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-18 ... leaves ... had smaller intercellular spaces than those of wild-type plants

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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det2-13 ... rate of growth of each leaf, in terms of the relationship between the length and width of the leaf blade, was lower

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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with ... round leaves ... N416 to det2-18 (= cro1-8

Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana

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In the first rosette leaf of wild-type plants, lateral veins were visible only in the lamina (Fig. 2B, left), whereas vein branching in the as1 mutant occurs more proximally, appearing in the petiole

Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves

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as1-101 ... later-appearing rosette leaves ... displaying a heart- shaped architecture

Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves

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the number of small veins that appear at later leaf developmental stages is reduced in ... as1 rosette ... leaves

Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves

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as1-101 ... later-appearing rosette ... are all broad at the proximal end

Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves

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The tracheary elements in as1 petioles are dramatically increased

Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves

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In as1 cotyledons, however, development of lateral veins seems incomplete, with only one vascular loop

Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves

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veins in as1 mutant petioles are much thicker than those in the wild type, mimicking the thicker lateral veins in wild-type laminae

Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves

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axr1 mutant seedlings display a number of defects, including ... misshapen leaves

del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response

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On the basis of sequence similarity, Cys-215 of ECR1 likely functions as the active site cysteine in a RUB-activating enzyme involving ECR1 (del Pozo et al., 1998). Replacement of this cysteine with alanine abolished ECR1 activity in vitro (del Pozo et al., 1998). To explore the function of ECR1 in the plant, we generated transgenic lines expressing the ECR1C215A mutant gene under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus. A total of 15 lines were recovered that displayed a dwarf phenotype in the T1 and T2 generations

del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response

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transgenic lines expressing the ECR1C215A mutant gene under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... The rosettes of both transgenic lines were smaller than those of the wild type

del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines expressing the ECR1C215A mutant gene under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... rosettes of both transgenic lines were ... with small curled leaves

del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response

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we crossed the ECR1C215A transgene into the axr1-12 mutant ... The axr1-12 plants carrying the transgene were extremely small with ... dark green/purplish rosette leaves

del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response

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we crossed the ECR1C215A transgene into the axr1-12 mutant ... The axr1-12 plants carrying the transgene were extremely small with tightly curled ... rosette leaves

del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response

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  • Phenotype

an ... We found no difference in numbers of MTs between wild-type (wt) and mutant plants

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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The palisade cells of the an-1 mutant were narrower

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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rot3 ... We found no difference in numbers of MTs between wild-type (wt) and mutant plants

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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an mutant ... organ-specific defect in the polarity-specific elongation of cells

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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we found that the cortical MTs in epidermal cells of the an mutant were more regularly aligned parallel to the leaf-width direction than in those of the wild type

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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there was no significant difference in the orientation of the cortical MTs between the wild type and the rot3 mutant both in longitudinal sections and in transverse sections

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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organ- specific abnormal arrangement of cortical MTs in the an mutant

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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No abnormalities in the arrangement of cortical MTs were apparent in cells of internodal stems, leaf petioles and primary roots of the an mutant

Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation

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  • Phenotype

AN ... cDNA under the control of the cauliflower 35S promotor ... does not result in a new phenotype ... in a wild-type background

Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton

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anmutants ... A striking difference, however, was found for the relative microtubule densities within the cell. While wild-type trichomes showed an increased microtubule density in the tip regions during all stages before and at branch formation, microtubule density in an mutants was not changed along the basal±apical axis. This visual impres- sion was confirmed by determining the apical±basal ratios of microtubule density in wild-type and an mutant trichomes. In the wild type, the ratio was 4/1 (n = 18) and in an mutants it was 1.2/1 (n = 26). Thus, in the wild type, microtubule density is ~4 times higher in the tip region as compared with the basal region, whereas in an mutants no significant accumulation was found

Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton

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  • Phenotype

in an mutant plants expressing GFP±talin under the control of the 35S promotor (Mathur et al., 1999). The organization of the actin cytoskeleton, as visualized by the talin-mediated localization of GFP, was indistinguishable from the wild type

Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton

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  • Phenotype

In anmutants, the orientation of microtubules was similar to that in the wild type

Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton

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  • Phenotype

In addition to the twofold to threefold reduction in stomatal density, all three 35S-SDD1-T7–overexpressing lines exhibited the formation of arrested (at the M/GMC stage) stomata

Von Groll U, Berger D, Altmann T - The subtilisin-like serine protease SDD1 mediates cell-to-cell signaling during Arabidopsis stomatal development

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Stomatal density and differentiation were analyzed microscopically (the adaxial side of fully developed rosette leaves) in transformed plants selected for hygromycin resistance. Four independent transgenic wild-type lines and two transgenic sdd1-1 mutant lines overexpressing 35S-SDD1-T7 were selected according to this microscopic examination. The four transgenic wild-type lines exhibited a twofold to threefold reduction in stomatal density compared with the nontransgenic wild type (Figure 6) . In transgenic line sdd1-1 SDD1#4, the stomatal density was reduced to wild-type levels, and in transgenic line sdd1-1 SDD1#9, a further twofold to threefold reduction of stomatal density was observed (Figure 6

Von Groll U, Berger D, Altmann T - The subtilisin-like serine protease SDD1 mediates cell-to-cell signaling during Arabidopsis stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

cpl3 plants exhibit reduced fresh weight

Koiwa H, Barb AW, Xiong L, Li F, McCully MG, Lee BH, Sokolchik I, Zhu J, Gong Z, Reddy M, Sharkhuu A, Manabe Y, Yokoi S, Zhu JK, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM - C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth, and development

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  • Phenotype

cpl1 plants grow more vigorously

Koiwa H, Barb AW, Xiong L, Li F, McCully MG, Lee BH, Sokolchik I, Zhu J, Gong Z, Reddy M, Sharkhuu A, Manabe Y, Yokoi S, Zhu JK, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM - C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth, and development

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dsRNA lines ... with reduced AtRbx1 RNA ... At 10 days after germination, the average length of cotyledons for the dsRNA-2 transgenic plants was 0.82 mm (± 0.05 mm, n = 20) compared with 2.48 mm (± 0.12 mm, n = 23) for cotyledons of Dex-treated wild type plants

Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects

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  • Phenotype

dsRNA lines ... with reduced AtRbx1 RNA ... in three dsRNA lines (dsRNA-2, dsRNA-20, and dsRNA-33 ... strong leaf growth retardation and leaf expansion effects were observed

Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects

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83% of the dsRNA lines grown for more than 30 days in the presence of Dex developed small green bushy plants (5–30%/plate), as illustrated for line dsRNA-84 (Fig. 7 C) with reduced AtRbx1 RNA and protein levels

Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects

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dsRNA lines ... with reduced AtRbx1 RNA ... in three dsRNA lines (dsRNA-2, dsRNA-20, and dsRNA-33), the development of the seedlings was severely impaired (as shown for line dsRNA-2; Fig. 7, F and G). In those plants, and in contrast to the control or non-induced lines, cotyledons did not develop at all (remaining white

Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects

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Whereas in the non-induced dsRNA-2 line the average area of cotyledon epidermal cells was 8259 μm2 (± 3948 μm2, n = 115), this value was reduced by a factor of 10 in the AtRbx1-silenced plants (average area of the cells was 801 μm2 (± 338 μm2, n = 115))

Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects

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Li-5-3 ... with long petiole

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Kn-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Gr-3 ... differing in their petiole length

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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long petiole ... Gr-3

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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lanceolate leaves ... Jl-5

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Bla-1 ... showed a delayed growth that merely seems to be a consequence of the belated appearance of their first pair of leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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short petiole ... Bla-14

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Do-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Bla-3 ... showed a delayed growth that merely seems to be a consequence of the belated appearance of their first pair of leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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other accessions with delayed growth, such as ... S96

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Condara ... the leaves were produced at a lower rate

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Bla-14 ... rounded leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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other accessions with delayed growth, such as Condara

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Hl-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Bla-1 ... with long petiole

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Kä-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Bla-2 ... showed a delayed growth that merely seems to be a consequence of the belated appearance of their first pair of leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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S96 ... the leaves were produced at a lower rate

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Ga-0 ... differing in their petiole length

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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La-1 ... with rounded leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Ga-0 ... short petiole

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Hl-0 ... with lanceolate leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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Certain large cell types in the wild-type show limited expansion in the hyp6 dwarf. These include ... trichomes

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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all of the organs found in the wild-type but is severely dwarfed at maturity ... rhl2

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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Young hyp6 seedlings are extremely small both in the dark and light compared to wild-type

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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hyp6 can only complete the first two rounds of endoreduplication to 8C ... reduction in the number of endocycles is ... observed

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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Certain large cell types in the wild-type show limited expansion in the hyp6 dwarf. These include leaf epidermal pavement cells

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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rhl2 ... can only complete the first two rounds of endoreduplication to 8C ... reduction in the number of endocycles is ... observed

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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seedlings are extremely small ... rhl2

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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hyp6 is able to form all of the organs found in the wild-type but is severely dwarfed at maturity

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyp6 ... fully expanded leaves have 25–30 times fewer adaxial epidermal cells than wild-type

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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gai mutant had larger cells in the leaf-length direction

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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wt ... under strong light ... the length ... of leaf blades were less affected by the difference in culture conditions

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rot3 ... resulted in ... small leaf blades

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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irradiation with ... red light ... suppressed the elongation of the leaf petiole

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ga1 ... resulted in short leaf petioles

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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elongation of leaf blades was accelerated by irradiation with ... red light

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ga1 ... resulted in ... small leaf blades

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The phyB mutation resulted in ... shorter leaf blade

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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irradiation with white light ... suppressed the elongation of the leaf petiole

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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gai mutant had fewer cells inboth the leaf-width and leaf-length directions

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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gai mutant ... there was no change in cell size in the leaf-width direction

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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farred light suppressed elongation of leaf blades

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rot3 ... resulted in short leaf petioles

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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gai ... resulted in short leaf petioles

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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treatment with GA3 increased ... the length of leaf blades by 17%

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The phyB mutation resulted in a longer petiole

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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length of epidermal cells of the acl2 mutant was 81% of that of the wt

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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treatment with GA3 ... did not affect the width of leaf blades

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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decrease in the number of cells in leaf blades of the phyB mutant was obvious only when cell files were examined in the leaf-width direction

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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acl2 ... resulted in ... small leaf blades

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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wt ... under strong light ... width of leaf blades were less affected by the difference in culture conditions

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the length of the epidermal cells of phyB was 240% that of the wt

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ga1 phyB leaf blades were slightly longer

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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wt leaf petioles were significantly shorter under strong light

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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farred light ... promoted elongation of leaf petioles

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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elongation of leaf blades was accelerated by irradiation with ... blue light

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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gai ... resulted in ... small leaf blades

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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irradiation with ... blue light ... suppressed the elongation of the leaf petiole

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Leaf blades in the phyB mutant were significantly smaller

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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acl2 ... resulted in short leaf petioles

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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treatment with GA3 increased the length of leaf petioles by 19%

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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elongation of leaf blades was accelerated by irradiation with white light

Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

leaves were produced from the shoot apex in fil-8 stm-1 plants ... However, the morphology of leaves ... could be ... lobed

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic vegetative ... meristems on the adaxial surfaces of the cotyledons

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 ... did not show any vegetative abnormality

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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stm-1 homozygotes lack structures at the site typically occupied by the SAM

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show ... elongated cotyledons

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yab3-2 ... similar to wild-type leaves ... epidermal cell types on ... abaxial surfaces

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 ... has no effect on vegetative development

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The single-mutant alleles of ... yab3-2 do not have any visible aberrant vegetative phenotype under normal growth conditions

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ectopic meristems that we observed in fil yab3 plants arose only from the adaxial surface of the mutant leaves

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In transgenic lines that overexpress BP (known previously as KNAT1) using the 35S promoter, ectopic meristems emerge from the sinuses of severely lobed leaves

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 stm-1 plants ... the leaves produced later often were radialized

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic ... inflorescence meristems on the adaxial surfaces of ... leaf blades

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic ... inflorescence meristems on the adaxial surfaces of the cotyledons

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... partial loss of leaf polarity

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines that overexpress BP (known previously as KNAT1) using the 35S promoter ... severely lobed leaves

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fil-8 yab3-2 plants appear to phenocopy plants overexpressing the KNOX homeobox genes in that ectopic meristems arise from the leaves

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show ... partially radialized leaves

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show an abnormal vegetative phenotype

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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yab3-2 ... similar to wild-type leaves ... epidermal cell types on ... adaxial ... surfaces

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-5 yab3-1 mutants ... in some cases bifurcated leaves ... gave rise to ectopic meristems at the point of bifurcation

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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yab3-3 ... indistinguishable from wild-type plants under normal growth conditions

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-5 yab3-1 ... double-mutant plants also produced bifurcated ... cotyledons ... near the margins

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic vegetative ... meristems on the adaxial surfaces of the ... leaf blades

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves in shape

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the leaves of fil-8 yab3-2 stm-1 plants differed from those of fil-8 stm-1 plants in that they displayed the fil-8 yab3-2 phenotype

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We also examined the adaxial and abaxial cell types of fil-8 yab3-2 mutant leaves by scanning electron microscopy and found that the cells on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces were clearly distinguishable, indicating that polarity had not been eliminated

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... emergence of ectopic meristems ... developed most frequently toward ... near the leaf margins

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

leaves were produced from the shoot apex in fil-8 stm-1 plants ... However, the morphology of leaves could be abnormal

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 ... double-mutant plants also produced bifurcated leaves ... near the margins

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type ... epidermal cell types on ... adaxial ... surfaces

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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yab3-2 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves in shape

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... emergence of ectopic meristems can occur anywhere on the leaf blade

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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emergence of ectopic meristems ... developed most frequently toward the base

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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The single-mutant alleles of fil-8 ... do not have any visible aberrant vegetative phenotype under normal growth conditions

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves ... in ... size

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

yab3-2 ... indistinguishable from wild-type plants under normal growth conditions

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves ... epidermal cell types on ... abaxial surfaces

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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yab3-2 single-mutant plants ... did not show any vegetative abnormality

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant ... leaves are sometimes bifurcated near the base

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil yab3 plants ... although the leaves appeared partially radialized, they retained leaf lamina, with distinguishable cell types on the leaf surfaces and trichomes only on the adaxial surface of the early rosette leaves

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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consistent with the retention of some polarity in the leaves of fil yab3 plants

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show ... thin ... cotyledons

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-5 yab3-1 mutants ... in some cases bifurcated ... cotyledons gave rise to ectopic meristems at the point of bifurcation

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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fil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... Ectopic inflorescence meristems arose mainly from the rosette leaves

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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leaves were produced from the shoot apex in fil-8 stm-1 plants ... However, the morphology of leaves could be ... butterfly-shaped

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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yab3-2 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves in ... size

Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis

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The leaves produced in swp mutants ... showed aberrant morphologies

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... This increase also concerned the stomata (mean surface of individual guard cells, 280 µm2 in wild type and 396 µm2 in the mutant

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... When plants were grown in Petri dishes, the mutant leaves ... final cell size was very comparable

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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in swp leaves, a majority of epidermal cells stopped dividing earlier than in wild-type plants

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... significant increase (Student’s t-test, p < 0.005) of the mean cell size of ∼30% in the mutant (10 200 µm2, 100 cells measured) when compared with the wild type (6680 µm2, 101 cells measured

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... increase in final cell size

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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Since cell size in the mutant was similar to the wild type during the early phases of leaf development

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP ... overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... that the total number of cells per leaf was increased by ∼54%

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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seedlings homozygous for the swp mutation ... observations favoured a model in which the primordia anlagen themselves contained reduced cell numbers

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp leaf ... increase in final cell size

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... almost radial symmetrical finger-shaped leaves

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp leaf ... decrease in cell number

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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seedlings homozygous for the swp mutation are macroscopically indistinguishable from wild-type seedlings before 6 days after sowing

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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At day 8, when most of the cells in both genotypes were still proliferating, the average cell cycle durations were 25.8 and 25.6 h in wild-type and swp primordia, respectively

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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reduction of swp leaf area

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... Due to the reduced leaf blade, the boundaries between lamina and petiole were macroscopically not very distinct

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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In 20-day-old swp plants, ∼10-fold fewer cells were present than in wild-type leaves

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... Leaf shapes were variable from one individual to another at the same stage

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... reduction in the number of cells per leaf

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... cell cycle arrest in the overexpressers was less synchronized

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp leaves ... some of the mesophyll cells ... contained more DNA

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SEM images of the mature swp leaf surface (Figure 1C–F) and confocal microscopy of fixed and living swp primordia showed that differentiation of other morphological markers such as ... establishment of vascular tissue, was normal in swp.

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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The quantitative analysis confirmed that the mean cell size in the leaves of the transgenic lines was reduced (Figure 9I). Nevertheless, the range of cell sizes observed in the transgenic lines was comparable with the wild type

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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The leaves produced in swp mutants were small

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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At 6 days after sowing, a reduction of ∼40% in leaf area was already observed in the mutant

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp leaves ... some of the mesophyll cells contained larger nuclei

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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At 6 days after sowing, the mutant leaves already showed a 2- to 4-fold reduction in cell number

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... suggesting that primordia cells were able to differentiate normally

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... The similar duration of the cell cycle in mutant and wild type

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... smaller leaf size

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... cotyledons were ... somewhat darker green

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... Trichomes ... sometimes even showed reduced branching

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... When plants were grown in Petri dishes, the mutant leaves were clearly smaller than the wild-type leaves

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp mutants ... there was no obvious defect in organ polarity

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... A total of 26 lines with a similar heritable, dominant phenotype were obtained

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... Trichomes were normal in size

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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we found a recessive mutant with reduced ... leaf size ... named swp

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... cell cycle arrest in the overexpressers was less synchronized when compared with the wild type. This effect was very localized, suggesting a cell autonomous effect of the transgene

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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The mean area of median sections through the 4-day-old mutant primordia was 1628 µm2, which represented a 28% reduction when compared with the wild type (2273 µm2

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... size of all aerial organs being severely reduced in a majority of the plants

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... increase ... cell size ... was observed in the inner leaf tissues

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp leaves had a reduced cell number very early in development

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP ... overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... structure of the organs was normal

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp leaves ... majority of the pavement cells ... contained larger nuclei

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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The leaves produced in swp mutants ... reduced blade expansion

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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reduction in cell number observed in mature swp leaves

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... This suggested that the arrest of cell division in the transgenic leaves was less synchronous than in the wild type

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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In swp leaves, 2C, 4C and 8C cells were present; however, ∼20% of the nuclei analysed presented a 16C DNA content, reducing the proportion of 4C and 8C cells as compared with wild-type leaves (Figure 4B and C). A small 32C peak could even be detected. This showed that in swp leaves, a significant proportion of the cells went through one or even two additional rounds of endoreduplication after the arrest of mitosis

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... the maximal proliferation rates in the young primordia were comparable

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp and wild-type epidermal pavement cells revealed an increase in cell size in the mutant

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... Epidermal pavement cells with an almost normal size were intermingled with groups of much smaller cells

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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We first determined the evolution of the stomatal index, which was used previously by De Veylder et al. (2001). This parameter was similar in swp and wild-type leaves (Figure 3E), indicating that cell differentiation proceeded normally

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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Until 8 days after sowing, the relative cell division rate in swp and wild-type plants was comparable. From day 8 until day 12, however, the values were significantly lower in swp. This indicated that, in the mutant, a significant proportion of the cells had stopped dividing

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... blades ... often displayed asymmetrical serrations

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... first leaves were often more dramatically affected

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp leaves ... majority of the pavement cells ... contained more DNA

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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swp ... cotyledons were slightly lanceolated

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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SEM images of the mature swp leaf surface (Figure 1C–F) and confocal microscopy of fixed and living swp primordia showed that differentiation of other morphological markers such as trichomes ... was normal in swp

Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene

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The first indication of the bop1-1 phenotype was recognized in 3-day-old seedlings (Fig. 5D,F). At this stage, most of the cells in the petiole of wild-type cotyledon had already differentiated (Fig. 5C,E). In contrast, the petiole of mutant cotyledon had clusters of young cells on the adaxial side (Fig. 5D,F). The differentiation status of these clustered cells was evident from the large nucleus and a lack of large vacuoles, which indicated that the cells were relatively undifferentiated

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... The leaves of a 37-day- old mutant were still green and viable, whereas wild-type leaves had already turned yellow

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... The petiole region of the early rosette leaves of mutants frequently fused with the basal part of the petiole of a cotyledon or adjacent leaf

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 as1-1 ... double mutants produced ... fasciated leaf petioles

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 as1-1 ... produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles (Fig. 9C,D,G,H). On the primary leaflet outgrowths of the double mutant, we observed smaller second- and third-degree leaflet outgrowths that made supercompound leaves

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... The wild-type petiole has a single, round vascular system in its centre (Fig. 3A,C,E). In contrast, the vascular system of the mutant leaves had a flattened shape (Fig. 3B,D,F). The phloem- and xylem-like tissues were located on the abaxial and adaxial sides of the leaf, respectively (Fig. 3F), which is the arrangement in wild-type petioles

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1- 1 stm-1 double mutant, rescued leaves ... were lobed

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... Ectopic organogenesis was also observed on the first rosette leaf of the mutant

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced ... fasciated leaf petioles

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1- 1 stm-1 double mutant, rescued leaves did not fully expand

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... extensive lobe formation, on both sides of the petiole midvein

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... In the cotyledons and the first two leaves of the mutant, an extended, adventitious, petiole-like organ grew out from the base of the original petiole

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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The ectopic organs that formed on the rosette leaves of the bop1-1 plants also developed extensively reticulated venation systems (Fig. 4D), which were similar to those seen in the blades of wild-type rosette leaves (Fig. 4B). However, unlike the wild-type leaves, the midvein systems in the proximal region of the mutant rosette leaves revealed an extensive vasculature with numerous parallel vein elements. The secondary lateral veins branched from the ectopic midveins to the ectopic outgrowths on the bop1-1 leaves

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... presence of ectopic organ outgrowths along the leaf petioles of rosette leaves

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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The abaxial side of the first rosette leaf of bop1-1 also developed ectopic outgrowths (Fig. 2F). However, the shapes of these ectopic outgrowths differed from those on the adaxial side. They never developed into blade-like structures, but remained as small, unidentifiable outgrowths

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... ectopic blade phenotype

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles (Fig. 9C,D,G,H). On the primary leaflet outgrowths of the double mutant, we observed smaller second- and third-degree leaflet outgrowths that made supercompound leaves

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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adaxial side of the basal regions of the petioles of bop1-1 cotyledons showed several outgrowths

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... leaves of the mutant exhibited extended longevity

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... The newly formed, ectopic, adventitious petioles at the base of the original petioles of the cotyledons and the first two leaves of bop1-1 (Fig. 1B,E,F, arrowheads) had features that were intermediate between stems and petioles

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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The cotyledons of bop1-1 plants had a typical venation pattern of wild-type cotyledons in the distal regions where no ectopic organogenesis was observed (Fig. 4C). The ectopic organ that formed on the proximal part of the mutant cotyledon developed a reticulated venation pattern that resembled that of wild-type leaf blades. However, the venation pattern was intermediate between those of cotyledons and rosette leaves of the wild type in terms of complexity: the ectopic organ in the mutant cotyledons had more complex venation than the wild-type cotyledon and less complex venation than wild-type rosette leaves

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... The formation of secondary outgrowths on the primary ectopic outgrowths was observed frequently (Fig. 3D, arrows). Interestingly, we noticed that the development of ectopic outgrowths was associated with the formation of a new structure that resembled a vascular system (Fig. 3B,D, arrowheads

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 bp-1 double mutant exhibited a lobed morphology characteristic for bop1-1

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 as1-1 ... double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... The ectopic organs (Fig. 2D, arrows) that formed on the adaxial side of the rosette leaf resembled leaf blades with flattened structures. These ectopic outgrowths appeared to possess dorsoventrality, with differential growth between the two surfaces of the blade-like structures, and trichome development on only one of the two surfaces

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... development of ectopic organs was also observed on the ... basal regions of cotyledons

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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bop1-1 ... flattened structure appeared to be due to the parallel development of many vascular bundles

Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis

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pnh; FIL::PNH ... In the wild type, the SAM develops between the two cotyledon axes. Similarly, ectopic growths formed between the two halves of 33.0% of fused double cotyledons (classes B to E; n = 488 half-seedlings) (Figure 5G). Ectopic growths were found only along the fusion zone, at the distal tip, petiole, blade, or a combination of these sites (Figures 7A to 7D) . A greater incidence of ectopic growth formation was seen in cotyledons that had two distinct lobes (classes C to E) than in those with only an indentation (class B). On separate (class F) cotyledons, the fusion zone was in virtually the same location as the normal site of adventitious SAM formation in pnh seedlings (Figures 7E and 7F); thus, these two types of SAMs could not be distinguished, and ectopic growth formation was not scored for class-F cotyledons. No ectopic growths were observed on normal (class A) cotyledons ... Ectopic growths fell into two groups: differentiated outgrowths, which were composed of large differentiated cells, and SAMs, which were defined by the production of at least one leaf-like structure such as a regular pnh SAM would produce. In 2-week-old seedlings, 56.2% of ectopic growths were SAMs (n = 73 half-seedlings), whereas in 3-week-old seedlings, 90.7% of ectopic growths were SAMs (n = 108 half-seedlings). Combined with the observation that SAMs often emerged from differentiated outgrowths, these data suggest that differentiated outgrowths typically lead to SAM formation. Ectopic SAMs occasionally were observed to produce full rosettes and inflorescences; ectopic root growth never was observed

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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pnh; FIL::PNH embryos ... By the early torpedo stage, evidence of cotyledon doubling emerged as a flattening (Figure 6G) or indentation (Figure 6I) of the distal tip of the cotyledon primordium compared with the wild type ... Together, these observations suggest that each pnh; FIL::PNH embryo originally initiated two cotyledon primordia, as does the wild type, but many of these primordia proceeded to initiate two additional cotyledon primordia

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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Plants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene had round leaf blades

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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PNH; FIL::PNH plants exhibited upwardly curled blades in rosette leaves ... cauline leaves

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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PNH; FIL::PNH plants exhibited upwardly curled blades in rosette leaves ... The involute morphology affected leaves from the early stages of blade outgrowth, at approximately the P8 or P9 stage, with the P1 leaf being defined as the youngest primordium that is morphologically distinguishable on the flanks of the SAM. The curling phenotype was seen until just before full expansion of the leaf. At this point, the blades corrected the curling until they nearly resembled wild-type blades (Figures 4I to 4L). This correction likely is permitted by a cessation of ectopic PNH expression in maturing leaves, because plants expressing a FIL::GUS transgene showed GUS activity in young but not maturing leaves ... When the FIL::PNH transgene was expressed in a pnh mutant background, none of the pnh defects (SAM and axillary meristem formation, floral organ morphology, and number) was rescued. The inability of abaxial PNH to rescue the mutant phenotype shows that normal localization of the PNH transcript is critical. Surprisingly, unlike PNH; FIL::PNH leaves, pnh; FIL::PNH leaves did not curl. Thus, expression of PNH in its normal domain is essential for the transgene to cause leaf curling

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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pnh; FIL::PNH ... carrying a hydathode:: GUS marker gene ... Double cotyledons had two foci of stain, indicating that this structure had been duplicated

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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Plants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene had ... leaf blades with gently ruffled surfaces

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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FIL::PNH ... ectopically expressing PNH in the abaxial leaf domain either causes an excess of cell divisions in this domain or represses cell division on the opposite, adaxial, side of the leaf ... The latter possibility seems less likely because plants expressing PNH in both leaf domains from the constitutive 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus did not show a similar degree of leaf curling

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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Plants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene ... Occasionally, the margins of the leaves curled up, but not to the same extent seen with FIL::PNH

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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In both wild-type and pnh plants, there was only one hydathode per cotyledon, as demonstrated by staining plants carrying a hydathode:: GUS marker gene

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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PNH; FIL::PNH plants ... cotyledons ... were normal

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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Wild-type cotyledons exhibited a stereotypical pattern of vascularization, which was similar in pnh mutants

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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Plants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene ... the leaves frequently were held upright, rather than lying flat against the soil

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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pnh; FIL::PNH ... Although the patterning of the vasculature was aberrant in continuity and the placement of branch points with respect to the wild type, the overall pattern was duplicated in double cotyledons rather than widened to service both sides

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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To investigate the mechanism of blade curling in PNH; FIL::PNH plants, the ratios of adaxial to abaxial epidermal cell numbers were compared in curled and wild-type rosette leaves. We expected that if abnormal cell expansion caused curling, the ratio of adaxial to abaxial cells would be the same in PNH; FIL::PNH and wild-type blades; if abnormal cell division rates caused curling, we expected this ratio to change. Cells from the youngest curled PNH; FIL::PNH leaves (plastochron 8 [P8] to P10) and similarly staged wild-type leaves were counted using transverse sections of shoot apices (Figures 4E to 4H). The ratio of adaxial to abaxial epidermal blade cells changed from an average of 1.01 ± 0.04 (se) with a range of 0.9 to 1.11 in wild-type blades to 0.63 ± 0.0095 (se) with a range of 0.60 to 0.66 in curled PNH; FIL::PNH blades (n = 5 blades for each genotype).

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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To observe the early stages of cotyledon doubling, pnh; FIL::PNH embryos were examined. Early and late heart-stage pnh; FIL::PNH embryos were very wide at the top, and their cotyledons were abnormally splayed compared with the wild type

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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In addition, a novel phenotype was seen in pnh; FIL::PNH cotyledons. The novel phenotype consisted of cotyledon primordia splitting at various points in development to form fused or unfused “double” cotyledons

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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pnh; FIL::PNH individuals germinated and grew much more slowly than wild-type individuals

Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene

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CYCD3;1 OE plants ... an increase in the number of cells present in cotyledons

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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in the epidermis of mature cotyledons of CYCD3;1 OE seedlings, small nuclei and scattered cells expressing CYCB-GUS (data not shown) and mitotic figures continued to be observed, whereas in wild-type cotyledons, larger nuclei were observed and no mitotic figures could be found

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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In more mature leaves of the CYCD3;1 OE plants, palisade and spongy mesophyll layers did become recognizable, but both consisted of smaller cells than in the wild type

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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cell proliferation continued in CYCD3;1 OE leaves at a time when it had ceased in wild-type leaves

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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In more mature leaves of the CYCD3;1 OE plants ... The morphological distinction between the adaxial and abaxial epidermis was largely lost

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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Comparison of ploidy levels showed that CYCD3;1 OE cells were largely deficient in this differentiated phenotype and showed only a small proportion of nuclei with a DNA content of >4C (Figure 5F, right), whereas wild-type rosette leaves contained a substantial proportion of nuclei with DNA contents of 8C, 16C, and 32C (Figure 5F, left). Similar observations of reduced endoreduplication were made in a variety of mature tissues, including rosette leaves, bracts, and segments of the floral stalk (data not shown

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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  • Phenotype

The emergence of leaves was slower in CYCD3;1-overexpressing (CYCD3;1 OE) plants than in wild-type plants

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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Although the density of stomata was lower in CYCD3;1 OE plants, CYCD3;1 apparently does not profoundly influence differentiation after the specification of specific cell types such as stomatal guard cells (data not shown

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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the venation pattern of CYCD3;1 OE leaves also was less symmetric than in wild-type leaves

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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cotyledons of CYCD3;1 OE plants ... contained smaller cells

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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overexpressing CYCD3;1, resulting in ectopic divisions

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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Because cotyledons of CYCD3;1 OE plants were larger than those in wild-type plants

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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We observed a striking reduction of 30% in the proportion of G1 nuclei in CYCD3;1 OE plants and an accompanying increase in G2 nuclei compared with wild-type apices (Figure 4A). No change in the proportion of S-phase nuclei was observed

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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CaMV35S-CYCD3;1 ... subsequent rosette leaves curled soon after their formation over the abaxial surface

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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To quantify the effects of CYCD3;1 on cell proliferation in leaves, we performed a detailed analysis of cell number and size in the adaxial epidermal surface of rosette leaves at three stages of development (∼10 mm2, 30 to 50 mm2, and fully mature) (Figure 4E). These data show that CYCD3;1 overexpression had a dramatic effect on the number of cells present in leaves, because the adaxial epidermis of CYCD3;1 OE leaves of ∼10 mm2 already contained 20 to 30 times more cells than the epidermis of wild-type leaves

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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CaMV35S-CYCD3;1 ... rosette leaves ... remained somewhat smaller than their wild-type equivalents

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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CYCD3;1 OE ... Mature rosette leaves reached half the final surface area of the wild-type leaves

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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Cell areas were measured from thin sections, and in the wild type, the shoot apical meristem was found to vary from 14 to 64 μm2, with a median value of 39 μm2 (Figure 4B, left), whereas CYCD3;1 OE meristematic cells were significantly smaller, with a size range from 10 to 55 μm2 in cross-sectional area and a median size of 26 μm2 (Figure 4B, right). Cells flanking the shoot apical meristem of CYCD3;1 OE plants (Figure 4B, arrowheads) also were smaller than comparable cells bordering wild-type meristems

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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Histological examination of CYCD3;1 OE leaves revealed that both the adaxial and abaxial epidermis of transgenic leaves were characterized by the presence of small polygon-shaped pavement cells (Figure 5C, right), in contrast to the expanded sinusoid-shaped pavement cells in the wild type (Figure 5C, left). By plotting cell area against a “shape factor” (4Π area/perimeter2), which is unity for a perfect circle and decreases for more complex shapes, we can see that for wild-type epidermal cells, an increase in cell area is accompanied by the adoption of more complex shapes as cells differentiate (Figure 5D). In CYCD3;1 OE plants, cell sizes and shape factors were clustered at higher shape factor values (Figure 5D), suggesting that they are unable to develop their mature shape

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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CaMV35S-CYCD3;1 ... In young seedlings, cotyledons were enlarged

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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Consistent with CYCD3;1 promoting precocious G1 exit, we found a reduction in the average interphase cell size in the shoot apical meristem of CYCD3;1 OE plants

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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CYCD3;1 OE ... Mature rosette leaves ... contained ∼18-fold more cells in their adaxial epidermis

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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In young leaves (≤6 mm in length) of the CYCD3;1 OE plants, this typical dorsoventral organization of the leaf parenchyma into palisade and spongy mesophyll was not distinguishable, with the palisade layer apparently replaced by smaller spherical parenchyma cells and fewer intercellular air spaces present

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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CYCD3;1 OE ... mature epidermal cell size was affected dramatically, because even in mature rosette leaves, the cell area of transgenic pavement cells did not exceed 350 μm2, whereas the wild-type cells expanded from 350 to 22,000 μm2

Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3

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agb1 ... leaves ... have rounded lamina compared with their respective ecotypes

Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes

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gpa1 leaves ... have rounded lamina compared with their respective ecotypes

Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes

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agb1 lamina differ from gpa1 lamina as a result of the presence of islands of small cells that create a crinkly surface

Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes

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gpa1 seedlings are smaller, than wild-type seedlings

Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes

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agb1 seedlings are larger ... than wild-type seedlings

Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes

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  • Phenotype

the number of palisade cells was reduced by 50% in drl1-2

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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Statistically significantly smaller cells were present in the dorsal epidermis of ... drl1-4

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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The lamina length varied enormously among different drl1-2 individuals

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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in the drl1-2 mutant leaves ... dorsal and ventral identity was maintained

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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The lamina width ... the first and second expanded rosette leaves of a sub- population of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length were measured by image analysis and found to be reduced signifi- cantly compared with the wild type

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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In serial sections through expanded first and second leaves of drl1-2 (35-day-old seedlings), palisade cells were larger

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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in the subpopulation of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length (i.e., drl1-2 mutants had increased lamina length

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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The lamina ... area of the first and second expanded rosette leaves of a sub- population of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length were measured by image analysis and found to be reduced signifi- cantly compared with the wild type

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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in the subpopulation of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length (i.e., drl1-2 mutants had ... reduced petiole length

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-2 ... midvein was less pronounced

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-2 ... lamina was thicker

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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in the drl1-2 mutant leaves ... normal polarity in vascular bundles

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-2 ... Scanning electron microscopy and sec- tions showed that upon emergence from the SAM, the leaf primordia were much smaller than in the wild type

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-2 ... In some mutant individuals, no clear transition between lamina and petiole was seen

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-2 was isolated as a mutant with narrow leaves

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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Statistically significantly smaller cells were present in the dorsal epidermis of drl1-2

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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In serial sections through expanded first and second leaves of drl1-2 (35-day-old seedlings ... intercellular spaces were present next to the adaxial epidermis

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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the number of palisade cells ... reduced slightly in drl1-4

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-4 ... had ... normal leaf length

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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The palisade layer contained significantly larger cells in ... drl1-4

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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In serial sections through expanded first and second leaves of drl1-2 (35-day-old seedlings), palisade cells were ... more irregularly shaped

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-2 ... features may indicate ventralization of the leaf

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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The palisade layer contained significantly larger cells in drl1-2

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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drl1-4 ... had ... significantly narrower leaf lamina

Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... A second class comprising 22 plantlets ... After the emergence of three to four tiny leaflets, growth arrested with a single radialized organ

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... The majority of transgenic plants (130 of 179; class 4), were mildly dwarfed

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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plants that expressed DRN-like from the CaMV35S promoter exhibited dwarfism or alterations in silique shape but maintained a functional shoot meristem during development (data not shown)

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... A third class of transgenic plants (18 of 179) was characterized by strong dwarfism, epinastic leaves

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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To confirm that increased expression of DRN/ESR1 causes the drn-D phenotype, we expressed the coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants. Of 179 primary transformants carrying the transgene, 9 seedlings stopped development after the emergence of two cotyledons (class 1)

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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drn-D mutants ... ∼3 weeks after germination, leaf initiation terminates with the formation of filamentous organs that lack the central vasculature

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets ... Sections through seedlings showed an enlarged ... SAM

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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drn-D SAM ... premature cellular differentiation

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets ... Sections through seedlings showed ... disorganized SAM, resembling the meristems of drn-D mutant plants

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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We isolated a loss-of-function allele, drn-1, from the SLAT collection ... we were unable to detect any phenotypic alteration in plants homozygous for the potential null allele compared with the wild type

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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Instead of small, meristematic cells, which are typical for the outer cell layers of the wild-type SAM, large and vacuolated cells ... cover the drn-D mutant apex

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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Compared with the wild type, histological sections show that the drn-D SAM is ... wider in diameter already in the early mutant seedling (Figures 1I and 1J). Meristem size increases further before the SAM finally fails to initiate lateral organs

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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The early vegetative phase of drn-D mutants until the four- to five-leaf stage is unaffected. From leaves 6 to 8 and onward, all leaves appear increasingly radialized

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets ... After the emergence of three to four tiny leaflets

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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Compared with the wild type, histological sections show that the drn-D SAM is flat

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets was ... small, and stunted

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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DRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... A second class comprising 22 plantlets was dark green

Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development

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change in timing of the juvenile-to-adult transition ... hst-1

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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hst-1; kan-11 ... produced significantly more abaxial trichomes on leaves 1 and 2 than did either single mutant

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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Mutations in SQUINT (SQN) ... are phenotypically similar to hst mutations in that they slightly delay leaf initiation

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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The primordia of leaves 1 and 2 are also smaller than normal in 3-day-old hst-1 seedlings

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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hst-1; kan-11 double mutants had more highly up-rolled ... leaves

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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hst-1 does affect the anatomy of the shoot apical meristem

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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3-day-old hst-1 seedlings (Fig. 2F) have ... more rounded SAM

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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upper mesophyll layer of hst-1 appears normal

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1 plants ... subsequent leaves curve strongly upward

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1 ... up-rolling of the leaf blade

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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hst-1 plants ... loss of tissue polarity within the mesophyll of the leaf blade

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1, sqn-1 plants. Double mutant seedlings had a much more severe phenotype

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1 ... reduction in the size of leaves

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1; kan-11 double mutants had more highly up-rolled cotyledons

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1 ... accelerated production of abaxial trichomes

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1, sqn-1 plants ... being significantly smaller than both sqn-1 and hst-1

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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In hst-1, the onset of abaxial trichome production (Fig. 3A; Table 1), the increase adaxial trichome density (Fig. 3B) and the decline in blade:petiole ratio (Fig. 3C) begin with leaf 3 and proceed unusually quickly after this point ... hst-1 accelerates ... the juvenile-to-adult transition

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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hst-1 seedlings exhibited a slight delay in leaf initiation during germination but went on to produce leaves at the same rate as wild type throughout the rest of vegetative development

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

The first two leaves of hst-1 plants are generally flat

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

The first two leaves of hst-1 plants are ... slightly up-rolled

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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hst-1 ... cells in the lower spongy layer are more regular in shape

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Mutations in SQUINT (SQN) ... accelerate vegetative phase change

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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3-day-old hst-1 seedlings (Fig. 2F) have a larger ... SAM

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1 ... cells in the lower spongy layer ... have less intercellular space

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hst-1, sqn-1 ... double mutants produced large numbers of abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 1

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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The primordia of leaves 1 and 2 ... 3-day-old hst-1 seedlings ... probably because their initiation is delayed

Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

in the rce1 mutant ... organ length is reduced throughout development

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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rce1-1 cotyledons showed only slightly reduced vascular development

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Rosette ... morphology ... altered in the rce1 mutant

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of rce1 plants are smaller than those of Ler leaves

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

rce1 plants ... crinkled leaf blades

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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axr1-12 ... cotyledons showed only slightly reduced vascular development

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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vascular development was severely deficient in axr1-12 rce1-1 plants. Typically, one short vascular strand was visible in each cotyledon of these seedlings

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of rce1 plants are ... rounder

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of rce1 plants are ... with shorter petioles

Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To identify abnormalities of adaxial-abaxial polarity in as2 leaves at the cellular level, we analyzed cell patterns by transverse sectioning of as2 petioles ... The adaxial and abaxial asymmetry of petioles was lost completely in lotus-leaf petioles (Fig. 2B) and the radially symmetric portion of non-lotus-leaf petioles (data not shown) in the as2- 101 mutant. The overall epidermal characters of the radial petiole resembled those of abaxial epidermis in the wild type (for comparison, see Fig. 2A). Moreover, sub-epidermal cells in the lotus-leaf petioles seemed abnormal in shapes compared with those in the Ler plant: most cells in Ler petioles were irregularly shaped (Fig. 2A) while cells in the lotus-leaf petiole were arranged in an orderly fashion (Fig. 2B). In the asymmetric portion of the non-lotus-leaf petioles of the as2- 101 mutant, epidermal cells on the adaxial side were also aberrant as shown in Fig. 2C. In addition to the abaxial epidermal cells, cells similar to the margin epidermis seemed to occupy the adaxial positions

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

35S::AS2/Ler transgenic plants also produced needle-like leaves amongst the first appearing rosette leaves

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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Our more recent results demonstrated that as1 ... in the Ler genetic background displayed a novel leaf structure: in some rosette leaves the petiole is attached to the abaxial surface of the leaf lamina, showing a lotus-leaf structure

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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the needle-like structure in 35S::AS2/Ler seedlings was an adaxialized organ

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... exhibited defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial axis

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

Ler ... plants carrying 35S::AS2 had narrow leaves

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

as2-101 plants carrying 35S::AS2 ... laminae curled upwards

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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On the adaxial side of laminae, epidermal patterns in Ler and the 35S::AS1/Ler transgenic plants were similar

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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In the as2-101 mutant, however, each petiole showed a radially symmetric proximal portion, the length of which varied in a continuous series, depending upon leaf positions and leaf ages. Some leaves showed a radially symmetric portion at the very proximal end (Fig. 1E), while in others it was more distal (Fig. 1F). If the radially symmetric tissue reached high enough to affect the region where leaf lamina grew, the lotus-leaf was formed (Fig. 1G,H). The higher the radial portion ended, the smaller the whole leaf structure became. If the radially symmetric portion extended extremely distally, lamina development would be severely affected, resulting in either leaves with a very small lamina (Fig. 1I) or even needle-like organs without any lamina growth

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

as2 ... exhibited defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial axis

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

as2 ... structure might suggest a defect in the adaxial- abaxial axis in leaves

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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margins of the as1-1 petioles curled upwards

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

Abaxial epidermal cells ... 35S::AS1/Ler transgenic plants (Fig. 3I) were also similar in shape

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

Our more recent results demonstrated that ... as2 ... in the Ler genetic background displayed a novel leaf structure: in some rosette leaves the petiole is attached to the abaxial surface of the leaf lamina, showing a lotus-leaf structure

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

On the adaxial side of laminae ... 35S::AS1 lamina contained more stomata

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... structure might suggest a defect in the adaxial- abaxial axis in leaves

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

Ler plants containing 35S::AS1 displayed ... normally shaped leaves

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

Ler ... plants carrying 35S::AS2 ... laminae curled upwards

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

as2-101 plants carrying 35S::AS2 had narrow leaves

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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In comparison, the identity of adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells on laminae of the 35S::AS2/Ler transgenic plants was altered dramatically

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

35S::AS2/Ler ... Abaxial-like epidermal cells appeared on part of the adaxial side of laminae of the first pair of rosette leaves

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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35S::AS2/Ler ... of the first pair of rosette leaves ... the abaxial side was almost entirely covered in cells with adaxial features

Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity

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  • Phenotype

35S::mMYB33 caused leaves to curl upwards in many (39 of 63) primary transfor- mants

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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Constitutive expression of wild-type TCP2 or TCP4 partially rescued the leaf defects of jaw-D mutants. Leaves were less warped and elliptical than those of the parental line, but were still distinct from those of wild type

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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35S::mTCP2 plants ... were smaller

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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mTCP4 from the TCP4 promoter had less extreme effects than 35S::mTCP4 (see above), and the jaw-D leaf phenotype was suppressed in 11 of 15 surviving primary transformants. Notably, these plants showed a new phenotype: rounder leaves

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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In contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene ... Common defects included fusion of the cotyledons

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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  • Phenotype

jaw-D ... primary defect is uneven leaf shape and curvature

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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The 35S::mTCP4 construct caused the same severe defects in jaw-D as in a wild-type background (not shown). Because these plants did not produce clearly identifiable ... leaves

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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In contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene. Most (35 of 57) primary transformants carrying the mutated version of TCP4 were arrested at the seedling stage

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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The 35S::mTCP4 construct caused the same severe defects in jaw-D as in a wild-type background (not shown). Because these plants did not produce clearly identifiable cotyledons

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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35S::mTCP2 plants ... were ... greener

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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jaw-D mutants as having serrated leaves

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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Most (63 of 76) primary 35S::TCP4 transformants were phenotypically normal

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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In contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene. Most (35 of 57) primary transformants ... Common defects included ... lack of a shoot apical meristem

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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the 35S::mTCP4 plants had marked pattern defects

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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jaw-D ... detailed inspection revealed that the primary defect is uneven leaf shape

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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In contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene ... Common defects included ... overall tubular shape of the seedlings

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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  • Phenotype

35S::TCP4 transformants ... remainder having ... smaller leaves

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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Constitutive expression of wild-type TCP2 or TCP4 partially rescued the leaf defects of jaw-D mutants. Leaves were less warped and elliptical than those of the parental line, but were still distinct from those of wild type

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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35S::TCP2 plants had no obvious defects

Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs

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  • Phenotype

35S-ARGOS seed- lings displayed prolonged cell division in marginal meristems as well as in leaf blades

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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35S-ARGOS ... Leaf blades ... appeared to contain the same number of cell layers

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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fresh weight of the corresponding leaf in ARGOS sense lines increased by 50 to 120%

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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ARGOS ... antisense ... little difference was observed in the size of cotyledons

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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overexpression of ARGOS ... axr1-3 ... producing similarly sized or even larger leaves compared with wild-type leaves

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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petiole length of the fifth leaf were greatly increased ... in ARGOS sense ... plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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  • Phenotype

blade ... length ... of the fifth leaf were greatly increased ... in ARGOS sense ... plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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pavement cell size was slightly larger in anti- sense plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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The fifth leaf blades of 35S-ARGOS plants contained ~30% more cells than those of vector control plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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pavement cells between vector control and ARGOS transgenic plants re- vealed little size difference between vector control and ARGOS sense plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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blade width ... of the fifth leaf were greatly ... de- creased in ARGOS ... antisense plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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a decreased dimension of palisade cells in the Z axis was observed in ARGOS-overexpressing leaves

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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axr1 mutant was reported to have smaller leaves

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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35S-anti-ARGOS ... Leaf blades ... appeared to contain the same number of cell layers

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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ARGOS sense ... little difference was observed in the size of cotyledons

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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blade width ... of the fifth leaf were greatly increased ... in ARGOS sense ... plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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  • Phenotype

35S-anti-ARGOS ... lines showed an ... re- duced leaf size

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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blade ... length ... of the fifth leaf were greatly ... de- creased in ARGOS ... antisense plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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fresh weight of the corresponding leaf ... in the ARGOS antisense plants de- creased by 20 to 60%

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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petiole length of the fifth leaf were greatly ... de- creased in ARGOS ... antisense plants

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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The fifth leaf blades ... of 35S-anti-ARGOS plants contained ~20% fewer cells

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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Under our growth con- dition, fifth rosette leaves emerged at ~11 days after germina- tion. The total leaf length of vector control and ARGOS transgenic plants increased similarly in the subsequent 12 days. Leaves of antisense plants ceased to elongate at ~24 days after germina- tion, followed by control leaves at 27 days. However, 35S-ARGOS leaves continued to grow even after 33 days

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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axr1 mutant was reported to have smaller leaves ... resulting from de- creased cell numbers

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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overexpression of ARGOS ... axr1-3 ... producing similarly sized or even larger leaves compared with wild-type leaves

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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  • Phenotype

35S-ARGOS ... lines showed an enlarged ... leaf size

Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size

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  • Phenotype

AtGRF1 4-7 ... overexpressors ... developed larger ... cotyledons

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... 25% decrease in petiole length

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of leaves ... in comparison to wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... width of the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... Petiole cells ... were 22% shorter

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtGRF2 overexpressor ... 42% increase ... in petiole length

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The leaf epidermal cells of ... the triple mutant grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... were ... smaller

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... Petioles of triple mutants were 27% shorter than those of wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtGRF2 7-2 ... overexpressors ... developed larger leaves

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf2 ... No ... visible phenotype

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller rosette leaves

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtGRF2 overexpressor ... Petiole cells ... were 38% longer

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... Petioles of triple mutants were 27% shorter than those of wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... The surface area of the third leaf blade of triple mutants was reduced by 32% compared to that of wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtGRF2 7-2 ... overexpressors ... developed larger ... cotyledons

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... width of the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... length ... the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... increase in ... length ... of the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 ... No ... visible phenotype

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... the calculated cell numbers ... were not different from that of wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of ... cotyledons in comparison to wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... length ... of the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... The extent of fusion was variable in individual seedlings, usually resulting in heart-shaped cotyledons

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... increase in ... width of the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller ... cotyledons

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... About 10% of both triple mutants had cotyledons that were fused along one side of their edges

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtGRF1 4-7 ... overexpressors ... developed larger leaves

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of AtGRF1 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of leaves ... in comparison to wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller rosette leaves

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 ... No ... visible phenotype

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtGRF2 overexpressor ... the calculated cell numbers ... were not different from that of wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf3 ... No ... visible phenotype

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of AtGRF1 ... increase in ... width of the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of AtGRF1 ... Petiole length of leaves and cotyledons also increased by 24–109%

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The leaf epidermal cells of AtGRF2 overexpressor line 7-2 ... were larger

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... The surface area of the third leaf blade of triple mutants was reduced by 32% compared to that of wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of AtGRF1 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of ... cotyledons in comparison to wild-type plants

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... Petiole length of leaves and cotyledons also increased by 24–109%

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Overexpressors of AtGRF1 ... increase in ... length ... of the blades

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller ... cotyledons

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... About 10% of both triple mutants had cotyledons that were fused along one side of their edges

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

grf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... The extent of fusion was variable in individual seedlings, usually resulting in heart-shaped cotyledons

Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Two as1 35S:AS2 seedlings formed narrow cotyledons that curled upward

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

In 35S:AS2 leaves, veins were twisted such that this polarity was variable along the proximal-distal leaf axis

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings did not arrest, and the majority of these plants produced narrow leaves

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

In 35S:AS2 ... Polarity often was disrupted, resulting in vascular bundles that formed at an abnormal angle relative to the plane of the leaf surface (data not shown). In the most extreme cases, phloem was encircled by xylem (Fig- ure 5H). Occasionally, a strand of xylem developed without any associated phloem (data not shown

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

polarity was disrupted in 35S:AS2 ... leaves

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Class- IIB ... making only a few leaves that ... occasionally were radial

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

The adaxial surface of 35S:AS2 leaves was not visibly different from that of wild-type leaves

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

Unlike the internal tissues, polarity defects were apparent only occasionally in the epidermal cells of 35S:AS2 plants

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings ... produced ... leaves ... that were ... twisted

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

The remaining as1 35S:AS2 seedlings produced leaves that curled upward at the edges (Figure 8B), in contrast to as1 mutant leaves, which curled downward

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

in 35S:AS2 ... Elongated, densely packed cells that resembled pali- sade mesophyll were present beneath the abaxial epidermis, and cells on the adaxial side of the leaf resembled spongy me- sophyll (Figures 5B, 5D, and 5E). In those leaves that were ra- dial in appearance, a subepidermal ring of palisade cells was observed around the entire leaf

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 transgenic seedlings, all formed cotyledons that ... curled upward

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings did not arrest, and the majority of these plants produced ... leaves that were curled upward

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... cotyledon ... lateral veins usually did not form

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

The abaxial epidermis of 35S:AS2 leaves appeared to be a mixture of adaxial and abaxial cell types. Patches of epidermis on this side of the leaf resembled the wild-type adaxial epidermis, containing cells that are uniform in size, with an absence of the characteristic large, irregular cells that typify the wild-type abax- ial epidermis

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Occasionally, the cotyle- don midvein split to form two or more veins

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 transgenic seedlings, all formed cotyledons that were narrow

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings ... produced ... leaves that ... formed finger-like outgrowths from the abaxial leaf surface

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

The venation pattern of 35S:AS2 seedlings also was different from that of the wild type

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Class- IIB seedlings ... making only a few leaves that usu- ally failed to expand

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... cotyledon midvein frequently failed to develop to the tip

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AS2 ... Class- IIB seedlings arrested after making only a few leaves

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

Two as1 35S:AS2 seedlings formed narrow cotyledons

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

polarity was disrupted in 35S:AS2 cotyledons

Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtCKX1 ... spatial density of veins of higher order (tertiary and quaternary veins and freely ending veinlets) was decreased

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

The formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth in ... not in 35S:AtCKX2

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

AtCKX1 overexpression resulted in a strong reduction of the diameter ... of the meristem

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

Ro- sette leaves expanded more slowly than wild-type leaves until they reached their final size, and unlike wild-type leaves, the leaves of 35S:AtCKX1

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

The formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth in ... 35S:AtCKX3 transgenic plants

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtCKX1 ... de- creased cell number

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

decrease in the di- ameter of vascular bundles in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

typical regular structure and organization of the SAM were not altered in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

levels of IAA were reduced significantly to 53 to 66% ... in plants expressing 35S:AtCKX1

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtCKX3, shoot growth stopped completely at the two- to four-leaf stage

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

In ~30% of the seedlings of homozygotic strong expressers of 35S:AtCKX1 ... shoot growth stopped completely at the two- to four-leaf stage

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

a lower num- ber of ... phloem cells ... in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

a lower num- ber of xylem ... cells ... 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

surface area of leaves from the main rosette was ... 30 to 38% of the wild-type area for ... 35S:AtCKX4

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtCKX1 ... number ... of veins of higher order (tertiary and quaternary veins and freely ending veinlets) was decreased

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

typical regular structure and organization of the SAM were not altered in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtCKX2 ... In shoots harvested 14 days after germination (DAG), most of the eight different cytokinin metabolites analyzed were reduced significantly compared with wild-type tissue

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

The cells of 35S:AtCKX1 leaves were slightly enlarged

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtCKX1 ... In shoots harvested 14 days after germination (DAG), most of the eight different cytokinin metabolites analyzed were reduced significantly compared with wild-type tissue

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtCKX ... Transverse sections through the central part of the fully de- veloped seventh leaf showed that fewer cells were formed in the dorsoventral direction and that the extent of intercellular air spaces between blade mesophyll cells was greater than that in wild-type leaves

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

The formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth ... not in ... 35S:AtCKX4

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

AtCKX1 overexpression resulted in a strong reduction of the ... height of the meristem

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

Ro- sette leaves expanded more slowly than wild-type leaves until they reached their final size, and unlike wild-type leaves, the leaves of ... 35S:AtCKX3

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

A comparison of the vascular pattern, as visualized in whole-mount preparations of cleared leaves, showed that the leaf vasculature in 35S:AtCKX1 leaves was re- duced greatly compared with that in wild-type leaves

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

surface area of leaves from the main rosette was 8 to 12% of the wild-type area for ... 35S:AtCKX3

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

surface area of leaves from the main rosette was 8 to 12% of the wild-type area for 35S:AtCKX1

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

AtCKX1 overexpression resulted in ... fewer meristematic cells

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

AtCKX1 overexpression resulted in ... decreased size of the meristematic cells

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

The formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth in 35S:AtCKX1

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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surface area of leaves from the main rosette was ... 30 to 38% of the wild-type area for 35S:AtCKX2

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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the levels of IAA were reduced significantly to ... 73 to 76% of the wild-type content in plants expressing ... 35S:AtCKX2

Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity

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  • Phenotype

SD-grown 35S::antiATHB16 plants did not differ significantly from wild-type in leaf size

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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The average rosette leaf area of ... 35S::antiATHB16 plants 44% larger than that of the wild-type

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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the width of rosette leaves were reduced in 35S::ATHB16

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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the leaves of 35S::antiATHB16 plants grown under LD were larger than wild-type leaves

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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Cross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of 35S::ATHB16 ... and wild-type plants showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect the thickness

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

35S::ATHB16 plants had rosette leaves with an increased serration of edges

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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35S::ATHB16 plants ... The length/width ratio of the rosette leaves did not differ significantly between plants

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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Cross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of ... 35S::antiATHB16, and wild-type plants showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect the thickness

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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In contrast, 35S::antiATHB16 leaf epidermal cells were 43% larger than wild-type cells

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the length ... of rosette leaves were ... increased in 35S::antiATHB16 plants, as compared with wild-type

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

35S::ATHB16 plants had rosette leaves with ... a size smaller than that of wild-type in plants grown under LD and SD

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the length ... of rosette leaves were reduced in 35S::ATHB16

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The average rosette leaf area of 35S::ATHB16 plants was approximately 30% smaller ... than that of the wild-type

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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Cross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of 35S::ATHB16 ... showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect ... the anatomy of leaves

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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As shown in Fig. 4 and Table 1, the leaf epidermal cells of 35S::ATHB16 rosette leaves, on average, were 38% smaller than the corresponding wild-type cells

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

35S::antiATHB16 plants ... The length/width ratio of the rosette leaves did not differ significantly between plants

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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Cross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of ... 35S::antiATHB16 ... showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect ... the anatomy of leaves

Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis

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line 1-1 expressing antisense full length DHS cDNA ... judging from the temporal patterns of chlorophyll reduction, senescence was delayed until at least 10 weeks after planting in the transgenic plants depending on the level of expression of the antisense transgene

Wang TW, Lu L, Zhang CG, Taylor C, Thompson JE - Pleiotropic effects of suppressing deoxyhypusine synthase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Suppression of DHS expression ... resulted in ... more rapid growth

Wang TW, Lu L, Zhang CG, Taylor C, Thompson JE - Pleiotropic effects of suppressing deoxyhypusine synthase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Suppression of DHS expression also resulted in increased biomass ... At 31 days after planting, rosette leaf biomass for transgenic lines 1-1 and 6C was ca. 40% and ca. 60% higher, respectively, than the rosette leaf biomass for wild-type plants grown in parallel in the same growth chamber (Figure 5A). Higher biomass for these transgenic lines was evident up to 38 days of growth (Figure 5A). After 38 days of age, leaf biomass expressed as fresh weight of tissue declined as the senescing tissue lost water (Figure 5A). For transgenic line 2A, which exhibited the highest level of DHS suppression, leaf biomass continued to increase through day 70 after planting in keeping with the strong inhibition of leaf senescence

Wang TW, Lu L, Zhang CG, Taylor C, Thompson JE - Pleiotropic effects of suppressing deoxyhypusine synthase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative leaves ... show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... ucu1-2

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

When ucu2/ucu2 leaves are stretched on a slide for observation under a microscope, their adaxial surface wrinkles

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 plants show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... which affects ... the petiole

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... the lamina ... of ucu1-1 ... homozygous plants

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-1 ... compact ... rosettes

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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In a large-scale screening for Arabidopsis mutants displaying abnormally shaped or sized leaves ... one of the strongest leaf phenotypes found was ... vegetative leaves are rolled spirally downwards, in a circinate manner ... UCU2 complementation group included two recessive alleles, ucu2-1 (Fig. 1D) and ucu2-3, which were respectively induced by fast neutron bombardment (P. Robles and J.L. Micol, unpublished data) and T-DNA insertional mutagenesis (this work

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu1 mutants display a de-etiolated phenotype

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 ... cauline leaves are reduced in length

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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The aerial parts of ucu2/ucu2 seedlings ... displayed hypersensitivity to auxin efflux inhibitors

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... petiole ... of ucu1-1 ... homozygous plants

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative leaves of ucu2/ucu2 plants show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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inner tissues of ... ucu1/ucu1 mutants ... showed a reduced number of air spaces

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative leaves ... show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... ucu1-1

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... the petiole ... of ... ucu1-2 homozygous plants

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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No obvious differences with the wild type were found in the inner tissues of ucu2/ucu2 leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 ... cauline leaves are ... very wrinkled

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-2 ... dark-green rosettes

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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ucu (ultracurvata) mutants, whose vegetative leaves are rolled spirally downwards, in a circinate manner

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 ... cauline leaves are reduced in ... wide

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-1 ... dark-green rosettes

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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ucu2/ucu2 plants grown in the dark displayed a wild-type photomorphogenic response because no leaves were developed

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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ucu2/ucu2 leaves displayed many more clustered stomata than the wild-type leaves on both the adaxial and abaxial epidermis

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

cauline leaves ... circinate morphology ... ucu1/ucu1

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-2 ... plants are dwarf

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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The abaxial pavement cells of the ucu2/ucu2 mutants ... are only slightly smaller than those of the wild type

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-2 ... compact ... rosettes

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu1-1 ... plants are dwarf

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 plants ... compact ... rosettes

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 plants are dwarf

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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Bending of the ucu2/ucu2 vegetative leaves is more pronounced along the primary vein, whose length is clearly reduced compared with the wild type (Fig. 2, H and J), whereas the higher order veins and the complexity of the venation pattern seem to be much less affected, similar to that already observed in plants homozygous for the ucu1 semidominant alleles

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 plants ... dark-green rosettes

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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In a large-scale screening for Arabidopsis mutants displaying abnormally shaped or sized leaves ... one of the strongest leaf phenotypes found was ... vegetative leaves are rolled spirally downwards, in a circinate manner ... the UCU1 gene was represented by one recessive (Fig. 1B) and two semidominant ethyl methanesulfonate-induced alleles

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

ucu2/ucu2 plants show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... which affects ... the lamina

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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leaves are stretched on a slide for observation under a microscope, their adaxial surface wrinkles ... ucu1/ucu1 mutants

Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

35S::JAG ... Unusual outgrowth of stipules is also observed from the base of leaves

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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jag mutant rosette leaves often have mild serrations along the lateral margins, in contrast to wild type

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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35S::JAG ... leaves are often irregular in shape

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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analysis of transgenic lines ... in the wild-type background. 35S::JAG transgenic plants showed ... varying degrees of cotyledon fusion (44 out of 104 T1 plants) were observed, including either a single fused cotyledon or a goblet- shaped structure resulting from fusion along both lateral cotyledon margins

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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jag-3 cotyledon shape is abnormal (Fig. 1O) with the petiole and blade regions more elongated than the wild-type organ

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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35S::JAG ... adjacent leaves may be fused along the lateral margins

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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Detailed analysis of transgenic lines is described in the wild-type background. 35S::JAG transgenic plants showed ... formation of ectopic leaf-like tissues throughout the plant

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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jag-3 cotyledon shape is abnormal

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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35S::JAG cotyledons exhibit a highly irregular vasculature in which a central midvein is not identifiable and the strands do not form a closed circuit

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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35S::JAG cotyledons exhibit a highly irregular vasculature

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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Both 35S::JAG pedicel (Fig. 7O) and stem (Fig. 7P) epidermis contain cells that closely resemble leaf pavement cells

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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Detailed analysis of transgenic lines is described in the wild-type background. 35S::JAG transgenic plants showed disrupted organogenesis

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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35S::JAG cotyledons exhibit a highly irregular vasculature in which a central midvein is not identifiable

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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Many 35S::JAG seedlings also fail to develop leaves after germination

Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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While leaf blade area is not significantly different, jag-1

Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs

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In both homozygous and heterozygous jag-5D mutants ... teardrop shape

Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs

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jag-1 leaves, however, develop with a serrated edge

Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs

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In both homozygous and heterozygous jag-5D mutants, the petiole ... or develops blade tissue along its edge

Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs

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In both homozygous and heterozygous jag-5D mutants, the petiole is either absent

Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs

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Inactivation of JAG affects the shape of most lateral organs including leaves

Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs

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rosette leaf area of 35S::EXO plants were increased in comparison to wild-type plants

Coll-Garcia D, Mazuch J, Altmann T, Müssig C - EXORDIUM regulates brassinosteroid-responsive genes

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Petiole length ... of 35S::EXO plants were increased in comparison to wild-type plants

Coll-Garcia D, Mazuch J, Altmann T, Müssig C - EXORDIUM regulates brassinosteroid-responsive genes

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing the full-length sequence of an ERF-type transcription factor, At1g15360 [the ERF family has also been referred to as EREBP ... Leaves of these plants were strikingly glossier than those of control plants

Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis

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transgenic WIN1 overexpressors ... were ... slower growing than their wild-type counterparts

Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis

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Whereas control Arabidopsis rosette leaves do not produce wax crystals, leaves of 35S:WIN1 plants display characteristic plate-like wax crystals that are typically 1-2 μm in length ... leaf wax of lines 6 (class B) and 22 (class C) were subjected to GC-MS analysis. As shown on Fig. 3a, there were major differences both in total wax content and wax composition between leaves of WIN1 overexpressors and of control plants. Average wax content, on a fresh weight basis, ranged between 1.1- and 2-fold wild-type values [line 6/control: 77.3/72.0 μg·grams of fresh weight (gfw)-1; line 22/control: 126.9/65.5 μg·gfw-1]. Increases in the most abundant wax species in wild-type leaves, such as hentriacontane (C31 alkane) and nonacosane (C29 alkane) accounted for most of the change in wax content (Fig. 3a

Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis

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transgenic WIN1 overexpressors ... were smaller in stature

Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hlr ... Mutant plants form ... narrow ... leaves

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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Moreover, 23.8% (n=193) of the hlr plants ceased leaf production and died before bolting, whereas 100% (n=117) of wild-type plants succeeded in bolting

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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  • Phenotype

hlr ... Mutant plants form ... asymmetrical leaves

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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  • Phenotype

hlr ... Mutant plants form ... dentate ... leaves

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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  • Phenotype

In mature embryos of the mutant, both the size and cell arrangement of the SAM were normal, and cell layers were clearly observed (Fig. 2E,F; black lines). However, the SAM was enlarged and the cell layers were disrupted in 8-day-old mutant seedlings, possibly owing to their irregular cell division planes (Fig. 2H, arrowheads). These results indicate that hlr mutants form a SAM of normal structure during embryogenesis, but fail to maintain its cellular organization after germination

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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the hlr rosettes exhibited disordered phyllotaxy with irregular angles between the leaves (Fig. 1I). To quantify the abnormality in phyllotaxis, we counted the number of plants in which the angles between serial rosette leaves were greater than 170° or less than 100°. The frequency of abnormal hlr plants was 76.6% (n=193), much greater than that of wild type (1.8% [n=117])

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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  • Phenotype

hlr ... Mutant plants form abnormally shaped leaves

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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SAM activities are also abnormal in the hlr mutant

Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems

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  • Phenotype

crl mutant plants ... possessed ... irregular leaf margins compared to wild-type plants

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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crl mutant plants ... possessed crumpled laminas

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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the chlorophyll a/b ratio of the crl mutant was the same as that for the wild type

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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The ratio of variable fluorescence (Fv):maximum fluorescence (Fm) was identical between the crl and wild-type plants

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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crl ... Mesophyll cells were also altered in ... organization

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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crl mutant plants were pale green

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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When the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant ... rescued ... leaf morphology

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

crl mutant ... chloroplasts ... were extremely enlarged compared to those of the wild type

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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TEM revealed that there were no obvious differences in the organization of the thylakoid membranes between wild type and the crl mutant

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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This result suggested that the plane of orientation of cell division in the SAM was distorted in the crl mutant

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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When the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant ... rescued ... chloroplast size

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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Mesophyll cells of the crl mutant contained fewer chloroplasts

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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Examination of leaf cross-sections revealed that leaf lamina of the crl mutant comprised of random-sized cells compared to those of the wild-type lines

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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crl mutant plants ... had a reduced stature

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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When the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant, the mutant phenotype was rescued in all the mutants

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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This result indicated that photosystem II (PSII) of the crl mutant was not impaired

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The amounts of chlorophylls ... b decreased in the crl mutant

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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proplastids in the SAM were enlarged ... in the crl mutant

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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chloroplasts in the crl mutant ... also divided unevenly

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

crl ... Mesophyll cells were also altered in morphology

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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When the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant ... rescued ... chloroplast number

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

proplastids in the SAM were ... reduced in number in the crl mutant

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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the structure of the SAM ... in the crl mutant was disorganized

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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The amounts of chlorophylls a ... decreased in the crl mutant

Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In fifth leaves, wild type and rot4-1D were indistinguishable with respect to the sizes and the shapes of palisade ... cells, when transverse sections were examined

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

In fifth leaves, wild type and rot4-1D were indistinguishable with respect to the sizes and the shapes of ... sponge ... cells, when transverse sections were examined

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To confirm that this gene corresponded to ROT4, we tested whether the rot4-1D phenotype was reconstituted when wild-type plants were transformed with a construct that placed the candidate gene fused with green fluorescence protein (GFP) under control of the CaMV 35S promoter (35S::ROT4-GFP). Foliage leaves of homozygous T3 plants from three independent transformants were shorter than those of wild type, as was seen in rot4-1D (Figure 3d), confirming that the candidate gene corresponded to ROT4

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaf blade of rot4-1D was ... rounded

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In fifth leaves, wild type and rot4-1D were indistinguishable with respect to the sizes and the shapes of ... epidermal cells, when transverse sections were examined

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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numbers and sizes of the palisade cells in the first, third, and fifth rosette leaves were measured. The leaf blades of rot4-1D had fewer cells than that of the wild type, and, as in the case of the leaf blade length, this was more evident in the leaves formed at later developmental stages

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To relate the decrease in the cell number to the effect of rot4-1D on leaf shape (Figure 2a), the palisade cell numbers in both the leaf-length and leaf-width directions were counted. Again, the number of palisade cells in the leaf-length direction in rot4-1D decreased in a similar fashion to the decrease in total cell number in the subepidermal layer (Figure 2c). However, the cell numbers along the leaf-width direction in rot4-1D were not significantly different at any of the developmental stages examined

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rot4-1D mutation ... The measurements of cell size and cell number do not account for the decrease in leaf width (Figure 2a). This discrepancy could be attributable to the combined effect of subtle decreases in the cell number in the leaf-width direction and cell size in rot4-1D

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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reductions in ... petiole length in rot4-1D

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaf blade of rot4-1D was short

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rot4-1D ... the reduction in leaf blade length was more pronounced in leaves formed at later developmental stages

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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these results suggest that the main effect of the rot4-1D mutation is a decrease in cell proliferation along the leaf-length direction

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In addition, the palisade cell sizes in bottom, middle, and top portions of first and third leaves in rot4-1D were comparable to the corresponding wild-type leaves and portions (Figures 1e and 2d). Although the cell size in the bottom portion of the fifth leaf in rot4-1D was smaller than that of wild type (Figure 2d), this might be because of a retardation in fifth leaf expansion as rot4-1D plants grow slightly slower than wild type. Cells in older leaves of rot4-1D expanded to a similar extent to wild-type cells

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the length of the leaf margin is significantly decreased in the rot4-1D mutant

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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reductions in leaf blade ... length in rot4-1D were more severe than those in leaf blade width

Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... showed ... shortened petioles

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... showed ... shortened petioles

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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the leaves of the ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... expanded slower than those of the wild-type controls

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... higher ordered veins were not formed

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... The slow leaf primordial formation suggested that the function of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) was moderately affected

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... decreased density of veins

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 ... mature leaves ... contained ... 20% cells compared with those of the wild-type plants

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ... double mutant, showed compact rosettes

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants ... In the middle of leaf development (from 10 to 13 DAG), the cells in the triple mutant were slightly larger than those in other plants (Figure 6C), suggesting an earlier onset of cell expansion

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk3-1 ahk4-1 double mutants exhibited normal sized rosette structures

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... leaf vasculature ... was impaired

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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small seedlings are homozygous for the mutant alleles (i.e., ahk2-1, ahk3-1, and ahk4-1) at all three loci

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... numbers of abaxial epidermal cells were also decreased

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... mature leaves ... contained ∼50 ... % ... cells compared with those of the wild-type plants

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... showed ... small leaf blades

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... leaf vasculature ... was impaired

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... final size of the leaf cells was the same

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 ... SAM region of the triple mutant at 12 d after germination (DAG) exhibited a typical regular structure and organization

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... leaf vasculature ... was impaired

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... SAM ... cell number was reduced

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... The rate of leaf primordial formation was slightly decreased

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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the leaves of the ... ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants expanded slower than those of the wild-type controls

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... higher ordered veins were not formed

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... the phyllotaxy seemed to be normal

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... development of stomatal guard cells ... occurred normally

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk4-1 ... double mutants, constructed by means of genetic crosses, also grew normally

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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None of the single ahk mutants (i.e., ahk2-1, ahk3-1, and ahk4-1) exhibited significant defective phenotype as to their growth, at least under the standard growth conditions

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 ... areas of the leaves ... were ... 20% of those of the controls

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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The ahk4-1 mutant is less sensitive to exogenous cytokinins than the wild type but exhibits no other obvious phenotype in the absence of exogenous cytokinins

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk3-1 ahk4-1 double mutants, constructed by means of genetic crosses, also grew normally

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant, showed compact rosettes

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... higher ordered veins were not formed

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... development of ... trichomes occurred normally

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... showed ... small leaf blades

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

for the ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant (Figure 5G). The longitudinal length of leaf blades was affected much more than the lateral length, so the leaf shape was slightly altered

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... areas of the leaves ... were ∼55 ... % ... of those of the controls

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk4-1 ... exhibited normal sized rosette structures

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... SAM ... size ... was reduced

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant exhibited a semidwarf phenotype

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants ... final size of the leaf cells was the same

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... decreased density of veins

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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None of the single ahk mutants (i.e., ahk2-1, ahk3-1, and ahk4-1) exhibited significant defective phenotype as to their growth, at least under the standard growth conditions

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... decreased density of veins

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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the ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant exhibited a reduced seedling size with small cotyledons

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants ... numbers of abaxial epidermal cells were also decreased

Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 kan1-2/+ kan2-1 plants had short and narrow leaves, with trichomes on both sides of the first produced leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in short ... structures

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... quadruple mutant plants were greatly reduced in overall size

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

neither the kan1 kan2 ... plants have leaves that grow to the normal length

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 kan1-2/+ kan2-1 plants had short ... leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... the first two leaves appeared nearly radial

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 ... fil yab3 ... quadruple mutants only grew to 20% of the normal length of wild-type leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

AS1>>KAN2 plants, the leaves that developed were radialized

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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kan1 kan2 ... the blade outgrowths on the abaxial side of leaves represent a novel phenotype. To address their nature, anatomical, morphological and molecular characterizations were carried out. The outgrowths appeared first in a row on the lower third of the leaf, with additional outgrowths continuing to initiate and expand for as long as the leaf differentiates (Fig. 1G-H, Fig. 4A). The epidermis of these outgrowths in mature leaves had a high density of stomata interspersed amongst long rectangular cells similar to those found typically at leaf margins. In wild-type seedlings, the unique leaf marginal cells exhibited specific GUS staining in the enhancer trap marker line YJ158 (Fig. 4B). The outgrowths of kan1 kan2 young leaves showed GUS expression of this marker throughout their circumference (Fig. 4C), suggesting acquisition of radial blade identity

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... lacked stipules entirely

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

fil-5 yab3-1 kan1-2/+ kan2-1 plants had ... narrow leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

leaf primordia of ... kan1 kan2 kan3 seedlings were nearly radial

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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nor the fil yab3 plants have leaves that grow to the normal length

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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Anatomical analyses of the kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 leaves revealed a dramatic loss of tissue asymmetry (Fig. 5G-I). Subepidermal cells on both the abaxial and adaxial sides resemble each other, and exhibited an overall similarity to adaxial cell types. In the first two leaves, vascular bundles were greatly reduced with normal phloem/xylem orientation. In the later produced leaves, there were 10-12 cell layers and vasculature was often lacking

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 kan3 leaves ... with a fan-like blade at their distal end

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 ... leaves were narrow

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

leaf primordia of kan1 kan2 ... were nearly radial

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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ectopic meristems could occasionally be found at the abaxial base of kan1 kan2 kan3 leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... lacked stipules entirely

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 kan3 ... giving rise to long narrow leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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only grew to 20% of the normal length of wild-type leaves, similar in size to homozygous phb1-d leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... the first two leaves appeared nearly radial

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

AS1>>KAN2 plants, the leaves that developed were ... abaxialized

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in ... thick structures

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in short ... structures

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants ... leaves were ... dark green

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in ... thick structures

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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All lateral organs had gross morphological defects in kan1 kan2 plants

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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kan1 kan2 kan3 leaves were nearly radial at initiation, these leaves still displayed some polarity, as trichomes were not present on the abaxial sides of the first leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

leaves of kan1 kan2 syd were radially symmetric and lacked outgrowths

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 kan3 ... giving rise to long narrow leaves

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

leaves of kan1 kan2 syd were ... adaxialized

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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kan1 kan2 leaves were 10-20 cells across, compared to only six cell layers in wild type

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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Cells on the abaxial side of kan1 kan2 leaf primordia maintained a densely cytoplasmic appearance for a prolonged time, and periclinal divisions were common

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... quadruple mutant plants were greatly reduced in overall size

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

kan1 kan2 plants ... leaves ... developed ectopic outgrowths on their abaxial side

Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities

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  • Phenotype

No organ identity or floral determinacy defects were obvious in ... hen3 mutants

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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We ... performed scanning electron microscopy to examine leaf adaxial epidermal cells in the four genotypes ... the hen3 mutants had, on average, smaller cells than wild type

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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We isolated ... recessive mutations in a gene we named HUA ENHANCER3 (HEN3 ... hen3-3 ... resulted in loss of reproductive organ identity and floral determinacy in the hua1-1 hua2-1 background

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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We isolated ... recessive mutations in a gene we named HUA ENHANCER3 (HEN3 ... hen3-2 ... resulted in loss of reproductive organ identity and floral determinacy in the hua1-1 hua2-1 background

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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the area of the fully expanded fifth leaf ... in ... hen3-2 allele caused a nearly 50% reduction in leaf size

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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we generated a translational fusion of HEN3 toβ -glucuronidase (GUS) under the control of the HEN3 promoter. This fusion construct was introduced into hen3-1 and found to largely rescue the hen3-1 vegetative phenotypes

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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We observed that all three hen3 alleles resulted in the reduction of leaf size

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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hen3 mutants ... it appears that the reduction in leaf size ... is due to reduced cell expansion rather than cell division

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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we did not observe any differences in the morphology of ... leaf primordia between Ler and hen3-1 in longitudinal sections or by SEM

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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No organ identity or floral determinacy defects were obvious in hua1-1 hen3

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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We isolated ... recessive mutations in a gene we named HUA ENHANCER3 (HEN3). hen3-1 ... resulted in loss of reproductive organ identity and floral determinacy in the hua1-1 hua2-1 background

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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we did not observe any differences in the morphology of the SAM ... between Ler and hen3-1 in longitudinal sections or by SEM

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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The HEN3-HA ... transgene was able to rescue the hen3-1 silique ... and stem elongation defect (not shown), suggesting that the fusion protein was functional

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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No organ identity or floral determinacy defects were obvious in ... hua2-1 hen3

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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hen3 single mutant plants also exhibited shorter stems

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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leaf adaxial epidermal cells ... the hen3 mutants had ... Taking into account the differences in leaf size, these genotypes have roughly the same number of cells in the fifth leaves

Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron2-2 ... leaves of the mutants were wider

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ron2-1 ... leaves of the mutants were wider

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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longer total leaf length ... in the ron2-1 plants

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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Wild-type and ron2-1 mutant leaves had similar lamina lengths

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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The serial transverse sections revealed that both the organization ... was not altered in the tissues of ron2-1 plants

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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The cell area of ... the palisade parenchyma was significantly larger in leaf 3 of the ron2-1 plants than that of the wild type

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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The serial transverse sections revealed that ... polarity was not altered in the tissues of ron2-1 plants

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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larger laminas in the ron2-1 plants, as confirmed by lamina area measurements

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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width of the lamina were larger ... in the ron2-1 plants

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ron2-2 ... leaves of the mutants were ... serrated

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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length of the petiole ... were larger ... in the ron2-1 plants

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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ron2-1 ... number of palisade cells in the mutant does not differ significantly from that of the wild type

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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The cell area of ... the upper epidermis ... was significantly larger in leaf 3 of the ron2-1 plants than that of the wild type

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ron2-1 ... leaves of the mutants were ... serrated

Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

dark green leaves ... were also observed ... the T-DNA insertion allele arf2-5

Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis

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The arf1 mutant alone did not show any obvious phenotypes in either differential growth (Figure 6C) or any other aspects of plant growth and development that were examined

Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis

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dark green leaves ... were also observed in the ... arf2-2

Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis

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arf2-3 mutants displayed ... dark green leaves

Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis

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dark green leaves ... were also observed in the arf2-1

Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Both rosette and cauline leaves of the mutant (termed shn) had a more brilliant, shiny green color when compared with wild-type plants

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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the first true leaves of 35S:SHN1/WIN1 seedlings contained much lower numbers of trichomes, ranging from complete absence up to a maximum of 8 to 10 trichomes per leaves

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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When trichomes were present on the first leaves of 35S:SHN1/WIN1, they were nearly all single branched

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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The phenotype of most of the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 lines (both primary transformants and subsequent generations) was more severe compared with the original shn mutant ... their leaves were strongly curved, even rolled

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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plants overexpressing ... SHN3 showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... reduction in trichome number

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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plants overexpressing ... SHN3 showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including the more brilliant, shiny green color of both rosette and cauline leaves

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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In contrast with the wild type, we detected more wax crystals on both adaxial and abaxial sides of rosette and cauline leaves of shn ... The leaf surface was not entirely covered by crystals, as in the case of wild-type siliques and stems, but rather had irregular patches of plate-like wax crystals

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

stomatal density on the abaxial side of the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 lines were reduced compared with wild-type leaves

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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The shn mutant wax phenotype was characterized by a sixfold increase in wax coverage over the wild type, expressed as mass of extractable cuticular lipids per surface area (Table 1). Wild-type leaf wax was found to contain approximately equal amounts of compounds from the acyl reduction pathway (primary alcohols and alkyl esters) and from the decarbonylation pathway (alkanes, secondary alcohols, and ketones). By sharp contrast, the shn mutant wax was characterized by differences in amounts of compounds resulting from both pathways. Whereas primary alcohols and alkyl esters showed only 2.8- and 1.4-fold increases, the alkanes, secondary alcohols, and ketones were increased by 9.0-, 11.9-, and 11.0-fold, respectively. Aldehydes, regarded as intermediates of the decarbonylation pathway, showed 2.2-fold higher levels in the mutant wax mixture. Similarly, other compound classes (fatty acids, branched alcohols, and steroids) were also found at elevated levels in the mutant wax, albeit only with moderate increases ... In both wild-type and mutant leaf waxes the fatty acids, aldehydes, and primary alcohols were dominated by constituents with even carbon numbers, as expected for acyl derivatives resulting from C2 elongation cycles (Figure 3). The alkanes, secondary alcohols, and ketones showed a clear preponderance of odd-numbered representatives, typical for metabolites from the elongation/decarbonylation route. The wild-type wax showed chain length distributions dominated by C32/C34 for fatty acids and aldehydes, by C31 for alkanes, and by C26/C28 for primary alcohols. Only C29 secondary alcohol and ketone, with functional groups both in the C14 and C15 position, could be detected. As compared with these wild-type patterns, the mutant leaf wax contained much higher concentrations of C30 fatty acid, C30 aldehyde, and C27/C29 alkanes, compensating for lower relative amounts of C34 fatty acid, C34 aldehyde, and C33 alkane, respectively (Figure 3). The chain length distribution of secondary alcohols, ketones, and primary alcohols were similar in the wild type and the mutant

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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plants overexpressing ... SHN3 showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... leaf curling

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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SHN1/WIN1 ... was cloned and constitutively expressed in Arabidopsis under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... all the transgenic plants raised (20 individuals) showed a phenotype resembling the original activation tag line, in particular the shn brilliant green leaf

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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plants overexpressing SHN2 ... showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... leaf curling

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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plants overexpressing SHN2 ... showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... reduction in trichome number

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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When trichomes were present on the first leaves of 35S:SHN1/WIN1 ... located on leaf blade margins

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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pavement cell density ... on the abaxial side of the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 lines were reduced compared with wild-type leaves

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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Both rosette and cauline leaves of the mutant (termed shn) ... often had curved-down edges

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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plants overexpressing SHN2 ... showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including the more brilliant, shiny green color of both rosette and cauline leaves

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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Calculating the stomatal index revealed that it was reduced by 41% in the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 leaves compared with the wild type

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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SHN1/WIN1 ... was cloned and constitutively expressed in Arabidopsis under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... all the transgenic plants raised (20 individuals) showed a phenotype resembling the original activation tag line, in particular the shn ... downward curling of the leaves

Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis

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TTL-TTL–overexpressing transgenic plants displayed rounder rosette leaves

Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1

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the two ttl mutants were bigger than the wild-type plants of the same developmental age with ... longer petioles

Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1

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BRI1-overexpressing transgenic line that displays ... narrower rosette leaves compared with the wild-type plants

Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1

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TTL-TTL–overexpressing transgenic plants displayed ... rosette leaves with shorter petioles

Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1

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the two ttl mutants were bigger than the wild-type plants of the same developmental age with larger rosette leaves

Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1

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BRI1-overexpressing transgenic line that displays longer ... rosette leaves compared with the wild-type plants

Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1

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grf1–2 grf3 gif1 ... The triple mutant had much smaller leaves than did the parental grf triple and gif1 single mutants

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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Compared to Col wild-type plants, gif1 mutants developed ... narrower rosette leaves

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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The cell numbers were reduced in ... the gif1 ... plants by ~35% ... for the first two leaves

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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gif1 ... petiole length were reduced by ~20%

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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RNAi construct designed to reduce the level of GIF1 mRNA ... decrease in blade width

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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Compared to Col wild-type plants, gif1 mutants developed shorter ... rosette leaves

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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The cell numbers were reduced in ... RNAi plants by ~35% ... for the first two leaves

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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The cell size in ... GIF1-RNAi leaves ... was slightly larger than that in the corresponding wild-type plants

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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the grf1–2 grf3 gif1 triple mutant displayed an additional decrease in cell numbers compared to its parental mutants

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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The cell size in gif1 ... leaves ... was slightly larger than that in the corresponding wild-type plants

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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grf1–2 grf3 gif1 ... Its leaf area was reduced to one-half and one-third, respectively, of that of gif1 and the grf triple mutant

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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gif1 ... This reduction in leaf area was primarily due to a nearly 40% decrease in leaf width

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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gif1 ... Leaf ... length were reduced by ~20%

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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RNAi construct designed to reduce the level of GIF1 mRNA ... These lines displayed 43–53% reduction in blade area

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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The reduction in the width of the other rosette and cauline leaves of gif1 mutants was similar to that of the first two rosette leaves, although there was only a marginal decrease in the length of the leaf blade and the petiole

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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gif1 ... The surface area of the first two mature rosette leaves was reduced by nearly 50%

Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis

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Loss-of-function alleles of ZIP accelerate the expres- sion of adult-phase vegetative traits

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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hst-1 ... accelerate the juvenile-to-adult transition

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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sgs3-11 ... accelerate an otherwise normal transition to the adult phase

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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sgs3-11 ... produce abaxial trichomes precociously ... Abaxial trichomes ap- pear ... at the base of leaf 4 in sgs3-11, and gradually increase in extent over the next few leaves

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Loss-of-function alleles of ZIP ... phenotype of these mutations is most apparent in the first two leaves of the rosette, which are elongated

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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rdr6-11 ... produce abaxial trichomes precociously ... Abaxial trichomes ap- pear at the base of leaf 3 in zip-1 and rdr6-11 ... and gradually increase in extent over the next few leaves

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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sqn-1 ... accelerate the juvenile-to-adult transition

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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rdr6-11 ... accelerate an otherwise normal transition to the adult phase

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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zip mutations produce a forward shift in abaxial trichome production ... Abaxial trichomes ap- pear at the base of leaf 3 in zip-1 ... and gradually increase in extent over the next few leaves

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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Loss-of-function alleles of ZIP ... phenotype of these mutations is most apparent in the first two leaves of the rosette, which ... curl downward

Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis

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To investigate the role of eIF3h in Arabidopsis, we isolated a recessive mutant allele (eif3h-1) carrying a T-DNA insertion in the 10th exon (Figure 2A ... After germination in darkness, hypocotyl length was reduced and seedlings displayed an open hook and separation of the cotyledons (Figure 3C), features characteristic of a defect in etiolation

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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Morphological phenotypes of the eif3h-1 mutant, such as bushiness, epinastic cotyledons, warped leaves, poor gravitropism, occasional pin-formed inflorescence bolts, and a short primary root with few root hairs (Figures 2C and 3F; data not shown), suggested an altered auxin response

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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Furthermore, at or above 2% sucrose, full germination of eif3h-1 was inhibited (Figure 5C), and purple anthocyanin pigments persisted in the hypocotyl

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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In the absence of sucrose in the medium, eif3h-1 mutant seedlings arrested their development before primary leaf expansion (Figure 5A, left column). By contrast, 1% sucrose prevented the developmental arrest, indicating that eif3h-1 needs an exogenous sugar source after germination

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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Homozygous eif3h-1 mutant plants displayed postembryonic growth retardation ... Vegetative shoot and root growth, flowering, and senescence were delayed compared with the wild type

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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Partial rescue of root growth by 1% sucrose, inhibition of germination by 6% sucrose, and sucrose-dependent anthocyanin accumulation were also observed in the csn1/fus6 mutant

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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To investigate the role of eIF3h in Arabidopsis, we isolated a recessive mutant allele (eif3h-1) carrying a T-DNA insertion in the 10th exon (Figure 2A ... After germination in darkness, hypocotyl length was reduced and seedlings displayed an open hook and separation of the cotyledons (Figure 3C), features characteristic of a defect in etiolation

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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Approximately 80% of eif3h-1 mutant plants arrested their development as vegetative rosettes (Figure 3A) and died, regardless of whether the plants were grown in soil or on sterile medium. In the remaining plants, shoot axillary meristems often became activated late in the growth period, leading to a bushy appearance characteristic of a loss of apical dominance

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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  • Phenotype

Approximately 80% of eif3h-1 mutant plants arrested their development as vegetative rosettes (Figure 3A) and died, regardless of whether the plants were grown in soil or on sterile medium. In the remaining plants, shoot axillary meristems often became activated late in the growth period, leading to a bushy appearance characteristic of a loss of apical dominance

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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Morphological phenotypes of the eif3h-1 mutant, such as bushiness, epinastic cotyledons, warped leaves, poor gravitropism, occasional pin-formed inflorescence bolts, and a short primary root with few root hairs (Figures 2C and 3F; data not shown), suggested an altered auxin response

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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In the absence of sucrose in the medium, eif3h-1 mutant seedlings arrested their development before primary leaf expansion

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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Furthermore, at or above 2% sucrose, full germination of eif3h-1 was inhibited (Figure 5C), and purple anthocyanin pigments persisted in the hypocotyl

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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In the absence of sucrose in the medium, eif3h-1 mutant seedlings arrested their development before primary leaf expansion (Figure 5A, left column). By contrast, 1% sucrose prevented the developmental arrest, indicating that eif3h-1 needs an exogenous sugar source after germination. However, 1% sucrose also delayed the greening process (Figure 5A, second column

Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h

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bop1-3 ... a single ectopic outgrowth from the leaf petiole region in approximately 2–3% of the homozygous plants

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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approximately three out of four bop1- 1/+ plants formed a small ectopic outgrowth on one or two of their rosette leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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bop1-1 leaves are misshapen of the blade

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Plants carrying the bop1-4 RNA null allele also have a weak phenotype, displaying a single ectopic leaf outgrowth

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Plants carrying the bop1-4 RNA null allele also have a weak phenotype, displaying ... mild leaf lobing

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtE2Fa dri- ven by a constitutively enhanced CaMV 35S pro- moter ... narrower leaves

He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth

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AtE2Fa over- expression ... at the older leaf stage, the cell size of the leaves from transgenic plants was in- creased by about 30

He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth

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AtE2Fa dri- ven by a constitutively enhanced CaMV 35S pro- moter ... with narrower leaves that were nevertheless similar in length

He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth

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AtE2Fa dri- ven by a constitutively enhanced CaMV 35S pro- moter ... more than 50% of these R1 transgenic plants exhibited narrower leaves than the wild-type control plants

He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth

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AtE2Fa over- expression ... at the younger stage, leaf cell number of the transgenic plants was reduced by about 33

He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth

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in as1 ... first leaves ... The distal secondary veins rejoined the midvein at a more proximal point of the midvein than in the wild type, resulting in larger distal secondary loops (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). These large loops were often divided by subsequent intercalary formation of secondary veins (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). Differentiation of secondary veins, as indicated by xylem thickenings, occurred basipetally in both the wild type and mutants (Figures 4B, 4E, and 4H). Initiation of proximal secondary veins, which occurs from the distal secondaries at about the midpoint of the leaf blade in the wild type (Figures 4B and 4C), occurs at a more distal point in the mutant leaves (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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Leaf primordia of ... as1 ... show little petiole development

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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First and fifth leaves of ... as1 ... obviously distinct from the wild type in ... size

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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as2 ... generally having ... more curled ... blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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in ... as2 first leaves ... The distal secondary veins rejoined the midvein at a more proximal point of the midvein than in the wild type, resulting in larger distal secondary loops (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). These large loops were often divided by subsequent intercalary formation of secondary veins (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). Differentiation of secondary veins, as indicated by xylem thickenings, occurred basipetally in both the wild type and mutants (Figures 4B, 4E, and 4H). Initiation of proximal secondary veins, which occurs from the distal secondaries at about the midpoint of the leaf blade in the wild type (Figures 4B and 4C), occurs at a more distal point in the mutant leaves (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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Leaf primordia of ... as1 ... curl inward

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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as1 ... shows increased numbers of veins within the petiole

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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in ... as2 first leaves ... midvein differentiation frequently terminated before the leaf apex or veered away from the leaf tip (Figures 4E and 4G

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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as2 ... generally having smaller ... blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

First and fifth leaves of ... as2 plants are obviously distinct from the wild type in shape

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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First and fifth leaves of both as1 ... obviously distinct from the wild type in shape

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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as2 ... generally having ... heart-shaped blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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In first leaves, the margin is continuous except for the distal margin gap. In fifth leaves, the distal margin gap is also present (Figures 2A and 2B), and a margin gap involving a similar number of cells also occurs infrequently at the tips of leaf serrations (one gap observed in four leaves, Figure 2D). In ... as2 first leaves, margin gaps are seen in variable positions within the proximal half of the leaf and contain cell types similar to those seen on the abaxial leaf surface, often interspersed with stomata

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

as2 ... shows increased numbers of veins within the petiole

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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In ... wild-type leaves treated with 10−6 M 2,4-D ... 10 DAG treated leaves usually remain small with little midvein differentiation

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... generally having ... shorter petioles

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... generally having ... heart-shaped blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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in ... as2 first leaves ... As in the wild type, distal secondary veins were initiated at the apical end of the midvein (Figures 4A and 4D), although more frequently than in the wild type, one secondary vein was initiated later than the other or was initiated below the distal tip of the midvein

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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shorter petioles from which asymmetric lobes emerge, and protrusions from the leaf blade that are larger and asymmetrically placed compared with wild-type serrations

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... generally having ... shorter petioles from which asymmetric lobes emerge, and protrusions from the leaf blade that are larger and asymmetrically placed compared with wild-type serrations

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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Treatment of developing ... wild-type leaves with 10−7 M 2,4-D results in an auxin response that appears somewhat more intense and more widespread than in untreated leaves (cf. Figures 6A to 6H with 5A to 5L). Nevertheless, the mature leaf shape ... of treated leaves ... appears unchanged compared with untreated leaves

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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In first leaves, the margin is continuous except for the distal margin gap. In fifth leaves, the distal margin gap is also present (Figures 2A and 2B), and a margin gap involving a similar number of cells also occurs infrequently at the tips of leaf serrations (one gap observed in four leaves, Figure 2D). In ... as1 ... first leaves, margin gaps are seen in variable positions within the proximal half of the leaf and contain cell types similar to those seen on the abaxial leaf surface, often interspersed with stomata

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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we examined development of vascular pattern in as1 and as2 first leaves (Table 4, Figure 4). The differentiating midvein in mutant first leaves was visible in essentially the normal position and normal acropetal direction, although it occurred slightly later (6 DAG) than in the wild type (5 DAG; Figure 4A

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

venation pattern is simpler through the as1 ... leaf blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Leaf primordia of ... as2 ... smaller than wild-type leaves

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

we examined development of vascular pattern in as1 and as2 first leaves (Table 4, Figure 4). The differentiating midvein in mutant first leaves was visible in essentially the normal position and normal acropetal direction, although it occurred slightly later (6 DAG) than in the wild type (5 DAG; Figure 4A

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

venation pattern is simpler through the ... as2 leaf blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

in as1 ... first leaves ... midvein differentiation frequently terminated before the leaf apex or veered away from the leaf tip (Figures 4E and 4G

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Leaf primordia of ... as1 ... smaller than wild-type leaves

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Leaf primordia of ... as2 ... curl inward

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... generally having smaller ... blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

as1 ... generally having ... more curled ... blades

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Leaf primordia of ... as2 ... show little petiole development

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Leaf primordia of ... as1 ... wider at the distal than the proximal end of the blade

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

as2 ... generally having ... shorter petioles

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Leaf primordia of ... as2 ... wider at the distal than the proximal end of the blade

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

in as1 ... first leaves ... As in the wild type, distal secondary veins were initiated at the apical end of the midvein (Figures 4A and 4D), although more frequently than in the wild type, one secondary vein was initiated later than the other or was initiated below the distal tip of the midvein

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Treatment of developing ... wild-type leaves with 10−7 M 2,4-D results in an auxin response that appears somewhat more intense and more widespread than in untreated leaves (cf. Figures 6A to 6H with 5A to 5L). Nevertheless, the mature leaf ... vascular pattern of treated leaves ... appears unchanged compared with untreated leaves

Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

In blue light, leaf blades of the ... aba2 ... expanded much less than those of the wild type, but no differences were evident in darkness or red light ... These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

When seedlings were grown in sucrose-free medium and then transferred to fresh medium containing 2% sucrose, the growth of the leaf blade and petiole was enhanced in both white light and darkness, as compared with seedlings transferred to 0% sucrose (data not shown). This result suggests that sucrose promotes the growth of both the leaf blade and the petiole, irrespective of the light conditions, despite the fact that photoreceptor signals act differentially in the regulation of the growth of the leaf blade and petiole

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

There were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype, aba1 ... plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

In blue light, leaf blades of the ... aba3 ... expanded much less than those of the wild type, but no differences were evident in darkness or red light ... These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

In contrast, in leaf petioles, only small differences in the levels of 4C to 16C nuclei were observed between plants grown in light and dark conditions (Fig. 2B, D). The leaf petioles elongated by 3.5 ± 0.9 mm (mean ± SD; n ≥ 15) when exposed to white light (120 μmol m–2 s–1) for 72 h, and by 12.8 ± 1.0 mm (mean ± SD; n ≥ 15) when held in darkness for 72 h. These data indicate that in the petiole, endoreduplication proceeds independently of the light conditions and the extent of growth

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

There were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype ... aba3 ... plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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There were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype ... abi4 plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

the increase in the area of the leaf blade promoted by white light correlated with an increase in the areas of the palisade cells. The areas of the cells in the middle portion of the leaf blades increased most dramatically

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

In the ctr1 mutant, as in the aba mutants, less leaf blade expansion occurred in blue light

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

There were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype ... aba2 ... plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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During the dark treatment, the expansion of leaf blades almost completely ceased, whereas the leaf blades nearly doubled in area during white light treatment

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

the ctr1 mutant ... less leaf blade expansion was also observed in red light

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

continuous ... red ... light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

the increase in the area of the leaf blade promoted by white light correlated with an increase in the areas of the palisade cells. The areas of the cells in the middle portion of the leaf blades increased most dramatically

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

The increase in the leaf petiole length in darkness also correlated with an increase in the length of the mesophyll cells (Table 2), with the mesophyll cells in the basal portion of the leaf petiole elongating more than those in the apical portion

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

There were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of ... the wild type in red light

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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continuous ... blue light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

When seedlings were grown in sucrose-free medium and then transferred to fresh medium containing 2% sucrose, the growth of the leaf blade and petiole was enhanced in both white light and darkness, as compared with seedlings transferred to 0% sucrose (data not shown). This result suggests that sucrose promotes the growth of both the leaf blade and the petiole, irrespective of the light conditions, despite the fact that photoreceptor signals act differentially in the regulation of the growth of the leaf blade and petiole

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

In white light, the proportion of 2C nuclei decreased, with a corresponding increase in the 4C nuclei, and the levels of 8C and 16C nuclei were unchanged (Fig. 2C). In leaves treated with white light (120 μmol m–2 s–1) for 72 h, the leaf blades expanded by 3.9 ± 0.9 mm (mean ± SD; n ≥ 15), but the leaf blades did not expand during dark treatment. These results suggest that the light dependency of leaf blade expansion is correlated with an enhanced endoreduplication cycle

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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In contrast, in blue light, the cry1 ... showed very similar decreases in the relative leaf blade expansion

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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There were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of the cryptochrome mutants ... in red light

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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continuous ... blue light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

continuous ... red ... light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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continuous ... far-red ... light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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In blue light, the relative lengths of the petioles of the ... cry1cry2 double mutant ... 101.9%

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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in blue light ... in the relative leaf blade expansion ... no differences were observed between the wild type and the phot1phot2 mutant

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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The leaf petiole elongation in red light was weakest in the phyB mutant among the single mutants examined

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

continuous white ... light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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In addition, there were no differences in the leaf blade expansion of the wild type and the abi4 mutant. These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

continuous white ... light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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The ploidy profiles of the leaf blades remained constant during the dark treatment

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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In blue light, leaf blades of the aba1 ... expanded much less than those of the wild type, but no differences were evident in darkness or red light ... These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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We also examined the effects of the light condition on the cell number of the petiole. During the dark treatment for 42h, the number of mes- ophyll cells was increased slightly compared with before the treatment

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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In blue light, the relative lengths of the petioles of the cry1 mutant ... 77.7 ... %

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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  • Phenotype

continuous ... far-red ... light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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There were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of the cryptochrome mutants ... in red light

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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There were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of ... the phototropin mutants ... in red light

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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in blue light, the ... cry1cry2 ... showed very similar decreases in the relative leaf blade expansion

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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the leaf blade expansion in red light was weakest in the phyB mutant, and similar results were also obtained in the phyAphyB and phyBphyD double mutants

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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Thus, the ctr1 mutation appears to have a negative effect on the growth of the leaf blade and the petiole, except for the leaf petiole elongation in red light, suggesting that ethylene signal transduction is inactive in the leaf petiole in red light

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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The increase in the leaf petiole length in darkness also correlated with an increase in the length of the mesophyll cells (Table 2), with the mesophyll cells in the basal portion of the leaf petiole elongating more than those in the apical portion

Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar

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On the other hand, levels of BRs were almost same as WT in cyp72c1-1 plants

Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels

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13% of plants overexpressing At1g17060 did recapitulate the dwarf phenotype

Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels

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  • Phenotype

All the rosette leaves ... had short petioles ... shk1-D

Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels

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We selected one of these dwarf mutants that had dark green leaves ... shk1-D

Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels

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Using gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring analysis, we revealed that endogenous levels of CS, 6-deoxoCS and 6-deoxotyphasterol (6-deoxoTY) in shk1-D were greatly reduced compared with WT (Table 1). However, endogenous levels of 6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone (6-deoxo3DT), 6-deoxoteasterone (6-deoxoTE), 6-deoxocathasterone (6-deoxoCT) and typhasterol (TY) in shk1-D were almost same as WT. These four BRs are intermediate precursors of BL

Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels

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we could not detect any obvious phenotype in rosette and cauline leaves, stems and siliques in cyp72c1-1

Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels

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  • Phenotype

All the rosette leaves were round ... shk1-D

Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels

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the adaxial side of the basal regions of the petioles of bop1-1 cotyledons showed several outgrowths

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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The petals of bop1-1 plants had some ectopic outgrowths in their proximal regions

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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bop1-1 mutation ... Mutant flowers ... had more variable numbers of ... petals

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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The first indication of the bop1-1 phenotype was recognized in 3-day-old seedlings ... the petiole of mutant cotyledon had clusters of young cells on the adaxial side

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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unlike the wild-type leaves, the midvein systems in the proximal region of the mutant rosette leaves revealed an extensive vasculature with numerous parallel vein elements

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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bop1 ... 1 ... Ectopic organogenesis was also observed on the first rosette leaf of the mutant

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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On ... rosette leaves of ... mutant plants the ectopic organs were clearly seen on the adaxial surfaces

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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the bop1-1 bp-1 double mutant exhibited ... short pedicles and downward-oriented siliques

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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bop1-1 mutation ... The leaves of the mutant exhibited extended longevity

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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ectopic outgrowths on blade-like structures were observed at the base of the cauline leaves in the mutant

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

in the bop1-1 stm-1 double mutant, rescued leaves did not fully expand and were lobed

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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the vascular system of the ectopic organs had a eustelic arrangement of vascular bundles

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

Identification of the bop1-1 mutation was based on its pronounced phenotype, i.e., the presence of ectopic organ outgrowths along the leaf petioles of rosette leaves

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative rosette leaves of the bop1-1 bp-1 double mutant exhibited a lobed morphology characteristic for bop1-1

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 mutation ... Mutant flowers were often slightly distorted

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 mutation ... The vegetative growth of mutant plants was extended compared to that of wild-type plants

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1 ... The ectopic organs ... that formed on the adaxial side of the rosette leaf resembled leaf blades with flattened structures

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

On ... cotyledons ... of 17-day-old mutant plants the ectopic organs were clearly seen on the adaxial surfaces

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

The cotyledons of bop1-1 plants had a typical venation pattern of wild-type cotyledons in the distal regions where no ectopic organogenesis was observed

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1 ... numerous ... leaf primordia were found in the proximal region of the leaf

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

the bop1-1 as1-1 ... double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 bp-1 double mutant ... The reproductive shoot of the double mutant produced a compact inflorescence meristem

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

In contrast to wild-type petals, filamentous organs of an unidentified nature developed at the base of mutant sepals

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

The surface of the mutant stem, unlike the smooth surface of the wild-type stem (Fig. 7A), was rough in certain places along the longitudinal direction, and ectopic protrusions were evident in the areas of roughness

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 mutation ... In the cotyledons ... an extended, adventitious, petiole-like organ grew out from the base of the original petiole

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 mutation ... The mutant flower also contained a slightly reduced number of stamens

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 mutation ... In ... the first two leaves of the mutant, an extended, adventitious, petiole-like organ grew out from the base of the original petiole

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 mutation ... The petiole region of the early rosette leaves of mutants frequently fused with the basal part of the petiole of a cotyledon or adjacent leaf

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

the ectopic organ in the mutant cotyledons had more complex venation than the wild-type cotyledon

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1 ... numerous trichomes ... were found in the proximal region of the leaf

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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a pith-like structure was observed in the region surrounding the central vascular system

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

bop1-1 mutation ... Mutant flowers ... had more variable numbers of sepals

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

the vascular system of the mutant leaves had a flattened shape

Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs

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  • Phenotype

in bop1 bop2 ... blade development was derepressed along the petiole, resulting in the loss of distinct proximal and distal zones in the leaf

Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

For this, we crossed the bop1 bop2 double mutant with the pan-3 mutant and used PCR genotyping to identify bop1 bop2 pan-3 triple mutants in the resulting F2 population. The vegetative leaf phenotype and floral organ abscission phenotype of these triple mutants was identical to that of the bop1 bop2 parent

Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

in bop1 bop2 ... blade development was derepressed along the petiole

Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

leaf growth in bop1 bop2 was indeterminate along the proximal-distal leaf axis

Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The earliest notable defect in the bop1 bop2 double mutant was in leaf morphology

Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

leaf growth in bop1 bop2 was indeterminate along the proximal-distal leaf axis, resulting in abnormally long leaves

Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

overexpression of ACK1 ... reduction in leaf size

Han W, Rhee HI, Cho JW, Ku MS, Song PS, Wang MH - Overexpression of Arabidopsis ACK1 alters leaf morphology and retards growth and development

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  • Phenotype

There were profound changes in the morphology of organs such as leaves ... in the transgenic plants ... overexpression of ACK1

Han W, Rhee HI, Cho JW, Ku MS, Song PS, Wang MH - Overexpression of Arabidopsis ACK1 alters leaf morphology and retards growth and development

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  • Phenotype

overexpression of ACK1 ... resulting in altered leaf margin serration

Han W, Rhee HI, Cho JW, Ku MS, Song PS, Wang MH - Overexpression of Arabidopsis ACK1 alters leaf morphology and retards growth and development

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  • Phenotype

no direct defect was observed on the cell cycle transitions or on the endocycling; therefore, the effect of the elo and drl mutations on cell division is probably not related to core cell cycle activity

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

three independent RNA interference lines of ELO3 (N3981, N3982, and N3983) in Wassilewskija (Ws-2) ecotype had leaf and root phenotypes (see below) very similar to those of the elo mutants

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

petiole ... length ... increased significantly in elo1

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

upon germination, seedling growth was delayed in all elo mutants

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Two T-DNA ... lines ... for the ELO1 gene ... N503548 and N579793 ... displayed a narrow leaf phenotype very similar to that of the elo mutants but with incomplete penetrance

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

struwwelpeter1 (swp1) recessive mutation, which was isolated in a Ws-2 background, also causes ... with a reduced cell number

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

the distance between the nuclei, which is a direct measure of cell size (19), was significantly higher in the elo mutants

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

T-DNA allele of the AtELP3 gene ... Wassilewskija (Ws-2) ecotype had leaf and root phenotypes (see below) very similar to those of the elo mutants

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... reduced cell number as measured by the number of palisade cells

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

total leaf length were increased significantly in ... elo2

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Col-0 genetic background of the SALK lines suppressed to some extent the elo leaf phenotype

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

petiole ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo4/drl1-4

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

lamina ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo4/drl1-4

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

petiole ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo2

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

lamina width was smaller in all mutants

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

total leaf length were increased significantly in ... elo4/drl1-4

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

total leaf length were increased significantly in elo1

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

lamina ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo2

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

struwwelpeter1 (swp1) recessive mutation, which was isolated in a Ws-2 background, also causes narrow leaves

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

elo mutants were originally isolated as leaf mutants

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

the ploidy levels were measured by flow cytometry in the first two leaves of mutants and wild-type plants at several time points during development ... no shift ... shift in the G1-to-G2 populations could be determined at the first time points ... shift ... in Elongator mutant plants, indicating a similar effect on both the G1-to-S and G2-to-M transition points of the cell cycle

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

lamina ... increased significantly in elo1

Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

The tkv mutant was first identified from a mutant screen by its increased thickness of major veins in juvenile rosette leaves (Fig. 1, A and B). This phenotype was more conspicuous in adult rosette leaves, which were also smaller than those of wild type and had more veins per square area (Fig. 1, E and F

Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport

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  • Phenotype

We found polar auxin transport in tkv stems to be 66.2% of that in wild type

Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport

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  • Phenotype

Introduction of the ACL5 promoter-driven wild-type ACL5 transgene into the tkv mutant fully complemented the mutant phenotype with respect to both the thick veins and the short internodes for five independent transgenic lines

Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport

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  • Phenotype

The tkv mutant was first identified from a mutant screen by its increased thickness of major veins in juvenile rosette leaves (Fig. 1, A and B). This phenotype was more conspicuous in adult rosette leaves, which were also smaller than those of wild type and had more veins per square area (Fig. 1, E and F

Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport

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  • Phenotype

The tkv mutant ... increased vein thickness was attributable to an increased number of both xylem and phloem cells as well as an increased number of procambial cells in between

Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport

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  • Phenotype

The tkv mutant was first identified from a mutant screen by its increased thickness of major veins in juvenile rosette leaves (Fig. 1, A and B). This phenotype was more conspicuous in adult rosette leaves, which were also smaller than those of wild type and had more veins per square area

Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport

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  • Phenotype

The tkv mutant ... Cell size for all the leaf cell types appears normal at least cross-sectionally

Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport

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  • Phenotype

Sections through cauline leaves of phenotypically severe SMP1-overexpressing plants indicated that the leaves were thinner

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

AINTEGUMENTA (ANT). Inactivation ... reduced ... final cell number in lateral organs

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp ... vascular cells, which were normally sized

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp mutant was identified from a mutant screen by ... narrow ... venation pattern

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp mutant was identified from a mutant screen by ... narrow ... leaf

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

reduced cell number in smp leaves

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

ANT ... overexpression ... increased the final cell number in lateral organs ... without affecting cell division rates

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

AINTEGUMENTA (ANT). Inactivation ... reduced ... final cell number in lateral organs, respectively, without affecting cell division rates

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp2-1 homozygous plants ... looked wild-type

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

SMP1 overexpression reduced leaf organ size

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

Longitudinal sections through smp SAMs indicated that the organization into layers (at least for the first two layers) was not disrupted

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp mutant ... Frequently, there were discontinuities in the midvein at the leaf tip, and the polar ends of vein cells did not join near the leaf margins

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

scanning electron micrographs of smp leaves confirmed that the epidermal layer consisted of fewer ... cells

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

A single allele of the smp mutant was identified from a mutant screen by a reduced amount of leaf venation

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

ANT ... overexpression ... increased the final cell number in lateral organs

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

in ANT overexpression plants; instead, final organ size was increased

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

there was no compensatory decrease in cell size in ANT overexpression plants

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp ... all other leaf cells were fewer in number ... the mean cell number in the mutant (95 cells, sd of 8.3; 0.11 mm2) was found to be 45.2% of that in the wild type (210.2 cells, sd of 5; 0.11 mm2)

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp ... transectional vascular pattern (the arrangement of xylem and phloem) was normal

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp ... all other leaf cells were ... larger in size

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp mutant was identified from a mutant screen by ... pointed ... leaf shape

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp ... veins were slightly thicker

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

Sections through cauline leaves of phenotypically severe SMP1-overexpressing plants indicated that ... their cells were more numerous

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

CDC2A ... inactivated, reduces cell proliferation in leaves while increasing cell size

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

Transverse sections through smp leaves revealed that the leaves were wider

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp mutant ... there were pronounced serrations at the marginal teeth

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

scanning electron micrographs of smp leaves confirmed that the epidermal layer consisted of ... larger cells

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp ... disorganization of the inner cell layers (particularly the palisade layer) seen later on in mature leaves

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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  • Phenotype

smp mutant ... the veins themselves were not properly axialized; that is, the vein cell files were not aligned from end to end in a smooth, tight bundle and instead had spaces between them

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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smp mutant was identified from a mutant screen by ... pointed venation pattern

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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smp1-1 ... homozygous plants ... looked wild-type

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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smp mutant ... reduction in leaf organ size (less than half that of the wild type for all rosette leaves

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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smp ... Relative to the wild type, mutant leaf primordia had significantly more cells that were vacuolated and larger sized, suggesting that those cells had prematurely exited the cell proliferation phase

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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CDC2A ... inactivated, reduces cell proliferation in leaves

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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smp ... leaf primordia ... sections revealed large intercellular spaces developing within the organ

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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Longitudinal sections through smp SAMs indicated ... the layers consisted of fewer meristematic cells

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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Sections through cauline leaves of phenotypically severe SMP1-overexpressing plants indicated that ... their cells were ... smaller per area

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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full-length SWP cDNA driven by the 35S CaMV promoter was introduced into smpepi mutant plants. Because of the moderate infertility of these plants, only four independent lines were obtained, three of which exhibited a wild-type phenotype

Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf

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Homozygous plants of the ... arf2-8 have ... large ... rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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  • Phenotype

Homozygous plants of the ... arf2-8 have ... dark green rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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slightly dark green leaves) have also been seen in the gigantea (gi)-100 mutant (Huq et al., 2000) grown in the greenhouse room

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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Homozygous plants of the ... arf2-7 ... have ... large ... rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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ARF2-RNAi lines ... have ... large ... rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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arf2-6 mutant seedlings have significantly enlarged cotyledons under ... Rc ... conditions despite more elongated hypocotyls

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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Homozygous plants of the arf2-6 ... have ... large ... rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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Homozygous plants of the arf2-6 ... have ... dark green rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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arf2-6 plants have slightly enlarged cotyledons

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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arf2-6 mutant seedlings have significantly enlarged cotyledons under ... FRc conditions despite more elongated hypocotyls

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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ARF2-RNAi lines ... have ... dark green rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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Homozygous plants of the ... arf2-7 ... have ... dark green rosette leaves

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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arf2-6 seedlings have increased levels of anthocyanin content when grown in FRc

Okushima Y, Mitina I, Quach HL, Theologis A - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 (ARF2): a pleiotropic developmental regulator

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AtGRF5 overexpressers ... cell sizes were normal

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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increase in leaf area in the AN3 ... overexpressers

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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an3-4 ... The width ... of the first leaf blades were reduced by approximately 37 ... %

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The total cell number of palisade cells in the subepidermal layer was ... modestly reduced in atgrf5-1 ... The cell numbers along the longitudinal and transverse axes were both reduced ... mildly in atgrf5-1 ... Importantly, the reduction in cell number in the leaf-width direction was more severe than that in the leaf-length direction

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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an3-4 ... exhibit ... narrow-leaf phenotypes

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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AN3 ... overexpressers ... cell sizes were normal

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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When At5g28640 was targeted by RNA interference (RNAi) in the wild-type background, the resulting transformants displayed a narrow-leaf phenotype similar to an3

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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an3-2 ... exhibit ... narrow-leaf phenotypes

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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AN3 ... overexpressers ... developed leaves that were 20–30% larger than those of the wild type

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtGRF5 overexpressers ... developed leaves that were 20–30% larger than those of the wild type

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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AN3 ... overexpressers ... leaf indices of these transgenic plants were similar to those of the wild type

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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an3-4 ... The ... length of the first leaf blades were reduced by approximately ... 16%

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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increase in leaf area in the ... AtGRF5 overexpressers

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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AN3 ... overexpressers ... increase in cell number

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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A difference was also observed in leaf numbers, with 24-day-old wild-type and an3-4 plants having 13.5 ± 0.9 and 18.1 ± 1.6 (n = 6) leaves, respectively

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtGRF5 overexpressers ... leaf indices of these transgenic plants were similar to those of the wild type

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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the leaf index (the ratio of the leaf length to the leaf width) was changed from 1.12 ± 0.05 in the wild type to 1.49 ± 0.08 in an3-4

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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atgrf9-1 was almost indistinguishable from the wild type except that the leaf width was statistically different between them (P = 0.036) (Figure 6, Table 1), suggesting that AtGRF9 plays a minor or no role in cell proliferation in the wild-type background or that atgrf9-1 is a weak allele

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The flowering times of the wild type and an3-4 were similar (25.8 ± 1.3 and 26.8 ± 1.3 days, respectively, under 16L/8D condition; n = 34), suggesting that an3-4 produces leaves at a more rapid rate than does the wild type

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The total cell number of palisade cells in the subepidermal layer was significantly reduced in an3-4 ... The cell numbers along the longitudinal and transverse axes were both reduced (significantly in an3-4 ... Importantly, the reduction in cell number in the leaf-width direction was more severe than that in the leaf-length direction

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtGRF5 overexpressers ... increase in cell number

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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an3-3 ... exhibit ... narrow-leaf phenotypes

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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the leaves of atgrf5-1 were slightly narrower than wild-type leaves

Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Tsukaya H - The transcription factor AtGRF5 and the transcription coactivator AN3 regulate cell proliferation in leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana

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aba1 ... mutants ... vegetative leaves are reduced in size

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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aba1 mutants studied here developed cotyledons that first displayed a purple pigmentation before gradually becoming green

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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The petioles of aba1 rosette leaves are thick

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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First it was determined that 1 μM ABA ... inhibits vegetative growth in the wild-type lines

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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aba1 ... mutants ... vegetative leaves ... with their margins curled downwards and occasionally lobed

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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The petioles of aba1 rosette leaves ... turn yellowish during vegetative development

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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Another aberration found in the aba1 mutants is the absence of the typical abaxial cells surrounding the mid-vein (Fig. 4F

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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The rosettes of aba1 mutants are smaller than those of their wild types

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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The size of third node leaves of mutant and wild-type plants grown on media supplemented, or not, with 50 nM ABA, was determined ... In ... aba1 mutants ... grown on 50 nM ABA medium, the volume of mesophyll cells ... increased

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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The size of third node leaves of mutant and wild-type plants grown on media supplemented, or not, with 50 nM ABA, was determined ... In ... wild-type plants grown on 50 nM ABA medium, the volume of mesophyll cells increased

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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The internal tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana and other dicotyledonous species manifest dorsoventrality, the palisade layer lying below the adaxial epidermis and consisting of tightly packed elongated cells, below which the spongy mesophyll consists of more rounded, loosely packed cells with frequent intercellular air spaces (Bowman, 1993). At the histological level, the leaves of aba1 mutants display a slightly disorganized mesophyll (Fig. 4B, D, F), making it difficult to distinguish the spongy from the palisade layers

Barrero JM, Piqueras P, González-Guzmán M, Serrano R, Rodríguez PL, Ponce MR, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of the ABA1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana highlights the involvement of ABA in vegetative development

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SALK_021823 contains a T-DNA in the eighth exon of AIL6 ... do not display developmental defects

Nole-Wilson S, Tranby TL, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA-like (AIL) genes are expressed in young tissues and may specify meristematic or division-competent states

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SAIL 1167_C10 contains a T-DNA in the sixth exon of AIL7 ... do not display developmental defects

Nole-Wilson S, Tranby TL, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA-like (AIL) genes are expressed in young tissues and may specify meristematic or division-competent states

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SALK_003704 contains a T-DNA in the second exon of AIL1 ... do not display developmental defects

Nole-Wilson S, Tranby TL, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA-like (AIL) genes are expressed in young tissues and may specify meristematic or division-competent states

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SALK_067199 contains a T-DNA in the first intron of AIL5 ... do not display developmental defects

Nole-Wilson S, Tranby TL, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA-like (AIL) genes are expressed in young tissues and may specify meristematic or division-competent states

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There was no clear relationship between rosette size and fruit number (fitness) in Arabidopsis

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Across genotypes of Arabidopsis ... In filtered light, biomass was correlated with height

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Mean reproductive effort (number of fruit relative to plant biomass) tended to be negatively correlated with rosette size across genotypes both in ... filtered (r = −0.77, P < 0.01) light

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Mean reproductive effort (number of fruit relative to plant biomass) tended to be negatively correlated with rosette size across genotypes ... in control ... light

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Across genotypes of Arabidopsis ... In filtered light, biomass was correlated with ... rosette size

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Across genotypes of Arabidopsis in control light, rosette size was positively correlated to height

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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cs400 ... showed a large decline in rosette size in filtered light

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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On average, rosettes were significantly smaller in filtered compared to control light

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Relative reproductive effort (reproductive effort in filtered vs. control light) was negativity correlated with rosette size (r = −0.79, P < 0.01

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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In control light treatment, large rosette genotypes tended to have higher fruit production than small rosette genotypes

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Across genotypes of Arabidopsis ... Rosette size was also positively correlated with main stem number

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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The cs331 genotype is a small rosette genotype

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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cs376 ... showed a large decline in rosette size in filtered light

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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Biomass was significantly reduced in filtered light and the reduction in biomass tended to be more pronounced in the smaller rosette genotypes

Bonser SP, Geber MA - Growth form evolution and shifting habitat specialization in annual plants

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ATAF2 OE lines had an approximately 50% lower ... carotenoid content

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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In plants transformed with the 35S:ATAF2 construct ... The biomass was also larger compared to wild-type plants (1.4–2.3-fold increase of fresh weight, P < 0.05; n = 10)

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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In plants transformed with the 35S:ATAF2 construct, we observed a yellowing of the young leaves (>33% of 98 T1 plants)

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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In plants transformed with the 35S:ATAF2 construct ... the leaves appeared wrinkled

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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In plants transformed with the 35S:ATAF2 construct, we observed ... an increased leaf size

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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In plants transformed with the 35S:ATAF2 construct ... The leaf cell size ... was significantly larger than that of the wild-type (Figure 7d,e). Although the variation between individual cells was relatively large, the average size of the epidermal cells in OE lines was up to 200% that of the wild-type (P < 0.01; n = 4)

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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ATAF2 OE lines had an approximately 50% lower chlorophyll a and b ... content

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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In plants transformed with the 35S:ATAF2 construct ... Leaf yellowing decreased with age (>4 weeks), but transgenic plants were still paler than wild-type, especially newly emerged leaves

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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T-DNA insertion lines were identified in the ATAF2 gene (SALK_015750 and 136355) ... no obvious phenotype could be observed

Delessert C, Kazan K, Wilson IW, Van Der Straeten D, Manners J, Dennis ES, Dolferus R - The transcription factor ATAF2 represses the expression of pathogenesis-related genes in Arabidopsis

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Pro35S:FT/TFT plants grown at 12°C had much larger leaves with no sign of curling

Teper-Bamnolker P, Samach A - The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves

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We used a Pro35S:FT transgene originally introduced into Columbia (Col) but introgressed into the Landsberg erecta (Ler) background by five backcrosses (YK#1-5L, kindly provided by T. Araki, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan). These plants flower extremely early after producing, on average, two rosette leaves and two cauline leaves in all photoperiods tested (see Supplemental Table 1 online). Flowering time is also reduced compared with similar genotype lines in the Col background (Kardailsky et al., 1999; Kobayashi et al., 1999; Abe et al., 2005). We noticed that in addition to early flowering and early termination of the inflorescence meristem, under certain growth conditions the rosette leaves were reduced in size and folded inwards and upwards (curling) along the axis of the major leaf vein (Figure 1). The degree of the phenotype was highly variable between growth conditions but fairly uniform within identical growth conditions. For example, plants grown under long days in a growth room (treatment A1 in Table 1) were not curled (Figure 1A). Substantial leaf curling occurred under blue fluorescent long days in a growth chamber (treatment A3 in Table 1, Figure 1B), and intermediate leaf curling occurred in a short-day growth chamber (treatment A4 in Table 1, Figure 1C

Teper-Bamnolker P, Samach A - The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

We used a Pro35S:FT transgene originally introduced into Columbia (Col) but introgressed into the Landsberg erecta (Ler) background by five backcrosses (YK#1-5L, kindly provided by T. Araki, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan). These plants flower extremely early after producing, on average, two rosette leaves and two cauline leaves in all photoperiods tested (see Supplemental Table 1 online). Flowering time is also reduced compared with similar genotype lines in the Col background (Kardailsky et al., 1999; Kobayashi et al., 1999; Abe et al., 2005). We noticed that in addition to early flowering and early termination of the inflorescence meristem, under certain growth conditions the rosette leaves were reduced in size and folded inwards and upwards (curling) along the axis of the major leaf vein (Figure 1). The degree of the phenotype was highly variable between growth conditions but fairly uniform within identical growth conditions. For example, plants grown under long days in a growth room (treatment A1 in Table 1) were not curled (Figure 1A). Substantial leaf curling occurred under blue fluorescent long days in a growth chamber (treatment A3 in Table 1, Figure 1B), and intermediate leaf curling occurred in a short-day growth chamber (treatment A4 in Table 1, Figure 1C

Teper-Bamnolker P, Samach A - The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

We used a Pro35S:FT transgene originally introduced into Columbia (Col) but introgressed into the Landsberg erecta (Ler) background by five backcrosses (YK#1-5L, kindly provided by T. Araki, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan). These plants flower extremely early after producing, on average, two rosette leaves and two cauline leaves in all photoperiods tested (see Supplemental Table 1 online). Flowering time is also reduced compared with similar genotype lines in the Col background (Kardailsky et al., 1999; Kobayashi et al., 1999; Abe et al., 2005). We noticed that in addition to early flowering and early termination of the inflorescence meristem, under certain growth conditions the rosette leaves were reduced in size and folded inwards and upwards (curling) along the axis of the major leaf vein (Figure 1). The degree of the phenotype was highly variable between growth conditions but fairly uniform within identical growth conditions. For example, plants grown under long days in a growth room (treatment A1 in Table 1) were not curled (Figure 1A). Substantial leaf curling occurred under blue fluorescent long days in a growth chamber (treatment A3 in Table 1, Figure 1B), and intermediate leaf curling occurred in a short-day growth chamber (treatment A4 in Table 1, Figure 1C

Teper-Bamnolker P, Samach A - The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Pro35S:FT/TFT plants grown at 12°C had much larger leaves with no sign of curling

Teper-Bamnolker P, Samach A - The flowering integrator FT regulates SEPALLATA3 and FRUITFULL accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves

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Altered amounts of GTE6 transcripts in the ... RNAiGTE6 plants did not alter the rate of leaf production ... suggesting that the vegetative phase was not affected. These data indicate that GTE6 is involved in the development of the leaf lamina in mature leaves

Chua YL, Channelière S, Mott E, Gray JC - The bromodomain protein GTE6 controls leaf development in Arabidopsis by histone acetylation at ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1

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To investigate further the regulation of leaf development by GTE6, we transformed wild-type plants with a 35S::GTE6 construct containing the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter fused to the GTE6 cDNA, resulting in more GTE6 transcripts (Fig. 3A). Elevated GTE6 expression resulted in juvenile leaves showing an elongated and elliptical shape (Fig. 3B; width/length ratios in Supplementary Fig. S1

Chua YL, Channelière S, Mott E, Gray JC - The bromodomain protein GTE6 controls leaf development in Arabidopsis by histone acetylation at ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1

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  • Phenotype

Trichome distribution on the rosette leaves of the insertion mutants was similar to that of the wild-type plants (Fig. 2C), indicating that GTE6 does not regulate phase transition per se but is involved in controlling development of mature leaf shapes

Chua YL, Channelière S, Mott E, Gray JC - The bromodomain protein GTE6 controls leaf development in Arabidopsis by histone acetylation at ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1

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  • Phenotype

Altered amounts of GTE6 transcripts in the 35S::GTE6 ... plants did not alter the rate of leaf production ... , ... suggesting that the vegetative phase was not affect ... . ... These data indicate that GTE6 is involved in the development of the leaf lamina in mature leaves

Chua YL, Channelière S, Mott E, Gray JC - The bromodomain protein GTE6 controls leaf development in Arabidopsis by histone acetylation at ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1

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Decreased GTE6 transcript levels in the 35S::RNAiGTE6 plants (Fig. 3C) resulted in shorter and broader leaf laminae in mature leaves, as compared with the corresponding leaves in the wild-type plants

Chua YL, Channelière S, Mott E, Gray JC - The bromodomain protein GTE6 controls leaf development in Arabidopsis by histone acetylation at ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1

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Trichome distribution on the rosette leaves of the insertion mutants was similar to that of the wild-type plants (Fig. 2C), indicating that GTE6 does not regulate phase transition per se but is involved in controlling development of mature leaf shapes

Chua YL, Channelière S, Mott E, Gray JC - The bromodomain protein GTE6 controls leaf development in Arabidopsis by histone acetylation at ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1

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To investigate whether GTE6 may control the development of leaf shape, we analyzed mutants from the SALK collection (Alonso et al. 2003) that contained transferred DNA (T-DNA) insertions in the promoter region of the GTE6 gene (Fig. 1A). The effect of the mutations is most obvious in leaves 6 and 7, which have round laminae (Fig. 2A; width/length ratios in Supplementary Fig. S1), rather than the elliptical laminae of leaves 6 and 7 of the wild-type plants

Chua YL, Channelière S, Mott E, Gray JC - The bromodomain protein GTE6 controls leaf development in Arabidopsis by histone acetylation at ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1

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  • Phenotype

arf2 plants exhibited delays in the natural senescence of rosette leaves

Ellis CM, Nagpal P, Young JC, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Reed JW - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR1 and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR2 regulate senescence and floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Ethylene insensitive plants such as etr1 ... have ... delayed leaf senescence (Bleecker and Patterson, 1997)

Ellis CM, Nagpal P, Young JC, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Reed JW - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR1 and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR2 regulate senescence and floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Ethylene insensitive plants such as ... ein2 have ... delayed leaf senescence (Bleecker and Patterson, 1997)

Ellis CM, Nagpal P, Young JC, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Reed JW - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR1 and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR2 regulate senescence and floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutations in NPH4/ARF7 ... did not affect senescence of rosette leaves

Ellis CM, Nagpal P, Young JC, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Reed JW - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR1 and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR2 regulate senescence and floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutations in ... ARF19 did not affect senescence of rosette leaves

Ellis CM, Nagpal P, Young JC, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Reed JW - AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR1 and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR2 regulate senescence and floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Vascular polarity of se-3 leaves was ... perturbed

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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35S::PHB;se-2 plants ... showed severe patterning defects, including multiple radial leaves

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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se-2 and se-3 ... revealed phenotypes ... including ... loss of asymmetric differentiation of abaxial and adaxial cell types

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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In radial se-3 leaves, vascular bundles either failed to differentiate or consisted solely of xylem elements

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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35S::PHB had little or no effect on wild-type development

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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se-3;phb-6;phv-5 triple mutants. Reducing HD-Zip III function restored near wild-type morphology to se-3 mutants

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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35S::PHB;se-2 plants ... showed ... growth arrest at the seedling apex

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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STM-GR;se2 plants developed leaves ... had ectopic stipules present in the sinus region between lobes

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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se-2 and se-3 plants show enlarged embryonic SAMs

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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se-3 mutants develop a substantially hypertrophic vegetative SAM

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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In the presence of 10 nM dexamethasone, STM-GR plants showed slightly asymmetric leaves

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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35S::PHB;se-2 plants ... showed ... ectopic meristems

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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se-2 and se-3 ... revealed phenotypes ... including ... development of trumpet-shaped or radial leaves

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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se alleles se-2 and se-3 ... revealed ... phenotypes ... including adaxial ... leaf curling

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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STM-GR;se2 plants developed leaves subdivided into lobes

Grigg SP, Canales C, Hay A, Tsiantis M - SERRATE coordinates shoot meristem function and leaf axial patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

decreases in ... cell ... size ... paa1-4

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number ... is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... axr1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) ... develop larger leaves than the wild type

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) ... develop larger leaves than the wild type because of increases in cell number

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... ein3

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the dwarf mutant de-etiolated2 (det2), which is defective in brassinosteroid biosynthesis, has ... smaller leaf cells than does the wild type

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... sgs2

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number, but not the cell size is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... ask1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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increase in the cell size ... max2/ore9

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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develop larger leaves than the wild type ... over- expression of AtGRF1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as ... GROWTH REGULATING FACTOR5 (AtGRF5) ... develop larger leaves than the wild type because of increases in cell number, but not in cell size

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number, but not the cell size is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... axr1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number ... is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... atgrf5

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) ... develop larger leaves than the wild type because of increases in cell number, but not in cell size

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

cell expansion in leaves, but not cell proliferation, is specifically enhanced by over- expression of ... AtGRF2

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

cell expansion in leaves ... is ... enhanced by over- expression of AtGRF1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... ttl

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as ... GROWTH REGULATING FACTOR5 (AtGRF5) ... develop larger leaves than the wild type because of increases in cell number

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number, but not the cell size is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... atgrf5

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

decrease in the cell number ... max2/ore9

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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grandifolia1-1D (gra1-1D) has a two- to threefold greater number of leaf cells compared to the wild type

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants ... triple mutant for a cytokinin receptor arabidopsis histidine kinase2 (ahk2), ahk3, ahk4

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants ... ask1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... ein2

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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small-leaf mutants ... rot4-1D

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... cpl1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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small-leaf mutants ... atgrf5

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

decrease in the cell number ... er

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as ... ANGUSTIFOLIA3/GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR1 [AN3/GIF1]), develop larger leaves than the wild type because of increases in cell number, but not in cell size

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants ... axr1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

smaller leaf cells ... fragile fiber5 [fra5], a semi-dominant allele of IRREGULAR XYLEM3 [IRX3]

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

known large- leaf mutants ... rev

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number, but not the cell size is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... rot4-1D

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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increase in the cell size ... er

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

develop larger leaves than the wild type ... over- expression of ... AtGRF2

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

increase in the cell size ... an3/gif1 mutant

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number, but not the cell size is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... triple mutant for a cytokinin receptor arabidopsis histidine kinase2 (ahk2), ahk3, ahk4

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the dwarf mutant de-etiolated2 (det2), which is defective in brassinosteroid biosynthesis, has fewer ... leaf cells than does the wild type

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as ... ANGUSTIFOLIA3/GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR1 [AN3/GIF1]), develop larger leaves than the wild type

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... sgs3

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

cell expansion in leaves, but not cell proliferation, is specifically enhanced by over- expression of AtGRF1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

decrease in the cell number ... an3/gif1 mutant

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... arf2

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as ... GROWTH REGULATING FACTOR5 (AtGRF5) ... develop larger leaves than the wild type

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small leaves ... paa1-4

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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decreases in ... cell number ... paa1-4

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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known large- leaf mutants ... ron2

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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small-leaf mutants in which the cell number ... is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... ask1

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number ... is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... triple mutant for a cytokinin receptor arabidopsis histidine kinase2 (ahk2), ahk3, ahk4

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

smaller leaf cells ... the triple mutant atgrf1 atgrf2 atgrf3

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing transcription fac- tors such as ... ANGUSTIFOLIA3/GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR1 [AN3/GIF1]), develop larger leaves than the wild type because of increases in cell number

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

small-leaf mutants in which the cell number ... is reduced in compar- ison to that of the wild type ... rot4-1D

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

cell expansion in leaves ... is ... enhanced by over- expression of ... AtGRF2

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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large leaves ... grandifolia1-1D (gra1-1D)

Horiguchi G, Ferjani A, Fujikura U, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

overexpression of Arath;KRP2 ... resulting in a 60% reduction in final leaf size

Beemster GT, Vercruysse S, De Veylder L, Kuiper M, Inzé D - The Arabidopsis leaf as a model system for investigating the role of cell cycle regulation in organ growth

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  • Phenotype

overexpression of Arath;KRP2 ... reduced the growth rate of the leaf

Beemster GT, Vercruysse S, De Veylder L, Kuiper M, Inzé D - The Arabidopsis leaf as a model system for investigating the role of cell cycle regulation in organ growth

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  • Phenotype

overexpression of Arath;KRP2 ... resulting in a more than tenfold reduction in the total number of cells in the leaf

Beemster GT, Vercruysse S, De Veylder L, Kuiper M, Inzé D - The Arabidopsis leaf as a model system for investigating the role of cell cycle regulation in organ growth

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Arath;KRP2 overexpressing plants ... cell division rates were reduced by roughly 50%

Beemster GT, Vercruysse S, De Veylder L, Kuiper M, Inzé D - The Arabidopsis leaf as a model system for investigating the role of cell cycle regulation in organ growth

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Developmental timing was unaffected by KRP2 overexpression, as visualized by the same timing of appearance of stomatal complexes in wild-type and Arath;KRP2 overexpressing plants

Beemster GT, Vercruysse S, De Veylder L, Kuiper M, Inzé D - The Arabidopsis leaf as a model system for investigating the role of cell cycle regulation in organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Arath;KRP2 overexpressing ... leaf ... cells became much larger in the transgenic plants than in the wild type. It is noteworthy that this compensation had already occurred at the earliest sampling time when cells were still actively dividing, and that these early differences in relative size were maintained throughout the further development of these leaves

Beemster GT, Vercruysse S, De Veylder L, Kuiper M, Inzé D - The Arabidopsis leaf as a model system for investigating the role of cell cycle regulation in organ growth

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In 5-week-old plants we found a significant difference in surface area of the largest leaf (Fig. 5E) (mean area, mnt 592.8 mm2 ± s.e.m. 32, n=14; wild type 440.2 mm2 ± 22, n=13; two-tailed Student's t-test, P=0.0007)

Schruff MC, Spielman M, Tiwari S, Adams S, Fenby N, Scott RJ - The AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 gene of Arabidopsis links auxin signalling, cell division, and the size of seeds and other organs

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  • Phenotype

mnt ... leaves are larger

Schruff MC, Spielman M, Tiwari S, Adams S, Fenby N, Scott RJ - The AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 gene of Arabidopsis links auxin signalling, cell division, and the size of seeds and other organs

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  • Phenotype

Examination of leaf epidermal cells indicated that, as for sepals, the greater size of mnt leaves is most likely due to a combination of extra cell division and expansion

Schruff MC, Spielman M, Tiwari S, Adams S, Fenby N, Scott RJ - The AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 gene of Arabidopsis links auxin signalling, cell division, and the size of seeds and other organs

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  • Phenotype

Examination of leaf epidermal cells indicated that, as for sepals, the greater size of mnt leaves is most likely due to a combination of extra cell division and expansion (not shown)

Schruff MC, Spielman M, Tiwari S, Adams S, Fenby N, Scott RJ - The AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 gene of Arabidopsis links auxin signalling, cell division, and the size of seeds and other organs

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  • Phenotype

The size of the trichomes, another large cell type in the leaf epidermis, is also reduced in hyp7

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

hyp7 ... frequency and patterning of trichomes and ... do not appear to be affected

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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guard cells in hyp7 appear to be normal in size

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl1 ... reduced cell size

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

hyp7 leaf ... frequency and patterning of ... guard cells do not appear to be affected

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl2 ... reduced cell ... ploidy level

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

Scanning electronmicroscopy revealed that the leaf adaxial epidermis of hyp7 lacks the large interlocked pavement cells characteristic of wild-type leaves (Fig. 1I) and that the epidermal cells develop as small, smooth-surfaced cells

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

The size of the trichomes, another large cell type in the leaf epidermis, is also reduced in hyp7 and is accompanied by reduced branching

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl2 ... reduced cell size

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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By quantifying the surface area of these epidermal cell types, we found that the maximum cell size in hyp7 is reduced at least to half that of the wild type

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl3 ... an extreme dwarf

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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The plant hormone gibberellin promotes one extra endocycle and additional branching in wild-type Arabidopsis trichomes (19).However, the application of exogenous gibberellin to hyp7 seedlings does not rescue the under- endoreduplicated, under-branched trichome phenotype (data not shown), suggesting that HYP7 is essential for successive endocycles beyond 8C

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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Flow cytometric analysis revealed that cells in 14-day-old wild-type Arabidopsis leaves en- doreduplicate up to four times to reach 32C, but hyp7 goes through only two endocycles and halts at 8C

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

The plant hormone gibberellin promotes ... additional branching in wild-type Arabidopsis trichomes

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl1 ... reduced cell ... ploidy level

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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the total number of adaxial epidermal cells in an individual hyp7 leaf is reduced by ~2-fold

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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To further address the functional relationship between topo II and topo VI, we treated wild-type seedlings with a topo II poison, etoposide, at the concentration that blocks the Arabidopsis topo II activity in vitro (30). As shown in Fig. 5C, seedlings germinated in the light with 100 µM etoposide are able to expand cotyledons and form short roots but fail to develop true leaves and to establish root systems, strongly suggesting the requirement of topo II for cell proliferation at the shoot and root apical meristems

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

guard cells in hyp7 appear to be normal in ... shape

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

The plant hormone gibberellin promotes one extra endocycle ... in wild-type Arabidopsis trichomes

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl3 exhibits ... reduced cell size

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl2 ... an extreme dwarf

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl3 exhibits ... reduced cell ... ploidy level

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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  • Phenotype

rhl1 ... an extreme dwarf

Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Roberts GR, Stacey NJ, McCann MC, Maxwell A, Roberts K - RHL1 is an essential component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex and is required for ploidy-dependent cell growth

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introgression of the cre1-2 mutation in the ahk2-5 ahk3-7 mutant ... a strong reduction of the cytokinin content led to complete growth arrest of the apical shoot meristem (Werner et al., 2003), while triple receptor mutants are still able to establish and maintain a functional shoot meristem

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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  • Phenotype

combined loss of AHK2 and AHK3 ... chlorophyll ... formation was reduced

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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  • Phenotype

combined loss of AHK2 and AHK3 ... leaf cell formation was reduced

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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  • Phenotype

combined loss of AHK2 and AHK3 restricted shoot growth

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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  • Phenotype

introgression of the cre1-2 mutation in the ahk2-5 ahk3-7 mutant ... changed leaf size

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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introgression of the cre1-2 mutation in the ahk2-5 ahk3-7 mutant ... did not alter overall leaf shape and heteroblasty, indicating that these traits are regulated independent of cytokinin

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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  • Phenotype

slight reduction of rosette size in ahk3 mutant plants

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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  • Phenotype

the rate of leaf initiation and the timing of flower induction in ahk2 ahk3 mutants were similar to the wild type

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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introgression of the cre1-2 mutation in the ahk2-5 ahk3-7 mutant slowed leaf formation and caused retarded flowering

Riefler M, Novak O, Strnad M, Schmülling T - Arabidopsis cytokinin receptor mutants reveal functions in shoot growth, leaf senescence, seed size, germination, root development, and cytokinin metabolism

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dexamethasone (Dex)-inducible system ... Arabidopsis transgenic plants that can express geminivirus RepA protein (RepAwt) in an inducible manner ... leaf epidermis of plants expressing the RepAwt protein showed a large increase in the amount of small nuclei (Fig. 6B). These observations suggested that RepAwt was able to increase cell number in a RBR/E2F-dependent manner

Desvoyes B, Ramirez-Parra E, Xie Q, Chua NH, Gutierrez C - Cell type-specific role of the retinoblastoma/E2F pathway during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

dexamethasone (Dex)-inducible system ... Arabidopsis transgenic plants that can express geminivirus RepA protein (RepAwt) in an inducible manner ... emerging ... leaves ... treated with Dex and analyzed 5 d afterward ... showed ... downward curling

Desvoyes B, Ramirez-Parra E, Xie Q, Chua NH, Gutierrez C - Cell type-specific role of the retinoblastoma/E2F pathway during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

dexamethasone (Dex)-inducible system ... Arabidopsis transgenic plants that can express geminivirus RepA protein (RepAwt) in an inducible manner ... after expression of RepAwt ... While the average cell size of the adaxial epidermal cell layer decreased approximately 4-fold, with a concomitant increase in cell number, none of these changes was observed in the mesophyll

Desvoyes B, Ramirez-Parra E, Xie Q, Chua NH, Gutierrez C - Cell type-specific role of the retinoblastoma/E2F pathway during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

dexamethasone (Dex)-inducible system ... Arabidopsis transgenic plants that can express geminivirus RepA protein (RepAwt) in an inducible manner ... after the induction ... leaves 3/4 ... analyzed, by scanning electron microscopy ... leaf epidermis of plants expressing RepAwt contained clusters of small cells

Desvoyes B, Ramirez-Parra E, Xie Q, Chua NH, Gutierrez C - Cell type-specific role of the retinoblastoma/E2F pathway during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

dexamethasone (Dex)-inducible system ... Arabidopsis transgenic plants that can express geminivirus RepA protein (RepAwt) in an inducible manner ... the number of trichomes with different number of branches in leaves ... increase in the amount of four- and five-branched trichomes ... upon RepAwt expression ... indicating that it was an RBR/E2F-mediated effect

Desvoyes B, Ramirez-Parra E, Xie Q, Chua NH, Gutierrez C - Cell type-specific role of the retinoblastoma/E2F pathway during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

dexamethasone (Dex)-inducible system ... Arabidopsis transgenic plants that can express geminivirus RepA protein (RepAwt) in an inducible manner ... after expression of RepAwt ... the average cell size of the adaxial epidermal cell layer decreased approximately 4-fold, with a concomitant increase in cell number, none of these changes was observed in the mesophyll

Desvoyes B, Ramirez-Parra E, Xie Q, Chua NH, Gutierrez C - Cell type-specific role of the retinoblastoma/E2F pathway during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

dexamethasone (Dex)-inducible system ... Arabidopsis transgenic plants that can express geminivirus RepA protein (RepAwt) in an inducible manner ... d after the induction of either wild-type ... RepA ... epidermis of plants expressing the RepAwt protein showed a large increase in the amount of small nuclei

Desvoyes B, Ramirez-Parra E, Xie Q, Chua NH, Gutierrez C - Cell type-specific role of the retinoblastoma/E2F pathway during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

None of the bam1, bam2, or bam3 homozygous mutants exhibited any obvious phenotypic differences from wild-type plants (Figures 2–4

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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bam1 bam2 bam3 leaves had even fewer higher ordered veins than bam1 bam2 leaves (Figure 3k

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

None of the bam1, bam2, or bam3 homozygous mutants exhibited any obvious phenotypic differences from wild-type plants (Figures 2–4

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Although bam1 bam3 and bam2 bam3 plants did not exhibit any obvious mutant phenotypes

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Although bam1 bam3 and bam2 bam3 plants did not exhibit any obvious mutant phenotypes

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Although bam1 bam2 bam3 triple mutant plants did not differ from bam1 bam2 plants in size very early in development (up to four true leaves), they were noticeably smaller than bam1 bam2 plants at later developmental stages

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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In general, bam1 bam2 leaves had fewer veins than wild type (Figure 3j and Figure S4) and a distinct lack of higher-ordered veins

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In general, bam1 bam2 leaves had fewer veins than wild type (Figure 3j and Figure S4) and a distinct lack of higher-ordered veins

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bam1 bam2 mutants exhibited altered leaf morphology. bam1 bam2 leaves, especially the first two to four true leaves, were often asymmetric, with one leaf blade emerging from the petiole more distally than the blade on the opposite side of the same leaf

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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the vast majority of bam1 bam2 bam3 triple mutant plants examined arrested early in development, all of which later recovered through adventitious shoot formation (Figure 2f,l,o; data not shown). We examined the terminated apices by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and observed loss of the shoot apical meristem in 7-day-old seedlings, with the apex taken up by differentiated organs (Figure 2s–u). Meristem termination occurred most frequently after formation of the third true leaf, although we observed variability in the timing of meristem termination. Thus, mutations in bam3 appear to enhance the severity of the bam1 bam2 mutant phenotype at the shoot meristem resulting in the loss of meristems and stem cell function

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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In addition, the leaves of bam1 bam2 plants were smaller than those of wild type in similar positions

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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We first made precise measurements of the sizes of bam1-1 bam2-1 and bam1-3 bam2-3 shoot meristems in comparison to the wild-type Landsberg erecta (Ler). Surprisingly, the shoot meristems of both bam1-1 bam2-1 and bam1-3 bam2-3 plants were significantly smaller than those of Ler (Figure 2p–r; Table 2)

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

None of the bam1, bam2, or bam3 homozygous mutants exhibited any obvious phenotypic differences from wild-type plants (Figures 2–4

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In addition, bam1 bam2 bam3 triple mutant plants had leaves that were quite ruffled in appearance

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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Later leaves often developed a ruffled appearance or a concave shape

DeYoung BJ, Bickle KL, Schrage KJ, Muskett P, Patel K, Clark SE - The CLAVATA1-related BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 receptor kinase-like proteins are required for meristem function in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

growth of cyp98A3 plants was arrested latest at the onset of primary stem development

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

A statistical analysis of the size of epidermal cells in different leaves and of different leaf areas indicated a significant 6-fold decrease of the cell size in the cyp98A3 insertion mutant

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

This reduced cell size is not accompanied by modification of the cell shape, and an estimation of the total number of cells per leaf based on leaf and cell size (Fig. 6A) revealed no difference to wild-type plants

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

When transferred to soil, homozygous cyp98A3 plants maintained their dwarf phenotype with a rosette never exceeding 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter (Fig. 2B).

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

The characterization of flavonol glycosides by negative electrospray LC-MS revealed that their level was 3-fold higher in the cyp98A3 insertion seedlings relative to the Ws control (Fig. 5; Table III). Comparison of the profiles indicates that the mutation leads to a general enrichment of all flavonol glycosides present in wild-type plants and does not seem to induce the increase of selective or specific flavonol derivatives (Table III

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

This reduced cell size is not accompanied by modification of the cell shape, and an estimation of the total number of cells per leaf based on leaf and cell size (Fig. 6A) revealed no difference to wild-type plants

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

In 15-d-old seedlings, the cyp98A3 mutation resulted in hypocotyls with shortened length (5 ± 1 mm instead of 31 ± 4 mm for the wild type) and increased diameter (1,033 ± 71 μm instead of 711 ± 55 μm for the wild type)

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

When grown on soil, homozygous mutants also showed a darker leaf coloration compared to wild-type and heterozygous plants

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

In 15-d-old seedlings, the cyp98A3 mutation resulted in hypocotyls with shortened length (5 ± 1 mm instead of 31 ± 4 mm for the wild type) and increased diameter (1,033 ± 71 μm instead of 711 ± 55 μm for the wild type)

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

The total yield in lignin-derived monomers from dry stems was close to 180 μmol g−1 for 6-week-old wild-type and heterozygous cyp98A3 lines (Table I). These monomers were almost exclusively G and S, with a very low amount of H monomers (close to 1% of the [H+G+S] total). In contrast, thioacidolysis of cyp98A3 insertion plants resulted in a much lower yield of total monomers (1.5 μmol g−1

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

No apparent phenotype was detected for heterozygous cyp98A3 plants

Abdulrazzak N, Pollet B, Ehlting J, Larsen K, Asnaghi C, Ronseau S, Proux C, Erhardt M, Seltzer V, Renou JP, Ullmann P, Pauly M, Lapierre C, Werck-Reichhart D - A coumaroyl-ester-3-hydroxylase insertion mutant reveals the existence of nonredundant meta-hydroxylation pathways and essential roles for phenolic precursors in cell expansion and plant growth

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  • Phenotype

cell division ... in 35S::MIF1 cotyledons may be suppressed

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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the 35S::MIF1 leaf epidermal cells ... displayed an apparent topographical pattern of ridges and valleys

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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Typical moderate 35S::MIF1 ... the upper rosette leaves were frequently twisted

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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the 35S::MIF1 leaf epidermal cells ... displayed an apparent topographical pattern of ridges and valleys, suggesting that cell expansion was abnormal

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 plants ... trichome development was affected. In contrast to the WT three-branched trichomes (Figure 3d), the majority of trichomes from the severe plants were two-branched or unbranched

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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the 35S::MIF1 leaf epidermal cells did not seem to be significantly smaller than in the WT

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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we generated an MIF1 RNAi construct driven by the 35S promoter ... analysis of more than 100 transformants did not reveal obvious morphological defects

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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35S::MIF1 ... Strong transgenic ... rosettes were ... shiny

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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a T-DNA insertional line (Salk_038432) was identified that has a T-DNA insert 246 bp upstream of the MIF1 start codon; MIF1 expression was reduced by about twofold in the root but not altered in the stem (Figure S1b). The homozygous insertional line also did not exhibit any obvious phenotype

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 ... severe plants ... leaves frequently twisted

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 transgene inhibits cell ... expansion

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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35S::MIF1 ... Strong transgenic ... rosettes were compact with small leaves

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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35S::MIF1 transgene inhibits cell elongation

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 ... cotyledons with a spoon- or boat-like shape; in other words, the central region of the cotyledon blade was depressed and the edge was raised (Figure 6i), unlike the relatively flat WT blade

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 ... Strong transgenic ... rosettes ... were dark green

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

Typical moderate 35S::MIF1 plants ... leaves were dark green in parts

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

Typical moderate 35S::MIF1 plants ... the upper rosette leaves were frequently ... curved

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

Typical moderate 35S::MIF1 plants ... the upper rosette leaves were frequently ... rumpled around the time of bolting

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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cell ... expansion in 35S::MIF1 cotyledons may be suppressed

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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35S::MIF1 ... severe plants ... leaves ... curved downwards

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 ... severe plants ... with ... shiny leaves

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

Another morphological abnormality of 35S::MIF1 seedlings was their small ... cotyledons

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

Another morphological abnormality of 35S::MIF1 seedlings was their ... dark-green cotyledons

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 ... severe plants ... with ... deeply dark green ... leaves

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

35S::MIF1 ... severe plants ... with small ... leaves

Hu W, Ma H - Characterization of a novel putative zinc finger gene MIF1: involvement in multiple hormonal regulation of Arabidopsis development

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  • Phenotype

To prove that the cuticle is indeed impaired in bdg, we inspected the outermost cell wall of the epidermis by transmission electron microscopy. In electron micrographs, the cuticle of the wild-type leaf of Arabidopsis is seen as a continuous and regular layered structure: an outer electron-dense membrane of 20 to 30 nm corresponding to the cuticle proper is deposited over a less dense layer corresponding to the cell wall (Figure 3A). The structure of the cuticle in the bdg mutant, on the other hand, is characterized by a series of irregular layers in which electron-dense and less dense materials of the cell wall are intermingled with empty spaces (Figures 3B to 3E). In many cases (Figure 3C), the outermost cell wall boundary is protected by only a minimal amount of the electron-dense overlay, which is composed mainly of extracellular lipid polymers (e.g., cutin) (Kolattukudy, 2001a). The formation of multilayered structures is correlated with an increase in the thickness of the cuticular layer (Figures 3D and 3E). Irregular deposition of electron-opaque material occurs not only at the outermost surface but also within the deeper layers of the cell wall. Empty spaces are occasionally found, giving this complex structure a cavernous appearance (Figures 3C to 3E). In places, large amounts of electron-opaque material are deposited within the cell wall, whereas the outer boundary itself is hardly protected at all (Figure 3E) ... The cavernous structure of the cuticle in bdg suggests that underlying cell wall constituents may bulge out continuously as a result of the fragility of the outer coat. Interestingly, the cuticular layer in the mutant is thicker overall, and the amount of extracellular lipid polymers does not appear to be reduced. As expected, no cuticle proper is formed between the walls of the epidermal cells in the suture zones

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... bdg leaves ... exhibited ... thickened lamina

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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suggesting that cell–cell adhesion is weakened in the epidermis of bdg

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... bdg leaves ... exhibited ... disorganized mesophyll

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

It was noted also that spraying with fungicides, which were well tolerated by wild-type plants, was deleterious to these mutants and resulted in necrotic lesions and ultimately in death ... bdg-1 and bdg-2

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants often display ... curved ... leaves ... were designated bdg-1 and bdg-2

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity to avoid dehydration stress ... During the first 10 d, bdg and wild-type plants developed slightly translucent leaves; however, wild-type plants gradually adapted to the tissue culture environment, recovered, and bolted within 4 weeks, whereas bdg plants continued to produce deformed vitrified leaves

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... bdg leaves failed to expand

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... Mutant plants ... had ... occasional leaf fusions

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Scanning electron microscopy of plants grown in the greenhouse showed that epidermal cells of bdg are shrunken

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants often display ... elongated leaves ... were designated bdg-1 and bdg-2

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... Mutant plants ... had ... short petioles

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants often display leaf fusions, which can be quite prominent, especially if the plants are grown first under short-day conditions ... were designated bdg-1 and bdg-2

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity to avoid dehydration stress. Indeed, under these conditions, the mutants did not exhibit strong growth retardation during the first 2 weeks. On the contrary, bdg plants had two times greater dry weight yields of leaf and root tissue than wild-type plants

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... bdg leaves ... exhibited rough ... lamina

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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The comparison revealed a significant difference between bdg and the wild type in the quantity of the residual bound lipids per unit of leaf surface area (Figure 5A). Structural defects in the cuticle suggest that bdg may be incapable of synthesizing one or more essential cutin monomers. Strikingly, relative to leaf surface area, the amount of lipid (expressed in micrograms per square centimeter) found in bdg is 1.2 to 3 times that in the wild type, and this holds for all monomers. This increase correlates well with the deposition of more polymer material in the cell wall of bdg seen by transmission electron microscopy (Figures 3D and 3E). All of the lipid compounds analyzed, including cutin monomers, actually accumulate in higher amounts in the mutant than in the wild type, whereas the quantitative relationships between the different compounds (percentage composition) are very similar in bdg and the wild type

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants often display ... leaves with slightly serrated edges ... were designated bdg-1 and bdg-2

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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Although bdg plants were able to develop mature trichomes, these frequently appeared to be flattened or otherwise misshapen (Figures 1F and 1G). Shrinkage probably could account for most of these deformations, because trichomes later collapsed and appeared dehydrated, having a flat shape and adhering to pavement epidermal cells (Figure 1G); however, the involvement of mechanisms specifically controlling cell death cannot be excluded

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants often display ... deformed leaves ... were designated bdg-1 and bdg-2

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity to avoid dehydration stress ... leaves ... occasionally developed tumor-like outgrowths along petioles

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... Mutant plants ... had thick ... petioles

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... Mutant plants ... developed deformed leaves

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Like most mutants that show organ fusions (Yephremov et al., 1999), bdg plants do not exhibit any obvious reduction in epicuticular wax. On the contrary, analysis shows a 3.5-fold increase in wax load per square centimeter in the mutant compared with the wild type (Figure 6A). The amounts of C29, C31, and C33 alkanes, which represent the major constituents of the wax in Arabidopsis, were increased 9.4, 4.6, and 2.3 times, respectively, in bdg

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... Under scanning electron microscopy, small tears in the epidermis were seen (Figure 4G), suggesting that cell–cell adhesion is weakened in the epidermis of bdg. As the tears enlarged, they were transformed into concave lesions that lacked the epidermis

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bdg plants were grown on hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with agar under conditions of 100% humidity ... bdg leaves ... exhibited ... disorganized ... epidermal layers

Kurdyukov S, Faust A, Nawrath C, Bär S, Voisin D, Efremova N, Franke R, Schreiber L, Saedler H, Métraux JP, Yephremov A - The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Leaves are strongly reduced in size in RL2 and RL4 plants that overexpress BB

Disch S, Anastasiou E, Sharma VK, Laux T, Fletcher JC, Lenhard M - The E3 ubiquitin ligase BIG BROTHER controls arabidopsis organ size in a dosage-dependent manner

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  • Phenotype

bb-1 leaves ... Cell size is at most weakly influenced by BB expression levels

Disch S, Anastasiou E, Sharma VK, Laux T, Fletcher JC, Lenhard M - The E3 ubiquitin ligase BIG BROTHER controls arabidopsis organ size in a dosage-dependent manner

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  • Phenotype

bb-1 leaves are ... also slightly shorter

Disch S, Anastasiou E, Sharma VK, Laux T, Fletcher JC, Lenhard M - The E3 ubiquitin ligase BIG BROTHER controls arabidopsis organ size in a dosage-dependent manner

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  • Phenotype

bb-1 ... unaltered leaf area

Disch S, Anastasiou E, Sharma VK, Laux T, Fletcher JC, Lenhard M - The E3 ubiquitin ligase BIG BROTHER controls arabidopsis organ size in a dosage-dependent manner

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  • Phenotype

RL4 plants that overexpress BB ... Cell size is at most weakly influenced by BB expression levels, except in RL4 plants, which have fewer and smaller cells

Disch S, Anastasiou E, Sharma VK, Laux T, Fletcher JC, Lenhard M - The E3 ubiquitin ligase BIG BROTHER controls arabidopsis organ size in a dosage-dependent manner

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bb-1 leaves are in fact significantly wider than wild-type leaves

Disch S, Anastasiou E, Sharma VK, Laux T, Fletcher JC, Lenhard M - The E3 ubiquitin ligase BIG BROTHER controls arabidopsis organ size in a dosage-dependent manner

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  • Phenotype

a large fraction of plants overexpressing CLV3 ... never recovered from the initial developmental arrest ... We found that 67% of the CLV3OE plants never resumed growth after the initial SAM arrest

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that overexpressed CLE ... 4

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 4 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 2 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

plants that overexpressed CLE ... 13 ... had smaller rosette areas

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 10 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that ... overexpressed CLE ... 10

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that ... overexpressed CLE9

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE ... 21 ... the leaves in these cohorts were never observed to have a misshapen character

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 7 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that overexpressed CLE ... 3

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE 19 ... displayed dark green/purplish leaves, suggesting anthocyanin overproduction in these plants

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE 19 ... Leaf size was smaller

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE 19 ... displayed dark green ... leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that overexpressed CLE2

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE ... 21 ... Leaf size was smaller

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

CLE44 overexpression ... displayed ... rounded leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed ... CLE ... 21 ... some leaf curling was observed

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

thick ... misshapen leaves ... was the most pronounced in CLV3-overexpressing positive control plants

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

plants that overexpressed CLE ... 10 ... had smaller rosette areas

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

CLE42 ... overexpression ... displayed ... small ... leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE ... 21 ... displayed dark green/purplish leaves, suggesting anthocyanin overproduction in these plants

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that overexpressed CLE ... 6

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

a large fraction of plants overexpressing ... CLE9 ... never recovered from the initial developmental arrest

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE 19 ... some leaf curling was observed

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that ... overexpressed CLE ... 13

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 5 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

CLE44 overexpression ... displayed ... small ... leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE 19 ... displayed ... purplish leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 11 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE ... 21 ... displayed ... purplish leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 9 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that overexpressed CLE ... 5

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that ... overexpressed CLE ... 11

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

plants that overexpressed CLE ... 11 ... had smaller rosette areas

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 6 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

plants that overexpressed CLE9 ... had smaller rosette areas

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

CLE42 ... overexpression ... displayed ... rounded leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed CLE 19 ... the leaves in these cohorts were never observed to have a misshapen character

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Plants that overexpressed ... CLE ... 21 ... displayed dark green ... leaves

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 3 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of CLE ... 13 ... resulted in ... arrest of new leaf development from the SAM

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was ... pronounced in ... plants that overexpressed CLE ... 7

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

a large fraction of plants overexpressing ... CLE10 ... never recovered from the initial developmental arrest

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

the mean rosette area of CLE26-overexpressing plants was greater than that of controls at 14 and 21 DAG

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

a large fraction of plants overexpressing ... CLE13 never recovered from the initial developmental arrest

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

misshapen leaves ... was the most pronounced in CLV3-overexpressing positive control plants

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

a large fraction of plants overexpressing ... CLE11 ... never recovered from the initial developmental arrest

Strabala TJ, O'donnell PJ, Smit AM, Ampomah-Dwamena C, Martin EJ, Netzler N, Nieuwenhuizen NJ, Quinn BD, Foote HC, Hudson KR - Gain-of-function phenotypes of many CLAVATA3/ESR genes, including four new family members, correlate with tandem variations in the conserved CLAVATA3/ESR domain

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  • Phenotype

trn leaves had ... nondeveloped blade parts

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn leaves had a rumpled surface

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Venation ... 80% of trn2-4 cotyledons had the lowest complexity

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn1-2 ... cell expansion occurred earlier

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN2 ... severely dwarfed

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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resulting in truncated lateral outgrowths in older primordia with differentiated cells or even intercellular gaps (Figure 3D). At full expansion, big intercellular gaps, depleted in palisade and spongy cells, were present throughout the leaf

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN1 ... malformed organs

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN1 ... cotyledon shape ... unchanged

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn2 ... larger cells

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Venation ... complexity ... 87% of trn1-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN2 ... twisted ... organs

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Lamina ... leaves of ... trn2 ... decrease in cell number

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn leaves had ... asymmetric ... laminas

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

vascular pattern formation ... is severely affected in trn mutants

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn leaves had ... asymmetric laminas

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

lateral meristems of the leaf primordia were reduced in trn2-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The length of the first and second leaves was slightly reduced in trn1-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Venation ... complexity ... 62% of trn2-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn2-4 ... cell expansion occurred earlier

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn2-4 ... the transition from mitotic cell division to endoreduplication occurred at least 2 d earlier in the mutants

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

lateral meristems of the leaf primordia ... in trn2-1 ... contained vacuolated cells

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN1 ... cotyledon ... symmetry ... unchanged

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN1 ... twisted ... organs

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn leaves had ... nondeveloped blade parts

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the upper epidermal cell area was increased in trn2-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn mutants, the total number of brp decreased

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

vascular pattern formation ... is severely affected in trn mutants

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN2 ... cotyledon shape ... unchanged

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN2 ... malformed organs

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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in trn2-1 mutants ... almost no higher-order veins were initiated

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

lamina area was slightly ... reduced in trn1-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Lamina ... leaves of trn1 ... decrease in cell number

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn1-2 ... the transition from mitotic cell division to endoreduplication occurred at least 2 d earlier in the mutants

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN2 ... cotyledon ... symmetry ... unchanged

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the venation network was discontinuous ... trn2-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the venation network was discontinuous ... trn1-1

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn mutants, the total number of brp decreased

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

trn leaves had a rumpled surface

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mutants ... in ... TRN1 ... severely dwarfed

Cnops G, Neyt P, Raes J, Petrarulo M, Nelissen H, Malenica N, Luschnig C, Tietz O, Ditengou F, Palme K, Azmi A, Prinsen E, Van Lijsebettens M - The TORNADO1 and TORNADO2 genes function in several patterning processes during early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

phenotype of the leaf-specific, DHS-suppressed transgenic plants ... As early as 3 weeks after planting, the rosette biomass for two of the transgenic lines, 101B and 104A, was 3- to 3.8-fold higher than that for WT and empty-binary vector plants (Fig. 8). The rosettes of WT and empty-binary vector plants reached a maximum size of 58–60 mg per plant by week 5 after planting. By contrast, the rosettes for all three DHS-suppressed transgenic lines were ∼80 mg per plant, 30% higher than the biomass of control plants, at 5 weeks of age (Fig. 8). Thereafter, the fresh weights of the WT and empty-binary vector rosettes began to decline coincident with the onset of senescence, while the transgenic rosettes continued to increase in size. Indeed, by 6 weeks of age, the biomass of the transgenic rosettes was 2.5–2.8-fold higher than that for WT and empty-binary vector rosettes (Fig

Duguay J, Jamal S, Liu Z, Wang TW, Thompson JE - Leaf-specific suppression of deoxyhypusine synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances growth without negative pleiotropic effects

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  • Phenotype

The most striking phenotype of the leaf-specific, DHS-suppressed transgenic plants was a pronounced increase in rate of growth

Duguay J, Jamal S, Liu Z, Wang TW, Thompson JE - Leaf-specific suppression of deoxyhypusine synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances growth without negative pleiotropic effects

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DHS-suppressed transgenic plants ... Between weeks 5 and 6 after planting, rosette fresh weight decreased by 40% and 50% for WT and empty-binary vector plants, respectively, reflecting the onset of senescence and, by week 7, had decreased to ∼15% of the maximum at week 5 (Fig. 8). However, for the transgenic lines, 101B, 104A and 116B, the rosette fresh weight had decreased to only 60–70% of its maximum by week 7 (Fig. 8), indicating a slower rate of rosette leaf senescence in the transgenic plants. Moreover, the onset of a decline in rosette fresh weight for the transgenic plants was not initiated until between weeks 6 and 7, a week later than for the control plants (Fig. 8). That this reflected a delay in the onset of rosette leaf senescence

Duguay J, Jamal S, Liu Z, Wang TW, Thompson JE - Leaf-specific suppression of deoxyhypusine synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances growth without negative pleiotropic effects

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  • Phenotype

phenotype of the leaf-specific, DHS-suppressed transgenic plants ... was an enhancement in rosette leaf size. At 4 weeks of age just before the plants had begun to bolt, the rosette leaves for transgenic lines 101B, 104A and 116B were visibly larger than those of corresponding WT and empty-binary vector plants, and this size difference was maintained through weeks 5 and 6 by which time the plants had flowered and produced siliques (Fig. 7)

Duguay J, Jamal S, Liu Z, Wang TW, Thompson JE - Leaf-specific suppression of deoxyhypusine synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances growth without negative pleiotropic effects

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  • Phenotype

The most conspicuous phenotypic trait of the ... icu4-2 ... is rosette leaf incurvature (i.e. the lamina curls upward

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The icu4-1/icu4-1;hst-1/hst-1 ... vegetative leaves ... some of them were radialized and completely covered by trichomes

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

En-2 plants transformed with the 35S::ICU4-RNAi construct did not show any mutant phenotypic trait

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Interestingly, the abaxial epidermis of all icu4-1/icu4-1 vegetative leaves completely lacked trichomes

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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The phyllotaxis was found to be altered in icu4-1/icu4-1 rosettes. In the wild type, the divergence angle between the first and second rosette leaves is 180� and approaches 137.5� for the remaining leaves (Kang et al., 2003). In contrast, we observed a 180� angle until the fifth or sixth leaf in icu4-1/icu4-1 rosettes (Fig. 2, B and C), extending the number of nodes with subdecussate phyllotaxis, which is characteristic of juvenile leaves

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

icu4-4 ... did not cause any mutant phenotype in homozygosis

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The epidermis of icu4-1/icu4-1 leaves contained smaller pavement cells ... than the wild type, as observed on both sides of the leaves by scanning electron microscopy

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

we identified two classes of transgenic plants overexpressing the icu4-1 mutant cDNA, one of them including five phenotypically wild-type lines that might result from the silencing of the transgene. The remaining 12 35S::ICU4-G189D transformants ... exhibited a wide spectrum of mutant phenotypes ... to more severely affected plants, showing radialized leaves

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

icu4-4 ... did not cause any mutant phenotype in homozygosis ... in double-mutant combinations with null alleles of the ATHB8 gene

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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icu4-1/icu4-1 ... Mesophyll cell size was normal, as shown by confocal microscopy

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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The icu4-1/icu4-1;hst-1/hst-1 double-mutant plants showed variable expressivity because most of their vegetative leaves were helically rotated

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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Because phyllotactic defects are often associated with abnormal size or shape of the meristem, we compared icu4-1/icu4-1 and wild-type meristems, finding no differences between them

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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lack of a discernible phenotype recently found in homozygotes for the null cna-2 allele (Prigge et al., 2005)

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The phenotype of icu4-1 ... was pleiotropic and more severe at 25C than at 20C or 18C

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The most conspicuous phenotypic trait of the icu4-1 ... is rosette leaf incurvature (i.e. the lamina curls upward

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

icu4-3 ... did not cause any mutant phenotype in homozygosis ... in double-mutant combinations with null alleles of the ATHB8 gene

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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all trichomes found on the adaxial epidermis of icu4-1/icu4-1 vegetative leaves had supernumerary branches

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

All transgenic plants overexpressing the wild-type ICU4 cDNA ... displayed almost normal leaf morphology

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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Leaf incurvature in ICU4/icu4-1 heterozygotes (Fig. 2, C and G) was weaker than in icu4-1/icu4-1 homozygotes (Fig. 2, B and F), but still clearly distinguishable from the wild type (Fig. 2, A and E), particularly at early stages of leaf expansion

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

icu4-3 ... did not cause any mutant phenotype in homozygosis

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The phenotype of ... icu4-2 ... was pleiotropic and more severe at 25C than at 20C or 18C

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

we identified two classes of transgenic plants overexpressing the icu4-1 mutant cDNA, one of them including five phenotypically wild-type lines that might result from the silencing of the transgene. The remaining 12 35S::ICU4-G189D transformants ... exhibited a wide spectrum of mutant phenotypes, ranging from four lines with moderately incurved leaves

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The epidermis of icu4-1/icu4-1 leaves contained ... more stomata than the wild type, as observed on both sides of the leaves by scanning electron microscopy

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The icu4-1/icu4-1;hst-1/hst-1 double ... vegetative leaves ... some of them were radialized and completely covered by trichomes (Fig. 4C), which suggests that they were partially adaxialized

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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icu4-1/icu4-1 leaves ... Finger-like outgrowths were occasionally observed on the abaxial surface of mutant leaves

Ochando I, Jover-Gil S, Ripoll JJ, Candela H, Vera A, Ponce MR, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Mutations in the microRNA complementarity site of the INCURVATA4 gene perturb meristem function and adaxialize lateral organs in arabidopsis

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as1 ... ago7 ... lobing was dramatically enhanced such that leaves were dissected by ectopic margins

Garcia D, Collier SA, Byrne ME, Martienssen RA - Specification of leaf polarity in Arabidopsis via the trans-acting siRNA pathway

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as1 rdr6 ... lobing was dramatically enhanced such that leaves were dissected by ectopic margins

Garcia D, Collier SA, Byrne ME, Martienssen RA - Specification of leaf polarity in Arabidopsis via the trans-acting siRNA pathway

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as1 ... ago7 ... vasculature ... pattern was severely disrupted in the mutants

Garcia D, Collier SA, Byrne ME, Martienssen RA - Specification of leaf polarity in Arabidopsis via the trans-acting siRNA pathway

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as1 rdr6 ... vasculature ... pattern was severely disrupted in the mutants

Garcia D, Collier SA, Byrne ME, Martienssen RA - Specification of leaf polarity in Arabidopsis via the trans-acting siRNA pathway

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no obvious differences with the wild type were observed for the size ... of the sca3/sca3 adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

irregular leaf margins ... sca3-2

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mesophyll cells in the sca3-2 mutant exhibited a large reduction in the number of chloroplasts

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-2 ... leaf margins displayed deep serrations corresponding to the positions of hydathodes

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants of Arabidopsis displaying rounded ... leaves ... sca3-1

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

rounded ... leaves ... sca3-3

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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Chloroplasts in the sca3-1 mutant displayed a reduced number of starch grains, but they were similar in size, morphology, and number to those of the wild type

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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reduced density of mesophyll cells in the sca3 mutants, particularly in sca3-2, whose interveinal areas and leaf margins were almost devoid of such cells

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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To ascertain whether the sca3 mutations affect plastid rRNA levels and consequently plastid ribosome abundance, total RNA was extracted from 21-d-old wild-type and sca3-1/sca3-1 and sca3-2/sca3-2 mutant plants, and their rRNAs were quantified after being visualized in a denaturating agarose gel stained by ethidium bromide (Supplemental Fig. 2). We found reduced signal intensities for the chloroplastic rRNAs of the sca3-2 mutant compared to Col-0, but no significant differences between sca3-1 and Ler (Supplemental Fig. 2). This is consistent with the molecular nature of the sca3-2 allele and its stronger mutant phenotype

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Growth at 26°C was similarly increased in wild-type and mutant plants compared to that observed at 20°C. In addition, the mutant phenotype of the sca3-1/sca3-1 plants was partially suppressed at 26°C, at which temperature the irregularities of the leaf margin almost completely disappeared. This was consistent with the ratio of SCA3 wild-type/mutant splice forms in sca3-1/sca3-1 plants, which was found higher at 26°C (3.5 ± 1.8) than at 20°C (1.7 ± 0.4). On the contrary, apart from the increased growth, the phenotypic traits of the sca3-2/sca3-2 plants grown at 26°C were not significantly different from that observed at 20°C

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

protruding leaf laminae ... sca3-3

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the growth of sca3-2/sca3-2 ... plants was seriously impaired when the seeds were sown on soil

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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sca3 mutants displayed ... a general reduction of growth

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-3 ... leaf margins displayed deep serrations corresponding to the positions of hydathodes

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-2 rpoT;2 double mutants was arrested early after germination

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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sca3-2 mutant exhibited ... less-developed thylakoid organization

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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Whereas all wild-type and mutant seeds reached 100% germination on agar medium including Suc, all of the wild-type seeds germinated and developed properly on soil, but only 19.0% of the ... 36.7% of the sca3-3/sca3-3 seeds did so

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative leaves of the sca3-1 mutant were ... slightly reduced in ... petiole length

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

rounded ... leaves ... sca3-2

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

irregular leaf margins ... sca3-3

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

pale-green leaves ... sca3-2

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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Some chloroplasts of the sca3-2 mutant displayed ... transparent vacuoles

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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As a consequence, their leaf vascular network was distinguishable on a paler green background in intact leaves (Fig. 5, M–P). To ascertain whether this reduction was due to an increase in the frequency of cell death caused by sca3 mutations, we stained the mutants with trypan blue. No differences with the wild types were found (data not shown), which indicated that the number of dead cells was not increased by the sca3 mutations

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Some chloroplasts of the sca3-2 mutant displayed enlarged thylakoid lamellas

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the growth of ... sca3-3/sca3-3 plants was seriously impaired when the seeds were sown on soil

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-2 ... leaf size was much more reduced

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3 mutants ... When grown at 16°C, they showed leaf chlorosis

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3 mutants ... significant reduction in their chlorophyll content

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mesophyll cells were irregularly shaped in the sca3-2 mutant ... making it impossible to distinguish between the palisade and spongy layers

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-2 rpoT;2 double mutants ... displayed pale-green or bleached expanded cotyledons

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative leaves of the sca3-1 mutant ... presented lateral teeth

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants of Arabidopsis displaying ... pale-green leaves ... sca3-1

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

protruding leaf laminae ... sca3-1

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-2 mutant ... showed lower amounts of carotenoids

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-2 rpoT;2 double mutants ... only a few of them produced a few leaves, which were extremely abnormal and tiny

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

protruding leaf laminae ... sca3-2

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The absence of Suc did not perturb the growth of wild-type plants, but strongly affected that of mutants, especially sca3-2, which displayed pale-green expanded cotyledons

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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no obvious differences with the wild type were observed for the ... morphology of the sca3/sca3 adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative leaves of the sca3-1 mutant were ... slightly reduced in size

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3 mutants ... When grown at 16°C ... were much smaller than the wild type

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Whereas all wild-type and mutant seeds reached 100% germination on agar medium including Suc, all of the wild-type seeds germinated and developed properly on soil, but only 19.0% of the sca3-2/sca3-2 ... seeds did so

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3 mutants ... significant reduction in their chlorophyll content

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The absence of Suc did not perturb the growth of wild-type plants, but strongly affected that of mutants, especially sca3-2, which displayed ... first pair of leaves of reduced size

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

pale-green leaves ... sca3-3

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-3 ... leaf size was much more reduced

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The vegetative leaves of the sca3-1 mutant were rounded

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mesophyll cells in the sca3-2 mutant exhibited a ... chloroplasts ... smaller

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Scanning electron microscopy showed the surface of the mutant leaves to be wrinkled, extremely so in the case of the sca3-2 and sca3-3 homozygotes, whose lamina was completely crumpled

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutants of Arabidopsis displaying ... irregular leaf margins ... sca3-1

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3 mutants ... significant reduction in their chlorophyll content

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sca3-2 rpoT;2 double mutants ... only a few of them produced a few leaves, which were extremely abnormal

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The absence of Suc did not perturb the growth of wild-type plants, but strongly affected that of mutants, especially sca3-2, which displayed ... arrested development

Hricová A, Quesada V, Micol JL - The SCABRA3 nuclear gene encodes the plastid RpoTp RNA polymerase, which is required for chloroplast biogenesis and mesophyll cell proliferation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

rdr6-3 as2-101 leaves carried some primordium- like structures

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

some early appearing rosette leaves of ago1-27 as2-101 ... were also narrow and unexpanded

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

cells with the abaxial characteristics were observed on the adaxial side of ... ago1-27 as2-101 ... leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Similarly to the rdr6-3 as2-101 leaf (Fig. 3K), those from ... zip as2-101 also showed patches containing abaxial epidermal cells on the adaxial side

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Double mutant combinations between as2-101 and sde3-1 ... exhibited phenotypes that were indistinguishable from those of the as2 single mutant (see Supplementary Fig. 2), indicating that SDE3 ... may not act in the RDR6–SGS3–AGO7 pathway

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

sgs3-11 as2-101 ... adventitious outgrowths could be observed on the adaxial side of ... leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-27 is a weak ago1 allele ... with short petioles of the rosette leaf

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-27 plants produce leaves with serrated leaf margins (Morel et al. 2002)

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Double mutant combinations between as2-101 and ... dcl3-1 ... exhibited phenotypes that were indistinguishable from those of the as2 single mutant (see Supplementary Fig. 2), indicating that ... DCL3 ... may not act in the RDR6–SGS3–AGO7 pathway

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

sgs3-11 as2-101 ... had ... a very ruffled leaf surface

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ectopic primordium-like structures were also found on leaves of ... sgs3-11 as2-101

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

cells with the abaxial characteristics were observed on the adaxial side of ago1-27 as1-101 ... leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

zippy as2-101 ... adventitious outgrowths could be observed on the adaxial side of ... leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

zip as2-101 ... had a high frequency of unexpanded leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

rdr6-3 as2- 101 ... had leaves with many lobes

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

rdr6-3 as2- 101 ... had a high frequency of unexpanded leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

zip as2-101 ... had leaves with many lobes

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of dcl1-7 as2-101 ... were flat

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

We previously reported that the adaxial side of rdr6-3 as2-101 mutant leaves contained both adaxial epidermal cells and patches of abaxial cells (Li et al. 2005)

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

zip as2-101 ... had ... very ruffled leaf surface

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Double mutant combinations between as2-101 and ... rdr1 ... exhibited phenotypes that were indistinguishable from those of the as2 single mutant (see Supplementary Fig. 2), indicating that ... RDR1 ... may not act in the RDR6–SGS3–AGO7 pathway

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

rdr6-3 as2-101 ... adventitious outgrowths could be observed on the adaxial side of ... leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Double mutant combinations between as2-101 and ... dcl2-1 ... exhibited phenotypes that were indistinguishable from those of the as2 single mutant (see Supplementary Fig. 2), indicating that ... DCL2 ... may not act in the RDR6–SGS3–AGO7 pathway

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ectopic primordium-like structures were also found on leaves of ... zip as1-101

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

the late appearing leaves of rdr6-3 as2-101 ... exhibited a very ruffled surface

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

sgs3-11 as2-101 ... had leaves with many lobes

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

rdr6-3 as2- 101 ... had ... a very ruffled leaf surface

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

the late appearing leaves of ... sgs3-11 as2-101 ... exhibited a very ruffled surface

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ectopic primordium-like structures were also found on leaves of ... zip as2-101

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

sgs3-11 ... leaves show altered vegetative phase change

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

zip leaves show altered vegetative phase change

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of ... hyl1-1 as2-101 ... were flat

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

sgs3-11 as2-101 ... had a high frequency of unexpanded leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

the late appearing leaves of ... zippy as2-101 ... exhibited a very ruffled surface

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-27 is a weak ago1 allele, showing serrated leaves

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1 leaves are curled upwards (Lu and Fedoroff 2000)

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Double mutant combinations between as2-101 and ... rdr5 ... exhibited phenotypes that were indistinguishable from those of the as2 single mutant (see Supplementary Fig. 2), indicating that ... RDR5 may not act in the RDR6–SGS3–AGO7 pathway

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ectopic primordium-like structures were also found on leaves of sgs3-11 as1-101

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

sde3 as2-101 did not show enhanced as2 phenotypes

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of ... hyl1-1 as2-101 ... were ... without lobes

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

Similarly to the rdr6-3 as2-101 leaf (Fig. 3K), those from sgs3-11 as2-101 ... also showed patches containing abaxial epidermal cells on the adaxial side

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

dcl3 as2-101 ... did not show enhanced as2 phenotypes

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of dcl1-7 as2-101 ... were ... without lobes

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

some early appearing rosette leaves of ... ago1-27 as1-101 were also narrow and unexpanded

Xu L, Yang L, Pi L, Liu Q, Ling Q, Wang H, Poethig RS, Huang H - Genetic interaction between the AS1-AS2 and RDR6-SGS3-AGO7 pathways for leaf morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 yab3-2 ... decreased leaf area

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

Adaxial epidermal cells of fil-8 ant-4 leaves were ... sometimes puzzle shaped, slightly resembling abaxial epidermal cells

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the abaxial surface of fil-8 yab3-2 leaves was altered slightly from wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

There was a marked decrease in vascular branching in the leaves of ... yab3-1 fil-5

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 ... decreased leaf area

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

This suggests a partial loss of both adaxial and abaxial identities in fil-8 ant-4 plants

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 ... reductions in ... length

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ant-4 ... smaller leaf blades of the double ... mutants are due to the presence of fewer cells

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

The adaxial surface of fil-8 yab3-2 leaves is normal

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

The ... abaxial surfaces of ... fil-8 leaves are normal

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

In the triple fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 mutant, there was a dramatic reduction in lamina expansion

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

There was a marked decrease in vascular branching in the leaves of fil-8 ant-4 plants

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of fil-8 yab3-2 ... were considerably smaller than those of wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

Adaxial epidermal cells of fil-8 ant-4 leaves were variable in size

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

Epidermal cells were larger in fil-8 ant-4 ... compared to Ler

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

More dramatic changes in adaxial and abaxial identities were observed in fil-8 ant-4 and fil-8 ... plants

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

In fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 leaves, adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells closely resembled each other with neither the adaxial or abaxial surface displaying its characteristic appearance

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 ... smaller leaf blades of the ... triple mutants are due to the presence of fewer cells

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 leaves also exhibit alterations in their vascular patterning

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... fil-8 ant-4 ... were considerably smaller than those of wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

More dramatic changes in adaxial and abaxial identities were observed in ... yab3-2 ant-4 plants

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... ant-4 ... were not dramatically different in size from those of wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of yab3-2 ... were not dramatically different in size from those of wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the abaxial surface of fil-8 yab3-2 leaves was altered slightly from wild type, indicating a partial loss of abaxial identity

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

The adaxial ... surfaces of ... fil-8 leaves are normal

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

The adaxial ... surfaces of ant-4 ... leaves are normal

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 leaves often have just a single vein running the length of the leaf (Fig. 3L). In some cases, one to several shorter veins branch from this central vein

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ant-4 leaves ... the abaxial surface was flatter than wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... fil-8 ... were not dramatically different in size from those of wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

The ... abaxial surfaces of ant-4 ... leaves are normal

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

There was a marked decrease in vascular branching in the leaves of ... fil-8 yab3-2

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ant-4 leaves ... the abaxial surface ... cells larger than wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... fil-8 ant-4 ... reductions in ... width

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ant-4 ... leaves also exhibit alterations in their vascular patterning

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 were considerably smaller than those of wild type

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... fil-8 ant-4 ... reductions in ... length

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of fil-8 yab3-2 ... reductions in ... length

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of fil-8 yab3-2 ... reductions in ... width

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

the leaves of ... fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 ... reductions ... width

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

petioles of fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 leaves were often not clearly distinguishable from the lamina

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

Epidermal cells were larger in ... fil-8 yab3-2 ant-4 ... compared to Ler

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

fil-8 ant-4 ... decreased leaf area

Nole-Wilson S, Krizek BA - AINTEGUMENTA contributes to organ polarity and regulates growth of lateral organs in combination with YABBY genes

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  • Phenotype

35S:OBP2 plants exhibited ... small rosette leaves

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

we found opposite effects in mature RNAi–OBP2 plants, which were slightly larger due to increased leaf size

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

reduction of intracellular space in 35S:OBP2 leaves

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

mature RNAi–OBP2 plants ... had increased epidermal cell area

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

free auxin was actually increased in 35S:OBP2 seedlings

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

35S:OBP2 plants exhibited ... curly ... rosette leaves

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

In fully expanded third leaves of 35S:OBP2 plants ... parenchyma cell size was significantly reduced

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

In fully expanded third leaves of 35S:OBP2 plants, epidermal ... cell size was significantly reduced

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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In fully expanded third leaves of 35S:OBP2 plants ... parenchyma ... cell number was significantly increased in comparison to the wild-type

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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In fully expanded third leaves of 35S:OBP2 plants, epidermal ... cell number was significantly increased in comparison to the wild

Skirycz A, Reichelt M, Burow M, Birkemeyer C, Rolcik J, Kopka J, Zanor MI, Gershenzon J, Strnad M, Szopa J, Mueller-Roeber B, Witt I - DOF transcription factor AtDof1

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  • Phenotype

Cell numbers ... decreased ... in ARL-OE lines ... in epidermal pavement cells of fully expanded 5th rosette leaves

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

ARL-OE leaves ... the numbers of ... total mesophyll cell aligning in directions of both the leaf width and leaf length remained almost same

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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Cell numbers counted within a fixed area of cotyledons increased about 25% in ARLi lines

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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at least ... nine ARL-OE lines displayed ... larger ... leaves

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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the area of a fully expanded cotyledon ... increased by about 30% in ARL-OE plants

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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ARL-OE leaves ... the numbers of palisade ... cell aligning in directions of both the leaf width and leaf length remained almost same

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Cell numbers counted within a fixed area of cotyledons ... decreased about 23% in ARL-OE lines

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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ARLi leaves ... the numbers of palisade ... cell aligning in directions of both the leaf width and leaf length remained almost same

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Detailed examinations of fully expanded fifth rosette leaves showed that the ... length of the petiole were apparently reduced in ARLi plants

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Palisade cells ... of ARL-OE leaves were bigger

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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ARLi leaves ... the numbers of ... total mesophyll cell aligning in directions of both the leaf width and leaf length remained almost same

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Detailed examinations of fully expanded fifth rosette leaves showed that the width ... of the leaf blade ... apparently reduced in ARLi plants

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Detailed examinations of fully expanded fifth rosette leaves showed that ... the length of the petiole were apparently ... increased in ARL-OE plants

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Detailed examinations of fully expanded fifth rosette leaves showed that the ... length of the leaf blade ... were ... increased in ARL-OE plants

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Detailed examinations of fully expanded fifth rosette leaves showed that the width ... of the leaf blade ... were ... increased in ARL-OE plants

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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at least six ARLi lines ... displayed ... smaller ... leaves

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Although epidermal pavement cells are not well shaped, the comparison of cotyledon cells among the three types of transgenic plants indicated that epidermal cells appeared ... larger in seedlings of ARL-OE lines

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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we generated transgenic plants expressing an ARL-specific RNA interference (ARLi) sequence fragment ... at least six ARLi lines ... displayed ... smaller ... cotyledons

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

the area of a fully expanded cotyledon in ARLi plants decreased by about 25%

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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we generated transgenic plants ... overexpressing ARL cDNA (ARL-OE) ... at least ... nine ARL-OE lines displayed ... larger cotyledons

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Cell numbers ... increased ... in ARLi lines ... in epidermal pavement cells of fully expanded 5th rosette leaves

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Detailed examinations of fully expanded fifth rosette leaves showed that the ... length of the leaf blade ... apparently reduced in ARLi plants

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Palisade cells of ARLi leaves were apparently smaller

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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Although epidermal pavement cells are not well shaped, the comparison of cotyledon cells among the three types of transgenic plants indicated that epidermal cells appeared smaller in seedlings of ARLi lines

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

Next, we introduced 35S-ARL into bri1–119 to examine the impact of overexpressed ARL on cotyledon and leaf growth. Compared with control bri1–119 seedlings, which contained an empty vector and displayed the mutant phenotype with smaller cotyledons and compact leaves, overexpression of ARL apparently rescued cotyledon growth, and in part also restored the bri1–119 leaf growth (Figure 7b). Scanning electron micrographs and RNA blot analysis verified that the defect in epidermal pavement cells of cotyledons in bri1–119 was almost restored (Figure 7c) by overexpression of ARL (Figure 7d). However, transgenic bri1–119 plants overexpressing ARL still exhibited relatively compact leaves, especially in the direction of leaf length (Figure 7b

Hu Y, Poh HM, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis ARGOS-LIKE gene regulates cell expansion during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

epidermal cell ... morphology are not modified in the leaves of re mutants

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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dov1 ... exhibit a dark-green leaf vasculature on a pale-green lamina

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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re/re ... vascular bundles ... were normal and complete

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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reduced cell division in the re-1/re-1 palisade cell layer results in looser cell packing even at this early stage

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

The content of chloroplasts per bundle sheath cell ... was significantly higher in the re-1 mutant

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-1/re-1 leaves ... revealed lobes of epidermal tissue, particularly on the abaxial leaf surface, which are not observed in wild-type leaves

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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re/re ... leaf ... size ... reduced

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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leaf venation pattern of the re mutants ... it was found in all cases that it is simpler than that of their corresponding wild types

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

interveinal regions were extremely reduced in cell density ... mesophyll cells ... re/re leaves

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-1 ... mesophyll cells is reduced

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-5 ... cotyledons, vegetative leaves, and cauline leaves display a conspicuous vein pattern, which is normally seen as a dark-green venation on a paler green background

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-1 ... cotyledons, vegetative leaves, and cauline leaves display a conspicuous vein pattern, which is normally seen as a dark-green venation on a paler green background

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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palisade and spongy mesophyll cells which are present in re-1/re-1 leaves appeared normal

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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cue1-5 ... exhibit a dark-green leaf vasculature on a pale-green lamina

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

epidermal cell size ... are not modified in the leaves of re mutants

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

mesophyll cells ... in re-1/re-1 ... contained chloroplasts similar in number

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-6 ... cotyledons, vegetative leaves, and cauline leaves display a conspicuous vein pattern, which is normally seen as a dark-green venation on a paler green background

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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Changes in the development of the internal mesophyll tissue in the re-1 mutant were evident at the early stages of leaf primordial development

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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A few extensions of the vasculature to the leaf margins in the re/re leaves resulted in teeth that correspond to the presence of the apical and lateral hydathodes

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-3 ... cotyledons, vegetative leaves, and cauline leaves display a conspicuous vein pattern, which is normally seen as a dark-green venation on a paler green background

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-2 ... cotyledons, vegetative leaves, and cauline leaves display a conspicuous vein pattern, which is normally seen as a dark-green venation on a paler green background

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-1/re-1 leaves were thinner than wild-type leaves

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-7 ... cotyledons, vegetative leaves, and cauline leaves display a conspicuous vein pattern, which is normally seen as a dark-green venation on a paler green background

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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As the leaf reaches full expansion ... vascular development is decreased in the mutant, resulting in a reduction in the vascular length per unit area in re-1/re-1 mature first leaves

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

re-4 ... cotyledons, vegetative leaves, and cauline leaves display a conspicuous vein pattern, which is normally seen as a dark-green venation on a paler green background

González-Bayón R, Kinsman EA, Quesada V, Vera A, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pyke KA, Micol JL - Mutations in the RETICULATA gene dramatically alter internal architecture but have little effect on overall organ shape in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

The ... Δppd leaf blades ... perimeter length was similar

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The larger lamina area observed in the ... cotyledons of Δppd plants was due to increases in ... width

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The larger lamina area observed in the leaves ... of Δppd plants was due to increases in ... length

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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In Δppd plants ... cotyledon laminae were larger

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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Δppd plants ... For cotyledons, this increase in growth occurred without affecting ... flatness

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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mature leaves of Δppd plants ... could not be flattened without introducing cuts in the margin because of their positive curvature

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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there was a more extensive vascular network in the cotyledons of Δppd plants than WT plants (4.93 ± 0.53 areoles per cotyledon for Δppd versus 3.97 ± 0.32 for WT)

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The larger lamina area observed in the leaves ... of Δppd plants was due to increases in ... width

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The larger lamina area observed in the leaves ... of Δppd plants

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The positive curvature of Δppd leaves thus appears to be due to additional growth of the lamina exceeding the extension capacity of the perimeter of the blade

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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PPD1-OE plants ... a reduction in the number of stomata on the abaxial leaf surface (65%) relative to that found in WT plants

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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Leaves of PPD1-OE plants were ... smaller

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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the position of this arrest front was not affected by altered expression of the PPD genes (Fig. 9, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site), it appears that the additional leaf and silique lamina growth of Δppd mutant plants was solely due to delayed DMC cell-cycle arrest

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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In Δppd plants ... leaves had a dome-shaped, positive Gaussian curvature

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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mature leaves of Δppd plants ... an altered lamina length/width ratio

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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In Δppd plants, leaf ... laminae ... were larger

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The extra leaf growth of Δppd plants appeared to have no detectable effect on mesophyll palisade cell size, spacing, or the general anatomy of tissues in the lamina

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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In WT plants, meristemoid cell cycling in the abaxial leaf epidermis was arrested 12 days after germination (DAG), whereas in the Δppd mutant, this phase was extended beyond 20 DAG. Similarly, meristemoid cell proliferation in the outer epidermis of the valve of the Δppd mutant was prolonged into more advanced developmental stages, well after cell-cycle arrest had occurred in the silique valves of WT plants (Fig. 3F). The arrest of cell cycling in the procambium cells of the developing vasculature of Δppd mutant leaves was also delayed (Fig. 8) and continued after division of meristemoid cells in the epidermis had stopped. Therefore, despite a prolonged phase of proliferation in the leaf of Δppd mutant plants, DMC division eventually stops, and the order of this arrest in different tissues is the same as in WT plants

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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Δppd plants ... For cotyledons, this increase in growth occurred without affecting shape

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The CYCB1,1::GUS transgene was also used to determine the effect of PPD1 overexpression on meristemoid cell proliferation in leaves and siliques (Fig. 3F). At leaf and silique developmental stages where both WT and Δppd mutant plants had a high cyclin index, meristemoid cell cycling in the epidermis of PPD1-OE transgenic plants was reduced by ≈80–90%

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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Leaves of PPD1-OE plants were ... more rounded than those of the WT

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The number of stomata per area in the abaxial epidermis of leaves was also greater (137%) in Δppd plants than in WT plants

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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in the leaf and silique epidermis of Δppd mutant plants, clusters of small cells, some with the isometric shape characteristic of meristemoids, were interspersed amongst the enlarged pavement cells

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The area of Δppd leaf blades was ≈30–50% greater than that of WT leaves

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The larger lamina area observed in the ... cotyledons of Δppd plants

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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Leaves of PPD1-OE plants were flat

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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mature leaves of Δppd plants were more oval in shape

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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There was also a reduced vascular network pattern in the cotyledons of PPD1-OE plants (2.31 ± 0.54 areoles per cotyledon versus 3.97 ± 0.32 for WT)

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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The larger lamina area observed in the ... cotyledons of Δppd plants was due to increases in ... length

White DW - PEAPOD regulates lamina size and curvature in Arabidopsis

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hemivenata-1 ... strongly reduced venation pattern complexity in vegetative leaves

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hve-3/hve-3;cvp2-1/cvp2-1 ... leaf size ... reduced

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve mutants ... the intramarginal vein of which was occasionally interrupted

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3/hve-3 leaves ... No differences with the wild type were found in the cell shape and size of the ... palisade mesophyll

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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the primary vein was thinner in hve-3/hve-3 leaves than in the wild type

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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The cotyledons contained ... areoles ... in the hve mutants, often incompletely closed

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve mutants ... had ... only a few tertiary veins, which ended blindly within the areoles

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3/hve-3 leaves ... No differences with the wild type were found in the cell shape and size of the ... spongy mesophyll

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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senescence ... delayed in all hve mutants

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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Cauline leaves ... smaller in the hve-2 ... mutants

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve mutants ... had fewer secondary veins than the wild type

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3/hve-3 leaves ... No differences with the wild type were found in the cell shape and size of the mutant epidermis

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3 ... leaves ... secondary veins looked normal

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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T-DNA insertions in the At2g02560 gene and displayed a simple leaf vasculature ... We named the alleles carried by N599479 and N610969 as hve-2 and hve-3, respectively

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve mutants ... Moderate 2,4-D resistance was displayed by these mutants

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve mutants displayed vegetative leaves of slightly reduced size

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve mutants ... reduction in vein numbers was also apparent in the first two rosette leaves

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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Cauline leaves ... hve-2 ... did not show an obvious reduction in vascular density

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve mutants ... No quaternary veins ... in mutant leaves

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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simple leaf vasculature ... hve-3

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hemivenata-1 ... strongly reduced venation pattern complexity in ... cotyledons

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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The cotyledons contained three or four areoles (regions of the lamina completely bordered by veins) in the wild type (Fig. 3A), but only two in the hve mutants

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Cauline leaves ... hve-3 ... did not show an obvious reduction in vascular density

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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The hve-3/hve-3;axr1-12/axr1-12 leaves were ... smaller

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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the leaf epinasty of axr1-12 mutants

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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A midrib was clearly distinguishable abaxial to the midvein in the wild type, but seemed to be absent in hve-3

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Cauline leaves ... smaller in the ... hve-3 mutants

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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The hve-3/hve-3;axr1-12/axr1-12 leaves were epinastic

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3 ... the spongy mesophyll had larger air spaces

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3 ... palisade mesophyll was partially disorganized

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3/hve-3;lop1-65/lop1-65 double mutants ... showed significantly smaller leaves

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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hve-3/hve-3;cvp2-1/cvp2-1 ... leaf ... vascular network length and the number of branching points per surface unit were reduced

Alonso-Peral MM, Candela H, del Pozo JC, Martínez-Laborda A, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The HVE/CAND1 gene is required for the early patterning of leaf venation in Arabidopsis

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Leaf phenotypes of the as1;axr1 double mutant ... deeply lobed margins

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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Strong pin1 mutants with impaired auxin transport, therefore, initiate a reduced number of leaves and no flowers (Okada et al., 1991). However, pin1;as1 double mutants initiate significantly fewer leaves than do pin1 single mutants

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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as1;axr1;bp triple mutant leaves do not revert to wild type, but rather to an as1-like morphology (Fig. 1O,Q), possibly because of the effects of additional KNOX genes misexpressed in as1 or because AS1 also regulates KNOX-independent pathways to promote leaf development

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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Leaf phenotypes of the as1;axr1 double mutant ... ectopic stipules present in the sinus of each lobe

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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To further test whether local auxin activity gradients active in the developing leaf margin are required to initiate serrations, we perturbed these gradients by growing wild-type plants (Col ecotype) on NPA. Compared with the serrated leaf margin of plants grown on MS medium (Fig. 3E), a smoother leaf margin developed when these plants were grown on MS medium supplemented with NPA

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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we analysed leaflet formation in FIL>>BP plants grown on MS medium (Fig. 4K) or MS medium supplemented with NPA. Strikingly, we observed that NPA treatment completely blocked leaflet initiation (Fig. 4L; a similar suppression of lobe initiation by NPA treatment was observed in 35S::BP plants, data not shown), and prevented the generation of PIN1-directed auxin maxima in the leaf margin (Fig. 4M and data not shown

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Ectopic stipules observed in cauline leaves of as1;axr1 double mutants, but not in as1 or axr1 single mutants

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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suppression of lobe initiation by NPA treatment was observed in 35S::BP plants, data not shown

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Strong pin1 mutants with impaired auxin transport, therefore, initiate a reduced number of leaves and no flowers (Okada et al., 1991)

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

pin1-En134 mutants (Col ecotype) have a smooth margin

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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we analysed leaflet formation in FIL>>BP plants grown on MS medium (Fig. 4K) or MS medium supplemented with NPA. Strikingly, we observed that NPA treatment completely blocked leaflet initiation

Hay A, Barkoulas M, Tsiantis M - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and auxin activities converge to repress BREVIPEDICELLUS expression and promote leaf development in Arabidopsis

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fas1-4 ... develop fasciation

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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smaller rosette diameter ... in fasciata mutants in the Col and En accessions (Reinholz, 1966; Leyser and Furner, 1992; Serrano-Cartagena et al., 1999; Kaya et al., 2001) suggested that cell proliferation and/or expansion was affected during leaf development

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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through the first or second rosette leaves of plants at bolting ... epidermal cells ... were significantly larger in the CAF-1 mutants than in the wild type ... This effect was much stronger in the fas1-4 and fas2-4 mutants (1.5 to 2-fold increase) than in the msi1-as plants

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

the number of epidermal cells was reduced in rosette leaves of ... fas1-4

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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The phenotype of fas1-4 plants was similar to that of other fasciata mutants, including alterations in phyllotaxis

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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CAF-1 mutants contain many trichomes that develop more than three branches

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

fas2-4 ... plants ... develop fasciation

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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fas2-1 ... trichomes ... develop extra branches without significantly increased ploidy levels

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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msi1-as seedlings consistently showed cotyledon epinasty, i.e. a downward curling of the cotyledons

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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Only trichome nuclei of ... fas1-4 ... contained more DNA in all experiments, suggesting that many trichome cells undergo at least one extra round of DNA endoreduplication

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

rosette leaves were serrated ... fas2-4

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

the number of epidermal cells was reduced in rosette leaves of ... fas2-4

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

fas1-4 ... plants are smaller than wild type

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

fas2-4 ... trichomes develop extra branches without significantly increased ploidy levels

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

msi1-as trichomes develop extra branches without significantly increased ploidy levels

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

fas2-4 ... plants are smaller than wild type

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

CAF-1 mutants ... did not contain clustered trichomes suggesting that regular trichome initiation does not require CAF-1

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

rosette leaves were serrated ... fas1-1

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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Cross sections through the first or second rosette leaves of plants at bolting did not reveal any obvious differences in internal leaf histology between wild type and mutants

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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fas1-4 rosette leaves were serrated

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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Interestingly, ploidy patterns in fas2-1 did not differ from those of wild-type Landsberg erecta

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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Only trichome nuclei of fas1-1 ... contained more DNA in all experiments, suggesting that many trichome cells undergo at least one extra round of DNA endoreduplication

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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we measured DNA endoreduplication in dark- and light-grown CAF-1 mutant seedlings. However, rather than a decrease in endoreduplication, seedlings grown in long-day photoperiods or in the dark showed increased DNA endoreduplication (Fig. 3A,B): the fraction of 2C nuclei decreased from 30-40% to 20-30%, whereas the fraction of 8C and 16C nuclei increased. This shift in ploidy was strongest for fas1-1, fas1-4 and fas2-4, but was less pronounced for msi1-as

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

the serration of rosette leaves in fasciata mutants in the Col and En accessions (Reinholz, 1966; Leyser and Furner, 1992; Serrano-Cartagena et al., 1999; Kaya et al., 2001) suggested that cell proliferation and/or expansion was affected during leaf development

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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  • Phenotype

the number of epidermal cells ... in rosette leaves ... was not significantly altered in msi1-as plants

Exner V, Taranto P, Schönrock N, Gruissem W, Hennig L - Chromatin assembly factor CAF-1 is required for cellular differentiation during plant development

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Atebp1(RNAi) lines displayed ... At the seedling stage ... distorted leaf shape

Horváth BM, Magyar Z, Zhang Y, Hamburger AW, Bakó L, Visser RG, Bachem CW, Bögre L - EBP1 regulates organ size through cell growth and proliferation in plants

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Atebp1(RNAi) lines displayed ... At the seedling stage, a delay in leaf initiation

Horváth BM, Magyar Z, Zhang Y, Hamburger AW, Bakó L, Visser RG, Bachem CW, Bögre L - EBP1 regulates organ size through cell growth and proliferation in plants

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To determine whether the elongated phenotypes of lng1-1D mutant plants were caused by the increased expression of LNG1, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing this gene under the control of the CAMV 35S promoter. Similar to the phenotypes seen in the lng1-1D mutant, seven out of 15 independent transgenic lines displayed ... serrated leaf margins

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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Both transverse and longitudinal sections showed similar numbers of palisade and mesophyll cells in ... lng1-1D

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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In longitudinal sections, the palisade cells were 46% longer in the lng1-1D mutant than wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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adaxial epidermal cells ... The lng1-1D ... epidermal cells were ... 28% narrower

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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cotyledons ... lng1-2 lng2-1 double mutant showed substantial decreases in the lengths of these organs

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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five out of 18 independent transgenic plants overexpressing LNG2 also had ... slightly longer leaf blades

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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lng1-1D ... elongated leaf blades

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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rot3-1 ... shorter petioles than wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The fully expanded leaf blades of lng1-1D mutants were ... 29% narrower in width

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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To investigate whether cell expansion was affected in the lng1-1D mutant, we subjected the fifth rosette leaves of mutant and wild-type plants to scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Magnification of the leaf midvein area revealed that the adaxial epidermal cells in the midveins ... were longitudinally elongated in lng1-1D

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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Petiole length did not significantly differ between ... lng2-1 single mutants and wild-type plants

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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we generated transgenic plants expressing GFP-LNG1 fusion proteins under the control of the CAMV 35S promoter. The transgenic plants showed phenotypes similar to those of the lng1-1D mutants, including ... serrated leaves

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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none of the LNG2 overexpression lines had serrated leaves

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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To determine whether the elongated phenotypes of lng1-1D mutant plants were caused by the increased expression of LNG1, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing this gene under the control of the CAMV 35S promoter. Similar to the phenotypes seen in the lng1-1D mutant, seven out of 15 independent transgenic lines displayed longer leaf blades

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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lng1-3 ... the leaf blade length was ∼15% shorter in both single mutants

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The lengths of ... rosette leaves ... mildly affected in the lng1-3

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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lng2-1 ... the leaf blade length was ∼15% shorter in both single mutants

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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Both transverse and longitudinal sections showed similar numbers of palisade and mesophyll cells in ... lng1-3

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

lng1-1D ... elongated ... leaf petioles

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The lng1-1D an double mutant had narrower leaf blades than wild type, but its widths were similar to those of the an single mutant

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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cell proliferation did not appear to be significantly altered in ... lng1-3

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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To identify new genetic components involved in leaf morphogenesis, we screened Arabidopsis activation-tagging lines and isolated a dominant mutant, which we named lng1-1D ... morphology of a soil-grown lng1-1D ... mutant ... all leaves ... were ... slightly narrower than those of the wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

adaxial epidermal cells ... The lng1-1D epidermal cells were 51% longer

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Both transverse and longitudinal sections showed similar numbers of palisade and mesophyll cells in ... lng2-1

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The fully expanded leaf blades of lng1-1D mutants were 43% greater in length

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The lengths of cotyledons ... mildly affected in the lng1-3

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

lng1-3 lng2-1 rot3-1 ... The petiole length was shorter in the triple mutant compared with the lng1-3 lng2-1 double mutant and rot3-1 single mutant

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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we generated transgenic plants expressing GFP-LNG1 fusion proteins under the control of the CAMV 35S promoter. The transgenic plants showed phenotypes similar to those of the lng1-1D mutants, including very elongated ... leaves

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

lng1-1D an ... had ... longer leaf blades

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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lng1-1D ... protrusion of existing hydathodes

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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hypocotyl length of lng1-1D plants was slightly increased compared with the wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The lengths of ... rosette leaves ... mildly affected in ... lng2-1

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The blade lengths of lng1-1D rot3-1 ... not to a change in cell number

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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By contrast, the expansion rate of leaf blade length was higher in the lng1-1D mutant from the beginning, resulting in a greater final length of lng1-1D leaf blades compared with wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To investigate whether cell expansion was affected in the lng1-1D mutant, we subjected the fifth rosette leaves of mutant and wild-type plants to scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Magnification of the leaf midvein area revealed that ... the epidermal cells of nearby midveins were longitudinally elongated in lng1-1D

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To determine whether the elongated phenotypes of lng1-1D mutant plants were caused by the increased expression of LNG1, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing this gene under the control of the CAMV 35S promoter. Similar to the phenotypes seen in the lng1-1D mutant, seven out of 15 independent transgenic lines displayed ... longer petioles

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The blade lengths of lng1-1D rot3-1 ... cells of intermediate length

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The lng1-1D an double mutants had longer petioles

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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The blade lengths of lng1-1D rot3-1 double mutant plants were intermediate between those of the lng1-1D overexpression line and the rot3-1 loss-of-function mutant plants

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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To identify new genetic components involved in leaf morphogenesis, we screened Arabidopsis activation-tagging lines and isolated a dominant mutant, which we named lng1-1D ... morphology of a soil-grown lng1-1D mutant ... all leaves ... were longer

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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fifth leaf ... expansion rate of leaf blade width ... decreased faster in the lng1-1D mutant, leading to narrower mature leaves in the mutant

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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In longitudinal sections, the palisade cells were ... 24% shorter in the lng1-3 lng2-1 double mutant

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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five out of 18 independent transgenic plants overexpressing LNG2 also had longer petioles

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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elongated phenotype of lng1-1D ... including ... cotyledons

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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rosette leaves ... lng1-2 lng2-1 double mutant showed substantial decreases in the lengths of these organs

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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cell proliferation did not appear to be significantly altered in ... lng2-1

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The lengths of cotyledons ... mildly affected in ... lng2-1

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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On the adaxial side of the leaf blade, the epidermal cells of the lng1-1D mutant plants were longitudinally elongated compared with the wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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Petiole length did not significantly differ between the lng1-3 and ... wild-type plants

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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lng1-3 lng2-1 ... the leaf ... blade length ... almost 30% shorter in the double mutant

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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Both transverse and longitudinal sections showed similar numbers of palisade and mesophyll cells in ... lng1-3 lng2-1 plants

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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lng1-3 lng2-1 ... Petiole length ... was 37% shorter in the double mutant compared with wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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leaves of lng1-1D were more deeply serrated than those of the wild type

Lee YK, Kim GT, Kim IJ, Park J, Kwak SS, Choi G, Chung WI - LONGIFOLIA1 and LONGIFOLIA2, two homologous genes, regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Atnap1;1-1 ... cell size was not significantly different ... during leaf development

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Atnap1;1-1 ... Between day 7 and 15, cell proliferation slowed in mutant leaves, while cell number continued to increase in wild-type leaves, therefore resulting in approximately 17% fewer cells in mature mutant leaves

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

Atnap1;1-1 ... Between day 7 and 15, cell proliferation slowed in mutant leaves

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

AtNAP1;1-OE ... developed smaller ... cotyledons

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Atnap1;3 plants had no obvious phenotype

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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We found that 9 d after sowing the AtNAP1;1-OE plants, first leaf size was reduced 65%, which was mainly the result of decreased cell size (63%). In 15-d-old AtNAP1;1-OE plants, the first leaf had approximately 20% more cells than the wild-type leaf. These cells were 50% reduced in size, which reduced the leaf blade area by approximately 40%. This trend continued in AtNAP1;1-OE mature first leaf, resulting in a 35% decrease of leaf size after 26 d

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

suggest that loss of AtNAP1;1 function alters the normal cell proliferation during leaf development

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

reduced the leaf blade area ... in AtNAP1;1-OE ... first leaf

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

In 15-d-old AtNAP1;1-OE plants, the first leaf had approximately 20% more cells than the wild-type leaf

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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cells were 50% reduced in size ... in AtNAP1;1-OE ... first leaf

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

9-d-old Atnap1;1-1 and Atnap1;1-2 cotyledons were enlarged

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

leaves ... were enlarged in plants expressing AtNAP1;1C369S

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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by day 7, Atnap1;1-1 and Atnap1;1-2 leaves had more than twice as many cells compared to wild type

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

cotyledons ... were enlarged in plants expressing AtNAP1;1C369S

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Atnap1;2 ... plants had no obvious phenotype

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

9-d-old Atnap1;1-1 and Atnap1;1-2 cotyledons were ... with more cells

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

AtNAP1;1-OE ... developed smaller leaves

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Homozygous Atnap1;1-1 and Atnap1;1-2 plants were enlarged compared to wild type early in development but then became reduced in size

Galichet A, Gruissem W - Developmentally controlled farnesylation modulates AtNAP1;1 function in cell proliferation and cell expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

In contrast, the mutant del1-1 was the least sensitive to the water deficit treatment as its leaf expansion was the least affected by soil water deficit treat- ment

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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The proportion of 2C and 4C nuclei was not significantly affected in the del1-1 line, whereas the proportion of 8C nuclei was reduced, and the proportion of 16C and 32C nuclei was increased

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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the duration of leaf expansion ... reduced in the DEL1OE line compared with the wild type and del1-1

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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In the DEL1OE line, the proportion of nuclei of 2C and 4C was significantly increased in comparison with the wild type, whereas the proportion of 16C and 32C nuclei was reduced

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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the duration of leaf expansion were not sig- nificantly affected in del1-1, although they were slightly increased

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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Epidermal cells of leaves of the DEL1OE line were only slightly decreased in area

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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Epidermal cells of leaves of the ... del1-1 were increased in area in comparison with the wild type

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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Visually, it seemed that the del1-1 mutant was the most sensitive to the shading treatments, suggesting that a constitutive high level of ploidy in the leaves was disadvantageous

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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The duration of leaf expan- sion was affected by the water deficit treatment (Fig. 7b; F1,58 = 5.944, P < 0.019), and there was an interaction between the duration of leaf expansion and the genotype (F5,54 = 7.404, P = 0.002) in which only the DEL1OE line increased its duration in response to water deficit

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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  • Phenotype

The final leaf area ... not sig- nificantly affected in del1-1, although they were slightly increased

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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The final leaf area of the del1-1 mutant (with an increased extent of endoreduplication) was the most severely reduced by the shade treatment (by 35%)

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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the extent of endoreduplication was decreased in the leaves of the transgenic line DEL1OE

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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the final leaf area ... reduced in the DEL1OE line compared with the wild type and del1-1

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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Cell area was reduced by the water deficit treatment in Col-0 (P < 0.0005)

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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The maximal absolute leaf expansion rate was reduced ... in the ... del1-1 compared with the wild type

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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  • Phenotype

The maximal absolute leaf expansion rate was reduced ... in the DEL1OE line ... compared with the wild type

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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the extent of endoreduplication was ... increased in those of the mutant del1-1 under optimal conditions

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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Cell area ... by the water deficit treatment ... was not significantly affected in the del1-1 mutant

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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Cell area was reduced by the water deficit treatment in ... DEL1OE

Cookson SJ, Radziejwoski A, Granier C - Cell and leaf size plasticity in Arabidopsis: what is the role of endoreduplication? Plant Cell Environ

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  • Phenotype

bol-D ... had small epinastic (curved downwards) rosette

Marsch-Martinez N, Greco R, Becker JD, Dixit S, Bergervoet JH, Karaba A, de Folter S, Pereira A - BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways

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In order to assess the effect of the BOL loss of function, a plant containing a transposon insertion in the gene was studied. T-DNA insertions within the BOL coding region were not available. The transposon insertion was identified with the adjacent sequence ITS75 in a multiple I-dSpm insertion population in the ecotype Ler (Speulman et al. 1999), and was positioned at approximately 775 nucleotides after the translational start of the gene (921 nucleotides long), corresponding to the Cterminal region beyond the AP2 domain in the protein. Progenies from this line were genotyped by PCR to identify homozygous and heterozygous plants. When compared to wild type plants, the homo- and heterozygote progeny lines did not reveal fully penetrant major alterations in the general aerial architecture in mature stages or in early root development (first 3 weeks) that could be associated with the presence of the insert

Marsch-Martinez N, Greco R, Becker JD, Dixit S, Bergervoet JH, Karaba A, de Folter S, Pereira A - BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways

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imprints from Arabidopsis bol-D leaves revealed cells of reduced size in comparison to wild type leaf cells

Marsch-Martinez N, Greco R, Becker JD, Dixit S, Bergervoet JH, Karaba A, de Folter S, Pereira A - BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways

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bol-D ... had small epinastic (curved downwards) rosette and cauline leaves without petioles

Marsch-Martinez N, Greco R, Becker JD, Dixit S, Bergervoet JH, Karaba A, de Folter S, Pereira A - BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways

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The density of bol-D cells was almost three times the density of wild type cells, and remarkably, the total number of cells per leaf was only the half. Therefore, both cell size and cell number reduction led to the smaller leaf size in bol-D mutants

Marsch-Martinez N, Greco R, Becker JD, Dixit S, Bergervoet JH, Karaba A, de Folter S, Pereira A - BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways

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An Arabidopsis mutant with a rosette of reduced size and extremely short stem (Fig. 1A, B, E and F) was identified from an En-I transposon activation tagging population (Marsch-Martinez et al. 2002). The mutant was named ‘‘bolita’’ (bol-D), which means ‘‘small ball’’ in Spanish

Marsch-Martinez N, Greco R, Becker JD, Dixit S, Bergervoet JH, Karaba A, de Folter S, Pereira A - BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways

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  • Phenotype

the level of leaf serration of the cuc1-13 mutant was similar to that in the wild type

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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Ten of the 60 CUC2g-m4 lines had ... a large decrease in internode elongation

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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the teeth rapidly became larger and rounder in the mutant, with a more pronounced sinus

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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mir164a ... Ws transgenic lines carrying the Pro2x35S:MIR164A ... constructs ... which led to the overaccumulation of miR164 ... these transgenic plants had low levels of serration and formed leaves with smooth margins

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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Ws transgenic lines carrying the ... Pro2x35S:MIR164C constructs ... which led to the overaccumulation of miR164 ... these transgenic plants had low levels of serration and formed leaves with smooth margins

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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bolting time ... were unchanged in the mutant line

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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Ten of the 60 CUC2g-m4 lines had ... the inflorescence was very small

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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the 60 CUC2g-m4 lines ... In lines with weaker phenotypes ... Early flowers formed more sepals

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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the distribution of trichomes on the abaxial and adaxial ... surfaces of the leaf were unchanged in the mutant line

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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the 60 CUC2g-m4 lines ... In lines with weaker phenotypes ... Early flowers formed more ... petals

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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CUC2g-m4 lines formed leaves with deeper serration

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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Flower organ numbers were not significantly modified in the mir164a-4 mutant

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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the cuc2-3 mutant formed leaves with smooth margins

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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the 60 CUC2g-m4 lines ... In lines with weaker phenotypes ... flower phyllotaxy was strongly perturbed

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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The total ... numbers of ... cauline leaves ... were unchanged in the mutant line

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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No differences were observed between the mir164a-4 mutant and the wild type in the early stages of leaf development: young primordia had smooth margins (Figure 2B, panel 1), and the first pair of teeth was initiated in primordia of ∼250 μm in length

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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transgenic lines carrying the ... Pro2x35S:MIR164B ... constructs ... which led to the overaccumulation of miR164 ... these transgenic plants had low levels of serration and formed leaves with smooth margins

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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plants carrying both the CUC2g-m4 and Pro2x35S:MIR164A constructs formed strongly serrated leaves

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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The total ... numbers of rosette ... leaves ... were unchanged in the mutant line

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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The leaves of mir164a-4 cuc1-1 double mutants were deeply serrated and resembled those of the mir164a-4 single mutant

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Ten of the 60 CUC2g-m4 lines had small ... leaves

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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mir164a-4 cuc2-1 double mutants developed leaves with smooth margins

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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The mir164a-4 mutant line had a specific leaf phenotype, with mutant leaves having deeper serrations than wild-type leaves

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Ten of the 60 CUC2g-m4 lines had ... wrinkled leaves

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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CUC2g-m4 lines with a strong phenotype had carpel fusion defects

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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cuc2-1 mutants produced leaves with smooth margins, displaying a total absence of serration

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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CUC2g-m4 lines ... Early flowers formed more ... stamens than the wild type

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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CUC2g-m4 lines with weaker phenotypes developed ectopic structures along the replum

Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, Ishida T, Morin H, Aida M, Laufs P - The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis

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SPCH expression driven by the CaMV 35S promoter induced extra cell divisions in cells that do not normally divide ... for example ... where the straight walls of ectopic divisions are seen within the boundaries of sinuous epidermal pavement cells

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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Silencing of MUTE leads to the production of cells that do not form pores surrounded by excess stomatal lineage cells: a phenotype consistent with repeated amplifying divisions

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

Increasing SPCH expression within its native domain (SPCHpro::SPCH) in a background wild-type for SPCH induces extra asymmetric divisions

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

No stomata are formed in plants homozygous ... for insertion mutants ... spch-4

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

spch-3 ... plants arrest as very small ... seedlings

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

35Sdriven overexpression of MUTE leads to the conversion of the entire leaf epidermis into stomata

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

spch-3 ... plants arrest as very small ... seedlings

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

spch-1 ... plants arrest as very small ... seedlings

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

No stomata are formed in plants ... for insertion mutants spch-3

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

No stomata are formed in plants homozygous for spch-1

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

cotyledons ... in spch ... spch-1 ... no physically asymmetric entry divisions were visible at 3 days post-germination

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

yoda; spch-1 double mutants ... do not make stomata

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

All stomata in spch-2 consist of two morphologically normal guard cells

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

spch-4 ... plants arrest as very small ... seedlings

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

spch-2 plants are smaller than wild type

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

Fewer cells undergo entry divisions in spch-2 cotyledons than in wild type

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

Increasing SPCH expression within its native domain (SPCHpro::SPCH) in a background wild-type for SPCH induces ... the production of excess stomata

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

The mutation spch-2 significantly reduces the stomatal index (number of stomata per total number of epidermal cells) in all organs compared with the parental line

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

spch-4 ... plants arrest as very small ... seedlings

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

spch-1 ... plants arrest as very small ... seedlings

MacAlister CA, Ohashi-Ito K, Bergmann DC - Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage

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  • Phenotype

We next ectopically overexpressed MUTE. CaMV35S::MUTE plants exhibited a striking phenotype, converting all epidermal cells into stomata

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

... fama ... guard cell differentiation is abnormal

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

In flp ... the GMC reiterates symmetric divisions

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

mute meristemoids undergo 3�6 rounds (mean 5 4.46 6 0.20) of asymmetric division, suggesting that mute meristemoids have an extended period of replication

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

The inward-spiral nature of the reiterative asymmetric divisions created a rosette pattern in the mute epidermis with an arrested, small triangular meristemoid at the centre

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

In flp ... guard cell differentiation is abnormal

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

mute plants ... pale

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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mute plants are small

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

In ... fama, differentiation of a meristemoid to a GMC occurs normally

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

The epidermisof mute; sdd1 has an increased density of arrested meristemoids with two meristemoids adjacent to each other observed occasionally

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

In ... fama ... the GMC ... forms stacks of cell clusters

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

leaf epidermis ... of sdd1 shows increased overall stomatal density

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

In flp ... differentiation of a meristemoid to a GMC occurs normally

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

The leaf epidermis of ... erecta; erl1; erl2 mutants exhibits clusters of adjacent stomata

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

Bubble-like� clusters of small cells ... observed in the epidermis of mute; tmm ... are oriented in random angles, indicating the occurrence of randomized asymmetric division

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

ectopic overexpression of SPCH by the CaMV35S promoter produced a highly divided epidermis with numerous small cells

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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erecta; erl2 double mutants exhibit an increased frequency of asymmetric divisions

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

The T-DNA insertion spch loss-offunction mutant exhibited an intriguing epidermal phenotype consisting solely of jigsaw-puzzle-shaped pavement cells, thus lacking any stomatal lineage cells

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

Bubble-like� clusters of small cells were observed in the epidermis of ... mute; erecta; erl1; erl2

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

The loss-of-function mute mutation resulted in the complete absence of stomata

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

In flp ... the GMC ... forms stacks of cell clusters

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

In ... fama ... the GMC reiterates symmetric divisions

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

Bubble-like� clusters of small cells ... observed in the epidermis of ... mute; erecta; erl1; erl2 ... are stomatal ... lineages, most probably meristemoids and SLGCs

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

Bubble-like� clusters of small cells were observed in the epidermis of mute; tmm

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

Wild-type meristemoids undergo 1�3 rounds (mean 5 2.23 6 0.13) of asymmetric division before differentiating into a GMC

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

leaf epidermis ... of sdd1 shows ... few stomatal clusters

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

Bubble-like� clusters of small cells ... observed in the epidermis of mute; tmm ... are stomatal lineages, most probably meristemoids and SLGCs

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

Bubble-like� clusters of small cells ... observed in the epidermis of ... mute; erecta; erl1; erl2 ... are oriented in random angles, indicating the occurrence of randomized asymmetric division

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

The leaf epidermis of tmm ... mutants exhibits clusters of adjacent stomata

Pillitteri LJ, Sloan DB, Bogenschutz NL, Torii KU - Termination of asymmetric cell division and differentiation of stomata

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  • Phenotype

the leaf blades of ... AtML1∷KRP4 were significantly smaller than those of non-transformed plants

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... At the vegetative stage, transgenic plants exhibited ... leaves that were significantly reduced in size

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... mesophyll cells are twisted to fit into the constrained space

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... led to a reduction in trichome ... nuclei size

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... At the vegetative stage, transgenic plants exhibited ... round leaves

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

In the adaxial epidermis, the pavement cells of AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... cell size varied greatly

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... inhibition of epidermal cell division preferentially on the adaxial side of leaf epidermis

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... distorted organization of the underlying palisade parenchyma

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... inhibition of epidermal cell division preferentially on the adaxial side of leaf epidermis

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... mesophyll cells are twisted to fit into the constrained space

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... the margins of rosette leaves curled up, giving rise to leaves with completely rolled up blades

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... At the vegetative stage, transgenic plants exhibited ... leaves that were significantly reduced in size

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... vascular bundles were distorted in the ... leaves

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... jigsaw puzzle shape of the adaxial epidermal pavement cells was less prominent

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... reduced endoreduplication

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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the leaf blades of AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... were significantly smaller than those of non-transformed plants

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... inhibition of cell division occurred throughout the development of the abaxial epidermis

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

In the epidermis of AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 and AtML1∷KRP4, reduced cell division was apparent in early, immature leaves

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... the epidermal pavement cells in transgenic plants adopted cell expansion and cellular maturation much earlier

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... abaxial pavement cells retained their highly interlocked, jigsaw puzzle shape

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... stomatal lineage cells appeared to stop dividing in earlier stages of leaf development

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... At the vegetative stage, transgenic plants exhibited small rosettes

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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AtML1∷KRP4 ... reduced endoreduplication

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... the total palisade mesophyll cell numbers (calculated based on the number of cells in total leaf area) were surprisingly conserved

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... the margins of rosette leaves curled up, giving rise to leaves with completely rolled up blades

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... lines showed reduction in plant size with varying severity

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... There were no apparent defects ... in the number of axillary branches

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... abaxial pavement cells retained their highly interlocked, jigsaw puzzle shape

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

mature ... palisade mesophyll cell size (cell area) was only about 44–68% of Ler cell size ... AtML1∷KRP4

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

mesophyll cells were tightly packed, leaving less air space ... AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... mature guard cells were much larger in the transgenic plants

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... the epidermal pavement cells in transgenic plants adopted ... cellular maturation much earlier

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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AtML1∷KRP4 did not impede stomatal differentiation

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... inhibition of cell division occurred throughout the development of the abaxial epidermis

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... led to a reduction in trichome cell ... size

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

In the epidermis of ... AtML1∷KRP4, reduced cell division was apparent in early, immature leaves

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

mesophyll cells were tightly packed, leaving less air space ... AtML1∷KRP4

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 led to a reduction in trichome cell ... size

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... trichome morphology was altered, with the majority of trichomes having only two branches

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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AtML1∷KRP4 ... distorted organization of the underlying palisade parenchyma

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... There were no apparent defects ... in the number of axillary branches

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... trichome morphology was altered, with the majority of trichomes having only two branches

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... At the vegetative stage, transgenic plants exhibited ... round leaves

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... lines showed reduction in plant size with varying severity

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... the epidermal pavement cells in transgenic plants adopted ... cellular maturation much earlier

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... stomatal lineage cells appeared to stop dividing in earlier stages of leaf development

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

In the adaxial epidermis, the pavement cells of ... AtML1∷KRP4 ... cell size varied greatly

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... There were no apparent defects in phyllotaxy during the vegetative ... phases

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... There were no apparent defects in phyllotaxy during the vegetative ... phases

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

mature ... palisade mesophyll cell size (cell area) was only about 44–68% of Ler cell size ... AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... At the vegetative stage, transgenic plants exhibited small rosettes

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 led to a reduction in trichome ... nuclei size

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... the epidermal pavement cells in transgenic plants adopted cell expansion ... much earlier

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

In the adaxial epidermis, the pavement cells of AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... are 5.2 times ... larger than in Ler

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

In the adaxial epidermis, the pavement cells of ... AtML1∷KRP4 are ... 2.8 times larger than in Ler

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... mature guard cells were much larger in the transgenic plants

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... did not impede stomatal differentiation

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... vascular bundles were distorted in the ... leaves

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP1/ICK1 ... the total palisade mesophyll cell numbers (calculated based on the number of cells in total leaf area) were surprisingly conserved

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

AtML1∷KRP4 ... jigsaw puzzle shape of the adaxial epidermal pavement cells was less prominent

Bemis SM, Torii KU - Autonomy of cell proliferation and developmental programs during Arabidopsis aboveground organ morphogenesis

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  • Phenotype

The number of palisade cells across hub1-1 lamina (31 6 4 cells; average 6 SD, n ¼ 3) was 44% that of those in Ler (70 6 4 cells), resulting in narrow leaf shape of the hub1-1 mutant

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

The average cell cycle duration is the time between two successive phases of mitosis and is calculated as the inverse of CDR. At 5 DAS, the estimated average cell cycle duration was 44% longer in hub1-1 (20.6 h) than in Ler (14.1 h)

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

the increased cell cycle duration in hub1-1 might be associated with an increased duration of G2 and a block at the G2-to-M transition point of the cell cycle

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

hub1-1 ... fully ex- panded leaves 1 and 2 ... had a significantly decreased ... total lamina and petiole lengths

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

mature first and second leaves of hub1-1 ... The length:width ratio was significantly increased, reflecting a much stronger reduction in width than in length of the blade

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

the hub1-1 mutation alters cell division in ... pavement ... cells

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

In hub1-4 ... growth was defective compared with that of the Col wild type

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

The stomatal index (i.e., the fraction of epidermal cells that are guard cells) increased more slowly in hub1-1 than in Ler between 5 and 8 DAS, with final values of 0.23 and 0.35 on average for hub1-1 and Ler, respectively. As a result, in mature leaves of hub1-1, fewer stomata were present, a difference that originated at the same time when division rates were changed

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 ... In leaf 6, similarly reduced cell numbers had been observed in the epidermal cell layer (Cookson et al., 2005)

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The hub1-1 mutation also affected rosette growth

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 mutation ... did not affect the duration of ... leaf ex- pansion

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 ... fully ex- panded leaves 1 and 2 ... had a significantly decreased lamina ... width

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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fresh weight of ... hub1-3 was ... 55% of that of Col

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

hub1-4 ... mutants ... had ... laminas with an irregular blade surface

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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  • Phenotype

hub1-4 ... mutants ... had pale-green laminas

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 ... fully ex- panded leaves 1 and 2 ... had a significantly decreased ... petiole length

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-3 ... mutants ... had ... laminas with an irregular blade surface

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 mutation altered ... the leaf expansion rates during the proliferation phase of leaf develop- ment

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-3 ... mutants were reduced in size

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The main characteristic of the hub1-1 (ang4-1) mutant of Arabi- dopsis is its small plant size

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-4 ... mutants were reduced in size

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 mutation altered the cell division ... rates during the proliferation phase of leaf develop- ment

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 mutation ... did not affect the duration of proliferation

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The hub2-1 plants were smaller

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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Five days after sowing (DAS), leaf blade area and epidermal cell number were similar in Ler and hub1-1 (Figures 3B and 3C), but both parameters in- creased more slowly in hub1-1 than in Ler between 5 to 10 DAS, ultimately resulting in a reduced leaf size (47%) and number of epidermal cells (48%) in hub1-1 leaves by day 18, when the growth phase ended in both lines

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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Consequently, in mature leaves of the hub1-1 mutant, >4% of the cells contained a ploidy level of 32C, whereas this fraction was absent in those of Ler

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The hub2-1 plants were ... with pale green laminas

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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the hub1-1 mutation alters cell division in ... stomatal precursor cells

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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In ... hub1-3 ... growth was defective compared with that of the Col wild type

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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Already at 8 DAS, a shift was observed in the G1-to-G2 cell populations in the hub1-1 mutant compared with the Ler wild type (Figures 4A and 4B). The population of 4C cells was significantly increased at the expense of the 2C fraction (2C ¼ 46.2% and 4C¼ 44.0%), whereas in the wild type, the number of cells in 4C (33.8%) was only half those in 2C (66.2%)

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-3 ... mutants ... had pale-green laminas

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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At 5 DAS, the cells of hub1-1 were significantly larger than those of Ler; however, after 7 DAS, no differences in average epidermal cell area could be observed between Ler and hub1-1, indicating that HUB1 did not modify the balance between RLERs and CDRs and that the reduced epidermal CDR was not compensated by an increased cell size

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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fresh weight of hub1-4 ... was 51 ... % of that of Col

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The hub2-1 plants were ... with ... irregular blade sur- face

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The lamina area of mature first and second leaves of hub1-1 was reduced to 55% of that of the wild-type Landsberg erecta (Ler)

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The relative leaf expansion rate (RLER) is the leaf area produced per unit of time, and the cell division rate (CDR) is the total number of cells produced per unit of time and per meristematic cell. Between 5 and 10 DAS, the RLERs and the CDRs were lower but decreased more slowly in hub1-1 than in the wild type (Figures 3D and 3E). Consequently, RLERs and CDRs became similar in hub1-1 and Ler from 10 DAS

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The main characteristic of the hub1-1 (ang4-1) mutant of Arabi- dopsis is its ... narrow leaf lamina

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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across hub1-1 lamina ... In addition to reduced cell numbers, distribution and size of the mesophyll cells were irregular with some enlarged cells and the air spaces were increased (Figure 2D)

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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From the earliest stage on (8 DAS), in the hub1-1 mutant, the endocycle was enhanced by already 10% of 8C cells, while this level was reached only at 13 DAS in Ler

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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hub1-1 ... fully ex- panded leaves 1 and 2 ... had a significantly decreased lamina length

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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increased cell cycle duration in hub1-1

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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the increased cell cycle duration in hub1-1 might be associated with an increased duration of G2 and a block at the G2-to-M transition point of the cell cycle

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The stomatal index was consistently reduced in all hub1-1 when compared with Ler samples, suggesting that a proportion of leaf epidermal cells of hub1-1 exit the mitotic cell cycle early (Figure 3F)

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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The hub1-1 mutation also affected rosette growth, reducing fresh and dry weight at flowering by 40 and 39%, respectively

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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reduced leaf area in the hub1-1 mutant was confirmed by morphological measurements of the fully ex- panded leaves 1 and 2

Fleury D, Himanen K, Cnops G, Nelissen H, Boccardi TM, Maere S, Beemster GT, Neyt P, Anami S, Robles P, Micol JL, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of yeast BRE1 has a function in cell cycle regulation during early leaf and root growth

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stm-1 trn2-2 ... double mutants ... developed at least one leaf 8 days after germination and all double mutant progeny developed leaves by day 20

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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A typical feature of line 3010 mutant seedlings was an enlarged apical dome

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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3010 mutant ... leaves were ... irregularly shaped

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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A typical feature of line 3010 mutant seedlings was an ... apical dome ... protruding

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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3010 mutant ... leaves ... lacked large parts of the leaf lamina

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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3010 mutant ... leaves were severely twisted

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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line 3010 ... meristem ... contains over 40% more cells

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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3010 mutant ... severely twisted ... involved cauline leaves

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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In ... stm-1 trn2-2 ... double mutant seedlings ... leaves initiated from the base of the cotyledons

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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A typical feature of line 3010 mutant seedlings was an ... apical dome, altered in shape

Chiu WH, Chandler J, Cnops G, Van Lijsebettens M, Werr W - Mutations in the TORNADO2 gene affect cellular decisions in the peripheral zone of the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

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We then examined whether SKB1 methylates H4R3 in vivo. Figure 4H shows the skb1 mutants, with no difference from wild type in the level of asymmetric dimethylated H4R3, but markedly reduced level of symmetric dimethylated H4R3, which indicates that H4R3 contains symmetric and asymmetric forms of dimethylation, and that SKB1 is a major enzyme controlling H4R3 symmetric dimethylation in Arabidopsis. Further investigation revealed that impaired H4R3 symmetric dimethylation had little effect on dimethylated H3K4, H3K9 and acetylated H4K5 and H4K8

Wang X, Zhang Y, Ma Q, Zhang Z, Xue Y, Bao S, Chong K - SKB1-mediated symmetric dimethylation of histone H4R3 controls flowering time in Arabidopsis

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The skb1 mutant plants also formed leaves slightly more curled

Wang X, Zhang Y, Ma Q, Zhang Z, Xue Y, Bao S, Chong K - SKB1-mediated symmetric dimethylation of histone H4R3 controls flowering time in Arabidopsis

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The skb1 mutant plants also formed leaves ... darker than wild-type plants

Wang X, Zhang Y, Ma Q, Zhang Z, Xue Y, Bao S, Chong K - SKB1-mediated symmetric dimethylation of histone H4R3 controls flowering time in Arabidopsis

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As previously reported (Mattsson et al., 1999; Sieburth, 1999), striking changes in leaf morphology were also observed at low NPA concentrations, as leaves became epinastic

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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Seedlings with the parl1 mutation had ... slightly smaller ... leaves

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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Seedlings with the parl1 mutation had ... slightly smaller cotyledons

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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Seedlings with the parl1 mutation had ... delayed leaf initiation

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At low con- centrations of NPA (0.5 mM) the wild-type leaf ... There was ... a reduction in higher order veins

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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Seedlings with the parl1 mutation had narrower ... leaves

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The amount of unprocessed 35S pre-rRNA was much higher in the parl1-2 mutant seedlings than in Col wild-type seedlings

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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rosette size ... reduced in mature parl1 mutants compared to wild-type plants

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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Seedlings with the parl1 mutation had narrower ... cotyledons

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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The vein pattern in parl1 leaves was transformed by NPA treatment into a mass of parallel vein traces penetrating the leaf from the petiole (compare Fig. 7, M and N). Arching secondary veins were found only occasionally at the tip of NPA- treated parl1 leaves (Fig. 7O). These results suggest NPA treatment of parl1 plants led to the enhancement of parl1 leaf shape and vein pattern defects

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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Venation pattern was also affected in other organs of parl1 plants, including ... adult leaves

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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A single recessive allele of the parl1 mutant was identified in a chemical mutagenesis screen for vein patterning defects in the first pair of juvenile leaves of Arabidopsis (Clay and Nelson, 2005)

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The lack of apical loop expression and the mislocalization of tip expression in the parl1/ DR5:GUS line suggest PARL1 acts prior to the acquisi- tion of preprocambial identity in agreement with our parl1/Athb8:GUS expression results and that auxin responses are disrupted in Arabidopsis parl1 mutants

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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The parl1 leaf phenotype was ... pointed

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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The parl1 leaf phenotype was ... narrow

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At low con- centrations of NPA (0.5 mM) the wild-type leaf vein pattern ... radically altered

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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At low con- centrations of NPA (0.5 mM) the wild-type leaf ... morphology ... radically altered

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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As previously reported (Mattsson et al., 1999; Sieburth, 1999), striking changes in leaf morphology were also observed at low NPA concentrations, as leaves became ... darker in color

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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As previously reported (Mattsson et al., 1999; Sieburth, 1999), striking changes in leaf morphology were also observed at low NPA concentrations, as leaves became ... reduced in size

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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The parl1 leaf phenotype was ... a reduction in higher order tertiary and quater- nary veins, and secondary veins that anastomose in the petiole and occasionally end freely at the leaf margins (compare Fig. 1, A and B). The vein patterns in the parl1 mutants resembled the normal, parallel vein pattern found in monocot species such as rice

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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Venation pattern was also affected in other organs of parl1 plants, including cotyledons

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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adaxial/abaxial arrangement of xylem and phloem appeared unperturbed ... as revealed in transverse sections of parl leaves

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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At low con- centrations of NPA (0.5 mM) the wild-type leaf ... There was an increase in marginal venation and the number of traces in the petiole

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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In parl1 mutant leaves, leaf shape was converted to a paddle shape appearance at low concentrations of NPA

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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As previously reported (Mattsson et al., 1999; Sieburth, 1999), striking changes in leaf morphology were also observed at low NPA concentrations ... the petiole was shortened

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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the palisade mesophyll layer of the leaf was reduced in the parl1 mutant

Petricka JJ, Nelson TM - Arabidopsis nucleolin affects plant development and patterning

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srf4-2 ... showed an approximate 20% reduction in the ... width of the leaf blade

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf4-3 ... Leaf blade ... showed an approximate 20% reduction in the length

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf4-3 ... a decrease of 40% in the surface area of the leaf blade

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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homozygous 35S::SRF4 lines ... a 40–50% increase in the surface area of the leaf blade

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf4 ... constant length/width ratios of leaf blades

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf5-2 ... apparently looked normal

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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leaf shape appeared about normal in ... 35S::SRF4 plants

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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leaf shape appeared about normal in srf4

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

srf4-3 ... showed an approximate 20% reduction in the ... width of the leaf blade

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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35S::SRF4 ... constant length/width ratios of leaf blades

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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No obvious phenotypes were detected in plants carrying ... 35S::SRF6 constructs

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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transgenic wild-type Col plants ectopically expressing SRF4 using the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus [49] exhibited leaves of increased size

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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transgenic 35S::SRF5 plants did not exhibit noticably bigger leaves

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf4-2 ... Leaf blade ... showed an approximate 20% reduction in the length

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf5-1 ... apparently looked normal

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

srf4-2 ... a decrease of 40% in the surface area of the leaf blade

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Two independent homozygous 35S::SRF4 lines were characterized further (T3 generation, lines 3–12 and 1–5, respectively). We noted a 25–30% increase in ... width of the leaf blade

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Two independent homozygous 35S::SRF4 lines were characterized further (T3 generation, lines 3–12 and 1–5, respectively). We noted a 25–30% increase in length ... of the leaf blade

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf4-2 srf5-1 double mutants essentially resembled srf4-2 single mutants

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf4-2 ... exhibited a reduction in leaf size

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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srf4-3 ... exhibited a reduction in leaf size

Eyüboglu B, Pfister K, Haberer G, Chevalier D, Fuchs A, Mayer KF, Schneitz K - Molecular characterisation of the STRUBBELIG-RECEPTOR FAMILY of genes encoding putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We failed to detect apparent phenotypes in the vfb1-1, vfb2-1, and vfb3-1 ... triple mutant

Schwager KM, Calderon-Villalobos LI, Dohmann EM, Willige BC, Knierer S, Nill C, Schwechheimer C - Characterization of the VIER F-BOX PROTEINE genes from Arabidopsis reveals their importance for plant growth and development

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in the case of the vfb1-1 vfb2-1 vfb3-1 vfb4 (RNAi) plants ... reduced rosette size (∼50%) during early stages of vegetative growth

Schwager KM, Calderon-Villalobos LI, Dohmann EM, Willige BC, Knierer S, Nill C, Schwechheimer C - Characterization of the VIER F-BOX PROTEINE genes from Arabidopsis reveals their importance for plant growth and development

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Cross sections of leaves indicate that the growth defects observed in the vfb1-1 vfb2-1 vfb3-1 vfb4 (RNAi) mutants are due to a reduction in cell size and not due to a reduction of cell cycle activity

Schwager KM, Calderon-Villalobos LI, Dohmann EM, Willige BC, Knierer S, Nill C, Schwechheimer C - Characterization of the VIER F-BOX PROTEINE genes from Arabidopsis reveals their importance for plant growth and development

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plants homozygous for Atofp1-2 locus had wild-type morphology

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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Atofp1-1D mutants mainly have defects in cell elongation

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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agb1-2 mutants mainly have defects in cell division

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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We have yet to detect any significant morphological phenotypes of Atofp1-1 mutants

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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Atofp1-4 mutants did not display any obvious morphological phenotypes

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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reduced length of aerial organs ... overexpression of AtOFP1 in the Col background

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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35S:HA-AtOFP1 plants ... kidney-shaped cotyledons

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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Atofp1-1D plants also had ... reduced size of rosettes

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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We found that overexpression of AtOFP1 ... affects ... cell elongation in other rapidly elongating organs such as the leaf petiole

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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Atofp1-1D plants also had reduced lengths of other aerial organs including cotyledons

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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35S:HA-AtOFP1 plants ... round shape of rosette and cauline leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Chen JG - Arabidopsis Ovate Family Protein 1 is a transcriptional repressor that suppresses cell elongation

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These results indicate that the reduced cell expansion phenotype of ben1-1D might be caused by reduced levels of endogenous BRs

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

ben1-1 homozygous plants show obvious organ-elongated phenotypes, with their ... leaves ... longer than those of wild-type plants

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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bri1-5 ben1-1D double mutants ... At maturity ... rosette width of the double mutant are about half those of bri1-5

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ben1-1D single mutant plants exhibit a phenotype of ... reduced rosette size

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the width of the leaf blades of the ben1-1D mutant is greater than that of wild-type

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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bri1-5 ben1-1D double mutants ... Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis indicated that the smaller leaf size is mainly caused by reduced expansion of the mutant cells

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

ben1-1D plants produce ... shortened petioles

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

ben1-1D plants produce rounded leaves

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

leaf blades of bri1-5 ben1-1D double mutants are ... more curled than those of bri1-5 single mutants

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaf blades of bri1-5 ben1-1D double mutants are much smaller ... than those of bri1-5 single mutants

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ben1-1 homozygous plants show obvious organ-elongated phenotypes, with their ... petioles ... longer than those of wild-type plants

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Relative to the levels detected in the background line, bri1-5, the endogenous levels of several major BRs were drastically decreased in the bri1-5 ben1-1D activation-tagged line. For example, both typhasterol (TY) and castasterone (CS) were reduced more than fourfold, and BL was reduced more than twofold (Table 1). Reduction of 6-deoxotyphasterol (6-deoxoTY) and 6-deoxocastasterone (6-deoxoCS) was also detected, but the reductions were not as dramatic as for TY and CS. In the WS2 background, reduction of endogenous TY and CS, but not 6-deoxoTY and 6-deoxoCS, by the overexpressor line, ben1-1D, was also observed, suggesting that TY and CS are the preferred targets of BEN1

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The endogenous levels of BRs in the BEN1 knock-out line were also compared with those in its background line. A significantly increased accumulation of the bioactive BR, CS, was detected. The accumulation of TY, 6-deoxoTY and 6-deoxoCS was not statistically significant. BL levels were too low to be detected

Yuan T, Fujioka S, Takatsuto S, Matsumoto S, Gou X, He K, Russell SD, Li J - BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

When we introduced pAS1::AS2 into wild-type (Col-0), plants of all 17 of the transgenic lines produced upwardly curled leaves. Two transgenic lines, however, had 1st and 2nd leaves that were flat and round, and slightly upwardly curled 3rd to 7th leaves that appeared flatter than those of wild-type (data not shown

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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We generated an AS1–AS2 chimeric gene by replacing the coding region of AS1 with the coding region of AS2 (pAS1::AS2 ... Five of the transgenic plants produced upwardly curled leaves, as is typical of leaves that over-express AS2

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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ratios of epidermal cell numbers on the adaxial side compared to those on the abaxial side were also greater for ... as2-1 ... However, there were no significant differences in terms of ratios of the sizes of cells on the adaxial side to those on the abaxial side among these plants

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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  • Phenotype

cotyledons of as2-1 mutant plants curl downwards

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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ratios of epidermal cell numbers on the adaxial side compared to those on the abaxial side were also greater for ... as1-1 ... However, there were no significant differences in terms of ratios of the sizes of cells on the adaxial side to those on the abaxial side among these plants

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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  • Phenotype

Most transgenic lines had a very abnormal phenotype, with narrow ... leaves ... as2-1/pAS1::AS2

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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Most transgenic lines had a very abnormal phenotype, with narrow and upwardly curled leaves, although the extent of curling ranged from mild to severe (as2-1/pAS1::AS2#1, Figure 2f). The gross morphology of transgenic plants with severe curling of narrow leaves was similar to that of transgenic plants generated by introduction of the CaMV 35S promoter-fused AS2 gene (Iwakawa et al., 2002; Lin et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2003). Such plants also generated enation-like outgrowths from the abaxial side of the lamina, with ectopic xylem cells on the abaxial side in addition to those on the adaxial side

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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  • Phenotype

Most transgenic lines had a very abnormal phenotype, with ... upwardly curled leaves ... as2-1/pAS1::AS2

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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as1-1 cotyledons curled downwards

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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In as2-1/pAS1::AS2 plants, the ratio of the epidermal cell number on the adaxial side to that on the abaxial side was about 0.5 (Figure 4f). These results show that the downward curling of as2-1 and as1-1 cotyledons was due to a difference in cell number between the adaxial and abaxial sides

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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Although expression of pAS1::AS2 restored a wild-type pattern of venation in the as2 mutant, it also resulted in flatter and rounder leaves

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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We also introduced the pAS1::AS2 construct into the as1-1 mutant and examined the leaf phenotype of the resultant transgenic Arabidopsis plants. No upwardly curled leaves, which were observed on most transgenic plants that expressed AS2 with the AS1 promoter, were generated in the as1 background even though AS2 transcripts from the exogenous gene were detectable

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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We generated an AS1–AS2 chimeric gene by replacing the coding region of AS1 with the coding region of AS2 (pAS1::AS2; Figure 2a), and introduced this chimeric gene into Arabidopsis plants. We obtained seven independent transgenic lines, two of which produced symmetrical leaves that were flatter and rounder (Figure 2e) than those of wild-type plants

Iwakawa H, Iwasaki M, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Soma T, Tanaka H, Semiarti E, Machida Y, Machida C - Expression of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene in the adaxial domain of Arabidopsis leaves represses cell proliferation in this domain and is critical for the development of properly expanded leaves

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  • Phenotype

35S::ICK1 leaves had fewer cells in all vein orders when compared to control leaves

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mesophyll cell area in ant-1 ... was significantly greater than wild-type during the early stages of leaf development

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In ant-1 leaves, this cessation of cell proliferation appeared to occur precociously

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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35S::ANT leaves had slightly higher rates of cell proliferation than wild-type at Day 0

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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cyclin index values for 35S::ICK1 leaves were significantly lower than wild-type at Day 0 and throughout leaf development

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mesophyll cell area in ... 35S::ICK1 was significantly greater than wild-type during the early stages of leaf development

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In contrast, the total number of freely ending veinlets and branch points increased in 35S::ANT compared to wild type (Fig. 4m, n). Furthermore, the percentage of freely ending veinlets (per branch point number) in 35S::ANT leaves did not change when compared to wild type (Table 1

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ant-1 ... leaves had slightly higher rates of cell proliferation than wild-type at Day 0

Kang J, Mizukami Y, Wang H, Fowke L, Dengler NG - Modification of cell proliferation patterns alters leaf vein architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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At later developmental stages, when the leaves of wild-type Col had senesced, atprmt5 leaves were more ... dark green in color

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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size of cotyledons ... in ... atprmt5-2 ... strikingly smaller

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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size of cotyledons ... in atprmt5-1 ... strikingly smaller

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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size of ... rosette leaves ... in ... atprmt5-2 ... strikingly smaller

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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At later developmental stages, when the leaves of wild-type Col had senesced, atprmt5 leaves were more curled

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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The leaves of atprmt5 mutants continued to expand and eventually reached the same size as Col leaves

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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some of the early juvenile leaves were curled in atprmt5 mutants as compared with wild-type Col

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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size of ... rosette leaves ... in atprmt5-1 ... strikingly smaller

Pei Y, Niu L, Lu F, Liu C, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X - Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis

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transgenic plants containing 35S:BOP1 in the Ler background ... Class I plants ... displayed ... rounded rosette leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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The vasculature in more than half (55.9%) of kan1 kan2 leaf petioles exhibited a pattern of phloem surrounded by xylem, representing an adaxialized phenotype (Table 2). This is consistent with the reported role of KAN1 and KAN2 in specifying abaxial organ identity (Eshed et al., 2001, 2004; Kerstetter et al., 2001

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaf petioles of bop1 bop2 as1 ... plants showed extensive ectopic outgrowth formation in the marginal region (Figures 6C, 6D, 6I, and 6J), and some outgrowths exhibited a strongly radialized character

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

The leaf petioles of 11-d-old Col, as1-1, and as2-1 seedlings were fully differentiated and consisted of highly vacuolated cells lacking a detectable nucleus (see Supplemental Figures 3A to 3C online). By contrast, bop1 bop2 ... leaf petioles displayed clusters of densely cytoplasmic, undifferentiated cells on the adaxial side, coincident with the development of ectopic outgrowths (see Supplemental Figures 3D to 3F online, arrows). These data show that the double and triple mutant leaf petioles acquired ectopic meristematic activity in the adaxial regions

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

bop1-4 bop2-11 double mutant plants developed extensive ectopic blade outgrowths along the rosette leaf petiole, like those observed in homozygous bop1-1 plants

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaf petioles of ... bop1 bop2 as2 plants showed extensive ectopic outgrowth formation in the marginal region (Figures 6C, 6D, 6I, and 6J), and some outgrowths exhibited a strongly radialized character

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 plants developed narrow leaves with ectopic blade outgrowth along the petioles, like bop1 bop2 leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 plants developed ... ectopic outgrowths on their abaxial lamina, like kan1 kan2 leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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lob mutant plants do not show any detectable phenotypes, likely because of redundancy with other LBD family genes

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

some bop1 bop2 leaf petioles (22.2%) had xylem surrounded by phloem (Figures 7B and 7H, Table 2), which is characteristic of the abaxialized lateral organs

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

In as1 ... leaf petioles, partially abaxialized vein morphology was observed at a high frequency ... However, completely abaxialized vasculature consisting of xylem surrounded by phloem was not detected in as1 ... petioles

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants containing 35S:BOP1 in the Ler background ... Class I plants (22/251) were the most severely affected. They displayed a small, compact overall shape ... rosette leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants containing 35S:BOP1 in the Ler background ... Class I plants ... displayed ... rosette leaves with short petioles

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants containing 35S:BOP1 in the Ler background ... Class III plants (25/251) developed normal-sized rosettes and leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

More than 55% of bop1 bop2 petioles formed half-moon-shaped vasculature, with xylem developing on the inside and phloem on the outside. We interpret this as partially abaxialized vasculature (Table 2). These Col bop1 bop2 phenotypes were observed at nearly the same ratio in bop1 bop2 plants introgressed into Ler (Table 2), indicating that er does not significantly contribute to the phenotypes

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

We next examined the vascular patterning of bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 rosette leaf petioles and found that about nine-tenths of them exhibited abaxialized vasculature (Table 2). The exclusively adaxialized vasculature observed in kan1 kan2 petioles was not detected in bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 petioles. The radialized portion of bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 leaves showed various kinds of organ polarity defects. The vascular bundles of nearly half of the leaves (44.0%) consisted of phloem surrounded by xylem (Figure 7T, Table 2), while one-third (36.0%) displayed xylem surrounded by phloem (Figures 7O and 7U, Table 2), and a small percentage (16.0%) had a mixture of both types of vasculature (Figures 7P and 7V, Table 2)

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

bop1-4 plants developed a single ectopic outgrowths from the leaf petiole region with low penetrance

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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very surprisingly, 17.6% of kan1 kan2 leaf petioles had abaxialized vasculature or a mixture of adaxialized and abaxialized vasculature

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

Approximately three-fourths of ... as2 kan1 kan2 leaf petiole vascular bundles were partially or fully abaxialized ... 80.9 ... %

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 leaves also showed extended, radialized petiole development that was not observed in either parental genotype

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants containing 35S:BOP1 in the Ler background ... Class I plants ... displayed ... strongly hyponastic rosette leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

In ... as2 leaf petioles, partially abaxialized vein morphology was observed at a high frequency ... However, completely abaxialized vasculature consisting of xylem surrounded by phloem was not detected in ... as2 petioles

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

bop2-11 plants showed normal rosette leaf morphogenesis

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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Approximately three-fourths of as1 kan1 kan2 ... leaf petiole vascular bundles were partially or fully abaxialized (71.4 ... % ... In addition, 9.5% of the as1 kan1 kan2 leaf petioles displayed both adaxialized and abaxialized vascular bundles

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

identify the origin of these ectopic organ outgrowths, we performed anatomical analysis of young seedlings. The leaf petioles of 11-d-old Col, as1-1, and as2-1 seedlings were fully differentiated and consisted of highly vacuolated cells lacking a detectable nucleus (see Supplemental Figures 3A to 3C online). By contrast ... bop1 bop2 as2 leaf petioles displayed clusters of densely cytoplasmic, undifferentiated cells on the adaxial side, coincident with the development of ectopic outgrowths (see Supplemental Figures 3D to 3F online, arrows). These data show that the double and triple mutant leaf petioles acquired ectopic meristematic activity in the adaxial regions

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

The leaf petioles of 11-d-old Col, as1-1, and as2-1 seedlings were fully differentiated and consisted of highly vacuolated cells lacking a detectable nucleus (see Supplemental Figures 3A to 3C online). By contrast ... bop1 bop2 as1 ... leaf petioles displayed clusters of densely cytoplasmic, undifferentiated cells on the adaxial side, coincident with the development of ectopic outgrowths (see Supplemental Figures 3D to 3F online, arrows). These data show that the double and triple mutant leaf petioles acquired ectopic meristematic activity in the adaxial regions

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

bop1 bop2 kan1 kan2 plants developed narrow leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 control Arabidopsis lateral organ fate through regulation of LOB domain and adaxial-abaxial polarity genes

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  • Phenotype

As expected, RUB modification of CUL1 is decreased in axr1-3 plants as a result of reduced RUB E1 activity

Dharmasiri N, Dharmasiri S, Weijers D, Karunarathna N, Jurgens G, Estelle M - AXL and AXR1 have redundant functions in RUB conjugation and growth and development in Arabidopsis

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the axl-1 mutant has a normal level of RUB-CUL1 that is in keeping with the lack of any growth defect in these plants

Dharmasiri N, Dharmasiri S, Weijers D, Karunarathna N, Jurgens G, Estelle M - AXL and AXR1 have redundant functions in RUB conjugation and growth and development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

axl-1 ... axl ... axr1-12 ... plants that were homozygous for both mutations displayed severe growth and developmental defects

Dharmasiri N, Dharmasiri S, Weijers D, Karunarathna N, Jurgens G, Estelle M - AXL and AXR1 have redundant functions in RUB conjugation and growth and development in Arabidopsis

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axr1-12 axl-1 double mutants ... seedlings are completely deficient in RUB-modified CUL1

Dharmasiri N, Dharmasiri S, Weijers D, Karunarathna N, Jurgens G, Estelle M - AXL and AXR1 have redundant functions in RUB conjugation and growth and development in Arabidopsis

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To investigate the impact of loss of AXL on vascular patterning, we examined the cotyledons of axr1-12 axl-1 double mutants. As predicted, axr1-12 axl-1 double mutants showed greatly reduced vascular development

Dharmasiri N, Dharmasiri S, Weijers D, Karunarathna N, Jurgens G, Estelle M - AXL and AXR1 have redundant functions in RUB conjugation and growth and development in Arabidopsis

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Despite the fact that axl-1 appears to be a null allele, homozygous axl-1 plants do not exhibit an obvious mutant phenotype. The rosettes are normal, and mutant plants bolt at the same time as the wild-type plants, producing a normal and fully fertile inflorescence

Dharmasiri N, Dharmasiri S, Weijers D, Karunarathna N, Jurgens G, Estelle M - AXL and AXR1 have redundant functions in RUB conjugation and growth and development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtTOR ... partly silenced 35-7 and 65-1 lines showed reduced shoot and root growth

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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Ethanol-induced silencing of AtTOR ... We detected a marked decrease in the amount of soluble proteins in ethanol-silenced plants—6.5 mg and 8.3 mg of soluble proteins per g fresh weight of rosette for the RNAi6.1 and 6.2 lines, respectively, compared with 15.3 mg and 13.7 mg of soluble proteins per g fresh weight for the Landsberg erecta and alca:GUS control lines, respectively

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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  • Phenotype

AtTOR-overexpressing plants ... a comparable increase in epidermal cell size was observed

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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  • Phenotype

Ethanol-induced silencing of AtTOR ... Silenced plantlets showed etiolated and unexpanded cotyledons

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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Ethanol-induced silencing of AtTOR ... we measured two and three times more glutamine synthetase ... activity, respectively, in leaves from silenced plants

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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When silencing of the AtTOR gene was conditionally induced by ethanol at bolting, the amount of AtTOR mRNA was reduced to less than 20% of that of the control alca:GUS line (data not shown), and the growth of existing leaves was almost completely stopped when compared with control plants

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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Ethanol-induced silencing of AtTOR ... we measured two and three times more ... glutamate dehydrogenase activity, respectively, in leaves from silenced plants

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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Ethanol-induced silencing of AtTOR ... When grown in vitro with increasing concentrations of ethanol, the silenced lines also showed an ethanol-dependent developmental arrest (Fig 4B,D). Silenced plantlets showed etiolated and unexpanded cotyledons, reduction and swelling of the hypocotyl and a lack of root development, as was more pronounced as ethanol concentration increased

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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Ethanol-induced silencing of AtTOR ... Leaves from these plants also accumulated very high concentrations of soluble sugars

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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The impact of AtTOR silencing on the efficiency of mRNA translation was then evaluated. On silencing, we observed a small but reproducible reduction in the abundance of high-molecular weight polysomes

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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Ethanol-induced silencing of AtTOR expression triggered an early yellowing, which is linked to chlorophyll breakdown and is typical of leaf senescence (Fig 4A). Leaves from these plants also accumulated very high concentrations of soluble sugars (Fig 4C). Furthermore, we measured two and three times more glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase activity, respectively, in leaves from silenced plants (data not shown). These variations in enzyme activities and levels of soluble sugar are usually associated with leaf senescence and nutrient remobilization in Arabidopsis

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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  • Phenotype

AtTOR-overexpressing plants ... The area of rosette leaves increased gradually as the expression of AtTOR was augmented

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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Shoot and root growth was found to be enhanced in G166 and G548 AtTOR-overexpressing plants that were grown either in soil or in controlled hydroponic conditions

Deprost D, Yao L, Sormani R, Moreau M, Leterreux G, Nicolaï M, Bedu M, Robaglia C, Meyer C - The Arabidopsis TOR kinase links plant growth, yield, stress resistance and mRNA translation

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We quantified cell numbers in the third, fourth, and fifth leaves (L3–L5), of the triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant and WT plants ... The number of cells comprising ... the adaxial (upper) epidermis ... was reduced by 20–30% in cycd3;1-3

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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  • Phenotype

triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... premature onset of endoreduplication

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... Auxin alone was sufficient to induce callus on both ends of WT and single and double mutant hypocotyl stem segments in tissue culture, but, in contrast, cycd3;1-3 required exogenous cytokinin for calli to develop on both sides of the explants (Fig. 3B and SI Fig. 7D). In the presence of cytokinin WT, single and double cycd3 mutant calli were green and developed shoots, whereas cycd3;1-3 calli remained yellow and did not develop shoots. In response to higher concentrations of auxin and cytokinin (Fig. 3 B and C), cycd3;1-3 calli developed roots, but no case of shoot formation was observed, even at high cytokinin levels. We conclude that CYCD3 function is required for normal cytokinin responses and that the cycd3;1-3 mutant is strongly impaired in several aspects of cytokinin response, including normal meristem maintenance, branching, shoot formation, and greening of callus

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... Endoreduplication in leaf 3, which has similar growth rates in the mutant and WT, was determined from its emergence until the rosette bore 10 leaves. The average ploidy level was found to be consistently higher in cycd3;1-3

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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  • Phenotype

triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... no difference was observed in the size of equivalent adult leaves of the rosette

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... measurement of cell areas in rosette leaves showed substantially larger mesophyll

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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We quantified cell numbers in the third, fourth, and fifth leaves (L3–L5), of the triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant and WT plants (Fig. 2C). The number of cells comprising both the adaxial (upper) epidermis and underlying mesophyll was reduced by 20–30% in cycd3;1-3

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... Impaired SAM function is further evidenced by the delayed initiation of the first pair of postembryonic leaves

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... resulting in an increase in juvenile leaf area of 60% at the seven-leaf stage

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... measurement of cell areas in rosette leaves showed substantially larger ... adaxial epidermis cells

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... Longitudinal sections of the vegetative SAM in cycd3;1-3 revealed that it consists of fewer cells, demonstrating a further role for CYCD3 in controlling the size of the SAM cell pool

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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triple homozygous cycd3;1 cycd3;2 cycd3;3 (cycd3;1-3) mutant ... Analysis of this juvenile leaf pair showed they have the same number of cells in both the cycd3;1-3 and WT

Dewitte W, Scofield S, Alcasabas AA, Maughan SC, Menges M, Braun N, Collins C, Nieuwland J, Prinsen E, Sundaresan V, Murray JA - Arabidopsis CYCD3 D-type cyclins link cell proliferation and endocycles and are rate-limiting for cytokinin responses

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  • Phenotype

the icu2-1/icu2-3 heterozygotes were viable and displayed a morphological phenotype indistinguishable from that of the icu2-1/icu2-1 homozygotes

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

icu2-3 ... homozygous mutants were ... recessive lethality

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

icu2-1 mutant ... vegetative leaves ... displayed ... a variable degree of incurvature

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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icu2-2 ... homozygous mutants were ... were ... recessive lethality

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

icu2-3 ... affect ... both ovule and pollen formation

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

icu2-1 mutant ... vegetative leaves ... displayed some bilateral asymmetry

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

icu2-1/icu2-3 heterozygotes were viable and displayed a morphological phenotype indistinguishable from that of the icu2-1/icu2-1 homozygotes

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ICU2/icu2-3 heterozygotes were phenotypically wild-type

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

icu2-2 ... affect both ovule and pollen formation

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The ICU2/icu2-2 ... heterozygotes were phenotypically wild-type

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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surface of these leaves ... was uneven, which correlated with the presence of patches of small epidermal cells

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

icu2-1 mutant ... vegetative leaves were of slightly reduced size

Barrero JM, González-Bayón R, del Pozo JC, Ponce MR, Micol JL - INCURVATA2 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA Polymerase alpha and interacts with genes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In a 160,000-μm2 area, the siz1-3 leaf contained 114 ± 16.7 epidermal cells ... whereas a wild-type leaf contained 47.9 ± 5.8 epidermal cells ... Therefore, siz1 leaves had ∼2.3 times more cells per unit area than wild-type leaves

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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In a 160,000-μm2 area, the siz1-3 leaf contained ... 45 ± 5.6 stomata, whereas a wild-type leaf contained ... 17.4 ± 2.8 stomata. Therefore, siz1 leaves had ∼2.3 times more cells per unit area than wild-type leaves

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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We compared anthocyanin content of 5-week-old plants ... siz1-3 plants accumulated significantly lower anthocyanin levels than the wild type and C-siz1-3

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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Compared with wild-type leaves, siz1-3 leaves were reduced in ... width by approximately twofold

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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siz1-3 was significantly more sensitive to drought stress than the wild type. In the first series of experiments, siz1-3 lost 50% of fresh weight in 37 min compared with 49 min in the wild type (Figure 4A). This decreased capacity of siz1-3 to retain water was more dramatic in experiments where water was withheld from soil-grown plants for 2 weeks ... siz1-3 was more sensitive to drought stress

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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Microscopy analysis revealed that siz1-3 leaves contained smaller epidermal ... cells when compared with wild-type leaves (Figure 2E).

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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One week after germination on Murashige and Skoog (MS) plates, siz1-3 plants showed no visible difference when compared with wild-type plants

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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siz1-3 leaves ... there was a 4.5-fold reduction in total leaf area

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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Compared with wild-type leaves, siz1-3 leaves were reduced in length ... by approximately twofold

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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8-week-old siz1-3 plants were significantly shorter compared with wild-type and C-siz1-3 plants

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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As juvenile leaves began to develop, siz1-3 exhibited deficiencies in leaf elongation and enlargement ... and these differences were clearly manifested in rosette leaves of 5-week-old plants (Figure 2C, panel d). Similar differences could be seen in 25-d-old plants grown in vitro

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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Microscopy analysis revealed that siz1-3 leaves contained smaller ... mesophyll cells when compared with wild-type leaves

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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when germinated on soil, siz1-3 was significantly smaller than both the wild type and C-siz1-3

Catala R, Ouyang J, Abreu IA, Hu Y, Seo H, Zhang X, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 regulates plant growth and drought responses

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UAS::DTA (diptheria toxin A) construct into a heterozygous E1439 driver line ... margin ablation resulted in the formation of an approximately radially symmetrical leaf lamina compared with the normal ovate leaf form

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 displayed a clear phenotype ... the leaves were ... rounded

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439>>DWF4 plants indicated that ... not leaf size ... was restored

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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leaf length in the E1439 leaves is significantly shorter than that in wild-type

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 displayed a clear phenotype. Seedling growth was very slow

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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analysis of the cellular patterning at the tip and base of these leaves indicates a higher cellular density in the E1439 leaf

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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cells at the margin position in line E1439 had an altered cell wall structure

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 ... cells at the margin ... formed stomatal complexes (which are generally absent from the leaf margin

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 leaf ... shows ... curvature along the proximal–distal axis

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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UAS::DTA (diptheria toxin A) construct into a heterozygous E1439 driver line ... there was altered leaf morphology

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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UAS::DTA (diptheria toxin A) construct into a heterozygous E1439 driver line ... the MCs ... collapsed

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439>>DWF4 leaves revealed restoration of MC differentiation to create a margin similar to that observed in WT leaves

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 ... cells at the margin did not take on the elongated form apparent in WT leaves

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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Using the ratio of leaf length to width ... E1439>>DWF4 complemented plants revealed no significant difference

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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DWF4 expression under the control of the E1439 driver line did not restore all aspects of leaf morphogenesis

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 displayed a clear phenotype ... the leaves were small

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 displayed a clear phenotype ... the leaves were ... dark green

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439>>DWF4 plants indicated that leaf shape ... was restored to that of control WT plants

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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UAS::DTA (diptheria toxin A) construct into a heterozygous E1439 driver line ... Leaf growth was greatly impaired compared with WT

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the E1439 leaves indicated that there was a significant disruption of margin cell (MC) differentiation

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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E1439 ... cells at the margin ... appeared more similar to epidermal pavement cells

Reinhardt B, Hänggi E, Müller S, Bauch M, Wyrzykowska J, Kerstetter R, Poethig S, Fleming AJ - Restoration of DWF4 expression to the leaf margin of a dwf4 mutant is sufficient to restore leaf shape but not size: the role of the margin in leaf development

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The mid-1 mutant was initially isolated as a recessive dwarf mutant from a population of 8000 activation-tagged T-DNA lines (Weigel et al., 2000)

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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we analyzed endoreduplication levels of leaves by flow cytometry. Both alleles show a strong shift toward lower endoreduplication levels. In mid-2 alleles, the population of 2C cells has become the most prominent fraction

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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We confirmed this result for trichome cells by measuring the relative fluorescence intensity of the 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)–stained nuclear DNA. Wild-type trichomes typically undergo four rounds of endoreduplication and have a DNA content of on average 32C. By contrast, mid trichomes have a DNA content of ∼8 C (n = 56), which corresponds to two endoreduplication cycles

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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To further address the role of the Arabidopsis topoisomerease VI complex in heterochromatin formation, we analyzed DAPI-stained nuclei of several cell types in the mid mutant. Mitotic cells showed no detectable defects in chromosome condensation and ploidy levels (data not shown), suggesting that mitotic chromosome assembly and segregation are not dependent on Topo VI in Arabidopsis. However, nuclei of endoreduplicating cells, such as trichomes, elongated root epidermal cells, and occasionally root hairs, exhibited aberrant staining patterns (Figures 5B and 5C). In the wild type, highly condensed heterochromatic DNA consisting of centromeric and pericentromeric repeats and rDNA genes (Fransz et al., 2002) was visible as brightly stained distinct chromocenters in 81% of the nuclei (n = 31; Figure 5B). In the mid mutants, chromocenters are smaller and less defined (Figure 5C). Only 12% of the analyzed nuclei showed clearly defined chromocenters (n = 52), suggesting that heterochromatin organization is affected by the mid mutation

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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Arabidopsis ... atr mutants are viable and do not show any effect on plant growth and development under normal conditions

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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mid-2 ... show a strong general growth reduction

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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mid-1 ... general reduction in plant size correlates with a strong size reduction of various cell types, including trichomes

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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mid-1 ... strong size reduction of ... leaf pavement cells

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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Arabidopsis atm ... mutants are viable and do not show any effect on plant growth and development under normal conditions except for a reduced fertility of the atm mutant

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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mid-1 mutant ... show a strong general growth reduction

Kirik V, Schrader A, Uhrig JF, Hulskamp M - MIDGET unravels functions of the Arabidopsis topoisomerase VI complex in DNA endoreduplication, chromatin condensation, and transcriptional silencing

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The application of exogenous ... gibberellin ... does not rescue the small size phenotype in bin4-1

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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double-strand breaks (DSBs) ... we found that the nuclei from bin4-2 cotyledons accumulate more than twice as many DSBs (∼65% of total DNA) as those from wild-type cotyledons (Figure 5P

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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Like other BR-insensitive mutants, organ growth is severely compromised in bin4

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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Moreover, our fluorescence microscopy revealed that nuclear size is significantly smaller in many cell types of bin4-1, including leaf trichomes (see Supplemental Figures 1E and 1K online), root hairs (see Supplemental Figures 1F and 1L online), leaf marginal epidermis (see Supplemental Figures 1G and 1M online), root cortex (see top panels of Supplemental Figures 1H and 1N online), and root metaxylem cells (see top panels of

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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leaf trichomes are composed of a single cell in Arabidopsis, and the reduced cell size in bin4-1

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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we cleared cotyledons from 8-d-old, light-grown seedlings and measured cell number and cell size on the abaxial surface ... total estimated cell number per cotyledon surface is comparable between the wild type (1543 cells) and the mutant (1480 cells) ... bin4-1

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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Twelve-day-old, light-grown bin4-1 seedlings have small cotyledons

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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extreme dwarf mutant, bin4

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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The application of exogenous BR ... does not rescue the small size phenotype in bin4-1

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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bin4-1 rhl2 ... double mutants are indistinguishable from those of their respective parents, suggesting that BIN4 acts in the same pathway or complex as ... SPO11-3/RHL2/BIN5

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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The application of exogenous ... ethylene, does not rescue the small size phenotype in bin4-1

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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bin4-1 hyp7 ... double mutants are indistinguishable from those of their respective parents, suggesting that BIN4 acts in the same pathway or complex as RHL1/HYP7

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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we cleared cotyledons from 8-d-old, light-grown seedlings and measured cell number and cell size on the abaxial surface. As shown in Figure 1D, wild-type cotyledons develop many large, heavily interdigitated epidermal cells. We found that the size of this cell type is dramatically reduced in bin4-1 (Figure 1E), from an average of 5032 ± 2699 μm2 in the wild type to 790 ± 314 μm2 in bin4-1 (n = 50

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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bin4-1 hyp6 double mutants are indistinguishable from those of their respective parents, suggesting that BIN4 acts in the same pathway or complex as ... TOP6B/RHL3/HYP6/BIN3

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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It is generally thought that nuclear size and ploidy are tightly linked; accordingly, our immunocytochemistry of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU)–incorporated nuclei demonstrates that the large nuclei in wild-type cells do arise from the replication of DNA (see lower panels of Supplemental Figures 1H and 1I online) and that this process ceases prematurely in bin4-1

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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bin4 ... was originally identified in a screen for mutants that have reduced sensitivity to BR (Yin et al., 2002)

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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Our flow cytometric analysis, using 15,000 nuclei from 12-d-old leaves, indicates that the ploidy of wild-type leaves ranges from 2C to 32C, having a highest peak at 4C (see Supplemental Figures 1A and 1P online). By sharp contrast with this, we found that the ploidy in 12-d-old leaf cells of bin4-1 reaches only 8C (see Supplemental Figures 1B and 1P online). Although the overall peak pattern is similar between the wild type and bin4-1, all of the peaks in bin4-1 are smaller and broader than those in the wild type and the interpeak signals tend to be higher in bin4-1, further suggesting mechanistic faults in the endocycle progression in bin4

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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Twelve-day-old, light-grown bin4-1 seedlings have ... true leaves with short petioles

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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The application of exogenous ... auxin ... does not rescue the small size phenotype in bin4-1

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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bin4-1 ... unbranched, miniature trichomes

Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasu K - BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Homozygous klu mutant plants form ... leaves ... with a comparable reduction of ... length

Anastasiou E, Kenz S, Gerstung M, MacLean D, Timmer J, Fleck C, Lenhard M - Control of plant organ size by KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent intercellular signaling

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klu mutant ... the number of petal and leaf cells ... is lower

Anastasiou E, Kenz S, Gerstung M, MacLean D, Timmer J, Fleck C, Lenhard M - Control of plant organ size by KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent intercellular signaling

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Homozygous klu mutant plants form ... leaves ... with a comparable reduction of ... width

Anastasiou E, Kenz S, Gerstung M, MacLean D, Timmer J, Fleck C, Lenhard M - Control of plant organ size by KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent intercellular signaling

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moderately increasing KLU activity in its endogenous expression domain (Figures S2F and S2G) causes overgrowth of leaves

Anastasiou E, Kenz S, Gerstung M, MacLean D, Timmer J, Fleck C, Lenhard M - Control of plant organ size by KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent intercellular signaling

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The reduced size of klu mutant petals and leaves is not caused by smaller cells

Anastasiou E, Kenz S, Gerstung M, MacLean D, Timmer J, Fleck C, Lenhard M - Control of plant organ size by KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent intercellular signaling

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Homozygous klu mutant plants form smaller leaves

Anastasiou E, Kenz S, Gerstung M, MacLean D, Timmer J, Fleck C, Lenhard M - Control of plant organ size by KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent intercellular signaling

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moderately increasing KLU activity in its endogenous expression domain ... causes ... increased numbers of cells

Anastasiou E, Kenz S, Gerstung M, MacLean D, Timmer J, Fleck C, Lenhard M - Control of plant organ size by KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent intercellular signaling

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In seu-3 ant-1 ... the leaf surface was more undulating when compared to wild type

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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The seu single mutant has ... rounder leaves

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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These phenotypes suggest a partial loss of adaxial identity in seu-3 ant-1 leaves

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

The seu single mutant has ... shorter ... leaves

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

In seu-3 ant-1 rosette leaves the adaxial leaf epidermal cells were ... more variable in size

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

seu-3 ... adaxial surface was more undulating compared to the flat adaxial surface of wild-type leaves

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

In seu-3 ant-1 rosette leaves the adaxial leaf epidermal cells were slightly more lobed

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

The edges of seu-3 adaxial leaf cells appeared more lobed

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

The ant single mutants display ... slightly narrower leaves with reduced blade on the petiole section

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of the seu ant mutants are shorter ... than those of either single mutant or wild type

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of the seu ant mutants are ... narrower than those of either single mutant or wild type

Azhakanandam S, Nole-Wilson S, Bao F, Franks RG - SEUSS and AINTEGUMENTA mediate patterning and ovule initiation during gynoecium medial domain development

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  • Phenotype

The size of the AtEXP3-OX leaves exhibit approximately larger than those of the wild type seedlings by 1.5-fold

Kwon YR, Lee HJ, Kim KH, Hong SW, Lee SJ, Lee H - Ectopic expression of Expansin3 or Expansinbeta1 causes enhanced hormone and salt stress sensitivity in Arabidopsis

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the petiole lengths of AtEXPβ1-OX plants were significantly longer

Kwon YR, Lee HJ, Kim KH, Hong SW, Lee SJ, Lee H - Ectopic expression of Expansin3 or Expansinbeta1 causes enhanced hormone and salt stress sensitivity in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

disruption of the DA1 gene with T-DNA insertions in the predicted coding region (da1-ko1, da1-ko2, and da1-ko3) (Fig. 4A) did not cause an obvious growth phenotype

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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da1-1 plants ... Measurement of the mitotic index using a pCYCB1:1::GUS reporter fusion that is specifically expressed in mitosis during petal and leaf growth demonstrated that cell cycle activity was arrested later in growth

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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eod1-1da1-1 double mutant exhibited substantially larger seed and organ size and longer life span than da1-1

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

da1-1 plants have ... rounder ... leaves

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

da1-1 plants have ... large leaves

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In all organs of da1-1 plants ... the number of cells was increased

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Kinematic analysis of petal and leaf growth (Fig. 3A,C) illustrated that da1-1 plants undergo a longer phase of proliferative growth and have a longer life span than wild-type plants

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In all organs of da1-1 plants, the size of cells was comparable with that measured in wild type

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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did not cause an obvious growth phenotype ... T-DNA insertion alleles in DAR1

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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da1-1 ... cotyledon areas were substantially increased

Li Y, Zheng L, Corke F, Smith C, Bevan MW - Control of final seed and organ size by the DA1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the mutation in UBP15 gave rise to a decrease in the ... palisade cell number in the lateral direction

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of the UBP15 over-expression lines were rounder than those of the wild-type from a very early stage

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

the mutation in UBP15 gave rise to a decrease in the adaxial epidermal ... cell number in the lateral direction

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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over-expression of UBP15 led to an increase of cell numbers

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp16-1 ... did not exhibit an observable phenotype

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

the ubp15-1 ... mutants exhibited ... lower cell numbers in ... phloem

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-1 ubp16-1 ... In the case of the 9th rosette leaf, the adaxial epidermal cell number across the leaf lamina decreased by 60% compared with the wild-type

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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the UBP15 over-expression lines ... the later rosette leaves, such as the 9th rosette leaf, they sometimes showed a knot in the leaf tip region (arrow in Figure 4b, compare Figure 4a,b), possibly caused by uneven proliferation of the cells in various positions within the leaf

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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ubp15 ubp16 mutant is similar to but more severe than that of the ubp15 mutant, with more extreme narrow rosette leaves, dwarf plants, smaller flowers and aborted siliques

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

UBP15 over-expression lines contained more spongy cell layers

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-1 and ubp15-2 ... Compared to wild-type adult plants, both mutants are smaller with ... serrated leaves

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-1 and ubp15-2 ... Compared to wild-type adult plants, both mutants are smaller with narrow ... leaves

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

a small but significant increase in the cell size was detected in the ubp15 mutants

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

the ... ubp15-2 mutants exhibited ... lower cell numbers in ... phloem

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp16-1 ubp17-1 ... did not observe a noticeable phenotype

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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We plotted the ratio of length and width, defined as the leaf index value (Tsukaya, 2006), of ubp15-1 and wild-type, which revealed a much stronger reduction in width than in length of the rosette leaf blade in the mutant

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

both the ubp15-1 and ubp15-2 mutants ... the numbers of parenchyma cells surrounding the vascular bundles of the two mutants were also reduced

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-1 ... vascular bundles ... were slimmer than in the wild-type

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp17-1 ... did not exhibit an observable phenotype

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

the ubp15-1 ... mutants exhibited ... lower cell numbers in xylem

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

UBP15 over-expression lines revealed larger overall stature of the plants as well as larger rosette leaves

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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increases in those corresponding cell numbers in the UBP15 over-expression lines

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp16-1 ubp17-2 ... did not observe a noticeable phenotype

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-1 and ubp15-2 ... Compared to wild-type adult plants, both mutants are smaller

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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ubp15 ubp17 did not show more severe defects compared to ubp15 mutants, implying that UBP17 has minimal functional contribution

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-1 ubp16-1 ... decreased ... palisade cell number

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of the UBP15 over-expression lines were ... severely downward-curled in the middle to later stages

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp17-2 ... did not exhibit an observable phenotype

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-2 mutants exhibited reduced a number of spongy cell layers

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-1 ... exhibited reduced a number of spongy cell layers

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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A detailed comparison of ubp15-1 and ubp15-1 ubp16-1 revealed additional defects in the double mutant. The alteration in cell number was conspicuous

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15 ubp16 mutant is ... dwarf

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

UBP15 over-expression lines revealed larger overall stature of the plants

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

ubp15-2 ... vascular bundles ... were slimmer than in the wild-type

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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two alleles for UBP15 showing a leaf morphology phenotype

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

the ... ubp15-2 mutants exhibited ... lower cell numbers in xylem

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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detailed comparison of ubp15-1 and ubp15-1 ubp16-1 revealed additional defects in the double mutant ... strikingly degenerated vascular bundle

Liu Y, Wang F, Zhang H, He H, Ma L, Deng XW - Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease gene family reveals specific role and redundancy of individual members in development

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  • Phenotype

spl13 ... phenotypically normal in terms of leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Meristem shape ... of ... ProSPL9: rSPL9 plants ... similar to those of the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we misexpressed rSPL9 from different promoters. Ectopic expression from the primordium-specific ANT ... reduced the number of leaves to less than half of that of the wild type after 30 d in short-day conditions

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

artificial miRNA that targeted the mRNAs of ... SPL5 ... and introduced ... into spl3 mutants. These plants did not show obvious differences in plastochron length

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The plastochron length of ProSPL9:rSPL9 cyp78a5 plants was inter- mediate between that of the parental lines, which have opposite phenotypes, suggesting parallel effects of the two genetic sys- tems

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We found that leaf initiation was similarly affected in ago1-27 plants, which carry a weak mutant allele of ARGONAUTE1

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Similar to Pro35S:MIR156b plants (Schwab et al., 2005), directing miR156 expression to the periphery of the shoot apical meristem with the LOB promoter did not change plastochron length either

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

spl11 ... phenotypically normal in terms of leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

spl3 ... phenotypically normal in terms of leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Meristem shape ... of cyp78a5 ... similar to those of the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

cyp78a5 mutants ... prematurely arrested growth

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

phyllotaxis of ... ProSPL9: rSPL9 plants ... similar to those of the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we prepared forms of SPL genes that can no longer be targeted by miR156 according to known rules for effective miRNA targeting in plants (Schwab et al., 2005). We refer to these mutants as nontargeted or resistant SPLs (rSPLs) (Figure 4A ... Plants that expressed rSPL9 under the control of the native promoter had a very strong plastochron phenotype, with the leaf initiation rate reduced to one-third of that of the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Pro35S:MIR156f ... had meristems of similar sizes to the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

ProSPL9:rSPL9 ... smaller overall meristem

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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spl10 ... phenotypically normal in terms of leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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small leaves and floral organs in cyp78a5 mutants

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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spl2 ... phenotypically normal in terms of leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Meristem shape ... of ... Pro35S:MIR156f ... similar to those of the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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cyp78a5 ... had meristems of similar sizes to the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we prepared forms of SPL genes that can no longer be targeted by miR156 according to known rules for effective miRNA targeting in plants (Schwab et al., 2005). We refer to these mutants as nontargeted or resistant SPLs (rSPLs) (Figure 4A ... Overexpression of rSPL3 caused early flowering as reported (Wu and Poethig, 2006; Gandikota et al., 2007) but caused only a minor decrease in leaf initiation rate (see Supplemental Table 1 online), suggesting limited crosstalk between miR156 targets of the SPL3/4/5 and SPL9/15 groups

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we misexpressed rSPL9 from different promoters ... reduced the number of leaves to less than half of that of the wild type after 30 d in short-day conditions ... was observed in ProFD:rSPL9 plants (Figure 4B; see Supplemental Table 1 online), in which SPL9 was ectopically expressed in the shoot meristem

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We found that Pro35S:MIR156f plants, which have a similar plastochron phe- notype to cyp78a5 mutants, also exhibited smaller leaf size

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We found that CYP78A5 loss-of-function mutants had shortened plastochrons in both long and short days.

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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artificial miRNA that targeted the mRNAs of ... SPL4 ... and introduced ... into spl3 mutants ... These plants did not show obvious differences in plastochron length

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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cyp78a5 cyp78a7 ... increased leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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spl15 ... phenotypically normal in terms of leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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expression of MIR156f under control of the leaf primordium–specific ANT and AS1 promoters led to a similar plastochron phenotype to that seen in Pro35S:MIR156f plants. Thirty-day-old wild-type plants grown in short days had produced 20 leaves, whereas ProANT: MIR156f and ProAS1:MIR156f plants had produced 30 or half again as many leaves

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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phyllotaxis of cyp78a5 ... similar to those of the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We found that spl9 spl15 double mutants had short plastochrons

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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This was supported by the Pro35S:MIR156f cyp78a5 combination, which had an even faster leaf initiation rate than either single mutant (Figure 6B)

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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transgenic miR156 expression in the meristem proper (ProFD:MIR156f and ProSTM:MIR156f) did not affect leaf initia- tion rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AS1 promoters reduced the number of leaves to less than half of that of the wild type after 30 d in short-day conditions

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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overexpression of miR156 plants causes shortening of the plastochron

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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increased shoot apical meristem size in clv1 mutants

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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phyllotaxis of ... Pro35S:MIR156f ... similar to those of the wild type

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Finally, ProBLS:MIR156f and ProSUC2:MIR156f plants had an intermediate phenotype, indicating that misexpression of miR156 in older leaf primordia that already develop vasculature (or in the vasculature subtending the meristem proper) is less effective in altering plastochron length

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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cyp78a5 cyp78a7 ... plants, which produced no seeds, were small with compacted rosette leaves

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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spl9 ... phenotypically normal in terms of leaf initiation rate

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ProSPL9:rSPL9 shoot apical meristem ... fewer dividing cells

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mutants with increased plasto- chron lengths is se-1 (Clarke et al., 1999)

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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se-1 ... is defective in the processing of several miRNAs, including miR156 (Lobbes et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2006; Laubinger et al., 2008; see Supplemental Figures 1A and 1B online)

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

cyp78a5 cyp78a7 ... plants ... were small

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

clv1 mutants ... shortened plastochron length

Wang JW, Schwab R, Czech B, Mica E, Weigel D - Dual effects of miR156-targeted SPL genes and CYP78A5/KLUH on plastochron length and organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

These results indicate that cpl2-2 has reduced auxin sensitivity mainly in leaves, which was consistent with leaf expansion defects of cpl2 mutants

Ueda A, Li P, Feng Y, Vikram M, Kim S, Kang CH, Kang JS, Bahk JD, Lee SY, Fukuhara T, Staswick PE, Pepper AE, Koiwa H - The Arabidopsis thaliana carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase-like 2 regulates plant growth, stress and auxin responses

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  • Phenotype

Rosette leaves of cpl2 plants ... had shorter petioles

Ueda A, Li P, Feng Y, Vikram M, Kim S, Kang CH, Kang JS, Bahk JD, Lee SY, Fukuhara T, Staswick PE, Pepper AE, Koiwa H - The Arabidopsis thaliana carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase-like 2 regulates plant growth, stress and auxin responses

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  • Phenotype

Rosette leaves of cpl2 plants ... exhibited leaf epinasty

Ueda A, Li P, Feng Y, Vikram M, Kim S, Kang CH, Kang JS, Bahk JD, Lee SY, Fukuhara T, Staswick PE, Pepper AE, Koiwa H - The Arabidopsis thaliana carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase-like 2 regulates plant growth, stress and auxin responses

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These results indicated that cpl2 is compromised in auxin signaling important for maintaining normal levels of auxin-regulated transcripts

Ueda A, Li P, Feng Y, Vikram M, Kim S, Kang CH, Kang JS, Bahk JD, Lee SY, Fukuhara T, Staswick PE, Pepper AE, Koiwa H - The Arabidopsis thaliana carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase-like 2 regulates plant growth, stress and auxin responses

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  • Phenotype

Rosette leaves of cpl2 plants did not expand like those of wild type plants

Ueda A, Li P, Feng Y, Vikram M, Kim S, Kang CH, Kang JS, Bahk JD, Lee SY, Fukuhara T, Staswick PE, Pepper AE, Koiwa H - The Arabidopsis thaliana carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase-like 2 regulates plant growth, stress and auxin responses

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Both free and conjugated forms of auxin were present at similar levels in wild type and in cpl2-2, indicating that the cpl2 mutation does not strongly affect auxin production or catabolism

Ueda A, Li P, Feng Y, Vikram M, Kim S, Kang CH, Kang JS, Bahk JD, Lee SY, Fukuhara T, Staswick PE, Pepper AE, Koiwa H - The Arabidopsis thaliana carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase-like 2 regulates plant growth, stress and auxin responses

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HOG1 ... antisense suppression ... lines ... we observed a significant increase in cytokinin concentration

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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  • Phenotype

HOG1 overexpression ... lines ... leaf area ... was significantly lower ... (0.4 ± 0.1 cm2)

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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HOG1 overexpression ... lines ... The overall plant biomass ... reduced drastically

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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HOG1 ... antisense suppression (AS) ... lines had the highest leaf area (2.9 ± 0.1 cm2 per leaf)

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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HOG1 overexpression ... lines senesced about 10 days earlier than the WT plants

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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HOG1 overexpression ... lines ... different cytokinins measured were reduced significantly ... compared with the WT ... iP concentration was reduced by about 60% and that of zeatin was reduced by 40% in the OE lines

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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HOG1 ... antisense suppression ... lines ... The overall plant biomass ... significantly higher

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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HOG1 ... antisense suppression ... lines ... senescence was delayed

Godge MR, Kumar D, Kumar PP - Arabidopsis HOG1 gene and its petunia homolog PETCBP act as key regulators of yield parameters

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  • Phenotype

levels of cysteine ... were markedly increased in plants expressing ARF1-BP

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

Lines overexpressing IAA13 exhibited an increase of up to 3.5-fold in cysteine levels

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing ... ARF1-BP ... rosette leaves of the transgenic lines were smaller

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

Lines overexpressing IAA13 exhibited an increase ... of ∼1.5-fold for GEC

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

levels of ... GSH were markedly increased in plants expressing ARF1-BP

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

transgenic plants overexpressing IAA13 ... rosette leaves were dramatically reduced in length

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

Lines overexpressing IAA13 exhibited an increase ... of ∼1.3-fold for GSH

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

In the IAA28-overexpressing plants ... levels generally increased ... GEC 2-fold

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

Rosette leaves of ARF1-BP-expressing plants developed a curly phenotype (Fig. 2D

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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The down-regulation of IAA28 did not result in gross phenotypic changes (Fig. 3A

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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In the IAA28-overexpressing plants ... cysteine levels rising 3-fold

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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In the IAA28-overexpressing plants ... levels generally increased ... GSH 1.25-fold

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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In the IAA28-overexpressing plants, thiol levels generally increased

Falkenberg B, Witt I, Zanor MI, Steinhauser D, Mueller-Roeber B, Hesse H, Hoefgen R - Transcription factors relevant to auxin signalling coordinate broad-spectrum metabolic shifts including sulphur metabolism

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  • Phenotype

leaf growth was reduced in ppat-1 plants compared to wild type

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

PPAT overexpressing ... Seedlings ... showed higher fresh weight and primary root growth under salt ... conditions

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

PPAT overexpressing (OE) lines ... showed, on average, 1.6-fold higher levels of free CoA + AcCoA than wild type

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

PPAT overexpressing (OE) lines ... the number of rosette leaves ... was not significantly altered

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

PPAT overexpressing ... Seedlings ... grown in medium lacking Suc showed both higher fresh weight

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

PPAT overexpressing ... Seedlings ... showed higher fresh weight and primary root growth under ... osmotic stress conditions

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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free CoA + AcCoA ... In contrast, the ppat-1 mutant showed a reduction of either approximately 60% or approximately 80% compared to wild type in medium +Suc or −Suc, respectively

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

An impairment in vegetative growth was observed for ppat-1 seedlings

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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PPAT overexpressing (OE) lines ... Growth rate, as estimated from the number of rosette leaves per plant in a time course, was not significantly altered

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

PPAT overexpressing (OE) lines ... showed increased leaf growth

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

PPAT overexpressing (OE) lines ... showed, on average, 1.6-fold higher levels of free CoA + AcCoA than wild type

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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free CoA + AcCoA ... In contrast, the ppat-1 mutant showed a reduction of either approximately 60% or approximately 80% compared to wild type in medium +Suc or −Suc, respectively

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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PPAT overexpressing (OE) lines ... in the absence of stress, the OE lines also showed higher growth than wild type, the enhanced resistance to salt and osmotic stress-induced growth inhibition might be, at least partially, a consequence of the enhanced vigor observed in these lines

Rubio S, Whitehead L, Larson TR, Graham IA, Rodriguez PL - The coenzyme a biosynthetic enzyme phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase plays a crucial role in plant growth, salt/osmotic stress resistance, and seed lipid storage

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  • Phenotype

Both leaf and cotyledonary vein pattern is disrupted in seedlings of the midgap class dot4

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The spurred-leaf class-dot2 mutant (Figure 1f) is dwarfed (Figure 3c), and the cotyledonary number and vein pattern are disrupted (Figures 3a and S3

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The dot5 mutant cotyledons often exhibit elongated petioles, with a divergence angle of less than the 180° typical of the wild type, thereby altering the phyllotaxy of the subsequently initiated vegetative leaves

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the dot1 leaf surface is glaucous and rough

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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delay in leaf initiation

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The misaligned-class mutant dot5 leaf vein pattern defects (Figure 1m) extend to the cotyledons

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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open-class dot1 venation pattern phenotype

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The parallel-class dot3 (Figure 1b) seedlings are small (Figure 3c), and vein loops of the cotyledons often end freely (Figure 3a

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The dot5 mutant cotyledons often exhibit elongated petioles

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The dot2 leaves have shorter petioles (Figure 3q) and an increase in cell number that is accompanied by a decrease in cell size

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Epidermal cell wall formation is affected, as cell walls are variably thick with irregular folds and/or collapsed regions

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mutant ones, which are often white in color at the margins

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The parallel-class dot3 (Figure 1b) seedlings are small (Figure 3c), and vein loops of the cotyledons often end freely (Figure 3a

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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At fusion sites, the cuticle is missing from the opposing epidermal cells of the two fused organs

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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these leaves fuse

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Both leaf and cotyledonary vein pattern is disrupted in seedlings of the midgap class dot4

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Large voids (intercellular spaces) and reduced cell numbers are also evident in these sections

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the dot1 leaf surface is glaucous and rough

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The dot2 leaves have shorter petioles (Figure 3q) and an increase in cell number that is accompanied by a decrease in cell size

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The phenotype is evident in the first pairs of emerging leaves of dot1 seedlings, which appear cup-shaped (Figure S3) and contain fewer trichomes

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Both leaf and cotyledonary vein pattern is disrupted in seedlings of the midgap class dot4 (Figures 1t and 3a, respectively), which are reduced in size

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The misaligned-class mutant dot5 leaf vein pattern defects (Figure 1m) extend to the cotyledons

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Occasionally, dot3 plants display a fusion of rosette leaves (Figures 3o and S3

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The dot2 leaves have shorter petioles (Figure 3q) and an increase in cell number that is accompanied by a decrease in cell size

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The spurred-leaf class-dot2 mutant (Figure 1f) is dwarfed (Figure 3c), and the cotyledonary number and vein pattern are disrupted (Figures 3a and S3

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The phenotype is evident in the first pairs of emerging leaves of dot1 seedlings, which appear cup-shaped

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The spurred-leaf class-dot2 mutant (Figure 1f) is dwarfed (Figure 3c), and the cotyledonary number and vein pattern are disrupted (Figures 3a and S3

Petricka JJ, Clay NK, Nelson TM - Vein patterning screens and the defectively organized tributaries mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The rosette diameter of the arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 triple mutant is smaller than that of the wild type but larger than that of the ahk2 ahk3 ahk4 cytokinin receptor mutant

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

The rosette diameter of the arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 triple mutant is smaller than that of the wild type

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

Leaves of the arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 triple mutant are reduced in ... width compared with wild-type leaves

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

Leaves of the arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 triple mutant are reduced in length ... compared with wild-type leaves

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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decreased cell division in the arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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we grew plants in the absence or presence of 0.1 μM BA. This BA concentration causes the rosettes of wild-type plants to become ... paler ... the paleness resulting from a decrease in chlorophyll levels

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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we grew plants in the absence or presence of 0.1 μM BA. This BA concentration causes the rosettes of wild-type plants to become smaller

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

The ahk2 ahk3 ahk4 mutant also exhibits increased light sensitivity compared with the wild type based on its anthocyanin production, indicating that the alteration in light sensitivity is a phenotype associated with a lack of cytokinin response

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 triple mutant ... and ... wild type ... have a similar cell size

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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The arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 triple mutant shows increased light sensitivity compared with the wild type, the mutant's growth being inhibited by 100 μE·m−2·s−1 light (Figure 3B). A reduction in light intensity to 25 μE·m−2·s−1 results in substantially improved growth for the mutant compared with its growth under the higher light intensity. The level of anthocyanin production in the mutant is sharply affected by the light intensity, with the mutant showing an ∼20-fold increase in anthocyanin levels compared with the wild type at 100 μE·m−2·s−1 light (Figures 3B and ​and6).6). Growth of the arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 mutant at 25 μE·m−2·s−1 results in anthocyanin levels similar to those in the wild type

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

arr1-3 arr10-5 arr12-1 triple mutant ... has substantially fewer cells per leaf

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

we grew plants in the absence or presence of 0.1 μM BA. This BA concentration causes the rosettes of wild-type plants to become ... paler

Argyros RD, Mathews DE, Chiang YH, Palmer CM, Thibault DM, Etheridge N, Argyros DA, Mason MG, Kieber JJ, Schaller GE - Type B response regulators of Arabidopsis play key roles in cytokinin signaling and plant development

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  • Phenotype

TCP10 ... Loss-of-function ... had slightly epinastic cotyledons

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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  • Phenotype

tcp2 tcp4 double mutants showed ... leaf ... crinkling

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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We also prepared plants that expressed a mutant form of TCP4 linked to GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP) sequences under the control of TCP4 regulatory sequences (rTCP4:GFP). In these plants, TCP4 mRNA escapes regulation by miR319 due to synonymous changes that reduce sequence complementarity to miR319 ... The rosette leaves of rTCP4:GFP plants were ... more rounded

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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  • Phenotype

TCP2 ... Loss-of-function ... had slightly epinastic cotyledons

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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  • Phenotype

tcp2 tcp4 double mutants showed a further increase in leaf size

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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  • Phenotype

among plants that overexpressed miR319a from a constitutive 35S promoter, weak lines had bigger, but not crinkly leaves, similar to the tcp single knockout plants

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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TCP2 ... Loss-of-function ... had ... slightly enlarged leaves

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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TCP4 ... Loss-of-function ... had slightly epinastic cotyledons

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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JA levels are low in resting tissue of both wild-type and jaw-D plants (Figure 6). A difference between wild-type and jaw-D plants was most obvious in response to wounding, which strongly induces JA biosynthesis. Near the peak of JA induction in wild type, 90 min after wounding [66], JA levels had substantially increased in both wild-type and jaw-D plants, but were about four times lower in jaw-D plants

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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TCP10 ... Loss-of-function ... had ... slightly enlarged leaves

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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We also prepared plants that expressed a mutant form of TCP4 linked to GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP) sequences under the control of TCP4 regulatory sequences (rTCP4:GFP). In these plants, TCP4 mRNA escapes regulation by miR319 due to synonymous changes that reduce sequence complementarity to miR319 ... their cotyledons are hyponastic (bent upwards)

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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  • Phenotype

We also prepared plants that expressed a mutant form of TCP4 linked to GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP) sequences under the control of TCP4 regulatory sequences (rTCP4:GFP). In these plants, TCP4 mRNA escapes regulation by miR319 due to synonymous changes that reduce sequence complementarity to miR319 ... The rosette leaves of rTCP4:GFP plants were smaller

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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  • Phenotype

We also prepared plants that expressed a mutant form of TCP4 linked to GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN (GFP) sequences under the control of TCP4 regulatory sequences (rTCP4:GFP). In these plants, TCP4 mRNA escapes regulation by miR319 due to synonymous changes that reduce sequence complementarity to miR319 [32 ... The rosette leaves of rTCP4:GFP plants were ... often darker green than those of wild type

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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In rTCP4:GFP plants, senescence was slightly accelerated

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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jaw-D plants grown under long days; in these plants, leaf senescence was delayed by about a week

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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TCP4 ... Loss-of-function ... had ... slightly enlarged leaves

Schommer C, Palatnik JF, Aggarwal P, Chételat A, Cubas P, Farmer EE, Nath U, Weigel D - Control of jasmonate biosynthesis and senescence by miR319 targets

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  • Phenotype

reduction of ABAP1 levels in ABAP1ET plants caused an increase in ... leaf growth

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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Cell proliferation assays with [3H]thymidine in ABAP1OE ... seedlings showed that the DNA replication levels were significantly lower in ABAP1OE plants than those in the wild-type plants

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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leaf ... cell numbers were significantly ... increased in ABAP1ET plants

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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reduction of ABAP1 levels in ABAP1ET plants caused an increase in the rosette

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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plants overexpressing AtTCP24 (AtTCP24OE ... showing ... leaves with ... fewer cells

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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Cell proliferation assays with [3H]thymidine in ... ABAP1ET seedlings showed higher levels of DNA replication than wild type

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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Ploidy levels in developing leaves of ABAP1OE plants were similar as control, suggesting that ABAP1 might have a function in mitotic replication but not in endocycles

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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Comparative phenotype analyses between ABAP1 overexpressor lines (ABAP1OE) and control lines showed that plants with higher levels of ABAP1 developed normally, except that rosette area ... were moderately diminished during development

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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inhibition of cell proliferation in AtTCP24OE leaves

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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plants overexpressing AtTCP24 (AtTCP24OE) were generated ... these plants exhibited ... reduced rosette areas

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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plants overexpressing AtTCP24 (AtTCP24OE) were generated ... these plants exhibited ... smaller leaves

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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plants overexpressing AtTCP24 (AtTCP24OE ... showing ... leaves with normal cell sizes

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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Kinematics studies of developing leaves showed that cell division rates were ... lower in ABAP1OE plants during early leaf development when compared with wild-type controls

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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leaf ... cell numbers were significantly reduced in ABAP1OE ... plants

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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Kinematics studies of developing leaves showed that cell division rates were higher in ABAP1ET plants ... during early leaf development when compared with wild-type controls

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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Comparative phenotype analyses between ABAP1 overexpressor lines (ABAP1OE) and control lines showed that plants with higher levels of ABAP1 developed normally, except that ... leaf growth were moderately diminished during development

Masuda HP, Cabral LM, De Veylder L, Tanurdzic M, de Almeida Engler J, Geelen D, Inzé D, Martienssen RA, Ferreira PC, Hemerly AS - ABAP1 is a novel plant Armadillo BTB protein involved in DNA replication and transcription

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  • Phenotype

as2–5D ... true leaves of mutant plants ... became flatter as they expanded and at maturity were quite similar to wild-type leaves

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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as2–5D reduces the polarization of the mesophyll by affecting the differentiation of both adaxial and abaxial tissue

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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Nine-day-old KAN-GR seedlings treated with DEX have unexpanded leaves

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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In as2–5D leaves, cells in the adaxial mesophyll had more intercellular air space than normal

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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Plants transformed with pKAN1:AS2 were nearly indistinguishable from as2–5D ... possessing cupped ... leaves

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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as2–5D leaves ... cells in the abaxial layers of the mesophyll were more regular in shape and more densely arrayed than in wild-type leaves

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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In contrast to other adaxializing mutations, as2-5D did not affect the production of trichomes on the abaxial surface of the lamina; wild-type plants first produced abaxial trichomes on leaf 6.2 0.2 (n=10), and as2-5D/ plants were not significantly different (6.4 0.2 n = 10

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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as2–5D plants also exhibited a reduction in the size of leaves

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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we generated a kan1–12 kan2–4 as2–1 triple mutant. We found that triple mutants had nearly the same phenotype as kan1 kan2, although their leaf blades were shorter and more irregular than kan1 kan2

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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  • Phenotype

Nine-day-old KAN-GR seedlings treated with DEX have unexpanded ... cotyledons

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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as2–5D ... true leaves of mutant plants were strongly up-rolled early in development

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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Plants transformed with pKAN1:AS2 were nearly indistinguishable from as2–5D ... possessing cupped cotyledons

Wu G, Lin WC, Huang T, Poethig RS, Springer PS, Kerstetter RA - KANADI1 regulates adaxial-abaxial polarity in Arabidopsis by directly repressing the transcription of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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4′,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained emb1611-2 trichome nuclei ... appeared slightly brighter than wild-type nuclei ... suggesting a higher chromosomal content

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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we overexpressed the At2g34780 coding sequence under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, which restored ... the emb1611-3 phenotype to the wild-type phenotype

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 plants also had smaller rosette diameters (13.5 ± 0.32 mm) than wild-type plants (32.27 ± 0.36 mm), when measured at 24 days after germination

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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we overexpressed the At2g34780 coding sequence under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, which restored ... the emb1611-2 phenotype ... to the wild-type phenotype

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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using SEM ... found that the cells on ... adaxial surfaces of emb1611-2 leaves ... no significant difference in ... size

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emergence of the first two true leaves ... delayed in emb1611-2 plants

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 leaves were smaller ... than wild-type leaves

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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The mean SAM height of 7-day-old emb1611-2 seedlings (7.15 ± 0.33 S.E. μm, n = 11) was also smaller than that of wild-type seedlings (10.33 ± 0.75 μm, n = 12; P < 0.05

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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The emb1611-2 mutation caused significant growth arrest or reduction during seedling development

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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In contrast to the distinct layering and regular size of wild-type SAM cells ... emb1611-2 vegetative meristems ... L2 and L3 cells ... displayed irregular sizes ... as early as 7 days after germination

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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At 17 days after germination, emb1611-2 SAMs began to be displaced from their apical position

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 leaves were ... narrower than wild-type leaves

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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using SEM ... found that the cells on ... abaxial ... surfaces of emb1611-2 leaves ... no significant difference in ... size

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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the overall size of mature emb1611-2 plants ... was much smaller than that of Col plants

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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cotyledon emergence ... delayed in emb1611-2 plants

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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In contrast to the distinct layering and regular size of wild-type SAM cells, the clonal layering of emb1611-2 vegetative meristems appeared disrupted, with no clear delineation between the L2 and L3 cells ... as early as 7 days after germination

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 leaves displayed trichome defects

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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100% (n = 26) of emb1611-2 wus-1 plants were arrested during vegetative development

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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bolting time ... delayed in emb1611-2 plants

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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In contrast to the distinct layering and regular size of wild-type SAM cells ... emb1611-2 vegetative meristems ... L2 and L3 cells ... displayed irregular ... shapes ... as early as 7 days after germination

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 leaves ... had considerably shorter ... blades

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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Analysis of mature Col and emb1611-2 embryos using confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed no detectable differences in their embryonic SAMs

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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Analysis of whole-leaf nuclear DNA extracts using flow cytometry revealed a reduction in the number of low (2C and 4C) DNA content nuclei ... in emb1611-2 compared with wild-type leaves

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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cotyledon expansion ... delayed in emb1611-2 plants

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 trichomes formed at least three and as many as six branches ... with a mean of 3.72 ± 0.06 branches per trichome ... which is a statistically significant increase

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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using SEM ... found that the cells on ... adaxial surfaces of emb1611-2 leaves ... no significant difference in shape

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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The mean SAM width of 7-day-old emb1611-2 seedlings (41.74 ± 1.75 S.E. μm, n = 11) was slightly, but significantly, smaller than that of wild-type seedlings (47.09 ± 1.35 μm, n = 12; P < 0.05)

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-1 allele is a T-DNA insertion into the fifth intron ... that causes lethality at the preglobular stage of embryo development

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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The number of rosette leaves at the time of flowering was smaller in emb1611-2 plants (9.31 ± 0.15; range 8–13) than in wild-type plants (17.68 ± 0.21; range 14–21

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 leaves ... had considerably shorter petioles

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emb1611-2 wus-1 plants ... were smaller than the wild type

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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Analysis of whole-leaf nuclear DNA extracts using flow cytometry revealed ... a relative increase in the number of higher (8C and 16C) DNA content nuclei in emb1611-2 compared with wild-type leaves

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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using SEM ... found that the cells on ... abaxial ... surfaces of emb1611-2 leaves ... no significant difference in shape

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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emergence of leaves three through eight ... delayed in emb1611-2 plants

Leasure CD, Fiume E, Fletcher JC - The essential gene EMB1611 maintains shoot apical meristem function during Arabidopsis development

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Neither the exogenous application of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) nor indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) restored the cell and leaf growth in the three trp2 alleles

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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As a pale-green phenotype was observed in the interveinal regions of trp2 cotyledons and young leaves, and the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic efficiency were found to be apparently decreased at this stage

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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Neither the exogenous application of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) nor indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) restored the cell and leaf growth in the three trp2 alleles

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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the total mesophyll number counted with sections across a half-leaf (from the midvein to the leaf edge) remained almost unchanged between the two genotypes

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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smo1/trp2-301 seedlings displayed obviously small and chlorotic cotyledons

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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In contrast to the presence of more starch granules and thylakoids in WT chloroplasts, chloroplasts of smo1/trp2-301 were much smaller, containing fewer starch granules and under-developed thylakoids at early stages

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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The areas of fully expanded cotyledons and fifth leaves in smo1/trp2-301 were about 70% and 40% of those in the WT, respectively

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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Flow cytometric analyses with nuclei of fully expanded fifth leaves revealed obvious differences in the polyploidy among WT and trp2 cells. Figure 4a showed that the ploidy of WT cells ranged from 2C to 32C, with a peak at 8C, whereas cells in all three trp2 alleles were mainly from 2C to 8C, showing a peak at 4C

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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We then cut thin sections in the leaf-width direction to compare leaf mesophyll cells, and a significant size difference was found in both palisade and spongy cells between the two genotypes (

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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obviously smaller epidermal pavement cells were observed in smo1/trp2-301

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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Figure 6a showed that the exogenous application of Trp obviously restored leaf growth in the three trp2 mutants, although the addition of Trp in the medium had a slightly negative effect on the growth of WT seedlings. Further examination of palisade cells in the third leaf revealed that the impeded cell expansion in these trp2 alleles was indeed rescued

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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We then cut thin sections in the leaf-width direction to compare leaf mesophyll cells, and a significant size difference was found in both palisade and spongy cells between the two genotypes

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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the volume of vacuoles, which contributes most to the size of plant cells, was also strikingly reduced in both the palisade and the spongy cells of smo1/trp2-301

Jing Y, Cui D, Bao F, Hu Z, Qin Z, Hu Y - Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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Class I (OE I) was comprised of ... plants showing small leaf cells

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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OE I and II plants arrested growth at 14 to 28 d after germination

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In both homozygous mutants, soil growth behavior and general morphology appeared wild type

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Col-0 leaves exhibit a prevalence of 3-branch and 4-branch trichomes

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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Class II (OE II) plants ... showed fewer supernumerary branches

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Expression of the FZR2 cDNA with the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (denoted OE ... produced trichomes with ... enlarged nuclei

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Expression of the FZR2 cDNA with the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (denoted OE ... produced trichomes with supernumerary branches

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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leaf ... comparison of the adaxial external surface areas of wild type and fzr2-1 epidermal pavement cells showed a statistically significant decrease in fzr2-1 cell size relative to wild type

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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By in situ quantification of nuclear content, we determined that fzr2-1 leaves produce trichomes with a general 2-fold reduction in ploidy compared to wild type

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

OE III plants ... showed some very large ... trichomes that produced up to five branches

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Class I (OE I) was comprised of ... plants showing ... heavily over-branched trichomes

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

OE transgenic lines ... sectors of over-endoreduplicating cells, such that regions of ... over-branched trichomes were detected within leaves that were otherwise composed of normal-sized cells and 3- or 4-branch trichomes

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Expression of the FZR2 cDNA with the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (denoted OE ... development of these transgenic plants appeared normal during the first few days after germination

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Class I (OE I) was comprised of dwarfed ... plants

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

All three OE classes also showed an increase in the size of some guard cells

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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the larger OE trichomes possessed nuclei that seemed to have spread out even more (Fig. 4, D–G

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Class II (OE II) plants were slightly larger

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

OE transgenic lines ... sectors of over-endoreduplicating cells, such that regions of enlarged cells ... were detected within leaves that were otherwise composed of normal-sized cells and 3- or 4-branch trichomes

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

OE III plants approached wild-type size

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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flow cytometry of propidium iodide (PI)-stained nuclei released from whole leaf tissue revealed a general decrease in fzr2-1 endoreduplication compared to wild-type flow cytometry profiles

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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both homozygous mutants produced a similar trichome phenotype, i.e. a general reduction in trichome branch number

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

OE III plants ... showed some very large cells

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mutant leaves never show 4-branch trichomes but show mostly 2-branch trichomes

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Class II (OE II) plants were slightly ... greener

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

OE III plants ... showed ... many smaller cells

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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we conclude that fzr2-1 trichome nuclei undergo fewer rounds of endoreduplication than wild type

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Class I (OE I) was comprised of ... anthocyanin-pigmented plants

Larson-Rabin Z, Li Z, Masson PH, Day CD - FZR2/CCS52A1 expression is a determinant of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

at 0.6 and 6 mm N ... the activity of GS was higher in OE seedlings

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

When seeds were germinated in hyper-osmotic growth media containing NaCl ... pldε-1 seedlings grew more slowly

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

PLDε-over-expressing (OE ... in ... growth media containing ... sorbitol ... seedlings grew faster ... than wild-type (WT) seedlings

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

KO leaves was smaller than WT

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

when grown at various levels of N ... The mean dry weight ... of OE plants was approximately 20, 30 and 40% higher than in WT plants at N levels of 0.6, 2 and 6 mm

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

cell number also increased in PLDε-OE plants

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

The ... dry weights of rosettes of PLDε-OE were ... 212% those of WT ... after five weeks of growth under well-fertilized conditions

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

PLDε-OE plants accumulated substantially more biomass ... than WT when grown at various levels of N

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

PLDε-over-expressing (OE ... in hyper-osmotic growth media containing NaCl ... seedlings grew faster ... than wild-type (WT) seedlings

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

PLDε-over-expressing (OE ... in ... 5–8% polyethylene glycol (PEG ... seedlings grew faster ... than wild-type (WT) seedlings

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

KO plants ... were much smaller in size than ... WT plants

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

Enhanced growth in PLDε-OE plants was also observed under less well-fertilized conditions

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

OE seedlings showed a higher NiR activity than WT ... at 0.6 and 6 mm N

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

PLDε-OE plants were larger than WT plants when grown on agar plates without stress treatment. The growth difference was also observed with PLDε-altered plants in soil

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

The fresh ... weights of rosettes of PLDε-OE were 192 ... those of WT ... after five weeks of growth under well-fertilized conditions

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

When seeds were germinated in ... growth media containing ... sorbitol ... pldε-1 seedlings grew more slowly

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH ... was lower in OE than in WT

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

When seeds were germinated in ... growth media containing ... 5–8% polyethylene glycol (PEG), pldε-1 seedlings grew more slowly

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

PLDε-OE ... increases in ... leaf number

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

when grown at various levels of N ... The mean dry weight of KO plants was 20% less than that of WT

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

PLDε-OE ... increases in leaf size

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

The cell size of OE leaves was larger

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

KO had less biomass than WT when grown at various levels of N

Hong Y, Devaiah SP, Bahn SC, Thamasandra BN, Li M, Welti R, Wang X - Phospholipase D epsilon and phosphatidic acid enhance Arabidopsis nitrogen signaling and growth

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  • Phenotype

AtMRB1 overexpressor plants were larger. Statistic analysis showed that all three overexpressor lines exhibited enlarged organ sizes including increased plant height, increased number of rosette leaves, and increased branch number

Guan H, Kang D, Fan M, Chen Z, Qu LJ - Overexpression of a new putative membrane protein gene AtMRB1 results in organ size enlargement in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtMRB1 overexpressor plants ... exhibited enlarged organ sizes

Guan H, Kang D, Fan M, Chen Z, Qu LJ - Overexpression of a new putative membrane protein gene AtMRB1 results in organ size enlargement in Arabidopsis

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on abaxial surface ... the cell numbers in the AtMRB1 overexpressor plants and wild type ... increased from 4 327 ± 565 ... to 7 427 ± 689

Guan H, Kang D, Fan M, Chen Z, Qu LJ - Overexpression of a new putative membrane protein gene AtMRB1 results in organ size enlargement in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtMRB1 overexpressor plants were larger

Guan H, Kang D, Fan M, Chen Z, Qu LJ - Overexpression of a new putative membrane protein gene AtMRB1 results in organ size enlargement in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

on abaxial surface, the leaf surface area ... in the AtMRB1 overexpressor plants and wild type ... increased from ... 22 719 ± 1 049 to ... 56 327 ± 2 036

Guan H, Kang D, Fan M, Chen Z, Qu LJ - Overexpression of a new putative membrane protein gene AtMRB1 results in organ size enlargement in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dry weight of exo shoots were diminished in comparison to the wild-type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

cotyledon width ... reduced in exo compared to wild-type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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transverse sections of fully expanded leaves showed that palisade ... parenchyma cell areas in exo were significantly smaller in comparison to the wild-type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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BR application resulted in larger cotyledons

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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Small leaf size of exo

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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transverse sections of fully expanded leaves showed that ... spongy parenchyma cell areas in exo were significantly smaller in comparison to the wild-type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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Histological analysis of subepidermal palisade cells in mature rosette leaves revealed reduced cell expansion in exo

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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Leaf thickness ... reduced in exo

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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The exo mutant showed a tendency to fewer cells in comparison to the wild-type, but differences were not consistent in independent experiments

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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cotyledon length ... reduced in exo compared to wild-type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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Epidermal cells of exo and wild-type plants were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and found to be smaller in the exo mutant

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

BR application resulted in larger cotyledons. However, the relative increase was significantly reduced in exo (Figure ​(Figure5A5A and Additional file 1). Introduction of the 35S::EXOga construct normalized cotyledon growth. Hypocotyls were slightly longer in exo in the absence of BR (t-test, P < 0.001). The exo hypocotyls showed a diminished response to BL. Relative hypocotyl elongation was significantly reduced in comparison to the wild-type (Figure ​(Figure5B5B and Additional file 1). The observations suggest that EXO is required for BR-induced growth in above ground organs

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

Fresh weight ... of exo shoots were diminished in comparison to the wild-type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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leaf area ... reduced in exo

Schröder F, Lisso J, Lange P, Müssig C - The extracellular EXO protein mediates cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves

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  • Phenotype

The average thickness of the epidermal cell wall of 4-week-old plants was ... 430.8 ± 23.57 for 35S:HUB1 compared with 383 ± 33.7 nm in the wild type

Dhawan R, Luo H, Foerster AM, Abuqamar S, Du HN, Briggs SD, Mittelsten Scheid O, Mengiste T - HISTONE MONOUBIQUITINATION1 interacts with a subunit of the mediator complex and regulates defense against necrotrophic fungal pathogens in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the thickness of the cell wall in hub1 plants was significantly reduced ... The average thickness of the epidermal cell wall of 4-week-old plants was 285.5 ± 33.7 nm for hub1-6, 320.8 ± 14.6 for hub1-4 ... compared with 383 ± 33.7 nm in the wild type

Dhawan R, Luo H, Foerster AM, Abuqamar S, Du HN, Briggs SD, Mittelsten Scheid O, Mengiste T - HISTONE MONOUBIQUITINATION1 interacts with a subunit of the mediator complex and regulates defense against necrotrophic fungal pathogens in Arabidopsis

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Thus, the status of global histone methylation was studied in hub1 and 35S:HUB1 plants using H3K4-specific antibodies. Immunoblots of histone-enriched protein revealed no significant changes in global histone methylation at these residues (Figure 5A), indicating that histone monubiquitination may not serve as a signal for global histone H3 methylation in plants. Alternatively, it is possible that changes would only affect chromatin at promoters of specific HUB1 target genes. A candidate would be the flowering control gene MAF1, a MADS domain containing gene whose expression depends on HUB1 (Figure 3C). Therefore, we analyzed H3K4 trimethylation and H3K9 dimethylation at the MAF1 and MAF4 promoters by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) in wild-type, hub1 mutants, and HUB1-overexpressing lines. No consistent difference was observed in histone H3 methylation at the MAF1 promoter

Dhawan R, Luo H, Foerster AM, Abuqamar S, Du HN, Briggs SD, Mittelsten Scheid O, Mengiste T - HISTONE MONOUBIQUITINATION1 interacts with a subunit of the mediator complex and regulates defense against necrotrophic fungal pathogens in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

rpt2a ... The time course analyses suggested that the duration of longitudinal growth of wild-type and mutant cotyledons was nearly identical; in all lines, the growth curves reached a plateau after 8 d (Fig. 3A). Thus, the increased final cotyledon length in the mutants was not due to extended postgermination expansion growth and reflected the size differences already established during embryogenesis. The lateral growth period for the wild type and the rpt2a-2 mutant was also nearly identical, ending around day 8, whereas the rpt2a-3 mutant cotyledons displayed a modest expansion beyond this time point

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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rpt2a ... Measurement of cell sizes and cell numbers in cotyledons of 3- and 10-d-old plants showed that while the cells remained larger

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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palisade ... cells of ... rpn12a-1 were enlarged at all stages of cotyledon development

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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rpn10-1 ... cotyledons are larger

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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The longitudinal and especially lateral growth rates differed between the mutants and the wild type. The HillSlope coefficients that describe the steepness of the growth curves were 0.24 ± 0.05, 0.36 ± 0.07, and 0.36 ± 0.05 for longitudinal growth and 0.31 ± 0.05, 0.18 ± 0.07, and 0.15 ± 0.06 for lateral growth curves of Col-0, rpt2a-2, and rpt2a-3, respectively. The faster proximodistal expansion and reduced mediolateral expansion in rpt2a mutants explain the increased length-to-width ratio of their cotyledons

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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In 16-d-old Col-0 cotyledons, 12% ± 2% of cells underwent four or more endoreduplication cycles, while in the mutants, 46% ± 5% (rpn10-1 ... of cells had a 32C or 64C content

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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In mature rpt2a embryos, the cells of the adaxial palisade layer from the central part of the cotyledons were larger than in the wild type

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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Analyses of rpt2a embryos revealed that the increased organ size was established already during embryogenesis. In mature embryos, the cotyledon area was 30% ± 10% larger and the radicle was 30% ± 10% longer than in the wild type

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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The length-to-width ratios for juvenile leaves (leaves 1 and 2) of 30-d-old plants were 1.1 ± 0.1, 1.7 ± 0.3, and 1.4 ± 0.2 for Col-0, rpt2a-2, and rpt2a-3, respectively

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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3-d-old light-grown rpt2a mutants had enlarged cotyledons

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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we observed cell size increases in all other organs of the Arabidopsis shoot that were analyzed (i.e. rosette leaves, siliques, and stems), suggesting that this is a general cellular phenotype associated with rpt2a mutants (data not shown)

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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In 16-d-old Col-0 cotyledons, 12% ± 2% of cells underwent four or more endoreduplication cycles, while in the mutants ... 44% ± 3% (rpn12a-1) of cells had a 32C or 64C content

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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It should be noted that the increase in rpt2a rosette size is not observed when plants are grown on half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium (MS/2 medium; Kurepa et al., 2008). Although we currently do not know what causes this growth difference, one explanation relates to the difference in salt concentrations between the MS/2 medium and soil and the hypersensitivity of 26SP mutants to stresses that cause protein misfolding, such as salt stress

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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rpt2a ... In cotyledons ... the length-to-width ratio in the mutants was larger than in the wild type

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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Analyses of the morphometric data showed not only that the size of aerial organs in the rpt2a mutants was increased but also that organ shapes differed from those of the wild type

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

rpn12a-1 ... cotyledons are larger

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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The most obvious developmental phenotypes of rpn10-1 ... are shorter roots and smaller rosettes

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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rpt2b-1 mutant seedlings were indistinguishable from the wild type

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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In Col-0 plants, most trichomes on the adaxial side of the first leaf pair have three branches and a small number (approximately 5%) have four (Fig. 5D). In contrast, more than 40% of trichomes in rpt2a mutants had four or more branches

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

rpt2a ... In ... leaves ... the length-to-width ratio in the mutants was larger than in the wild type

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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rpt2a ... Measurement of cell sizes and cell numbers in cotyledons of 3- and 10-d-old plants showed that while the cells remained larger, their number was reduced in both mutants when compared with the wild type

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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The 26SP activity is decreased to approximately ... 40% in rpn12a-1

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

rpt2a ... In immature cotyledons dissected from 3-d-old seedlings, we detected a significant increase in 8C and 16C nuclei in both rpt2a mutants (Fig. 6A). It has been shown that the overall proportion of cells with higher ploidy levels (4C, 8C, 16C, and 32C) increases with the age of Arabidopsis tissues (Galbraith et al., 1991). Indeed, in fully expanded cotyledons dissected from 10-d-old seedlings, we observed nuclei in five ploidy classes, from 2C to 32C, in both wild-type and mutant lines (Fig. 6B). In mutants, however, the number of cells that contained highly polyploid nuclei was significantly higher than in the wild type (Fig. 6B). The endoreduplication factor (EF), which measures the average number of endocycles per 100 cells (Cookson et al., 2006), was 109.1 ± 1.1, 135.3 ± 2.4, and 145.2 ± 0.9 for 3-d-old Col-0, rpt2a-2, and rpt2a-3 cotyledons, respectively, and 200.5 ± 4.5, 227.5 ± 2.5, and 223.6 ± 4 for cotyledons of 10-d-old Col-0, rpt2a-2, and rpt2a-3 plants

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

The 26SP activity is decreased to approximately 30% of the wild-type level in rpn10-1

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

Since light is an important factor in the control of cell expansion and overall plant morphology, we also measured the dimensions of cotyledons, roots, and hypocotyls of 3-d-old dark-grown rpt2a seedlings (Supplemental Table S1). All parts of the etiolated rpt2a seedlings were larger than those in the wild type (approximately 30% increase for root length, approximately 20% for hypocotyl length, approximately 30% for hypocotyl width, and approximately 70% for cotyledon area

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

The most obvious developmental phenotypes of ... rpn12a-1 are shorter roots and smaller rosettes

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

In mature rpt2a embryos, the cells of the adaxial palisade layer from the central part of the cotyledons ... The overall cell numbers per cotyledon, however, were not significantly different

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

We analyzed cotyledons ... the total number of palisade cells was also reduced in cotyledons of ... rpn12a-1 embryos ... and remained lower than in the wild type throughout cotyledon development

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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the data suggest that the rpt2a mutations affect differently those mechanisms that govern proximodistal (i.e. length-related) and mediolateral (i.e. width-related) control of leaf expansion

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

We analyzed cotyledons ... the total number of palisade cells was also reduced in cotyledons of rpn10-1 ... embryos ... and remained lower than in the wild type throughout cotyledon development

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

palisade ... cells of rpn10-1 ... were enlarged at all stages of cotyledon development

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

In the rpt2a mutants, all shoot organs remained larger than in the wild type throughout the life cycle (Fig. 2, C and D; Supplemental Table S1). For example, the rosette diameters of 30-d-old rpt2a-2 and rpt2a-3 plants were 30% ± 10% larger than in Col-0 (7.8 ± 0.3, 10.3 ± 0.4, and 10.4 ± 0.2 cm for Col-0, rpt2a-2, and rpt2a-3, respectively)

Kurepa J, Wang S, Li Y, Zaitlin D, Pierce AJ, Smalle JA - Loss of 26S proteasome function leads to increased cell size and decreased cell number in Arabidopsis shoot organs

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  • Phenotype

herk1 ... single mutants are indistinguishable from WT

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the1 single mutants are indistinguishable from WT

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Although the elongation of petioles was slightly affected in herk1 ... single mutants

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

herk1 the1 ... The elongation of ... leaves ... was affected

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Although the elongation of petioles was slightly affected in ... the1 single mutants

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

herk1 the1 ... Most cells in the mutant leaf petioles were shorter than the corresponding cell types in WT

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

we used an artificial microRNA, or amiRNA (25) to knockdown the FER gene ... transgenic lines ... the petioles were reduced to half the length

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the petioles were reduced to half the length of the WT in herk1 the1 double mutants

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Overexpression of HERK1 appeared to increase petiole length by ≈15–20%

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

herk1 the1 ... The elongation of ... leaf petioles was affected

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

we used an artificial microRNA, or amiRNA (25) to knockdown the FER gene ... transgenic lines ... The elongation of ... leaf petioles was affected

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

herk1 the1 double mutants were clearly stunted in growth

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

we used an artificial microRNA, or amiRNA (25) to knockdown the FER gene ... transgenic lines ... were clearly stunted in growth

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

we used an artificial microRNA, or amiRNA (25) to knockdown the FER gene ... transgenic lines ... The elongation of ... leaves ... was affected

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

we used an artificial microRNA, or amiRNA (25) to knockdown the FER gene ... transgenic lines ... cells in the mutant leaf petioles were shorter than the corresponding cell types in WT

Guo H, Li L, Ye H, Yu X, Algreen A, Yin Y - Three related receptor-like kinases are required for optimal cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

As observed in pirogi (pir), crooked (crk), distorted2 (dis2), distorted3 (dis3) and brick (brk) mutants ... trichome cells in the spi mutant have shorter branches

Saedler R, Jakoby M, Marin B, Galiana-Jaime E, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene SPIRRIG in Arabidopsis encodes a WD/BEACH domain protein

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we measured several parameters of trichome form: stalk length and width, branch length and trichome size ... The stalk length is also reduced in spi and the two distorted mutants dis2 and crk

Saedler R, Jakoby M, Marin B, Galiana-Jaime E, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene SPIRRIG in Arabidopsis encodes a WD/BEACH domain protein

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  • Phenotype

The spi mutant was identified as a weak distorted mutant showing moderate curving and twisting of trichome cells

Saedler R, Jakoby M, Marin B, Galiana-Jaime E, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene SPIRRIG in Arabidopsis encodes a WD/BEACH domain protein

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we ... analysed pavement cells in spi mutants. The complexity of epidermal pavement cells was quantified using the formula: perimeter2/(4 × π × area) ... All four spi alleles showed a significantly reduced complexity compared to wild-type

Saedler R, Jakoby M, Marin B, Galiana-Jaime E, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene SPIRRIG in Arabidopsis encodes a WD/BEACH domain protein

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stalk width is strongly reduced leading to thinner trichomes in spi mutants

Saedler R, Jakoby M, Marin B, Galiana-Jaime E, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene SPIRRIG in Arabidopsis encodes a WD/BEACH domain protein

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  • Phenotype

The spi mutant was identified as a weak distorted mutant showing moderate curving and twisting of trichome cells

Saedler R, Jakoby M, Marin B, Galiana-Jaime E, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene SPIRRIG in Arabidopsis encodes a WD/BEACH domain protein

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  • Phenotype

an3-3 oli7-1 ... cell size increased more than 2.5-fold compared with wild-type cells

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade cells in the double mutants were 1.5– 2-fold larger in size than those of the wild-type ... oli1-1 with ... oli5-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

decrease in cell number in the first leaves of ... an3 (approximately 70% reduction

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli7-1 ... increased air spaces in the palisade mesophyll

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... leaf area ... was not significantly decreased from that of the wild-type

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli5-1 ... increased air spaces in the palisade mesophyll

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

an3-3 oli2-1 ... the cell number in the first leaves was fur- ther decreased (<20% of the wild-type level)

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

double mutants showed a decrease in cell number ... in the first leaves ... of oli1-1 with oli2-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

an3-3 oli5-1 ... cell size increased more than 2.5-fold compared with wild-type cells

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells are ... normal in size ... oli1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... oli5-1 ... double mutants showed a decrease in cell number of 40–60% in the first leaves

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli7-1 ... leaf area ... was not significantly decreased from that of the wild-type

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade cells in the double mutants were 1.5– 2-fold larger in size than those of the wild-type ... oli1-1 with oli2-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade cells in the double mutants were 1.5– 2-fold larger in size than those of the wild-type ... oli1-1 with ... oli7-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells are ... normal in size ... oli5-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli7-1 ... pointed leaves

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells are ... normal in size ... oli2

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

an3-3 oli7-1 ... the cell number in the first leaves was fur- ther decreased (<20% of the wild-type level)

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... oli5-1 ... palisade cells in the double mutants were 1.5– 2-fold larger in size than those of the wild-type

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli5-1 ... leaf area ... was not significantly decreased from that of the wild-type

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... oli5-1 ... double mutants had a slightly reduced leaf area in comparison with that in their parental single mutants

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... oli7-1 ... double mutants showed a decrease in cell number of 40–60% in the first leaves

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... pointed leaves

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

double mutants showed a decrease in cell number ... in the first leaves ... of oli1-1 with ... oli7-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells are ... normal in size ... oli4–7

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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For AN3 silencing lines #104, #143 and #9 with 50–60% decreases in the AN3 transcript level, the cell number in the first leaves was reduced by 20–30% compared with the wild-type, but no clear compensation was observed (Figure 4). However, when the AN3 transcript level was decreased by more than 70% in lines #139, #109, i29 and #138, the number of leaf cells was reduced by more than 50%, and compensation was clearly induced (Fig- ure 4). Under conditions where compensation was induced, cell size showed an inverse correlation with cell number (Figure 4). Taken together, these results strongly indicate the existence of a threshold in cell number (or cell proliferation activity) below which compensation is effec- tively triggered

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

decrease in cell number in the first leaves of ... oli1 ... was mod- erate (<50% reduction; Figure 2a)

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... increased air spaces in the palisade mesophyll

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

decrease in cell number in the first leaves of ... oli2 ... was mod- erate (<50% reduction; Figure 2a)

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

decrease in cell number in the first leaves of ... oli4–7 ... was mod- erate (<50% reduction; Figure 2a)

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... oli7-1 ... double mutants had a slightly reduced leaf area in comparison with that in their parental single mutants

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells are ... normal in size ... oli7-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

double mutants showed a decrease in cell number ... in the first leaves ... of oli1-1 with ... oli5-1

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

an3-3 oli2-1 ... cell size increased more than 2.5-fold compared with wild-type cells

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli5-1 ... pointed leaves

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

an3-3 oli5-1 ... the cell number in the first leaves was fur- ther decreased (<20% of the wild-type level)

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

oli2-1 ... oli7-1 ... palisade cells in the double mutants were 1.5– 2-fold larger in size than those of the wild-type

Fujikura U, Horiguchi G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion mediated by ribosome-related processes in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

bin2-3bil1bil2 triple mutant ... has ... narrow ... rosette leaves

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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loss of BIN2 results in enhanced BR signaling

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

bin2-3bil1bil2 triple mutant ... has elongated ... petioles

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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Growth of bin2-1 mutants on synthetic medium containing 10 mm LiCl rescued their short hypocotyl phenotype in the dark and their short petiole defect in the light, despite its failure to suppress their leaf phenotype

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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We thus germinated and grew bri1-101 seedlings, carrying a mutated BR receptor with an inactive Ser/Thr kinase activity (Nam and Li, 2004), on synthetic medium containing 10 mm LiCl under both dark and light growth condition. To our surprise, the Li+ treatment only slightly enlarged the rosettes of light-grown bri1-101 seedlings

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

no obvious morphological defect ... bil1

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

bin2-3bil1bil2 triple mutant ... has ... twisted rosette leaves

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

bin2-3bil1bil2 ... constitutive activation of BR signaling

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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no obvious morphological defect ... bil2

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

bin2-3bil1bil2 triple mutant ... has ... wavy petioles

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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no obvious morphological defect ... double mutants of bil1 and bil2

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

bin2 loss-of-function mutants of ecotype Ler ... exhibits no obvious morphological defect

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

bin2-3 exhibits no obvious morphological defect compared with the corresponding Ws wild-type plant

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

Enhanced BR sensitivity of bin2-3 was also observed at both biochemical and molecular levels

Yan Z, Zhao J, Peng P, Chihara RK, Li J - BIN2 functions redundantly with other Arabidopsis GSK3-like kinases to regulate brassinosteroid signaling

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  • Phenotype

a significant increase in stomatal density was apparent in fully expanded leaves of both epf2-1 ... and epf2-2

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

epf2-1 and epf2 ... Examination of the epidermis of leaves revealed ... very few mature, tessellated, epidermal pavement cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

epf2-1 sdd1 double mutants showed additive ... pairing phenotypes over the single mutations

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

p35S:EPF2-TAP plants had few stomata, those that were present had no apparent abnormalities

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

epf1-1 epf2-1 ... double-mutant plants showed an additive effect on ... stomatal pairing phenotypes in mature leaves over the single mutants

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

Constitutive overexpression of EPF2 led to ... a significant reduction in stomatal development

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

epf2-1 and epf2-2 ... Examination of the epidermis of leaves revealed the presence of numerous small epidermal cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

epf2-1 and epf2-2 exhibited obvious defects in their leaf epidermal patterning

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

epf2-2 was observed ... to have slightly narrower leaves

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

epf2 plants grew and developed apparently normally

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

p35S:EPF2-TAP plants appeared ... their growth was impaired

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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epf2-1 sdd1 double mutants showed additive stomatal density ... over the single mutations

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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p35S:EPF2-TAP leaves had a ∼5-fold reduction in stomatal density

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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epf1-1 epf2-1 double-mutant plants showed ... an additive effect on stomatal density ... in mature leaves over the single mutants

Hunt L, Gray JE - The signaling peptide EPF2 controls asymmetric cell divisions during stomatal development

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When exposed to a range of supplementary UV-B doses in the physiological range that plants might be expected to experience in nature, mean whole-rosette leaf area in ... uvr8-2 ... was significantly smaller across the range of UV-B doses ... 87 ... % ... smaller than controls at maximum supplementary UV-B dose (25 kJ m−2 d−1

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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An effect of UV-B on endoreduplication was observed in the wild-type (: P < 0.001; Fig. 3) across the entire endoreduplication profile as a whole, but there were no significant pairwise differences observed between UV-B+ and UV-B– wild-type plants at individual endoreduplication fractions

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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stomatal index, or number of stomata per epidermal cell ... was measured by growing wild-type and mutant plants under 10 kJ m−2 d−1 supplementary UV-B for 13 d ... the stomatal index of uvr8-2 plants was lower than that of wild-type plants

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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epidermal cells of wild-type plants were significantly larger than those of uvr8-2 plants following UV-B treatment

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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The uvr8-2 plants were 25–50% smaller than wild-type plants above 10 kJ m−2 d−1 (anovagenotype: P < 0.001

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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contrast to the wild-type, the uvr8 mutant has fewer stomata per epidermal cell after UV-B exposure compared with control conditions

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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epidermal cell area was significantly increased by supplementary UV-B in wild-type plants

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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10 kJ m−2 d−1 supplementary UV-B for 13 d ... significantly reduced the number of epidermal cells per leaf by about ... 2.2-fold in ... wild-type

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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uvr8-2 plants were defective in progressing towards higher levels of endoreduplication in response to supplementary UV-B, as indicated by a significant accumulation of 8C cells (anova8c uv-b+/–: P < 0.001; Fig. 3), in addition to significant reductions in 32C cells (anova32c uv-b+/–: P < 0.05; Fig. 3

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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There were no differences in the ... average number of epidermal cells per leaf ... or in average epidermal cell area ... between uvr8-2 and wild-type plants in the absence of UV-B

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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in the fifth rosette leaf at 15 d post leaf initiation ... In the absence of supplementary UV-B, there were no differences in the endoreduplication profile between uvr8-2 plants and wild-type plants

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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epidermal cell area of uvr8-2 plants was not significantly different between treatments

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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stomatal index, or number of stomata per epidermal cell ... was measured by growing wild-type and mutant plants under 10 kJ m−2 d−1 supplementary UV-B for 13 d ... Ultraviolet B significantly increased stomatal index in wild-type plants (anovaler: P < 0.01; Fig. 4), demonstrating a UV-B-mediated increase in the number of stomata per epidermal cell

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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stomatal index, or number of stomata per epidermal cell ... was measured by growing wild-type and mutant plants under 10 kJ m−2 d−1 supplementary UV-B for ... 13 d ... There were no differences in stomatal index between uvr8-2 and wild-type control plants

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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uvr8-2 plants showing greater reductions in leaf area than wild-type at UV-B doses over 6.7 kJ m−2 d−1 (Fig. 1b), with a plateau in both dose responses at 10 kJ m−2 d−1 and above

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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whole-rosette leaf area from several experiments showed no consistent differences between wild-type and uvr8-2 plants in the absence of supplementary UV-B

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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When exposed to a range of supplementary UV-B doses in the physiological range that plants might be expected to experience in nature, mean whole-rosette leaf area in ... wild-type plants was significantly smaller across the range of UV-B doses ... 63% smaller than controls at maximum supplementary UV-B dose ... 25 kJ m−2 d−1

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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in the fifth rosette leaf at 15 d post leaf initiation ... When exposed to supplementary UV-B, the uvr8 mutant had a significantly different endoreduplication profile than uvr8-2 plants subjected to zero UV-B conditions (: P < 0.001; Fig. 3), with the endoreduplication profile for the uvr8 mutant also significantly different from the wild-type in the presence of supplementary UV-B (: P < 0.001; Fig. 3

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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10 kJ m−2 d−1 supplementary UV-B for 13 d ... significantly reduced the number of epidermal cells per leaf by about 1.6-fold ... in ... uvr8-2

Wargent JJ, Gegas VC, Jenkins GI, Doonan JH, Paul ND - UVR8 in Arabidopsis thaliana regulates multiple aspects of cellular differentiation during leaf development in response to ultraviolet B radiation

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EPF2 promoter–EPF1 did not suppress the increased stomatal density phenotype of epf2

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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stomatal density was decreased in overexpressors of ... At4g14723

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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Another important feature of epf2 is an increase in the density of pavement cells

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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overexpression of ... EPF2 decreased stomatal density

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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increase in the density of pavement cells

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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In the epf2 mutant, the stomatal density was increased

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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epf1 formed stomata that were in contact

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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stomatal density was decreased in overexpressors of EPF1

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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In the epf2 mutant ... most stomata were separated by at least one non-guard cell in the epidermis of cotyledons ... and the first rosette leaves

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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stomatal density was decreased in overexpressors of ... At1g34245

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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stomatal density was decreased in overexpressors of ... At3g22820

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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The epidermis of EPF1 overexpressors has both small and large epidermal cells

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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the epidermis of EPF2 overexpressors is devoid of small pavement cells

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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overexpression of ... EPF1 ... decreased stomatal density

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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EPF1 promoter–EPF2 partially suppressed the stomatal- clustering phenotype of epf1

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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an increase in the density of pavement cells ... does not occur in epf1

Hara K, Yokoo T, Kajita R, Onishi T, Yahata S, Peterson KM, Torii KU, Kakimoto T - Epidermal cell density is autoregulated via a secretory peptide, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 in Arabidopsis leaves

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length of the leaf blades ... of transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants ... reduced

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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We observed that the palisade cells were actually larger in 35S:MIR396a ... transgenic plants than those in the vector control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the leaf index (the ratio of the leaf length to the leaf width) was increased from 2.3± 0.2 in control plants to ... 2.9± 0.2 in transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the width ... of the leaf blades ... of transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants ... reduced

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the length of the fifth true leaves of transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... was reduced on average by ... about 15%

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the narrow-leaf phenotype of the transgenic miR396-overexpression plants were caused by reduced cell proliferation but not reduced cell expansion

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the leaf index (the ratio of the leaf length to the leaf width) was increased from 2.3± 0.2 in control plants to 2.7± 0.2 ... in transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the width ... of the leaf blades ... of transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... plants ... reduced

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the stomata density of transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants were decreased by ... 36.2% ... when compared with that of control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the most striking phenotype of the transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants were their narrow leaves

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the length of petioles of transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants ... reduced

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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We found that stomatal indexes of transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... were decreased by 19.3 ... % ... when compared with that of control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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cell density in the leaf- width direction of palisade cells in the subepidermal layer was significantly reduced in ... 35S:MIR396b transgenic plants when compared with that of empty vector control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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We observed that the palisade cells were actually larger in ... 35S:MIR396b transgenic plants than those in the vector control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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length of the leaf blades ... of transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... plants ... reduced

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the fifth true leaves of transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... width was reduced by more than 30%

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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We found that stomatal indexes of transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants were decreased by ... 30.3% ... when compared with that of control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the stomata density of transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... were decreased by 26.7 ... % ... when compared with that of control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the narrow-leaf phenotype of the transgenic miR396-overexpression plants were caused by reduced cell proliferation but not reduced cell expansion

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the length of petioles of transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... plants ... reduced

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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cell density in the leaf- width direction of palisade cells in the subepidermal layer was significantly reduced in ... 35S:MIR396a ... transgenic plants when compared with that of empty vector control plants

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the length of the fifth true leaves of transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants was reduced on average by ... about 15%

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the most striking phenotype of the transgenic 35S:MIR396a ... plants were their narrow leaves ... Furthermore, in transgenic 35S:MIR396a plants, the expression levels of miR396 were correlated with the extent of narrow-leaf phenotype. Approximately 17% 35S:MIR396a transgenic plants had slightly increased levels of miR396 and their leaves were only slightly narrower than those of control plants (Table 1

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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the fifth true leaves of transgenic ... 35S:MIR396b plants ... width was reduced by more than 30%

Liu D, Song Y, Chen Z, Yu D - Ectopic expression of miR396 suppresses GRF target gene expression and alters leaf growth in Arabidopsis

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Trichome nuclear size was determined by measuring two-dimensional images of DAPI-stained trichomes, and revealed that the size of rpt2a mutant trichome nuclei are, on average, larger than those of the wild type

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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approximately 40% of rpt2a-2 trichomes developed four or five branches compared with the mostly triradiate trichomes of the wild type (Figure 7b). In the rpt2a-2 mutant, the proportion of three-branched trichomes was reduced from 95.77 to 66.50%, whereas the number of four-branched trichomes increased from 1.80 to 28.93%, compared with the wild type

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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Observation of epidermal cells in the first leaves revealed that rpt2a-2 mutant leaves contained larger cells compared with that of the wild type during all of the growth stages (Figures 4b and 5c). In the wild-type plant, the average cell size in the first leaves increased linearly up to 23 DAS, similar to that observed for leaf area (Figure 5c). In contrast, the average cell size in rpt2a-2 leaves increased up to 31 DAS, indicating continuous cell expansion, not only during the expansion stage but also in the mature stage. Indeed, extremely expanded cells were observed in the mature leaf of the rpt2a-2 mutant

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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Trichomes of the rpt2a-2 mutant were larger than the wild type

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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To evaluate the correlation between the enlarged leaves and cell nuclei size, the nuclei of epidermal cells from the fifth rosette leaves were observed by DAPI staining. Consistent with the increase in endoreduplication, larger nuclei were observed in the larger cells of rpt2a-2 compared with the wild type

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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No major change in the pattern of ubiquitinated proteins was observed in ... single rpt2a-2 ... mutants

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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The number of cells in the first leaves of the wild type and rpt2a-2 remained similar during development

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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The rpt2a-2 mutant contained greatly expanded first and seventh rosette leaves

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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the rpt2b-1 mutant did not show any significant morphological difference, compared with the wild type

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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the level of 20S CP activity was increased, and thus the apparent proteasomal activity was only slightly decreased in rpt2a-2

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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The rpt2a-2 mutant reduced the rate of ubiquitination-dependent proteolysis

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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We therefore investigated the ploidy level in the first leaves of wild-type and rpt2a-2 plants using flow cytometry (Figure 4c). The distribution of cell ploidy levels in wild-type and rpt2a-2 plants was similar at 11 DAS; however, theye differed remarkably at 17, 23 and 31 DAS. The rpt2a-2 mutant started to show relatively more 8C nuclei compared with the wild type at 17 DAS, and a reduction in 2C and 4C nuclei coincided with an increase in 8C and 16C nuclei at 23 DAS. During the 23–31-DAS phase, the fraction of 4C cells represented the highest peak in the wild type. In contrast, the fraction of 8C cells represented the major peak in rpt2a-2 over the equivalent stage. Moreover, only rpt2a-2 leaves showed a fraction of 32C cells at 31 DAS. These results illustrate that endoreduplication was extended in the first leaves of the rpt2a-2 mutant, and continued to a later phase compared with that in wild-type plants

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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No major change in the pattern of ubiquitinated proteins was observed in ... single ... rpt2b-1 mutants

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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rpt2a-2 mutant ... displayed a phenotype of enlarged rosette leaves

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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The rpt2a-2 mutant contained ... serrated leaves

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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In the wild type, the area of the first leaves expanded linearly up to 23 DAS, where they reached mature size (Figures 4a and 5a). In contrast, the area of the rpt2a-2 mutant leaves was larger than that of the wild type at 17 DAS, and the linear expansion continued up to 31 DAS. The average area of the rpt2a-2 first leaf was only slightly greater than the wild type at 11 DAS (3.13 and 2.98 μm2, respectively), but this difference increased significantly to approximately 1.5-fold at 17 DAS, and to twofold at 31 DAS (Figure 5a

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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the rpt2a-1 mutant displayed a phenotype of enlarged rosette leaves

Sonoda Y, Sako K, Maki Y, Yamazaki N, Yamamoto H, Ikeda A, Yamaguchi J - Regulation of leaf organ size by the Arabidopsis RPT2a 19S proteasome subunit

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gra3-D ... similar increase was observed when we measured epidermal cell number

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Heterozygous ... gra2-D ... mutants ... had a leaf size intermediate between that of wild-type and homozygous mutants

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Heterozygous ... gra3-D mutants ... had a leaf size intermediate between that of wild-type and homozygous mutants

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra2-D ... similar increase was observed when we measured epidermal cell number

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra1-D ... the size and number of palisade cells were measured, the increase in leaf area was found to be almost entirely attributable to the increase in leaf cell number

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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extended period of mitotic activity in the gra-D mutants

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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ANT expression was down-regulated using an RNAi approach ... The number of palisade cells ... were significantly reduced compared with the wild-type (Figure 6a,b) and were nearly comparable to those observed in a null allele, ant-1

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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ANT expression was down-regulated using an RNAi approach ... leaf area in the WT-RNAi line were significantly reduced compared with the wild-type

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra2-D ... the size and number of palisade cells were measured, the increase in leaf area was found to be almost entirely attributable to the increase in leaf cell number

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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the leaf cell number clearly increased in hemizygous ANT-OE lines

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra3-D ... the size and number of palisade cells were measured, the increase in leaf area was found to be almost entirely attributable to the increase in leaf cell number

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra1-D ... increase in leaf size was less evident in leaves formed at later developmental stages

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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independent CYCD3;1+ lines had ... an increase in cell number

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra2-D ... increase in leaf size was less evident in leaves formed at later developmental stages

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Consistent with the extended periods of cell cycling, 8C and 16C nuclei appeared 1–2 days later in the gra-D mutants than in the wild-type (Figure 5a and Figure S5a). To show the difference in ploidy levels more clearly, we calculated the endo-reduplication index (2C × 1 + 4C × 2 + 8C × 4 + 16C × 8), which correlates with the mean nuclear DNA content per cell. At 14 and 16 days, the endo-reduplication index was lower in the gra-D mutants than in the wild-type (Figure 5b and Figure S5b), indicating that transition from the mitotic cycle to the endocycle was delayed in the gra-D mutants. The postponed onset of endo-reduplication supports the extended period of mitotic activity in the gra-D mutants

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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in the F1 transgenic lines produced by crossing ANT-OE and CYCD3;1+ plants, more leaf cells were produced than in the respective hemizygous parents (Figure 8b), suggesting cumulative effects on cell proliferation

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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we introduced a genomic fragment including the promoter region and the 3′ untranslated region of CYCD3;1 into the wild-type (designated CYCD3;1 ... resulting independent CYCD3;1+ lines had slightly enlarged leaves

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra3-D ... increase in leaf size was less evident in leaves formed at later developmental stages

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Heterozygous gra1-D ... mutants ... had a leaf size intermediate between that of wild-type and homozygous mutants

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The postponed onset of endo-reduplication ... in the gra-D mutants

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The CYCD3;1+ phenotype was also enhanced in terms of leaf shape by ANT-OE. In CYCD3;1+ homozygous plants, the length of the leaf blade was longer than that of the wild-type, but its width was relatively normal (Figure 7a). This phenotype was clearly enhanced in the CYCD3;1+ANT-OE double hemizygous plants (Figure 8a

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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we selected ... semi-dominant ... gra2-D ... mutants had an enlarged leaf phenotype

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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we introduced a genomic fragment including the promoter region and the 3′ untranslated region of CYCD3;1 into the wild-type (designated CYCD3;1 ... resulting independent CYCD3;1+ lines had slightly enlarged leaves, with a tendency to elongate more along the longitudinal axis

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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we selected ... semi-dominant ... gra1-D ... mutants had an enlarged leaf phenotype

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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gra1-D ... similar increase was observed when we measured epidermal cell number

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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we selected ... semi-dominant ... gra3-D ... mutants had an enlarged leaf phenotype

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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In the wild-type leaf primordia, cell proliferation continued up to 10 days after seed sowing, but cells continued to proliferate in all gra-D mutants for an additional 2–3 days

Horiguchi G, Gonzalez N, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Tsukaya H - Impact of segmental chromosomal duplications on leaf size in the grandifolia-D mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Epidermal cells of rosette leaves and sepals were similar in size in both the wild type and ant-4 ail6-2

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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ail6-4 ... None of these lines display any obvious morphological differences compared with the wild type during either vegetative or reproductive development

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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ail6-2 ... None of these lines display any obvious morphological differences compared with the wild type during either vegetative or reproductive development

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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ant-4 ail6-2 ... Rosette leaves of the double mutant plants are thinner than those from ant-4 and wild-type plants

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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Epidermal cells of rosette leaves and sepals were similar in size in both the wild type and ant-4 ail6-2, suggesting that the reduced size of these organs results primarily from fewer cells

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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leaves ... produced by ant-4 ail6-2 plants are reduced in size compared with those from ant-4 and wild-type plants

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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ail6-1 ... None of these lines display any obvious morphological differences compared with the wild type during either vegetative or reproductive development

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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ail7-1 plants have a wild-type appearance

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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ant-4 ail6-2 ... Rosette leaves ... with alterations in leaf vein architecture ... ant-4 ail6-2 leaves show more severe defects in vein density and complexity than those previously reported for ant single mutants

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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ail6-3 ... None of these lines display any obvious morphological differences compared with the wild type during either vegetative or reproductive development

Krizek B - AINTEGUMENTA and AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE6 act redundantly to regulate Arabidopsis floral growth and patterning

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Under high light, the growth of emb1303-2 seedlings was arrested

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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plastids from 28-day-seedling mesophyll cells were examined by transmission electron microscopy ... plastids in emb1303-2 ... lacked the lens-like structure typically observed in mature chloroplasts in the wild type

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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emb1303-2 showed better growth on sucrose-containing medium

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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autofluorescence in the embryos ... was much lower in emb1303-2 than in the wild type

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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under low light ... albino phenotype of emb1303-2

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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14-day-old ... seedling ... emb1303-2 had only two small true leaves

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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The development of emb1303-2 was completely arrested after germination under sucrose-depleted condition

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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morphology ... mitochondria, was similar in the mutant and the wild type

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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levels of ... carotenoid in emb1303-2 seedlings ... were ... 5.7% of those of the wild type

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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plastids from 28-day-seedling mesophyll cells were examined by transmission electron microscopy ... plastids in emb1303-2 ... were small

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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embryo development of emb1303-2 is delayed during early stages of seed development

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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transgenic plants overexpressing EMB1303 under the control of CaMV 35S promoter ... none of the transgenic plants showed visible growth defect phenotypes

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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in emb1303-2 seedlings ... the chlorophyll autofluorescence ... was much weaker than that of the wild type

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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morphology ... endoplasmic reticulum ... was similar in the mutant and the wild type

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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emb1303-2 seedlings accumulated more anthocyanin under high sugar conditions than the wild type

Huang X, Zhang X, Yang S - A novel chloroplast-localized protein EMB1303 is required for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Young tor2 leaves show straight leaf petioles similar to those of the wild type

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 trichomes ... the average number of branch points was increased

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 has no observable effect on the segregation of chromatin

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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the direction of trichome twisting was inverted in tor2 tor3 double mutants

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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In tor2 lines, we were able to distinguish ... elongated cells

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 trichomes showed branches that bend to the right

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 plants growing on 9 μM propyzamide showed an inversion of hypocotyl growth from a right-handed helix to a left-handed helix

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 defect appears to affect the length of the EB1 comets at the microtubule plus end

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 hypocotyls show obvious right-handed growth

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 ... trichome branches ... were usually longer than in the wild type

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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In the tor2 zwichel double mutant, only a subset of the initiated branches elongated

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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zwichel mutants ... moderate branch elongation defect

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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zwichel mutants have fewer trichome branches than wild-type plants

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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Microtubule density does not ... seem to be significantly altered in tor2 when compared with Ler

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 ... mutants show ... right-handed ... petiole torsions

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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The rate of microtubule polymerization was reduced in tor2 compared with the Ler reference line

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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the elongation growth of tor2 lines was obviously compromised

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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in tor2 ... flow cytometry of nuclei from rosette leaves ... did not show a significantly altered pattern of DNA content compared with the wild type

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 ... during expansion ... growth, petioles start to twist

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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the rate of microtubule depolymerization was also reduced in tor2

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 trichomes were ... bent

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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cortical array of microtubules was left-handed helical in tor2 mutants

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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In tor2 lines, we were able to distinguish ... rounded cells

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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In tor2 lines, we were able to distinguish ... helical cells of varying degrees

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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tor2 trichomes were twisted

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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In tor2 lines, we were able to distinguish ... multipolar cells

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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wild-type ... plants ... transformed with a construct carrying the entire α-tubulin 4R2K gene, a typical tor2 phenotype was generated

Buschmann H, Hauptmann M, Niessing D, Lloyd CW, Schäffner AR - Helical growth of the Arabidopsis mutant tortifolia2 does not depend on cell division patterns but involves handed twisting of isolated cells

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gif1 gif2 gif3 (hereafter gif1/2/3) triple mutant developed ... narrow organs

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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To compare cell proliferation patterns of the wild type and mutants during leaf growth, we determined the number of adaxial palisade cells in a line along with a maximum-width axis of the first two leaves, and the resulting kinematic graph clearly showed that cell proliferation ceased at day 11 in the wild type but at day 7 in the strong mutants harboring gif1 (i.e ... gif1/2

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 null mutant caused by T-DNA insertion into the third exon had small ... lateral organs, such as leaves

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1/2/3 ... no change in cell shape

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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morphological phenotypes of gif2 and ... single mutants were not distinctive

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 null mutant caused by T-DNA insertion into the third exon had small ... cotyledons

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 gif2 gif3 (hereafter gif1/2/3) triple mutant developed tiny ... organs

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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To compare cell proliferation patterns of the wild type and mutants during leaf growth, we determined the number of adaxial palisade cells in a line along with a maximum-width axis of the first two leaves, and the resulting kinematic graph clearly showed that cell proliferation ceased at day 11 in the wild type but at day 7 in the strong mutants harboring gif1 (i.e ... gif1/3

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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leaves of gif1/2 double ... mutants had only about half the cells of wild-type leaves already at days 6

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Counting the number of nuclei revealed that the gif1 SAM was made up of fewer cells in total and in its L1 layer

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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dimensional ... phenotypes of gif2 ... single mutants were not distinctive, although careful observation and measurement of leaf area revealed a minute change in the gif2 single mutant, which was statistically significant by Student's t test (P < 0.05; Figs. 2 and ​and3)

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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To compare cell proliferation patterns of the wild type and mutants during leaf growth, we determined the number of adaxial palisade cells in a line along with a maximum-width axis of the first two leaves, and the resulting kinematic graph clearly showed that cell proliferation ceased at day 11 in the wild type but at day 7 in the strong mutants harboring gif1 (i.e. gif1

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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We found that the SAM size of the gif1 mutant but not of gif2 and gif3 was smaller than that of the wild type

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif2/3 double mutants ... developed only slightly smaller organs than their stronger parental lines

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 ... The areas of cotyledons ... were reduced as well, by approximately 22% ... Reduction in width was more prominent than in length, resulting in narrow morphology and, thus, increasing the index value (the ratio of length to width)

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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The gif1/2/3 triple mutant showed only a minute leaf expansion during the whole growth period. Plotted on a natural log scale in a magnified version, the leaf area data from days 4 through 7 revealed that gif1/2/3 leaves were markedly smaller, by 5.5-fold, than wild-type leaves already at day 6 and afterward

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Quantification of the first pair of primary leaves at their maturity revealed that leaf-blade ... of gif1 ... reduction in ... width

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1/2/3 ... cell area of the triple mutant increased by 2.6-fold over the wild type

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Quantification of the first pair of primary leaves at their maturity revealed that leaf-blade area of gif1 was decreased by 52% over the wild type

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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GIF2 ... under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ... in the wild-type genetic background increased ... leaf ... cell numbers up to 14%

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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  • Phenotype

dimensional ... phenotypes of ... gif3 single mutants were not distinctive

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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The number of trichomes on the first two leaves of gif1/2/3 was also reduced to 8% of wild-type plants, which is indicative of a great reduction in the number of epidermal cells as well

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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GIF1 ... under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ... in the wild-type genetic background increased ... leaf area

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Previously, Ferjani et al. (2007) also observed that an3-4, another mutant allele of GIF1, exhibited early cessation of the cell proliferation phase in the leaf-length axis

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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substantial portion of gif2 mutant individuals had the SAM with fewer cells

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 null mutant caused by T-DNA insertion into the third exon had ... narrow ... cotyledons

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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A clear distinction between the gif1/2 double mutant and the wild type was also recognized at day 7. Intriguingly, however, leaf area of the gif1 single mutant was not smaller than that of the wild type in those early days; only later did it become smaller, eventually reaching half the size of wild-type leaves

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 null mutant caused by T-DNA insertion into the third exon had ... narrow lateral organs, such as leaves

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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GIF1 ... under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ... in the wild-type genetic background increased ... leaf ... cell numbers up to 14%

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 gif2 gif3 ... Leaf-blade area of the triple mutant was only about 10% of the wild type

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1/3 ... double mutants ... developed only slightly smaller organs than their stronger parental lines

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1/2/3 triple homozygous mutants showed distinctively ... narrow cotyledons

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Quantification of the first pair of primary leaves at their maturity revealed that leaf-blade ... of gif1 ... reduction in ... length

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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The time intervals at which successive leaves reached that length (plastochron) were also significantly shortened in the gif1 mutant compared with the wild type: for instance, it took 3.9 and 4.6 d in the respective photoperiods for the wild-type third leaf to attain 1 mm of length after its first two leaves did so, but it took 3.0 and 3.9 d for the gif1 third leaf under the corresponding conditions

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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morphological phenotypes of ... gif3 single mutants were not distinctive

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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GIF3 ... under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ... in the wild-type genetic background increased ... leaf ... cell numbers up to 14%

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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GIF3 ... under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ... in the wild-type genetic background increased ... leaf area

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 gif2 gif3 ... the areas of cotyledons ... were 42%

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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GIF2 ... under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ... in the wild-type genetic background increased ... leaf area

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 ... Petiole length was also decreased as much as blade length was

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1/2/3 triple homozygous mutants showed distinctively small ... cotyledons

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Numbers of adaxial palisade cells in the first two mature leaves of gif1/2/3 were only 27% in the longitudinal axis and 15% in the maximum-width axis over wild-type plants (Fig. 3A, middle). The total number of palisade cells of the triple mutant, calculated by dividing leaf area by cell area, was only 4% of the wild type

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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leaves of ... gif1/2/3 triple mutants had only about half the cells of wild-type leaves already at days ... 4

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1 leaves at the early stage between days 4 and 6 had more cells than wild-type leaves, at least partially explaining the reason why the leaf size of the gif1 mutant was similar to that of the wild type in those early days (Fig. 4B). This tendency in gif1 was consistently observed in an3-4 (Ferjani et al., 2007

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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gif1/2 double ... homozygous mutants showed distinctively small ... cotyledons

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Apart from the cell proliferation phenotype, we noticed that gif mutations seemed to accelerate various developmental processes. To estimate the developmental acceleration, we measured the time when leaves reach 1 mm in length with a stereoscope in long-day conditions. The first two leaves of the gif1 mutant attained that length at day 7.8, which was 0.8 d earlier than the wild type (Table I). The third and fourth gif1 leaves were much earlier than the wild-type leaves, by 1.7 and 2.2 d, respectively. The difference between the wild type and gif1 was profound in the short-day conditions (i.e. gif1 leaves attained the length more than 3 d earlier compared with the corresponding wild-type leaves, clearly indicating that the gif1 mutation accelerated the early developmental pace)

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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  • Phenotype

gif1/2 double ... homozygous mutants showed distinctively ... narrow cotyledons

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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To compare cell proliferation patterns of the wild type and mutants during leaf growth, we determined the number of adaxial palisade cells in a line along with a maximum-width axis of the first two leaves, and the resulting kinematic graph clearly showed that cell proliferation ceased at day 11 in the wild type but at day 7 in the strong mutants harboring gif1 (i.e ... gif1/2/3

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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Leaf expansion of wild-type plants was almost completed at day 20, whereas that of the gif1 single mutant and the gif1-harboring double mutants ceased at 17 and 13 d, respectively

Lee BH, Ko JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Pak JH, Kim JH - The Arabidopsis GRF-INTERACTING FACTOR gene family performs an overlapping function in determining organ size as well as multiple developmental properties

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we analyzed four independent wox1 transposon insertion lines from the ZIGIA collection ... However, we did not observe an obvious phenotype in homozygous mutants of these lines nor for the two homozygous intron insertion mutants

Vandenbussche M, Horstman A, Zethof J, Koes R, Rijpkema AS, Gerats T - Differential recruitment of WOX transcription factors for lateral development and organ fusion in Petunia and Arabidopsis

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To test the hypothesis of a functional overlap between WOX1 and PRS genes, we crossed the obtained wox1 wox6 double mutants with homozygous prs mutants. In all resulting F2 populations derived from these crosses, in addition to wild-type-appearing seedlings, seedlings were found at a frequency close to 1/16 (27/504) that displayed ... thickened leaf margins ... A segregation analysis for wox1, wox6, and prs insertion alleles revealed that all phenotypically selected individuals with a maw-like phenotype were plants homozygous mutant for both wox1 and prs, while all wild-type-appearing seedlings were genotyped as any of the other possible genotypes derived from a wox1 wox6 x prs cross ... Finally, the leaf and flower phenotype of the wox1 wox6 prs triple mutants was not distinguishable from that of wox1 prs double mutants (see Supplemental Figure 6 online), suggesting that WOX6 is not involved in the same function

Vandenbussche M, Horstman A, Zethof J, Koes R, Rijpkema AS, Gerats T - Differential recruitment of WOX transcription factors for lateral development and organ fusion in Petunia and Arabidopsis

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To test the hypothesis of a functional overlap between WOX1 and PRS genes, we crossed the obtained wox1 wox6 double mutants with homozygous prs mutants. In all resulting F2 populations derived from these crosses, in addition to wild-type-appearing seedlings, seedlings were found at a frequency close to 1/16 (27/504) that displayed a reduction of the leaf blade ... A segregation analysis for wox1, wox6, and prs insertion alleles revealed that all phenotypically selected individuals with a maw-like phenotype were plants homozygous mutant for both wox1 and prs, while all wild-type-appearing seedlings were genotyped as any of the other possible genotypes derived from a wox1 wox6 x prs cross ... Finally, the leaf and flower phenotype of the wox1 wox6 prs triple mutants was not distinguishable from that of wox1 prs double mutants (see Supplemental Figure 6 online), suggesting that WOX6 is not involved in the same function

Vandenbussche M, Horstman A, Zethof J, Koes R, Rijpkema AS, Gerats T - Differential recruitment of WOX transcription factors for lateral development and organ fusion in Petunia and Arabidopsis

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herk1 herk2 the1 adult plants also have reduced petiole lengths compared to herk1 the1 double mutant

Guo H, Ye H, Li L, Yin Y - A family of receptor-like kinases are regulated by BES1 and involved in plant growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Rosette leaves of axr1 plants ... tend to curl downward

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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Rosette leaves of axr1 plants are irregular in shape

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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axr1 plants ... petioles are shorter than wild-type leaves

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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axr1 plants ... The margins of mutant leaves are slightly toothed

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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Scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) of cross-sections through the leaf blade of wild-type and axr1-12 rosette leaves did not reveal any major structural differences

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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axr1-12 rosette leaves ... The size and frequency of intercellular spaces within the mesophyll cell layer are also similar

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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In addition to auxin resistance, the axr1 mutations produce a characteristic morphological phenotype that includes defects in leaf, inflorescence, and flower morphology

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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axr1-12 rosette leaves ... the relative numbers of palisade and spongy mesophyll cells are approximately the same in mutant and wild-type leaves

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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axr1-12 rosette leaves ... Cell size ... of palisade and spongy mesophyll cells are approximately the same in mutant and wild-type leaves

Lincoln C, Britton JH, Estelle M - Growth and development of the axr1 mutants of Arabidopsis

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The rosette leaves of the ang3 mutants ... were ... elongated

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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the abaxial epidermis ... cell area ... was significantly reduced in leaf 3 of the ang3 mutant

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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The cell size ... was significantly reduced in leaf 3 in the ang3 mutant

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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Trichome density of leaves 1, 2, 3 and 4 of 21-day-old seedlings ... was significantly reduced in ang3

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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ang3 ... the total cell number remained the same as in the wild type

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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ang3 mutants ... lamina area was significantly reduced starting from leaf 3

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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ang3 mutants ... mid-vein detached

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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ang3 plants ... formed an additional rosette leaf

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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The rosette leaves of the ang3 mutants ... were narrow

Van Minnebruggen A, Neyt P, De Groeve S, Coussens G, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The ang3 mutation identified the ribosomal protein gene RPL5B with a role in cell expansion during organ growth

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The petioles ... of the as1-1 mutant were shorter than those of the wild type

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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In the leaf lamina of as1 ... there was no prominent midvein, even in fully mature rosette leaves

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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As in the case of the as1-1 leaves, the as1-1 spy-1 leaves had a thinner midvein than the wild type, because the connections of secondary veins to the midvein in the lamina were not restored by the spy mutation (Figure S4). This result suggests that a reduction in the levels of endogenous GA might not cause a thinner midvein

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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When leaf sections from wild-type plants were incubated on MS medium without exogenous phytohormones, adventitious roots were often regenerated from the base of the sections, but no shoots were formed (Semiarti et al., 2001; Figure 5a,f). However, rooting was inhibited and ectopic shoots appeared on sections of ... as2 leaves

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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leaf blades of the as1-1 mutant were shorter than those of the wild type

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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as1-1 bp-1 double mutant ... petioles were still shorter than the wild type

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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as2-1 bp-1 knat2-3 knat6-2 quadruple mutant, the frequency of the leaves with leaflet-like structures was similar to that in as2-1 plants (Table 3), whereas the length of leaflet-like structures was reduced in the quadruple mutant

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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To monitor changes in the biosynthesis of endogenous GA, we analyzed levels of GA53, which is a substrate for GA20 oxidase to produce active GA ... triple mutations in KNAT126 in addition to as1-1 resulted in a reduction in the level of endogenous GA53

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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To monitor changes in the biosynthesis of endogenous GA, we analyzed levels of GA53, which is a substrate for GA20 oxidase to produce active GA (Hedden and Kamiya, 1997), in the various mutants. As shown in Figure S3(b), levels of GA53 were higher in as1-1 plants than in the wild type

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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When ... as2-1 bp-1 knat2-3 knat6-2 plants were grown on medium that contained trichostatin A (TSA), which is a specific inhibitor of histone deacethylases (HDACs), they continued to generate filamentous or trumpet-shaped (abnormal) leaves with abaxialized surfaces (Figure 6e,g). To our surprise, the frequency of formation of plants that generated abnormal leaves was higher in each quadruple mutant than in ... as2-1

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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leaf sections ... were incubated on MS medium without exogenous phytohormones ... as1-1 bp-1 knat2-3 knat6-2 leaf sections ... regenerated roots more efficiently than did as1-1 ... sections ... but the efficiency of regeneration of shoots was similar to that of as1 ... sections

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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When as1-1 bp-1 knat2-3 knat6-2 plants ... were grown on medium that contained trichostatin A (TSA), which is a specific inhibitor of histone deacethylases (HDACs), they continued to generate filamentous or trumpet-shaped (abnormal) leaves with abaxialized surfaces (Figure 6e,g). To our surprise, the frequency of formation of plants that generated abnormal leaves was higher in each quadruple mutant than in ... as1-1

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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When leaf sections from wild-type plants were incubated on MS medium without exogenous phytohormones, adventitious roots were often regenerated from the base of the sections, but no shoots were formed (Semiarti et al., 2001; Figure 5a,f). However, rooting was inhibited and ectopic shoots appeared on sections of as1 ... leaves

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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In the leaf lamina of ... as2 plants, there was no prominent midvein, even in fully mature rosette leaves

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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In the leaf lamina of as1 and as2 plants, there was no prominent midvein, even in fully mature rosette leaves, because the secondary veins of as1 and as2 leaves elongated basipetally, rarely joining the primary vein, but instead running through the petiole in parallel with the midvein, without connecting to it, in the leaf lamina

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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leaf sections ... were incubated on MS medium without exogenous phytohormones ... as2-1 bp-1 knat2-3 knat6-2 leaf sections ... regenerated roots more efficiently than did ... as2-1 sections ... but the efficiency of regeneration of shoots was similar to that of ... as2 sections

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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on MS medium without exogenous phytohormones ... Leaf sections from 35S:BP plants formed more adventitious shoots and fewer adventitious roots than those from wild-type plants

Ikezaki M, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Kojima S, Ueno Y, Machida C, Machida Y - Genetic networks regulated by ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 in leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: KNOX genes control five morphological events

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plant height in smo2 decreased

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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we performed a flow cytometric examination with nuclei of ... juvenile ... leaves. In juvenile leaves (4 days after initiation), the ... number of 2C cells in smo2 was reduced

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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epidermal cell number per leaf primordium seemed similar for the first 2 days ... in smo2 ... than ... in the WT

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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a molecular complementation experiment was carried out by introducing a 2.5-kb WT genomic DNA fragment from the promoter to the 3′-untranslated region of At1g22270 into smo2, and almost all transgenic smo2 plants exhibited the WT morphology

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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The estimated number of palisade cells per fifth leaf in smo2 was only about 21% of that in the WT

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

we performed a flow cytometric examination with nuclei of ... fully expanded fifth leaves ... In fully expanded leaves ... smo2 seemed to have ... the percentages of cells from 4C to 16C between two genotypes ... comparably similar

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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the rate of division of WT epidermal cells was indeed much higher than that of smo2 ones at early stages

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

we performed a flow cytometric examination with nuclei of ... fully expanded fifth leaves ... In fully expanded leaves, however, smo2 seemed to have slightly more 2C cells than WT

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

smo2 ... dramatic reduction in leaf size

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

An apparent size reduction was ... observed in ... smo2 ... hypocotyl

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

An apparent size reduction was ... observed in ... smo2 ... cotyledon

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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the blade area of the fully expanded fifth leaves in smo2 only reached to about 40% of that in the wild type

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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we performed a flow cytometric examination with nuclei of ... juvenile ... leaves. In juvenile leaves (4 days after initiation), the percentage of 4C cells in smo2 was indeed higher than that in WT

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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epidermal cell number ... differences per leaf then became significant since day 3 between WT and smo2, in which the cell numbers in smo2 increased apparently more slowly than those in the WT

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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After ... 8 days ... the leaf growth rate in smo2 appeared to decrease much more than that in WT

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

the palisade cells of the fully expanded fifth leaf in smo2 were found to be significantly enlarged

Hu Z, Qin Z, Wang M, Xu C, Feng G, Liu J, Meng Z, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis SMO2, a homologue of yeast TRM112, modulates progression of cell division during organ growth

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  • Phenotype

The shape of spt16-1 hub1-3 double mutant leaves was similar to those of spt16-1

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-2 ... Due to the smaller size of the leaves, the diameter of the rosette of mutant plants is reduced compared to Col-0

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

ssrp1-2 hub2-1 ... At bolting, the rosettes ... have a reduced size compared to the parents

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-2 ... significantly smaller leaves than Col-0

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

In spt16-1, the cell number per leaf was reduced by approximately 15%

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

ssrp1-2 ... Due to the smaller size of the leaves, the diameter of the rosette of mutant plants is reduced compared to Col-0

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

ssrp1-2 ... significantly smaller leaves than Col-0

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

cell division is affected in ... ssrp1-2

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 mutant ... leaf margins were strongly and asymmetrically serrated

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 ... significantly smaller leaves than Col-0

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 mutant ... leaf surface was uneven

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

ssrp1-2 ... reduced leaf growth

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

cell division is affected in ... spt16-1

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 hub2-1 ... At bolting, the rosettes ... have a reduced size compared to the parents

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

in ssrp1-2 ... A slight increase in cell size was observed

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 ... plants have a reduced total leaf area

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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To validate this observation, the leaf areas of ... ssrp1-2 hub1-4 were measured after 28 days in under LD conditions (n = 8–10 per line). In line with the smaller rosette diameter, leaf areas of the double mutants were strongly reduced compared to both parents

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

To validate this observation, the leaf areas of spt16-1 hub1-3 ... were measured after 28 days in under LD conditions (n = 8–10 per line). In line with the smaller rosette diameter, leaf areas of the double mutants were strongly reduced compared to both parents

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

hub1-3 ... leaves had a mild tendency to serrations

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 ... Due to the smaller size of the leaves, the diameter of the rosette of mutant plants is reduced compared to Col-0

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

The leaf shape of ssrp1-2 was different from that of spt16-1, as the leaves were serrated but the serrations were smoother and fewer

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 hub1-3 ... At bolting, the rosettes ... have a reduced size compared to the parents

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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spt16-1 mutant leaves were asymmetric in shape

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

the cell number per leaf ... in ssrp1-2 it was reduced by approximately 50%

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

ssrp1-2 hub1-4 ... At bolting, the rosettes ... have a reduced size compared to the parents

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

in ... spt16-1 ... the shape of the leaves is altered

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

ssrp1-2 ... plants have a reduced total leaf area

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-1 ... reduced leaf growth

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

spt16-2 plants have a reduced total leaf area

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

In ssrp1-2 mutants, leaf venation was strongly reduced. The primary veins had open ends, with very few secondary veins

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

in ... ssrp1-2 ... the shape of the leaves is altered

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

hub1-4 leaves had a mild tendency to serrations

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

The shape of ... the ssrp1-2 hub1-4 double mutant leaves were similar to those of ssrp1-2

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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  • Phenotype

In spt16-1 ... leaf ... A slight increase in cell size was observed

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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The vein patterns were also reduced in spt16-1 leaves, with several open ends, albeit less severely than in ssrp1-2

Lolas IB, Himanen K, Grønlund JT, Lynggaard C, Houben A, Melzer M, Van Lijsebettens M, Grasser KD - The transcript elongation factor FACT affects Arabidopsis vegetative and reproductive development and genetically interacts with HUB1/2

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35S:miR396b plants with the highest levels of miR396 ... the final number of cells in leaf 1 was estimated to be less than 13% that of the wild type (Fig. 5I

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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cells in ... leaves could also be reduced in their size ... an effect that we have not observed in plants expressing the wild-type version of the transcription factor

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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35S:miR396b plants with the highest levels of miR396 (Fig. 3A) had fewer palisade cells in the subepidermal layer

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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  • Phenotype

MIR396b under the control of the viral 35S promoter ... had smaller rosettes

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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  • Phenotype

Plants expressing rGRF2 in a wild-type background had larger leaves

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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  • Phenotype

35S:miR396 plants had ... a reduction in SAM size

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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Transgenic lines expressing high levels of wild-type GRF2 also had a moderate increase in cell number

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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  • Phenotype

cells in rGRF2 leaves could also be reduced in their size

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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  • Phenotype

35S:miR396 plants had fewer proliferating cells in the SAM

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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  • Phenotype

Plants expressing rGRF2 in a wild-type background had ... leaves ... with more cells than control plants

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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cycling cells were closer to the base of developing leaves in 35S:miR396b than in the wild type ... suggesting that the mitotic arrest front occurs earlier in transgenic plants with high miRNA levels

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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cells from 35S:miR396b plants were twice as large as wild-type cells

Rodriguez RE, Mecchia MA, Debernardi JM, Schommer C, Weigel D, Palatnik JF - Control of cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana by microRNA miR396

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To elucidate how larger leaf primordia were formed in spt, we measured cell size to see if leaf primordia in spt consist of larger mitotic cells. In the basal region of leaf primordia 5 DAS, in which most active cell proliferation takes place, the cell size of spt-11 (43.5 ± 14.4 μm2) was not significantly different (power: 0.82) from that of the wild type (47.9 ± 15.0 μm2)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To explore this possibility, we also measured the area of the leaf blade in leaf primordia 5 DAS in an AtGRF5 overexpression line. However, the size of leaf primordia in the AtGRF5 overexpressor was similar to that of the wild type (Fig. 4G). These data suggest that AtGRF5 does not play a role in controlling the size of the meristematic region

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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These results suggested that the spt mutation did not affect leaf shape

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the petiole index (the ratio of the petiole length to the leaf length) ... of spt-11 ... similar to those of the wild type

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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cell number in the SPT overexpression line (13,368 ± 1,828) was slightly, but significantly, lower than that of the wild type (15,492 ± 1,454)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The total ... palisade ... cell number per cell file in the petiole were significantly higher in spt-11

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The total number of palisade cells in the subepidermal layer of the leaf blade ... significantly higher in spt-11

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The an3-4 spt-11 double mutant had an an3-4 single mutant phenotype in terms of gross leaf morphology

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To determine how SPT limits leaf size, we compared the time course of leaf development between spt-11 and the wild type based on the DAS (Fig. 4). At 3 DAS, leaf primordia in spt-11 were similar to those of the wild type in terms of their shape (Fig. 4A, D) and size (leaf length, wild type, 81.3 ± 16.3 μm; spt-11, 91.4 ± 7.3 μm; no significant difference by Student’s t-test, P < 0.05). However, the spt-11 leaf primordia were about 1.5-fold larger than wild-type leaf primordia at 5 DAS (Fig. 4B, E, G) and such a difference was maintained throughout subsequent development (Fig. 4C, F). Given that the detectable cause of the large leaf phenotype in spt-11 can be traced back to 5 DAS but not to 3 DAS, a critical event influencing the final leaf size must take place during this developmental window

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the cell size in the leaf blade of spt-11 (2,391 ± 219 μm2) was not significantly different from that of the wild type (2,398 ± 336 μm2)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaf blade area of the first set leaves in spt-11 (39.9 ± 9.2 mm2) was significantly larger than that of the wild type (26.6 ± 8.8 mm2)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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cell size in the leaf blade of the SPT overexpression line (2,099 ± 362 μm2) was clearly smaller than that of the wild type (3,088 ± 193 μm2)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We measured cell size along the proximal–distal axis of leaf primordia at 5 DAS. The estimated meristematic region of leaf primordia in spt-11 was expanded by about 50 μm further than the wild type

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the size of the palisade cells in the leaf blade of an3-4 spt-11 (2,781 ± 375 μm2) was significantly smaller compared with an3-4 (3,783 ± 429 μm2)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In leaves, the most striking feature of the spt mutations is its larger area

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the leaf index (the ratio of the length to the width of the leaf blade) ... of spt-11 ... similar to those of the wild type

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The an3-4 spt-11 double mutant had an an3-4 single mutant phenotype in terms of gross leaf ... size

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the petiole length of spt-11 (12.0 ± 2.0 mm) was significantly longer than that of the wild type (9.7 ± 2.0 mm)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaf blade area of the first set of leaves in the SPT overexpression line (17.7 ± 3.1 mm2) was significantly smaller than that of the wild type (29.4 ± 2.0 mm2)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the total number of palisade cells in the subepidermal layer of the leaf blade was significantly higher in an3-4 spt-11 (3,481 ± 730) as compared with an3-4 (2,426 ± 521)

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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marginal cells in leaves are not significantly affected by the spt mutations

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Vascular pattering in leaves was also normal in the spt mutant (Fig. 2B), the expanded vascular network filling the increased leaf blade area accordingly

Ichihashi Y, Horiguchi G, Gleissberg S, Tsukaya H - The bHLH transcription factor SPATULA controls final leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

ron1-1 ... cotyledons ... were found to be shorter

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-2 axr1-12 rosettes were small

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-2 hve-2 ... rosettes were small

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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higher number of rosette leaves in ron1-1

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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leaves exhibited more free-ending veins per unit venation length in ron1-1 than in Ler

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

number of branching points per unit leaf area ... demonstrated significantly reduced values in ron1-1 first leaves

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-2 axr1-12 ... leaves ... deeply lobed

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-2 hve-2 ... leaves ... were significantly smaller

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-1 ... vegetative leaves ... were ... found to be ... wider

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

No closed areoles were observed in ... first-node leaves of ... ron1-2 hve-2 plants

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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Growth of ron1-1 in solid medium supplemented with 0.1 μM 2,4-D failed to rescue the aberrations in the leaf venation pattern

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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area of individual palisade cells in the first leaves ... were 42.05% larger in ron1-1

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-2 hve-2 ... leaves ... deeply lobed

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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length-width ratios close to 1 for all organs examined in ron1-1

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

No closed areoles were observed in ... first-node leaves of ron1-2 axr1-12 plants

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-1 ... cotyledons ... were ... found to be ... wider

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

venation density ... demonstrated significantly reduced values in ron1-1 first leaves

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-2 axr1-12 ... leaves ... were significantly smaller

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ron1-1 ... vegetative leaves ... were found to be shorter

Robles P, Fleury D, Candela H, Cnops G, Alonso-Peral MM, Anami S, Falcone A, Caldana C, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Van Lijsebettens M, Micol JL - The RON1/FRY1/SAL1 gene is required for leaf morphogenesis and venation patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

etg1 syn4 double mutant plants had smaller leaves than the control plants, correlating with a significantly reduced cell number

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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etg1-1 mutants displayed increased sensitivity to methyl methane sulfonate (a monofunctional alkylating agent) ... triggering DSBs indirectly by interfering of DNA excision repair with DNA replication

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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abaxial pavement ... cell area was similar to that of the etg1-1 single mutant ... in etg1-1 ctf18-1

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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In Arabidopsis, the S phase-established cohesion is seemingly a prerequisite for double-strand break (DSB)-dependently enforced cohesion that, in turn, is required for homologous recombination repair between sister chromatids [35]. Therefore, the DSB repair, kinetics of etg1-1 and wild-type plants were compared during the recovery from bleomycin treatment by calculating the extent of the remaining DNA damage from the percentage of DNA in the comet tails. Whereas in wild-type seedlings almost 80% of all DSBs was repaired within 1 h, in etg1-1 plants, it was significantly delayed

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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To examine the level of DNA damage, 8-day-old seedlings were assayed by comet assay. In agreement with previous analyses, etg1-1, but not ctf18-1, mutants, exhibited significant DNA damage in comparison with control plants, whereas the DNA damage level of the etg1-1 ctf18-1 double mutant seedlings was much higher than that observed in the single etg1-1 mutants

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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  • Phenotype

FISH analysis ... on ctf18-2 leaf nuclei revealed ... the frequency of centromeric signals did not change significantly

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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  • Phenotype

etg1 ... Single mutants were viable and developed normally

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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  • Phenotype

etg1-1 ctf18-1 double mutants had distinctly smaller leaves ... a phenotype observed for etg1-2 ctf18-1 and etg1-2 ctf18-2 as well

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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FISH analysis with the BAC clones T2P11 and T7N9 on ctf18-2 leaf nuclei revealed sister chromatid separation in 40.5% of homologous chromosomes versus 28.1% in the wild type (P-value <0.001

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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in etg1-1 ctf18-1 ... FISH analysis revealed that the cohesion phenotype observed in the etg1-2 and ctf18-2 single mutants was aggravated ... displaying sister arm separation in up to 54.7% of homologous chromosomes

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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we analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) whether the cell cycle arrest in etg1 mutant plants might be linked with a loss of cohesion. The two adjacent overlapping bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) T2P11 and T7N9 that label the upper mid-arm position of chromosome 1 were used for FISH analysis on flow-sorted 4C leaf nuclei to compare the frequency of sister arm alignment between the wild-type and etg1-1. The number of FISH signals indicates whether sister chromatids are linked at the position tested: one (pairing of both homologs) or two FISH signals mark the positional alignment of sister chromatids at the corresponding region and three or four signals the sister chromatid separation at one or both homologous chromosomes, respectively (Figure 2B–2D). When compared to the wild-type nuclei, the etg1-1 nuclei showed a significant increase (P-value <0.001) in sister chromatid separation (Figure 2A and 2E). Positional sister chromatid separation occurred in 28.1% of the homologs in 4C wild-type leaf nuclei, whereas etg1-1 leaf nuclei displayed 42.7% sister chromatid separation per homolog

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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  • Phenotype

By contrast, FISH applied to the 178-bp centromere-specific sequence (pAL) revealed 4–12 signals in both the wild-type and the etg1-1 mutant 4C nuclei

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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  • Phenotype

ctf18 ... Single mutants were viable and developed normally

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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  • Phenotype

the total abaxial pavement cell number per leaf was considerably lower in etg1-1 ctf18-1 mutants than that in control plants

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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  • Phenotype

When the first leaf pair from each mature plant was compared, the leaf blade area of etg1-1 ctf18-1 double mutants was strongly reduced, whereas those of the etg1-1 and ctf18-1 single mutants was nearly identical to those of the control lines

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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etg1 syn4 double mutant plants had smaller leaves than the control plants

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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in contrast to the single mutants, centromere cohesion was clearly impaired ... as indicated by the increase in number of centromeric signals per nucleus in etg1-2 ctf18-2. Up to 22 signals could be observed (compared to up to maximum 12 signals in wild-type nuclei), indicating a strong defect in centromere cohesion

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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etg1-1 mutants displayed increased sensitivity to ... mitomycin C (a multifunctional DNA cross-linking agent) ... triggering DSBs indirectly by interfering of DNA excision repair with DNA replication

Takahashi N, Quimbaya M, Schubert V, Lammens T, Vandepoele K, Schubert I, Matsui M, Inzé D, Berx G, De Veylder L - The MCM-binding protein ETG1 aids sister chromatid cohesion required for postreplicative homologous recombination repair

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BOP1pro:AS2 as2-1

Jun JH, Ha CM, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 coordinates organ determinacy and axial polarity in arabidopsis by directly activating ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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Next, we assessed the ability of the BOP1pro:AS2 construct to rescue the as1 and as2 leaf phenotypes. BOP1pro:AS2 as1-1 plants (Figure 6H) were indistinguishable from as1-1 plants (Figure 6G), indicating that BOP1pro:AS2 activity had no detectable effect on the as1 phenotype. By contrast, BOP1pro:AS2 as2-1 plants displayed rescue of the as2-1 leaf phenotype (Figures 6E and 6F; see Supplemental Table 1 online). This result indicates that the expression of AS2 exclusively in the BOP1 domain at the proximal end of developing leaf primordia is sufficient to confer wild-type leaf morphology

Jun JH, Ha CM, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 coordinates organ determinacy and axial polarity in arabidopsis by directly activating ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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The development of 35Spro:BOP1-GR Ler plants was indistinguishable from that of wild-type Ler plants in the absence of hormone (Figures 2A and 2B). Following Dex treatment, 35Spro:BOP1-GR Ler plants displayed upward curling leaf phenotypes (Figures 2C and 2D) characteristic of BOP1 gain-of-function plants (Figure 2E). A subtle distinction between the two is that in 35Spro:BOP1-GR Ler plants, this upward curling can occur toward the tip of the blade, causing waving of the leaves (Figure 2D), whereas 35Spro:BOP1 Ler leaves show upward curling more prevalently along the margins (Figure 2E). By contrast, untransformed wild-type Ler plants grown in the presence of Dex showed no phenotypic changes (see Supplemental Figure 3 online). Thus, the upward curling leaf phenotypes observed in the 35Spro:BOP1-GR Ler plants is due to Dex-dependent ectopic activity of the BOP1-GR fusion protein

Jun JH, Ha CM, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 coordinates organ determinacy and axial polarity in arabidopsis by directly activating ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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In as1 stm plants, BP can replace STM to promote embryonic and vegetative SAM formation (Byrne et al., 2002). To determine if BP is likewise necessary for the meristematic activity observed in bop1 bop2 stm plants, we constructed bop1-4 bop2-11 stm-11 bp-1 plants. We found that compared with 100% of bop1-4 bop2-11 stm-11 seedlings, only 30 to 40% of bop1-4 bop2-11 stm-11 bp-1 seedlings initiated a postembryonic shoot meristem (n = 37 for i and 57 for ii) (Figure 7A). These data indicate that, in the absence of BOP activity, BP can substitute for STM to establish a functional vegetative shoot meristem

Jun JH, Ha CM, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 coordinates organ determinacy and axial polarity in arabidopsis by directly activating ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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Similarly, the development of 35Spro:BOP1-GR bop1-1 transformants was indistinguishable from that of untransformed bop1-1 plants in the absence of hormone (Figures 2F and 2G). bop1-1 plants showed no phenotypic alterations in the presence of Dex (see Supplemental Figure 3 online), whereas 35Spro:BOP1-GR bop1-1 plants displayed partial to near-complete rescue of the rosette leaf phenotypes (Figures 2H and 2I). In the presence of 10 μ m Dex, the leaves of 35Spro:BOP1-GR bop1-1 plants were mostly wild-type in appearance or displayed a single ectopic outgrowth, and some also showed strongly upward curling leaf phenotypes (Figures 2H and 2I) characteristic of 35Spro:BOP1 bop1-1 (Figure 2J) plants. Similar results were obtained with 35Spro:BOP1-GR bop1-4 bop2-11 plants (see Supplemental Figure 4 online). These data show that BOP1-GR fusion protein is biologically active in a hormone dose-dependent manner and that nuclear localization of BOP1 protein is necessary and sufficient for its biological function

Jun JH, Ha CM, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 coordinates organ determinacy and axial polarity in arabidopsis by directly activating ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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  • Phenotype

Plants homozygous for the strong stm-11 allele lacked an embryonic SAM (Long et al., 1996; Carles et al., 2004) and formed cotyledons that were fused at their base (Figure 7C), unlike wild-type plants (Figure 7B), yet 20 d after germination, 10% of stm-11 plants (n = 56 for experiment i and 166 for experiment ii) developed rosette leaves from either the shoot apex or the region between the fused cotyledonary petioles (Figure 7A). At germination, bop1-4 bop2-11 stm-11 seedlings appeared identical to stm-11 seedlings. However, 6 to 7 d later, some triple mutant seedlings began to develop leaves from the fused cotyledonary petiole region (Figure 7D), and by 13 d after germination, 100% of bop1 bop2 stm plants (n = 57 for i and 34 for ii) had formed a shoot meristem and produced true leaves from this region (Figure 7A). Compared with dome-shaped wild-type SAMs, which consisted of small, highly cytoplasmic cells organized into discrete cell layers, the flattened shoot apex region of stm-11 seedlings contained large, vacuolated cells (see Supplemental Figure 8 online). Sections through the fused cotyledonary petiole region of bop1 bop2 stm seedlings revealed within the differentiated tissue the presence of domes of small, highly cytoplasmic cells resembling those of wild-type shoot meristems, albeit somewhat less organized (see Supplemental Figure 8 online). Thus, the absence of the BOP proteins in stm-11 plants permits the formation of a functional shoot meristem at the base of the fused cotyledons

Jun JH, Ha CM, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 coordinates organ determinacy and axial polarity in arabidopsis by directly activating ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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  • Phenotype

Transformation of BOP1pro:AS2 into bop1-4 bop2-11 and bop1-1 plants led to the elevation of AS2 expression levels (Figure 6I) and a dramatic reduction in the amount of ectopic outgrowth along the petioles (Figures 6B and 6D). Eleven percent of bop1-1 lines (n = 37) and 5% of bop1-4 bop2-11 lines (n = 230) showed phenotypic complementation (see Supplemental Table 1 online). Thus, the ectopic outgrowth in bop leaves is directly attributable to the loss of AS2 expression in the proximal region of the primordia, indicating that BOP1 and BOP2 act through AS2 to suppress meristematic activity and/or class I KNOX gene expression in this region

Jun JH, Ha CM, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 coordinates organ determinacy and axial polarity in arabidopsis by directly activating ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2

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ore14-1, which exhibited a delayed leaf senescence phenotype

Lim PO, Lee IC, Kim J, Kim HJ, Ryu JS, Woo HR, Nam HG - Auxin response factor 2 (ARF2) plays a major role in regulating auxin-mediated leaf longevity

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leaf longevity of the ore14-1/arf2-10 mutant was extended by 35%, from 26 DAE to 35 DAE

Lim PO, Lee IC, Kim J, Kim HJ, Ryu JS, Woo HR, Nam HG - Auxin response factor 2 (ARF2) plays a major role in regulating auxin-mediated leaf longevity

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ore14-1 ... exhibited ... increased growth of aerial organs

Lim PO, Lee IC, Kim J, Kim HJ, Ryu JS, Woo HR, Nam HG - Auxin response factor 2 (ARF2) plays a major role in regulating auxin-mediated leaf longevity

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  • Phenotype

the epf2-1 mutation caused a significant reduction in the number of paired or clustered stomata in basl-4;epf2-1 (p > 0.016

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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Stomatal density was not altered in fully expanded leaves ... basl-4 ... in comparison to the wild-type control

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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Stomatal density ... was significantly higher in epf2-1 (p < 0.003) than wild-type or basl-4;epf2-1 (p < 0.03

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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There were ... clearly more clustered stomata in basl-4 than wild-type

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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basl-4;epf2-1 plants developed narrow ... leaves

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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basl-4;epf2-1 plants developed ... twisted leaves

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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Neither basl-4 ... showed any obvious effect on growth rate

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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The basl-4;epf2-1 leaf epidermis contained large numbers of additional small cells which appeared to be the result of increases in both symmetric and asymmetric divisions of stomatal lineage cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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in basl-4;epf2-1 ... the additional small epidermal cells that we observed ... were indeed arrested stomatal lineage cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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basl-4;epf2-1 ... reduced density of mature tessellated epidermal pavement cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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in basl-4 ... the additional small epidermal cells that we observed ... were indeed arrested stomatal lineage cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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Neither ... epf2-1 showed any obvious effect on ... leaf shape

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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The basl-4;epf2-1 leaf epidermis contained large numbers of additional small cells which appeared to be the result of increases in both symmetric and asymmetric divisions of stomatal lineage cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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Neither ... epf2-1 showed any obvious effect on growth rate

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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in epf2-1 ... the additional small epidermal cells that we observed ... were indeed arrested stomatal lineage cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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The basl-4;epf2-1 leaf epidermis contained large numbers of additional small cells which appeared to be the result of increases in both symmetric and asymmetric divisions of stomatal lineage cells

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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Stomatal density was not altered in fully expanded leaves of ... basl-4;epf2-1 in comparison to the wild-type control

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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Neither basl-4 ... showed any obvious effect on ... leaf shape

Hunt L, Gray JE - BASL and EPF2 act independently to regulate asymmetric divisions during stomatal development

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  • Phenotype

rps6a ... display a slightly delayed growth

Creff A, Sormani R, Desnos T - The two Arabidopsis RPS6 genes, encoding for cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins S6, are functionally equivalent

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leaves of the ... rps6b ... are ... pointed

Creff A, Sormani R, Desnos T - The two Arabidopsis RPS6 genes, encoding for cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins S6, are functionally equivalent

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rps6a/RPS6A,rps6b/RPS6B double heterozygote has a similar Rps6 mutant phenotype

Creff A, Sormani R, Desnos T - The two Arabidopsis RPS6 genes, encoding for cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins S6, are functionally equivalent

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leaves of the rps6a ... are ... pointed

Creff A, Sormani R, Desnos T - The two Arabidopsis RPS6 genes, encoding for cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins S6, are functionally equivalent

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  • Phenotype

leaves of the ... rps6b ... are smaller than in WT

Creff A, Sormani R, Desnos T - The two Arabidopsis RPS6 genes, encoding for cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins S6, are functionally equivalent

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The leaves of the rps6a ... are smaller than in WT

Creff A, Sormani R, Desnos T - The two Arabidopsis RPS6 genes, encoding for cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins S6, are functionally equivalent

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rps6b ... display a slightly delayed growth

Creff A, Sormani R, Desnos T - The two Arabidopsis RPS6 genes, encoding for cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins S6, are functionally equivalent

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... the increased leaf size was related to an increased growth in only one direction ... leaves ... were longer (56% ... for the petiole and 30% ... for the blade,

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... produced significantly enlarged leaves ... GRF5 produced enlarged older leaves (leaves ... 1–4

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... leaves ... were longer ... 38% for the blade

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... Auxin levels ... an increase of 50% was observed

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... ABA levels increased

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... leaves ... increase in ... width ... in AVP1 the increase was similar in both directions (30% in length and 24% in width

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... final cell size ... remained unchanged

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... The cell number in all transgenic lines was higher than that of the wild-type controls

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... initial size and growth of the leaf was unaltered, but growth at later stages was faster

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... The cell number in all transgenic lines was higher than that of the wild-type controls

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... leaves ... were longer ... 70% for the petiole

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... SA ... no change

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... SA ... increase ... to a lower extent

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... produced significantly enlarged leaves ... In the AVP1 line, most leaves were larger than those of the wild-type plants, so that the whole rosette area had significantly increased

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... ABA levels increased

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... an increase in ploidy level was observed only in GRF5 that formed reduced cells

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... leaves ... increase in ... length

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... The cell number in all transgenic lines was higher than that of the wild-type controls

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... produced significantly enlarged leaves ... for JAW, we only observed a slight increase of the size of the first leaves produced, while the later leaves and the rosette as a whole were much reduced. The large leaf size reported previously (Palatnik et al., 2003) only becomes apparent when plants are grown for a prolonged period, well after the time that the Columbia-0 (Col-0) wild type has started flowering

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... SA ... increase ... to a lower extent

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... final cell size ... decreased ... 29%

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... initial size and growth of the leaf was unaltered, but growth at later stages was faster

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... growth of the leaf ... duration was also prolonged

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... final cell size ... remained unchanged

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... produced significantly enlarged leaves ... BRI1 ... produced enlarged older leaves (leaves 1–5

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... leaves ... were longer (56% ... for the petiole

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... leaves ... increase in ... length ... in GRF5 the increase in width was larger (14% increase in length and 25% in width

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... SA ... decrease

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... initial size and growth of the leaf was unaltered, but growth at later stages was faster

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... growth of the leaf ... duration was also prolonged

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... final cell size ... decreased ... 20%

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... initial size and growth of the leaf was unaltered, but growth at later stages was faster

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... leaves ... were longer ... 30% ... for the blade

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... leaves ... increase in ... length ... in AVP1 the increase was similar in both directions (30% in length and 24% in width

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... growth of the leaf ... duration was also prolonged

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... final cell size ... increased ... 27%

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... produced significantly enlarged leaves ... overexpression of GA20OX1 increased the size of the younger leaves (leaves 4–10) but not the older ones

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... the increased leaf size was related to an increased growth in only one direction. In the JAW line, the leaves were wider (20%)

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... BRI1 ... leaf width did not significantly differ from that of the wild type

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... The cell number in all transgenic lines was higher than that of the wild-type controls

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... the increased leaf size was related to an increased growth in only one direction ... leaves ... were longer ... 70% for the petiole and ... 38% for the blade

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... ABA levels ... remained unaltered

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... The cell number in all transgenic lines was higher than that of the wild-type controls

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... AVP1 ... SA ... increase of 50%

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... initial size and growth of the leaf was unaltered, but growth at later stages was faster

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... leaf width did not significantly differ from that of the wild type

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GRF5 ... leaves ... increase in ... width ... in GRF5 the increase in width was larger (14% increase in length and 25% in width

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... GA20OX1 ... ABA levels increased ... to some extent

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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  • Phenotype

transgenic lines overexpressing ... JAW ... ABA levels ... decreased

Gonzalez N, De Bodt S, Sulpice R, Jikumaru Y, Chae E, Dhondt S, Van Daele T, De Milde L, Weigel D, Kamiya Y, Stitt M, Beemster GT, Inzé D - Increased leaf size: different means to an end

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bop1 bop2 fil ... showed significantly decreased ectopic outgrowth compared to bop1 bop2 leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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bop1 bop2 fil yab3 ... main blade region was also narrow

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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bop1 bop2 fil yab3 plants developed two to four organ outgrowths discontinuously along their rosette leaf petioles (Figure 2D) and four to seven organ outgrowths at the base of their cauline leaves (Figure S4C). The outgrowths were longer and narrower than those produced by bop1 bop2 leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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Introduction of the bp-1 ... into the bop1 bop2 background had no effect on the bop leaf phenotype

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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Introduction of the ... bp knat2 alleles into the bop1 bop2 background had no effect on the bop leaf phenotype

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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  • Phenotype

Introduction of ... knat2-1 ... into the bop1 bop2 background had no effect on the bop leaf phenotype

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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bop1 bop2 yab3 leaves showed significantly decreased ectopic outgrowth compared to bop1 bop2 leaves

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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knat2 knat6 plants ... had normal leaf development

Ha CM, Jun JH, Fletcher JC - Control of Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis through regulation of the YABBY and KNOX families of transcription factors

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Mining the TAIR database ( did not show any mutant lines for the exonic and intronic regions of At4g35760. Nonetheless, two T-DNA lines corresponding to insertions in the 5′-untranslated (SALK_116080) and promoter (SALK_151963) regions, respectively, of At4g35760 were identified in the SALK collection (Alonso et al., 2003). Transcript analyses indicated that the expression of At4g35760 was unaltered in the cognate homozygous mutants (data not shown), and these lines were not investigated further. Two RNAi strategies – targeting 247 bp in the 3′-untranslated region and 529 bp from exon 4 to exon 6 of At4g35760, respectively – and overexpression of the full-length cDNA of At4g35760 were also undertaken, in each case driven by the 35S constitutive promoter. Immunoblot experiments did not show any notable differences in the level of At4g35760 protein in any of the 49 RNAi and 25 overexpressing lines recovered, compared with the vector alone and wild-type controls (data not shown). No phenotypic differences, or alterations in the contents of phylloquinone, plastoquinone and their respective quinol forms, was observed either (data not shown).

Furt F, Oostende Cv, Widhalm JR, Dale MA, Wertz J, Basset GJ - A bimodular oxidoreductase mediates the specific reduction of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) in chloroplasts

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  • Phenotype

sig6 dg1 ... grown on MS medium without sucrose, the double mutants could not develop beyond the cotyledon stage

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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The chlorophyll content in cotyledons of sig6/SIG6 dg1 plants was 0.073 mg g−1 FW, an intermediate value compared with those of dg1 and sig6 dg1 plants (0.127 and 0.023 mg g−1 FW, respectively).

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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Next, we generated a truncated DG1 construct C-DG1 in which the C-terminal region of DG1 was fused to the transit peptide of the small subunit of Arabidopsis ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase under the control of the CaMV35S promoter. Then wild-type Arabidopsis plants were transformed with this construct, and five dg1-like transformants are shown in Figure 3d. They displayed a pale-green phenotype in cotyledons and young leaves, as indicated by their photographs and chlorophyll fluorescence images (Figure 3c). The variation among these transformants might arise from the different expression levels of C-DG1, as shown by northern blotting analysis (Figure 3e). The levels of the endogenous full-length DG1 in the five C-DG1 transformed plants were not reduced compared with wild-type plants (Figure 3d). Thus the phenotypes of transformed plants could be explained by the overexpression of C-DG1, rather than the suppression of the endogenous wild-type DG1. The phenotypic characteristics of the C-DG1 transformants indicated that the presence of C-DG1 somehow interferes with or blocks the normal functions of the endogenous wild-type DG1

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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  • Phenotype

the sig6 dg1 double mutant displayed a more severe chlorotic cotyledon phenotype than did the single mutant

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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the first true leaves of sig6 dg1 were albino

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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35S:SIG6 dg1 lines ... the chlorotic phenotype of the true leaves of dg1 plants was not rescued, as indicated by chlorophyll fluorescence measurement

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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However, in the analysis of hybrid progenies between dg1 and sig6, we also found that the cotyledons of sig6/SIG6 dg1 plants had a variegated phenotype (Figure 6a). The variegations could be observed clearly in the cotyledons of 6- and 18-day-old seedlings. The extent of variegation in 18-day-old cotyledons was more obviously than that in 6-day-old cotyledons. The variegations were only restricted to cotyledons, and the true leaves of sig6/SIG6 dg1 plants were almost unaffected

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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  • Phenotype

sig6 dg1 ... grew very slowly on MS medium supplemented with sucrose

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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We first generated sig6 dg1 homozygous double mutants and analyzed their phenotypes when grown on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with sucrose. When the cotyledons of dg1 and sig6 turned green, the cotyledons of sig6 dg1 still exhibited an albino phenotype

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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  • Phenotype

The chlorophyll contents of sig6 dg1 cotyledons were much lower than those of the sig6, dg1 and wild-type plant [0.02 versus 0.18, 0.13, 0.36 mg g−1 fresh weight (FW), respectively

Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L - Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING 1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons

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  • Phenotype

The first few rosette leaves of YABBY quadruple mutants display trichomes exclusively on their adaxial surface

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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the triple mutant fil-8 yab3-2 yab5-1 ... displayed ... lamina ... polarity defects

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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YABBY mutant leaves lack the typical marginal ... wild-type ... hydathodes

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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leaves of YABBY quadruple mutants ... usually lacking a clear spongy/palisade differentiation

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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leaves of YABBY quadruple mutants are noticeably thicker than the wild type

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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leaves of YABBY quadruple mutants ... polarity is usually skewed in orientation such that the arrangement of phloem and xylem is not perpendicular to the leaf axis

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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Epidermal cells of YABBY quadruple mutant leaves are uniformly large compared with the wild type

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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YABBY mutant leaves lack the typical marginal ... wild-type ... serrations

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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the triple mutant fil-8 yab3-2 yab5-1 (yab135 ... displayed ... a dramatic loss of lamina expansion

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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the triple mutant fil-8 yab3-2 yab5-1 (yab135 ... displayed a significant enhancement of the fil-8 yab3-2 double mutant phenotype (Figures 2K–2N): diminutive

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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all specialized marginal cell types do not form in YABBY mutants

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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YABBY mutant leaves ... do not appear to establish lamina-specific genetic programs

Sarojam R, Sappl PG, Goldshmidt A, Efroni I, Floyd SK, Eshed Y, Bowman JL - Differentiating Arabidopsis shoots from leaves by combined YABBY activities

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... Enlarged plastids are particularly evident in stomatal guard cells, with starch bodies being the dominant feature

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... chloroplasts also exhibit a disorganised internal membrane system

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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We also established the impact of tps1-11 and tps1-12 on the levels of sugar phosphates, sugar nucleotides and tricarboxylic acids in 21-day-old leaves (Tables 1 and S2). We determined that T6P is less than half the amount present in the wild type (Table 1). We also found that UDP-glucose, ADP-glucose and succinic and fumaric acids are also decreased compared with the wild type

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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Twenty-one days after sowing on Murashige and Skoog (MS) agar medium growth of the ABI3::TPS1 tps1/tps1 plants remained severely retarded with the rosette diameter only reaching 5–10 mm

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3::TPS1 tps1/tps1 plants ... Growth of tps1 plants eventually stopped after the fourth pair of vegetative leaves formed, and these senesced in the absence of any floral development. This severe seedling phenotype, which was observed in 15 independent transformants, resembles the tps1 embryo development phenotype, where patterning is normal, cell differentiation is only marginally affected, but growth is compromised

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... the overall structure of stomata appears normal in rescued tps1 plants

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... Enlarged plastids are particularly evident in stomatal guard cells

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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We previously showed that transcripts corresponding to starch degradation are down-regulated in tps1 embryos (Gomez et al., 2006), suggesting that the accumulation of starch in ABI3::TPS1 tps1/tps1 material could be a consequence of decreased starch degradation. Figure 4(d) shows that a limited amount of starch degradation does occur after dark treatment of tps1 plantlets for 48 h, but even after dark treatment for 72 h significant levels of starch remain

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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Glucose, fructose and sucrose measurements were performed on 21-day-old plantlets (day 0) and continued for three further days. Samples were taken 1 h after the onset and at the end of a 16-h photoperiod (subjective dusk and dawn, respectively). Samples were also analysed over the same 3-day period from plants that had been transferred to constant dark. Glucose, fructose and sucrose levels were between 15 and 20 times higher in the tps1 plantlets compared with the light-grown Col-0 control. The levels of sugars decreased in ABI3::TPS1 tps1/tps1 plantlets maintained in constant dark for 3 days, but still remained much higher than the Col-0 (Figure 4a–c).

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... size and morphology of trichomes is not altered

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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Hemizygous TPS1/tps1 plants were transformed with an ABI3::AtTPS1 cDNA (Figure 1a) and the resulting transgenic plants produced seed that did not show the 1:3 wrinkled seed phenotype that typically arises as a result of tps1 homozygosity

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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Starch levels in the ABI3::TPS tps1/tps1 plantlets were on average more that 40 times higher than in Col-0 (Figure 4d), in good correlation with the microscopic observations. As expected, starch levels in Col-0 were higher at the end of the photoperiod than at the beginning (Figure 4d), whereas in ABI3::TPS1 tps1/tps1 plantlets the starch levels at the end of the photoperiod were similar to levels at the beginning

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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We screened for point mutations across a 1-kb 5′ region of the TPS1 gene that spans the catalytic domain, and selected 3 out of 30 candidates based on potential impact of the mutation on protein function and preliminary phenotypic analysis (Figure 7a). The three lines, designated tps1-11, tps1-12 and tps1-13, were backcrossed into Landsberg erecta (Ler) and homozygous F2 individuals were identified using molecular markers designed for each allele. The homozygous tps1-11, tps1-12 and tps1-13 mutants ... were also slower growing than the Ler wild type with tps1-11 being the most affected and tps1-13 the least

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... Transmission electron microscopy revealed that there is little vacuolation in mesophyll cells of the rescued tps1 plants, with chloroplasts containing starch granules being the most prominent organelle

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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We also established the impact of tps1-11 and tps1-12 on the levels of sugar phosphates, sugar nucleotides and tricarboxylic acids in 21-day-old leaves ... sucrose-6-P, fructose-6-P and glucose-6-P levels show an increased trend compared with the wild type (Table 1), consistent with an observed increase in both glucose, fructose, sucrose and starch in tps1-11 but only sucrose in tps1-12

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... Scanning electron microscopy ... revealed that overall epidermal cell size appears smaller than wild type

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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Light microscopic analysis of cross sections from the first pair of leaves of embryo-rescued ABI3::TPS1 tps1/tps1 plantlets showed that the tissue differentiates into epidermal, vascular and mesophyll cell types similar to the wild type, but the structure of the mesophyll layer is extensively altered

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... Enlarged plastids are particularly evident in stomatal guard cells ... granal stacks not apparent

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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Mesophyll cells of ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 are loosely packed with little or no contact between them

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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ABI3:: TPS1 tps1/tps1 ... chloroplasts containing ... large starch granules

Gómez LD, Gilday A, Feil R, Lunn JE, Graham IA - AtTPS1-mediated trehalose 6-phosphate synthesis is essential for embryogenic and vegetative growth and responsiveness to ABA in germinating seeds and stomatal guard cells

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Both CDKA;1.N146 lines displayed a statistically significant reduction (43 and 37%, respectively) in the epidermal cell number ... in accordance with the microscopic analysis of leaf epidermal cells

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Quantitative analysis showed that meristem size, assessed as the distance between opposing primordia measured along the SAM surface, was clearly reduced in the PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 lines

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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it can be inferred that the smaller leaves from the PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 plants are a consequence of reduced cell proliferation rates that cannot be fully compensated for by increased cell size

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... Longitudinal sections from SAMs of 8-day-old seedlings ... the two tunica layers (L1 and L2) were recognizable at this stage

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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  • Phenotype

PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... embryonic SAM was much smaller

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... Embryonic meristems ... the tunica layers (L1 and L2) were indistinct

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... Embryonic meristems were defective in shape

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... embryonic SAM was ... more rounded than that of the wild type

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... Longitudinal sections from SAMs of 8-day-old seedlings confirmed the altered meristem organization

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Homozygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 transgenic lines from the T3 generation were germinated on non-selective medium and scored for phenotypes ... Approximately 2% of the plants had ... fused leaves

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... Embryonic meristems were defective in ... size

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 ... Longitudinal sections from SAMs of 8-day-old seedlings confirmed the altered meristem ... shape

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Both CDKA;1.N146 lines displayed a statistically significant ... increase in cell size (30 and 46%, respectively), in accordance with the microscopic analysis of leaf epidermal cells

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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phenotypic analysis of 3-week-old PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 plants showed that 30% of a total population of 200 plants examined had a bushy appearance with multiple leaf rosettes, and thus an increased total number of leaves (Figure 7a–e). A more detailed analysis of these plants revealed that secondary vegetative rosettes developed side-by-side with the primary rosette (Figure 7a,b). Tissue sectioning of 8-day-old seedlings revealed that the vegetative SAM in these plants was split, resulting in formation of shoot apices with two fused domes ... we hypothesized that the shoot apex phenotype correlated with the level of PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 activity. To test this hypothesis, we compared the number of plants with at least two SAMs under long-day and continuous light conditions. In both the wild-type and transgenic plants, an increase in day length did not significantly affect the expression level of endogenous CDKA;1 (Figure 7i), but triggered an increase in the level of expression of STM (Figure 7j), as reported previously (Geier et al., 2008). Accordingly, the transcription level of the CDKA;1.N146 transgene was increased under continuous light conditions in the PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 plants (Figure 7k). Additionally, under continuous light conditions, the number of plants with multiple rosettes increased by approximately 20% (Figure 7l), indirectly implying a correlation between the appearance of multiple apices and the level of cell-cycle inhibition ... As independent proof that the CDKA;1.N146 expression level affects meristem organization, the number of plants with multiple meristems was compared in homozygous versus hemizygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 populations. Hemizygous lines were obtained by pollinating wild-type plants with pollen from the PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 homozygous plants. Genotyping the offspring confirmed a high success rate (>90%) for cross-pollination. The hemizygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 plants had lost the typical malformed leaf phenotype of the homozygous plants (Figure 8a,b), corresponding with a decrease in the CDKA;1.N146 expression level (Figure 8c), and the number of plants with two or more rosettes was significantly reduced (Figure 8d). The reduction in the number of plants with multiple meristems was accompanied by a decrease in the CDKA;1.N146 transcript level of >80%, rather than the theoretically expected 50% in hemizygous plants. This observation is probably due to a reduction in the relative abundance of STM-expressing cells as a consequence of the decrease in SAM number in the hemizygous lines

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Homozygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 transgenic lines from the T3 generation were germinated on non-selective medium and scored for phenotypes ... the majority of the transgenic plants presented less severe, but still pronounced, morphological alterations, such as retarded growth

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Homozygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 transgenic lines from the T3 generation were germinated on non-selective medium and scored for phenotypes ... Approximately 2% of the plants ... showed early growth arrest

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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The first true mature leaves showed a decrease in the surface area of the leaf lamina of 24 and 32% in the CDKA;1.N146 B3-4 and B3-5 lines, respectively, compared to control plants

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Homozygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 transgenic lines ... showed ... mis-shapen leaves

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Homozygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 transgenic lines from the T3 generation were germinated on non-selective medium and scored for phenotypes ... Approximately 2% of the plants had a severe growth phenotype with malformed cotyledons

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Homozygous PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 transgenic lines ... showed ... small ... leaves

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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CDKA;1.N146 lines ... enlargement of the palisade mesophyll cells was observed

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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measurements of the DNA ploidy level by flow cytometry on dissected vegetative apices showed a clear increase in the 4C and 8C DNA content in transgenic samples (Figure 5f,g). In addition, an extra 16C peak was observed. Endo-reduplication-linked S-phase progression was confirmed by mRNA in situ hybridization, with very similar expression patterns for the S-phase marker gene HISTONE H4 in wild-type and PSTM:CDKA;1.N146 SAMs (Figure 5h,i). Thus, although CDKA;1.N146 expression inhibited the mitotic cell cycle, it did not affect the endo-reduplication cycle

Gaamouche T, Manes CL, Kwiatkowska D, Berckmans B, Koumproglou R, Maes S, Beeckman T, Vernoux T, Doonan JH, Traas J, Inzé D, De Veylder L - Cyclin-dependent kinase activity maintains the shoot apical meristem cells in an undifferentiated state

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Rosettes developing under low dose rates of UV were smaller compared with rosettes developing under control conditions

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The effects of UV on the size of the adaxial pavement cells in leaf 5 are already detectable after 7 d of UV treatment

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Between days 12 and 19, cell size increased 2-fold in all zones

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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variation in cell size increases during leaf expansion in control

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Nineteen days after the start of the UV exposure, the absence of a proximodistal gradient of average cell size (Fig. 3C) is associated with homogenous cell size distributions with similar interquartile distances (distance between the 25th and 75th percentile) in base, middle, and top zones in control leaves

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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After 7 d of irradiation, cells with the highest convexity values (category 1) are only present in the base and middle zone of the leaf, whereas the top and middle region also display cells in higher categories (category 7), regardless of treatment

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Plants ... Twelve days of UV exposure resulted in a substantially reduced ... blade area (–17%) in leaves 1–9

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Plants ... Twelve days of UV exposure ... the youngest leaves (leaves 8 and 9) the ... leaf blade ... area are unaltered

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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length/width ratio ... of ... UV-treated leaves ... grow further, the initial effect of UV on leaf symmetry disappears

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

After 19 d, again, cells from UV-treated leaves tend to exhibit a lower degree of complexity (Fig. 5N–S

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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At the second time point, the gradient in cell shape diminishes in both control and UV conditions, but, after UV irradiation, more cells remain in lower categories or display higher convexity values

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Plants ... Twelve days of UV exposure ... In the youngest leaves (leaves 8 and 9) the leaf blade width ... are unaltered

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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UV has no effect on pavement cell division and that cell division in leaf 5 has ceased before the first sampling point at day 7

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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After 7 d of UV irradiation ... No ... significant ... effects were measured on the cell size in the ... middle zone of the leaf

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Nineteen days after the start of the UV exposure, the absence of a proximodistal gradient of average cell size (Fig. 3C) is associated with homogenous cell size distributions with similar interquartile distances (distance between the 25th and 75th percentile) in base, middle, and top zones in ... UV-treated leaves

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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the average size of the pavement cells is significantly reduced in plants treated with UV for 19 d compared with the control leaves, irrespective of the cell's location in the leaf epidermis

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants treated for 7 d with UV radiation showed a significantly reduced petiole length (–29%

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Plants ... Nineteen days of UV acclimation showed a substantially reduced petiole length (–25

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Plants ... Twelve days of UV exposure resulted in a substantially reduced ... blade length (–12 ... in leaves 1–9

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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number of adaxial pavement cells ... During UV treatment ... showed no statistically significant difference between UV-treated and control plants or between the three time points

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants treated for 7 d with UV radiation showed a significantly reduced ... blade length (–15

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The proximodistal cell size gradient is absent in ... UV-irradiated ... leaves harvested at day 12

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Between days 12 and 19 ... the absolute increase in cell size is 20% smaller in UV-treated leaves

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants ... Twelve days of UV exposure resulted in ... reduced leaf length/width ratio in leaves 6–9

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Twelve days of UV exposure resulted in a substantially reduced petiole length (–25 ... in leaves 1–9

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The UV-induced reduction in average cell size ... in all regions at day 12

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants ... Twelve days of UV exposure resulted in a substantially reduced ... blade width (–9 ... in leaves 1–9

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants treated for 7 d with UV radiation showed a significantly reduced ... maximal lamina width (–14

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Strikingly, the length/width ratio of young UV-treated leaves is significantly reduced. This reduction is, however, transient

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Between day 7 and 12, cell expansion rates in top and basal zones are different. During this period, the area of cells increased 12-fold (control) or 9-fold (UV treated) in the basal region but only 4-fold in the top zone (in both control

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Between day 7 and 12, cell expansion rates in top and basal zones are different. During this period, the area of cells increased 12-fold (control) or 9-fold (UV treated) in the basal region but only 4-fold in the top zone (in ... UV-treated cells

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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After 7 d of UV irradiation ... No ... significant ... effects were measured on the cell size in the basal ... zone of the leaf

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

After 7 d of UV irradiation, the average pavement cell size was reduced by 20% in the top region

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants ... Nineteen days of UV acclimation showed a substantially reduced ... blade area (–25%) in leaves 1–13

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants ... Nineteen days of UV acclimation showed a substantially reduced ... blade length (–16 ... in leaves 1–13

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Adaxial pavement cells ... variation in cell size increases during leaf expansion in ... UV-treated leaves

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants ... Nineteen days of UV acclimation showed a substantially ... reduced ... blade width (–13 ... in leaves 1–13

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

After 7 d of UV exposure ... The UV-induced reduction in average cell size ... in the top region

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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On day 7 ... control ... plants ... a clear base-to-top gradient of average cell area can be seen ... cells in the top region are on average 3.8-fold larger than in the basal region

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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After 7 d of UV exposure, the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile values of control and UV-exposed cells at the leaf base are comparable, and this confirms the absence of UV effects on the average cell size

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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On day 7 ... in the UV-treated plants ... clear base-to-top gradient of average cell area can be seen ... in UV-treated plants, the increase in size from top to base is only 2.9-fold

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Thus, cells from UV-treated leaves are in general less complex, and this is associated with a smaller average size rather than a UV effect on cell shape differentiation per se

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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After 12 d of irradiance, the average size of adaxial pavement cells is significantly smaller upon UV irradiance, irrespective of the zonation (i.e. base, middle, and top region; t-tests; P <0.05

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The stomatal index (ratio of the number of stomata to the number of pavement cells in a specific leaf area) is identical in base, middle, and top zones at the three time points, irrespective of UV exposure

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Plants treated for 7 d with UV radiation showed a significantly reduced ... lamina area (–25%) in leaves 1–4

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The decrease in cell size gradient upon UV exposure is due to a significantly decreased expansion of cells in the top zone compared with the base

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Nineteen days after the start of the UV exposure ... the distribution range is shifted to lower area values in UV-treated leaves, indicating that across the full cell size distribution range, cells remain smaller under UV treatment (Fig. 3F

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The proximodistal cell size gradient is absent in ... control leaves harvested at day 12

Hectors K, Jacques E, Prinsen E, Guisez Y, Verbelen JP, Jansen MA, Vissenberg K - UV radiation reduces epidermal cell expansion in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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we used kinematic analysis of leaf growth using plantlets grown in vitro ... RNAi-AtTCTP ... decrease in cell numbers, which started at day 5 and continued until day 8 when it reached a maximum twofold reduction

Brioudes F, Thierry AM, Chambrier P, Mollereau B, Bendahmane M - Translationally controlled tumor protein is a conserved mitotic growth integrator in animals and plants

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plants that expressed an RNAi directed against AtTCTP (RNAi-AtTCTP) also showed retarded growth

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we used kinematic analysis of leaf growth using plantlets grown in vitro ... RNAi-AtTCTP ... No reduction in cell size was observed

Brioudes F, Thierry AM, Chambrier P, Mollereau B, Bendahmane M - Translationally controlled tumor protein is a conserved mitotic growth integrator in animals and plants

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It should be noted that the duration of leaf ... proliferative growth were similar between the WT and the RNAi-AtTCTP plants

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we used kinematic analysis of leaf growth using plantlets grown in vitro (19). A reduction in leaf area was already observed 6 d after sowing in the RNAi-AtTCTP mutant compared with WT plants. At day 10 after sowing, the RNAi-AtTCTP mutant exhibited an approximately twofold reduction in leaf area, and the size remained constant thereafter

Brioudes F, Thierry AM, Chambrier P, Mollereau B, Bendahmane M - Translationally controlled tumor protein is a conserved mitotic growth integrator in animals and plants

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RNAi-AtTCTP leaves ... cell proliferation is impaired

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RNAi-AtTCTP plants exhibited a reduction of rosette leaf size ... ranging from 21% at 30 d postgermination (dpg) to 18% at 48 dpg

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plants that expressed an RNAi directed against AtTCTP (RNAi-AtTCTP) also showed ... size reduction

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From day 4 to day 9, the cell division rate was lower in RNAi-AtTCTP leaves, suggesting slower mitotic growth at early development stages compared with the WT

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RNAi-AtTCTP leaves also show a reduction in cell numbers

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It should be noted that the duration of leaf expansion ... were similar between the WT and the RNAi-AtTCTP plants

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35S::AtTCTP plantlets exhibited accelerated growth compared with the WT (Fig. S3A). For example, the growth in 35S::AtTCTP plants was about 2 d ahead at 48 d postgermination

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Average cell cycle duration in the whole leaf was estimated as the inverse of the relative cell division rate. Between day 4 and day 7 after sowing, when growth is mediated through cell division (19), the average cell cycle duration was about 4 h longer in the RNAi-AtTCTP leaf primordia compared with the WT. For example, at day 5, cell cycle durations were 17 h in WT and 21 h in RNAi-AtTCTP plants

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RNAi-AtTCTP leaves also show a ... a partial increase in final cell size

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tctp-1 and tctp-2 ... plants homozygous for these T-DNA insertions were embryonic lethal

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accelerated cell proliferation is likely responsible for the observed accelerated growth in 35S::AtTCTP plants

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activation of a compensation mechanism that enhances cell expansion in the RNAi-AtTCTP leaves

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plants heterozygous for the T-DNA insertions (AtTCTP/tctp plants) were viable, fertile, and morphologically identical to WT plants

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Analysis of the DNA content of leaf cell nuclei by flow cytometry showed no significant modifications in RNAi-AtTCTP compared with that of the WT (Fig. S5), demonstrating that the cell size increase observed in leaves of the RNAi-AtTCTP line was not correlated with endoreduplication, a common landmark of cell expansion

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in contrast to RNAi-AtTCTP plants grown in soil, the reduction of cell numbers in the leaves of RNAi-AtTCTP grown in vitro was not compensated by an increase in the final cell size. It appears that in vitro culturing perturbed the compensation process observed in the RNAi-AtTCTP leaf

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The tctp-1 and tctp-2 plants that were rescued by nutrient supplements showed a drastic reduction in size

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To strengthen the conclusion that delayed development was the cause of abortion, we provided tctp embryos with nutrient supplements in vitro. Under such conditions, tctp-1 and tctp-2 embryos (white seeds produced by heterozygous plants) were able to complete their development on culture medium and tctp knockout plants could be obtained

Brioudes F, Thierry AM, Chambrier P, Mollereau B, Bendahmane M - Translationally controlled tumor protein is a conserved mitotic growth integrator in animals and plants

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the cell density in the leaves ... of RNAi-AtTCTP plants was decreased about 20% ... compared with that of the WT

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leaves with ectopic outgrowths arising from the abaxial side of the lamina were occasionally found in some as1-11/as1-11;icu6/icu6 ... plants

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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No size or shape perturbations were observed in the abaxial pavement cells of icu6/AXR3 leaves, suggesting that the icu6 mutation specifically affects growth in the adaxial leaf domain

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We observed no differences in the organization of ... vasculature in ... axr3-3/AXR3 leaves

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icu6/AXR3 leaf laminae were severely curled up

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Transverse sections of icu6/AXR3 third-node leaves showed tightly packed palisade mesophyll cells that seemed elongated along the adaxial-abaxial axis

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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Small bulges were occasionally found on the adaxial surface of icu6/AXR3 leaves, apparently formed by an increased number of palisade mesophyll layers

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Rod-shaped leaves with no signs of lateral growth ... were occasionally found in some ... as2-11/as2-11;icu6/icu6 plants

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The hyponasty characteristic of icu6/AXR3 leaves was reduced in ... as2-11/as2-11;icu6/AXR3 ... double mutants, although their leaves still looked asymmetric and were smaller and darker than those of ... as2-11/as2-11 plants

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We observed no differences in the organization of spongy mesophyll ... in icu6/AXR3 ... leaves

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We found smaller cells in the adaxial epidermis of icu6/AXR3 cotyledons than in Ler from 4 DAS onwards (Fig. 3I, J). At later time points, we observed clusters of stomata and smaller, apparently dividing, pavement cells surrounded by larger pavement cells in icu6/AXR3 cotyledons

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the gain-of-function ... axr3-3 ... cause leaf curling

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icu6/icu6 homozygotes showed delayed growth

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icu6/icu6 homozygotes showed ... severe leaf incurvature

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Rod-shaped leaves with no signs of lateral growth ... were occasionally found in some as1-11/as1-11;icu6/icu6 ... plants

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The shape and size of abaxial pavement cells in icu6/AXR3 cotyledons were also indistinguishable from those of the wild type

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axr3-3/AXR3 rosettes were significantly smaller

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We observed no differences in the organization of ... vasculature in icu6/AXR3 ... leaves

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Guard cell size was slightly reduced in the adaxial epidermis of icu6/AXR3 leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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leaves with ectopic outgrowths arising from the abaxial side of the lamina were occasionally found in some ... as2-11/as2-11;icu6/icu6 plants

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In icu6/AXR3 cotyledons, palisade mesophyll cells were normal in size, the only exception being those near the margins, which were smaller than those of the wild type

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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axr3-1/AXR3 ... rosettes were significantly smaller

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The icu6 mutation is semi-dominant and causes leaf incurvature in icu6/AXR3 heterozygotes (Fig. 2B) compared with the wild type Ler

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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The hyponasty characteristic of icu6/AXR3 leaves was reduced in as1-11/as1-11;icu6/AXR3 ... double mutants, although their leaves still looked asymmetric and were smaller and darker than those of as1-11/as1-11

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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Fully expanded icu6/AXR3 third-node leaves had smaller pavement cells of heterogeneous sizes in the adaxial epidermis compared with Ler (Table 1) and exhibited lobes that were less pronounced than in Ler

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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icu6/AXR3 ... rosettes were significantly smaller

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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axr3-3/AXR3 ... vegetative leaves had slightly curled up margins

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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Mesophyll cells were about ... 20% thinner in icu6/AXR3 than in Ler

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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axr3-3/AXR3 cotyledons ... had slightly curled up margins

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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the gain-of-function axr3-1 ... cause leaf curling

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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We observed no differences in the organization of spongy mesophyll ... in ... axr3-3/AXR3 leaves

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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Mesophyll cells were about 20% longer ... in icu6/AXR3 than in Ler

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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Palisade mesophyll cell area was found to be reduced in paradermal optical sections of third-node icu6/AXR3 leaves obtained by DIC microscopy

Pérez-Pérez JM, Candela H, Robles P, López-Torrejón G, del Pozo JC, Micol JL - A role for AUXIN RESISTANT3 in the coordination of leaf growth

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The leaves of gns1 npr1 plants were ... a lighter shade of green than npr1

DeFraia CT, Zhang X, Mou Z - Elongator subunit 2 is an accelerator of immune responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaves of gns1 npr1 plants were serrated

DeFraia CT, Zhang X, Mou Z - Elongator subunit 2 is an accelerator of immune responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In order to identify new components in SA signaling, npr1 seeds were mutagenized with ethyl methanesulfonate, and suppressors of the npr1 mutation were screened in the M2 population for restoration of SA tolerance on half-strength (½) MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mm SA. Of approximately 300 000 M2 seedlings screened, 20 showed restored SA tolerance ... One mutant, gns1 npr1, not only exhibited partially restored SA tolerance (Figure 1a), but also accumulated significantly less SA than npr1

DeFraia CT, Zhang X, Mou Z - Elongator subunit 2 is an accelerator of immune responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaves of gns1 npr1 plants were ... curly

DeFraia CT, Zhang X, Mou Z - Elongator subunit 2 is an accelerator of immune responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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similar to gns1 npr1, Atelp2-2 npr1 accumulated significantly less SA

DeFraia CT, Zhang X, Mou Z - Elongator subunit 2 is an accelerator of immune responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the 35S::REV Arabidopsis plant displayed an upwardly curled leaf phenotype (Mallory et al., 2004

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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To compare the phenotypes of the Dof5.1-D activation-tagged mutant with the knock-out mutants, we analyzed single (dof5.1), double (dof5.1/dof2.4 and dof5.1/dof3.6), and triple (dof5.1/dof2.4/dof3.6) mutants defective in the genes phytogenetically most closely related to Dof5.1. None of these homozygous mutants showed notable phenotypic changes compared with the WT

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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To compare the phenotypes of the Dof5.1-D activation-tagged mutant with the knock-out mutants, we analyzed single (dof5.1), double (dof5.1/dof2.4 and dof5.1/dof3.6), and triple (dof5.1/dof2.4/dof3.6) mutants defective in the genes phytogenetically most closely related to Dof5.1. None of these homozygous mutants showed notable phenotypic changes compared with the WT

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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35S::Dof3.7ΔAct showed a normal leaf shape

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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Transgenic 35S::Dof5.1ΔAct lines (n = 11) showed narrow and downwardly curled leaves, a phenotype opposite to that of the Dof5.1-D plant

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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the upward-curling phenotype of Dof5.1-D plants was very likely to be caused by the alteration of leaf polarity which has been in turn controlled by vascular cambium development

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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In the absence of DEX, the DEX::Dof5.1 transgenic plants did not show any visible phenotypic change. In contrast, on DEX treatment, these plants expressed the Dof5.1 transcript at a markedly higher level within 1 h (Figure 1e), and their newly emerging leaves exhibited an upwardly curling phenotype, indicating that the morphological phenotype of Dof5.1-D was due to the over-expression of Dof5.1 (Figure 1d

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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To compare the phenotypes of the Dof5.1-D activation-tagged mutant with the knock-out mutants, we analyzed single (dof5.1), double (dof5.1/dof2.4 and dof5.1/dof3.6), and triple (dof5.1/dof2.4/dof3.6) mutants defective in the genes phytogenetically most closely related to Dof5.1. None of these homozygous mutants showed notable phenotypic changes compared with the WT

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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To compare the phenotypes of the Dof5.1-D activation-tagged mutant with the knock-out mutants, we analyzed single (dof5.1), double (dof5.1/dof2.4 and dof5.1/dof3.6), and triple (dof5.1/dof2.4/dof3.6) mutants defective in the genes phytogenetically most closely related to Dof5.1. None of these homozygous mutants showed notable phenotypic changes compared with the WT

Kim HS, Kim SJ, Abbasi N, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Yoo SD, Kwon SY, Choi SB - The DOF transcription factor Dof5.1 influences leaf axial patterning by promoting Revoluta transcription in Arabidopsis

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To further characterize the involvement of AtCLCc in the NaCl response, the clcc-3 and clcc-4 mutants and WS wild-type were first grown on soil and watered for 5 weeks with deionized water only or water supplemented with 200 mm NaCl. Under these conditions, both mutants exhibited strong hypersensitivity to NaCl compared to the wild-type

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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To further examine the role of AtCLCc in stomatal function, stomatal apertures were measured. After 2 h illumination, the stomatal apertures were 25–30% higher in wild-type plants compared to atclcc mutants

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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all clcc mutant plants were less sensitive to ABA than wild-type plants even at 100 μm ABA

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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Further confirmation that AtCLCc contributes to chloride homeostasis in stomata was obtained by examining the ... K+ contents in intact guard cells using X-ray microanalyses ... K+ contents were determined for intact closed stomata in normal air after 16 h darkness ... in the guard cells of the clcc-3 and clcc-4 mutants compared to wild-type ... no significant variation was observed for K+

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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To analyse this phenotype in more detail, in vitro experiments were performed. clcc-1 and clcc-4 showed shoot growth reduction of 20% compared to wild-type (Col-0 and WS, respectively) when grown on half-strength MS containing 50 mm NaCl

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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As modifications with respect to anion content may be associated with modifications in cation content, measurements of Na and K using the inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) technique were performed on the same samples, but no modifications were observed in clcc mutants either in roots or shoots of plants in media containing 0, 25 or 50 mm NaCl

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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Further confirmation that AtCLCc contributes to chloride homeostasis in stomata was obtained by examining the Cl− ... contents in intact guard cells using X-ray microanalyses. The Cl− ... contents were determined for intact closed stomata in normal air after 16 h darkness (Table 1). Chloride was much less abundant in the guard cells of the clcc-3 and clcc-4 mutants compared to wild-type

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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To determine the function of AtCLCc in planta, four homozygous T-DNA insertion lines were isolated. Two, clcc-1 and clcc-2, were in the Col-0 ecotype, and were obtained from the Syngenta Arabidopsis Insertion Library (SAIL). The other two, clcc-3 and clcc-4, were in the WS ecotype, and were obtained from the INRA Versailles collection ... Under our growth conditions on soil, no difference in macroscopic phenotype was observed between homozygous clcc lines and the corresponding wild-type plants, indicating that AtCLCc gene disruption does not affect the general development of the plant

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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Further confirmation that AtCLCc is involved in stomatal opening was obtained by measuring leaf temperature. Infra-red thermography allows measurement of the leaf temperature, which is representative of the transpiration flux and consequently the stomatal aperture (Figure 3c). Leaves were excised during the light period in the growth chamber under well-watered conditions. The mean leaf temperatures for clcc-1 (24.79°C ± 0.03) and clcc-2 (24.61°C ± 0.08) mutants were approximately 0.5°C higher than in the Col-0 wild-type (23.80°C ± 0.45). Similar differences were observed for clcc-3 and clcc-4 compared to the WS wild-type (data not shown).

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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clcc mutant plants ... Then the stomatal closure kinetics of excised leaves were estimated by measuring the leaf temperature every 10 min for 1 h. In wild-type plants, an increase in leaf temperature was observed during the first 30 min of the experiment due to closure of stomata to limit dehydration of the leaf. This response was strongly decreased in knockout plants

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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To confirm that the clcc mutant hypersensitivity to NaCl was not due to the osmotic component of NaCl stress, experiments were performed on medium containing mannitol as an osmotic control. Mannitol is not efficiently metabolized by plants and causes a constant osmotic stress (Arenas-Huertero et al., 2000). Wild-type (Col-0 and WS) and mutant plants (clcc-1 and clcc-4) were grown for 3 weeks on half-strength MS supplemented with 55 or 110 mm mannitol, generating osmolarities of 100 and 155 mOsm, respectively. These osmolarities due to mannitol are similar to those generated by NaCl or KCl in half-strength MS medium at concentrations of 25 and 50 mm, i.e. 120 and 165 mOsm, respectively. No difference was observed for either mutant when experiments were performed on half-strength MS supplemented with mannitol

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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To test whether clcc mutant hypersensitivity to NaCl was specifically due to sensitivity to chloride rather than sodium, wild-type (Col-0 and WS) and mutant (clcc-1 and clcc-4) plants were grown for 3 weeks on half-strength MS supplemented with 25 or 50 mm KCl. Similar results were obtained in response to NaCl and KCl, with clcc-1 and clcc-4 showing decreases in shoot fresh weight of 20 (clcc-1) and 40% (clcc-4) in response to KCl ... decrease of shoot (30%) ... fresh weight was also observed in the mutants clcc-4 (Figure 6a) and clcc-3 (data not shown) in response to 50 mm KCl

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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Light-induced stomatal opening was measured in the presence of KNO3 or KCl. All clcc mutant alleles showed significantly impaired stomatal opening in white light when the leaf epidermis was incubated with 30 mm KCl (Figure 4). This deficiency was dependent on chloride, as no significant difference in stomatal opening was observed between the clcc-3 mutant and wild-type (WS) when Cl− was replaced with NO3−, and the difference between clcc-1 and Col-0 was strongly reduced

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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all clcc mutant plants ... size of the guard cells ... similar between mutants and wild-type plants

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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all clcc mutant plants ... stomatal density were similar between mutants and wild-type

Jossier M, Kroniewicz L, Dalmas F, Le Thiec D, Ephritikhine G, Thomine S, Barbier-Brygoo H, Vavasseur A, Filleur S, Leonhardt N - The Arabidopsis vacuolar anion transporter, AtCLCc, is involved in the regulation of stomatal movements and contributes to salt tolerance

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Soil-grown comt C4H:F5H1 chs mutants grew significantly taller than comt C4H:F5H1 plants (Figure 2l and Table 1), and produced viable seeds. However, such restoration of the phenotype could also be caused by negative feedback of the chs mutation on the C4H promoter and thus on C4H:F5H1 expression. To investigate this, quantitative RT-PCR was performed on inflorescence stems. Expression of C4H and F5H1 was significantly reduced in comt C4H:F5H1 chs plants compared to C4H:F5H1 and comt C4H:F5H1 plants (Figure 4a). The benzodioxane level in the lignin of comt C4H:F5H1 chs plants was reduced to 38%, much less than the 92% found in comt C4H:F5H1 plants (Figure S3j and Table 2). Furthermore, comt C4H:F5H1 chs plants had higher lignin amounts compared to comt C4H:F5H1 plants, but less than the wild-type (Table 2). Thus, the partial restoration in growth can be explained by inhibition of C4H:F5H1 expression

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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the comt mutant grew normally

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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When grown on agar medium, leaves of the comt C4H:F5H1 seedlings were smaller compared to those of the wild type ... The inflorescence stems of agar-grown comt C4H:F5H1 plants remained small, with a maximal observed final length of 8 cm, whereas wild-type stems were over 30 cm at maturity

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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Although acetylbromide lignin levels in the senesced inflorescence stems of either comt or C4H:F5H1 plants were not significantly different from those of the wild-type, lignin amounts in comt C4H:F5H1 plants were reduced to approximately 56% of wild-type levels (Table 2). Cellulolytic enzyme lignins (CEL) were isolated from senesced inflorescence stems and analyzed by NMR. The aromatic regions of the 2D 13C–1H correlation (heteronuclear single quantum coherence, HSQC) spectra highlight differences in the distribution of guaiacyl, 5-hydroxyguaiacyl and syringyl (G, 5H and S) units in the lignins. The resulting spectra (Figures 3 and S2) clearly show that G signals from comt C4H:F5H1 plants are low, representing approximately 13.8% of the total aromatic content (based on volume integration), compared to 82.7% in the wild type. The dominant signals are from 5H units. It is not immediately clear that S units are depleted, because the S2/6 contours overlap with those from 5H6. However, the level of the 5H2 contours suggests that most of the 5H6/S2/6 contour region must belong to 5H6. The S2/6 volume integral can be estimated by subtracting the volume integral of the 5H2 region from that of the 5H6+S2/6 region; the volume integrals for 5H2 and 5H6 regions should be equal. This assumption results in a G:5H:S ratio of approximately 13.8:71.0:15.2; i.e. we estimate that the lignin is derived from approximately 71% of 5-hydroxylated monomers

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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The inter-unit linkage distribution in the lignin fraction can be determined from the aliphatic side-chain region of the HSQC spectra (Table 2 and Figure S3). The correlation contours in the spectra (Figure S3), such as those for ß-aryl ether (ß–O–4) units (A), phenylcoumaran (ß–5) units (B), resinol (ß–ß) units (C), dibenzodioxocin (5–5/ß–O–4) units (D) and benzodioxane units (J), can be readily assigned by comparison with model data and from lignin and cell-wall spectra obtained previously (Ralph et al., 1999; Ralph and Landucci, 2010). As for the aromatic regions in Figures 3 and S2, the side-chain region of the comt C4H:F5H1 plants (Figure S3e) is strikingly different from that of the wild type (Figure S3a). Even though they are plotted at a lower contour level (closer to noise level, to show the weak residual signals from the traditional lignin structures), it is evident that proportions of the various ‘normal’ lignin structures (A–C) are minor. The obvious major difference is the overwhelming presence of benzodioxane units (J) in the comt C4H:F5H1 plants, for which the a- and ß-correlations are well resolved. No such correlations exist in the wild-type spectrum. The volume integrals of the correlation contours provide a measure of the relative contribution of each unit type in the lignin polymer (Table 2). In the comt C4H:F5H1 plants, benzodioxanes account for approximately 92% of the inter-unit linkage integrals measured. As noted, the 5H level is approximately 71%; benzodioxane levels are higher because they may result from addition of coniferyl or sinapyl alcohol, as well as 5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol, to the 5-hydroxyguaiacyl end of the growing polymer, i.e. they can be S, 5H or G benzodioxanes (see also Figure S1).

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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plant development in comt C4H:F5H1 plants was severely affected

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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the C4H:F5H1 over-expressing line showed only moderate growth effects

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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To investigate whether perturbation of the monolignol biosynthetic pathway resulted in metabolites derived from 5-hydroxyconiferyl alcohol, a semi-quantitative comparison of the profiles of methanol-soluble phenolics from comt C4H:F5H1 and wild-type inflorescence stems was performed. The profiles of wild-type stems were dominated by sinapate esters and three flavonol glycosides (Figure S4). In contrast, the comt C4H:F5H1 plants had lower levels of sinapate esters and higher levels of flavonol glycosides, and accumulated a large number of phenolic molecules that were below the detection limit in wild-type plants (Figure S4). Elucidating their identities by MS2 spectral analyses (Figure S5) (Morreel et al., 2004a,b; 2010a,b) revealed that these metabolites were 5-hydroxylated phenylpropanoids. Based on their chemical identity, they were grouped into four main classes (Figure 1 and Table 3). Class I consists of oligolignols with at least one and up to four 5H units (1–11). Class II compounds (12–18) consist of hexosylated di- and trilignols with at least one 5H unit. Class III contains heterodimers of 5-hydroxyferulic acid with coniferyl, 5-hydroxyconiferyl or sinapyl alcohol, and their hexose and malate derivatives (19–28), and class IV compounds (29–38) are a series of derivatized 5-hydroxylated phenylpropanoids.

Vanholme R, Ralph J, Akiyama T, Lu F, Pazo JR, Kim H, Christensen JH, Van Reusel B, Storme V, De Rycke R, Rohde A, Morreel K, Boerjan W - Engineering traditional monolignols out of lignin by concomitant up-regulation of F5H1 and down-regulation of COMT in Arabidopsis

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To explore the function of the RAV genes in leaf senescence, senescence symptoms were analysed first during age-dependent and darkness-induced senescence in a rav1 T-DNA insertion line (SALK_021865). This mutation did not significantly alter the senescence process, when senescence symptoms were visually observed or assayed by measuring typical senescence parameters, such as chlorophyll content and photochemical efficiency (data not shown). Lack of the senescence phenotype in the rav1 mutant could be due to a possible functional redundancy of RAV proteins

Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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The effect of RAV1 overexpression on leaf senescence was determined by ... measuring typical senescence-associated physiological markers, such as chlorophyll content and the photochemical efficiency of PSII. At 18 DAE, the chlorophyll content of wild-type leaves started to decline, whereas overexpressor leaves had already lost 24–43% of their chlorophyll (Fig. 4C). The accelerated senescence of the overexpressors was also observed, when photosynthetic activities were measured

Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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When detached leaves were treated with MJ ... more rapid decreases in chlorophyll content and PSII activity were observed in the RAV1 overexpressors than in wild-type leaves

Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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The ‘gain-of-function’ transgenic plants overexpressing the RAV1 gene under the control of the constitutive 35S promoter were generated ... The senescence phenotype in RAV1 overexpressor lines was initially analysed by visual examination of a single leaf throughout its life span. Most transgenic lines showed an early senescence phenotype, and the RAV1 gene was highly expressed at the young green stage in these lines

Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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ACC, more rapid decreases in chlorophyll content and PSII activity were observed in the RAV1 overexpressors than in wild-type leaves

Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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When detached leaves were treated with ... ABA ... more rapid decreases in chlorophyll content and PSII activity were observed in the RAV1 overexpressors than in wild-type leaves

Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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To avoid potential complications in interpreting the phenotypes caused by constitutive overexpression of RAV1, transgenic lines were generated that express the RAV1 gene under the control of a glucocorticoid-inducible promoter ... inducible overexpression of the RAV1 gene on promoting leaf senescence was first assessed by spraying whole plants with DEX at 20 d after germination. Treatment with DEX caused precocious leaf yellowing (Fig. 6B) and significant reductions in chlorophyll content (Fig. 6C) and photochemical efficiency (Fig. 6D) in RAV1-inducible lines, but not in mock-treated transgenic or wild-type plants

Woo HR, Kim JH, Kim J, Kim J, Lee U, Song IJ, Kim JH, Lee HY, Nam HG, Lim PO - The RAV1 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To dissect further the phase of the cell cycle affected by transgenic miR396 overexpression, a flow cytometric analysis was performed with nuclei from leaves of ∼8 d old to examine the nuclear ploidy level. The atgif1/an3 leaves were analysed as a control. The percentages of 8C and 16C cells in 35S:miR396 and atgif1/an3 plants were significantly higher than those in the wild-type plants, whereas the percentages of 2C and 4C cells were reduced accordingly

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore how cell proliferation defects affect establishment of leaf polarity, the transgenic plants overexpressing MIR396a and MIR396b under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S:miR396a and 35S:miR396b, respectively) were first characterized. Compared with the wild type (Supplementary Fig. S1A at JXB online), transgenic 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1B) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1C) plants displayed narrow and slightly small rosette leaves, resembling atgif1/an3 mutants (Horiguchi et al., 2005

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Furthermore, similarly to atgif1/an3 (Supplementary Fig. S1H), the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1F) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1G) plants was clearly bigger than those of the wild-type (Supplementary Fig. S1E), while the cell numbers in those plants are significantly reduced

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore how cell proliferation defects affect establishment of leaf polarity, the transgenic plants overexpressing MIR396a and MIR396b under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S:miR396a and 35S:miR396b, respectively) were first characterized. Compared with the wild type (Supplementary Fig. S1A at JXB online), transgenic 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1B) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1C) plants displayed narrow and slightly small rosette leaves, resembling atgif1/an3 mutants (Horiguchi et al., 2005

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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In the 35S:miR396 transgenic plants, the vascular pattern in the expanded rosette leaves did not show obvious changes

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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as1-1 (Fig. 1A) and as2-1 (Fig. 1E), which exhibit only weak leaf adaxial–abaxial polarity defects

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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Furthermore, similarly to atgif1/an3 (Supplementary Fig. S1H), the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1F) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1G) plants was clearly bigger than those of the wild-type (Supplementary Fig. S1E), while the cell numbers in those plants are significantly reduced

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To support these results, the double mutants an3 as1 and an3 as2 were also generated. The phenotype of the an3 as1 (Fig. 1D) and an3 as2 (Fig. 1H) double mutants largely resembled that of 35S:miR396/as1 and 35S:miR396/as2 plants, respectively

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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As shown in Fig. 6, it was found that the tissue-specific reduction of cell division in leaf primordia by pAS1:miR396a (Fig. 6B) and pAN3:miR396a expression (Fig. 6C) in the as2 mutant (Fig. 6A) showed enhanced leaf polarity defects in transgenic plants, as indicated by the presence of lotus- or needle-like leaves, indicating that cell division in the rapidly proliferating primordia is more important for establishment of leaf polarity

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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However, the adaxial surface of the lotus-like leaves of 35S:miR396a/as2 transgenic plants comprised a mosaic of both adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells, characterized by the presence of abaxialized long and narrow cells in the adaxial surface ... Fig. 3B, E). The extremely narrow and needle-like leaves of 35S:miR396a/as2 plants exhibited long and narrow abaxial epidermal cells (Fig. 3C, F), suggesting that this leaf is abaxialized

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To support these results, the double mutants an3 as1 and an3 as2 were also generated. The phenotype of the an3 as1 (Fig. 1D) and an3 as2 (Fig. 1H) double mutants largely resembled that of 35S:miR396/as1 and 35S:miR396/as2 plants, respectively

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Transgenic miR396 expression driven by the promoter of REV, FIL, and STM in as2 mutants failed to enhance the polarity defects of as2, except for the slightly small and dwarf plant architecture (Fig. 6D–F), suggesting that either the activities of these three promoters were not strong enough or reduction of cell division in the specific adaxial/abaxial domain of young leaf primordia and the SAM had minor effects on the establishment of leaf polarity

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

As shown in Fig. 6, it was found that the tissue-specific reduction of cell division in leaf primordia by pAS1:miR396a (Fig. 6B) and pAN3:miR396a expression (Fig. 6C) in the as2 mutant (Fig. 6A) showed enhanced leaf polarity defects in transgenic plants, as indicated by the presence of lotus- or needle-like leaves, indicating that cell division in the rapidly proliferating primordia is more important for establishment of leaf polarity

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In contrast, the 35S:miR396/as1-1 (Fig. 1B, C) and 35S:miR396/as2-1 (Fig. 1F, G) transgenic plants produced stronger leaf polarity defects; the first two rosette leaves typically appeared lotus like and, in some extreme cases, needle like

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Furthermore, similarly to atgif1/an3 (Supplementary Fig. S1H), the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1F) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1G) plants was clearly bigger than those of the wild-type (Supplementary Fig. S1E), while the cell numbers in those plants are significantly reduced

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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The epidermal cell patterns of 35S:miR396 plants were ... normal

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore how cell proliferation defects affect establishment of leaf polarity, the transgenic plants overexpressing MIR396a and MIR396b under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S:miR396a and 35S:miR396b, respectively) were first characterized. Compared with the wild type (Supplementary Fig. S1A at JXB online), transgenic 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1B) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1C) plants displayed narrow and slightly small rosette leaves, resembling atgif1/an3 mutants (Horiguchi et al., 2005) (Supplementary Fig. S1D

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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In the 35S:miR396 transgenic plants, the vascular pattern in the expanded rosette leaves did not show obvious changes (data not shown

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore how cell proliferation defects affect establishment of leaf polarity, the transgenic plants overexpressing MIR396a and MIR396b under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S:miR396a and 35S:miR396b, respectively) were first characterized. Compared with the wild type (Supplementary Fig. S1A at JXB online), transgenic 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1B) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1C) plants displayed narrow and slightly small rosette leaves, resembling atgif1/an3 mutants (Horiguchi et al., 2005) (Supplementary Fig. S1D).

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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as1-1 (Fig. 1A) and as2-1 (Fig. 1E), which exhibit only weak leaf adaxial–abaxial polarity defects

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In contrast, the 35S:miR396/as1-1 (Fig. 1B, C) and 35S:miR396/as2-1 (Fig. 1F, G) transgenic plants produced stronger leaf polarity defects; the first two rosette leaves typically appeared lotus like and, in some extreme cases, needle like

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore how cell proliferation defects affect establishment of leaf polarity, the transgenic plants overexpressing MIR396a and MIR396b under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S:miR396a and 35S:miR396b, respectively) were first characterized. Compared with the wild type (Supplementary Fig. S1A at JXB online), transgenic 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1B) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1C) plants displayed narrow and slightly small rosette leaves, resembling atgif1/an3 mutants (Horiguchi et al., 2005) (Supplementary Fig. S1D

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore how cell proliferation defects affect establishment of leaf polarity, the transgenic plants overexpressing MIR396a and MIR396b under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S:miR396a and 35S:miR396b, respectively) were first characterized. Compared with the wild type (Supplementary Fig. S1A at JXB online), transgenic 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1B) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1C) plants displayed narrow and slightly small rosette leaves, resembling atgif1/an3 mutants (Horiguchi et al., 2005

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Transgenic miR396 expression driven by the promoter of REV, FIL, and STM in as2 mutants failed to enhance the polarity defects of as2, except for the slightly small and dwarf plant architecture (Fig. 6D–F), suggesting that either the activities of these three promoters were not strong enough or reduction of cell division in the specific adaxial/abaxial domain of young leaf primordia and the SAM had minor effects on the establishment of leaf polarity

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Transgenic miR396 expression driven by the promoter of REV, FIL, and STM in as2 mutants failed to enhance the polarity defects of as2, except for the slightly small and dwarf plant architecture (Fig. 6D–F), suggesting that either the activities of these three promoters were not strong enough or reduction of cell division in the specific adaxial/abaxial domain of young leaf primordia and the SAM had minor effects on the establishment of leaf polarity

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Furthermore, similarly to atgif1/an3 (Supplementary Fig. S1H), the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1F) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1G) plants was clearly bigger than those of the wild-type (Supplementary Fig. S1E), while the cell numbers in those plants are significantly reduced

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In contrast, the lotus-like leaves of 35S:miR396a/as2 plants exhibited a phloem-surrounding-xylem structure (Fig. 3H), while the needle-like leaves of 35S:miR396a/as2 plants exhibited no apparent vascular bundle but numerous intercellular spaces

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To dissect further the phase of the cell cycle affected by transgenic miR396 overexpression, a flow cytometric analysis was performed with nuclei from leaves of ∼8 d old to examine the nuclear ploidy level. The atgif1/an3 leaves were analysed as a control. The percentages of 8C and 16C cells in 35S:miR396 and atgif1/an3 plants were significantly higher than those in the wild-type plants, whereas the percentages of 2C and 4C cells were reduced accordingly

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In contrast, the 35S:miR396/as1-1 (Fig. 1B, C) and 35S:miR396/as2-1 (Fig. 1F, G) transgenic plants produced stronger leaf polarity defects; the first two rosette leaves typically appeared lotus like and, in some extreme cases, needle like

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Furthermore, similarly to atgif1/an3 (Supplementary Fig. S1H), the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1F) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1G) plants was clearly bigger than those of the wild-type (Supplementary Fig. S1E), while the cell numbers in those plants are significantly reduced

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Furthermore, similarly to atgif1/an3 (Supplementary Fig. S1H), the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in 35S:miR396a (Supplementary Fig. S1F) and 35S:miR396b (Supplementary Fig. S1G) plants was clearly bigger than those of the wild-type (Supplementary Fig. S1E), while the cell numbers in those plants are significantly reduced

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In contrast, the 35S:miR396/as1-1 (Fig. 1B, C) and 35S:miR396/as2-1 (Fig. 1F, G) transgenic plants produced stronger leaf polarity defects; the first two rosette leaves typically appeared lotus like and, in some extreme cases, needle like

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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In the wild-type or as2 leaves, vascular bundles in this region showed a pattern whereby xylem develops on the adaxial pole and phloem is located on the abaxial pole

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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The epidermal cell patterns of 35S:miR396 plants were normal

Wang L, Gu X, Xu D, Wang W, Wang H, Zeng M, Chang Z, Huang H, Cui X - miR396-targeted AtGRF transcription factors are required for coordination of cell division and differentiation during leaf development in Arabidopsis

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mitochondria and chloroplasts were isolated from leaves of ... fpgs2 ... and the folate composition was measured ... Although ... FPGS2 ... reported to be exclusively ... mitochondrial ... organellar folate profiling showed that folate status is significantly affected in both organelles ... comparison to WT, the plastid and mitochondrial folate levels ... are reduced by 50 and 55% in the fpgs2 (mitochondrial) mutant

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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fpgs1 fpgs3 mutants exhibited dwarfed leaves

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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simultaneous loss of FPGS2 and FPGS3 activity confers a seedling-lethal phenotype

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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T-DNA insertions in ... FPGS3 (At3g55630) were identified ... The vegetative phenotypes of the three Arabidopsis FPGS mutants did not differ visually from wild-type

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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To investigate the functional relationship between the plastidial and mitochondrial FPGS isoforms, homozygous fpgs1 and fpgs2 single mutants were crossed, and the F1 progeny selfed. Genotyping of 212 soil-grown F2 individuals failed to identify double homozygous progeny, suggesting that complete knockout of both genes is lethal ... albino embryos did not proceed beyond the globular stage

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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direct supplementation of the fpgs1 fpgs3 seedlings with 200 μm of the folate derivative 5-formyl-THF (5-CHO-THF) resulted in partial rescue of the dwarfism and improved fecundity

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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T-DNA insertions in FPGS1 (At5g05980) ... were identified ... The vegetative phenotypes of the three Arabidopsis FPGS mutants did not differ visually from wild-type

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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The inability of fpgs2 fpgs3 seedlings to thrive beyond germination (Figure 5a) is reminiscent of mutants defective in fatty acid β-oxidation (Hayashi et al., 1998; Germain et al., 2001; Fulda et al., 2004; Adham et al., 2005; Pinfield-Wells et al., 2005). Reduced folate polyglutamylation in the fpgs2 fpgs3 double mutants could have a negative impact on fatty acid β-oxidation by disrupting pantothenate (vitamin B5) biosynthesis, which forms the core of co-enzyme A (CoA), an essential co-factor for fatty acid oxidation (Begley et al., 2001). The first enzyme of pantothenate synthesis, ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase (KPHMT), catalyses the 5,10-methylene-THF (5,10-CH2-THF)-dependent mitochondrial synthesis of ketopantoate (Coxon et al., 2005), and kinetic studies of Escherichia coli KPHMT demonstrated a three-fold higher affinity for polyglutamate folates than for monoglutamates (Powers and Snell, 1976). Plant mutants that block CoA biosynthesis are embryo-lethal, while those that reduce CoA biosynthesis exhibit sucrose-dependent seedling establishment, but all reported mutants could be chemically complemented with CoA precursors (Rubio et al., 2006; Jonczyk et al., 2008). To test whether reduced pantothenate biosynthesis affects sucrose-dependent seedling establishment in fpgs2 fpgs3, seeds were germinated on media with or without sucrose or pantothenate. Consistent with our prediction, seedling establishment of double mutants occurred only in the presence of sucrose and/or pantothenate (Figure 5a). Although rescued fpgs2 fpgs3 seedlings were able to fully expand their cotyledons in the presence of sucrose or pantothenate, they did not progress further under ambient CO2

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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Metabolic profiling confirmed that the fpgs3 mutant has significantly reduced methionine levels compared to WT

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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T-DNA insertions in ... FPGS2 (At3g10160) ... were identified ... The vegetative phenotypes of the three Arabidopsis FPGS mutants did not differ visually from wild-type

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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To investigate the functional relationship between the mitochondrial and cytosolic FPGS isoforms, fpgs2 and fpgs3 mutants were crossed, and their soil-grown F2 progeny (n = 218) screened for double homozygous mutants. Similar to fpgs1 fpgs2, fpgs2 fpgs3 double mutant F2 seedlings could not be identified, but seedlings homozygous for one mutation and heterozygous for the other were readily obtained. When grown in ambient air on MS medium supplemented with 1% sucrose, all F2 progeny germinated but approximately 1 in 16 seedlings failed to proceed beyond the expanded cotyledon stage and exhibited an albino phenotype (Figure 5a). PCR genotyping confirmed that these albino seedlings were double homozygous fpgs2 fpgs3 mutants

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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THF and 5,10-CH2-THF are central to the C1 transfer reactions of photorespiration. As the phenotype of the fpgs2 fpgs3 mutant resembles the classic seedling-lethal phenotype associated with photorespiratory mutants (Somerville and Ogren, 1980, 1981; Voll et al., 2006; Engel et al., 2007), progeny of fpgs2 fpgs3 (−−/−+) plants were grown in 3000 ppm CO2 to suppress photorespiration. In the presence of both sucrose and elevated CO2, fpgs2 fpgs3 seedlings developed beyond the cotyledon stage and exhibited enhanced greening and root growth (Figure 5b). Nevertheless, defective photorespiration appears to be only one of many metabolic processes that are affected in the double mutant, as CO2-rescued seedlings transferred from sterile medium to soil and maintained under 3000 ppm CO2 remained stunted and sterile (Figure 5c,e,f). WT pollen failed to fertilise the double mutant ovules, and mutant anthers appeared to lack pollen grains

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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mitochondria and chloroplasts were isolated from leaves of fpgs1 ... and the folate composition was measured ... Although FPGS1 ... reported to be exclusively plastidial ... organellar folate profiling showed that folate status is significantly affected in both organelles ... in comparison to WT, the plastid and mitochondrial folate levels are reduced by approximately 50 and 25%, respectively, in the fpgs1 (plastidial) mutant

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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The FPGS mutant least affected in terms of its mitochondrial and plastidic folate profiles was fpgs3 (Figure 3d,f), consistent with the reported cytosolic localization of this isoform

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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To probe the methylation capacity of fpgs2 fpgs3 double mutant plants, the JIM7 monoclonal antibody, which requires methyl ester groups for binding to pectic homogalacturonan (Clausen et al., 2003), was used. As seed from homozygous fpgs2 fpgs3 plants was not available, the segregating fpgs2 fpgs3 (−−/−+) F2 population was used, and the seedlings with the shortest roots 4 days post-stratification were selected for further examination prior to the onset of cotyledon bleaching (i.e. fpgs2 fpgs3 double homozygous mutants). Surface labelling of intact roots showed a reduced level of the JIM7 epitope at the meristem and elongation zone of fpgs2 fpgs3 compared to control seedlings (fpgs2 fpgs3; +−/−−) (Figure S7). The reduced JIM7 signal in the fpgs2 fpgs3 mutant is indicative of a significantly impaired level of pectin methyl esterification

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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fpgs2 is the only mutant with a significant reduction in its total foliar polyglutamate profile

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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We conclude that simultaneous loss of FPGS2 and FPGS3 activity results in a seedling-lethal phenotype that is partly due to defective fatty acid β-oxidation, photorespiration and pectin metabolism

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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Folate profiling showed that only loss of FPGS2 (mitochondrial) activity leads to a significant reduction (45%, P ≤ 0.05) in total foliar folate abundance compared to WT (Figure 3a). The reduced total folate content in this mutant is a result of reduced levels of 5-formyl-THF (5-CHO-THF), 10-formyl + 5,10-methenyl-THF (10-CHO-THF + 5,10-CH-THF), 5-methyl-THF (5-CH3-THF) and THF (42, 42, 53 and 48%, respectively) compared to WT

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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To investigate the functional relationship between the plastidial (FPGS1) and cytosolic (FPGS3) isoforms, homozygous fpgs1 and fpgs3 single mutants were crossed, and the F1 progeny selfed. In the F2 generation, WT and a severely dwarfed phenotype were observed in a 15:1 ratio (Figure 7a), consistent with the dwarfed plants being fpgs1 fpgs3 double mutants

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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To determine whether the loss of FPGS1 and FPGS3 enzymes affected folate abundance, the fpgs1 fpgs3 mutant was profiled by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS). The 5-CH3-THF pool was selected for analysis in this experiment, as previous studies have indicated that, under folate deficiency, most folate-dependent transcriptional and metabolic alterations are correlated with the cellular levels of this folate species (Loizeau et al., 2007, 2008). LC-MS/MS profiling indicated that there was a 40% reduction in the total 5-CH3-THF pool in fpgs1 fpgs3 leaf tissue compared with WT, significantly reducing the absolute level of this folate from 503 to 304 pmol g−1 FW (P < 0.05, t test; data not shown).

Mehrshahi P, Gonzalez-Jorge S, Akhtar TA, Ward JL, Santoyo-Castelazo A, Marcus SE, Lara-Núñez A, Ravanel S, Hawkins ND, Beale MH, Barrett DA, Knox JP, Gregory JF 3rd, Hanson AD, Bennett MJ, Dellapenna D - Functional analysis of folate polyglutamylation and its essential role in plant metabolism and development

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SALK_110059 ... Mutants with extra-branched trichomes were associated with these lines ... AT3G01140 corresponded to the previously characterized NOK locus

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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Mutant gl3-sst trichomes are under-developed compared with those of wild-type ... The time between images of the wild-type trichomes in Figure 1(c,d) was 8 h, whereas the time frame between gl3-sst images in Figure 1(e,f) was nearly 30 h. Even though these trichomes initiated at approximately the same time, the wild-type trichomes have expanding branches, while the gl3-sst trichomes have yet to branch. It is only after several days of slow steady expansion that gl3-sst trichomes begin to form branches. The resulting trichomes display varying degrees of stunted development

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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A gl3-sst nok double mutant was created to determine if the enhanced NOK expression in gl3-sst limited trichome expansion or branch formation as in wild-type. Unexpectedly, expansion and branch formation were greatly curtailed

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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gl3-sst trichomes ... exhibited enhanced endoreduplication compared to mature wild-type trichomes

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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The triple gl3-sst nok sim mutant was generated. The gl3-sst sim trichomes, which express high levels of NOK, typically have an outer layer of cells exhibiting a more differentiated phenotype than the inner layer of cells (Figure 6a). The triple mutant resembled the gl3-sst sim double with the exception that the outer layer of cells remained relatively undifferentiated

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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Mutant nok plants were transformed with a construct containing the NOK coding sequence fused to that of GFP under the transcriptional control of the TRY promoter. GFP–NOK protein was specifically detected in trichome nuclei during both early (Figure 2d) and late stages (Figure 2e) of development. This pattern qualitatively mirrors that of NOK expression under the control of its own promoter (Jakoby et al., 2008). Expression of the fused protein suppressed the extra-branch nok phenotype and in many cases resulted in less-branched trichomes [Figures 2f and S1i,j; two branched trichomes and spikes typically are not seen in Col wild-type as shown in Figures 1(a) and S1(a,e)]. The over-correction was correlated with enhanced expression of NOK as shown by qPCR analysis. Three independently isolated under-branched transformants showed higher NOK expression

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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In using GL1 expression levels as a guide for estimating the degree of immaturity, these results along with trichome morphology indicate that gl3-sst trichomes are stunted at an intermediate stage of development

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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SALK_025449 ... Mutants with extra-branched trichomes were associated with these lines ... AT3G01140 corresponded to the previously characterized NOK locus

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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glassy cell wall surface of gl3-sst trichomes

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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gl3-sst nok ... trichomes ... exhibited enhanced endoreduplication compared to mature wild-type trichomes

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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A gl3-sst nok double mutant ... The frequency of trichome initiation and clustering was not altered

Gilding EK, Marks MD - Analysis of purified glabra3-shapeshifter trichomes reveals a role for NOECK in regulating early trichome morphogenic events

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The cellular pattern in the leaf epidermis of ae7 was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The adaxial side of the Ler leaf contains large and uniform-sized epidermal cells (Figure 2a), while the abaxial surface contains relatively small cells mixed with some long and narrow cells (Figure 2b,c, arrows). The long and narrow epidermal cells were present also in the adaxial epidermis of the ae7

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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We next measured the ratio of 4C:2C cells in 8-day-old leaves by flow cytometry, as it has been proposed that at this time point leaf cells have the capacity to divide and 2C and 4C cells could represent the G1 and G2 cells, respectively (Takahashi et al., 2008). Our data showed that the 4C:2C cell ratio in 8-day-old leaves of ae7 was elevated markedly compared with that in wild-type leaves

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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ae7 single mutant leaf contains adaxial-abaxial polarity defects

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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ae7 as1-101 ... defective adaxial-abaxial polarity

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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The adaxial leaf surfaces of ... ae7 as1-101 ... contained patches of abaxial-type epidermal cells

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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the leaf palisade cell number of the 26S proteasome mutant ae3-1 ... was ... reduced

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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The adaxial leaf surfaces of ae7 as1-102 ... contained patches of abaxial-type epidermal cells

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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ae7 ago7-3 ... defective adaxial-abaxial polarity

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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We first performed a flow cytometric analysis using nuclei from fully expanded leaves to examine the nuclear polyploidization of the ae7 mutant and found that the percentages of 4C, 8C and 16C cells in ae7 were higher than those in the wild-type plant (Figure 6a). In contrast, the percentage of 2C cells in ae7 decreased

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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leaf palisade cell ... of the ... ribosome large subunit mutant ae5-1 ... enlarged cell size

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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ae7 rdr6-3 ... defective adaxial-abaxial polarity

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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ae7 defects are likely due to a G2 arrest during the cell cycle

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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phloem surrounded the xylem in vascular bundles of ae7 as2-101 double mutants, indicating that the ae7 as2101 leaf is abaxialized

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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The adaxial leaf surfaces of ... ae7 rdr6-3 ... contained patches of abaxial-type epidermal cells

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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the abaxial leaf surfaces of ae7 were very wrinkled

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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Our data further confirmed that the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in ae7 (Figure 3d,g) was indeed larger than those of the wild type

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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leaf palisade cell number of the ... ribosome large subunit mutant ae5-1 ... was ... reduced

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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the ae7 leaves numerous intercellular spaces existed in the adaxial palisade region (Figure 3b, arrowheads). This cellular structure is similar to that of the ae5 mutant, reflecting a disruption of the leaf adaxial-abaxial axis and also suggests that the less tightly arranged palisade cells might contribute to the pale green color of the ae7 leaves

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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the percentages of 8C and 16C cells in ae3-1 ... were higher than those in the wild-type plant

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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The adaxial leaf surfaces of ... ae7 ago7-3 ... contained patches of abaxial-type epidermal cells

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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To better understand the AE7 function in promoting leaf adaxial identity, we analyzed the vascular pattern of ae7 and ae7 as2-101 mutants by examining transverse sections through the blade�petiole conjugation region. In wild-type leaves, xylem developed at the adaxial pole and phloem was located at the abaxial pole of vascular bundles (Figure 1e). In the ... ae7 ... single mutants, the vascular pattern in the expanded rosette leaves showed no obvious changes

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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leaf palisade cell ... of the 26S proteasome mutant ae3-1 ... enlarged cell size

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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All ae7 leaves were ... slightly curled downwards

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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All ae7 leaves were narrow

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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Although leaf trichomes in the wild type and ae7 mutant were similarly shaped, the trichome support cells on the ae7 leaves protruded from the leaf surface (Figure 2h, arrows), as compared with those of the wild-type Ler plants

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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ae7 as1-102 ... defective adaxial-abaxial polarity

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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To better understand the AE7 function in promoting leaf adaxial identity, we analyzed the vascular pattern of ae7 and ae7 as2-101 mutants by examining transverse sections through the blade�petiole conjugation region. In wild-type leaves, xylem developed at the adaxial pole and phloem was located at the abaxial pole of vascular bundles (Figure 1e). In the as2-101 ... single mutants, the vascular pattern in the expanded rosette leaves showed no obvious changes

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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All ae7 leaves ... were pale green in color

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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the percentages of 8C and 16C cells in ... ae5-1 were higher than those in the wild-type plant

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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In addition, the number of palisade cells in ae7 was significantly reduced, compared with the wild type (Figure 3e,h

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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ae7 also contains serrated leaves

Yuan Z, Luo D, Li G, Yao X, Wang H, Zeng M, Huang H, Cui X - Characterization of the AE7 gene in Arabidopsis suggests that normal cell proliferation is essential for leaf polarity establishment

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Four co mutants, which tested homozygous for lom1 and lom2, showed termination of shoot growth after the formation of approximately 23 leaves. These results demonstrated that lom1 lom2 mutants ... also arrested shoot growth prematurely under long days when subjected to an extended vegetative growth phase

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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Premature arrest of the main axis of development was not observed in ... lom1

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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In comparison to the wild-type, lom triple mutants developed additional cell layers in the upper part of the SAM (Figure 4d,f). The spacing of cells in these extra cell layers indicated a regular pattern of anticlinal cell divisions. The number of additional cell layers increased from approximately four at 21 DAG to approximately 12 at 42 DAG

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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To assess the function of LOM1 in vascular elements, we expressed the LOM1 coding region under the control of the vasculature-specific ATHB8 gene promoter. ATHB8 transcript accumulation is limited to the procambial cells of the embryo and developing organs (Baima et al., 1995). Analysis of transgenic F2 plants showed that the ATHB8:LOM1 construct did not complement the lom1 mutant phenotype. However, lom1/lom1 embryos carrying ATHB8:LOM1 showed arrested development (Figure S5), in most cases during the globular stages of embryogenesis, whereas wild-type embryos carrying ATHB8:LOM1 did not

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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Premature arrest of the main axis of development was not observed in ... lom2

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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lom1 lom2 ... At 21 days after germination (DAG), these mutants had developed between 17 and 19 leaves

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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To assess the role of photoperiod length on their development, we grew lom1 lom2 and lom1 lom2 lom3 plants initially under short-day conditions and shifted them to long photoperiods after various periods of time. This experiment revealed two characteristics of the mutant phenotypes (Figure 1i). Firstly, under short-day conditions, both the double and triple mutants progressively lost the ability to produce new leaf primordia. Secondly, the proportion of flowering plants was higher among the lom1 lom2 double mutants than among triple mutants, indicating that lom1 lom2 lom3 triple mutants were more sensitive to short-day conditions than double mutants were

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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These results suggest that amplification of tunica cell layers in the shoot apex of lom1 lom2 ... mutants resulted in a multilayered structure of the SAM

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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When grown under short photoperiods ... lom1 lom2 lom3 triple mutants displayed arrested shoot development ... after production of approximately 22 rosette leaves ... lom1 lom2 lom3, 21.1 ± 2.9, n = 32 ... whereas wild-type control plants produced approximately 51 rosette leaves (51.0 ± 6.6, n = 28

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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lom1 lom2 lom3 ... At 21 days after germination (DAG), these mutants had developed between 17 and 19 leaves

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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Double mutant analysis showed that lom1 lom3 displayed a stronger reduction in axillary bud formation than lom1 (Figure 2e,g,h). In plants grown under short-day conditions, very few of the early- and middle-phase rosette leaves supported the formation of axillary buds. On average, lom1 lom3 plants developed a flowering axillary shoot in approximately 10% of their rosette leaf axils. In some rosette leaf axils, the axillary shoot was replaced by a leaf-like structure

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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We observed that introduction of a construct containing the miR171 precursor driven by the CaMV 35S promoter (pBin61-miR171prec, Parizotto et al., 2004) into the Arabidopsis accession Columbia ... When grown under short photoperiods, shoot development was prematurely arrested

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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In comparison to wild-type plants ... lom1 lom2 lom3 mutants grown for 21 days or longer under short photoperiods showed an increase in meristem width ... The diameter of the lom triple mutant SAM increased from approximately 99 μm at 21 DAG to approximately 325 μm at 49 DAG, whereas meristem width in wild-type plants increased from approximately 79 μm (21 DAG) to approximately 106 μm (49 DAG). Concomitantly, the SAM adopted a flat morphology (e.g. 42 DAG, Figure 4f), and the formation of leaf primordia ceased

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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  • Phenotype

When grown under short photoperiods, lom1 lom2 double mutants ... displayed arrested shoot development ... after production of approximately 22 rosette leaves ... lom1 lom2, 22.5 ± 3.2, n = 30 ... whereas wild-type control plants produced approximately 51 rosette leaves (51.0 ± 6.6, n = 28

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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Premature arrest of the main axis of development was not observed in ... lom1 lom3 ... double mutants

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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lom1 lom2 double mutants ... Before termination, double ... mutants frequently formed a radialized leaf (23%, Figure 1e) or a pin-like organ (13%, Figure 1f) in the center of the rosette

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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These results suggest that amplification of tunica cell layers in the shoot apex of ... lom1 lom2 lom3 mutants resulted in a multilayered structure of the SAM

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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  • Phenotype

Premature arrest of the main axis of development was not observed in ... lom3

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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Premature arrest of the main axis of development was not observed in ... lom2 lom3 double mutants

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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lom1 lom2 lom3 triple mutants ... Before termination ... triple mutants frequently formed a radialized leaf (23%, Figure 1e) or a pin-like organ (13%, Figure 1f) in the center of the rosette

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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In comparison to wild-type plants, lom1 lom2 ... mutants grown for 21 days or longer under short photoperiods showed an increase in meristem width

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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We observed that introduction of a construct containing the miR171 precursor driven by the CaMV 35S promoter (pBin61-miR171prec, Parizotto et al., 2004) into the Arabidopsis accession Columbia (Col-0) led to strong alterations in shoot architecture

Schulze S, Schäfer BN, Parizotto EA, Voinnet O, Theres K - LOST MERISTEMS genes regulate cell differentiation of central zone descendants in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

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We screened young seedlings to isolate novel genes required for chloroplast biogenesis and identified a pale green mutant, named gdc1-1, from a collection of T-DNA insertion lines (Qin et al., 2003). The gdc1-1 mutants can survive for approximately 5 to 6 weeks with a pale green phenotype when germinated on soil (Fig. 1). The pale coloration was observed throughout the life of the mutant and uniformly affected all the aerial tissues

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

growth ceased at the vegetative growth stage before bolting ... gdc1-3

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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chloroplast ultrastructure was analyzed by transmission electron microscopy ... Typical grana were not detected in the gdc1-1

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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The total chlorophyll content of the 3-week-old wild-type leaves was 1,302.57 ± 60.56 μg g−1 fresh weight, while the total chlorophyll content in gdc1-3 was reduced by approximately 82%, with only 245.32 ± 1.49 μg g−1 fresh weight

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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leaf chloroplast ultrastructure was analyzed by transmission electron microscopy ... Typical grana were not detected in the ... gdc1-2

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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in the gdc1-3 mutant ... This indicated that the high chlorophyll a/b ratio primarily resulted from a more substantial reduction of chlorophyll b

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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plants grew much slower than the wild type ... gdc1-2

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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growth ceased at the vegetative growth stage before bolting ... gdc1-2

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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the gdc1-3 mutant leaf chloroplast ultrastructure was analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. In mature chloroplasts of the wild-type plants, the internal membranes were present as either stroma thylakoids or stacked grana thylakoids (Fig. 3, A and B). In gdc1-3 chloroplasts, only stromal thylakoids were observed; they could not stack together to form appressed grana (Fig. 3, C and D). Typical grana were not detected

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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PSII and LHCII are mainly located in the appressed granal domain. PSII activity in the grana-deficient gdc1-3 mutant was analyzed by measuring the ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum fluorescence as follows: Fv/Fm = (Fm − Fo)/Fm, where Fo and Fm are minimum and maximum chlorophyll a fluorescence of dark-adapted leaves, respectively. Fv/Fm reflects the maximum potential capacity of the PSII photochemical reactions (Krause and Weis, 1991). The Fv/Fm value of 3-week-old leaves was 0.81 ± 0.01 in wild-type plants, and the gdc1-3 value was 0.79 ± 0.01. Despite the fact that the Fv/Fm value was very close for the wild type and the mutant, the Fo and Fm in the mutant were dramatically lower than in the wild type. This demonstrates that the photochemical efficiency of PSII was not affected by the mutation in gdc1-3

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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the chlorophyll a/b ratio was increased from 3.44 in the wild type to 13.81 in the gdc1-3 mutant

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

gdc1-1 plants ... growth ceased at the vegetative growth stage before bolting

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

plants grew much slower than the wild type ... gdc1-3

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

pale green phenotype when germinated on soil ... gdc1-3

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The gdc1-1 plants grew much slower than the wild type

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

pale green phenotype when germinated on soil ... gdc1-2

Cui YL, Jia QS, Yin QQ, Lin GN, Kong MM, Yang ZN - The GDC1 gene encodes a novel ankyrin domain-containing protein that is essential for grana formation in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The eif6b-1 and eif6-2 alleles, on the other hand, did not display any apparent developmental defects

Guo J, Wang S, Valerius O, Hall H, Zeng Q, Li JF, Weston DJ, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Involvement of Arabidopsis RACK1 in protein translation and its regulation by abscisic acid

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  • Phenotype

we were unable to recover plants homozygous for ... eif6a-2

Guo J, Wang S, Valerius O, Hall H, Zeng Q, Li JF, Weston DJ, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Involvement of Arabidopsis RACK1 in protein translation and its regulation by abscisic acid

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we were unable to recover plants homozygous for ... eif6a-1 ... We found that within the siliques of the eif6a+/− parent plants, the ratio of white seeds (containing developmentally halted embryos) to green seeds (containing normally developing embryos) was approximately 1:3 (n = 500), indicative of a homozygous embryo-lethal outcome ... By examining the white seeds microscopically, we found that the development of the embryo was arrested at the globular stage

Guo J, Wang S, Valerius O, Hall H, Zeng Q, Li JF, Weston DJ, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Involvement of Arabidopsis RACK1 in protein translation and its regulation by abscisic acid

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To assess the role of RACK1 in protein translation in vivo, we compared the polyribosome profile of extracts prepared from wild-type (Col-0) and rack1a rack1b double mutant plants. This assay provides a relative measurement of efficiency in mRNA translation, as controlled by ribosome biogenesis and assembly (Lee et al., 2007). The profiling assay revealed a decrease in the abundance of both 60S ribosomal subunits and 80S monosomes (Fig. 8A) in the rack1a rakc1b double mutant plants compared with Col, but no significant difference was observed at the level of polysomes

Guo J, Wang S, Valerius O, Hall H, Zeng Q, Li JF, Weston DJ, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Involvement of Arabidopsis RACK1 in protein translation and its regulation by abscisic acid

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Two independently generated RNAi lines that both show a reduction of RPL24 expression levels to between 15 and 20% of wild-type levels were analyzed ... the RPL24 mutants displayed a severely reduced photosynthetic performance with the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII (FV/FM) being reduced to 0.59

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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The progenies of both lines segregated into wild-type-like plants and plants displaying a pale green phenotype. The mutant phenotype was present in 25% of the progeny plants, consistent with Mendelian segregation of a recessive allele. It was confirmed with PCR assays that the pigment-deficient mutant phenotype correlated strictly with homozygosity for the T-DNA insertion, strongly suggesting that the phenotype is linked to the knockout of the RNase E gene. Both T-DNA insertions interrupt the RNase E reading frame within the catalytic RNase E/G domain, suggesting that the T-DNA insertions result in functional null alleles

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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in RNase E mutant plants ... the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII; FV/FM), a standard measure of PSII integrity, was significantly reduced

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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Two independently generated RNAi lines that both show a reduction of RPL24 expression levels to between 15 and 20% of wild-type levels were analyzed ... the 77 K chlorophyll-a fluorescence emission spectrum was very similar to that of the RNase E knockout

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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in RNase E mutant plants ... To further confirm the suspected deficiency in the photosystem cores, 77 K chlorophyll-a fluorescence emission spectra were recorded. While the emission spectra of the wild type and the heterozygous mutants were indistinguishable, the homozygous plants showed strong alterations of the emission spectra of both PSII-LHCII and PSI-LHCI (Figure 3a). The PSII-LHCII emission maximum was shifted to 683.5 nm wavelength, which is indicative of the presence of LHCII antenna proteins excitonically uncoupled from the PSII reaction center (Krause and Weis, 1991). Likewise, the shift of the PSI emission maximum from 733 nm to 728 nm and the significant reduction in the intensity of the emission signal in the homozygous mutant indicate the presence of LHCI proteins detached from PSI due to reduced PSI core accumulation

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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As suggested by the light green phenotype of the homozygous mutants, the chlorophyll content per leaf area was found to be reduced in RNase E mutant plants

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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knockout of the RNase E gene ... When grown under photoautotrophic conditions in soil, both homozygous mutant lines grew extremely slowly (Figure 2), and therefore were sensitive to improper watering regimes, especially at the seedling stage

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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RNase E mutant plants ... also have a strongly decreased ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b (Table 1), indicating that the primary defect may reside in the (largely plastid genome-encoded) photosystem cores rather than in the (nuclear genome-encoded) light-harvesting complex (LHC) antennae

Walter M, Piepenburg K, Schöttler MA, Petersen K, Kahlau S, Tiller N, Drechsel O, Weingartner M, Kudla J, Bock R - Knockout of the plastid RNase E leads to defective RNA processing and chloroplast ribosome deficiency

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  • Phenotype

None of the syp21, syp22-1, syp22-3, syp23, syp21 syp23 or syp22 syp23 mutants showed an apparent defect in vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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syp22 syp23 plants had ... fewer leaves at 18 DAG than did syp22

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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None of the syp21, syp22-1, syp22-3, syp23, syp21 syp23 or syp22 syp23 mutants showed an apparent defect in vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we found no visible defects in ... syp21 syp23 null mutant alleles

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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  • Phenotype

syp21amisyp22 exhibited ... disconnection of the secondary veins from primary or other secondary veins

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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Electron microscopy revealed that the extracellular spaces of the syp21amisyp22-1 ... seeds were filled with electron-dense materials ... in contrast with the electron-lucent extracellular spaces of wild-type seeds ... Immunogold analysis with anti-12S globulin antibody confirmed the abnormal accumulation of 12S globulin outside the mutant cells

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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syp22 mutants exhibited ... short midribs

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we did not obtain syp21 syp22 and syp21+/-syp22, although syp21 syp22+/- grew normally (Figure S1). By analyzing the progeny of syp21 syp22+/-, we confirmed that syp21 syp22 was not viable

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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Electron microscopy revealed that the extracellular spaces of the ... syp22-3 syp23 seeds were filled with electron-dense materials ... in contrast with the electron-lucent extracellular spaces of wild-type seeds ... Immunogold analysis with anti-12S globulin antibody confirmed the abnormal accumulation of 12S globulin outside the mutant cells

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we analyzed the transport of major storage proteins (12S globulin and 2S albumin) into protein storage vacuoles in seeds in various syp2 mutants. A defect in transport should result in abnormal accumulation of precursor forms of 12S globulin and 2S albumin in seeds and mis-sorting from cells. Immunoblot analysis showed that ... syp22-3 syp23 abnormally accumulated the precursors in seeds ... suggesting a defect in transport into protein storage vacuoles

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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  • Phenotype

None of the syp21, syp22-1, syp22-3, syp23, syp21 syp23 or syp22 syp23 mutants showed an apparent defect in vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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syp21 syp22+/- grew normally

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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The syp21amisyp22 syp23 triple mutant ... complete lack of higher-order veins

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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The syp21amisyp22 syp23 triple mutant showed ... inadequate development of primary and secondary veins

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we found that syp22 mutants exhibited semi-dwarfism

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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The final heights of plants at 108 DAG were 9.0 ± 1.9 cm for syp22-1 syp23 (n = 5)

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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syp21amisyp22 exhibited abnormal leaf vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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  • Phenotype

None of the syp21, syp22-1, syp22-3, syp23, syp21 syp23 or syp22 syp23 mutants showed an apparent defect in vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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syp22 syp23 plants had shorter midribs

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we found no visible defects in syp21

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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The syp21amisyp22 syp23 triple mutant showed more drastic defects in vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we analyzed the transport of major storage proteins (12S globulin and 2S albumin) into protein storage vacuoles in seeds in various syp2 mutants. A defect in transport should result in abnormal accumulation of precursor forms of 12S globulin and 2S albumin in seeds and mis-sorting from cells. Immunoblot analysis showed that ... syp22-1 syp23 ... abnormally accumulated the precursors in seeds ... suggesting a defect in transport into protein storage vacuoles

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we found no visible defects in ... syp23

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we analyzed the transport of major storage proteins (12S globulin and 2S albumin) into protein storage vacuoles in seeds in various syp2 mutants. A defect in transport should result in abnormal accumulation of precursor forms of 12S globulin and 2S albumin in seeds and mis-sorting from cells. Immunoblot analysis showed that ... syp21amisyp22-3 ... abnormally accumulated the precursors in seeds ... suggesting a defect in transport into protein storage vacuoles

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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we analyzed the transport of major storage proteins (12S globulin and 2S albumin) into protein storage vacuoles in seeds in various syp2 mutants. A defect in transport should result in abnormal accumulation of precursor forms of 12S globulin and 2S albumin in seeds and mis-sorting from cells. Immunoblot analysis showed that syp21amisyp22-1 ... abnormally accumulated the precursors in seeds ... suggesting a defect in transport into protein storage vacuoles

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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  • Phenotype

syp21amisyp22 showed more severe developmental defects than syp22 syp23 (Figure 2a,b); syp21amisyp22-1 (n = 24) and syp21amisyp22-3 (n = 21) died before bolting or flowering. The triple mutant syp21amisyp22 syp23 exhibited the most severe growth defect among the SYP2 mutants generated

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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  • Phenotype

None of the syp21, syp22-1, syp22-3, syp23, syp21 syp23 or syp22 syp23 mutants showed an apparent defect in vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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The final heights of plants at 108 DAG were ... 7.9 ± 1.2 for syp22-3 syp23 (n = 5)

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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None of the syp21, syp22-1, syp22-3, syp23, syp21 syp23 or syp22 syp23 mutants showed an apparent defect in vein patterning

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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syp21amisyp22 exhibited ... poorly developed higher-order veins

Shirakawa M, Ueda H, Shimada T, Koumoto Y, Shimada TL, Kondo M, Takahashi T, Okuyama Y, Nishimura M, Hara-Nishimura I - Arabidopsis Qa-SNARE SYP2 proteins localized to different subcellular regions function redundantly in vacuolar protein sorting and plant development

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apum23-1 mutant showed ... mild resistance to erythromycin

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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cleared ... rosette leaves of apum23 plants displayed a venation pattern that was distinct from that of the wild-type ... the secondary veins at the leaf base showed a parallel pattern, and tertiary and quaternary veins were frequently disconnected, with free ends

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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cleared cotyledons ... of apum23 plants displayed a venation pattern that was distinct from that of the wild-type ... the veins were not fully established and appeared broken

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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In the apum23 mutant, rosette leaves were smaller

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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We crossed the apum23-1 mutant with ae6/pgy3 ... but double mutants of APUM23 and these genes did not exhibit more severe phenotypes than the single gene mutant, ae6

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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We therefore investigated the distribution of total RNA using SYTO® RNASelect™ (Invitrogen, green fluorescent cell stain, which selectively stains RNA (Figure 7a). Ten-day-old whole seedlings were stained and their root tips were observed under a confocal microscope. For comparison, los4-1 mutant seedlings were stained; this mutant is defective in mRNA export and thus accumulates mRNA in the nucleoplasm (Gong et al., 2005). We observed strong signals in both the nucleus of the los4-1 mutant and the nucleolus of the apum23-1 mutant, unlike wild-type seedlings, which showed a uniform staining pattern. The RNA accumulation in the nucleolus suggests a defect in biogenesis or degradation rather than a defect in RNA export

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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apum23-1 mutant showed ... marked resistance to streptomycin, with longer roots and the cotyledons and leaves that were green

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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The double mutant AtNuc-L1 apum23-1 showed ... highly reduced vein development

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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APUM23 ... Mutants ... grew more slowly than wild-type plants on soil

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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To further confirm that the apum23-1 mutant accumulates total RNA in the nucleolus, we observed a single nucleolus from wild-type and the apum23-1 mutant (Figure 7b–i). RNA preferentially accumulated in the nucleolus of the apum23-1 mutant, probably due to impaired ribosome biogenesis and/or as a result of accumulation of rRNA processing by-products, which are less efficiently degraded in apum23-1

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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the size of the nucleolus in the apum23-1 mutant was bigger than that in the Col-3 wild-type background ... We crossed the apum23-1 mutant with a 35S:AtFib2-GFP transgenic plant and obtained homozygous lines for the apum23-1 mutant that expressed AtFib2–GFP protein. As a control, we used the same parental line (35S:AtFib2-GFP) that was used for crossing with apum23-1, to minimize differences in expression of the fusion protein. Confocal images of 3-week-old leaves were obtained for wild-type plants (Figure 4l,m) and apum23-1 plants expressing AtFib2–GFP (Figure 4n,o). Because the nucleolus is a highly dynamic structure, we measured the area of the nucleoli in which AtFib2–GFP was found to localize. Consistent with the data obtained from electron microscopy images, apum23-1 plants had a greater percentage of larger nucleoli, while wild-type plants showed a higher frequency of smaller nucleoli

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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the cells of the xylem vessels in the mid-vein of the apum23-1 leaf were smaller and shrunken compared to those of wild-type plants

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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The double mutant AtNuc-L1 apum23-1 showed severe defects in overall plant development, i.e. smaller leaves

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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AtNuc-L1 mutant ... roles ... in pre-RNA processing

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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In the apum23 mutant, rosette leaves were ... with a scrunched appearance

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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Transverse sections of the apum23-1 leaf showed a reduction in the number of cells

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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apum23-1 mutant ... roles ... in pre-RNA processing

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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The double mutant AtNuc-L1 apum23-1 showed ... reduced stature

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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In the presence of 1 µg ml-1 CHX, wild-type seeds showed 97% radicle emergence, while the apum23-1 mutant showed only 9.3% emergence. On medium containing 2 µg ml-1 CHX, the wild-type showed an emergence rate of 89.6%, while the apum23-1 mutant showed a rate of only 6.1%

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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The palisade cell layer, located under the adaxial epidermis, was loosely organized in the apum23-1 mutant, but was tightly arranged in wild-type leaves. This perturbation of cell distribution appears to contribute to the scrunched leaf phenotype observed in apum23 plants

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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We therefore investigated the distribution of total RNA using SYTO® RNASelect™ (Invitrogen, green fluorescent cell stain, which selectively stains RNA (Figure 7a). Ten-day-old whole seedlings were stained and their root tips were observed under a confocal microscope. For comparison, los4-1 mutant seedlings were stained; this mutant is defective in mRNA export and thus accumulates mRNA in the nucleoplasm (Gong et al., 2005). We observed strong signals in both the nucleus of the los4-1 mutant and the nucleolus of the apum23-1 mutant, unlike wild-type seedlings, which showed a uniform staining pattern. The RNA accumulation in the nucleolus suggests a defect in biogenesis or degradation rather than a defect in RNA export

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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AtNuc-L1 mutant ... roles ... in ... rRNA biogenesis

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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In the apum23 mutant, rosette leaves were ... pointed

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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apum23-1 mutant ... roles ... in ... rRNA biogenesis

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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Transverse sections of the apum23-1 leaf showed ... disorganized lamina cell layers

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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In the apum23 mutant, rosette leaves were ... serrated

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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We crossed the apum23-1 mutant with ... ae5 ... but double mutants of APUM23 and these genes did not exhibit more severe phenotypes than the single gene mutant ... or ae5

Abbasi N, Kim HB, Park NI, Kim HS, Kim YK, Park YI, Choi SB - APUM23, a nucleolar Puf domain protein, is involved in pre-ribosomal RNA processing and normal growth patterning in Arabidopsis

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Atham1,2,3 Mutants Exhibit Abnormalities in Postembryonic Shoot Development

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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At this stage in development, examination of sectioned shoot apices reveals that Atham1,2,3 shoot apical meristems ... meristem size is not appreciably different

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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At this stage in development, examination of sectioned shoot apices reveals that Atham1,2,3 shoot apical meristems are consistently broader ... than in the wild type (mild fasciation

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Analysis by scanning electron microscopy did not reveal appreciable differences in epidermal cell size between Atham1,2,3 and the wild type on either the adaxial or abaxial cauline leaf surface

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Examination of the adaxial and abaxial epidermis of wild-type and Atham1,2,3 expanded rosette leaves by scanning electron microscopy reveals that epidermal cell surface area is significantly greater in both adaxial ... epidermal pavement cells of Atham1,2,3 mutants relative to the wild type

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Atham1,2,3 mutants ... delayed transition from vegetative to reproductive development

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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The earliest evident phenotypic abnormalities in Atham1,2,3 mutants are deviations from the normal phyllotactic patterning of rosette leaves, which frequently are apparent as early as the emergence of the third and fourth leaves

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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To determine if and to what extent AtHAM4 exhibits functional redundancy with Arabidopsis HAM orthologs, we obtained a knockout allele of AtHAM4 (Fig. 7A; Supplemental Fig. S2) and undertook to generate multiple mutant combinations between Atham1, Atham2, Atham3, and Atham4 ... Atham4 mutants exhibit no striking abnormalities in shoot development, although they are consistently of smaller overall stature relative to the wild type

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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At this stage in development, examination of sectioned shoot apices reveals that Atham1,2,3 shoot apical meristems are consistently ... flatter than in the wild type (mild fasciation

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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trichomes are of comparable size in Atham1,2,3 rosette leaves relative to the wild type

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Fully expanded rosette leaves of Atham1,2,3 mutants typically exhibit less pronounced laminar growth

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Atham1,2,3 Mutants Exhibit ... Altered ... Leaf Morphology

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Wild-type patterning of vascular bundles demonstrates that adaxial/abaxial polarity is normal in Atham1,2,3 mutant cauline leaves

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Atham1,2,3 cauline leaves typically exhibit epinastic curling, indicative of greater adaxial leaf surface area relative to abaxial leaf surface area

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Atham1,2,3 Mutants Exhibit ... Aberrant Phyllotaxis

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Examination of the adaxial and abaxial epidermis of wild-type and Atham1,2,3 expanded rosette leaves by scanning electron microscopy reveals that epidermal cell surface area is significantly greater in both ... abaxial epidermal pavement cells of Atham1,2,3 mutants relative to the wild type

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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guard cells ... of comparable size in Atham1,2,3 rosette leaves relative to the wild type

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Atham1,4; Atham2/+ mutants frequently exhibit a secondary meristem phenotype characterized by the production of a novel organ consisting of a leaf subtended by a stem similar in size to a flower pedicle

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Fully expanded rosette leaves of Atham1,2,3 mutants typically exhibit ... more pronounced leaf serration relative to wild-type expanded rosette leaves

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Sectioning of Ler and Atham1,2,3 mutant cauline leaves reveals a significant increase in cell number along the adaxial/abaxial axis in Atham1,2,3 mutants relative to the wild type

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Atham1,2,3 Mutants Exhibit ... Altered Meristem ... Morphology

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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Atham1,2,3 Mutants Exhibit ... Loss of Shoot Indeterminacy

Engstrom EM, Andersen CM, Gumulak-Smith J, Hu J, Orlova E, Sozzani R, Bowman JL - Arabidopsis homologs of the petunia hairy meristem gene are required for maintenance of shoot and root indeterminacy

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To discard that this phenotype was due to the activity of truncated PAR1-V protein forms, plants constitutively overexpressing a triple translational fusion between PAR1-V and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) domain (P35S:PAR1-VG lines) were generated (Figure 4a). The GR domain is capable of retaining a nuclear protein to which it is attached in the cytoplasm of plant cells. Upon addition of the glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX), the fusion protein translocates to the nucleus. In the absence of DEX, the phenotypes of wild-type and transgenic P35S:PAR1-VG seedlings were similar. By contrast, DEX treatment induced a dwarf dark-green phenotype only in P35S:PAR1-VG seedlings, which was similar to that observed in DEX-treated P35S:PAR1-GR seedlings

Galstyan A, Cifuentes-Esquivel N, Bou-Torrent J, Martinez-Garcia JF - The shade avoidance syndrome in Arabidopsis: a fundamental role for atypical basic helix-loop-helix proteins as transcriptional cofactors

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we investigated whether PAR1 could be converted into a transcriptional activator by fusing it to the transactivating domain of the herpes viral protein VP16 (VP16-AD). Despite the non-plant origin of this protein, fusions of VP16-AD to plant DNA-binding transcription factors have been successfully used to convert transcriptional repressors into activators (Steindler et al., 1999; Parcy et al., 2002; Sawa et al., 2002). In the absence of direct or indirect access to DNA regulatory sequences, overexpression of PAR1 fused to VP16-AD (P35S:PAR1-V lines, Figure 3a) was expected to result in a phenotype virtually identical to that observed by overexpressing a wild-type version of PAR1. In agreement, P35S:PAR1-V lines displayed a phenotype typical of PAR1 overexpression in terms of ... dark-green pigmentation

Galstyan A, Cifuentes-Esquivel N, Bou-Torrent J, Martinez-Garcia JF - The shade avoidance syndrome in Arabidopsis: a fundamental role for atypical basic helix-loop-helix proteins as transcriptional cofactors

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To address the relevance of the different domains for the biological function of PAR1, deletion constructs fused to the GFP reporter gene ... several P35S:AHC-G individuals were identified in the T1 population with a very strong dwarf ... Amongst the different lines generated, only plants from lines P35S:AHC-G and P35S:HC-G displayed the dwarf ... phenotype characteristic of PAR1 overexpression lines

Galstyan A, Cifuentes-Esquivel N, Bou-Torrent J, Martinez-Garcia JF - The shade avoidance syndrome in Arabidopsis: a fundamental role for atypical basic helix-loop-helix proteins as transcriptional cofactors

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To address the relevance of the different domains for the biological function of PAR1, deletion constructs fused to the GFP reporter gene ... several P35S:AHC-G individuals were identified in the T1 population with a ... dark-green phenotype ... Amongst the different lines generated, only plants from lines P35S:AHC-G and P35S:HC-G displayed the ... dark-green phenotype characteristic of PAR1 overexpression lines

Galstyan A, Cifuentes-Esquivel N, Bou-Torrent J, Martinez-Garcia JF - The shade avoidance syndrome in Arabidopsis: a fundamental role for atypical basic helix-loop-helix proteins as transcriptional cofactors

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we investigated whether PAR1 could be converted into a transcriptional activator by fusing it to the transactivating domain of the herpes viral protein VP16 (VP16-AD). Despite the non-plant origin of this protein, fusions of VP16-AD to plant DNA-binding transcription factors have been successfully used to convert transcriptional repressors into activators (Steindler et al., 1999; Parcy et al., 2002; Sawa et al., 2002). In the absence of direct or indirect access to DNA regulatory sequences, overexpression of PAR1 fused to VP16-AD (P35S:PAR1-V lines, Figure 3a) was expected to result in a phenotype virtually identical to that observed by overexpressing a wild-type version of PAR1. In agreement, P35S:PAR1-V lines displayed a phenotype typical of PAR1 overexpression in terms of dwarfism

Galstyan A, Cifuentes-Esquivel N, Bou-Torrent J, Martinez-Garcia JF - The shade avoidance syndrome in Arabidopsis: a fundamental role for atypical basic helix-loop-helix proteins as transcriptional cofactors

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bes1-D chloroplasts have dramatically enlarged plastoglobules (PG) (Figure 6b,c). Plastoglobules are lipoprotein bodies that participate in a variety of metabolic pathways, primarily involving lipids, carotenoids and tocopherols (vitamin E)

Yu X, Li L, Zola J, Aluru M, Ye H, Foudree A, Guo H, Anderson S, Aluru S, Liu P, Rodermel S, Yin Y - A brassinosteroid transcriptional network revealed by genome-wide identification of BESI target genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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bes1-D seedlings ... have reduced amounts of chlorophyll

Yu X, Li L, Zola J, Aluru M, Ye H, Foudree A, Guo H, Anderson S, Aluru S, Liu P, Rodermel S, Yin Y - A brassinosteroid transcriptional network revealed by genome-wide identification of BESI target genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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bes1-D seedlings ... These reductions are not accompanied by drastic alterations in chloroplast ultrastructure or in the ability of the mutant to form thylakoids and grana

Yu X, Li L, Zola J, Aluru M, Ye H, Foudree A, Guo H, Anderson S, Aluru S, Liu P, Rodermel S, Yin Y - A brassinosteroid transcriptional network revealed by genome-wide identification of BESI target genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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bes1-D seedlings are pale green

Yu X, Li L, Zola J, Aluru M, Ye H, Foudree A, Guo H, Anderson S, Aluru S, Liu P, Rodermel S, Yin Y - A brassinosteroid transcriptional network revealed by genome-wide identification of BESI target genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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35S:AtTZF1 ... By 4 weeks, the cell expansion defects gradually disappeared in OE plants. As a result, OE leaf expansion recovered in both the apical–basal and lateral directions

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... mature OE leaves were ... wrinkled

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... suggesting defects in cell expansion

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... The ABA levels were negligible, and were similar between WT and OE1 plants under both well-watered and mild drought conditions. However, ABA accumulation was highly induced under severe drought conditions, and the levels were higher in the WT

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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CaMV 35S:AtTZF1-GFP and CaMV 35S:AtTZF1 constructs ... The rosettes of at least six over-expression lines (OEs) were more compact than those of the wild-type (WT)

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... suggesting defects in ... cell polarity

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... mesophyll cells in OE plants were ... irregular

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... the cellular organization was similar between WT and OE plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... in 3-week-old plants ... the levels of ... GA4 ... similar in WT, OE

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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AtTZF1–3 RNAi lines ... in 3-week-old plants ... the levels of ... ABA ... similar in WT ... and RNAi plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... Due to late flowering and an extended vegetative phase, the hemizygous (OE/WT) plants weighed twice as much as WT plants by 6 weeks

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... mesophyll cells in OE plants were smaller

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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AtTZF1–3 RNAi lines ... For 1-week-old plants grown on MS plates supplemented with 2% sucrose, the sucrose levels were similar across WT ... RNAi plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... The spongy mesophyll cells of OE1 expanded preferentially in the lateral direction, causing the leaf to become wider than WT in later stages of development

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... starch levels were significantly higher in OE than in WT and RNAi plants ... These assays were then repeated using 3-week-old soil-grown WT and OE plants ... starch levels were slightly higher in OE than in WT plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... After 6 weeks, OE leaves were wider than those of the WT due to enhanced lateral expansion

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... GA accumulation ... may be compromised in OE plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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AtTZF1–3 RNAi lines ... did not show any discernable phenotypes in terms of rosette growth

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... GA responses may be compromised in OE plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... whereas glucose levels were slightly lower ... in OE than in WT and RNAi plants ... These assays were then repeated using 3-week-old soil-grown WT and OE plants ... glucose ... levels were lower

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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AtTZF1–3 RNAi lines ... in 3-week-old plants ... the levels of ... GA4 ... similar in WT ... and RNAi plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... OE plants were partially rescued by spraying with GA (Figure 3g), but not with brassinolide

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... the brassinosteroid levels were similar between OE1 and WT plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... Rosette leaf fusion occurred occasionally in OE lines

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... plants were compact, with scallop-shaped leaves

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... Vascular bundles were smaller and under-developed in 3-week-old OE leaves ... indicating defects and/or delay in cell division and differentiation

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... in 3-week-old plants ... the levels of ... ABA ... similar in WT, OE ... plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... To determine whether ABA levels are predictors of plant performance under freezing stresses, ABA levels were determined at the pre-treatment stage (-2°C for 12 h, see Experimental procedures). As shown in Figure 7(c), acclimatization induced ABA accumulation in both WT and OE1 plants. However, the ABA levels were lower in OE1 than in WT plants, independently of acclimatization

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... mature OE leaves were ... wide

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... defects in apical–basal leaf expansion

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... For 1-week-old plants grown on MS plates supplemented with 2% sucrose, the sucrose levels were similar across WT, OE ... plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

35S:AtTZF1 ... mature OE leaves were dark green

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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35S:AtTZF1 ... The rosette expansion recovered much later in homozygous (OE/OE) plants. Nevertheless, they eventually reached a biomass comparable to or greater than that of WT and hemizygous plants

Lin PC, Pomeranz MC, Jikumaru Y, Kang SG, Hah C, Fujioka S, Kamiya Y, Jang JC - The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses

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  • Phenotype

Some transformants that carried a copy of RPL27aC:rpl27ac-1d had ... serrated leaves

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

that rpl27ac-1d mutants ... are delayed in patterning of the ... cotyledons

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

as1 rpl27ac-1d/+ mutants ... had ectopic outgrowths of leaf lamina from the adaxial side of the leaf

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rpl27ac-1d plants produced more leaves compared to wild-type

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-3 ... had ... serrated leaves

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Some transformants that carried a copy of RPL27aC:rpl27ac-1d had pointed ... leaves

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The leaves of as1 rpl27ac-1d/+ mutants were ... more elongated

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-1d/+ had mild effects on the shape of rosette leaves, which ... had more prominent marginal serrations compared to wild-type

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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abnormal embryos ... homozygous rpl27ac-1d mutants

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-1d homozygous mutants ... Leaves were smaller

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-1d embryos ... did not establish bilateral symmetry

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-1d homozygous mutants ... Leaves ... with asymmetric lamina

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The leaves of as1 rpl27ac-1d/+ mutants were narrower

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-2 ... had ... serrated leaves

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

L1 cell layer is established in the rpl27ac-1d

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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plants that were hemizygous for RPL27aC:RPL27aC, were complemented for leaf defects and were wild-type in phenotype

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-2 ... had pointed ... leaves

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-3 ... had pointed ... leaves

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-1d/+ had mild effects on the shape of rosette leaves, which were slightly pointed

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The only apparent shoot phenotype of rpl27ac-1d/+ heterozygotes was mild changes in leaf shape

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

auxin distribution associated with initiation of cotyledons is delayed and abnormal in the apical region of rpl27ac-1d early embryos

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpl27ac-1d mutants ... are delayed in patterning of the ... shoot apical meristem

Szakonyi D, Byrne ME - Ribosomal protein L27a is required for growth and patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

spa1 spa3 spa4 triple mutants, retaining only SPA2 function, are very small plants

Balcerowicz M, Fittinghoff K, Wirthmueller L, Maier A, Fackendahl P, Fiene G, Koncz C, Hoecker U - Light exposure of Arabidopsis seedlings causes rapid de-stabilization as well as selective post-translational inactivation of the repressor of photomorphogenesis SPA2

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  • Phenotype

spa1 spa2 spa3 spa4 ... are ... small

Balcerowicz M, Fittinghoff K, Wirthmueller L, Maier A, Fackendahl P, Fiene G, Koncz C, Hoecker U - Light exposure of Arabidopsis seedlings causes rapid de-stabilization as well as selective post-translational inactivation of the repressor of photomorphogenesis SPA2

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  • Phenotype

spa2 spa3 spa4 triple mutants, retaining only SPA1 function, were much larger plants than spa1 spa3 spa4 triple mutant plants

Balcerowicz M, Fittinghoff K, Wirthmueller L, Maier A, Fackendahl P, Fiene G, Koncz C, Hoecker U - Light exposure of Arabidopsis seedlings causes rapid de-stabilization as well as selective post-translational inactivation of the repressor of photomorphogenesis SPA2

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For the purpose of this study, AtPDX1.1 OE (L2) and AtPDX1.1-2 OE (L2) lines were crossed into the flu background and double or triple homozygous plants of the third generation, respectively, were analyzed. The extent of cell death in leaves was determined by measuring electrolyte leakage in leaves of 21-day old plants grown initially under continuous light before transfer to the dark. Plants harboring the flu mutation showed the expected rapid onset of cell death compared with wild-type (Figure 8b). However, plants overexpressing the AtPDX proteins in the flu background and having an enhanced vitamin B6 level (Figure 8c), showed a dramatic decrease in the extent of cell death (Figure 8b). Cell death was additionally monitored in leaves from the same lines 24 h after the dark-light shift by Evan’s Blue dye, which specifically stains dead cells, and the results corroborate those from the electrolyte leakage experiments (Figure S3). This provides evidence for scavenging of reactive oxygen species by the excess vitamin B6 and the proposed scenario is supported by the observed decrease in the total vitamin B6 content of these lines 24 h after the transfer from dark to light

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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development of true leaves for ... AtPDX1.1-2 OE lines was the same as for wild-type, until bolting, when a substantial delay was observed with the lines enhanced in vitamin B6 content

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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in mature rosette leaves, harvested just before bolting, there was a significant increase in several sugars (Table 4). In particular, there was a strong increase in the levels of galactinol, raffinose, glucoheptose and maltose in ... strong AtPDX1.1 OE line

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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for ... AtPDX1.1 OE ... there were no differences observed in the number of rosette leaves in the individual lines compared with wild-type

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1 OE ... we examined the cells of mature rosette leaves ... plants overexpressing the de novo vitamin B6 biosynthesis machinery have fewer cells per unit area than the wild-type ... The same phenotype was observed in the epidermis and the sub-dermal layers

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1 OE ... increase in the size of the cotyledons of the corresponding seedlings

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the hybrid resulting from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as male parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as female parent is designated line 1 and that from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as female parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as male parent is designated line 2 ... the increase in vitamin B6 could be correlated with an increase in the extractable activity of PLP synthase

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1-2 OE lines ... we examined the cells of mature rosette leaves ... cells of the overexpressor lines are considerably larger ... The same phenotype was observed in the epidermis and the sub-dermal layers

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1 OE ... we noted that all aerial organs were enlarged in the lines with more vitamin B6, i.e. stems, cauline leaves, flowers, siliques

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the cells of vitamin B6 enhanced lines ... AtPDX1.1-2 OE L2, L3 ... at the heart stage of embryo development are larger than those of wild-type

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1-2 ... The response to oxidative stress was further investigated in young seedlings by experiments in which wild-type and the AtPDX overexpressors in wild-type background were subjected to high light stress, which leads to a dramatic increase in the production of reactive oxygen species and subsequent photoinhibition. We compared the extent of damage to photosystem II under such conditions by determining the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry (Fv/Fm). Although plants with an increased vitamin B6 content had Fv/Fm values that tended to be higher than those of wild-type, indicating lower susceptibility to photosystem II photoinhibition (Figure 8d), the differences were not statistically significant, indicating that an even higher vitamin B6 content may be required to observe significant effects under these conditions ... In the absence of high light stress, no difference in Fv/Fm was observed between wild-type and the AtPDX overexpressors

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1-2 OE lines ... the leaves of the mature rosette of the overexpressor lines were considerably larger than those of wild-type

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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development of true leaves for ... AtPDX1.1 OE ... was the same as for wild-type, until bolting, when a substantial delay was observed with the lines enhanced in vitamin B6 content

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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namely rosette leaves and seeds of the wild-type compared with ... a strong AtPDX1.1-2 OE line (L2). No major changes were observed in the metabolite profile of young rosette leaf material with the notable exception of the decrease in the levels of asparagine

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

AtPDX1.1-2 OE ... noted that all aerial organs were enlarged in the lines with more vitamin B6, i.e. stems, cauline leaves, flowers, siliques

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1 OE ... we observed that embryos of the vitamin B6 enhanced lines in the mid-late globular phase of development already have cells substantially larger than those of wild-type at an equivalent stage

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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namely rosette leaves and seeds of the wild-type compared with strong and intermediate AtPDX1.1 OE lines (L2 and L5, respectively ... No major changes were observed in the metabolite profile of young rosette leaf material with the notable exception of the decrease in the levels of asparagine

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the amount of free vitamin B6 ... no significant increase was observed in lines overexpressing ... AtPDX1.3

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the amount of free vitamin B6 ... no significant increase was observed in lines overexpressing ... AtPDX2

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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The response to oxidative stress was further investigated in young seedlings by experiments in which wild-type and the AtPDX overexpressors in wild-type background were subjected to high light stress, which leads to a dramatic increase in the production of reactive oxygen species and subsequent photoinhibition ... As an additional control, a knockout line of AtPDX1.3 was included that shows considerably increased photoinhibition compared with wild-type under these conditions as previously described

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1-2 OE ... The response to oxidative stress was further investigated in young seedlings by experiments in which wild-type and the AtPDX overexpressors in wild-type background were subjected to high light stress, which leads to a dramatic increase in the production of reactive oxygen species and subsequent photoinhibition. We compared the extent of damage to photosystem II under such conditions by determining the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry (Fv/Fm). Although plants with an increased vitamin B6 content had Fv/Fm values that tended to be higher than those of wild-type, indicating lower susceptibility to photosystem II photoinhibition (Figure 8d), the differences were not statistically significant, indicating that an even higher vitamin B6 content may be required to observe significant effects under these conditions ... In the absence of high light stress, no difference in Fv/Fm was observed between wild-type and the AtPDX overexpressors

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1-2 OE ... we examined the cells of mature rosette leaves ... plants overexpressing the de novo vitamin B6 biosynthesis machinery have fewer cells per unit area than the wild-type ... The same phenotype was observed in the epidermis and the sub-dermal layers

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the reciprocal hybrids from crossing the strongest overexpressors, i.e. AtPDX1.1 OE line 2 and AtPDX2 OE line 4 were chosen for detailed analysis. For clarity, the hybrid resulting from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as male parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as female parent is designated line 1 and that from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as female parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as male parent is designated line 2 (Figure 2c). The free vitamin B6 content of shoot material from the double overexpressors was increased up to four-fold over wild-type ... In order to distinguish different pools of vitamers and to determine the total vitamin B6 content in the various lines, the extracted vitamin was treated with acid phosphatase and ß-glucosidase prior to quantification to hydrolyze the phosphorylated vitamers and pyridoxine glycosides, respectively. The total increase in vitamin B6 content from the shoot material used had contributions from free, phosphorylated and glycosylated forms, respectively, with the phosphorylated forms being the strongest providers

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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in mature rosette leaves ... in ... strong AtPDX1.1 OE line ... sucrose levels decreased

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1 OE ... The response to oxidative stress was further investigated in young seedlings by experiments in which wild-type and the AtPDX overexpressors in wild-type background were subjected to high light stress, which leads to a dramatic increase in the production of reactive oxygen species and subsequent photoinhibition. We compared the extent of damage to photosystem II under such conditions by determining the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry (Fv/Fm). Although plants with an increased vitamin B6 content had Fv/Fm values that tended to be higher than those of wild-type, indicating lower susceptibility to photosystem II photoinhibition (Figure 8d), the differences were not statistically significant, indicating that an even higher vitamin B6 content may be required to observe significant effects under these conditions

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1 OE ... we examined the cells of mature rosette leaves ... cells of the overexpressor lines are considerably larger ... The same phenotype was observed in the epidermis and the sub-dermal layers

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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in ... AtPDX1.1-2 OE L2 ... Several of the organic acids were also significantly decreased, whereas the levels of several amino acids were increased, however, these changes were not always consistent across the three transgenic lines

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1-2 OE ... increase in the size of the cotyledons of the corresponding seedlings

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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for ... AtPDX1.1-2 OE there were no differences observed in the number of rosette leaves in the individual lines compared with wild-type

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the amount of free vitamin B6 was found to be increased up to three-fold in shoot tissue from several AtPDX1.1 overexpressing lines (AtPDX1.1 OE), e.g. lines 2 and 5

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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For the purpose of this study, AtPDX1.1 OE (L2) and AtPDX1.1-2 OE (L2) lines were crossed into the flu background and double or triple homozygous plants of the third generation, respectively, were analyzed. The extent of cell death in leaves was determined by measuring electrolyte leakage in leaves of 21-day old plants grown initially under continuous light before transfer to the dark. Plants harboring the flu mutation showed the expected rapid onset of cell death compared with wild-type (Figure 8b). However, plants overexpressing the AtPDX proteins in the flu background and having an enhanced vitamin B6 level (Figure 8c), showed a dramatic decrease in the extent of cell death (Figure 8b). Cell death was additionally monitored in leaves from the same lines 24 h after the dark-light shift by Evan’s Blue dye, which specifically stains dead cells, and the results corroborate those from the electrolyte leakage experiments (Figure S3). This provides evidence for scavenging of reactive oxygen species by the excess vitamin B6 and the proposed scenario is supported by the observed decrease in the total vitamin B6 content of these lines 24 h after the transfer from dark to light

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1-2 OE lines ... we observed that embryos of the vitamin B6 enhanced lines in the mid-late globular phase of development already have cells substantially larger than those of wild-type at an equivalent stage

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the cells of vitamin B6 enhanced lines (e.g. AtPDX1.1 OE L2, L6 ... at the heart stage of embryo development are larger than those of wild-type

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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in mature rosette leaves, harvested just before bolting, there was a significant increase in several sugars (Table 4). In particular, there was a strong increase in the levels of galactinol, raffinose, glucoheptose and maltose in ... AtPDX1.1-2 OE L2

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the reciprocal hybrids from crossing the strongest overexpressors, i.e. AtPDX1.1 OE line 2 and AtPDX2 OE line 4 were chosen for detailed analysis. For clarity, the hybrid resulting from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as male parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as female parent is designated line 1 and that from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as female parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as male parent is designated line 2 (Figure 2c). The free vitamin B6 content of shoot material from the double overexpressors was increased up to four-fold over wild-type ... To clarify this point further, a HPLC assay was established which allowed separation of the various vitamer forms (Figure S1). This assay revealed that while the cofactor vitamer, PLP, is one of the major contributors to the overall enhanced vitamin B6 level (Table 1), there are also significant increases in the levels of PN and PM. As the two vitamin B6 salvage pathway genes identified to date are a PNP/PMP oxidase

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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the reciprocal hybrids from crossing the strongest overexpressors, i.e. AtPDX1.1 OE line 2 and AtPDX2 OE line 4 were chosen for detailed analysis. For clarity, the hybrid resulting from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as male parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as female parent is designated line 1 and that from AtPDX1.1 OE L2 as female parent and AtPDX2 OE L4 as male parent is designated line 2 (Figure 2c). The free vitamin B6 content of shoot material from the double overexpressors was increased up to four-fold over wild-type

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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in mature rosette leaves ... in ... AtPDX1.1-2 OE L2 ... sucrose levels decreased

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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AtPDX1.1 OE ... the leaves of the mature rosette of the overexpressor lines were considerably larger than those of wild-type

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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in ... strong AtPDX1.1 OE line ... Several of the organic acids were also significantly decreased, whereas the levels of several amino acids were increased, however, these changes were not always consistent across the three transgenic lines

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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It is noteworthy, that supplementation of wild-type plants with vitamin B6 did not result in substantial increases in the tissue-level of this vitamin (Figure 3b). Only upon supplementation with very high, non-physiological levels of the vitamin (approximately 500 µm) was a considerable accumulation observed

Raschke M, Boycheva S, Crèvecoeur M, Nunes-Nesi A, Witt S, Fernie AR, Amrhein N, Fitzpatrick TB - Enhanced levels of vitamin B(6) increase aerial organ size and positively affect stress tolerance in Arabidopsis

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T-DNA insertion within RPL7B ... SAIL_838_D03 ... also displayed pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... 2095 contained deletions in ... RPS24B

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rpl4d-3 as2-1 ... Cross-sections ... trumpet-like leaves showed altered vascular patterning, with the xylem being surrounded by phloem in the primary vein (Figure 7i,j), a feature that is typical of abaxialized leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rpl4d-3 as1-1 double mutant ... the primary inflorescence aborted early, with a pin-like structure

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutants ... disorganized palisade mesophyll in most mutant sections

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... 2113 ... rps6a-3 ... not find any mutation in the transcribed region of RPS6A

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... Line 907 contained a 62 bp deletion and a 1037 bp insertion in the RPS28B gene

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... A point mutation was found in the coding region of RPL10aB in the den12 mutant that introduced a premature stop codon

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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Even stronger phenotypes were observed in rpl4d-3 as2-1, for which the majority of leaves were needle-like (Figure 7d) or trumpet-like

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... mutants belonging to the ... Pointed-leaves (Poi ... phenotypic classes

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutant lines ... Leaf indentation in r-protein mutants was evident on the distal lamina of the first and second leaves, particularly at early stages (14 days after stratification; DAS), a trait that appeared to be enhanced by the Ler background or the er-1 mutation that Ler carries

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps6a-3 mutants ... showed strong reductions in the size ... of adaxial epidermal cells

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... 2075 ... mutations in the RPS6A gene ... rps6a-2 ... contained a T-DNA insertion in its 3′ UTR

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutant lines ... We confirmed the pointed-leaf phenotype ... in plants growing on half-strength MS agar plates under continuous light

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps24b-1 mutant had ... no perturbations in cell size

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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These results suggest that cell proliferation is impaired in the mesophyll of r-protein mutant leaves, correlating with an increase in the size of their palisade mesophyll cells ... We call this phenomenon ‘compensation ... Exceptions were the rpl4d-3, rpl4d-4 and rpl38b-1 mutations, which increased the size of palisade mesophyll cells without significantly affecting cell number

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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RPL10aB/PIGGYBACK1 (PGY1 ... homozygous line carrying a T-DNA insertion ... displayed pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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RPS24B ... SALK_000766 ... displayed pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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protein mutants ... analysed ... showed some reduction in ... pavement cell area

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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Plants homozygous for a T-DNA insertion in the RPL28A gene (SALK_072825 ... also exhibited pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... 2074 ... contained deletions in ... RPL18C

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps6a-2 adaxial epidermis had a reduction in cell number only

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rpl18c-1 ... leaves were smaller than those of the wild-type because of a significant reduction in area ... of adaxial pavement cells

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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vascular patterning ... in the primary vein ... were layered as in the wild-type ... in the as2-1

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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Such disorganization of the palisade mesophyll was confirmed in transverse leaf sections of the strong ... rps15a-1 rpl28a-3

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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the increased proportion of endo-reduplicated cells (≥8C) in the leaves of r-protein mutants is in agreement with the compensatory cell enlargement observed in the palisade mesophyll

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... den5 mutation ... RPL7B gene, and found a C→T transition in its 5′ UTR

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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the null rpl4d-4 allele had no detectable effects on cell proliferation in leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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We found a decreased proportion of 4C nuclei and an increase in the proportion of nuclei of higher ploidy levels in all the r-protein mutants studied compared to their wild-types

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutants ... palisade mesophyll ... with increased air spaces

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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T-DNA insertion within RPL7B ... SAIL_1244_B01), which also displayed pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutant lines ... The venation pattern of juvenile leaves in the r-protein mutants did not show any obvious alteration, exceptions being rps6a-1, rpl7b-1, rpl7b-2 and rps15ab-1 rpl28a-3, which exhibited parallel veins on the proximal lamina that extended into the petiole

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... 1027 ... contained deletions ... in ... RPS21B ... RPS21B

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps21b-1 ... leaves were smaller than those of the wild-type because of a significant reduction in area ... of adaxial pavement cells

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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r-protein mutants ... analysed ... showed some reduction in leaf lamina size

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutant lines ... All these mutants displayed leaves that were ... narrower than those of their corresponding wild-types

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... The den30 mutant carried a 29.6 kb deletion that encompassed ten genes, one of which was RPL39C (Figure 1k). A wild-type copy of RPL39C under the control of its own promoter was transferred to the den30 mutant, and rescued its leaf phenotype (Figure S1e). This observation confirmed that the pointed-leaf phenotype of den30 was solely caused by the absence of RPL39C

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutant lines ... Most r-protein mutants had mildly reticulate leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... We found a 1 bp deletion in the coding region of RPL4D (Rosado et al., 2010) in line 446, which caused a frameshift in the protein product

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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RPL18C ... SALK_097816 ... displayed pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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in eight of these r-protein mutants ... palisade mesophyll cell size was significantly increased

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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The number of palisade mesophyll cells in the leaf lamina was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) in eight of these r-protein mutants compared to their Col-0 background, with reductions ranging from 35% in rps21b-2 to 82.5% in rps24b-1

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps6a-3 mutants ... showed strong reductions in the ... number of adaxial epidermal cells

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps24b-1 mutant had ... no perturbations in cell ... number

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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RPS21B ... SALK_130452 ... displayed pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutant lines ... All these mutants displayed leaves that were smaller ... than those of their corresponding wild-types

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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Plants homozygous for a T-DNA insertion in RPL4D (SALK_029203) exhibited pointed leaves

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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neither phloem nor xylem cells were identified in the needle-like leaves of rpl4d-3 as2-1

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... Lines 714B ... mutations in the RPS6A gene ... rps6a-1 ... had a 9 bp deletion in the coding region of RPS6A

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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r-protein mutants ... analysed ... cell densities on the adaxial epidermis of r-protein mutants ... and their wild-type background, and used these data to estimate the number of cells in the entire leaf lamina (Figure 3a). A negative correlation was found between lamina size and cell density in the adaxial epidermis (R2 = 0.6126, P < 0.01; Figure S2b), suggesting that the number of cells was also affected in these mutants

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps28b-1 leaves were smaller than those of the wild-type because of a significant reduction in area ... of adaxial pavement cells

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rpl4d-3 as1-1 double mutant ... later-developing leaves were filamentous or needle-like

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps6a-1 ... showed strong reductions in the size ... of adaxial epidermal cells

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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Such disorganization of the palisade mesophyll was confirmed in transverse leaf sections of the strong rpl39c-1

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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13 r-protein mutant lines ... We confirmed the pointed-leaf phenotype ... in plants growing on ... on rockwool under long-day conditions

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... mutants belonging to the Denticulata (Den ... classes

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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cell proliferation in leaves ... the hypomorphic rps6a alleles had the strongest effects on cell proliferation

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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rps6a-1 ... showed strong reductions in the ... number of adaxial epidermal cells

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... A 2.7 kb deletion was found in the genomic DNA of den29 that encompassed two r-protein genes, RPS15aB and RPL28A

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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pointed leaves with conspicuous indentations in their margins ... Line 2038 line contained a 14 bp deletion in the second exon of RPL38B

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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vascular patterning ... in the primary ... vein ... were layered as in the wild-type ... in ... rpl4d-3

Horiguchi G, Mollá-Morales A, Pérez-Pérez JM, Kojima K, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL, Tsukaya H - Differential contributions of ribosomal protein genes to Arabidopsis thaliana leaf development

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Since the average surface area of leaf blade of Atasf1ab (10.8 ± 1.3 mm2, n = 15) is about 60% of that of WT (17.7 ± 1.8 mm2, n = 15)

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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Atasf1ab ... indicating accumulation of cells in S-phase and at G2-to-M transition in the mutant

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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we carried out the flow-cytometry analysis on first true leaves of WT and Atasf1ab. We found that the proportions of 2C and 4C cells in Atasf1ab are increased (Figure 6c), that is consistent with the delay/arrest of S-phase and G2-to-M transition. While the proportion of 8C cells is almost similar, the 16C and 32C cells are obviously decreased in Atasf1ab compared to WT

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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Defects in chromatin assembly might also cause damage to the newly replicated DNA. To test this assumption, we compared the level of DNA damage in the Atasf1ab mutant with WT using the comet assay. In this assay, the percentage of comet tail produced in the high salt condition represents the degree of DNA double-strand-break (DSB) in the nucleus (Olive and Banath, 2006). We observed above 2-fold increase in percentage of tail to the nucleus in Atasf1ab compared to WT plants under normal growth conditions

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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Atasf1a-2 ... None of these single gene mutants showed any obvious phenotype under our in vitro culture or greenhouse growth conditions

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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cauline leaves of Atasf1ab ... narrower shape

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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We then crossed Atasf1a-2 and Atasf1b-1 and obtained the double mutant Atasf1a-2Atasf1b-1 (hereinafter short-named Atasf1ab ... Atasf1ab plants appeared smaller

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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This latter result indicates that the initiation of endocycle is barely affected but endocycle number is reduced in Atasf1ab

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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cauline leaves of Atasf1ab also show ... needle-like protrusion

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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We found that WT leaves contain 90.4% 3-branch, 9.2% 4-branch and 0.4% 5-branch trichomes, whereas Atasf1ab leaves contain 98.2% 3-branch, 1.8% 4-branch but zero 5-branch trichomes. Therefore, the compromised endoreduplication associates with reduction of trichome branching in the Atasf1 mutant plants

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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that AtASF1 depletion causes replication fork stalling

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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The base-10 logarithms of pavement cell surface sizes in WT show a pattern with a minor peak at 3, corresponding to 1000 µm2, and a major peak at 3.5, corresponding to about 3200 µm2 (Figure 5d). Similar double-peak pattern of pavement cells is also found in leaves at higher node (data not shown) and is consistent with previous report (Melaragno et al., 1993), which is likely caused by the polyploidy of pavement cells with distinct frequencies during leaf development. The double-peak pattern is less obvious in Atasf1ab, which essentially shows only one peak corresponding to the major peak of WT (Figure 5d). The weighted average size of the Atasf1ab pavement cells (3201 µm2) is close to that of WT (3393 µm2)

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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cauline leaves of Atasf1ab ... smaller

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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In Atasf1ab ... the leaf number during bolting is not significantly altered

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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cauline leaves of Atasf1ab also show margin phenotype

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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Atasf1a-1 ... None of these single gene mutants showed any obvious phenotype under our in vitro culture or greenhouse growth conditions

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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In Atasf1ab, the size of rosette leaves is drastically reduced

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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Atasf1b-1 ... None of these single gene mutants showed any obvious phenotype under our in vitro culture or greenhouse growth conditions

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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AtASF1 depletion ... triggers DSB repair checkpoints, particularly the constitutive activation of the HR pathway

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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The weighted average size of the Atasf1ab palisade cells (5667 µm2) is about 80% of that of WT (7094 µm2

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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the numbers of palisade ... cells are estimated to be reduced to roughly 80% ... in Atasf1ab compared with WT

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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To further confirm S-phase progression defect in Atasf1ab, we investigated root tip cells at S-phase by using 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU) staining. We found that compared to WT the Atasf1ab mutant roots contained more cells labeled by EdU (Figure 6b), supporting the conclusion that depletion of AtASF1 activity causes S-phase delay/arrest

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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the numbers of ... pavement cells are estimated to be reduced to roughly ... 65% in Atasf1ab compared with WT

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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Dentate margin appears in rosette leaves of wild-type (WT) and mutants, nevertheless becomes more severe in the double mutant Atasf1ab

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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Under our conditions, base-10 logarithms of palisade cell surface sizes show a nearly normal distribution with a peak at 3.85–3.9, corresponding to 7000–8000 µm2 in WT, but at 3.75, corresponding to 5600 µm2 in Atasf1ab

Zhu Y, Weng M, Yang Y, Zhang C, Li Z, Shen WH, Dong A - Arabidopsis homologues of the histone chaperone ASF1 are crucial for chromatin replication and cell proliferation in plant development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were suppressed ... NtKIS1a-oexp

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were suppressed ... cbp20

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were suppressed ... ago1-27

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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mir164a-4 ProCUC2:CUC1 plants ... developed higher orders of leaflets

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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in the cuc2-1 background ... Expression of the ... ProCUC1:CUC1 constructs could not restore leaf serration

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were suppressed ... se-1

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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mir164a-4 ProCUC2:CUC1 plants showed ... foci of small undifferentiated and dividing cells ... on specific regions along the petiole and on the leaf blade

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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serration in the ... CUC2g-m4 cuc3-105 lines was ... stronger than in the cuc3-105 line

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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Leaf dissection was increased following MIR164A inactivation in the ProCUC2:CUC2 ... lines

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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Serration in the ... CUC2g-m4 cuc3-105 lines was weaker than in the ... CUC2g-m4 lines

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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Serration in the mir164a-4 cuc3-105 ... lines was weaker than in the mir164a-4 ... lines

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were ... strongly reduced ... saw1-1 saw2-1

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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in the cuc2-1 background ... ANAC019 ... could not restore leaf serration

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were ... strongly reduced ... jaw-D

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were suppressed ... UFOoexp

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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Most of the cuc2-1 mutant lines expressing CUC3 under the control of the CUC2 promoter did not show restoration of leaf serration ... whereas 15% of the lines showed deeply dissected and disorganized leaves

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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ProCUC2:CUC1 lines showed a higher level of dissection compared with the wild type and the ProCUC2:CUC2 control construct

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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in the cuc2-1 background ... Expression of the ProCUC1:CUC2 ... constructs could not restore leaf serration

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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cuc3-105 ... showed reduced serrations

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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Leaf dissection was increased following MIR164A inactivation in the ... ProCUC2:CUC1 ... lines

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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serration in the mir164a-4 cuc3-105 ... lines was ... stronger than in the cuc3-105 line

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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in the cuc2-1 background ... Expression of the CUC1 protein under the control of the CUC2 promoter led to leaf dissection

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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Expression of the control construct ProCUC2:CUC2 in the cuc2-1 background restored leaf serration

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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When CUC2 was inactivated in these backgrounds, the serrations were suppressed ... stip-D

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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mir164a-4 ProCUC2:CUC1 plants showed ... Ectopic meristems

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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in the cuc2-1 background ... NAC1 ... could not restore leaf serration

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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mir164a-4 ProCUC2:CUC1 plants showed ... Leaflet-like structures ... developed in the proximal half of the blade

Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, Adroher B, Grigg S, Tsiantis M, Boudaoud A, Damerval C, Laufs P - Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development

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In atnuf mutants U14 was strongly reduced. Considering that U14 is a conserved C/D snoRNA implicated in pre-rRNA cleavage in animals (Enright et al., 1996) and yeast (Li et al., 1990), we analysed the accumulation of pre-rRNAs as well as rRNAs by real time-qRT-PCR in the mutants (Figure 7b). Specific pair of primers complementary to pre-rRNA spacer sequences (5'ETS and ITS1) were designed (Figure 7b). The analysis showed a 1.5- to two-fold increase for pre-rRNA precursors in atnuf mutants that probably reflects impairment in pre-rRNA processing due to reduction of U14 (Figure 7b). Nevertheless, no impact on steady-state levels of mature rRNA 18S and 25S was observed in atnuf mutants (Figure 7b

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Reduction of methylation guide C/D snoRNAs in atnuf mutants should impair 2'-O-ribose methylation of their target residues. To confirm this finding we analysed the level of methylation of rRNA residues using primer extension assay with limiting dNTP substrate (Barneche et al., 2001). Upon limiting dNTP, the reverse transcriptase becomes sensitive to the 2'-O-ribose methylation and generates a premature stop signal. As a positive control, we assessed the methylation of 25S:Gm2114 directed by snoR60, which is not affected in atnuf mutants. Under limiting dNTP, a premature stop signal appeared at the target rRNA residue in wild type plants (Figure 7a). A similar premature stop signal was detected on rRNA from atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 showing that methylation of this residue was not affected in the mutants

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Both mutants had phyllotaxy defects revealed

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 ... some seedlings with three cotyledons

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 ... plants with two cauline leaves on the same node

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We assessed whether AtNUFIP is required for accumulation of intronic H/ACA scaR103 predicted to target pseudouridylation of U5 (Chen and Wu, 2009; Kim et al., 2010). No effect was observed in its accumulation in atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 mutants

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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these results show a significant reduction of the 2'-O-ribose methylation of rRNA residues targeted by C/D snoRNAs encoded by polycistronic clusters in atnuf mutants, with no significant effect on total rRNA accumulation

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We then assessed methylation of 25S:Am2826 directed by snoR24 that is drastically reduced in mutants. Methylation of this residue was clearly detected in wild type plants (Figure 7a). Nevertheless the strong arrest signal under limiting dNTPs was not observed with atnuf-1 or atnuf-2 rRNAs indicating a drastic reduction of methylation of this residue

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 seedlings ... were smaller

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 ... adult plants were smaller

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Homozygous atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 mutants were affected in their development ... Both mutants showed significant growth delay as compared with wild type plants

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 seedlings ... This situation was most evident in young seedlings that had a pointed leaf phenotype that is typical of ribosomal protein mutants

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

many atnuf-2 seedlings had premature growth arrest and did not reach the adult state

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 ... presented leaf morphological defects compared to wild type

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We tested methylation of 25S:Gm1260 and 25S:Gm1275 targeted both by C/D snoR22 with has two guide sequences (Brown et al., 2003b). Methylation of its two targets was revealed by two strong premature stop signals in wild type plants (Figure 7a). The snoR22 levels are reduced in the mutants and there are no premature stops on atnuf-1 and atnuf-2 rRNAs, revealing a drastic reduction of their methylation

Rodor J, Jobet E, Bizarro J, Vignols F, Carles C, Suzuki T, Nakamura K, Echeverría M - AtNUFIP, an essential protein for plant development, reveals the impact of snoRNA gene organisation on the assembly of snoRNPs and rRNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the sizes of adaxial pavement cells were normal in ... ven6 mutants

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

Adult leaves exhibited marginal indentations that were more pronounced than in the wild-type, particularly in the ven3-3/ven3-3 plants

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

The ven3-1 ... homozygotes ... first leaves ... more pigmented than those of ven3-2 and ven3-4

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven3-3 ... homozygotes ... first leaves ... more pigmented than those of ven3-2 and ven3-4

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6 ... leaf reticulation was completely suppressed by the addition of 1 mm exogenous citrulline

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven3 ... cause leaf reticulation

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

The ven3-1 ... homozygotes ... curled-up first leaves

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6-2 ... curled leaves than ven6-1

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

The leaves ... of the ven3-2 ... homozygotes ... were smaller than those of the wild-type

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells ... using differential interference contrast micrographs, were significantly reduced in the leaves of ven3-1/ven3-1

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven3 ... mutations ... semi-dominant ... reduced mesophyll cell number

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

The reticulate phenotype observed in the ven3/ven3 ven6/ven6 double mutants was also completely suppressed by the exogenous citrulline

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells ... using differential interference contrast micrographs, were significantly reduced in the leaves of ... ven3-2/ven3-2

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven3 ... leaf reticulation was completely suppressed by the addition of 1 mm exogenous citrulline

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6-1 homozygotes ... first leaves ... more pigmented than those of ven3-2 and ven3

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

confocal microscopy, we observed a reduction in the number of palisade mesophyll cells in the leaves of ven3 ... homozygotes

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6-1 homozygotes ... curled-up first leaves

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6-2 ... paler ... leaves than ven6-1

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

palisade mesophyll cells ... using differential interference contrast micrographs, were significantly reduced in the leaves of ... ven3-4/ven3-4

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6-2 ... smaller ... leaves than ven6-1

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6 mutations ... cause leaf reticulation

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven3-3 ... homozygotes ... curled-up first leaves

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

The leaves ... ven3-4 homozygotes ... were smaller than those of the wild-type

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

ven6 mutations are semi-dominant ... cause ... reduced mesophyll cell number

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

the sizes of adaxial pavement cells were normal in ven3 ... mutants

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

confocal microscopy, we observed a reduction in the number of palisade mesophyll cells in the leaves of ... ven6 homozygotes

Mollá-Morales A, Sarmiento-Mañús R, Robles P, Quesada V, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Hannah MA, Willmitzer L, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Analysis of ven3 and ven6 reticulate mutants reveals the importance of arginine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

cry1-304 ... reduced biomass when compared with the wild type when grown at 21 or 28°C

Foreman J, Johansson H, Hornitschek P, Josse EM, Fankhauser C, Halliday KJ - Light receptor action is critical for maintaining plant biomass at warm ambient temperatures

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  • Phenotype

while the combined photoreceptor mutant phyB-9cry1-304 was more effective in reducing plant biomass than phyB-9hfr1-101 at 21°C, these genotypes had comparable severe growth retardation and biomass phenotypes at 28°C

Foreman J, Johansson H, Hornitschek P, Josse EM, Fankhauser C, Halliday KJ - Light receptor action is critical for maintaining plant biomass at warm ambient temperatures

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  • Phenotype

phyB-9 ... reduced biomass when compared with the wild type when grown at 21 or 28°C

Foreman J, Johansson H, Hornitschek P, Josse EM, Fankhauser C, Halliday KJ - Light receptor action is critical for maintaining plant biomass at warm ambient temperatures

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  • Phenotype

phyB-9cry1-304 had reduced biomass when compared with the wild type when grown at 21 or 28°C

Foreman J, Johansson H, Hornitschek P, Josse EM, Fankhauser C, Halliday KJ - Light receptor action is critical for maintaining plant biomass at warm ambient temperatures

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  • Phenotype

The double knockout nhx5 nhx6 ... Growth differences became more pronounced over time such that at 35 d, the rosette diameter of nhx5 nhx6 was 20% that of the wild type (Figure 1E

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

At germination, nhx5 nhx6 displayed even greater sensitivity to salt, evidenced by a nearly complete arrest of growth after cotyledon emergence, followed by slight, if any, seedling establishment when sown on 100 mM NaCl–supplemented plates (see Supplemental Figure 6 online

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves ... Secondary cell wall deposition as assayed by toluidine blue-O staining appeared considerably reduced in the double mutant

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves. Cross sections through the midvein of nhx5 nhx6 leaves revealed a profound reduction in cell size and number

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves ... Mesophyll cell size and cell number (Figures 2A to 2C) were reduced by almost 50% in the double knockout compared with the wild type

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The single knockouts nhx5 and nhx6 did not show any obvious growth phenotypes or developmental defects when grown in either soil (Figure 1) or plates

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Interestingly other double knockouts combining NHX5 and the vacuolar NHX members NHX1 and NHX3 (i.e., the double knockouts nhx1 nhx5 and nhx3 nhx5) also did not differ considerably from the wild type in their response to salt

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Interestingly other double knockouts combining NHX5 and the vacuolar NHX members NHX1 and NHX3 (i.e., the double knockouts nhx1 nhx5 and nhx3 nhx5) also did not differ considerably from the wild type in their response to salt

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The fresh weight of nhx5 nhx6 at 150 mM NaCl was only 38% of that of plants grown on 1 mM NaCl

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The single knockouts nhx5 and nhx6 did not show any obvious growth phenotypes or developmental defects when grown in either soil (Figure 1) or plates

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves. Cross sections through the midvein of nhx5 nhx6 leaves revealed a profound reduction in cell size and ... Chloroplasts within mesophyll cells were stained with amido black 10B and appeared more concentrated in the double knockout ... probably because of the smaller cell size

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves ... Mesophyll cell size and cell number (Figures 2A to 2C) were reduced by almost 50% in the double knockout compared with the wild type. To determine if this effect was cell specific, we also quantified xylem cell size and number in the same cross sections and determined a similar trend

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves. Cross sections through the midvein of nhx5 nhx6 leaves revealed a profound reduction in cell size and number

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves ... Mesophyll cell size and cell number (Figures 2A to 2C) were reduced by almost 50% in the double knockout compared with the wild type. To determine if this effect was cell specific, we also quantified xylem cell size and number in the same cross sections and determined a similar trend

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

In contrast with nhx5 nhx6, the sensitivity to salt of the single knockouts nhx5 and nhx6 did not differ from the wild type

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the known role of NHX in salt responses (Apse et al., 1999), the sensitivity of nhx5 nhx6 double mutants to salt stress was also investigated. When 2-week-old seedlings were transplanted from control media (1 mM NaCl) to 150 mM NaCl–supplemented plates and grown further for 2 weeks, growth differences between the double knockout and the wild type became evident (Figure 4). Before transplant, nhx5 nhx6 had 70% of the fresh weight of wild-type plants, but after 2 weeks of growth on salt, fresh weight of nhx5 nhx6 was only 43% of that of the wild type

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves ... Chloroplasts within mesophyll cells were stained with amido black 10B and appeared more concentrated in the double knockout (Figure 2H) probably because of the smaller cell size (Figure 2C), which correlated well with the dark green color seen in nhx5 nhx6 leaves

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the known role of NHX in salt responses (Apse et al., 1999), the sensitivity of nhx5 nhx6 double mutants to salt stress was also investigated. When 2-week-old seedlings were transplanted from control media (1 mM NaCl) to 150 mM NaCl–supplemented plates and grown further for 2 weeks, growth differences between the double knockout and the wild type became evident (Figure 4). Before transplant, nhx5 nhx6 had 70% of the fresh weight of wild-type plants, but after 2 weeks of growth on salt, fresh weight of nhx5 nhx6 was only 43% of that of the wild type

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The area of palisade mesophyll cells (calculated through a cross section) of leaf margins in nhx5 nhx6 cells was 55% of that of wild-type palisade cells

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Given the slow growth and development of nhx5 nhx6, we sought to compare cellular organization and architecture in leaves ... Mesophyll cell size and cell number (Figures 2A to 2C) were reduced by almost 50% in the double knockout compared with the wild type

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

In contrast with nhx5 nhx6, the sensitivity to salt of the single knockouts nhx5 and nhx6 did not differ from the wild type

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The fresh weight of nhx5 nhx6 at 150 mM NaCl was only 38% of that of plants grown on 1 mM NaCl, whereas in wild-type plants, fresh weight at 150 mM NaCl was 72% of that in 1 mM NaCl media

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The double knockout nhx5 nhx6, however, displayed remarkable growth and developmental phenotypes (Figures 1A to 1D). Under either short (SDs) or long days (LDs), nhx5 nhx6 was drastically smaller and displayed much slowed development compared with wild-type plants

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The double knockout nhx5 nhx6, however, displayed remarkable growth and developmental phenotypes (Figures 1A to 1D). Under either short (SDs) or long days (LDs), nhx5 nhx6 was drastically smaller and displayed much slowed development compared with wild-type plants

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

Similar to other cell types, the area of epidermal cells was also reduced. Quantitative estimates of cell area, calculated from images taken of epidermal peels, indicated that the average cell area of nhx5 nhx6 was 26% of that of wild-type cells

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The double knockout nhx5 nhx6, however, displayed remarkable growth and developmental phenotypes (Figures 1A to 1D). Under either short (SDs) or long days (LDs), nhx5 nhx6 was drastically smaller and displayed much slowed development compared with wild-type plants

Bassil E, Ohto MA, Esumi T, Tajima H, Zhu Z, Cagnac O, Belmonte M, Peleg Z, Yamaguchi T, Blumwald E - The Arabidopsis intracellular Na+/H+ antiporters NHX5 and NHX6 are endosome associated and necessary for plant growth and development

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In vivo31P-NMR analysis of leaves indicated that the quantity of Pi in the cytoplasm was similar between WT, pho1-2, B1 and B3, at 0.3–0.5 µmol g-1

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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The OsPHO1;2 gene under the control of the Arabidopsis PHO1 promoter ... Analysis of shoot lipid content revealed that, compared with pho1-4, the P5 line showed no increase in the galactolipid DGDG, a weak decrease in the phospholipids PG, PC and PI, and a small increase in the sulfolipid SQDG (Figure 3b). In vivo31P-NMR showed a level of vacuolar Pi that was approximately fivefold reduced compared with the WT

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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In contrast, whereas Pi concentration in the vacuole was high in the WT (11.7 µmol g-1), and accounted for almost 95% of the cellular Pi pool, it was severely reduced in pho1-2 (0.9 µmol g-1), as well as the B1 and B3 lines (1.6–1.8 µmol g-1)

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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We examined whether optimal growth of WT plants could be achieved under conditions where the level of Pi transferred to WT shoots was equivalent to that in the B1 and B3 lines. Growing WT plants in hydroculture with an external medium Pi concentration of 200 µm led to the acquisition of 33Pi at a rate of 6 nmol h-1 in the shoot, a value that is intermediate between the 4.6 and 7.4 nmol h-1 rates found for B1 and B3 grown at 1000 µm external Pi (Table 1). In vivo31P-NMR analysis revealed that compared with WT plants grown at 1000 µm external Pi, WT plants grown at 200 µm external Pi had a threefold decrease in vacuolar Pi content, or a 2.7-fold reduction in total cellular Pi content (Figure 6a), associated with a twofold reduction in shoot mass

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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The dynamic of Pi transport from the external media, and into the roots and shoots, was examined for plants grown in hydroculture using radiolabeled 33Pi. Analysis of the shoot transfer capacity, defined as the proportion of Pi acquired by the plant that is transferred to the shoot, confirmed that the pho1-2 mutant was severely affected, only being able to transfer 3.6% of the acquired 33Pi to the shoot, whereas the WT transferred 22.5% (Table 1). B1 and B3 lines showed an intermediate level of transfer of Pi from roots to shoots, at 6.9 and 10.4%, respectively

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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in contrast to the near WT-growth behavior of the B1 and B3 lines, the level of Pi in the shoots of these lines was similar from the pho1-2 mutant, being three to four-fold lower compared with WT over the whole growth period

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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OsPHO1;2 gene under the control of the Arabidopsis PHO1 promoter ... Growth of P5 in hydroculture with various levels of external Pi showed that the shoot Pi content was similar when P5 is grown in 50 µm external Pi and when the WT is grown in 1 mm Pi

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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Taking into consideration that the root Pi uptake capacity was different among lines (Table 1), determination of the absolute level of 33Pi transferred to the shoot gives a more accurate view of the quantity of Pi actually transferred to the shoot (defined as shoot uptake in Table 1). Thus, although shoots of the WT plant acquired 33Pi at a rate of 19.5 nmol h-1, the pho1-2 shoot only acquired 33Pi at a rate of 1.1 nmol h-1, and the shoots of the B1 and B3 lines acquired 33Pi at a rate of 4.6 and 7.4 nmol h-1, respectively (Table 1). Altogether, these data indicate that the shoots of B1 and B3 lines acquired 4.2- and 2.6-fold less Pi compared with the WT, respectively, whereas the pho1-2 null mutant acquired 17-fold less Pi into the shoot than the WT

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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The OsPHO1;2 gene under the control of the Arabidopsis PHO1 promoter ... Elemental analysis of leaves from 4-week-old plants confirmed that phosphorus was the primary element that was reduced in line P5

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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In comparison, line B1 grown at 1000 µm external Pi had an 11-fold decrease in vacuolar Pi content, or a 7.8-fold reduction in total cellular Pi content, compared with WT grown at 1000 µm, yet without an associated reduction in shoot mass (Figure 6a,b). These data show that at comparable rates of Pi acquisition in the shoot, the B1 line underexpressing PHO1 grows significantly better than the WT while storing less Pi in the shoot vacuole

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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The growth phenotype and shoot Pi content were monitored for the PHO1-underexpressor lines B1 and B3, the null mutant pho1-2 and WT plants grown in soil. Growth of B1 was indistinguishable from that of WT over the whole period, whereas B3 showed only a slight reduction in fresh weight compared with WT or B1. In comparison, the pho1-2 mutant showed a strong reduction in shoot growth, particularly after 12 days

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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The OsPHO1;2 gene under the control of the Arabidopsis PHO1 promoter was transformed into the pho1-4 mutant, and a set of 12 transformants were analyzed for rosette growth and Pi content. Whereas all transformants had a low shoot Pi, similar to the pho1-4 mutant, two lines had a shoot fresh weight similar to that of WT plants, namely P5 and P36

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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Analysis of the lipid profiles of leaves from plants grown in soil revealed that, in comparison with the WT, pho1-2 plants had the expected decrease in the main four phospholipid classes (PG, PC, PE and PI), as well as a sharp fourfold increase in sulfolipids SQDG and a less pronounced increase in the galactolipid DGDG (Essigmann et al., 1998). In contrast, the B1 and B3 lines showed no statistically significant changes in DGDG or phospholipids, and only a weak 1.6-fold increase in SQDG

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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The OsPHO1;2 gene under the control of the Arabidopsis PHO1 promoter ... The root-to-shoot Pi transfer activity was reduced in P5, with 3.6 nmol h-1 of Pi transferred to the shoot, compared with 0.8 nmol h-1 for pho1-4 and 21 nmol h-1 for WT

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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Elemental analysis of leaves from 4-week-old plants confirmed that phosphorus was the primary element that was reduced in B1 and B3 lines, with leaves of pho1-2, B1 and B3 plants having 2.2-fold less phosphorus compared with WT plants

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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Comparative analysis of shoot growth and Pi content of shoots and roots was further assessed by growing plants in a hydroculture system with media containing Pi concentrations ranging from 5 to 1000 µm (Figure 5a–c). In all external Pi concentrations tested, B1 and B3 lines exhibited a Pi content in roots and shoots that was similar to that of the pho1-2 mutant, while maintaining shoot growth comparable with that of the WT (Figure 5a–c). Altogether, these results revealed that although the steady-state levels of Pi in PHO1-underexpressor lines are equivalent to the pho1-2 null mutant, shoot growth, rosette appearance, seed yield and leaf lipid content are more comparable with Pi-sufficient WT plants

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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The OsPHO1;2 gene under the control of the Arabidopsis PHO1 promoter ... The growth of P5 in soil was slightly lower compared with that of the WT, but was clearly higher than the parental mutant pho1-4, even though the level of Pi in shoots remained low and similar to pho1-4 throughout the growth period

Rouached H, Stefanovic A, Secco D, Bulak Arpat A, Gout E, Bligny R, Poirier Y. - Uncoupling phosphate deficiency from its major effects on growth and transcriptome via PHO1 expression in Arabidopsis

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To study functional relationships between atTic20-I and the other three genes, tic20-I heterozygotes (both alleles) were crossed to the other mutants. Individual green plants from resulting F2 or F3 generations were genotyped, and plants that were heterozygous for tic20-I and homozygous for each of the other tic20 mutations were identified. For all such double mutants involving tic20-II and tic20-V, albino plants were observed in the subsequent generation, following self-pollination, at the expected frequency (Table 1); for each of the four relevant crosses, 10 albino plants were genotyped and shown to be double homozygotes (data not shown). Moreover, these double-homozygous albino plants were not phenotypically different from the corresponding tic20-I single-mutant parent (Figure 5b). This suggests that atTic20-I shares little or no functional redundancy with the Group 2 proteins

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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tic20-I-1 and tic20-I-2 exhibited a phenotype that was obviously different from wild type. In populations segregating for these two mutations, significant numbers of individuals exhibited a striking albino-like appearance

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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we observed that tic20-I-2 plants are slightly larger than tic20-I-1 plants, and that they are somewhat greener in appearance (Figure 5a); this is consistent with the observation that tic20-I-2 is a knockdown allele

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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chloroplasts in the tic20-I-2 mutant were much smaller than those in the wild type, they did exhibit significant thylakoid membrane development, especially after 14 days; this is consistent with the greener appearance of plants carrying this allele

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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By contrast, 35S:TIC20-II and 35S:TIC20-V constructs did not mediate any detectable complementation of tic20-I-1, in any of the transformants identified

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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the 35S:TIC20-I control construct was very effective at mediating complementation of tic20-I-1 (Figure S6). In accordance with the phylogenetic and double-mutant analyses indicating a close relationship between atTic20-I and atTic20-IV (Figures 1 and 8), the 35S:TIC20-IV construct also mediated significant complementation (Figure 9). However, while the 35S:TIC20-IV transformants grew to a significantly larger size than the untransformed control plants, this construct was not able to restore normal greening to tic20-I, unlike the control 35S:TIC20-I construct. This indicated significant but incomplete functional redundancy between atTic20-I and atTic20-IV

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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In tic20-I-1 plants, hardly any chloroplast development was observed: the plastids did not contain any thylakoid membranes, and a significant proportion were found to contain large inclusions or were surrounded by multilayered envelope membrane structures

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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By contrast, 35S:TIC20-II and 35S:TIC20-V constructs did not mediate any detectable complementation of tic20-I-1, in any of the transformants identified

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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To study functional relationships between atTic20-I and the other three genes, tic20-I heterozygotes (both alleles) were crossed to the other mutants. Individual green plants from resulting F2 or F3 generations were genotyped, and plants that were heterozygous for tic20-I and homozygous for each of the other tic20 mutations were identified. For all such double mutants involving tic20-II and tic20-V, albino plants were observed in the subsequent generation, following self-pollination, at the expected frequency (Table 1); for each of the four relevant crosses, 10 albino plants were genotyped and shown to be double homozygotes (data not shown). Moreover, these double-homozygous albino plants were not phenotypically different from the corresponding tic20-I single-mutant parent (Figure 5b). This suggests that atTic20-I shares little or no functional redundancy with the Group 2 proteins

Kasmati AR, Töpel M, Patel R, Murtaza G, Jarvis P - Molecular and genetic analyses of Tic20 homologues in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

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rid2-1 mutation converts a cysteine residue near the SAM binding motif into an arginine (Figure 6c). This amino acid substitution is considered to cause a partial loss of the protein function, as the rid2-1 phenotype is recessive to the wild-type phenotype, and it is much weaker compared with the lethality of rid2-2 and rid2-3

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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The rid2-1 mutant was temperature sensitive for seedling growth as well as for callus formation. In rid2-1 seedlings grown at 22°C, the true leaves were pointed

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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rid2-1 seedlings grown at 28°C ... died after producing a few needle-like ... leaves

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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rid2-1 seedlings grown at 28°C ... died after producing ... very tiny leaves

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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Plants homozygous for the rid2-2 ... were not found in selfed progeny of each corresponding heterozygote (Table 1). In these progeny, the wild type (RID2/RID2) and heterozygotes (RID2/rid2-2 or RID2/rid2-3) were segregated at a ratio of approximately 1:1 (Table 1). Reciprocal crossing between wild-type plants and rid2-2 or rid2-3 heterozygotes revealed that the rid2-2 and rid2-3 alleles show substantial transmission through male gametophytes only (Table 1). These findings suggested that RID2 is an essential gene that plays a critical role in female gametophytes during reproduction

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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First, by means of the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we analyzed the accumulation of rRNA precursor in hypocotyl explants during callus initiation. Upon CIM culture of the wild-type explants, levels of rRNA precursors increased significantly, which may reflect activation of rRNA biosynthesis (Figure 5b). In the rid2-1 explants, regardless of the culture temperature, rRNA precursors were much more abundant than in the wild-type explants (Figure 5b). Secondly, we grew seedlings of the wild type and rid2-1 under various temperature conditions, and we examined the accumulation of rRNA precursors by means of RNA gel blot analysis. In the rid2-1 mutant, almost all processing intermediates accumulated excessively at both 22 and 28°C (Figure 5c). This overaccumulation of rRNA precursors showed that the rid2-1 mutant has a marked effect on rRNA biosynthesis. In plants heterozygous for the rid2-1 mutation, the quantities of rRNA intermediates were almost at a normal level

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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Hypocotyl explants of the rid2-1 mutant were inspected under a microscope, and the stele cells were found to be abnormally swollen during culture on CIM at 28°C (Figure 4a). In these cells, the nucleoli were extraordinarily large, and each nucleolus contained a prominent and very large nucleolar cavity (Figure 4a). This unusual structure of the nucleolus of rid2-1 was confirmed by using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged NHP2 (NHP2:GFP) as a nucleolar protein marker (Figure 4b), and by double-staining with 2-{4-[amino(imino)methyl]phenyl}-1H-indole-6-carboximidamide (DAPI) and SYTO RNASelect (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, (Figure 4c). Nucleolar vacuolation was also observed in various tissues of the rid2-1 seedlings that had been exposed to a temperature of 28°C (Figure 4d; Table S1). At 22°C, the effect of the rid2-1 mutation on the nucleolar structure was much weaker in all tissues, but was still detectable in comparison with the wild-type cells (Figure 4a,b,d; Table S1

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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Plants homozygous for the ... rid2-3 mutation were not found in selfed progeny of each corresponding heterozygote (Table 1). In these progeny, the wild type (RID2/RID2) and heterozygotes (RID2/rid2-2 or RID2/rid2-3) were segregated at a ratio of approximately 1:1 (Table 1). Reciprocal crossing between wild-type plants and rid2-2 or rid2-3 heterozygotes revealed that the rid2-2 and rid2-3 alleles show substantial transmission through male gametophytes only (Table 1). These findings suggested that RID2 is an essential gene that plays a critical role in female gametophytes during reproduction

Ohbayashi I, Konishi M, Ebine K, Sugiyama M - Genetic identification of Arabidopsis RID2 as an essential factor involved in pre-rRNA processing

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double hsp70-1/2 knockout mutant displays a wild-type-like phenotype ... sequencing of the T-DNA flanking region in SALK_087844 revealed a large deletion in front of the T-DNA insertion in exon 2 of AtHsp70-2. This deletion spans six open reading frames, including AtHsp70-1 (Figure 1e). Therefore, SALK_087844 can be considered as an hsp70-1/hsp70-2 double mutant, and this was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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The hsp70-14 knockout mutant was indistinguishable from wild-type

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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double hsp70-1/2 knockout mutant ... TuMV tolerance of the double mutant did not differ from that of wild-type plants

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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the hsp70-15 knockout mutant showed a clear phenotype similar to that of the amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 plants. Athsp70-15 knockout plants showed enhanced wilting

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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four independent transgenic amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 lines ... displaying ... altered leaf morphology compared to the control line

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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To quantify stomatal conductance, gas-exchange measurements in intact plants were performed. As shown in Figure 4(b), water vapour conductance, a measure of stomatal aperture, of amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 plants was strongly enhanced compared to controls

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 plants ... similar dose–response effects of ABA on leaf senescence in control and silenced plants

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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To test the ABA responsiveness of AtHsp70-14/15 silenced plants, control and silenced plants were treated with 50 μm ABA. As expected, stomatal closure of control plants was mediated by ABA treatment (Figure 4b). In contrast, the stomatal conductance of amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 plants remained basically unchanged following ABA treatment

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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Microscopic inspection of abaxial leaf surfaces of control and transgenic plants revealed that stomatal density was comparable between amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 and control leaves

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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four independent transgenic amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 lines ... displaying a reduced growth phenotype

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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As detached leaves from amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 plants shrivelled faster than control leaves

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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hsp70-1 ... knockout mutant displays a wild-type-like phenotype

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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the hsp70-15 knockout mutant showed ... growth reduction

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 ... stomatal aperture appeared to be altered. While most stomata of control leaves closed during microscopic inspection, stomata of amiRNA-AtHsp70-14/15 plants failed to close

Jungkunz I, Link K, Vogel F, Voll LM, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U - AtHsp70-15-deficient Arabidopsis plants are characterized by reduced growth, a constitutive cytosolic protein response and enhanced resistance to TuMV

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Under our growth conditions, leaves L8, L9 and L10 were already initiated in control plants by day 16 (Figure 3a). When Dex was supplied to plants from days 16–21 (i.e. post-initiation of leaves L8, L9 and L10), extreme lobing was observed (Figure 3b,c), indicating that the induced CUC2-directed KRP1 expression was active after leaf initiation and was responsible for the observed changes in shape in the proximal part of the leaf where cell division normally occurs at this stage of development

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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we targeted repression of growth to the leaf perimeter using an enhancer trap (E4907) to drive AtKRP1 expression (Laplaze et al., 2005). E4907 shows dynamic margin-localized reporter gene expression during early stages of leaf development, with GFP signal extending around the leaf perimeter from the distal tip, followed by extension of GFP expression across the abaxial epidermis at later stages of development (Figure 5). Thus, the E4907 line can be used to drive expression of a target gene (in our case, AtKRP1) to create gradients of growth repression, initially across the surface of the leaf (from the perimeter inwards), and, at later stages of leaf development, along the adaxial/abaxial axis ... AtKRP1 expression was driven via the E4907 line (E4907>>KRP1), a smoother leaf perimeter resulted relative to the control line (Figure 6a,b). Closer examination revealed that serration initiation had occurred in these leaves (Figure 6c,d), but that the subsequent differential growth that normally leads to the curved form of the serration was lacking, with the serrations themselves remaining as small pegs consisting of relatively enlarged cells. As the E4907 driver line does not target gene expression to the entire margin at the very earliest stages of leaf development (Figure 5a,b), our data do not address the question of the role of cell division at the stage of serration initiation, but they do indicate that serration outgrowth requires the maintenance of cell proliferation

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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To investigate the effect of enhanced growth repression in the CUC2 domain, an AtKRP1 coding sequence was placed under Dex-inducible transcriptional control via a CUC2 promoter ... Analysis of leaf histology showed that the cells in the region of CUC2-directed AtKRP1 expression were greatly enlarged relative to adjacent cells (Figure 2e–g) and relative to cells in equivalent positions in wild-type leaves ... This differential cell size was observed in both the epidermis and parenchyma of the targeted tissue

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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To investigate whether induction of growth repression in other domains of the leaf could be used to alter leaf shape, we created transgenic lines in which a modified form of KRP1 [KRP1miR164ts, in which the target sequence for miR164 (Nikovics et al., 2006) was spliced to the 3' end of the KRP1 coding sequence] could be inducibly expressed throughout the leaf (pOpON::KRP1miR164ts plants ... The cells at a distance from this structure were relatively large (both in the epidermis and parenchyma) (Figure 4c), indicating the non-CUC2 domain (at the time of induction) in which over-expressed KRP1miR164ts was not cleaved and thus tissue growth was repressed via KRP1 activity

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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The results from analysis of CUC2>>KRP1 plants indicated that enhanced growth repression in the CUC2 domain led to deeper lobe formation. To investigate whether induction of growth repression in other domains of the leaf could be used to alter leaf shape, we created transgenic lines in which a modified form of KRP1 [KRP1miR164ts, in which the target sequence for miR164 (Nikovics et al., 2006) was spliced to the 3' end of the KRP1 coding sequence] could be inducibly expressed throughout the leaf (pOpON::KRP1miR164ts plants ... In the lower part of the leaf, in the axis of the lower lobe and main body of the leaf (green arrow, Figure 4b), cell size was normal (both in epidermis and parenchyma) (Figure 4d), indicating the CUC2 domain (at the time of induction) in which over-expressed KRP1miR164ts was cleaved and a normal pattern of growth occurred

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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E4907>>KRP1 lines ... KRP1-mediated growth suppression in the leaf margin led to formation of leaves with a distinctive 3D cup shape ... However, as growth of the leaf progressed and KRP1 over-expression (and consequential growth repression) appeared in the abaxial epidermis, ‘flipping’ of this cup occurred so that the proximal edge of the leaves curled downwards while the leaf tip curled upwards (Figure 6k). These data show that imposition of growth suppression initially around the margin but later across the abaxial/adaxial axis was sufficient to affect 3D leaf form

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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Molecular analysis confirmed an elevated level of AtKRP1 transcript in the E4907>>KRP1 lines (Figure 6e), and analysis of leaf histology revealed an accumulation of larger cells in the region of the margin (both epidermis and parenchyma), extending inwards from the leaf perimeter (Figure 6f–i). Analysis of leaves at a very early stage of development also indicated accumulation of larger cells around the leaf perimeter and tip in the E4907>>KRP leaves, extending inwards from the margin where GFP expression was detectable (Figure 7), consistent with the expected pattern of KRP1 accumulation

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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To investigate whether induction of growth repression in other domains of the leaf could be used to alter leaf shape, we created transgenic lines in which a modified form of KRP1 [KRP1miR164ts, in which the target sequence for miR164 (Nikovics et al., 2006) was spliced to the 3' end of the KRP1 coding sequence] could be inducibly expressed throughout the leaf (pOpON::KRP1miR164ts plants ... When KRP1miR164ts expression was induced during an early phase of growth of leaf 4 (days 8–10), growth was repressed in the distal domain of the leaf (Figure 4a). Small serrations/lobes were produced in the upper part of the leaf, reflecting a pattern already present at the time of induction, but these remained as small peg-like structures

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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To investigate the effect of enhanced growth repression in the CUC2 domain, an AtKRP1 coding sequence was placed under Dex-inducible transcriptional control via a CUC2 promoter ... Our results show that, when AtKRP1 expression was targeted to the CUC2 domain of Arabidopsis leaves, more extreme lobing did indeed occur (Figure 2a). This frequently led to formation of distinct leaflet-like organs along the lower flank of the leaves (Figure 2a,b,d). Although the depth of sinus indentation was clearly increased towards the base of the leaves, a smaller change was observed towards the leaf tip, suggesting that the basic pattern of lobbing/serration was not altered by these manipulations

Malinowski R, Kasprzewska A, Fleming AJ - Targeted manipulation of leaf form via local growth repression

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The overall height in bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants was a third of the wild type

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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short stature ... bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc6

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... aberrant leaf morphology

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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we observed defects in bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc3-1 bpc4 bpc6 pentuple mutants

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 ... The height of the primary inflorescence and plant stature was slightly reduced relative to the wild type

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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No phenotypic effects were observed for single mutants in any BPC gene

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 ... Rosette leaves were smaller

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... rosette leaves ... abaxial surfaces had ... clusters of stomata

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... At 8 weeks, when most wild-type plants were nearing the end of their life cycles, the quadruple mutant plants were not senescing and 30% had primary inflorescences that were shorter than their axillary branches (Figure S5). This percentage increased in subsequent weeks, and by the time the delayed senescence of the quadruple mutants was apparent at 10.5 weeks, excessive axillary growth had produced a bushy shape

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

short stature ... bpc1-1 bpc4 bpc6

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

short stature ... bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... rosette leaves ... abaxial surfaces had irregularly shaped epidermal cells

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bpc1-1 bpc2 ... Rosette leaves were ... more curled

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 ... comprising a rosette that was smaller in diameter

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... The adaxial epidermal cells of quadruple mutant rosette leaves were longer

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... curled ... leaves

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... small rosettes

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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The introduction of a bpc7 allele containing a T-DNA in an exon encoding the N-terminal domain of BPC7 into the bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc3-1 bpc4 bpc6 background did not produce any changes in phenotype

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... The adaxial epidermal cells of quadruple mutant rosette leaves were ... larger than those of the wild-type leaves

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

small rosettes ... bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc6

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

short stature ... bpc1-1 bpc2

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

small rosettes ... bpc1-1 bpc4 bpc6

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... the venation patterns in rosette leaves, cauline leaves and cotyledons appeared normal

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... asymmetric leaves

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

small rosettes ... bpc1-1 bpc2

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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No phenotypic effects were observed for single mutants in any BPC gene. Double and triple mutants within class-II genes (BPC4, BPC5 and BPC6) were also indistinguishable from the wild type

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

No phenotypic effects were observed for single mutants in any BPC gene

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

No phenotypic effects were observed for single mutants in any BPC gene. Double and triple mutants within class-II genes (BPC4, BPC5 and BPC6) were also indistinguishable from the wild type

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

short stature ... bpc2 bpc4 bpc6

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

No phenotypic effects were observed for single mutants in any BPC gene

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants ... The epidermal surfaces of rosette leaves were highly ridged

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

No phenotypic effects were observed for single mutants in any BPC gene. Double and triple mutants within class-II genes (BPC4, BPC5 and BPC6) were also indistinguishable from the wild type

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

No phenotypic effects were observed for single mutants in any BPC gene

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

small rosettes ... bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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bpc1-1 bpc2 bpc4 bpc6 plants displayed the most severe defects

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

small rosettes ... bpc2 bpc4 bpc6

Monfared MM, Simon MK, Meister RJ, Roig-Villanova I, Kooiker M, Colombo L, Fletcher JC, Gasser CS - Overlapping and antagonistic activities of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE genes affect a range of developmental processes in Arabidopsis

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Seedlings of RPS5A>>LSH4 had thin cotyledons

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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We constitutively expressed LSH4 in the shoot apex and organ primordia using the RPS5A promoter combined with the GAL4/UAS-based two-component transactivation system (Brand and Perrimon, 1993). For this assay, we generated transgenic plants carrying both the LSH4 gene fused to UAS (UAS:LSH4) and the YFP gene fused to UAS (UAS:YFP), selected five independent lines, and crossed them with RPS5Ap:GAL4 plants (Aida et al., 2004). In all combinations tested, the F1 plants of the cross between RPS5Ap:GAL4 and UAS:LSH4 UAS:YFP (RPS5A>>LSH4) produced small ... leaves

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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not result in any developmental defects, even in plants in which the expression levels of LSH4 and LSH3 were reduced simultaneously (<3% for LSH4 and <25% for LSH3 compared with their wild-type expression, Figure S3)

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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RPS5A>>LSH4 ... the growth of leaves was slower than in wild-type (Figure 4c,d), and this slow growth continued to later stages, producing small and wrinkled leaves ... These data suggest that LSH4 suppresses leaf growth when ectopically expressed

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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Seedlings of RPS5A>>LSH4 had ... cotyledons with narrower blades

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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RPS5Ap:5mCUC1-GR ... Heterozygous plants formed ... serrated leaves

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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We examined whether the LSH4 and LSH3 genes are direct transcriptional targets of CUC1 protein. To this end, we used the rat glucocorticoid receptor (GR) system (Aoyama and Chua, 1997), which allowed chemical induction of CUC1 protein activity. The coding sequence of CUC1 was fused in-frame to that of GR, and placed downstream of the RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S5A (RPS5A) promoter, which induces strong and constitutive expression in the whole embryo, SAM and organ primordia (Weijers et al., 2001, 2003). Because wild-type CUC1 transcripts are negatively regulated by the microRNA miR164, we also introduced silent mutations in its target sequence to ensure high levels of CUC1–GR expression (Mallory et al., 2004). This construct was transformed into the wild-type to generate RPS5Ap:5mCUC1-GR plants. Upon treatment with the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX; 1 μm), seedlings homozygous for the transgene accumulated small and undifferentiated cells at the shoot apex, and produced thick round organs with small marginal protrusions instead of leaves

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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an artificial microRNA technique for LSH3 ... did not result in any developmental defects

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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T-DNA insertion line for LSH4 (SALK_067722) ... did not result in any developmental defects

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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We constitutively expressed LSH4 in the shoot apex and organ primordia using the RPS5A promoter combined with the GAL4/UAS-based two-component transactivation system (Brand and Perrimon, 1993). For this assay, we generated transgenic plants carrying both the LSH4 gene fused to UAS (UAS:LSH4) and the YFP gene fused to UAS (UAS:YFP), selected five independent lines, and crossed them with RPS5Ap:GAL4 plants (Aida et al., 2004). In all combinations tested, the F1 plants of the cross between RPS5Ap:GAL4 and UAS:LSH4 UAS:YFP (RPS5A>>LSH4) produced ... wrinkled leaves

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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RPS5A>>LSH4 ... The first leaf primordia tended to grow laterally rather than upwards as in wild-type

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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We also generated plants in which the LSH4 function was dominantly repressed using chimeric repressor silencing technology (CRES-T; Hiratsu et al., 2003), but observed no obvious phenotype (data not shown)

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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  • Phenotype

RPS5Ap:5mCUC1-GR ... Heterozygous plants formed highly wrinkled ... leaves

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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RNA interference (RNAi) for LSH4 (Miki and Shimamoto, 2004) ... did not result in any developmental defects

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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Seedlings of RPS5A>>LSH4 had ... cotyledons with ... shorter petioles compared with those of wild-type

Takeda S, Hanano K, Kariya A, Shimizu S, Zhao L, Matsui M, Tasaka M, Aida M - CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 transcription factor activates the expression of LSH4 and LSH3, two members of the ALOG gene family, in shoot organ boundary cells

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dark-grown spa1 spa2 spa3 mutant seedlings ... Phloem-specific expression of GUS-SPA1 under the control of the RolC promoter ... displayed ... no apical hook

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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We ... analyzed ... transgenic spa1 spa3 spa4 plants expressing promoter::GUS-SPA1 constructs ... transgenic SPA1::GUS-SPA1 lines showed full complementation of the leaf-size phenotype of the parental spa triple mutant in short ... days

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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spa1 spa2 spa3 mutant seedlings ... in darkness. Mesophyll-specific expression of GUS-SPA1 (CAB3 ... had ... no effect on the cotyledon phenotype

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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SPA1::GUS-SPA1 expression ... dark-grown spa1 spa2 spa3 mutant seedlings ... displayed closed cotyledons

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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RolC::GUS-SPA1 lines expressing GUS-SPA1 exclusively in the phloem also showed ... non-lobed epidermal cells in darkness

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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Phloem-specific ... expression of GUS-SPA1 under the control of the SUC2 ... promoters ... partially complemented the leaf-size phenotype of the spa triple mutant

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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leaves of the spa1 spa3 spa4 mutant contain fewer ... epidermal cells when compared with the wild type

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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spa1 spa2 spa3 mutant seedlings ... Epidermis-specific expression of GUS-SPA1 in ML1::GUS-SPA1 transgenic seedlings caused ... partial cotyledon closure in darkness

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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We ... analyzed ... transgenic spa1 spa3 spa4 plants expressing promoter::GUS-SPA1 constructs. As expected, transgenic SPA1::GUS-SPA1 lines showed full complementation of the leaf-size phenotype of the parental spa triple mutant in ... long days

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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Adult spa1 spa3 spa4 mutants are very small in size ... compared with wild-type plants

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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in darkness ... Meristem ... specific expression of GUS-SPA1 (KNAT1 ... did not rescue any aspects of the spa triple mutant phenotype

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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ML1::GUS-SPA1 transgenic lines exhibited smaller pavement cells ... when compared with the parental spa triple mutant

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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ML1::GUS-SPA1 transgenic lines exhibited ... pavement cells with reduced lobing when compared with the parental spa triple mutant

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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expression of GUS-SPA1 in the epidermis (ML1 ... failed to complement the spa mutant leaf-size phenotype

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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cotyledons of the spa1 spa2 spa3 triple mutant exhibited large ... pavement cells in darkness similar to wild-type seedlings grown in the light

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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cotyledons of the spa1 spa2 spa3 triple mutant exhibited ... multi-lobed pavement cells in darkness similar to wild-type seedlings grown in the light

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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dark-grown spa1 spa2 spa3 mutant seedlings ... Phloem-specific expression of GUS-SPA1 under the control of the RolC promoter ... displayed closed cotyledons

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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seedling ... spa1 spa2 spa3 mutant ... shows constitutive photomorphogenesis in darkness

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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RolC::GUS-SPA1 lines expressing GUS-SPA1 exclusively in the phloem also showed arrested stomata development ... in darkness

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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mesophyll-specific expression of GUS-SPA1 under the control of the ... CAB3 promoters ... partially complemented the leaf-size phenotype of the spa triple mutant

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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SPA1::GUS-SPA1 transgenic lines showed ... non-lobed epidermal cells in cotyledons of dark-grown seedlings

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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spa1 spa2 spa3 mutants differentiate stomata ... in darkness

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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SPA1::GUS-SPA1 expression ... dark-grown spa1 spa2 spa3 mutant seedlings ... displayed ... no apical hook

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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leaves of the spa1 spa3 spa4 mutant contain ... smaller epidermal cells when compared with the wild type

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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SPA1::GUS-SPA1 transgenic lines showed arrested stomata development ... in cotyledons of dark-grown seedlings

Ranjan A, Fiene G, Fackendahl P, Hoecker U - The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling SPA1 acts in the phloem to regulate seedling de-etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time

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Arabidopsis Col-0 plants were grown in controlled conditions until leaf 7 was ~50% of its final size (19 d after sowing [DAS]). This leaf was harvested at defined time points until 39 DAS when it was visibly senescent (~50% of leaf area being yellow, Figure 1B). Samples were taken in the morning (7 h into the light period) and afternoon (14 h into the light period) every other day, resulting in 22 time points in total. Sampling was carried out at these two time points each day to allow us to distinguish genes that are altered in a diurnal rhythm, as well as being differentially expressed over time; the times were selected based on likely maximum changes in expression. Plants started flowering from around 21 DAS. Leaf 7 started to show yellowing at the tip at around 31 DAS and was 25 to 50% yellow by 37 DAS. By the final sample time (39 DAS), the plants were fully flowering, and siliques were filling. Physiological parameters were measured in the morning samples only (i.e., 11 time points). Sampled leaves reached full expansion by 23 DAS ... relative protein levels started to drop considerably earlier at 23 DAS (P < 0.05 from maximal), which is before the time at which maximum leaf weight is reached

Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston V - High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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  • Phenotype

Arabidopsis Col-0 plants were grown in controlled conditions until leaf 7 was ~50% of its final size (19 d after sowing [DAS]). This leaf was harvested at defined time points until 39 DAS when it was visibly senescent (~50% of leaf area being yellow, Figure 1B). Samples were taken in the morning (7 h into the light period) and afternoon (14 h into the light period) every other day, resulting in 22 time points in total. Sampling was carried out at these two time points each day to allow us to distinguish genes that are altered in a diurnal rhythm, as well as being differentially expressed over time; the times were selected based on likely maximum changes in expression. Plants started flowering from around 21 DAS. Leaf 7 started to show yellowing at the tip at around 31 DAS and was 25 to 50% yellow by 37 DAS. By the final sample time (39 DAS), the plants were fully flowering, and siliques were filling. Physiological parameters were measured in the morning samples only (i.e., 11 time points). Sampled leaves reached full expansion by 23 DAS ... Chlorophyll levels did not change significantly until after 31 DAS, when levels started to fall

Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston V - High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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  • Phenotype

Arabidopsis Col-0 plants were grown in controlled conditions until leaf 7 was ~50% of its final size (19 d after sowing [DAS]). This leaf was harvested at defined time points until 39 DAS when it was visibly senescent (~50% of leaf area being yellow, Figure 1B). Samples were taken in the morning (7 h into the light period) and afternoon (14 h into the light period) every other day, resulting in 22 time points in total. Sampling was carried out at these two time points each day to allow us to distinguish genes that are altered in a diurnal rhythm, as well as being differentially expressed over time; the times were selected based on likely maximum changes in expression. Plants started flowering from around 21 DAS. Leaf 7 started to show yellowing at the tip at around 31 DAS and was 25 to 50% yellow by 37 DAS. By the final sample time (39 DAS), the plants were fully flowering, and siliques were filling. Physiological parameters were measured in the morning samples only (i.e., 11 time points). Sampled leaves reached full expansion by 23 DAS ... Levels of the small and large subunit (SSU and LSU, respectively) of the photosynthetic carbon-fixation enzyme ribulose-1,5-bis-phosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) increased to maximum at 23 DAS (LSU) and 25 DAS (SSU) and then fell steadily during senescence

Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston V - High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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  • Phenotype

Arabidopsis Col-0 plants were grown in controlled conditions until leaf 7 was ~50% of its final size (19 d after sowing [DAS]). This leaf was harvested at defined time points until 39 DAS when it was visibly senescent (~50% of leaf area being yellow, Figure 1B). Samples were taken in the morning (7 h into the light period) and afternoon (14 h into the light period) every other day, resulting in 22 time points in total. Sampling was carried out at these two time points each day to allow us to distinguish genes that are altered in a diurnal rhythm, as well as being differentially expressed over time; the times were selected based on likely maximum changes in expression. Plants started flowering from around 21 DAS. Leaf 7 started to show yellowing at the tip at around 31 DAS and was 25 to 50% yellow by 37 DAS. By the final sample time (39 DAS), the plants were fully flowering, and siliques were filling. Physiological parameters were measured in the morning samples only (i.e., 11 time points). Sampled leaves reached full expansion by 23 DAS ... SA levels were high in immature leaves, gradually decreased to minimal levels at 31 DAS (P < 0.001 from initial maximum) and then rose significantly (P < 0.05) from a relatively late stage (35 DAS

Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston V - High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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  • Phenotype

Arabidopsis Col-0 plants were grown in controlled conditions until leaf 7 was ~50% of its final size (19 d after sowing [DAS]). This leaf was harvested at defined time points until 39 DAS when it was visibly senescent (~50% of leaf area being yellow, Figure 1B). Samples were taken in the morning (7 h into the light period) and afternoon (14 h into the light period) every other day, resulting in 22 time points in total. Sampling was carried out at these two time points each day to allow us to distinguish genes that are altered in a diurnal rhythm, as well as being differentially expressed over time; the times were selected based on likely maximum changes in expression. Plants started flowering from around 21 DAS. Leaf 7 started to show yellowing at the tip at around 31 DAS and was 25 to 50% yellow by 37 DAS. By the final sample time (39 DAS), the plants were fully flowering, and siliques were filling. Physiological parameters were measured in the morning samples only (i.e., 11 time points). Sampled leaves reached full expansion by 23 DAS ... JA levels showed a complex pattern with peaks at 25, 33, and 39 DAS

Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston V - High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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  • Phenotype

Arabidopsis Col-0 plants were grown in controlled conditions until leaf 7 was ~50% of its final size (19 d after sowing [DAS]). This leaf was harvested at defined time points until 39 DAS when it was visibly senescent (~50% of leaf area being yellow, Figure 1B). Samples were taken in the morning (7 h into the light period) and afternoon (14 h into the light period) every other day, resulting in 22 time points in total. Sampling was carried out at these two time points each day to allow us to distinguish genes that are altered in a diurnal rhythm, as well as being differentially expressed over time; the times were selected based on likely maximum changes in expression. Plants started flowering from around 21 DAS. Leaf 7 started to show yellowing at the tip at around 31 DAS and was 25 to 50% yellow by 37 DAS. By the final sample time (39 DAS), the plants were fully flowering, and siliques were filling. Physiological parameters were measured in the morning samples only (i.e., 11 time points). Sampled leaves reached full expansion by 23 DAS ... ABA levels significantly increased earlier at around 31 DAS (P < 0.05), with a subsequent increase to maximum at 39 DAS

Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston V - High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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  • Phenotype

Arabidopsis Col-0 plants were grown in controlled conditions until leaf 7 was ~50% of its final size (19 d after sowing [DAS]). This leaf was harvested at defined time points until 39 DAS when it was visibly senescent (~50% of leaf area being yellow, Figure 1B). Samples were taken in the morning (7 h into the light period) and afternoon (14 h into the light period) every other day, resulting in 22 time points in total. Sampling was carried out at these two time points each day to allow us to distinguish genes that are altered in a diurnal rhythm, as well as being differentially expressed over time; the times were selected based on likely maximum changes in expression. Plants started flowering from around 21 DAS. Leaf 7 started to show yellowing at the tip at around 31 DAS and was 25 to 50% yellow by 37 DAS. By the final sample time (39 DAS), the plants were fully flowering, and siliques were filling. Physiological parameters were measured in the morning samples only (i.e., 11 time points). Sampled leaves reached full expansion by 23 DAS (Figure 1C). However, leaf weight increased significantly between time points up to 25 DAS (P < 0.01) and continued to increase, reaching a maximum at 31 DAS when the first signs of yellowing were visible and then declined rapidly after 37 DAS

Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston V - High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation

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35S:HAT22 transgenic plants Seedlings of HAT22 overexpressing lines showed similar to HAT4 overexpressing seedlings (see below, Fig. 6A) the formation of small narrow cotyledons, indicating that similar processes were affected

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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The shoot morphology of hat4- 1 plants was similar to the wild type

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Only strong expressing 35S:bHLH64 transgenic lines (35S:bHLH64-88, 35S:bHLH64-89) showed strong morphological differences compared to the wild type and were analyzed. These plants formed as heterozygotes a larger rosette with lanceolate leaves displaying serrated margins (not shown) and a gene dose-dependent reduced shoot height

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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The most striking phenotypic trait of the 35S:GATA22 transgenic plants (35S:GATA22-13 and 35S:GATA22-14) was the enhanced greening of the hypocotyls and roots of seedlings grown in vitro (Fig. 4). The enhanced greening in hypocotyls was reflected by a stronger chlorophyll fluorescence of the chloroplasts in this tissue (Fig. 4B and C

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:bHLH64 ... Adult 35S:bHLH64 transgenic plants grown under low light formed elongated internodes, while wild-type plants developed normal rosettes with short internodes

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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The hypocotyls of 35S:bHLH64 transgenic seedlings were also elongated, which was due to an up to 100% increased cell elongation

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Only strong expressing 35S:bHLH64 transgenic lines (35S:bHLH64-88, 35S:bHLH64-89) showed strong morphological differences compared to the wild type and were analyzed. These plants formed as heterozygotes a larger rosette with lanceolate leaves displaying serrated margins (not shown) and a gene dose-dependent reduced shoot height

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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The most striking phenotypic trait of the 35S:GATA22 transgenic plants (35S:GATA22-13 and 35S:GATA22-14) was the enhanced greening of the hypocotyls and roots of seedlings grown in vitro

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Only strong expressing 35S:bHLH64 transgenic lines (35S:bHLH64-88, 35S:bHLH64-89) showed strong morphological differences compared to the wild type and were analyzed. These plants formed as heterozygotes a larger rosette with lanceolate leaves displaying serrated margins (not shown) and a gene dose-dependent reduced shoot height

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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The insertion mutant gata22-1 showed no chlorophyll fluorescence in the root and the fluorescence of the hypocotyl was weaker compared to the wild type

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Only strong expressing 35S:bHLH64 transgenic lines (35S:bHLH64-88, 35S:bHLH64-89) showed strong morphological differences compared to the wild type and were analyzed. These plants formed as heterozygotes a larger rosette with lanceolate leaves displaying serrated margins (not shown) and a gene dose-dependent reduced shoot height

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:HAT22 transgenic plants ... Seedlings of HAT22 overexpressing lines showed similar to HAT4 overexpressing seedlings (see below, Fig. 6A) the formation of small narrow cotyledons, indicating that similar processes were affected

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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HAT4 (also named AtHB2) overexpressing plants showed a variety of phenotypes, depending on the expression strength of the transgene ... The most severe phenotypic changes were displayed by lines 35S:HAT4-1 to 35S:HAT4-7, which developed only tiny rosettes

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:bHLH64 ... In addition, the stem of transgenic plants developed callus-like tissue

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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The hypocotyls of 35S:bHLH64 transgenic seedlings were also elongated, which was due to an up to 100% increased cell elongation (Fig. 7D and E). In contrast, bHLH64 overexpressing seedlings and wild-type seedlings showed the same number of hypocotyl cells

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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In this context, it is noteworthy that bHLH64 overexpressing seedlings showed altered hypocotyl elongation on GA or paclobutrazol containing media consistent with modified GA signalling in these lines

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:bHLH64 ... homozygous plants produced only infertile flowers because the anthers did not mature

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Adult 35S:HAT22 transgenic plants showed reduced leaf chlorophyll content ... content and a significantly earlier onset of leaf senescence compared to the wild type

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:HAT22 transgenic plants Seedlings of HAT22 overexpressing lines showed similar to HAT4 overexpressing seedlings (see below, Fig. 6A) the formation of small narrow cotyledons, indicating that similar processes were affected

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:bHLH64 ... A further phenotypic trait of 35S:bHLH64 transgenic plants was a reduced chlorophyll content

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:HAT22 transgenic plants Seedlings of HAT22 overexpressing lines showed similar to HAT4 overexpressing seedlings (see below, Fig. 6A) the formation of small narrow cotyledons, indicating that similar processes were affected

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Adult 35S:HAT22 transgenic plants ... The sixth leaf of 35S:HAT22-7 and 35S:HAT22-29 plants contained about 70% of the chlorophyll of wild-type leaves 20 DAG

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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35S:bHLH64 ... homozygous plants produced only infertile flowers because the anthers did not mature (Fig. 7B). The hypocotyl was extremely thickened

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Adult 35S:HAT22 transgenic plants showed reduced leaf chlorophyll content and a significantly earlier onset of leaf senescence compared to the wild type

Köllmer I, Werner T, Schmülling T - Ectopic expression of different cytokinin-regulated transcription factor genes of Arabidopsis thaliana alters plant growth and development

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Compared with control lines, which contained an empty vector, all of 20 independently transgenic lines overexpressing OSR1 displayed visibly enlarged aerial organs, including leaves

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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we conclude that the size increase in 35S-OSR1 organs results from increases in both cell proliferation and cell expansion, with cell proliferation as the dominant factor

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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the osr1-1 argos-1 double mutant displayed smaller organs, with a c. 12% reduction in the average blade area of the fully expanded fifth leaves compared with wild-type leaves (Fig. 7a,b), suggesting that OSR1 and ARGOS are functionally redundant

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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reductions in palisade ... cell size ... consistently observed in ... ARLi/osr1-1 argos-1 plants

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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we conclude that the size increase in 35S-OSR1 organs results from increases in both cell proliferation and cell expansion, with cell proliferation as the dominant factor

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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the average areas of the leaf blade ... in 35S-OSR1 increased by c. 80% when compared with those in control plants

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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Compared with control lines, which contained an empty vector, all of 20 independently transgenic lines overexpressing OSR1 displayed visibly enlarged aerial organs, including ... cotyledons

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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the average size of palisade cells in 35S-OSR1 increased by c. 20% compared with that of controls

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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reductions in palisade cell number ... consistently observed in ... ARLi/osr1-1 argos-1 plants

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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in 35S-OSR1 ... the estimated palisade cell number per leaf increased by > 50%

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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Further comparison of the growth kinetics of the fifth leaves between control and 35S-OSR1 plants showed that the leaf blades expanded at a similar rate from emergence to 5 d, and the size difference in the two genotypes was produced mainly afterwards

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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As a mutant for the ARL gene is not available, we generated RNA-interfered ARL transgenic plants (ARLi) in the osr1-1 argos-1 background, and found that underexpression of ARL resulted in just a slight further reduction in the average size of osr1-1 argos-1 leaves

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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reductions in palisade cell number ... consistently observed in osr1-1 argos-1

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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shape of ... the leaf ... in 35S-OSR1 transgenic plants was not altered

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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reductions in palisade ... cell size ... consistently observed in osr1-1 argos-1 ... plants

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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Neither osr1-1 nor argos-1 displayed an obvious reduction in organ size compared with wild-type plants

Feng G, Qin Z, Yan J, Zhang X, Hu Y - Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED1 regulates organ growth and final organ size in orchestration with ARGOS and ARL

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ofp1 ofp4 double mutant ... had wild-type morphology at the rosette stage

Li E, Wang S, Liu Y, Chen JG, Douglas CJ - OVATE FAMILY PROTEIN4 (OFP4) interaction with KNAT7 regulates secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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knat7-1 ... ofp4-2 ... Double mutants identified in the F2 population by PCR-aided genotyping had no morphological differences compared with the wild type

Li E, Wang S, Liu Y, Chen JG, Douglas CJ - OVATE FAMILY PROTEIN4 (OFP4) interaction with KNAT7 regulates secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the morphology of ofp4-2 homozygous plants was normal compared with wild type Col-0

Li E, Wang S, Liu Y, Chen JG, Douglas CJ - OVATE FAMILY PROTEIN4 (OFP4) interaction with KNAT7 regulates secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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knat7-1 ... ofp1-1 ... Double mutants identified in the F2 population by PCR-aided genotyping had no morphological differences compared with the wild type

Li E, Wang S, Liu Y, Chen JG, Douglas CJ - OVATE FAMILY PROTEIN4 (OFP4) interaction with KNAT7 regulates secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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35S:OFP4 ... overexpression phenotype ... including ... ovate-shaped organs

Li E, Wang S, Liu Y, Chen JG, Douglas CJ - OVATE FAMILY PROTEIN4 (OFP4) interaction with KNAT7 regulates secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Scanning electron microscopy suggested that increased plant sizes of ELA1-RNAi/ela2 probably resulted from enlarged/elongated cell size

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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in ELA2-OE lines ... cell sizes of the ... spongy tissues were greatly decreased

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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ELA1-OE ... transgenic plants ... cell sizes of the palisade ... tissues were greatly decreased

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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the leaf vascular abnormality is less obvious in ELA2-OE lines

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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It is interesting to note that ELA1-OE plants were smallest during the seedling and rosette stages (Figure 5a,b), while at the flowering stage, EUI-OE plants were the severest dwarfs that failed to produce seeds

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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Many of the ELA1-RNAi/ela2 transgenic plants had ... increased height in comparison with the corresponding wild-type plants

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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ELA2-OE lines ... cell sizes of the palisade ... tissues were greatly decreased

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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SALK T-DNA Express database ( was searched and one T-DNA insertional mutant for each ELA gene [SALK_016089 (ela1) and SALK_137272 (ela2)] was identified ... Neither of the single mutants exhibited any observable morphological/developmental phenotype compared with wild-type Col-0 during the entire life cycle

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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ELA1-OE ... transgenic plants ... cell sizes of the ... spongy tissues were greatly decreased in these transgenic plants

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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Arabidopsis plants that overexpress ELA1 (ELA1-OE) ... or the rice EUI gene (EUI-OE) driven by the constitutively active cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ... displayed severe dwarfism at all growth stages

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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Arabidopsis plants that overexpress ... ELA2 (ELA2-OE), or the rice EUI gene (EUI-OE) driven by the constitutively active cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (Figure 5d,e). All transgenic lines displayed severe dwarfism at all growth stages

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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we generated an RNA interference (RNAi) transgene for ELA1, transformed the resulting transgene into the ela2 mutant, and generated many independent transgenic lines. Many of the ELA1-RNAi/ela2 transgenic plants had bigger cotyledons ... 30 ... % ... increase was observed for the sizes of cotyledons

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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SALK T-DNA Express database ( was searched and one T-DNA insertional mutant for each ELA gene [SALK_016089 (ela1) and SALK_137272 (ela2)] was identified ... Neither of the single mutants exhibited any observable morphological/developmental phenotype compared with wild-type Col-0 during the entire life cycle

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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the level of GA19 (approximately 0.6-fold) was slightly decreased in ELA1-RNAi/ela2 plants compared with wild-type plants

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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leaf vascular patterns were significantly altered in ELA1-OE and EUI-OE transgenic plants ... The development of leaf vasculature was disrupted in the transgenic plants, particularly in the ELA1-OE leaves without secondary vein development

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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exogenous application with 10 nm GA1, GA3, GA4, and GA9 promoted the growth of the dwarfed ELA1-OE

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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Many of the ELA1-RNAi/ela2 transgenic plants had ... enlarged rosettes ... 50% increase was observed for the sizes of ... rosette leaves

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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we detected slightly higher levels of GA4 (2.4-fold) and its immediate precursor GA9 (approximately 2-fold) in the seedlings of ELA1-RNAi/ela2 than in wild-type plants

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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exogenous application with 10 nm GA1, GA3, GA4, and GA9 promoted the growth of the dwarfed ... ELA2-OE

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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ELA1-OE ... displayed ... deep green leaves

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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epidermis cells were also smaller on the leaves of ELA-OE or EUI-OE transgenic lines than those of the wild type

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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ELA2-OE ... displayed ... deep green leaves

Zhang Y, Zhang B, Yan D, Dong W, Yang W, Li Q, Zeng L, Wang J, Wang L, Hicks LM, He Z - Two Arabidopsis cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP714A1 and CYP714A2, function redundantly in plant development through gibberellin deactivation

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we suspected that pnp mutants had a defect in some aspect of intron removal or degradation

Germain A, Herlich S, Larom S, Kim SH, Schuster G, Stern DB - Mutational analysis of Arabidopsis chloroplast polynucleotide phosphorylase reveals roles for both RNase PH core domains in polyadenylation, RNA 3'-end maturation and intron degradation

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The null mutants (pnp1-1–pnp1-3) as well as G596R and D625N have similar growth phenotypes, in that their first true leaves (Figure 1b, insets) and subsequent new leaves emerge pale green (Figure 1b), but recover as they mature

Germain A, Herlich S, Larom S, Kim SH, Schuster G, Stern DB - Mutational analysis of Arabidopsis chloroplast polynucleotide phosphorylase reveals roles for both RNase PH core domains in polyadenylation, RNA 3'-end maturation and intron degradation

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pnp1 ... To measure splicing efficiency, we used poisoned primer extension, and found that a 1.5- to twofold change in the ratio of spliced to unspliced RNA occurs in all the null mutants

Germain A, Herlich S, Larom S, Kim SH, Schuster G, Stern DB - Mutational analysis of Arabidopsis chloroplast polynucleotide phosphorylase reveals roles for both RNase PH core domains in polyadenylation, RNA 3'-end maturation and intron degradation

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Given that the expression of the ANT gene is restricted to leaf primordia, it was surprising to observe that the plastochron of ANT:CKX3 plants was also up to 26% longer than in the wild type

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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Microscopic analysis revealed that the number of epidermal cells per leaf blade in the wild type steadily increased until ~6 days after t0. In contrast, the number of epidermal cells in leaves of ANT:CKX3 and 35S:CKX3 transgenic plants stayed constant during the course of the analysis (Fig. 2B), indicating that the cell proliferation phase was almost terminated at t0. This result was correlated with the calculated average cell division rates. In contrast to wild-type leaves, in which cell division rates progressively decreased until 9 days after t0, the cell division rates in both transgenic lines had already been close to zero at the beginning of the analysis, i.e. in ~2 mm-long leaves (Fig. 2C). The number of epidermal cells was already reduced to ~50% of the wild type in leaves of both ANT:CKX3 and 35S:CKX3 transgenic plants at t0. The relative numbers decreased further to ~12% and ~5%, respectively, compared to the wild type from the sixth day after t0 on (Fig. 2B). These results demonstrate that cytokinin sustains the duration of the cell division phase in developing leaves

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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The stomatal index, which is the fraction of stomata in the total epidermal cell population, was elevated in ANT:CKX3 transgenic leaves only during the first half of the measuring period. Its increase was ~40% in comparison to the wild-type index at day three (Fig. 2E). The final stomatal index was similar in both transgenic lines and the wild type, indicating that the reduced cell number caused by cytokinin deficiency was not associated with an altered cell differentiation during pattern formation

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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blade area was ... strongly reduced in ANT:CKX3 ... transgenic plants (52% ... of the wild type

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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The vascular system of ANT:CKX3 transgenic leaves was diminished compared to wild-type leaves

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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Microscopic analysis revealed that the number of epidermal cells per leaf blade in the wild type steadily increased until ~6 days after t0. In contrast, the number of epidermal cells in leaves of ANT:CKX3 and 35S:CKX3 transgenic plants stayed constant during the course of the analysis (Fig. 2B), indicating that the cell proliferation phase was almost terminated at t0. This result was correlated with the calculated average cell division rates. In contrast to wild-type leaves, in which cell division rates progressively decreased until 9 days after t0, the cell division rates in both transgenic lines had already been close to zero at the beginning of the analysis, i.e. in ~2 mm-long leaves (Fig. 2C). The number of epidermal cells was already reduced to ~50% of the wild type in leaves of both ANT:CKX3 and 35S:CKX3 transgenic plants at t0. The relative numbers decreased further to ~12% and ~5%, respectively, compared to the wild type from the sixth day after t0 on (Fig. 2B). These results demonstrate that cytokinin sustains the duration of the cell division phase in developing leaves

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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The rosette leaves of ANT:CKX3 plants formed smaller leaf blades

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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Growth and development of ANT:CKX3 transgenic Arabidopsis shoots were reduced in comparison to the wild type but not as strongly as in 35S:CKX3 transgenic plants

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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The rosette leaves of ANT:CKX3 plants formed ... shorter petioles

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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The leaf plastochron ... was ~60% longer in 35S:CKX3 plants than in the wild type

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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the increase in cell size was on average only ~60% in 35S:CKX3 transgenic leaves

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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the epidermal cell size in ANT:CKX3 transgenic leaves was on average 2.5 times increased at each measurement point compared to the wild type

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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The vascular system of ANT:CKX3 transgenic leaves was diminished compared to wild-type leaves with a reduced number and spatial density of veins of higher order

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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blade area was ... strongly reduced in ... 35S:CKX3 transgenic plants ... 23% of the wild type

Holst K, Schmülling T, Werner T - Enhanced cytokinin degradation in leaf primordia of transgenic Arabidopsis plants reduces leaf size and shoot organ primordia formation

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cells in TCP4:VP16-C leaves undergo division arrest

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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The TCP4:VP16-C leaves also showed cup-shaped morphology

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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TCP4:VP16-C plants produced more leaves than tcp4-1 and Col-0 at any given time

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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precocious onset of senescence in TCP4:VP16-C plants

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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the later-formed leaves in TCP4:VP16-C lacked serrations

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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cells in TCP4:VP16-C leaves ... enter the differentiation phase prematurely

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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tcp4-1 ... shows ... deeper leaf serrations

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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Etiolated TCP4:VP16-C hypocotyls were approximately 1.5 times longer than those of Col-0 and tcp4-1

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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in TCP4:VP16-C plants ... reduction in leaf area was solely due to reduced cell number

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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The TCP4:VP16-C plants produced considerably smaller rosette leaves compared to tcp4-1 and Col-0

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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TCP4:VP16-C seedlings ... produced hyponastic cotyledons

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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tcp4-1, a null mutant of TCP4 that shows cotyledon epinasty

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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The TCP4:VP16-C leaves were rounder than usual

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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the TCP4:VP16-C epidermal cells were approximately 1.5 times larger

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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TCP4:VP16-C line was crossed with jaw-D, an miR319a over-expressing line

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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TCP4:VP16-C cells were larger throughout the developing lamina

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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TCP4:VP16-C seedlings ... produced ... longer hypocotyls

Sarvepalli K, Nath U - Hyper-activation of the TCP4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana accelerates multiple aspects of plant maturation

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All three agg3 mutants show wild-type levels of stomatal density

Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR. - An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K?-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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reduction in rosette diameter observed in agb1-2

Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR. - An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K?-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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agg3 lines display ... rounder leaves

Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR. - An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K?-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ABA-mediated promotion of stomatal closure was wild-type in the agg3 lines

Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR. - An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K?-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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anion currents in agg3 mutants were hyposensitive to ABA under strong cytosolic pH buffering (Figure 3e,f) but showed wild-type ABA responsiveness under weak cytosolic pH buffering conditions

Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR. - An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K?-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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in all three agg3 mutant lines stomatal opening and inward K+ currents were clearly hyposensitive to ABA

Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR. - An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K?-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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agg3 mutants are shorter than the wild-type at maturity

Chakravorty D, Trusov Y, Zhang W, Acharya BR, Sheahan MB, McCurdy DW, Assmann SM, Botella JR. - An atypical heterotrimeric G-protein ?-subunit is involved in guard cell K?-channel regulation and morphological development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Leaf size ... partially compromised in pid-1 ant-4

Krizek BA - Aintegumenta and Aintegumenta-Like6 regulate auxin-mediated flower development in Arabidopsis

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pid-1 ant-4 ail6-2 ... Leaves of the triple mutant were thinner ... than in pid-1

Krizek BA - Aintegumenta and Aintegumenta-Like6 regulate auxin-mediated flower development in Arabidopsis

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pin1-3 ant-3 ail6-2 plants produce small leaves

Krizek BA - Aintegumenta and Aintegumenta-Like6 regulate auxin-mediated flower development in Arabidopsis

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pid-1 ant-4 ail6-2 ... Leaves of the triple mutant were ... shorter than in pid-1

Krizek BA - Aintegumenta and Aintegumenta-Like6 regulate auxin-mediated flower development in Arabidopsis

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Leaf size ... not significantly altered in pid-1 ail6-2 plants

Krizek BA - Aintegumenta and Aintegumenta-Like6 regulate auxin-mediated flower development in Arabidopsis

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pid-1 ant-4 ail6-2 triple mutants ... exhibited severe defects in leaf size

Krizek BA - Aintegumenta and Aintegumenta-Like6 regulate auxin-mediated flower development in Arabidopsis

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tcp14-4 tcp15-3 double mutant showed ... leaf curling in mature leaves of plants grown under short-day conditions

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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leaf cells in ... tcp15 ... showed the same size and morphology as WT controls

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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Analysis of leaf size and shape in WT, tcp14-4, tcp15-3 and tcp14-4 tcp15-3 plants. In order to test whether there were differences in leaf size and shape between WT, tcp14-4, tcp15-3, and tcp14-4 tcp15-3 plants, we used LeafAnalyser to generate leaf-point models for leaves of nodes 5–11 from 20 plants of each line ... These differences, although impossible to visualize by eye, are readily detectable using a quantitative imaging approach. The leaves show blade shape defects in the order WT >tcp14>tcp15>tcp14 tcp15

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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tcp14 tcp15 ... petiole ... is ... becoming broader

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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Most mature pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX leaf margins also bear excessively branched trichomes (Figure 5D), a defect that is often associated with abnormally high ploidy (excessive number of endo-reduplication cycles

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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tcp14-6 ... no obvious phenotype was identified

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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under short-day conditions ... leaves on the tcp14-4 tcp15-3 double mutant were upwardly curled (involute) at their margins. These differences were only observed in mature leaves; no obvious phenotypic consequences were observed in young and developing leaves of the single or double mutants

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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leaf adaxial epidermal cell density using scanning electron micrographs of mature WT and pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX leaves (Figure 5B). The transgenic lines showed a twofold increase in cell density compared to WT leaves

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX leaves are initially small

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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tcp14-5 ... no obvious phenotype was identified

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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leaf cells in tcp14 ... showed the same size and morphology as WT controls

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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tcp14 tcp15 ... petiole shape is also altered, becoming broader and shorter

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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tcp14 tcp15 ... producing a leaf that is broader towards the base

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX lines showed ... broadening of the leaf base

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX leaves are characterized by an excess of cell proliferation in a given area

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX leaves are initially ... narrow

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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margins of young pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX leaves are initially small, narrow and upwardly curled (involute

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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Analysis of leaf size and shape in WT, tcp14-4, tcp15-3 and tcp14-4 tcp15-3 plants. In order to test whether there were differences in leaf size and shape between WT, tcp14-4, tcp15-3, and tcp14-4 tcp15-3 plants, we used LeafAnalyser to generate leaf-point models for leaves of nodes 5–11 from 20 plants of each line ... These differences, although impossible to visualize by eye, are readily detectable using a quantitative imaging approach. The leaves show blade shape defects in the order WT >tcp14>tcp15>tcp14 tcp15

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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The tcp15-3 mutant showed a mild but highly significant reduction in inflorescence height

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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pTCP14:TCP14:SRDX lines showed ... reduction in tip elongation ... of the leaf

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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tcp14 tcp15 ... petiole ... is ... becoming ... shorter

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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tcp14-4 ... no obvious phenotype was identified

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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leaf cells in ... tcp14 tcp15 mutants showed the same size and morphology as WT controls

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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In order to test whether there were differences in leaf size and shape between WT, tcp14-4, tcp15-3, and tcp14-4 tcp15-3 plants, we used LeafAnalyser to generate leaf-point models for leaves of nodes 5–11 from 20 plants of each line ... These differences, although impossible to visualize by eye, are readily detectable using a quantitative imaging approach. The leaves show blade shape defects in the order WT >tcp14>tcp15>tcp14 tcp15

Kieffer M, Master V, Waites R, Davies B - TCP14 and TCP15 affect internode length and leaf shape in Arabidopsis

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mtr4 ... vein patterns of first or second leaves appeared normal and resembled those of wild-type leaves

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mtr4 cotyledons showed disturbed venation patterns (Figure 2g). Depending on the stage of development, the veins of wild-type cotyledons had two or four closed loops, but the veins of most mtr4 cotyledons formed none or only one closed loop, and many veins ended in dead ends

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the morphology and size of fully developed mtr4 plants as well as seed yield were indistinguishable from those of wild-type

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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All mtr4 seedlings had pointed first and second leaves

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Some mtr4 seedlings had fused (1%) or ... cotyledons

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Line mtr4-1 is designated mtr4 in both the figures and the text below, as both mutant lines had identical growth and developmental phenotypes (Figure S5) and showed the same molecular defects (Figure S6). Embryogenesis was slower in homozygous mtr4 plants than in wild-type plants. Six days after self-pollination, all wild-type embryos had reached the heart stage, but most mtr4 embryos were still in the globular stage (Figure 2b). After 10 days, when wild-type embryos had fully developed cotyledons, mtr4 embryos were in the torpedo stage (Figure 2c). Although embryogenesis took 4–5 days longer, fully developed mtr4 embryos were indistinguishable in size and morphology from wild-type embryos

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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However, mtr4 dcl2 dcl4 triple mutants showed characteristics of both the mtr4 and the dcl2 dcl4 double mutant phenotypes (Figure 7f). mtr4 dcl2 dcl4 triple mutants had pointed first leaves and smaller rosettes (as in mtr4 mutants), as well as bent and mildly crinkled leaves (as in dcl2 dcl4 double mutants) (Xie et al., 2005). These data indicate that the mtr4 phenotype is not caused by production of illegitimate small RNAs from accumulating AtMTR4 targets

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Double mtr4 rrp6l2 mutants were viable, but could not be maintained as homozygous lines. Among the progeny of mtr4−/−rrp6l2 + /− plants, 25% did not germinate or died after 4–5 days. In vitro, 10% of mtr4−/−rrp6l2 + /− seeds failed to germinate, and another 10% germinated late and produced small disorganized seedlings that had almost no roots and did not develop normal leaves

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Some mtr4 seedlings had ... triple cotyledons (3%)

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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All mtr4 seedlings ... formed smaller rosettes than wild-type plants

Lange H, Sement FM, Gagliardi D - MTR4, a putative RNA helicase and exosome co-factor, is required for proper rRNA biogenesis and development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We have also performed crosses between PromLFY:STM and cuc1-1 mutants and observed that the plants still have lobes

Spinelli SV, Martin AP, Viola IL, Gonzalez DH, Palatnik JF - A mechanistic link between STM and CUC1 during Arabidopsis development

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It is known that KNOXI transcription factors interact with other proteins that regulate their activity (for review, see Hake et al., 2004; Hay and Tsiantis, 2010). Therefore, we generated an activated version of STM by preparing transgenic plants where the transcription factor is fused to the transactivation domain from the herpes simplex virus VP16. This strategy has been previously used in plants to detect transcription factor activity independently of the presence of coactivators (e.g. Parcy et al., 1998). Treatment with ethanol of plants harboring an inducible STM-VP16 transgene caused a higher degree of leaf lobing than that observed for STM alone

Spinelli SV, Martin AP, Viola IL, Gonzalez DH, Palatnik JF - A mechanistic link between STM and CUC1 during Arabidopsis development

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To start to explore the network controlled by STM, we analyzed the transcriptome of plants harboring an ethanol-inducible version of the transcription factor, an approach already used to identify targets of WUS (Leibfried et al., 2005). The selected transgenic plants did not show any obvious phenotypes when grown under normal conditions. However, one single treatment with ethanol was sufficient to cause leaf lobing, as expected for the ectopic expression of STM (Fig. 1A). These morphological changes were obvious 1 week after the induction

Spinelli SV, Martin AP, Viola IL, Gonzalez DH, Palatnik JF - A mechanistic link between STM and CUC1 during Arabidopsis development

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We tried to rescue the stm-1 mutant by overexpressing a miR164-resistant version of CUC1. However, the expression of CUC1 alone was not sufficient to complement the STM deficiency (not shown), as has been seen before when overexpressing a wild-type version of CUC1 in stm-1 mutants (Hibara et al., 2003).

Spinelli SV, Martin AP, Viola IL, Gonzalez DH, Palatnik JF - A mechanistic link between STM and CUC1 during Arabidopsis development

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expression of MIR164b from a STM promoter (PromSTM:MIR164b) also caused organ fusions

Spinelli SV, Martin AP, Viola IL, Gonzalez DH, Palatnik JF - A mechanistic link between STM and CUC1 during Arabidopsis development

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PromLFY:STM transgenics had lobed leaves as expected from ectopic expression of a KNOXI gene in leaf primordia

Spinelli SV, Martin AP, Viola IL, Gonzalez DH, Palatnik JF - A mechanistic link between STM and CUC1 during Arabidopsis development

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We then down-regulated CUC1 and other miR164 targets by expressing MIR164b from different promoters. Expression of MIR164b from the CUC1 promoter (PromCUC1:MIR164b) caused cotyledon fusions (20 out of 48 T1 plants; Fig. 6A) and most of them had severe stem-cauline leaf (Fig. 6B) and sepal fusions

Spinelli SV, Martin AP, Viola IL, Gonzalez DH, Palatnik JF - A mechanistic link between STM and CUC1 during Arabidopsis development

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35S:FYF/etr1-1 ... displaying ... delayed senescence

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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In ctr1-1 mutants, the ... leaf size ... significantly reduced

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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In the ethylene-insensitive response mutants, etr1-1 ... leaf size were larger than in the wild-type plants

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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35S:FYF/ein2-1 ... displaying ... delayed senescence

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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Fusing this VP16-AD to the C-terminus of a transcriptional repressor will convert it to a potent activator ... an early occurrence of the senescence of the rosette and cauline leaves was also observed in these FYF-DR+VP16 plants

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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In the ethylene-insensitive response mutants ... ein2-1 ... the plant ... size were larger than in the wild-type plants

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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leaf senescence was analyzed in the 35S:FYF plants. It is difficult to assay the natural senescence of plant leaves, therefore an Arabidopsis leaf detachment test was performed, as described previously (Mishra and Pradhan, 1973; Oh et al., 1997). The third true leaf from ten 4-week-old 35S:FYF and wild-type Arabidopsis plants (the leaves were not senescent and were phenotypically indistinguishable) was cut from the plant and transferred into a tube containing distilled water. The leaf was then incubated in the dark, and the senescence analyzed. The results indicated that the detached leaves from wild-type Arabidopsis exhibited senescence within 3 days and were dried 5 days after detachment (Figure 1i). In contrast, the detached leaves from 35S:FYF Arabidopsis were not senescent and remained green even after 5 days of detachment

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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To investigate whether the FYF gene is involved in the ethylene signaling pathway, adult wild-type and 35S:FYF plants were sealed in plastic chambers and exposed to air or air containing 10 p.p.m. ethylene for 3 days. Our results demonstrated that, in the presence of air, the leaves remained green (Figure 4a–c), and the perianth organs remained attached to the flowers until position 5 in wild-type plants (Figure 4d, bottom) or until position 8 in the 35S:FYF transgenic plants (Figure 4e, bottom). When ethylene was added to 35S:FYF transgenic plants, the leaves remained green (Figure 4a,c), and the perianth organs were turgid and remained on the flowers and siliques until position 8 (Figure 4e, top). Conversely, in the presence of ethylene, the leaves of the wild-type plants were senescent (Figure 4b,c), and the perianth organs abscised early (at position 2; Figure 4d, top). These results indicated that the delay of senescence and the abscission of the flower organs in the 35S:FYF Arabidopsis plants was unaffected by the ethylene treatment

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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In the ethylene-insensitive response mutants, etr1-1 ... the plant ... size were larger than in the wild-type plants

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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In ctr1-1 mutants, the plant ... size ... significantly reduced

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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In the ethylene-insensitive response mutants ... ein2-1 ... leaf size were larger than in the wild-type plants

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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When 35S:FYF was introduced into ctr1-1 (35S:FYF/ctr1-1) via genetic crosses, the morphology of 35S:FYF/ctr1-1 (such as plant size) resembled that of ctr1-1 single mutants

Chen MK, Hsu WH, Lee PF, Thiruvengadam M, Chen HI, Yang CH. - The MADS box gene, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER, acts as a repressor controlling floral organ senescence and abscission in Arabidopsis

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in gtl1 plants ... reduction of stomatal density in abaxial leaves

Yoo CY, Hasegawa PM, Mickelbart MV - Regulation of stomatal density by the GTL1 transcription factor for improving water use efficiency

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Reduced transpiration in gtl1 plants

Yoo CY, Hasegawa PM, Mickelbart MV - Regulation of stomatal density by the GTL1 transcription factor for improving water use efficiency

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The siliques of the vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 homozygous lines were short compared with those of the WT (Fig. 6B, C), but they did not set fertile seeds

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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The siliques of the vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 homozygous lines were short compared with those of the WT (Fig. 6B, C), but they did not set fertile seeds

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Therefore, experiments were carried out to examine whether similar cell death occurred when vdac1-6 and vdac3-3 leaves were infiltrated with Pst DC3000 (avrRpt2) (inoculation size, 5×106 cfu ml−1). While cell death was observed in the majority of WT leaves by 20–24 h post-bacterial inoculation, cell death was seldom observed in vdac1-6 plants at the same time points (Fig. 7E). In the WT, 58 leaves exhibited clear cell death (C-CD; Fig. 7E, left), 21 leaves exhibited weak cell death (W-CD), and two leaves showed no cell death (N-CD) symptoms. The corresponding ratio in vdac1-6 was six (C-CD), to 60 (W-CD; Fig. 7E, right), to 16 (N-CD). In contrast, this phenomenon was not observed in vdac3-3 plants (Fig. 7F

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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interestingly, two of the mutants (vdac2-2 and vdac4-2) exhibited retarded growth rates and had a miniature phenotype compared with the WT throughout development (Fig. 4E). In addition, both mutants (vadc2-2, and vdac4-2) showed a lesion mimic phenotype

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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The siliques of the vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 homozygous lines were short compared with those of the WT (Fig. 6B, C), but they did not set fertile seeds

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Anther maturation in the vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 homozygous lines appeared to be disturbed, and their anthers contained fewer pollen grains than those of the WT (Fig. 6D

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Therefore, experiments were carried out to examine whether similar cell death occurred when vdac1-6 and vdac3-3 leaves were infiltrated with Pst DC3000 (avrRpt2) (inoculation size, 5×106 cfu ml−1). While cell death was observed in the majority of WT leaves by 20–24 h post-bacterial inoculation, cell death was seldom observed in vdac1-6 plants at the same time points (Fig. 7E). In the WT, 58 leaves exhibited clear cell death (C-CD; Fig. 7E, left), 21 leaves exhibited weak cell death (W-CD), and two leaves showed no cell death (N-CD) symptoms. The corresponding ratio in vdac1-6 was six (C-CD), to 60 (W-CD; Fig. 7E, right), to 16 (N-CD

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Anther maturation in the vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 homozygous lines appeared to be disturbed, and their anthers contained fewer pollen grains than those of the WT (Fig. 6D

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Furthermore, the germination rate of pollen obtained from vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 was reduced about one-eighth and germinated pollen tubes were also drastically shorter than those of the WT

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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The growth rates of vdac1-6 and vdac3-3 are comparable with those of the WT (Col-0

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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The growth rates of vdac1-6 and vdac3-3 are comparable with those of the WT

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Moreover, the pollen germination rate of vdac1-6 was 27% lower compared with the WT, and germinated pollen tube length was also affected in vdac1-6

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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interestingly, two of the mutants (vdac2-2 and vdac4-2) exhibited retarded growth rates and had a miniature phenotype compared with the WT throughout development (Fig. 4E). In addition, both mutants (vadc2-2, and vdac4-2) showed a lesion mimic phenotype

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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The growth rates of vdac1-6 and vdac3-3 are comparable with those of the WT (Col-0) but, interestingly, two of the mutants (vdac2-2 and vdac4-2) exhibited retarded growth rates and had a miniature phenotype compared with the WT throughout development

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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The growth rates of vdac1-6 and vdac3-3 are comparable with those of the WT (Col-0) but, interestingly, two of the mutants (vdac2-2 and vdac4-2) exhibited retarded growth rates and had a miniature phenotype compared with the WT throughout development

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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In vdac1-6, the T-DNA was inserted in the most 3′-distal region of VDAC1 of all the insertion mutants tested, and the homozygous vdac1-6 line could set seeds in siliques that were slender compared with those of the WT (Col-0

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Furthermore, the germination rate of pollen obtained from vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 was reduced about one-eighth and germinated pollen tubes were also drastically shorter than those of the WT

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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The siliques of the vdac2-2 and vdac4-2 homozygous lines were short compared with those of the WT (Fig. 6B, C), but they did not set fertile ... seeds

Tateda C, Watanabe K, Kusano T, Takahashi Y - Molecular and genetic characterization of the gene family encoding the voltage-dependent anion channel in Arabidopsis

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Previously, it has been shown that the glycosylation defect in the complex glycan 1 (cgl1) mutant can be rescued by crossing to the stt3a-2 mutant (Frank et al., 2008). The cgl1 mutant contains a point mutation in the gene encoding N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnTI) that generates an additional N-glycosylation site and thus interferes with correct folding of GnTI and subsequent enzyme activity (Strasser et al., 2005). As a consequence of reduced glycosylation, CGL1-GnTI becomes partially active in stt3a-2 and the formation of complex N-glycans is restored (Frank et al., 2008). To study if ALG10 deficiency has a similar effect on CGL1-GnTI we crossed alg10-1 to cgl1 and analyzed the formation of complex N-glycans by immunoblotting. In the alg10-1 cgl1 double mutant complex N-glycan formation is restored, while in alg10-1 gntI, which contains a null allele of GnTI, no signal could be detected (Figure 7e). The staining intensity in the alg10-1 cgl1 line was comparable to stt3a-2 cgl1, indicating similar degrees of CGL1-GnTI underglycosylation in the absence of ALG10 and STT3A, respectively. In contrast to alg10-1, glycosylation efficiency is only slightly affected in the alg3 mutant

Farid A, Pabst M, Schoberer J, Altmann F, Glössl J, Strasser R. - Arabidopsis thaliana alpha1,2-glucosyltransferase (ALG10) is required for efficient N-glycosylation and leaf growth

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We asked whether the formation of incomplete lipid-linked oligosaccharides results in changes in N-glycosylation of proteins. Glycans were isolated from leaves and analyzed by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). The N-glycosylation profile of alg10-1 was indistinguishable from the wild type, suggesting that the composition of N-glycans is not altered in the mutant (Figure S2). However, immunoblotting with antibodies against complex N-glycans revealed that the overall signal intensity was reduced in protein extracts from alg10-1 compared with the wild-type (Figure 6a). Since the relative amounts of oligomannosidic and complex N-glycans were not altered in the mutant (Figure S2) this finding indicates underglycosylation with smaller amounts of complex N-glycans present on glycoproteins from alg10-1. A lectin blot with concanavalin A (ConA), which binds mainly to oligomannosidic glycans, also showed fainter signals in the mutant, and increased mobility of several glycoproteins was observed (Figure 6b). Differences in the mobility of bands were also found when protein extracts from seedlings were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie staining

Farid A, Pabst M, Schoberer J, Altmann F, Glössl J, Strasser R. - Arabidopsis thaliana alpha1,2-glucosyltransferase (ALG10) is required for efficient N-glycosylation and leaf growth

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To analyze the underglycosylation defect of alg10-1 in more detail we performed SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting using antibodies specific for different glycoproteins. Previous studies have analyzed the mobility of the ER-retained glycoprotein protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) to monitor underglycosylation defects in plants (Hoeberichts et al., 2008; Kajiura et al., 2010; Lerouxel et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2009). In the alg10-1 mutant three PDI forms were detectable while in the wild type a single PDI form was present (Figure 7a). Upon digestion with endoglycosidase H (Endo H) or peptide: N-glycosidase F (PNGase F) the three bands shifted to a band that migrated at the same position as the de-glycosylated wild-type protein, showing that PDI is underglycosylated in alg10-1 (Figure 7b). Importantly, analysis of PDI forms present in different underglycosylation mutants revealed that ALG10 loss-of-function results in a more severe defect than observed for alg3 and stt3a-2 mutants as the underglycosylated PDI forms were more abundant in alg10-1

Farid A, Pabst M, Schoberer J, Altmann F, Glössl J, Strasser R. - Arabidopsis thaliana alpha1,2-glucosyltransferase (ALG10) is required for efficient N-glycosylation and leaf growth

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TGG1 is a vacuolar glycoprotein with nine potential N-glycosylation sites (Ueda et al., 2006). On immunoblots probed with anti-TGG1 antibodies, TGG1 displayed a clear mobility shift corroborating our data that deficiency of ALG10 leads to hypoglycosylation of glycoproteins

Farid A, Pabst M, Schoberer J, Altmann F, Glössl J, Strasser R. - Arabidopsis thaliana alpha1,2-glucosyltransferase (ALG10) is required for efficient N-glycosylation and leaf growth

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The effect of ALG10 deficiency on the synthesis of the lipid-linked oligosaccharide precursor in plants was determined by LC-ESI-MS analysis. In wild-type plants the main peak was derived from fully assembled lipid-linked Glc3Man9GlcNAc2. In accordance with the proposed function of ALG10, the alg10-1 mutant completely lacked this peak and instead accumulated a peak corresponding to Glc2Man9GlcNAc2 (Figure 5) as well as minor amounts of Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 (data not shown), showing that alg10-1 plants cannot perform the last step of the lipid-linked precursor biosynthesis

Farid A, Pabst M, Schoberer J, Altmann F, Glössl J, Strasser R. - Arabidopsis thaliana alpha1,2-glucosyltransferase (ALG10) is required for efficient N-glycosylation and leaf growth

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alg10-1 plants ... displayed alterations in leaf size when grown on soil

Farid A, Pabst M, Schoberer J, Altmann F, Glössl J, Strasser R. - Arabidopsis thaliana alpha1,2-glucosyltransferase (ALG10) is required for efficient N-glycosylation and leaf growth

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The alg10-1 seedlings were indistinguishable from the wild type when grown on MS medium, but alg10-1 plants were smaller than the wild type ... when grown on soil

Farid A, Pabst M, Schoberer J, Altmann F, Glössl J, Strasser R. - Arabidopsis thaliana alpha1,2-glucosyltransferase (ALG10) is required for efficient N-glycosylation and leaf growth

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the endoreduplication index in APC10OE was reduced when compared with wild-type plants starting at 10 DAS

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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detailed growth and ploidy analyses indicate that APC10OE ... inhibiting endoreduplication

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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APC10OE ... During early leaf development, all cells in the leaf primordium divide, but later in development cell division ceases and further growth occurs by cell expansion (Donnelly et al., 1999). The timing of the transition between cell proliferation and cell expansion was seemingly not affected: in both lines, the cell division in the abaxial epidermis of leaf 1 and 2 ceased at day 14. The inference that the timing of development remained the same was supported by the identical timing of the appearance of stomata

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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Cell area increased from approximately 100 to 1500 mm2 and followed an identical trend in both the wild-type and APC10OE plants (Figure 6b), suggesting that the coordination between cell division and cell expansion was not affected by the overexpression of APC10

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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the kinematic analysis indicates that the increased final leaf size in APC10OE is due to enhanced rates of cell division during the early stages of leaf development

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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The average cell cycle duration, calculated as the inverse of the cell division rates (De Veylder et al., 2001) during the initial phase of the nearly constant cell expansion between days 5 and 8, decreased from 21 ± 2 h in the control to 19 ± 2 h in APC10OE

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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To investigate the cellular basis of the observed phenotype, leaf development of APC10OE and wild-type plants grown in vitro was analyzed at the cellular level and as a function of time (De Veylder et al., 2001). In contrast to plants grown in soil, increased leaf size could already be observed in the first leaf pair of APC10OE plants

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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During the initial stages of leaf development, the leaf size between APC10OE and wild-type lines did not differ, but from day 10 onward, the difference became significant and, ultimately, the mature leaves of APC10OE were approximately 35% larger than those of the control, the difference first becoming visible at 11 DAS

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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In the apc10-1 mutant, other phenotypes were also observed, such as somewhat abnormal cotyledons

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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analysis of 22-day-old apc10-1 plants grown on soil revealed that the leaf area was significantly larger than that of the wild-type plants, particularly in younger rosette leaves

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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Two T-DNA insertions lines located in the large fourth intron of APC10 were requested from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (NASC): apc10-2 (SALK_083989) and apc10-3 (SALK_043367) (Figure 4a). However, no homozygous plants could be obtained among the 60 plants analyzed for each line by genotyping. Upon examination, we found that immature siliques obtained by self-fertilization of the two heterozygous mutant lines analyzed, apc10-2+/− and apc10-3+/−, contained approximately 50% (145 out of 278 and 125 out of 257, respectively) aborted ovules, which were small, whitish and shrunken

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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To study the effect of APC10 overexpression on cell cycle activity, the evolution of the DNA content was evaluated during development by flow cytometry. To this end, the ploidy distribution of leaves 1 and 2 was determined every second day throughout development. The distribution of the 2C, 4C, 8C and 16C peaks allowed the calculation of the endoreduplication index that gives the mean number of endoreduplication cycles per nucleus of an average leaf cell (Boudolf et al., 2009). The ploidy analysis of APC10OE plants showed that overexpression of APC10 resulted in a shift to low ploidy levels: the fraction of cells with 2C and 4C DNA contents was higher in APC10OE plants (for example, at 14 DAS; Figure 7a) and, conversely, the proportion of cells with 8C and 16C DNA contents was lower than that of Col-0 plants

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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On days 5 and 6, the number of cells per leaf did not vary, but from day 7 onward, APC10OE leaves contained more cells and, at maturity, the difference was approximately 40% (Figure 6c). Based on the evolution of the leaf cell number, the cell division rates were consistently higher in the APC10OE leaves than those in the wild type between days 5 and 11, albeit not always significantly

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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detailed growth and ploidy analyses indicate that APC10OE enhances cell division

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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fresh ... weights of transgenic APC10OE plants were approximately 16 ... % ... higher than those of Col-0 plants

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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dry weights of transgenic APC10OE plants were approximately ... 25 ... higher than those of Col-0 plants

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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A comparative phenotypic analysis of APC10OE and wild-type (Col-0) plants showed an increase in the leaf area without effect on the temporal progression of leaf development ... The area of almost all leaves (except the first two and the two cotyledons) was significantly larger in the transgenic plants compound to the Col-0 controls (Figure 5c,d) and similar to the phenotype observed for soil-grown apc10-1 plants

Eloy NB, de Freitas Lima M, Van Damme D, Vanhaeren H, Gonzalez N, De Milde L, Hemerly AS, Beemster GT, Inzé D, Ferreira PC. - The APC/C subunit 10 plays an essential role in cell proliferation during leaf development

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two ARF2-flag over-expressing lines ... showed leaf senescence earlier than the wild type

Wang L, Hua D, He J, Duan Y, Chen Z, Hong X, Gong Z - Auxin Response Factor2 (ARF2) and its regulated homeodomain gene HB33 mediate abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis

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phenotypic characteristics of arf2-101 ... included ... delayed senescence

Wang L, Hua D, He J, Duan Y, Chen Z, Hong X, Gong Z - Auxin Response Factor2 (ARF2) and its regulated homeodomain gene HB33 mediate abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis

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phenotypic characteristics of arf2-101 ... included dark green leaves

Wang L, Hua D, He J, Duan Y, Chen Z, Hong X, Gong Z - Auxin Response Factor2 (ARF2) and its regulated homeodomain gene HB33 mediate abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis

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In contrast to the mdo1-1 atm-4 double mutant, the mdo1-1 atr-4 double mutant exhibited the mdo1-1 single mutant phenotype in both shoots and roots (Figure 7 and Figure S3b), indicating that the atr-4 mutation does not enhance the mdo1-1 phenotype

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... In the seedling stage, the emergence of the first pair of leaves (first and second leaves) or the second leaf was occasionally delayed

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 shoot apex was ... enlarged laterally

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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in combination with the mdo1-1 allele, the majority of the mdo1-1 atm-4 double mutants (16 out of 22 plants) exhibited a severe growth defect. In addition to the abnormal phyllotaxy observed in the mdo1-1 single mutant, its rosette structures were markedly smaller than those of the parental single mutants, mdo1-1 and atm-4

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1 ... mutant SAM is impaired structurally and/or functionally

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 atm-4 double mutants ... After prolonged cultivation, there was no further growth and the plants died

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 shoot apex was flat

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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The mdo1-1 mutation affected shoot development

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 shoot apex ... was not covered by a canonical surface layer structure, i.e. the L1 and L2 layers, as is usually observed in the wild-type SAM

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... In the reproductive growth phase, the mutant inflorescences were frequently fasciated, and some of them ceased to grow, with new inflorescences developing from the arrested shoot apices

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... The mutant leaves showed ... reduced size

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... In some cases, three leaves (second, third and fourth leaves) were generated nearly simultaneously

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... resulting in a compact rosette structure

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 shoot apex ... was not covered by a canonical surface layer structure ... L2 layers

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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We further examined whether or not the atm-4 mutation enhances the sensitivity of mdo1-1 to DNA-damaging agents. As shown in Figure 6, the mdo1-1 atm-4 double mutant showed stronger sensitivity to bleomycin than either the mdo1-1 or atm-4 single mutant: the double mutant plants died with just 0.25 mg ml−1 bleomycin. We obtained essentially the same result when MMC was used

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... In the subsequent vegetative growth phase, leaves continued to emerge in a spatially and temporally unregulated manner

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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We then examined whether or not mdo1-1 plants are sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. Seedlings grown in MS medium for 8 days were further grown for 2 weeks in the same medium containing various concentrations of bleomycin, a chemical agent leading to DSBs. As shown in Figure 6, the growth of the mdo1-1 plants was affected more severely than that of the wild-type ones. We obtained similar results when mitomycin C (MMC), a DNA cross-linking agent leading to DSBs, was used (Figure S2). These results thus indicated that mdo1-1 plants are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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The atm-4 single mutant showed no apparent growth defect in both the vegetative and reproductive growth phases

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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We obtained a novel mutant exhibiting aberrant shoot morphogenesis from a pool of EMS-mutagenized M2 seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana, and designated it as mdo1-1 based on the meristem phenotype (see below). About three-quarters and one-quarter of the self-progeny of the heterozygous mdo1-1/+ plants, which showed no apparent defective phenotype, exhibited the wild-type and mdo1-1 phenotypes, respectively (576 wild type and 189 mutant plants; χ2 = 0.04, P > 0.05), suggesting that mdo1-1 is a single and recessive Mendelian trait

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... DSBs were analyzed using the terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) method (Gavrieli et al., 1992), which can detect 3′-OH break ends. Labeled samples were further stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) to detect nuclei. In the wild-type shoot apex, apparent TUNEL staining was not detected (Figure 5j). In contrast, we observed a lot of TUNEL-stained nuclei in a wide range of cells in the mutant apex (Figure 5k). Essentially the same results were obtained for the mutant root tips (Figure 5m). It should be noted that the TUNEL-stained nuclei were detected not only in stem cell niches but also in differentiating cells, such as cells in growing leaves and in the differentiation zone of the root tip (Figure 5k,m). These results strongly suggest that a lesion of the MDO1 function results in increased levels of DSBs

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 shoot apex ... In the mutant apical region, especially in the surface area, we observed a lot of enlarged cells, suggesting that the cells had started to differentiate

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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mdo1-1 ... The mutant leaves showed a slightly abnormal shape

Hashimura Y, Ueguchi C - The Arabidopsis MERISTEM DISORGANIZATION 1 gene is required for the maintenance of stem cells through the reduction of DNA damage

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WT and arp−/− plants were germinated in plates containing various concentrations of 5-FU (Figure 3). We found that, after 17 days growth on medium supplemented with 200 μm 5-FU, WT plants showed significant developmental retardation, and that higher doses increasingly arrested plant growth. In comparison, mutant arp−/− plants were severely affected even at the lowest 5-FU dose tested (Figure 3). These results suggest that a deficiency in ARP increases Arabidopsis sensitivity to 5-FU cytotoxicity

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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To examine a possible role of LIG1 in plant BER, we incubated a duplex DNA substrate containing uracil with cell-free extracts prepared from WT plants or from an RNAi line with reduced levels of LIG1 (Figure 5) (Waterworth et al., 2009). We found that uracil repair through both SN- and LP-BER was severely reduced in the lig1 RNAi line (Figure 5a, lanes 13 and 14). However, neither AP incision (Figure 5a, lane 5) nor gap-filling DNA synthesis (Figure 5a, lanes 6 and 7) were affected. We also incubated WT and lig1 RNAi extracts with a nicked DNA substrate and found that the DNA ligation activity of the LIG1-deficient line was strongly reduced

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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We incubated cell extracts from wild-type (WT) or arp−/− plants with duplex DNA substrates containing either a single uracil residue or a synthetic AP site analogue (tetrahydrofuran, THF) within an HpaII recognition site (Figure 1b). In this assay, repair is detected as conversion of the HpaII-resistant DNA substrate to a form that is susceptible to digestion, and fully repaired products are visualized by the emergence of a 21 nt labelled fragment following denaturing PAGE (Córdoba-Cañero et al., 2009). Consistent with our previously reported observations (Córdoba-Cañero et al., 2009, 2010), WT Arabidopsis extracts are capable of performing full BER on both substrates in a reaction that is dependent on the presence of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) in the mixture (Figure 1c, lanes 3 and 8). However, cell extracts from mutant arp−/− plants lacked detectable BER activity on either the uracil- or THF-containing DNA substrates

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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To examine the possible role of ARP in plant BER, we searched for arp mutants in public T-DNA insertion line collections via the Salk Institute site (SIGnAL database) (, and found a mutant line with an insertion at exon 5 (SALK_021478) (Figure 1a) (Alonso et al., 2003). Plants homozygous for the T-DNA insertion were identified by PCR. Neither heterozygous nor homozygous mutant plants showed any obvious phenotypic alterations under standard growth conditions (data not shown)

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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We next examined whether the BER deficiency shown by arp−/− plants is caused by inability to perform the incision at the AP site. To identify DNA repair intermediates, we incubated WT or arp−/− extracts with DNA substrates labelled at the 5′ end of the upper strand, and performed parallel reactions with DNA substrates labelled on the lower strand to detect fully repaired products (Figure 2). We found that, in the absence of dNTPs, the WT extracts generated the expected 28 nt fragment corresponding to incision at the 5′ side of the AP site, for both the uracil- and THF-containing substrates (Figure 2b,c, lane 1). This was accompanied by smaller fragments, probably arising by exonucleolytic degradation. Unlike WT extracts, the mutant extracts lacked any incision activity in the THF-containing substrate (Figure 2c, lane 4). However, some incision products occurred in repair reactions with the uracil substrate (Figure 2b, lane 4), presumably corresponding to β-elimination products generated by unidentified AP lyases present in the cell extract ... To determine whether the AP incision defect observed in arp−/− mutants is due to a deficiency in AP endonuclease activity, we added human APE1 to the repair reactions (Figure 2). We found that addition of APE1 restored AP incision activity to WT levels for the THF-containing substrate (Figure 2c, lane 7) and substantially increased such activity for uracil-containing DNA (Figure 2b, lane 7). Most importantly, addition of APE1 to arp−/− extracts restored their ability to complete repair on both substrates. The mutant extracts supplemented with APE1 repaired the uracil-containing substrate either in the presence of dCTP as the only deoxynucleotide or in the presence of all four dNTPs (Figure 2b, lanes 17 and 18), indicating that both the SN- and LP-BER pathways are restored by addition of the exogenous enzyme. However, the THF-containing substrate was repaired only through LP-BER in both the WT and APE1-supplemented extracts

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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We also investigated a possible role of LIG4 in BER by analysing the repair proficiency of lig4−/− plants harbouring a T-DNA insertion at the LIG4 gene (Figure 7) (van Attikum et al., 2003). Extracts prepared from lig4−/− plants had uracil BER levels similar to those of WT plants (Figure 7c). Moreover, they did not show a reduction in DNA ligase activity, as judged from their ability to perform ligation of a nicked DNA substrate (Figure 7a). We also found that mutant lig4−/− extracts were able to complete DNA synthesis and ligation of various substrates containing a single nucleotide gap flanked by various types of 3′- and 5′-termini

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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The most likely explanation is that incision at the AP site analogue creates a 5′-dRP terminus that is resistant to β-elimination by dRP lyase activity, which precludes SN-BER (see below). Altogether, these results indicate that arp−/− plants are deficient in an AP endonuclease activity that is required for both SN- and LP-BER of uracil

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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To examine the question of BER sub-pathway choice in Arabidopsis, we incubated plant cell extracts with various DNA substrates containing a single nucleotide gap flanked by various types of 3′- and 5′-termini (Figure 4). In the OH_P substrate, the 3′ and 5′ sides of the gap are conventional 3′-OH and 5′-P groups. The P_P substrate contains a 3′-P blocking group, thus mimicking DNA repair intermediates generated by bi-functional DNA glycosylases/AP lyases that catalyse β,δ-elimination (Wiederhold et al., 2004). The OH_F substrate contains a reduced dRP at the 5′ side of the gap that is no longer susceptible to β-elimination by dRP lyase activity. As all three substrates are labelled at the 5′ end of the gapped strand, DNA synthesis and ligation are easily detected by the presence of a 51 nt labelled fragment (Figure 4a). Reactions were stopped at various time points and the amount of repaired DNA product was quantified (Figure 4b ... As expected, no repair was detected in the absence of dNTPs. Nevertheless, under these conditions, the 3′-P blocking group of the P_P substrate was efficiently converted to a 3′-OH terminus (Figure 4a, lanes 5 and 6). When the reaction was performed in the presence of all four dNTPs, a 51 nt fully repaired product was detected for all three DNA substrates, with the concomitant appearance of upper-strand reaction intermediates that co-migrated with 29, 30 and 31 nt fragments. These results indicate that all three types of gap can be efficiently processed through the LP-BER pathway. The OH_P and P_P gaps were also repaired in the presence of dCTP as the only deoxynucleotide, although in this case the accumulation rate of fully repaired product was somewhat decreased. This is in agreement with our previous results showing a slower kinetics for SN-BER compared to LP-BER for a uracil-containing DNA substrate (Córdoba-Cañero et al., 2009). In contrast, SN-BER was not detected for the gap containing a reduced 5′-dRP terminus (OH_F), despite the fact that dCMP incorporation into the repair gap was as efficient as for the other two DNA substrates (Figure 4a, lanes 3, 7 and 11). These results strongly suggest that the ability to remove blocking groups at the 5′ end of the gap is a decisive factor influencing the choice of SN-BER as an alternative sub-pathway to LP-BER in Arabidopsis

Córdoba-Cañero D, Roldán-Arjona T, Ariza RR - Arabidopsis ARP endonuclease functions in a branched base excision DNA repair pathway completed by LIG1

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Aiming at visualizing the functional state of rug2-1 mitochondria, protoplasts isolated from leaves of this mutant and Ler were stained with tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM; see Experimental procedures), a lipophilic cationic dye that accumulates proportionally to the mitochondrial membrane potential ... A threefold reduction in the fluorescence of protoplasts from rug2-1 compared with Ler was found

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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In the yellowish sectors of rug2-2 a decrease ... in ... palisade cell number

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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growth of rug2-1 ... was impaired in vitro in the absence of sucrose

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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The rug2-1 mutant was sensitive to temperature stress. When grown at 26°C (our normal growth temperature is 20°C), rug2-1 development was severely impaired ... and its growth was completely arrested

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2 mutants ... Leaves exhibited reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis, affecting the final length of ... the petiole in the mutants

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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Chloroplasts in rug2-2 ... their number was reduced in the pale sectors

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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transmission electron microscopy of leaf palisade cells ... Mesophyll cells ... in the yellowish sectors of rug2-1 ... chloroplasts, which were extremely vacuolated

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2 mutants showed a pleiotropic phenotype ... retarded growth

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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Chloroplast and mitochondrion morphology was studied by transmission electron microscopy of leaf palisade cells. Chloroplasts in the green sectors of rug2-1 ... fewer thylakoid membranes

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2-1. In the green sectors, mesophyll cell density was similar to the wild type

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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The most conspicuous trait of the rug2 mutants was the presence of green and yellowish leaf sectors in their vegetative leaves

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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The paleness of the rug2 mutants also affects ... cauline leaves

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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chlorophyll content was reduced in rug2 mutants compared with the corresponding wild types

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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small vegetative leaves ... rug2 recessive mutations

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2-1 failed to grow when sown on soil

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rounded ... laminae ... rug2 recessive mutations

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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transmission electron microscopy of leaf palisade cells ... Mesophyll cells in the yellowish sectors of rug2-1 ... chloroplasts ... lacked ... organized thylakoid membranes

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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Internal leaf anatomy was studied in the rug2 mutants by confocal microscopy of intact leaves ... and cross sections ... Plastid chlorophyll autofluorescence was almost undetectable in the pale sectors of rug2-1

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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protruding laminae ... rug2 recessive mutations

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2 mutants showed a pleiotropic phenotype ... a general reduction in size ... clearly visible in ... rosettes

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2 mutants ... Leaves exhibited reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis, affecting the final length of both the lamina

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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transmission electron microscopy of leaf palisade cells ... Mesophyll cells in the yellowish sectors of rug2-1 ... chloroplasts ... lacked starch grains

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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Chloroplast and mitochondrion morphology was studied by transmission electron microscopy of leaf palisade cells. Chloroplasts in the green sectors of rug2-1 were similar in size to those of Ler

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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In the yellowish sectors of rug2-2 a decrease in chlorophyll autofluorescence

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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Chloroplast and mitochondrion morphology was studied by transmission electron microscopy of leaf palisade cells. Chloroplasts in the green sectors of rug2-1 ... starch grains were considerably reduced in abundance

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2-1 mitochondria showed abnormal morphology in palisade cells

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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growth of ... rug2-2 was impaired in vitro in the absence of sucrose

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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The rug2-1 mutant was sensitive to temperature stress. When grown ... at 16°C its mutant phenotype was fully suppressed

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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rug2-1. In the green sectors ... a decrease in chlorophyll autofluorescence per chloroplast was observed

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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The paleness of the rug2 mutants also affects the cotyledons

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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transmission electron microscopy of leaf palisade cells ... Mesophyll cells in the yellowish sectors of rug2-1 exhibited a large reduction in the number of chloroplasts

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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Chloroplasts in rug2-2 were indistinguishable from those of Col-0

Quesada V, Sarmiento-Mañús R, González-Bayón R, Hricová A, Pérez-Marcos R, Graciá-Martínez E, Medina-Ruiz L, Leyva-Díaz E, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Arabidopsis RUGOSA2 encodes an mTERF family member required for mitochondrion, chloroplast and leaf development

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At the flowering stage, the two NEK6-overexpressing lines exhibited ... larger rosette than Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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The seedlings were also subjected to mannitol treatment. In plates that contained 200 mm mannitol ... the nek6 mutant had more yellow leaves compared with Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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At the flowering stage, the two NEK6-overexpressing lines exhibited larger leaf ... than Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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Epidermal cell numbers in petioles were measured. In the longitudinal direction, from base to top of petioles, the epidermal cell number ... were larger in NEK6-overexpressing plants OE1 and OE2

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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the nek6 mutant had lower biomass compared with Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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under a scanning electron microscope. Small protuberances were observed in the adaxial surface of petiole in nek6 mutant but not in Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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At the flowering stage, the two NEK6-overexpressing lines exhibited ... longer petiole ... than Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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the nek6 mutant showed ... significantly ... smaller rosette compared with Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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The weight of the whole aerial part was also measured as biomass for each plant and the two overexpressing lines had higher biomass than Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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Epidermal cell numbers in petioles were measured. In the longitudinal direction, from base to top of petioles, the epidermal cell number was smaller in NEK6 than that in Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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NEK6-overexpressing line OE2 with a higher NEK6 expression ... showed lower ethylene levels than Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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the nek6 mutant showed slightly smaller leaf size ... compared with Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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the nek6 mutant showed ... significantly shorter petiole ... compared with Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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Five-day-old seedlings were transferred onto a plate containing 125 mm NaCl and maintained for 14 days ... The salt-treated plants in plates were further transferred to pots that contained vermiculate and recovered for an additional 14 days. After recovery, the salt-stressed ... nek6 mutants had weak performance compared with Col as judged from the smaller plants

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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The seedlings were also subjected to mannitol treatment. In plates that contained 200 mm mannitol, the two overexpressing lines showed better growth than the Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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Five-day-old seedlings were transferred onto a plate containing 125 mm NaCl and maintained for 14 days ... The salt-treated plants in plates were further transferred to pots that contained vermiculate and recovered for an additional 14 days. After recovery, the salt-stressed NEK6-overexpressing lines OE1 and OE2 showed better growth ... than salt-stressed Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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nek6 mutant had a higher level of ethylene emission compared with Col

Zhang B, Chen HW, Mu RL, Zhang WK, Zhao MY, Wei W, Wang F, Yu H, Lei G, Zou HF, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS - NIMA-related kinase NEK6 affects plant growth and stress response in Arabidopsis

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In addition to the abnormal development in normal growth conditions, myb3r1 myb3r4 double mutants showed higher sensitivity to caffeine, a drug that inhibits cytokinesis in plants. Caffeine induces the frequent occurrence of incomplete cytokinesis, as is observed in cytokinesis-defective mutants (Falbel et al., 2003; Yasuhara, 2005). When myb3r1 myb3r4 seedlings were grown in the absence of caffeine for 12 d, no clear difference of growth was observed compared with the wild type (Fig. 4). However, when seedlings were grown in 0.5 mm caffeine, the growth of the double mutants was severely impaired whereas that of the wild type was only slightly affected. In the medium containing 1.2 mm caffeine, where wild-type seedlings could still produce leaves, growth of the myb3r1 myb3r4 seedlings was almost completely inhibited, and these seedlings died without producing leaves

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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Rosette leaves of the myb3r1 myb3r4 double mutant occasionally had ... trichomes with supernumerary branches

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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A fraction of myb3r1 myb3r4 ... cotyledons ... sometimes forming a cup-shaped structure

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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myb3r1 myb3r4 ... The severe defects of body organization occasionally resulted in seedling lethality

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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myb3r1 myb3r4 double mutant ... When analyzed by flow cytometry, wild-type diploid leaves showed peaks at 2C, 4C, 8C, 16C, 32C, and sometimes 64C levels, with DNA levels higher than 2C generated by endoreduplication during leaf development (Fig. 3A). In the double mutant, however, 17 of 54 individuals tested showed a tetraploid pattern of DNA content, which is characterized by loss of the 2C peak (Fig. 3A; Supplemental Table S2). We confirmed that nuclei of these plants had actually twice the number of chromosomes as those of diploid plants, as judged by the number of heterochromatic chromocenters observed as bright dots in 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained nuclei (Fransz et al., 2002; Fig. 3, B and C). Less frequently, plants with hexaploid or octaploid patterns of DNA content were also observed (Fig. 3D; Supplemental Table S2

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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A fraction of myb3r1 myb3r4 seedlings ... often had ... three instead of two cotyledons

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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myb3r1 myb3r4 ... the majority of seedlings ... eventually developed into mature albeit abnormal plants

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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myb3r1 myb3r4 ... the majority of seedlings grew and produced rosette leaves that were short

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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myb3r1 myb3r4 ... the majority of seedlings grew and produced rosette leaves that were ... wrinkled

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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myb3r1 myb3r4 ... mutant plants were reduced in stature

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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Rosette leaves of the myb3r1 myb3r4 double mutant occasionally had extraordinarily large stomata

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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A fraction of myb3r1 myb3r4 seedlings ... often had one ... instead of two cotyledons

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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A fraction of myb3r1 myb3r4 seedlings (approximately 5%) showed various morphological abnormalities

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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In contrast to the small minority of abnormal seedlings, the vast majority (approximately 90%) of myb3r1 myb3r4 double mutant embryos were morphologically abnormal, with severe defects often occurring at very early stages such as the first or second division. The wild-type zygote divides asymmetrically, generating a small cytoplasmically dense apical cell and an elongated vacuolate basal cell (Fig. 2A). The apical cell produces, through a regular pattern of cell divisions, most of the embryo, whereas the basal cell divides transversely several times, producing the suspensor (Fig. 2, B and C). Some double mutant embryos were rod or club shaped, containing multiple nuclei that were not separated by cell walls (Fig. 2F). This phenotype may have resulted from multiple rounds of nuclear division without cytokinesis ... In most double mutant embryos, cytokinesis eventually occurred, but the pattern of division was irregular. In the wild-type embryo, the apical daughter cell of the zygote divides vertically (Fig. 2B). This division, however, was horizontal in approximately 50% of the double mutant embryos (Fig. 2G). As wild-type development progresses, the regular and reproducible pattern of division generates globular and heart-shaped embryos (Fig. 2, C–E). Double mutant embryos did not undergo the stereotyped division pattern and instead displayed unusual division planes and misaligned or disorganized cell patterns (Fig. 2, H–J

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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One explanation is that the polyploidization may be due to increased ploidy of gametes in myb3r1 myb3r4 plants. However, in such cases, the progeny of self-fertilized myb3r1 myb3r4 plants should be frequently triploid, which has not been observed in 65 polyploid individuals

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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A fraction of myb3r1 myb3r4 seedlings ... appeared to lack cotyledons altogether

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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polyploidization events may occur in somatic cells during embryogenesis or postembryonic development in myb3r1 myb3r4 plants. To identify the origin of increased ploidy levels, we tested whether the plants were chimeric with regard to their ploidy levels. When ploidy levels were compared between roots and leaves of the same plant, three of 17 plants were chimeric; one plant had diploid leaves and a tetraploid root, whereas two had diploid leaves and a hexaploid root. The cells in roots and leaves originate from initial cells in the primary root and shoot meristem, respectively, which in turn derive from different cell groups of the eight-cell-stage embryo, suggesting that most polyploidization events in the double mutant might have occurred in early embryogenesis. That polyploidization events indeed occurred after fertilization was confirmed by examining the progeny of self-fertilized myb3r1/myb3r1 MYB3R4/myb3r4 and MYB3R1/myb3r1 myb3r4/myb3r4 plants. Most polyploid individuals were homozygous for both myb3r1 and myb3r4. Less frequently, polyploidy was also observed in MYB3R1/myb3r1 myb3r4/myb3r4 individuals

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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To test if increased KN gene expression could also rescue other abnormalities of myb3r1 myb3r4 plants, we examined the double mutants with or without the transgene expressing KN. The frequency of polyploid plants was significantly decreased when parents homozygous for myb3r1 and myb3r4 carried either CDKA;1::KN or RPS5A::KN (Table I). This suggests that the frequent polyploidization observed in myb3r1 myb3r4 double mutants may be caused, at least partially, by the defective cytokinesis that results from a deficiency of KN protein. Similarly, the frequency of seedlings with abnormal body organization was largely reduced. However, the apical daughter cell of the zygote still divided abnormally, as CDKA;1::KN or RPS5A::KN only slightly reduced the frequency of horizontal divisions (Table I). Likewise, the introduction of CDKA;1::KN or RPS5A::KN did not rescue the semidwarf phenotype and caffeine hypersensitivity of the myb3r1 myb3r4 double mutant (Table I

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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A fraction of myb3r1 myb3r4 seedlings ... cotyledons were fused

Haga N, Kobayashi K, Suzuki T, Maeo K, Kubo M, Ohtani M, Mitsuda N, Demura T, Nakamura K, Jürgens G, Ito M - Mutations in MYB3R1 and MYB3R4 cause pleiotropic developmental defects and preferential down-regulation of multiple G2/M-specific genes in Arabidopsis

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we transformed wild-type plants with a MYB32 over-expression construct driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. The transgenic plants grew smaller than the wild type

Wang H, Zhao Q, Chen F, Wang M, Dixon RA - NAC domain function and transcriptional control of a secondary cell wall master switch

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we transformed wild-type plants with a MYB32 over-expression construct driven by the CaMV 35S promoter ... their leaves curved downwards

Wang H, Zhao Q, Chen F, Wang M, Dixon RA - NAC domain function and transcriptional control of a secondary cell wall master switch

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Using AtBT1 RNAi mutant plants of Arabidopsis, Kirchberger et al. (2008) showed that the growth retardation occurring in these plants was avoided by growth in liquid culture medium containing adenosine. As de novo synthesis of adenylates has been suggested to occur exclusively in plastids (Zrenner et al., 2006; Kirchberger et al., 2008), these data fit with the suggested role of AtBT1 as a plastidial nucleotide uniport carrier protein that is required to export newly synthesized adenylates into the cytosol. However, the effect of adenosine feeding in homozygous AtBT1::T-DNA mutants was not examined. We therefore performed developmental analysis of these mutants and wild-type plants cultured for 10 days in liquid medium with or without 250 μm adenosine supplementation. As shown in Figure 1(g), 250 μm adenosine did not complement the aberrant growth phenotype of the homozygous AtBT1::T-DNA mutants

Bahaji A, Muñoz FJ, Ovecka M, Baroja-Fernández E, Montero M, Li J, Hidalgo M, Almagro G, Sesma MT, Ezquer I, Pozueta-Romero J - Specific delivery of AtBT1 to mitochondria complements the aberrant growth and sterility phenotype of homozygous Atbt1 Arabidopsis mutants

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overexpressing AtOFP ... 4 ... curled leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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We have isolated insertional mutants in ... AtOFP10 ... none of these mutants displayed any apparent morphological defects

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP ... 7 ... round ... leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP ... 4 ... round ... leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP2 ... round ... leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP ... 7 ... curled leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP ... 7 ... kidney-shaped cotyledons

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing ... AtOFP8 displayed ... thick ... rosette leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing AtOFP6 ... displayed ... cyan rosette leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing AtOFP5 ... kidney-shaped cotyledons

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP2 ... curled leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing ... AtOFP8 displayed ... cyan rosette leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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We have isolated insertional mutants in ... AtOFP15 ... none of these mutants displayed any apparent morphological defects

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing ... AtOFP8 displayed ... flat ... rosette leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing AtOFP5 ... round ... leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP2 ... kidney-shaped cotyledons

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing AtOFP ... 4 ... kidney-shaped cotyledons

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing AtOFP5 ... curled leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing AtOFP6 ... displayed ... thick ... rosette leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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We have isolated insertional mutants in AtOFP8 ... none of these mutants displayed any apparent morphological defects

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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We have isolated insertional mutants in ... AtOFP16 ... none of these mutants displayed any apparent morphological defects

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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plants overexpressing AtOFP6 ... displayed ... flat ... rosette leaves

Wang S, Chang Y, Guo J, Zeng Q, Ellis BE, Chen JG - Arabidopsis ovate family proteins, a novel transcriptional repressor family, control multiple aspects of plant growth and development

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overexpressing MED25 ... In leaves, cells stopped expanding earlier than those in the wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The med25-2 mutant had ... increased biomass compared with the wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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35S::MED25 transgenic plants ... bolting time ... similar to that of wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The fifth leaf area in wild-type and transgenic plants ... differed remarkably at 6 DAE and thereafter

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The med25-2 mutant had significantly more rosette ... branches than wild-type plants

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority of 35S::MED25 transgenic plants had ... thinner stems than wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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MED25 overexpression reduces the period of leaf growth

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The fifth leaf area in wild-type and transgenic plants was similar at 2 and 4 days after emergence (DAE

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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in plants overexpressing MED25 ... The number of palisade cells per leaf was also significantly decreased

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the Atexp5-1 mutant has smaller leaves than wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The med25-2 mutant had ... The size of the early developing rosette leaves ... similar to that of wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The med25-2 mutant had ... later developing rosette leaves ... slightly larger than those of wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The med25-2 mutant had significantly more ... cauline branches than wild-type plants

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority of 35S::MED25 transgenic plants had ... narrower ... leaves ... than wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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overexpressing MED25 ... In leaves ... resulting in a reduction in final cell size

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority of 35S::MED25 transgenic plants had ... shorter leaves ... than wild type

Xu R, Li Y - Control of final organ size by Mediator complex subunit 25 in Arabidopsis thaliana

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pht4;2-1 line has a tandem T-DNA insertion 2,170 bp downstream of the translation start site and a 7-bp deletion at the insertion site

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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total chlorophyll contents were not significantly different in wild-type, pht4;2-1 ... leaves

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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pht4;2 leaves had 30% to 35% more cells than the wild type

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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pht4;2-2 line has a single T-DNA inserted within the first intron, 738 bp downstream of the translation start site, and also has a deletion of 4 bp at the insertion site

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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total chlorophyll contents were not significantly different in wild-type ... and pht4;2-2 leaves

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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When plants were grown for 7 weeks, the ninth rosette leaves were fully expanded and the leaf-size phenotype was apparent, with 23% greater leaf area for pht4;2 mutants

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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in pht4;2 ... Starch contents of leaves were also lower in the mutants than in the wild type, but only during the light portion of the photocycle

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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The large-leaf phenotype was also observed when plants were grown hydroponically

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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when plants were grown with a shorter photoperiod (8 h of light), fully expanded pht4;2 rosettes were notably larger than those of the wild type

Irigoyen S, Karlsson PM, Kuruvilla J, Spetea C, Versaw WK - The sink-specific plastidic phosphate transporter PHT4;2 influences starch accumulation and leaf size in Arabidopsis

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Under normal growth conditions (continuous light at 23°C), seedlings of both atnus1-KO and atnus1RNAi were indistinguishable from the wild type


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atnus1-KO and atnus1RNAi ... When grown at 10°C, however, transgenic seedlings developed pale-green true leaves but normal green cotyledons


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When grown at 10°C ... chlorotic phenotype observed in the atnus1RNAi plants was weaker than that of atnus1-KO


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Superoxide levels were not different in acd2 and wild-type protoplasts

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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The cellular site of 1O2 generation in protoplasts assessed by laser scanning confocal microscope after staining them with the fluorescent probe Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green (SOSG; Flors et al., 2006; Gollmer et al., 2011), co-localized with the mitochondrial marker, MitoTracker Red CMXRos, in acd2 (Figure 2b). However, the SOSG signal in wild-type protoplasts was too low to detect a specific co-localization pattern

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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we targeted ACD2 solely ... to the chloroplasts of acd2 ... The acd2/c-ACD2 plants displayed complete and stable rescue of the acd2 cell death phenotype ... Light-exposed acd2/c-ACD2 and acd2/m-ACD2 protoplasts showed significantly higher cell viability (Figure 3c) and very little mitochondrial H2O2 and 1O2 compared with acd2

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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As chloroplast-derived H2O2 does not contribute to the acd2 cell death phenotype (Yao and Greenberg, 2006), the mitochondrial pool may be important. To test this, we increased the H2O2 scavenging capacity in acd2 mitochondria by targeting the antioxidant enzymes thylakoid ascorbate peroxidase (tAPX; Jespersen et al., 1997) and human catalase (HsCAT; Schriner et al., 2005) to acd2 mitochondria. As shown in Figure 1(a), using purified mitochondrial fractions from the acd2/m-tAPX and acd2/m-HsCAT plants, we detected m-tAPX and m-HsCAT proteins, respectively, along with the mitochondrial marker Peroxiredoxin II F (PRX II F; Finkemeier et al., 2005). We did not detect HsCAT in chloroplasts (Figure S1), indicating that the targeting to mitochondria was robust

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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The SOSG MFI of light-exposed acd2 protoplasts was also higher compared with wild-type protoplasts (Figure 2c). Chloroplast-generated 1O2 can also contribute to cell death events (op den Camp et al., 2003), a process suppressed by loss of chloroplast-localized executer proteins or by certain photoreceptors (Wagner et al., 2004; Danon et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2007). However, mutations in executers or photoreceptors did not alter cell death in acd2 (Figure S4). Thus, chloroplast-generated 1O2 does not appear to contribute to the acd2 PCD phenotype

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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1O2 accumulates in acd2 leaves, possibly because of RCC accumulation (Pruzinska et al., 2007). To discern whether RCC can directly generate 1O2 after light exposure, we made spin-trap electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy measurements using 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (TEMP) as an 1O2 trap. Figure 2(a) shows the light-induced 1O2 production from RCC (and PPIX, a positive control) as revealed from the EPR spectra of nitroxy radical 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO), which is formed by the reaction of 1O2 with TEMP. RCC or PPIX solutions incubated in the dark did not produce 1O2 (Figure 2a). The TEMPO intensity increased in a time-dependent manner

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Cell death in acd2 correlates with the accumulation of RCC and RCC-like pigments, which can accumulate in dark-incubated leaves (Pruzinska et al., 2007). The production of c-ACD2 or m-ACD2 in acd2 resulted in reduced RCC in the dark-incubation assay, albeit c-ACD2 was more effective at reducing RCC than m-ACD2 (Figure 6a). In contrast, RCC levels were high in acd2/c-ACD2** and acd2/m-ACD2** plants that were not rescued (Figure 6a). The ability of m-ACD2 to cause reduced RCC accumulation probably results from the movement of RCC from chloroplasts to mitochondria

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Red chlorophyll catabolite is converted to non-fluorescent chlorophyll catabolite (NCC) isomers either enzymatically or non-enzymatically. The ratio of isomers is diagnostic of the mechanism of NCC formation. NCC3, NCC5 and their respective epimers (NCC3′ and NCC5′) occur in acd2 leaves as a result of the non-enzymatic conversion of RCC (Pruzinska et al., 2007). Complementation of acd2 with ACD2 results in the loss of NCC3′ and NCC5′ (Pruzinska et al., 2007). As shown in Figure 6(b), the ratios of NCC stereoisomers (NCC-3′/NCC-3; NCC-5′/NCC-5) were reduced in acd2/m-ACD2 and acd2/c-ACD2 plants, but not in the acd2/c-ACD2** and acd2/m-ACD2** plants

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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we created mosaic plants with acd2 sectors next to ACD2+ sectors. We generated acd2 seeds containing a cassette flanked by LOX recombination sites with ACD2 linked to a gene encoding nuclear-localized GFP that could be excised by CRE recombinase after a transient heat shock (Figure S7a). acd2 plants carrying this cassette were complemented (Figure S7b). Leaves that were not heat shocked showed GFP throughout the leaves (Figure 7a). A brief heat shock resulted in the creation of various sizes of random sectors lacking GFP, and hence ACD2 ... In 26 mosaic leaves, cell death from leaves on different plants started within a sector lacking ACD2 (Figure 7b), and spread rapidly to areas that lacked ACD2 (Figure 7c–f), but not to GFP+/ACD2+ sectors (Figure 7c–f). When a new lesion started it occurred in another sector that lacked GFP (and ACD2), and extended to cells that lacked GFP (Figure 7e,f). Mosaic leaves retained living cells even 5–7 days after the initiation of a lesion(s). In contrast, in 10 acd2 leaves closely examined, cell death spread continuously in all directions once it started, and consumed the whole leaf within 3 days

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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The application of vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), a 1O2 quencher (Bilski et al., 2000; Danon et al., 2005), significantly reduced the MFI of SOSG in protoplasts (Figure 2c), and resulted in the increased cell survival of acd2 but not wild type (Figure 2d). The difference in the effect of B6 on survival probably results from the highly concentrated 1O2 found in acd2, but not in wild-type mitochondria. B6 further increased the cell survival of acd2/m-tAPX also (Figure 2d). This indicates that both 1O2 and H2O2 contribute to the acd2 PCD phenotype. Interestingly, 1O2 production in acd2/m-tAPX protoplasts, assessed by quantifying the SOSG MFI, was unchanged relative to acd2 (Figure 2e). Similarly, the production of H2O2 by acd2 in the presence of vitamin B6, assessed by quantifying the CM-H2DCFDA MFI, was also unchanged relative to acd2 alone (Figure 2f). Thus, 1O2 and H2O2 are independently generated

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Exogenous application of PPIX can initiate and accelerate the PCD events in acd2 (Yao et al., 2004; Yao and Greenberg, 2006). To test whether endogenous PPIX levels are modulated by ACD2, we analyzed its steady-state level in acd2 leaves using HPLC. There was no difference in the levels of PPIX or other chlorophyll precursors in 15- or 20-day-old wild-type and acd2 leaves

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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we targeted ACD2 solely to the mitochondria ... Most acd2/m-ACD2 plants (>79% of plants) were also fully rescued. A minority of acd2/m-ACD2 plants showed cell death later in development relative to acd2, which was accompanied by reduced levels of ACD2 ... Light-exposed acd2/c-ACD2 and acd2/m-ACD2 protoplasts showed significantly higher cell viability (Figure 3c) and very little mitochondrial H2O2 and 1O2 compared with acd2

Pattanayak GK, Venkataramani S, Hortensteiner S, Kunz L, Christ B, Moulin M, Smith AG, Okamoto Y, Tamiaki H, Sugishima M, Greenberg JT - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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leaves of ... as2-1 rev-1 ... were smaller than fully expanded leaves of the wild type

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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finger-shaped protrusions ... were observed on the adaxial side of late-appearing leaves of as2-1 rev-1

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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plants of yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 yuc6 ... showed a narrow-leaf phenotype

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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as2-1 rev-1 ... cell patches ... could occur anywhere among the margin cells

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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kan1-11 kan2-5 ... treatment ... with NPA led to leaves with very few ... margin cells

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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treatment with 1 μM NPA also resulted in the disordered arrangement of margin cells

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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finger-shaped protrusions ... were observed ... on the abaxial side of kan1-11 kan2-5 leaves

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

the leaf margin of yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 yuc6 ... lacked hydathodes

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

The plant size of the kan1-11 kan2-5 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 pentuple mutant was also reduced

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of one as2-1 rev-1 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 plant ... leaf margin curled upward

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 ... had lobes on their rosette leaves

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

treatment with 1 μM NPA significantly decreased the number of hydathodes

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

as2-1 rev-1 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 ... leaves, which were filamentous

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 pentuple mutant ... with margin cells interrupted by an increased number of cell patches on the leaf margin

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

as2-1 rev-1 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 ... lacking typical margin cells

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 ... there were many more margin cell patches than in the wild type

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

many parts of the leaf margin lacked margin cells when treated with 5 μM NPA

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

plants of yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 yuc6 were smaller

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

margin cells in yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 yuc6 ... increased number compared with that in wild-type leaves

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

35S::YUC1/kan1-11 kan2-5 plants contained significantly less hydathodes

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 ... leaves ... were very narrow

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

treatment with increased NPA concentrations resulted in decreased plant size of as2-1 rev-1

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

The 35S::YUC1 transgenic plants ... plants became very small in ... wild-type ... backgrounds

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

The 35S::YUC1 transgenic plants ... plants became very small in ... kan1-11 kan2-5 ... backgrounds

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

leaves of as2-1 rev-1 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 ... abaxialized leaf feature without any blade outgrowth

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

as2-1 rev-1 ... had lobes on their rosette leaves

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

Compared with the as2-1 rev-1 double mutant ... as2-1 rev-1 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4/+ plants were reduced in size

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

35S::YUC1/Col-0 ... plants contained significantly less hydathodes

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

as2-1 rev-1 ... treatment ... with NPA led to leaves with very few ... margin cells

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

The rosette leaves of one as2-1 rev-1 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 plant ... were narrow

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 ... leaves ... with no margin cells

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 ... leaves ... had fewer hydathodes than the wild type

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

leaves of ... kan1-11 kan2-5 were smaller than fully expanded leaves of the wild type

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

as2-1 rev-1 ... there were many more margin cell patches than in the wild type

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

as2-1 rev-1 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 ... The margin formation ... was severely defective

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

treatment with increased NPA concentrations resulted in decreased plant size of ... kan1-11 kan2-5

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

as2-1 rev-1 ... leaves ... had fewer hydathodes than the wild type

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

treatment with 1 μM NPA reduced the size of wild-type ... leaves

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 ... cell patches ... could occur anywhere among the margin cells

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

kan1-11 kan2-5 yuc1 yuc2 yuc4 ... leaves are adaxialized with no blade outgrowth

Wang W, Xu B, Wang H, Li J, Huang H, Xu L - YUCCA genes are expressed in response to leaf adaxial-abaxial juxtaposition and are required for leaf margin development

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  • Phenotype

The detached leaves of SAG113in plants lost water more rapidly than did the control leaves over 3 h (Figure 8e). After 3 h the water lost by leaves of SAG113in plants was 62.2% while the water lost by the control leaves was only 46.1%, suggesting that the inducible SAG113 expression significantly promotes water loss in the SAG113in plants

Zhang K, Xia X, Zhang Y, Gan SS - An ABA-regulated and Golgi-localized protein phosphatase controls water loss during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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We thus measured the stomatal aperture in the knockout and wild-type plants in response to the ABA treatment. As expected, the mean stomatal aperture of wild-type leaves decreased from 3.92 to 2.13 μm (a 45.66% reduction) after the treatment with ABA. In contrast, the stomatal aperture in the knockout leaves decreased to a much greater degree, from 3.71 to 1.60 μm (a 56.87% reduction) after the ABA treatment (Figure 7f). These data clearly demonstrate that the senescing leaves of the SAG113 knockout are more sensitive to ABA and lose less water than wild-type leaves during leaf senescence

Zhang K, Xia X, Zhang Y, Gan SS - An ABA-regulated and Golgi-localized protein phosphatase controls water loss during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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the stomatal closure of the leaves of SAG113in plants was less sensitive to ABA than that of control plants. After the ABA treatment, the stomatal aperture of the SAG113in plants was reduced by only 32.92% from 4.01 to 2.69 μm while that of the wild type decreased by 70.59% from 3.91 to 1.15 μm, which indicates that the expression of the SAG113 gene significantly reduces the ABA stomatal closure response in plants


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Since ABA signaling controls water loss in plants, we measured the water loss rate in the detached senescing leaves of SAG113 knockouts to see the effect of the knockout mutation on ABA signaling. Sixth rosette leaves with approximately 25% yellowing were used for these experiments because SAG113 was readily expressed in these leaves (Figure 1a). The detached leaves of the SAG113 knockout mutant lost significantly less water than detached wild-type leaves over the course of 3 h (Figure 7e). Three hours after detachment the knockout leaves lost water to the extent of 41.1% of the weight of the freshly cut leaves compared with 49.2% for wild-type leaves


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the chlorophyll contents of the fifth and sixth rosette leaves are higher in the SAG113 knockout plants than those of the wild-type plants at the same age

Zhang K, Xia X, Zhang Y, Gan SS - An ABA-regulated and Golgi-localized protein phosphatase controls water loss during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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SAG113 was inducibly expressed in the adult leaves using a previously described dexamethasone (DEX) induction system ... When the transgenic plants (35 DAG) were treated with 30 μm of the chemical inducer DEX, the transgenic plants (called SAG113in) exhibit dehydration and precocious leaf senescence phenotypes compared with the uninduced controls (Figure 8b). Five days after the induction, the total chlorophyll levels in leaves of SAG113in plants were significantly reduced compared with those of the wild type

Zhang K, Xia X, Zhang Y, Gan SS - An ABA-regulated and Golgi-localized protein phosphatase controls water loss during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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The velocities of water loss in young leaves, adult leaves, early senescence leaves, and late senescence leaves were also investigated, and as shown in Figure 4 the rate of water loss was significantly increased during leaf senescence

Zhang K, Xia X, Zhang Y, Gan SS - An ABA-regulated and Golgi-localized protein phosphatase controls water loss during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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To investigate the physiological basis of the above gene regulation by ABA, we used liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry to determine the endogenous ABA levels in wild-type non-senescing leaves (WTNS), in leaves at an early senescence stage (WTS1), and in leaves at a late senescence stage (WTS2). The endogenous levels of ABA in leaves were indeed significantly increased in senescing leaves

Zhang K, Xia X, Zhang Y, Gan SS - An ABA-regulated and Golgi-localized protein phosphatase controls water loss during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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Compared with the wild type, the SAG113 knockout plants displayed a delayed leaf senescence phenotype

Zhang K, Xia X, Zhang Y, Gan SS - An ABA-regulated and Golgi-localized protein phosphatase controls water loss during leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

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We also examined the sensitivity of elo3 seedlings to a DNA damage agent, methylmethane sulfonate (MMS). Compared with the wild type, the elo3 shoots and roots were more sensitive to MMS

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In plants, leaves that have severe defects in adaxial–abaxial polarity usually form needle- or lotus-like leaves. Compared with wild-type Col-0 (Figure 1a), elo1, elo2, and elo3 produced narrower rosette leaves, with a higher frequency of needle-like leaves (14, 6, and 9%, respectively; n > 100) (Figures 1b–d and S1), which indicated that these leaves were abnormal in the adaxial–abaxial polarity

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo3 as2-1 ... However, double mutants, created by combining as1 or as2 with the Elongator mutants, all showed severe leaf polarity abnormalities, and formed numerous needle- or lotus-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

SGS3 and ZIP/AGO7 are known to act synergistically with the AS1/AS2 pathway to specify leaf adaxial identity (Li et al., 2005; Garcia et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2006), and leaf shapes of sgs3 and zip single mutants correspond almost normally to that of wild type (Peragine et al., 2004 ... In contrast with the elo2, sgs3, and zip single mutants, the double mutants elo2 sgs3-11 and elo2 zip-1 produced severely abaxialized leaves and increased numbers of needle-like leaves (Figure S2

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo1 as1-1 ... Long, narrow cells, which are usually present on the abaxial leaf surface in the wild type plant, were observed in the leaf adaxial epidermis of double mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo3 as2-1 ... Long, narrow cells, which are usually present on the abaxial leaf surface in the wild type plant, were observed in the leaf adaxial epidermis of double mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo1 as2-1 ... Long, narrow cells, which are usually present on the abaxial leaf surface in the wild type plant, were observed in the leaf adaxial epidermis of double mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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elo2 as2-1 ... However, double mutants, created by combining as1 or as2 with the Elongator mutants, all showed severe leaf polarity abnormalities, and formed numerous needle- or lotus-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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Both as1 (Figure 1e) and as2 (Figure 1i) on the Col-0 background had weak leaf polarity defects, with up-curled pedicels but without needle- and lotus-like structures

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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Similarly, compared with the abo4-2 single mutant (Figure 10c), leaf polarity of the abo4-2 as1-1double mutant was also severely defective

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo2 as2-1 ... The needle-like leaves were covered with incompletely differentiated cells and lacked vasculature development

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo3 as1-1 ... Long, narrow cells, which are usually present on the abaxial leaf surface in the wild type plant, were observed in the leaf adaxial epidermis of double mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In plants, leaves that have severe defects in adaxial–abaxial polarity usually form ... needle- or lotus-like leaves. Compared with wild-type Col-0 (Figure 1a), elo1, elo2, and elo3 produced narrower rosette leaves, with a higher frequency of needle-like leaves (14, 6, and 9%, respectively; n > 100) (Figures 1b–d and S1), which indicated that these leaves were abnormal in the adaxial–abaxial polarity

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo2 as1-1 ... Long, narrow cells, which are usually present on the abaxial leaf surface in the wild type plant, were observed in the leaf adaxial epidermis of double mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore whether Elongator acts in a pathway with other PCNA-associating proteins, we analyzed leaf polarity of fas1, fas2, and abo4 ... Loss-of-function fas1 and fas2 mutants exhibit pleiotropic phenotypes (Kaya et al., 2001; Exner et al., 2006), and the narrow leaves of fas1 and fas2 (Figure 10a,b) are similar to those observed in the Elongator mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo1 as2-1 ... The needle-like leaves were covered with incompletely differentiated cells and lacked vasculature development

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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elo1 as1-1 ... The needle-like leaves were covered with incompletely differentiated cells and lacked vasculature development

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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To determine whether the aberrant DNA replication in the Elongator mutants causes increased DNA damage, we performed a comet assay to measure DNA damage using 8-day-old elo3 leaves. Because the extent of DNA damage differed from cell to cell even in the same plant, we classified elo3 comet signals arbitrarily into four grades based on a ratio of signal intensities from the comet tail over the entire nucleus (Figure 6c). At the developmental stage examined, only weak DNA damage signals were detected in the wild-type leaves (Figure 6a,d), whereas not only severe DNA damage, but also a large number of cells that contained damaged DNA, was found in elo3 leaves (Figure 6b,d), which indicated that damaged DNA molecules had accumulated dramatically in the Elongator mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo1 as1-1 ... However, double mutants, created by combining as1 or as2 with the Elongator mutants, all showed severe leaf polarity abnormalities, and formed numerous needle- or lotus-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In plants, leaves that have severe defects in adaxial–abaxial polarity usually form needle- or lotus-like leaves. Compared with wild-type Col-0 (Figure 1a), elo1, elo2, and elo3 produced narrower rosette leaves, with a higher frequency of needle-like leaves (14, 6, and 9%, respectively; n > 100) (Figures 1b–d and S1), which indicated that these leaves were abnormal in the adaxial–abaxial polarity

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Both as1 (Figure 1e) and as2 (Figure 1i) on the Col-0 background had weak leaf polarity defects, with up-curled pedicels but without needle- and lotus-like structures

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In plants, leaves that have severe defects in adaxial–abaxial polarity usually form needle- or lotus-like leaves. Compared with wild-type Col-0 (Figure 1a), elo1, elo2, and elo3 produced narrower rosette leaves, with a higher frequency of needle-like leaves (14, 6, and 9%, respectively; n > 100) (Figures 1b–d and S1), which indicated that these leaves were abnormal in the adaxial–abaxial polarity

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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To better understand the function of Elongator in cell cycle progression, we performed a flow cytometric analysis to examine the nuclear ploidy in the first-pair leaves of elo3 during early leaf development ... development ... In contrast with the significantly increased 4C cells from DAS 10–11 in the wild type, the 4C cells in elo3 increased much slower from DAS 11–13, and the number of 4C and 2C cells reached a similar level until DAS 13

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo2 as1-1 ... However, double mutants, created by combining as1 or as2 with the Elongator mutants, all showed severe leaf polarity abnormalities, and formed numerous needle- or lotus-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo2 as1-1 ... The needle-like leaves were covered with incompletely differentiated cells and lacked vasculature development

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

SGS3 and ZIP/AGO7 are known to act synergistically with the AS1/AS2 pathway to specify leaf adaxial identity (Li et al., 2005; Garcia et al., 2006; Xu et al., 2006), and leaf shapes of sgs3 and zip single mutants correspond almost normally to that of wild type (Peragine et al., 2004 ... In contrast with the elo2, sgs3, and zip single mutants, the double mutants elo2 sgs3-11 and elo2 zip-1 produced severely abaxialized leaves and increased numbers of needle-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In plants, leaves that have severe defects in adaxial–abaxial polarity usually form needle- or lotus-like leaves. Compared with wild-type Col-0 (Figure 1a), elo1, elo2, and elo3 produced narrower rosette leaves, with a higher frequency of needle-like leaves (14, 6, and 9%, respectively; n > 100) (Figures 1b–d and S1), which indicated that these leaves were abnormal in the adaxial–abaxial polarity

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Like Elongator mutants combined with as1-1, the fas1-4 as1-1 and fas2-4 as1-1 double mutants produced a number of abaxialized lotus- and needle-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo3 as1-1 ... The needle-like leaves were covered with incompletely differentiated cells and lacked vasculature development

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo1 as2-1 ... However, double mutants, created by combining as1 or as2 with the Elongator mutants, all showed severe leaf polarity abnormalities, and formed numerous needle- or lotus-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In plants, leaves that have severe defects in adaxial–abaxial polarity usually form needle- or lotus-like leaves. Compared with wild-type Col-0 (Figure 1a), elo1, elo2, and elo3 produced narrower rosette leaves, with a higher frequency of needle-like leaves (14, 6, and 9%, respectively; n > 100) (Figures 1b–d and S1), which indicated that these leaves were abnormal in the adaxial–abaxial polarity

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To investigate whether loss of Elongator functions affects the endoreduplication, we analyzed nuclear ploidy distribution of cells in the 25-day-old fully expanded first-pair leaves. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the percentage of 8C cells was markedly increased in elo3, while those of the 16C and 32C cells was reduced

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Like Elongator mutants combined with as1-1, the fas1-4 as1-1 and fas2-4 as1-1 double mutants produced a number of abaxialized lotus- and needle-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To explore whether Elongator acts in a pathway with other PCNA-associating proteins, we analyzed leaf polarity of fas1, fas2, and abo4 ... Loss-of-function fas1 and fas2 mutants exhibit pleiotropic phenotypes (Kaya et al., 2001; Exner et al., 2006), and the narrow leaves of fas1 and fas2 (Figure 10a,b) are similar to those observed in the Elongator mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo3 as2-1 ... The needle-like leaves were covered with incompletely differentiated cells and lacked vasculature development

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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To better understand the function of Elongator in cell cycle progression, we performed a flow cytometric analysis to examine the nuclear ploidy in the first-pair leaves of elo3 during early leaf development ... In addition, the 4C population stayed at a high level (about 60%) from DAS 14–16, and the 8C population showed increased slowly until DAS 15 (Figure 4b

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

elo2 as2-1 ... Long, narrow cells, which are usually present on the abaxial leaf surface in the wild type plant, were observed in the leaf adaxial epidermis of double mutants

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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elo3 as1-1 ... However, double mutants, created by combining as1 or as2 with the Elongator mutants, all showed severe leaf polarity abnormalities, and formed numerous needle- or lotus-like leaves

Xu D, Huang W, Li Y, Wang H, Huang H, Cui X - Elongator complex is critical for cell cycle progression and leaf patterning in Arabidopsis

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we observed the lateral organ phenotypes in LFY-activated plants. DEX-treated 35S:LFY-GR seedlings had upwardly curled leaves

Yamaguchi N, Yamaguchi A, Abe M, Wagner D, Komeda Y - LEAFY controls Arabidopsis pedicel length and orientation by affecting adaxial-abaxial cell fate

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LFY-activated plants have leaf ... phenotypes that are typical of adaxialized plants

Yamaguchi N, Yamaguchi A, Abe M, Wagner D, Komeda Y - LEAFY controls Arabidopsis pedicel length and orientation by affecting adaxial-abaxial cell fate

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The atgstu17 mutants (atgstu17-1 and atgstu17-2) exhibited a smooth ... leaf shape

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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stomata of atgstu17 plants had a constitutively reduced aperture

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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The atgstu17 ... mutants (atgstu17-1 and atgstu17-2) exhibited ... elliptical leaf shape

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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ABA-deficient mutant aba2 (GLUCOSE INSENSITIVE1 ... contains low levels of ABA

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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the ectopic expression of AtGSTU17 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter in the wild type, GSTUOE-1, and GSTUOE-2 ... resulted in an uneven leaf surface

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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wild-type plants were grown in the solution with or without GSH for 2 weeks, and the leaf ABA content was measured. The plants grown in solution containing 200 μm GSH accumulated an ABA level that was 1.8-fold greater than the level detected in plants without exogenous GSH treatment ... Plants treated with 400 ?m GSH showed 1.4-fold higher ABA content. Our results support that ABA accumulation can be promoted by exogenous GSH treatment

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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GSH levels in the atgstu17s were significantly higher than in wild-type plants

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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the ABA content in leaves was 2- and 2.3-fold significantly higher in atgstu17-1 and atgstu17-2, respectively, than in wild-type plants

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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stomatal apertures were significantly smaller in plants grown in the GSH-containing solutions

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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Enhanced salt stress tolerance of the atgstu17 plants was also observed

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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AtGSTU17 ... the ABA content in leaves ... was lower in the overexpressors than in wild-type plants

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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the rate of water loss from atgstu17s was lower than that from wild-type plants, as measured by the fresh weight loss of detached leaves

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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we investigated the response to prolonged periods of drought and found that atgstu17 plants ... had improved resistance to water deficits ... Nearly all of the atgstu17 plants had recovered and begun to grow again, while only 40% of the wild-type plants could resume growth

Chen JH, Jiang HW, Hsieh EJ, Chen HY, Chien CT, Hsieh HL, Lin TP - Drought and salt stress tolerance of an Arabidopsis glutathione S-transferase U17 knockout mutant are attributed to the combined effect of glutathione and abscisic acid

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The levels of ... ET were not significantly altered ... in 4-week-old bio4-1 plants in comparison to wild-type

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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Co-infiltration with catalase significantly reduced DAB staining, confirming H2O2 generation in bio4-1

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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To elucidate the subcellular localization of the accumulated H2O2 in bio4-1, we detected deposits of cerium perhydroxides by electron microscopy, indicating the presence of H2O2 (Bestwick et al., 1997). Precipitates were predominantly located within and along the xylem cell walls of vascular bundles in bio4-1 (Figure 2b, right panels). Moreover, deposits of cerium perhydroxides were also found within the endoplasmic reticulum of xylem cells in the mutant. In contrast, only low levels of cerium perhydroxides were occasionally found in the cell walls of vascular bundles in wild-type

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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Reducing the light cycle from 12 to 8 h without changing the light intensity suppressed the formation of visible necrotic lesions in rosette leaves of mutant plants (data not shown), suggesting that lesion formation was dependent on the day length. Lesions also appeared consistently in axenically grown mutant plants (Figure 1b), showing that lesion formation does not require any pathogen stimulus or infection. The lesions were clearly necrotic and contained substantial amounts of dead cells, as indicated by trypan blue staining ... the mutant was named bio4-1

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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The levels of JA ... were not significantly altered ... in 4-week-old bio4-1 plants in comparison to wild-type

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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the blue formazan precipitation produced by reaction of NBT with O2− (Figure 2a) was not reduced even when very high concentrations of a commercial superoxide dismutase (SOD) were co-infiltrated into the leaves (data not shown), suggesting that either the amount of exogenous SOD is not sufficient to catalyze the conversion of O2− or that uncharacterized radicals accumulate in bio4-1 mutants. Positive DAB and NBT staining was abolished in bio4-1 mutants complemented either genetically with BIO4 or by 1 μM d-biotin added to the growth medium

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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we generated the following double mutants: bio4-1/NahG, which is deficient in SA accumulation ... Morphologically, all homozygous double mutants resemble the bio4-1 mutant, with visible spontaneous lesions, serrated leaves and reduced size compared to wild-type ... bio4-1/NahG exhibited similar levels of chlorophyll in comparison to the single mutant bio4-1, confirming that the lesion phenotype is independent of ... SA

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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To test the hypothesis that bio4-1 mutants suffer from a lack of d-biotin, we transferred 1-week-old bio4-1 seedlings to half-strength MS medium containing d-biotin. Visible cell death symptoms in bio4-1 were significantly reduced with increasing concentrations of d-biotin, and completely disappeared at final concentration of 1 μM d-biotin (Figure S1D). Soil-grown bio4-1 plants were also rescued by the addition of d-biotin

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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We screened a collection of Arabidopsis ecotype Columbia (Col-0) T-DNA lines generated using the pBIN19-derived vector pCP60 (Li et al., 2004), which harbors a constitutively expressed methionine sulfoxide reductase B9 gene (MsrB9; At4g21850), for lesion phenotypes ... Homozygous mutants germinated with normal cotyledons, but typically developed visible lesions 2–3 weeks after germination (Figure 1a). Despite the increasing size of scattered lesions during leaf development and expansion, no rosette leaves became completely chlorotic ... the mutant was named bio4-1

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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mutants ... had ... slightly rolled-up leaf edges ... the mutant was named bio4-1

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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we generated ... bio4-1/coi1-1, which is defective in JA signaling ... Morphologically, all homozygous double mutants resemble the bio4-1 mutant, with visible spontaneous lesions, serrated leaves and reduced size compared to wild-type

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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mutants exhibited reduced size ... the mutant was named bio4-1

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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the level of free SA was slightly elevated in 4-week-old bio4-1 plants in comparison to wild-type ... In contrast, total SA levels were clearly increased in the bio4-1 mutant

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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we generated ... bio4-1/npr1-1, which shows impaired SA-mediated induction of SAR marker gene expression ... Morphologically, all homozygous double mutants resemble the bio4-1 mutant, with visible spontaneous lesions, serrated leaves and reduced size compared to wild-type ... H2O2 accumulation appears to be independent of functional NPR1, as indicated by comparable H2O2 accumulation in bio4-1 and bio4-1/npr1-1 double mutants ... bio4-1/npr1-1 ... exhibited similar levels of chlorophyll in comparison to the single mutant bio4-1, confirming that the lesion phenotype is independent of NPR1 and SA

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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To determine the nature of bio4-1-associated lesions, we examined whether ROS levels are increased in this mutant. Leaves were stained with either diaminobenzidine (DAB) or nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT). Enhanced H2O2 accumulation irrespective of day length was clearly apparent in DAB-stained leaves of the bio4-1 mutant but absent in control plants

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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mutants ... had deeply serrated ... leaf edges ... the mutant was named bio4-1

Li J, Brader G, Helenius E, Kariola T, Palva ET - Biotin deficiency causes spontaneous cell death and activation of defense signaling

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We directly sequenced all the editing sites of mitochondrial transcripts in the slg1 mutant. In the WT, 72% of the C nucleotides at position 250 of nad3 transcripts (nad3-250) were edited, but editing of nad3-250 was completely abolished in slg1 (Figure 6a). Meanwhile, the editing level of a nearby site, nad3-254, was unaffected in slg1. This indicated that the editing function of SLG1 was highly sequence-specific. The failure to edit the nad3-250 site converted the codon from TCT to CCT, resulting in a change from serine to proline

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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To determine whether the drought-tolerant phenotype of slg1 was due to high sensitivity of stomatal closure, we compared the size of stomatal apertures of WT and slg1 plants after they had experienced drought stress for 10 days. Before irrigation was stopped, stomatal apertures were similar for the WT and slg1 (Figure 3d,g). After water was withheld for 10 days, however, stomatal apertures were significantly smaller for slg1 than the WT, indicating that the high tolerance of slg1 to drought stress might be explained by its stomata responding more rapidly than those of the WT to drought stress

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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After 15 days of drought stress, all the rosette leaves of WT plants had wilted and turned yellow, while most parts of slg1 leaves remained turgid and green. Leaf fresh weights indicated that the WT lost water more quickly than slg1

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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When grown in soil, slg1 had smaller rosettes than the WT at all times before bolting (Figure 1e). The rosettes of the WT attained their final size about 25 DAG, but slg1 rosettes required 35 days to reach the same size as those of the WT

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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The Arabidopsis mutant slg1 (slow growth 1) was identified from a T-DNA activation tagging library (Koiwa et al., 2006). The mutant grew slower than the wild type (WT) throughout its life cycle

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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To determine whether the impaired complex I function would affect the production of ATP, we then directly compared the levels of ATP between the WT and slg1. As expected, at both 10 and 30 DAG, the level of ATP was about 50% lower in slg1 than in the WT (Figure 7b

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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Mitochondrial electron transport has also been hypothesized to be involved in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause oxidative damage to thylakoid membranes and other cellular components but which can also serve as signaling molecules that help plants adapt to stress conditions. We therefore compared the levels of one of the ROS molecules, H2O2, in the guard cells of the WT and slg1. Under normal growth conditions, H2O2 content in the guard cells was similar in the WT and slg1 (Figure 8a); when the leaves were treated with 50 μm ABA, however, stomatal apertures were smaller and H2O2 levels in guard cells were higher in slg1 than in the WT

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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Plant mitochondrion complex I includes more than 40 subunits, nine of which are encoded by nad genes, including nad3 (Heazlewood et al., 2003). To determine whether the defect in RNA editing of nad3 affected the function of complex I, we compared the NADH dehydrogenase activity of complex I between slg1 and the WT. As shown in Figure 7(a), the enzyme activity of complex I in slg1 was dramatically reduced; in contrast, this enzyme activity was completely recovered in complementation lines

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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During most of their life cycle, slg1 plants were shorter than WT plants, but the heights were similar at 55 DAG

Yuan H, Liu D - Functional disruption of the pentatricopeptide protein SLG1 affects mitochondrial RNA editing, plant development, and responses to abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis

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elevated expression of E2FA–GFP led to phenotypes of overproliferation

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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in the E2FA-RNAi leaves at this stage, compared with WT (Figure 2A), the flow cytometry data suggest a G1 arrest

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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An extended proliferation of cotyledons in the CYCD3;1 overexpression

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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E2FA-RNAi plants were smaller

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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elevated expression of E2FA–GFP led to phenotypes of ... increased endocycle

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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Epidermal pavement cells ... leaves ... of E2FA-RNAi ... were abnormally large ... at later time points (12 and 16 DAG

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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E2FA-RNAi lines the switch from proliferation to endocycle was delayed

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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leaves ... E2FA-RNAi ... compared with WT ... at later time points (12 and 16 DAG ... cells around the stomata remained small

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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Epidermal pavement cells in young leaves (9 DAG) of E2FA-RNAi lines were enlarged

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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E2FA-RNAi lines, the proportion of cells in G2 was reduced

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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in the E2FA-RNAi lines ... the ploidy level was reduced in fully mature leaves

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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E2FA-RNAi lines ... the proportion of cells ... increase in G1

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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Epidermal pavement cells in young leaves (9 DAG) of E2FA-RNAi ... premature exit from the proliferation phase

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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E2FA and DPA ectopic co-overexpression leads to overproliferation in ... cotyledon

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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Cells in cotyledons exit proliferation and enter into endocycle early during development, which is strongly inhibited by CYCD3;1 overexpression

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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The endocycle is also compromised in the cotyledons of the E2FA-RNAi plants

Magyar Z, Horváth B, Khan S, Mohammed B, Henriques R, De Veylder L, Bakó L, Scheres B, Bögre L - Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR-bound and RBR-free complexes

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We also performed lactophenol trypan blue staining assays, which selectively visualize dead cells ... After drought treatments by withholding water ... ntl4-1 mutant leaves were weakly stained relative to the staining intensity in Col-0 leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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35S:NTL4 transgenic plants over-expressing a full-size NTL4 form were phenotypically indistinguishable from Col-0 plants

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Leaf senescence processes of Col-0 plants, 35S:4ΔC transgenic plants ... were not discernibly different when the plants were grown under normal conditions ... under drought conditions, leaf senescence was accelerated in 35S:4ΔC transgenic plants

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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ntl4-2 (SALK_007900) ... did not exhibit any visible phenotypes when grown under normal conditions

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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cell death ... decreases in ntl4-1 mutant leaves under drought conditions

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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We examined the levels of endogenous H2O2 by 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining (Ramel et al., 2009). The 35S:4ΔC transgenic leaves were more strongly stained with DAB than Col-0 leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Superoxide radicals are efficiently detected by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) staining (Ramel et al., 2009). Similar to the levels of H2O2, 35S:4ΔC transgenic leaves were stained more densely than Col-0 leaves ... therefore concluded that ROS levels were increased in 35S:4ΔC transgenic leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Under drought conditions, the densities of brown color were increased in all plant genotypes examined ... the relative density was ... lower in the ntl4-1 leaves compared with Col-0 leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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35S:4ΔC transgenic plants over-expressing a truncated NTL4 form, comprising residues 1–420 and thus lacking the transmembrane motif, exhibited distinct phenotypes, such as ... leaves with asymmetric leaf axis

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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35S:4ΔC transgenic plants over-expressing a truncated NTL4 form, comprising residues 1–420 and thus lacking the transmembrane motif, exhibited distinct phenotypes, such as ... curled leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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35S:4ΔC transgenic plants over-expressing a truncated NTL4 form, comprising residues 1–420 and thus lacking the transmembrane motif, exhibited distinct phenotypes, such as slightly reduced growth

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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We next examined temporal and spatial accumulation of ROS by chemical staining of leaves after exposure to drought conditions. The results showed that ROS accumulation initiates in the distal leaf area where leaf senescence initiates (Figure 6c, indicated by arrows), further supporting the relationship between leaf senescence and ROS accumulation

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Electrolyte leakage assays are commonly used to estimate the extent of cell death in plant tissues ... Under normal conditions, the degree of electrolyte leakage was not significantly different in the leaves examined ... after air-drying treatments, the degree of electrolyte leakage was ... lower in ntl4-1 mutant leaves compared to Col-0 leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Under drought conditions, the chlorophyll contents decreased in 35S:4ΔC transgenic leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Under drought conditions, the chlorophyll contents ... increased slowly but steadily in the ntl4-1 mutant leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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We also performed lactophenol trypan blue staining assays, which selectively visualize dead cells ... After drought treatments by withholding water, 35S:4ΔC transgenic leaves were densely stained dark blue

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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We examined the levels of endogenous H2O2 by 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining ... the staining density of the ntl4-1 mutant leaves was lower than that of Col-0 leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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cell death increases in 35S:4ΔC transgenic leaves ... under drought conditions

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Electrolyte leakage assays are commonly used to estimate the extent of cell death in plant tissues ... Under normal conditions, the degree of electrolyte leakage was not significantly different in the leaves examined (Figure 8a). However, after air-drying treatments, the degree of electrolyte leakage was higher in 35S:4ΔC transgenic leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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We also measured the H2O2 contents in the leaves. As inferred from DAB staining assays, drought treatments induced rapid accumulation of H2O2 in the plants examined. However, the level was higher in 35S:4ΔC leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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ntl4-1 (SALK_009578C) ... did not exhibit any visible phenotypes when grown under normal conditions

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Paraquat (N,N′-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridinium dichloride) is often used to catalyze ROS production in plant cells (Chu et al., 2010). We examined whether 35S:4ΔC transgenic plants and the ntl4-1 mutant respond differentially to this chemical. Germination of 35S:4ΔC transgenic and ntl4-1 mutant seeds was similarly inhibited by paraquat, as observed with Col-0 seeds (Figure S5a). Seedling growth was also affected to a similar degree in all plants examined (Figure S5b). It was therefore evident that paraquat sensitivities and ROS detoxification activity are not altered in the mutant plants

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Leaf senescence processes of Col-0 plants ... and the ntl4 mutants were not discernibly different when the plants were grown under normal conditions ... under drought conditions, leaf senescence was ... notably delayed in the ntl4 mutants

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Superoxide radicals are efficiently detected by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) staining ... weaker NBT staining was detected in the ntl4-1 mutant leaves ... therefore concluded that ROS levels were ... reduced in ntl4-1 mutant leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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Under drought conditions, the densities of brown color were increased in all plant genotypes examined. However, the relative density was higher in 35S:4ΔC leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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35S:4ΔC transgenic plants over-expressing a truncated NTL4 form, comprising residues 1–420 and thus lacking the transmembrane motif, exhibited distinct phenotypes, such as ... leaves with ... serrated margin

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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We also measured the H2O2 contents in the leaves. As inferred from DAB staining assays, drought treatments induced rapid accumulation of H2O2 in the plants examined ... the level was ... lower in the ntl4-1 leaves compared with Col-0 leaves

Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM - Accelerated cell death 2 suppresses mitochondrial oxidative bursts and modulates cell death in Arabidopsis

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none of the rrc1 mutant alleles analyzed so far (rrc1-1, rrc1-2 and rrc1-3) has shown any obvious abnormality when grown under normal conditions

Shikata H, Shibata M, Ushijima T, Nakashima M, Kong SG, Matsuoka K, Lin C, Matsushita - The RS domain of Arabidopsis splicing factor RRC1 is required for phytochrome B signal transduction

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To verify the genetic relationship between RRC1 and PHYB, we crossed the ΔRS allele rrc1-3 with phyB-9, which is a null allele of PHYB, to create a double mutant. We found that the rrc1-3 phyB-9 double mutant showed the same severity of phenotypes as the phyB-9 single mutant in all of the light responses examined (Figure 7). Thus, the rrc1-3 mutation did not affect these responses when it was introduced into the phyB-9 mutant background. These observations demonstrate that the function of the RS domain of RRC1 in light signaling is totally dependent upon phyB

Shikata H, Shibata M, Ushijima T, Nakashima M, Kong SG, Matsuoka K, Lin C, Matsushita - The RS domain of Arabidopsis splicing factor RRC1 is required for phytochrome B signal transduction

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rrc1-4 allele ... heterozygous plants were indistinguishable from the wild-type plants in the vegetative phase

Shikata H, Shibata M, Ushijima T, Nakashima M, Kong SG, Matsuoka K, Lin C, Matsushita - The RS domain of Arabidopsis splicing factor RRC1 is required for phytochrome B signal transduction

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The homozygous rrc1-4 plants showed obvious pleiotropic developmental defects, such as dwarfism

Shikata H, Shibata M, Ushijima T, Nakashima M, Kong SG, Matsuoka K, Lin C, Matsushita - The RS domain of Arabidopsis splicing factor RRC1 is required for phytochrome B signal transduction

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The rrc1-4 allele could only be maintained as a heterozygote

Shikata H, Shibata M, Ushijima T, Nakashima M, Kong SG, Matsuoka K, Lin C, Matsushita - The RS domain of Arabidopsis splicing factor RRC1 is required for phytochrome B signal transduction

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The homozygous rr'c1-4 plants showed obvious pleiotropic developmental defects, such as ... pale green leaves

Shikata H, Shibata M, Ushijima T, Nakashima M, Kong SG, Matsuoka K, Lin C, Matsushita - The RS domain of Arabidopsis splicing factor RRC1 is required for phytochrome B signal transduction

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AACT2i-1 plants ... Despite the reduction in cell and leaf size, the overall cellular organization within the leaves was unaltered

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2 RNAi lines ... increased branching and thus a more ‘bushy’ plant stature

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2 RNAi lines ... the leaves are ... smaller

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2i-1 plants ... Measurement of the dimensions of ... palisade mesophyll cells indicated that these cells are approximately half the size of the corresponding wild-type cells

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2 RNAi lines ... the leaves are more crinkly

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2 RNAi lines ... the stems of these plants are shorter and thinner, and the height of AACT2i-1 plants is only approximately half of wild-type plants (Figure 7c,e), which results in a dwarfing phenotype

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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The thinner and smaller leaves of the AACT2i-1 plants (Figure 8f) are due to a reduction in the size of the cells and a reduction in the apoplastic spaces

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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Biochemical analyses indicated that there was no significant change in phytosterol accumulation in the aact1-1 and aact1-2 mutants (data not shown).

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2i-1 plants ... Measurement of the dimensions of epidermal ... cells indicated that these cells are approximately half the size of the corresponding wild-type cells

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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Transgenic AACT2 RNAi lines were generated using a pAGRIKOLA-based plasmid (CATMA5a44200; obtained from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre, that contained an inverted 180 bp sequence specific for the AACT2 open reading frame (Hilson et al., 2004). The resulting 82 independent transgenic AACT2 RNAi lines were classified into four groups based on the severity of the altered morphological growth phenotype: in increasing order of phenotype severity, these plants were designated: (i) wild-type-like (45 plants), (ii) mild or moderate (25 plants), (iii) severe (seven plants) and (iv) very severe (five plants

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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Neither aact1-1 nor aact1-2 homozygous mutants showed any visible abnormal phenotypes under the growth conditions used in this study; organs examined included flowers, siliques, stem, leaves and seeds ... Because AACT1 is strongly expressed in the vascular system of a number of organs (i.e. leaves and roots), we considered the possibility that the gene product may be involved in a stress response. We tested a series of stress treatments using 1-week-old seedlings, including salt (150 mm NaCl for 2 weeks), osmotic stress (300 mm mannitol for 2 weeks), UV-B (20 min using four fluorescent tubes of 0.15 W m−2), heat (37°C for 2 h), cold (4°C for 1 week) and drought (3-week-old plants kept without water for 1 week). There was no visible phenotypic difference between sibling wild-type and homozygous mutants that were subjected to these stresses in parallel (data not shown). We therefore conclude that the AACT1 gene is fully redundant under normal growth conditions and these stress conditions

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2 RNAi lines ... the leaves are ... thinner

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2 RNAi lines ... the leaves are ... with shorter petioles

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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We also tested whether acetoacetyl CoA-derived metabolites could complement the biochemical alteration in sterols and/or the phenotypic changes associated with the reduction in AACT2 expression. These chemical complementation experiments were performed using mevalonate, cycloartenol, squalene, sterol polyethylene glycol 600, stigmasterol, brassinolide and a mixture of sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol (at a ratio of 1:7:2). Only mevalonate restored the growth phenotype of AACT2i-1 plants to near-normal appearance

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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AACT2i-1 plants ... Measurement of the dimensions of ... spongy ... cells indicated that these cells are approximately half the size of the corresponding wild-type cells

Jin H, Song Z, Nikolau BJ - Reverse genetic characterization of two paralogous acetoacetyl CoA thiolase genes in Arabidopsis reveals their importance in plant growth and development

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leaves of 35S:HA-ACS7/Col-0 appearing only slightly smaller

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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35S:HA-ACS7/xbat32-1 plants ... displayed ... an increased number of ... leaves

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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At 5 weeks the number of bolted 35S:HA-ACS7/xbat32-1 plants had increased (>60%) and the average height of the bolted plants was half that of xbat32-1 and 35S:HA-ACS7/Col-0 plants

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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As described previously, 4–5-week-old xbat32-1 displays reduced plant height compared with wild-type

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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35S:HA-ACS7/xbat32-1 plants ... displayed a compact rosette

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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35S:HA-ACS7/xbat32-1 plants ... displayed ... dwarfed stature

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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35S:HA-ACS7/xbat32-1 plants ... displayed ... small leaves

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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Plants from both 35S:HA-ACS7/xbat32-1 lines (L1 and L2) were severely delayed in growth compared with xbat32-1 and 35S:HA-ACS7/Col-0. At 4 weeks bolting was observed for very few 35S:HA-ACS7/xbat32-1 plants (<25%), whereas most 35S:HA-ACS7/Col-0 (>70%), and all xbat32-1 (100%) and wild-type Col-0 (100%) had produced a bolt

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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plants from both 35S:HA-ACS7/Col-0 transgenic lines (L1 and L2) were shorter than wild-type, with plant height comparable to that of xbat32-1 plants

Lyzenga WJ, Booth JK, Stone SL - The Arabidopsis RING-type E3 ligase XBAT32 mediates the proteasomal degradation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 7

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After 20 days of growth, both GFP–SAUR19 lines displayed increased vegetative biomass, conferring approximately ... 20% increases in ... dry weights

Spartz AK, Lee SH, Wenger JP, Gonzalez N, Itoh H, Inzé D, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Overvoorde PJ, Gray WM - The SAUR19 subfamily of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA genes promote cell expansion

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GFP–SAUR19 expression resulted in increased leaf areas at almost all positions of the rosette

Spartz AK, Lee SH, Wenger JP, Gonzalez N, Itoh H, Inzé D, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Overvoorde PJ, Gray WM - The SAUR19 subfamily of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA genes promote cell expansion

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After 20 days of growth, both GFP–SAUR19 lines displayed increased vegetative biomass, conferring approximately 30 ... % ... increases in fresh ... weights

Spartz AK, Lee SH, Wenger JP, Gonzalez N, Itoh H, Inzé D, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Overvoorde PJ, Gray WM - The SAUR19 subfamily of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA genes promote cell expansion

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We detected ... slight ... reductions in ... leaf size in multiple lines expressing the amiSAUR19/23/24 transgene

Spartz AK, Lee SH, Wenger JP, Gonzalez N, Itoh H, Inzé D, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Overvoorde PJ, Gray WM - The SAUR19 subfamily of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA genes promote cell expansion

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After 20 days of growth, both GFP–SAUR19 lines displayed increased vegetative biomass

Spartz AK, Lee SH, Wenger JP, Gonzalez N, Itoh H, Inzé D, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Overvoorde PJ, Gray WM - The SAUR19 subfamily of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA genes promote cell expansion

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the total number of leaf cells was comparable to wild-type controls ... the two GFP–SAUR19 lines

Spartz AK, Lee SH, Wenger JP, Gonzalez N, Itoh H, Inzé D, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Overvoorde PJ, Gray WM - The SAUR19 subfamily of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA genes promote cell expansion

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the average leaf cell area was 26 and 40% greater in the two GFP–SAUR19 lines

Spartz AK, Lee SH, Wenger JP, Gonzalez N, Itoh H, Inzé D, Peer WA, Murphy AS, Overvoorde PJ, Gray WM - The SAUR19 subfamily of SMALL AUXIN UP RNA genes promote cell expansion

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The chimeric ROXSRDX repressor driven by the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROXSRDX ... The more extreme dwarf plants ... developed small ... leaves

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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we expressed the ROX ORF under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROX) in Col wild-type plants. Among a total of 200 transgenic plants, approximately 50% showed a dwarf phenotype

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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we expressed the ROX ORF under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROX) in Col wild-type plants. Among a total of 200 transgenic plants, approximately 50% showed a dwarf phenotype with various morphological abnormalities, including ... small ... leaves

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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we expressed the ROX ORF under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROX) in Col wild-type plants. Among a total of 200 transgenic plants, approximately 50% showed a dwarf phenotype with various morphological abnormalities, including ... downward-curling blades

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The chimeric ROXSRDX repressor driven by the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROXSRDX ... The more extreme dwarf plants displayed stunted growth

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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we expressed the ROX ORF under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROX) in Col wild-type plants. Among a total of 200 transgenic plants, approximately 50% showed a dwarf phenotype with various morphological abnormalities, including ... dark-green leaves

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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we expressed the ROX ORF under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROX) in Col wild-type plants. Among a total of 200 transgenic plants, approximately 50% showed a dwarf phenotype with various morphological abnormalities, including stunted growth

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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To assess possible functional redundancy of ROX with other bHLH homologs, we specifically repressed transcription of all ROX targets. To achieve this, we created a chimeric ROX repressor by fusing ROX with the SRDX domain, a repressor domain derived from the EAR motif of the Arabidopsis SUPERMAN gene (Hiratsu et al., 2003). The chimeric ROXSRDX repressor driven by the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROXSRDX) was expressed in Col wild-type plants. The majority of transgenic plants (n = 135) appeared to be wild-type. However, approximately one-third of the plants showed a dwarf phenotype of varying severity (Figure 2g). Plants with a moderate dwarf phenotype (semi-dwarf) were shorter and bolted later than wild-type plants

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The chimeric ROXSRDX repressor driven by the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROXSRDX ... The more extreme dwarf plants ... developed ... very short petioles

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The chimeric ROXSRDX repressor driven by the CaMV 35S promoter (35S:ROXSRDX) ... The more extreme dwarf plants ... developed small round leaves

Yang F, Wang Q, Schmitz G, Müller D, Theres K - The bHLH protein ROX acts in concert with RAX1 and LAS to modulate axillary meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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However, trichomes, which formed only on the adaxial side in the first to fifth rosette leaves in the wild type (Figures 4E and 4F), were observed on the abaxial side neighboring the margin in addition to the adaxial side in prs wox1

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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prs wox1 leaf primordia were narrower

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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leaf primordia ... prs wox1 ... number of cells in the leaf was reduced

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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The surfaces of the filamentous organs in prs wox1 as2-1 were covered with short, rectangular cells, small pavement cells, and a high density of stomata

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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FILpro:WOX1 plants possessed long, rectangular cells, similar to wild-type margin cells, and hydathode-like structures ... on their abaxial surfaces ... Figure 2C) and/or in their abaxial protrusions (Figure 2C) and ridges (Figure 2D ... and/or in their abaxial protrusions (Figure 2C) and ridges

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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We also analyzed the phenotypes of the FILpro:PRS plants. None of 70 T1 plants displayed abnormal true leaves ... FILpro:PRS plants

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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Plastochron 3 (P3) leaf primordia (the third-youngest leaf primordia) of the wild type appeared triangle or half-circle shaped in the cross section

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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In our experiments, we found oblong cells, resembling adaxial side–specific palisade cells in wild-type leaves (Figure 3E), in the subepidermal layers of the margins of the prs wox1 leaves

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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The leaves of wox1-101 ... deeper serrations

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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As previously reported (Vandenbussche et al., 2009), large, irregular cells with air spaces, resembling abaxial side–specific spongy cells in wild-type leaves (Figure 3E), were observed on both the adaxial and abaxial sides around the margins of prs wox1 leaves

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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The long, rectangular margin cells, which were observed along the leaf margin in wild-type plants (Figure 3A), developed normally in prs and wox1 leaves (Figures 3B and 3C) (Matsumoto and Okada, 2001) but were absent from the margins of the prs wox1 leaves (Figure 3D

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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In addition, the expression of FIL was restricted to the abaxial region of the as2-1 leaf primordia (Figure 8H) but was detected in the entire region of the prs wox1 as2-1 leaf primordia (Figure 8I), indicating that the filamentous leaves of prs wox1 as2 are severely abaxialized

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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FILpro:WOX1 plants possessed long, rectangular cells, similar to wild-type margin cells, and hydathode-like structures on their abaxial surfaces ... Figure 2C) and/or in their abaxial protrusions (Figure 2C) and ridges (Figure 2D

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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prs-2 wox1-101 double mutant ... number of the palisade ... cells per 1000 μm of width did not increase

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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The leaves of prs wox1 kan1 kan2 also showed severe adaxialization

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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prs wox1 leaf primordia were ... thicker

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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The leaves of wox1-101, which is a putative null allele of WOX1 ... were similar in size to those of the wild type

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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prs wox1 leaf primordia were triangle shaped

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the prs-1 mutant ... leaves ... indistinguishable in size and shape from those of the wild type

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The long, rectangular margin cells, which were observed along the leaf margin in wild-type plants (Figure 3A), developed normally in prs and wox1 leaves

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Whereas prs wox1 and fil yab3 did not form any filamentous organs during the vegetative phase (Figures 8A, 8D, 8J, and 8M), the third and later leaves of prs wox1 fil yab3 were severely radialized (Figure 8N). The surfaces of these filamentous leaves were covered with short, rectangular cells and many trichomes on both sides (Figures 8N and 8O), indicating that they were severely adaxialized

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Many stipules and long rectangular cells similar to margin cells formed on the abaxial side in kan1 kan2 (Figures 7C and 7E) but not in prs wox1 kan1 kan2

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of the prs-2 wox1-101 double mutant were ... narrower

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The cotyledons of prs wox1 fil yab3 were much narrower than those of prs wox1 and fil-1 yab3-2 (Figures 8A, 8J, and 8K). Although the first two leaves of prs wox1 fil yab3 exhibited slight differences between the adaxial and abaxial sides in the distribution of trichomes, blade outgrowth was severely inhibited ... compared with prs wox1 and fil yab3

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

we constructed the FILpro:WOX1 line in which WOX1 is ectopically expressed in the abaxial region of the leaf primordia, but not in the SAM. The 13 independent transformants that we obtained frequently formed ... and/or deeper serrations ... at the margin

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To investigate whether the ectopic expression of PRS and WOX1 is responsible for outgrowths and marginal tissue-like cells on the abaxial sides of kan1 kan2 leaves, we compared the leaf phenotypes of kan1 kan2 with those of the prs wox1 kan1 kan2 quadruple mutant. In comparison to kan1 kan2 (Figure 7A), the leaves of prs wox1 kan1 kan2 were narrower and club shaped (Figure 7B

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Whereas prs wox1 and fil yab3 did not form any filamentous organs during the vegetative phase (Figures 8A, 8D, 8J, and 8M), the third and later leaves of prs wox1 fil yab3 were severely radialized (Figure 8N). The surfaces of these filamentous leaves were covered with short, rectangular cells and many trichomes on both sides (Figures 8N and 8O), indicating that they were severely adaxialized

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

we constructed the FILpro:WOX1 line in which WOX1 is ectopically expressed in the abaxial region of the leaf primordia, but not in the SAM. The 13 independent transformants that we obtained frequently formed aberrant leaves with leaflet-like structures

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The surfaces of the filamentous organs in prs wox1 as2-1 were covered with short, rectangular cells, small pavement cells, and a high density of stomata

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Whereas the prs wox1 and as2-1 plants did not form filamentous leaves in the vegetative phase (Figures 8A, 8B, 8D, and 8E; Iwakawa et al., 2002), the cotyledons were very narrow, and the leaves were severely radialized and had no blades in prs wox1 as2-1

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Whereas the prs wox1 and as2-1 plants did not form filamentous leaves in the vegetative phase (Figures 8A, 8B, 8D, and 8E; Iwakawa et al., 2002), the cotyledons were very narrow, and the leaves were severely radialized and had no blades in prs wox1 as2-1

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The adventitious outgrowths with a hydathode-like structure, which were observed on the abaxial side of the kan1 kan2 leaves (Figures 7A, 7C, and 7E), were not found in prs wox1 kan1 kan2

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Many stipules and long rectangular cells similar to margin cells formed on the abaxial side in kan1 kan2 (Figures 7C and 7E) but not in prs wox1 kan1 kan2

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The small and compactly packed cells, which were observed at the edges of the mesophyll of wild-type leaves (Figure 3E), were also absent from the margins of prs wox1 leaves

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

PRS and WOX1 Are Responsible for Outgrowth and Margin Development on the Abaxial Side and Suppress Adaxialization in kan1 kan2 Leaves ... To investigate whether the ectopic expression of PRS and WOX1 is responsible for outgrowths and marginal tissue-like cells on the abaxial sides of kan1 kan2 leaves, we compared the leaf phenotypes of kan1 kan2 with those of the prs wox1 kan1 kan2 quadruple mutant ... In comparison to kan1 kan2 (Figure 7A), the leaves of prs wox1 kan1 kan2 were narrower and club shaped (Figure 7B

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the prs-1 mutant ... leaves ... indistinguishable in size and ... shape from those of the wild type

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The surfaces of the filamentous organs in prs wox1 as2-1 were covered with short, rectangular cells, small pavement cells, and a high density of stomata (Figure 8G). The first to fifth or sixth filamentous organs formed no trichomes on the surface

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The cotyledons of prs wox1 fil yab3 were much narrower than those of prs wox1 and fil-1 yab3-2

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

leaves of the prs-2 wox1-101 double mutant were curled upward

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Moreover, the adaxial surfaces of the lateral regions of prs wox1 leaves were covered with jigsaw-shaped cells of various sizes with high densities of stomata ... which were restricted to the abaxial leaf surfaces in wild-type leaves ... Figure 4C). In the double mutant, the adaxial surface of the medial region was covered with jigsaw-shaped and uniform-sized cells with a low density of stomata (Figures 4A and 4B; see Supplemental Figure 6 online), which were found on the adaxial leaf surface of wild-type leaves (Figure 4D ... These two types of pavement cells were in direct contact to each other in prs wox1 and were not separated by long, rectangular margin cells

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

FILpro:WOX1 plants possessed long, rectangular cells, similar to wild-type margin cells, and hydathode-like structures on their abaxial surfaces (Figure 2C) and/or in their abaxial protrusions (Figure 2C) and ridges (Figure 2D); compactly packed cells, similar to marginal mesophyll cells, were observed in the abaxial ridges

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

prs wox1 leaf primordia ... formed a thicker margin

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The surfaces of the filamentous organs in prs wox1 as2-1 were covered with short, rectangular cells, small pavement cells, and a high density of stomata

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The leaves of prs wox1 kan1 kan2 also showed severe adaxialization. Few trichomes formed on the abaxial side in the prs wox1 and kan1 kan2 leaves ... Figures 4E, 4G, 7A, 7C, and 7E), whereas many trichomes formed on both the adaxial and abaxial sides of the prs wox1 kan1 kan2 leaves (Figures 7B, 7D, and 7F

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Whereas prs wox1 and fil yab3 did not form any filamentous organs during the vegetative phase (Figures 8A, 8D, 8J, and 8M), the third and later leaves of prs wox1 fil yab3 were severely radialized (Figure 8N

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

FILpro:WOX1 line ... The abaxial outgrowths and leaflet-like growth of the margin were also observed in leaf primordia

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

prs single mutants ... margin-specific tissues of the leaves ... are normal

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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leaf primordia ... the cell sizes in prs wox1 were not smaller than those in the wild type

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

In summary, in prs wox1, margin-specific tissues are lost, and adaxial and abaxial-like cell types coexist in the region neighboring the margin (Figure 4J

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Furthermore, the number of hydathodes, which formed at the tip of the serration in the wild-type plants, was drastically decreased in prs wox1 compared with the wild type, prs, and wox1

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

prs-2 wox1-101 double mutant ... reduction in the number of cells

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The long, rectangular margin cells, which were observed along the leaf margin in wild-type plants (Figure 3A), developed normally in prs and wox1 leaves

Nakata M, Matsumoto N, Tsugeki R, Rikirsch E, Laux T, Okada K - Roles of the middle domain-specific WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX genes in early development of leaves in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Interestingly, in addition to these structures, in many as2-1 jaw-D double mutants the sinuses gave rise to a vegetative SAM, which could switch to an inflorescence meristem in later developmental stages (Figure 3c,d), and ultimately produced morphologically normal flowers

Li Z, Li B, Shen WH, Huang H, Dong A - TCP transcription factors interact with AS2 in the repression of class-I KNOX genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Compared with wild-type Col-0 rosette leaves (Figure 2a,b), some as2-1 rosette leaves bore lobes and leaflet-like structures on the petiole

Li Z, Li B, Shen WH, Huang H, Dong A - TCP transcription factors interact with AS2 in the repression of class-I KNOX genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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jaw-D leaves displayed serrations

Li Z, Li B, Shen WH, Huang H, Dong A - TCP transcription factors interact with AS2 in the repression of class-I KNOX genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We next used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze as2-1 jaw-D leaf phenotypes in more detail. Some sinuses between two adjacent lobes in the double-mutant leaves bore a stipule-like structure

Li Z, Li B, Shen WH, Huang H, Dong A - TCP transcription factors interact with AS2 in the repression of class-I KNOX genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Similar but more severe phenotypes were observed in ... stm-1 ant-4 ail6-2 plants. These mutant combinations almost never produced any leaves

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 leaves have ... veins that are not fully connected

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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A similar but slightly less severe phenotype is observed in wus-1 ant-4 ail6-2 plants. These plants produce fewer and smaller leaves than wus-1, initiating leaves later than wus-1, and the plants never bolt or produce flowers

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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Mutations in CLV3 result in enlarged embryonic, vegetative and inflorescence apical meristems (Clark et al., 1995). To see whether clv3-2 could rescue the smaller meristem defect of the triple mutant, we examined shoot apical meristem size in clv3-2 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 seedlings. The shoot apical meristems of 7-day-old clv3-2 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 quadruple mutants are larger than those of ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 or Ler but similar in size to or smaller than clv3-2

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

Similar but more severe phenotypes were observed in stm-1 ant-4 ... These mutant combinations almost never produced any leaves

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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The increased size of clv3-2 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 meristems is often correlated with multiple foci or an expanded domain of WUS expression (Figure 7m–p), which is similar to but not as severe as that in clv3 mutants (Schoof et al., 2000). Most of the primordia initiated in clv3-2 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 plants between 7 and 14 days post-germination do not develop into mature leaves, and no obvious meristem-like structure is visible in most 21-day-old plants (Figure 7i,j). Consequently, clv3-2 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 plants look very similar to ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 plants at 21 days (Figure 7k,l). Thus, although clv3-2 increases meristem size in the ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 background, the quadruple mutant plants lack an indeterminate meristem capable of continued organ initiation

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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the meristem defects present in ant ail6 ail7 triple mutants are associated with reduced cell division

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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Although ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 shoot apical meristems terminate leaf production by 7 days post-germination, additional leaves are produced at a later time by the plants. Examination of 14–20-day-old ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 shoot apices by SEM, showed small bulges and projections arising in the leaf axils and in the central region of the shoot apex, with the number of visible bumps increasing with age (Figure 4a–d). A few bumps had a dome-like appearance (Figure 4a), and their location within the leaf axil suggested that they are axillary meristems. However, in tissue sections we never observed meristem-like structures with tunica–corpus layering and the presence of multiple primordia arising in a regular fashion. Some outgrowths developed into leaves, as trichomes were visible on larger primordia that had acquired a flatter appearance by 20 days post-germination (Figure 4d). However, many of these outgrowths appear to abort growth and remain as short elongated projections

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 triple mutants are first visibly distinct from the wild type at 7 days post-germination. At this time, the first two leaves produced by the shoot apical meristem are narrower than those in the wild type with more visible petioles

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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At 7 days post-germination wus-1 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 quadruple mutant plants are indistinguishable from wus-1 single mutants. By 14 days only about 14% of wus-1 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 plants have produced leaves and the leaves are very small, sometimes only visible under a dissecting microscope (Figure 6a,h, Tables 3 and 4). These quadruple mutant plants never bolt or produce flowers (Figure 6i). Thus, while wus-1 is initially epistatic to ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1, in later stages of development the quadruple mutant plants show more severe phenotypes than those present in either wus-1 or ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 leaves have reduced amounts of vascular tissue

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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stm-1 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 quadruple mutant plants are indistinguishable from stm-1 single mutants at 7 days post-germination but show more severe defects with respect to the stm-1‘recovery’ phenotype. In 15-day-old plants, 29% of stm-1 but no stm-1 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 plants had produced leaves (Table 1). Between 21 and 28 days, some stm-1 ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 plants produced very small leaves but these plants never bolt or produce flowers

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

We next examined the shoot apical meristem of ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 plants by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). At 7 days post-germination, the shoot apical meristem of the triple mutant is not as wide or dome-shaped as wild-type meristems ... At 10 days post-germination, ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 meristems appear as pointed projections from the shoot apex and no lateral organ primordia are visible around their periphery (Figure 2c,d). Sectioning of 7-day-old seedlings reveals fewer cytoplasmically dense cells in the shoot apical meristem of the triple mutant compared with the wild type (Figure 2e,f). In 10-day-old triple mutant seedlings, cells in the meristem region are larger and more vacuolated than those in the wild type, suggesting that these cells have undergone differentiation

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 triple mutants ... produce ... small ... leaves

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 triple mutants ... produce three to five small and narrow leaves before the shoot apical meristem stops leaf production ... Additional leaves are formed later in development, but the plants never bolt or produce flowers

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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ant-4 ail6-2 ail7-1 triple mutants ... produce ... narrow leaves

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

Interestingly, ail7-1 had an opposite genetic interaction with stm-1 compared with ant-4 and ail6-2. A higher percentage of stm-1 ail7-1 plants make leaves, bolt and produce flowers compared with stm-1

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

Similar but more severe phenotypes were observed in ... stm-1 ail6-2 ... These mutant combinations almost never produced any leaves

Mudunkothge JS, Krizek BA - Three Arabidopsis AIL/PLT genes act in combination to regulate shoot apical meristem function

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  • Phenotype

35S::LEC1::GR ... The vacuoles within the cells of the cotyledon-like leaves (Figure S1A–D), swollen roots (Figure S1E–H) and hypocotyls (Figure S1I–L) contained cruciferin and considerable quantities of starch

Junker A, Mönke G, Rutten T, Keilwagen J, Seifert M, Thi TM, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Viehöver P, Hähnel U, Ludwig-Müller J, Altschmied L, Conrad U, Weisshaar B, Bäumlein H - Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

35S::LEC1::GR seedlings ... combined application of DEX and ABA resulted in development of trichome-less embryonic leaf structures at the shoot apical meristem (Figure 4d) that contained cruciferin

Junker A, Mönke G, Rutten T, Keilwagen J, Seifert M, Thi TM, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Viehöver P, Hähnel U, Ludwig-Müller J, Altschmied L, Conrad U, Weisshaar B, Bäumlein H - Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Depending on the starting point of the DEX treatment, 35S::LEC1::GR seedlings developed three distinct phenotypes ... Seedlings of phenotype A produced small and swollen organs

Junker A, Mönke G, Rutten T, Keilwagen J, Seifert M, Thi TM, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Viehöver P, Hähnel U, Ludwig-Müller J, Altschmied L, Conrad U, Weisshaar B, Bäumlein H - Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

35S::LEC1::GR ... Leaves emerging from the apical meristems of phenotypes A and B exhibited cotyledon-like features, such as a lack of trichomes

Junker A, Mönke G, Rutten T, Keilwagen J, Seifert M, Thi TM, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Viehöver P, Hähnel U, Ludwig-Müller J, Altschmied L, Conrad U, Weisshaar B, Bäumlein H - Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

35S::LEC1::GR seedlings ... Ten days after induction, both wild-type and transgenic seedlings treated with ethanol (as a non-induced control) developed trichomes on their leaves (Figure 4a). DEX treatment of the transgenic seedlings ... resulted in production of trichome-less, partially misshapen leaves

Junker A, Mönke G, Rutten T, Keilwagen J, Seifert M, Thi TM, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Viehöver P, Hähnel U, Ludwig-Müller J, Altschmied L, Conrad U, Weisshaar B, Bäumlein H - Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

35S::LEC1::GR seedlings ... Ten days after induction, both wild-type and transgenic seedlings treated with ethanol (as a non-induced control) developed trichomes on their leaves (Figure 4a). DEX treatment of the transgenic seedlings delayed growth slightly

Junker A, Mönke G, Rutten T, Keilwagen J, Seifert M, Thi TM, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Viehöver P, Hähnel U, Ludwig-Müller J, Altschmied L, Conrad U, Weisshaar B, Bäumlein H - Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

35S::LEC1::GR seedlings ... the levels of free indole acetic acid (IAA) in induced seedlings of phenotypes A and B considerably exceed the levels in ethanol-treated control seedlings

Junker A, Mönke G, Rutten T, Keilwagen J, Seifert M, Thi TM, Renou JP, Balzergue S, Viehöver P, Hähnel U, Ludwig-Müller J, Altschmied L, Conrad U, Weisshaar B, Bäumlein H - Elongation-related functions of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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At 22 das ... cell number in stu-1 ... 1 were reduced by ... were reduced ... 25% when compared with wild-type plants

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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At 10 das ... cell number in stu-1 was 31% less than in wild-type plants

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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ga1-3 stu-1 showed comparable stature to ga1-3

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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transgenic lines overexpressing STU under the control of 35S promoter ... slight increase in plant stature as compared with wild- type plants

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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amiR-stu ... knockdown transgenic lines ... showed an obvious decrease in plant stature when compared with wild-type plants

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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22 das ... leaf area ... in stu-1 were reduced by 26 ... in stu-1 were reduced by 26 ... %

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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rosette and cauline leaves in stu-1 were ... smaller in area

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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Compared with wild-type plants, seedling development of stu-1 was retarded, resulting in a smaller plant stature

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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At 10 das ... leaf area of stu-1 was only 61% of that of wild-type plants

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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Compared with wild-type plants, seedling development of stu-1 was retarded

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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Compared with wild-type plants ... development of stu-1 ... resulting in a smaller plant stature

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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At 10 das ... leaf area of stu-1 was only 61% of that of wild-type plants

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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rosette and cauline leaves in stu-1 were more curled ... than those in wild-type plants

Lee LY, Hou X, Fang L, Fan S, Kumar PP, Yu H - STUNTED mediates the control of cell proliferation by GA in Arabidopsis

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The auxin concentration ... in PIF5-HA it was reduced

Hornitschek P, Kohnen MV, Lorrain S, Rougemont J, Ljung K, López-Vidriero I, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Solano R, Trevisan M, Pradervand S, Xenarios I, Fankhauser C - Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling

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We confirmed that a low R/FR treatment increased auxin concentration in the wild type. Interestingly, the shade-mediated increase was much reduced both in pif4pif5

Hornitschek P, Kohnen MV, Lorrain S, Rougemont J, Ljung K, López-Vidriero I, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Solano R, Trevisan M, Pradervand S, Xenarios I, Fankhauser C - Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling

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The auxin concentration in high R/FR was normal in pif4pif5

Hornitschek P, Kohnen MV, Lorrain S, Rougemont J, Ljung K, López-Vidriero I, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Solano R, Trevisan M, Pradervand S, Xenarios I, Fankhauser C - Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling

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We confirmed that a low R/FR treatment increased auxin concentration in the wild type. Interestingly, the shade-mediated increase was much reduced both in ... PIF5-HA

Hornitschek P, Kohnen MV, Lorrain S, Rougemont J, Ljung K, López-Vidriero I, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Solano R, Trevisan M, Pradervand S, Xenarios I, Fankhauser C - Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 control seedling growth in changing light conditions by directly controlling auxin signaling

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vln2 vln3 double mutants did have ... upward-growing rosette leaves

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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no obvious difference in actin organization was detected in ... vln3 single mutants

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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We next examined whether the actin cytoskeleton was altered in the inflorescence stems of vln2 vln3 plants. The cytoskeleton comprises mainly actin bundles in Col-0 xylem (Figure 4a), consistent with previous reports (Chaffey et al., 2000; Gardiner et al., 2003; Hu et al., 2003; Zhong et al., 2004, 2005a). However, the amount of thick actin bundles decreased substantially in vln2 vln3 mutants (Figure 4a). More brighter and higher fluorescence peaks were detected in Col-0 (Figure 4b, upper panel) compared to the vln2 vln3 double mutants

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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Our initial observations showed that loss of function of ... VLN2 ... had no gross effects on overall plant development

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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Our initial observations showed that loss of function of ... VLN3 had no gross effects on overall plant development

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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no obvious difference in actin organization was detected in ... the vln2 ... single mutants

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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However, loss of function of both VLN2 and VLN3 caused developmental problems from the seedling stage to the mature plant stage (Figure 1d). At early stages, no major phenotypic differences were observed between vln2 vln3 and Col-0 plants, but the vln2 vln3 double mutants did have modestly twisted petioles

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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To assess quantitatively the effect of loss of function of VLN2 and VLN3 on bundling of actin filaments, we measured the skewness using the method developed by Higaki et al. (2010). Our measurement showed that the skewness of actin filaments decreased significantly from 4.92 ± 1.55 for Col-0 to 3.36 ± 0.71 and 3.43 ± 0.73 for vln2-1 vln3 and vln2-2 vln3, respectively

Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Huang S - Arabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments

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  • Phenotype

To verify that auxin levels are upregulated by REV, we used GC-MS to determine the levels of free auxin in DEX-treated Col-0, 35S::GR-REVd ... plants that had been exposed transiently to shade. These measurements confirmed that free auxin is indeed increased upon REV induction in ... wild-type ... plants

Brandt R, Salla-Martret M, Bou-Torrent J, Musielak T, Stahl M, Lanz C, Ott F, Schmid M, Greb T, Schwarz M, Choi SB, Barton MK, Reinhart BJ, Liu T, Quint M, Palauqui JC, Martínez-García JF, Wenkel S - Genome-wide binding-site analysis of REVOLUTA reveals a link between leaf patterning and light-mediated growth responses

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To verify that auxin levels are upregulated by REV, we used GC-MS to determine the levels of free auxin in DEX-treated ... 35S::GR-REVd sav3-2 plants that had been exposed transiently to shade. These measurements confirmed that free auxin is indeed increased upon REV induction in ... taa1 (sav3-2) mutant plants

Brandt R, Salla-Martret M, Bou-Torrent J, Musielak T, Stahl M, Lanz C, Ott F, Schmid M, Greb T, Schwarz M, Choi SB, Barton MK, Reinhart BJ, Liu T, Quint M, Palauqui JC, Martínez-García JF, Wenkel S - Genome-wide binding-site analysis of REVOLUTA reveals a link between leaf patterning and light-mediated growth responses

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exi5 ... is characterized by small ... vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... dehydration rates were reduced

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... To ensure that water uptake was independent from its transport through the vascular tissue, Ler and the exi mutants were grown for three weeks in 10 ml of half-strength MS liquid medium (see Materials and Methods). In this situation, water freely enters through the stomata into the leaf mesophyll, where the increase in internal turgor pressure might trigger cell expansion ... exi leaves grown in liquid culture remained smaller than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... dehydration rates were reduced

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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aba1-1 ... rosettes are slightly smaller than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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T-DNA insertion in the third exon of CESA4 (irx5-4 in the Figure 4B), carried by the Salk_084627 line [24], [25], which causes small ... vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... The number of epidermal cells per leaf lamina, as estimated from the average values for adaxial epidermal cell densities and lamina areas (see Materials and Methods), do not significantly differ

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... maximal radii ... xylem vessels ... significantly smaller in the exi mutants

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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in the exi1-2 ... The number of epidermal cells per leaf lamina, as estimated from the average values for adaxial epidermal cell densities and lamina areas (see Materials and Methods), do not significantly differ

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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aba2-13 single mutants exhibit a wilty phenotype

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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mesophyll cell ... size is significantly reduced in the exi1-2

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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In the leaf epidermis of first- and third-node leaves, the sizes of the pavement cells ... are significantly reduced in ... exi5

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 exi5 ... Double mutant plants ... had ... dark-green leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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Homozygotes for a T-DNA insertion in the CESA8 gene were obtained from the Salk_026812 line ... we will hereafter refer to this allele as irx1-5 ... display a small-leaf phenotype

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... Mutants Display Increased Resistance to Osmotic Stress ... We assayed the osmotic stress responses by transferring young plants to media supplemented with different concentrations of the osmoticum mannitol or NaCl and by measuring the rosette fresh weight and dry weight after one week of growth on either of these media ... The exi mutants, however, were more resistant to mannitol-induced water losses, and their rosette fresh weights were not significantly affected by increasing the level of mannitol

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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aba2-13 ... rosettes are slightly smaller than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-2 ... is characterized by small ... vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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in the ... exi2 ... 8C and 16C nuclei populations are significantly reduced in the first pair of leaves of the exi mutant rosettes compared to Ler ... In addition, a mild but significant increase in the diploid nuclei population (2C)

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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in the ... exi5 ... 8C and 16C nuclei populations are significantly reduced in the first pair of leaves of the exi mutant rosettes compared to Ler ... In addition, a mild but significant increase in the diploid nuclei population (2C)

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... mutants were also reduced in length compared with Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... is characterized by ... dark-green vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in the Ler and exi leaves grown in liquid culture did not significantly differ (Figure 8J). Indeed, the palisade mesophyll cells of the exi mutants grown in liquid culture were of similar sizes as the Ler mesophyll cells grown on Petri dishes

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... Mutations ... cause an irregular xylem phenotype: xylem vessels are collapsed as a consequence of reduced cellulose deposition in their cell walls

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exigua1-1 ... is characterized by small ... vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... maximal radii ... xylem vessels ... significantly smaller in the exi mutants

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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In the leaf epidermis of first- and third-node leaves, the sizes of the pavement cells ... are significantly reduced in the ... exi2

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... Mutations ... cause an irregular xylem phenotype: xylem vessels are ... collapsed as a consequence of reduced cellulose deposition in their cell walls

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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In the leaf epidermis of first- and third-node leaves, the sizes of the ... guard cells ... are significantly reduced in the exi1-2

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-2 ... First- and third-node leaf area was significantly reduced in the exi mutants in comparison with their wild-type

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... Mutants Display Increased Resistance to Osmotic Stress ... water transport in the exi mutants, their dehydration rates were reduced compared to Ler (Figure 6B). We assayed the osmotic stress responses by transferring young plants to media supplemented with different concentrations of the osmoticum mannitol or NaCl and by measuring the rosette fresh weight and dry weight after one week of growth on either of these media ... The exi mutants, however, were more resistant to mannitol-induced water losses, and their rosette fresh weights were not significantly affected by increasing the level of mannitol

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

aba1-1 ... single mutants exhibit a wilty phenotype

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... parenchyma cells were of normal morphology but of smaller sizes than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 exi5 ... Double mutant plants ... had small ... leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... is characterized by ... dark-green vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... the fresh weights of the exi rosettes grown for one week on media containing 50 mM NaCl were not significantly different from those of the exi plants grown on the non-supplemented media (Figure 7C–D), which clearly indicates a defect in water transport in the exi mutants

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... parenchyma cells were of normal morphology but of smaller sizes than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... Mutants Display Increased Resistance to Osmotic Stress ... water transport in the exi mutants, their dehydration rates were reduced compared to Ler (Figure 6B). We assayed the osmotic stress responses by transferring young plants to media supplemented with different concentrations of the osmoticum mannitol or NaCl and by measuring the rosette fresh weight and dry weight after one week of growth on either of these media ... The exi mutants, however, were more resistant to mannitol-induced water losses, and their rosette fresh weights were not significantly affected by increasing the level of mannitol

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

In the leaf epidermis of first ... node leaves, the sizes of the pavement cells ... are significantly reduced in the exi1-2

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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T-DNA insertion in the third exon of CESA4 (irx5-4 in the Figure 4B), carried by the Salk_084627 line [24], [25], which causes ... dark-green vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... To ensure that water uptake was independent from its transport through the vascular tissue, Ler and the exi mutants were grown for three weeks in 10 ml of half-strength MS liquid medium (see Materials and Methods). In this situation, water freely enters through the stomata into the leaf mesophyll, where the increase in internal turgor pressure might trigger cell expansion ... exi leaves grown in liquid culture remained smaller than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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mesophyll cell ... size is significantly reduced in ... exi2

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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in the exi1-2 ... 8C and 16C nuclei populations are significantly reduced in the first pair of leaves of the exi mutant rosettes compared to Ler ... In addition, a mild but significant increase in the diploid nuclei population (2C)

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

exi1-1 ... is characterized by ... dark-green vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

mesophyll cell ... size is significantly reduced in ... exi5

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... First- and third-node leaf area was significantly reduced in the exi mutants in comparison with their wild-type

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-2 ... the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in the Ler and exi leaves grown in liquid culture did not significantly differ (Figure 8J). Indeed, the palisade mesophyll cells of the exi mutants grown in liquid culture were of similar sizes as the Ler mesophyll cells grown on Petri dishes

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... the fresh weights of the exi rosettes grown for one week on media containing 50 mM NaCl were not significantly different from those of the exi plants grown on the non-supplemented media (Figure 7C–D), which clearly indicates a defect in water transport in the exi mutants

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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The Ler rosettes grown on media supplemented with 50 mM NaCl displayed increased fresh weights after one week due to their higher water content, compared with the plants grown on the control media

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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Rosettes of the Salk_029940C line [24], [25], which bear a T-DNA insertion in the first intron of CESA7 (irx3-4 in Figure 4B), also display a small-leaf phenotype

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... Mutations ... cause an irregular xylem phenotype: xylem vessels are collapsed as a consequence of reduced cellulose deposition in their cell walls

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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rosette fresh weight ... was significantly decreased in Ler plants grown on mannitol

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... parenchyma cells were of normal morphology but of smaller sizes than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... the size of the palisade mesophyll cells in the Ler and exi leaves grown in liquid culture did not significantly differ (Figure 8J). Indeed, the palisade mesophyll cells of the exi mutants grown in liquid culture were of similar sizes as the Ler mesophyll cells grown on Petri dishes

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

exi1-2 ... is characterized by ... dark-green vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-2 ... mutants were also reduced in length compared with Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... To ensure that water uptake was independent from its transport through the vascular tissue, Ler and the exi mutants were grown for three weeks in 10 ml of half-strength MS liquid medium (see Materials and Methods). In this situation, water freely enters through the stomata into the leaf mesophyll, where the increase in internal turgor pressure might trigger cell expansion ... exi leaves grown in liquid culture remained smaller than those of Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... dehydration rates were reduced

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

In the leaf epidermis of first- and third-node leaves, the sizes of the ... guard cells ... are significantly reduced in ... exi5

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

exi2 ... is characterized by small ... vegetative leaves

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 exi5 ... Double mutant plants were dwarf

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... The number of epidermal cells per leaf lamina, as estimated from the average values for adaxial epidermal cell densities and lamina areas (see Materials and Methods), do not significantly differ

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... mutants were also reduced in length compared with Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

exi2 ... mutants were also reduced in length compared with Ler

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... First- and third-node leaf area was significantly reduced in the exi mutants in comparison with their wild-type

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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rosette fresh weight was greatly reduced in the abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient mutant aba2-13 ... when grown on mannitol-supplemented plates, even at low levels (50 mM mannitol)

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi5 ... First- and third-node leaf area was significantly reduced in the exi mutants in comparison with their wild-type

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

In the leaf epidermis of first- and third-node leaves, the sizes of the ... guard cells ... are significantly reduced in ... exi2

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi1-1 ... maximal radii ... xylem vessels ... vessels ... significantly smaller in the exi mutants

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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exi2 ... the fresh weights of the exi rosettes grown for one week on media containing 50 mM NaCl were not significantly different from those of the exi plants grown on the non-supplemented media (Figure 7C–D), which clearly indicates a defect in water transport in the exi mutants

Rubio-Díaz S, Pérez-Pérez JM, González-Bayón R, Muñoz-Viana R, Borrega N, Mouille G, Hernández-Romero D, Robles P, Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes

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  • Phenotype

ago1-51 ... altered adaxial-abaxial polarity in leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-52 ... small plant size

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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ago1-52 leaves ... defect in leaf expansion

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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ago1-51 ... slow growth

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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petioles are wider ... in the ago1-51

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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dcl1 mutants ... poorly defined boundary between lamina and petiole

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

adaxial epidermis of first-node leaves ... fewer stomata per leaf in ... hyl1-12

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-52 ... altered adaxial-abaxial polarity in leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1-13 ... leaves ... venation patterns with fewer bifurcations ... and a shorter venation length

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

petioles are wider ... in ... dcl1-9

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

adaxial epidermis of first-node leaves ... fewer stomata per leaf in hyl1-11

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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hen1 ... mutants ... leaf ... incurvature

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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from ... ago1-52 ... stomata were abundant in the mutant petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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first-node leaves from ago1 ... 51 ... wider petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1 ... mutants ... leaf incurvature

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

adaxial epidermis of first-node leaves ... fewer stomata per leaf in ... hen1-13

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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cotyledons of ago1-52 often developed slightly more complex venation patterns

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1-9 ... leaves ... venation patterns with fewer bifurcations and a shorter venation length

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

transition between petiole and lamina is more gradual in the ago1-51

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

petioles are wider ... in ... ago1-52

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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first-node leaves ... high venation complexity of ago1-52 leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

transition between petiole and lamina is more gradual ... in ... ago1-52

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1- 51 ... petioles ... showed features of lamina, such as epidermal cells with the jigsaw puzzle morphology of pavement cells

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

transition between petiole and lamina is more gradual ... in ... hen1-13

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1-9 ... leaves ... smaller than those of the Ler

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1 ... poorly defined boundary between lamina and petiole

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1-13 ... petioles that showed features of lamina, such as epidermal cells with the jigsaw puzzle morphology of pavement cells

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1-12 ... leaves ... venation patterns with fewer bifurcations

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1-9 ... cotyledons ... smaller than those of the Ler

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1-13 ... leaves ... smaller than those of the Ler

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1-12 ... cotyledons ... venation patterns with fewer bifurcations

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-52 ... petioles that showed features of lamina, such as epidermal cells with the jigsaw puzzle morphology of pavement cells

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

first-node leaves from ... hen1-13 ... wider petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

first-node leaves from ... dcl1-9 ... wider petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1 mutants ... leaf incurvature

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-51 ... small plant size

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1-12 ... cotyledons ... smaller than those of the Ler

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1 mutants ... trichomes on the abaxial epidermis of juvenile leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

from ... hyl1-12 ... stomata were abundant in the mutant petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1 ... trichomes on the abaxial epidermis of juvenile leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

transition between petiole and lamina is more gradual ... in ... hyl1-12

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-52 ... slow growth

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1-12 ... leaves ... smaller than those of the Ler

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

petioles are wider ... in ... hen1-13

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1-9 ... petioles that showed features of lamina, such as epidermal cells with the jigsaw puzzle morphology of pavement cells

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

from ago1- 51 ... stomata were abundant in the mutant petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

petioles are wider ... in ... hyl1-12

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

from ... dcl1-9 ... stomata were abundant in the mutant petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-52 ... fewer vegetative leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1-13 ... cotyledons ... smaller than those of the Ler

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1 ... mutants ... trichomes on the abaxial epidermis of juvenile leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1-12 ... petioles that showed features of lamina, such as epidermal cells with the jigsaw puzzle morphology of pavement cells

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

first-node leaves from hyl1-12 showed a significantly reduced vascular density and fewer bifurcations per surface unit than Ler

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

first-node leaves from ... ago1-52 ... wider petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ago1-51 ... fewer vegetative leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

from ... hen1-13 ... stomata were abundant in the mutant petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1 ... mutants ... hook-shaped cauline leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1 mutants ... hook-shaped cauline leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

dcl1-9 ... cotyledons ... venation patterns with fewer bifurcations and a shorter venation length

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1-13 ... cotyledons ... venation patterns with fewer bifurcations and a shorter venation length

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hen1 ... mutants ... poorly defined boundary between lamina and petiole

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hyl1 ... hook-shaped cauline leaves

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

first-node leaves from ... hyl1-12 ... wider petioles

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

transition between petiole and lamina is more gradual ... in ... dcl1-9

Jover-Gil S, Candela H, Robles P, Aguilera V, Barrero JM, Micol JL, Ponce MR - The microRNA pathway genes AGO1, HEN1 and HYL1 participate in leaf proximal-distal, venation and stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The its1/MP17:GFP mutant ... shows ... loss of apical dominance

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The its1/dcp2-1 hybrids displayed ... enhanced accumulation of anthocyanins

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The its1/MP17:GFP mutant is reduced in size ... reduction in size was not observed in the its1 mutant background in the absence of MP17:GFP

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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The poleroviral movement protein MP17, which is exclusively located at plasmodesmata, was fused to GFP for analysis of viral infection (Hofius et al., 2001). Ectopic expression of MP17:GFP results in stunted growth ... due to a carbohydrate export block in the transgenic Arabidopsis line Col-16

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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Knockout mutants of the mRNA decay pathway display severe phenotypes and are characterized by accumulation of capped mRNA and reduced mRNA decay rates (Xu et al., 2006). Thus, we measured mRNA decay in the its1/MP17:GFP mutant. Neither MP17:GFP nor the unstable mRNA BLUE MICROPYLAR END3 (BME3) (Goeres et al., 2007) showed significantly reduced mRNA decay rates in its1/MP17:GFP (Figure 4b). Additionally, we measured the abundance of decapping reaction intermediates, namely capped and uncapped full-length mRNA, using splinted ligation quantitative RT-PCR (Figure S5) (Blewett et al., 2011). As it has been reported that uncapped mRNA accumulates in xrn4 mutants (Gazzani et al., 2004), we also tested the previously described 12-1-1/xrn4/MP17:GFP mutant (Vogel et al., 2011). For this assay, we used 2-week-old seedlings to enable comparable expression of MP17:GFP in Col-16, its1/MP17:GFP and 12-1-1/xrn4/MP17:GFP. At this early point of development, no silencing of MP17:GFP was observed, as confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR of relative MP17:GFP expression levels (Figure 4c). The relative amount of uncapped MP17:GFP mRNA was increased 20-fold in the 12-1-1/xrn4/MP17:GFP compared to Col-16 (Figure 4d), confirming the efficiency of the assay and previous reports on xrn4 mutants (Gazzani et al., 2004). The relative amount of uncapped MP17:GFP mRNA was reduced by half in its1/MP17:GFP mutant compared to Col-16 (Figure 4d). We also measured the amount of total capped MP17:GFP mRNA by treatment of mRNA with tobacco acid pyrophosphatase. There was no significant increase of total capped mRNA in the its1/MP17:GFP mutant (Figure 4e). Taken together, neither mRNA decay nor the amounts of capped mRNA were significantly altered in the its1/MP17:GFP mutant. However, we observed a specific decrease in uncapped mRNA, which indicates that decapping is alleviated in the its1 mutant

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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We showed that transgenes can become targets of PTGS in the its1 mutant, and that PTGS, once triggered, spreads into most aerial organs. It is known that the spread of silencing depends on the function of RDR6 (Himber et al., 2003), which uses aberrant mRNA as a substrate to trigger silencing of target transcripts. Although we only provide indirect evidence for the presence of aberrant mRNA in the its1 mutant, we speculate that PTGS in its1 is dependent on RDR6. To investigate this, we crossed the its1/eGFP and its1/MP17:GFP mutants to the sgs2-1/rdr6 mutant background. In double mutants of its1/sgs2-1, neither MP17:GFP nor eGFP were silenced (Figure 2b–d and Figure S7). This shows involvement of RDR6, and provides evidence that aberrant mRNA may accumulate and trigger PTGS of transgenes in the its1 mutant. As the amounts of uncapped mRNA were reduced, we speculate that capped but deadenylated mRNA may accumulate in the its1 mutant, and trigger RDR6-mediated PTGS (Figure 5). Taken together, we show that, within the its1 mutant background, transgenes become targets for RDR6-dependent PTGS

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The its1/MP17:GFP mutant ... shows ... apically lobed/serrated leaves

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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The its1/MP17:GFP mutant ... shows a variety of pleiotropic phenotypes

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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The its1/dcp2-1 hybrids displayed severe phenotypic symptoms, such as dwarf-like growth

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The its1/MP17:GFP mutant ... shows ... anthocyan accumulation in source leaves

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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The its1/dcp2-1 hybrids displayed ... stronger leaf serration

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The poleroviral movement protein MP17, which is exclusively located at plasmodesmata, was fused to GFP for analysis of viral infection (Hofius et al., 2001). Ectopic expression of MP17:GFP results in ... chlorotic leaves due to a carbohydrate export block in the transgenic Arabidopsis line Col-16

Thran M, Link K, Sonnewald U - The Arabidopsis DCP2 gene is required for proper mRNA turnover and prevents transgene silencing in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The average width of the leaf blade of ... xi-1/xi-2/xi-k was comparable with wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Rosette size of all single mutants and the double mutants xi-1/xi-2 and xi-1/xi-k was similar to that of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Rosette size of ... the double mutants ... xi-1/xi-k was similar to that of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

For the size analysis, the length of trichome branches ... was measured. The branch length ... in ... xi-2 was similar to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Rosette size of ... the double mutants xi-1/xi-2 ... was similar to that of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

For the size analysis, the length of trichome ... height of stalk was measured ... stalk height in xi-1 ... was similar to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

xi-1/xi- 2/xi-k triple mutants showed more reduced rosette size

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

trichome stalks of ... xi-2/xi-k were abnormally elongated compared to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Trichome branch length of xi-1/xi-k was 79% of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

For the size analysis, the length of trichome branches ... was measured. The branch length ... in xi-1 ... was similar to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Cell size measurements revealed that pavement cell area of ... xi-1/xi-2/xi-k plants was reduced by ... 35

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

pavement cells of xi-1/xi-2/xi-k leaves had slightly less expanded lobes than those of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The length of trichome branches of xi-2/xi-k ... was 70% (p < 0.001 ... of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Cell size measurements revealed that ... of xi-2/xi-k ... was reduced ... mesophyll cell area ... by 9

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

xi-2/xi-k double mutants had a slightly decreased rosette size

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Rosette size of all single mutants and the double mutants xi-1/xi-2 and xi-1/xi-k was similar to that of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

xi-k trichome ... height ... stalk was similar to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Size measurements showed that trichomes of xi-1/xi-2 were comparable with wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The stalk height of xi-1/xi-2/xi-k trichomes was similar to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Cell size measurements revealed that ... of ... xi-1/xi-2/xi-k plants was reduced by ... mesophyll cell area ... 20

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

trichome stalks of xi-1/xi-k ... were abnormally elongated compared to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Cell size measurements revealed that pavement cell area of xi-2/xi-k ... plants was reduced by 17

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The average width of the leaf blade of xi-2/xi-k ... was comparable with wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Leaf size measurements showed that average length of xi-2/xi-k leaf blade was similar to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

For the size analysis, the ... height of stalk was measured. The ... stalk height in ... xi-2 was similar to wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Leaf size measurements showed that average length ... to wild type ... for xi-1/xi-2/xi-k it was 21% (p < 0.01) smaller

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The length of trichome branches of ... xi-1/xi-2/xi-k plants was ... 40% (p < 0.001) of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The average length of xi-k trichome branches was 83% of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Rosette size of all single mutants and the double mutants xi-1/xi-2 and xi-1/xi-k was similar to that of wild type

Ojangu EL, Tanner K, Pata P, Järve K, Holweg CL, Truve E, Paves H - Myosins XI-K, XI-1, and XI-2 are required for development of pavement cells, trichomes, and stigmatic papillae in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To further elucidate the possible regulation of DPA4 by PcG proteins, we performed ChIP with an anti-H3K27me3 antibody followed by semi-quantitative PCR on the DPA4 locus (supplementary material Fig. S5). Strong H3K27me3 signal was detected in wild-type and clf plants, whereas the chromatin mark was absent from clf/swn

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

35S::DPA4 ... strongest lines, which did not show leaf serrations, could not be propagated as homozygotes. In each sowing, up to 20% of the plants were very small (~1.5 cm in diameter), produced progressively smaller leaves and died after several weeks, prior to flowering. These individuals expressed DPA4 at approximately twice the level of their hemizygous siblings and were thus likely to be homozygous

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

shape of leaf epidermal cells was unchanged in dpa4-2 plants

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The deepened serrations observed in the mutants could be caused by an earlier onset of serration formation in developing leaves. However, no alterations during early serration initiation were observed in dpa4 plants: serrations occurred at approximately the same leaf length in dpa4 and Col-0 leaves (Fig. 4A,B). Therefore, the defects in dpa4 plants originate later during the outgrowth of serrations. Differences to wild type only became apparent when the leaves reached a length of ~600 μm

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

clf/swn double mutants develop into callus-like structures after germination (Fig. 3B) (Schubert et al., 2005). At 22 days, the formation of ectopic tissue is already visible, whereas the 11-day-old seedlings contain mainly differentiated tissue

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Twisted rosette leaves in a 7-week-old 35S::DPA4-2 plant

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Analysis of double mir164a-4/dpa4 mutants confirmed that DPA4 and miR164 act as independent antagonists of leaf serrations. The double mir164a-4/dpa4 mutants displayed enhanced serrations compared with either single mutant, indicating a parallel action of miR164 and DPA4

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

All plants homozygous for mir164a-4 carrying at least a hemizygous allele of 35S::DPA4 displayed a 35S::DPA4 phenotype (Fig. 6B), suggesting that the repression of leaf serrations by DPA4 does not depend on miR164

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Hemizygous 35S::DPA4-1 and 35S::DPA4-2 plants ... In several transgenic lines, leaves of individual plants turned in a left-handed spiral

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Four independent 35S::DPA4 overexpressor lines ... developed ... leaves without serrations ... and further lines displayed reduced serrations in several nuances

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Four independent 35S::DPA4 overexpressor lines ... developed narrow leaves

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Rosette diameter ... on average the same in dpa4 and Col-0 plants

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Margin cells in dpa4-1 plants appeared to elongate and develop normally, except for the increase in sinus depth and the associated more pronounced bending of the leaf margin cells

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Both dpa4-1 and dpa4-2 displayed enhanced leaf margin serration ... In accordance with the presence of residual full-length transcript in dpa4-1, serrations were stronger in dpa4-2 than in dpa4-1 ... Serrations in dpa4 plants were increased by a deepening of the sinuses and not by an increased number of serrations (supplementary material Fig. S1B,C). As in wild type, serrations were stronger in later-produced rosette leaves of dpa4 plants, at which point the differences with wild type became more obvious

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Hemizygous 35S::DPA4-1 and 35S::DPA4-2 plants ... displayed ... pronounced reduction in height

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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leaf surface ... on average the same in dpa4 and Col-0 plants

Engelhorn J, Reimer JJ, Leuz I, Göbel U, Huettel B, Farrona S, Turck F - Development-related PcG target in the apex 4 controls leaf margin architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To understand the role of caspase-3-like activity in xylem cell differentiation, the effect of a caspase-3 inhibitor, Ac-DEVD-CHO, on xylem development was examined in the cotyledons of 3-day-old Arabidopsis seedlings. In mock-treated control, the veins in the cotyledon formed Type 1 and Type 2 ‘Φ’-shapes (Koizumi et al., 2000) (Figure 6a). However, treatment with the caspase-3 inhibitor increased the percentage of cotyledons with abnormal vein patterns such as Type 3 and Type 4 ‘Φ’- shapes, in which xylem differentiation was partially inhibited (Figure 6a).

Han JJ, Lin W, Oda Y, Cui KM, Fukuda H, He XQ - The proteasome is responsible for caspase-3-like activity during xylem development

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To understand the role of the proteasome in PCD, which occurs during Stage III of TE differentiation, we searched for a proteasome inhibitor that does not affect the early stage but does affect the late stage of TE differentiation, and found clasto-lactacystin β-lactone. Furthermore, to easily observe vacuole rupture as a marker of PCD during TE differentiation (Obara et al., 2001; Kuriyama and Fukuda, 2002), we used an Arabidopsis TE-induced culture in which VND6 is over-expressed by estrogen (Oda et al., 2010; Ohashi-Ito et al., 2010). Clasto-lactacystin β-lactone at 2.5 μm and 5 μm was added at the beginning in VND6 over-expressed cell culture, the effect of the inhibitor on the TE differentiation was observed at 24, 48, 60, 72 or 96 h. In this culture, 60% of cells differentiated into TE (Figure 7). Most of the TEs possessed secondary cell walls at 48 h after induction, and finished tonoplast breakdown at 72 h after induction (Figure 7). Clasto-lactacystin β-lactone at 2.5 μm delayed TE differentiation, but did not affect vacuole rupture during TE differentiation (Figure 7). However, 5 μm clasto-lactacystin β-lactone suppressed vascular rupture during TE differentiation and increased the percentage of TEs with vacuole at 72 h and 96 h when compared with that in untreated or 2.5 μm clasto-lactacystin β-lactone-treated cells (Figure 7). These results suggested that the proteasome is involved in vacuole rupture during TE differentiation

Han JJ, Lin W, Oda Y, Cui KM, Fukuda H, He XQ - The proteasome is responsible for caspase-3-like activity during xylem development

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The diel leaf growth pattern of the wild-type showed maximum growth in the morning followed by a plateau in the afternoon (Figure 3a). At night, the leaf RGR was reduced to a minimum of 1% h−1 towards the end of the night ... prr975 ... lines showed strong up-regulation of leaf growth in the morning, followed by a gradual increase towards the end of the day. At late night (from 03:00 am onwards), leaf growth was drastically repressed in ... prr975, suggesting nocturnal leaf growth inhibition

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Starch content was measured at the time points of the highest leaf growth rate (dusk) and the lowest leaf growth rate (dawn) ... In both sink and source leaves, prr975 and the wild-type accumulated nearly equal amounts of starch at the end of the day (Figure 5, Table 1). The lowest levels of starch were found in the wild-type at dawn, as its starch reserves were almost exhausted during the night. This is also reflected in the high starch turnover of approximately 97% in both sink and source leaves of the wild-type (Table 1). Leaves of ... prr975, regardless whether they were sink or source leaves, retained significantly more starch than the wild-type at the end of the night, leading to lower starch turnover, especially in the source leaves of prr975. The larger starch reservoir remaining in leaves of ... prr975 at the end of the night, together with a similar leaf starch content at the end of the day for prr975 ... compared to the Wild-type ... imply that less carbohydrate is stored in these plants in the form of starch during the day, presumably due to the increased carbon and energy supply required to support enhanced diurnal leaf growth (Figure 3). With increasing maturity of the plants, leaves of prr975 accumulated more and more starch

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Starch content was measured at the time points of the highest leaf growth rate (dusk) and the lowest leaf growth rate (dawn) in CCA1ox and prr975 (Figure 3). In both sink and source leaves, prr975 and the wild-type accumulated nearly equal amounts of starch at the end of the day (Figure 5, Table 1). The lowest levels of starch were found in the wild-type at dawn, as its starch reserves were almost exhausted during the night. This is also reflected in the high starch turnover of approximately 97% in both sink and source leaves of the wild-type (Table 1). Leaves of CCA1ox ... regardless whether they were sink or source leaves, retained significantly more starch than the wild-type at the end of the night, leading to lower starch turnover ... The larger starch reservoir remaining in leaves of CCA1ox ... at the end of the night ... the lower leaf starch content for sink leaves of CCA1ox ... compared to the Wild-type ... imply that less carbohydrate is stored in these plants in the form of starch during the day, presumably due to the increased carbon and energy supply required to support enhanced diurnal leaf growth ... With increasing maturity of the plants ... the starch levels in CCA1ox and the wild-type did not change substantially

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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CCA1ox ... there was no significant difference in the diel RGR of the total rosette between wild-type and the mutants, reaching 16–18% per day under our experimental conditions (Figure 1c). However, there was a clear tendency for the rosette RGR of the clock mutants to be somewhat lower compared to the wild-type; during an exponential growth phase, these small variations in RGR result in a significant difference in the total rosette area over several days (Figure 1a). For example, between days 14 and 21, the rosette of the wild-type plants grew more compared to the rosette of CCA1ox

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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CCA1ox had a higher leaf RGR compared to the wild-type throughout the entire diurnal period

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The diel leaf growth pattern of the wild-type showed maximum growth in the morning followed by a plateau in the afternoon (Figure 3a). At night, the leaf RGR was reduced to a minimum of 1% h−1 towards the end of the night ... CCA1ox ... lines showed strong up-regulation of leaf growth in the morning, followed by a gradual increase towards the end of the day. At late night (from 03:00 am onwards), leaf growth was drastically repressed in CCA1ox ... suggesting nocturnal leaf growth inhibition

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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CCA1ox ... plants had only 50% soil coverage compared to the wild-type 16 days after germination

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Strikingly uniform growth patterns were found in leaves of CCA1ox ... The morning growth peak was followed by a steady increase during the afternoon, which is in stark contrast to the stable RGR found in leaves of the wild-type. During the night, leaf growth activity was reduced in all genotypes, reaching a minimum at the end of the night, but this nocturnal growth repression was much more pronounced in CCA1ox

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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prr975 ... there was no significant difference in the diel RGR of the total rosette between wild-type and the mutants, reaching 16–18% per day under our experimental conditions (Figure 1c). However, there was a clear tendency for the rosette RGR of the clock mutants to be somewhat lower compared to the wild-type; during an exponential growth phase, these small variations in RGR result in a significant difference in the total rosette area over several days (Figure 1a). For example, between days 14 and 21, the rosette of the wild-type plants grew more compared to the rosette of ... prr975

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rosette of ... prr975 is characterized by ... small leaf lamina

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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When the day–night distribution of leaf growth activity was assessed (Figure 3d), a nearly equal distribution was found for the wild-type, but leaf growth activity was shifted similarly and strongly towards the day in ... prr975

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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On average, the diurnal growth activity of leaves was higher in CCA1ox than in the wild-type and prr975

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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When the day–night distribution of leaf growth activity was assessed (Figure 3d), a nearly equal distribution was found for the wild-type, but leaf growth activity was shifted similarly and strongly towards the day in CCA1ox

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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prr975 ... plants had only 50% soil coverage compared to the wild-type 16 days after germination

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rosette of CCA1ox ... is characterized by long petioles

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rosette of ... prr975 is characterized by long petioles

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The leaf growth rates of prr975, on the other hand, were comparable with the wild-type during the morning and only exceeded wild-type RGR in the afternoon

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Strikingly uniform growth patterns were found in leaves of ... prr975 ... The morning growth peak was followed by a steady increase during the afternoon, which is in stark contrast to the stable RGR found in leaves of the wild-type. During the night, leaf growth activity was reduced in all genotypes, reaching a minimum at the end of the night, but this nocturnal growth repression was much more pronounced in ... prr975

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rosette of CCA1ox ... is characterized by ... small leaf lamina

Ruts T, Matsubara S, Wiese-Klinkenberg A, Walter A - Aberrant temporal growth pattern and morphology of root and shoot caused by a defective circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we analyzed the T-DNA insertion lines ... chr17-1, and chr17-2 ... developmental defects were not observed in any ... chr17 single mutants

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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Ectopic expression of SEP3 resulted in early flowering in transgenic plants, with upward-curled leaves

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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the chr11-1 chr17-1 mutant plants were smaller with a much earlier flowering time

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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The abaxial epidermis of wild-type cauline leaves is composed of jigsaw-shaped cells with smooth surfaces (Figure 2a). However, the abaxial epidermis of ... rlt1-1 rlt2-1 cauline leaves contained patches of cobblestone-shaped cells with wavy cuticular striations (Figure 2d,e) that resembled those on the abaxial side of wild-type petals and sepals

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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cauline leaves of the 35Spro:SEP3 transgenic plants also showed homeotic transformation from leaf cells to floral organ cells

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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The T-DNA insertion mutants rlt1-1, rlt1-2 ... were all phenotypically normal

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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the reduction in plant size in the rlt1-1 rlt2-1 mutant was not as severe as in the chr11-1 chr17-1 mutant

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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The T-DNA insertion mutants ... rlt2-1 and rlt2-2 were all phenotypically normal

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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chr11-1 chr17-1 mutant plants ... except for the first two rosette leaves, all other leaves of the double mutant were curled upwards

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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Some rlt1-1 rlt2-1 leaves were curled upwards

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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rlt1-1 rlt2-1 (Figure 1d,e) and rlt1-2 rlt2-2 (Figure S2) double mutants resembled the chr11 chr17 double mutants ... only some of the late appearing rosette leaves in the rlt1-1 rlt2-1 mutants were curled upwards

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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we analyzed the T-DNA insertion lines chr11-1, chr11-2 ... developmental defects were not observed in any chr11 ... single mutants

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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The abaxial epidermis of wild-type cauline leaves is composed of jigsaw-shaped cells with smooth surfaces (Figure 2a). However, the abaxial epidermis of ... chr11-1 chr17-1 ... cauline leaves contained patches of cobblestone-shaped cells with wavy cuticular striations (Figure 2d,e) that resembled those on the abaxial side of wild-type petals and sepals (Figure 2b,c). This phenotype indicates a homeotic transformation of leaf cells to floral-organ cells

Li G, Zhang J, Li J, Yang Z, Huang H, Xu L - Imitation Switch chromatin remodeling factors and their interacting RINGLET proteins act together in controlling the plant vegetative phase in Arabidopsis

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homozygous tcp9 ... mutant ... We detected larger epidermal cells in the first leaves of 10-day-old plants

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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A tcp9 T-DNA insertion mutant was obtained and analyzed to further elucidate the function of TCP9. A global analysis revealed no obvious phenotypic alterations, except for an effect on root length

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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homozygous tcp9 ... mutant ... as for the single tcp20 mutant, no effect at the whole-leaf level was observed, suggesting a reduction in the total cell number in the leaf

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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We tested leaf senescence after abscission of leaves as it was done previously (Schommer et al. 2008 ... The tcp9tcp20 double mutant, however, exhibits earlier senescence in our analyses (Fig. 6F), again indicating an antagonistic relationship between class I and class II TCPs in the control of jasmonate-mediated processes. The different behavior of the lines was tested using a chi-squared test and was found to be statistically significant (p < 0.01) for the comparison wild type Col-0 versus tcp9tcp20 double mutant

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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tcp20 mutant plants do not show any obvious phenotypic alterations (Li et al., 2005; Herve et al., 2009

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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homozygous ... tcp9tcp20 double mutant lines ... an effect on stomata patterning

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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To investigate a possible effect on leaf size, populations of tcp20 mutant and wild type plants were analyzed using the LeafAnalyser technology (Weight et al., 2008; Kieffer et al., 2011). No obvious ... shape alterations could be observed in the tcp20 mutant line

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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homozygous ... tcp9tcp20 double mutant lines ... We detected larger epidermal cells in the first leaves of 10-day-old plants

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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We tested leaf senescence after abscission of leaves as it was done previously (Schommer et al. 2008) and found that the single ... tcp20 mutants do not show significantly altered leaf senescence behavior in comparison to wild-type plants

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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We tested leaf senescence after abscission of leaves as it was done previously (Schommer et al. 2008) and found that the single tcp9 ... mutants do not show significantly altered leaf senescence behavior in comparison to wild-type plants

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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homozygous tcp9 ... mutant ... We detected ... an effect on stomata patterning

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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To investigate a possible effect on leaf size, populations of tcp20 mutant and wild type plants were analyzed using the LeafAnalyser technology (Weight et al., 2008; Kieffer et al., 2011). No obvious size ... alterations could be observed in the tcp20 mutant line

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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analysis was performed on the abaxial-side of the first leaf from ten-day-old seedlings (Fig. 2A). Subsequently, microscopic cell drawings were generated (Fig. 2B), followed by image-analysis to determine average pavement cell sizes (Andriankaja et al., 2012). The analysis showed a significant increase in average epidermal cell size in tcp20 mutant leaves at this early developmental stage

Danisman S, van der Wal F, Dhondt S, Waites R, de Folter S, Bimbo A, van Dijk AD, Muino JM, Cutri L, Dornelas MC, Angenent GC, Immink RG - Arabidopsis class I and class II TCP transcription factors regulate jasmonic acid metabolism and leaf development antagonistically

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Primordia Asymmetries Persist in ... Arabidopsis Leaves

Chitwood DH, Headland LR, Ranjan A, Martinez CC, Braybrook SA, Koenig DP, Kuhlemeier C, Smith RS, Sinha NR - Leaf asymmetry as a developmental constraint imposed by auxin-dependent phyllotactic patterning

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Arabidopsis leaves have increased laminar outgrowth on the descending side of the leaf

Chitwood DH, Headland LR, Ranjan A, Martinez CC, Braybrook SA, Koenig DP, Kuhlemeier C, Smith RS, Sinha NR - Leaf asymmetry as a developmental constraint imposed by auxin-dependent phyllotactic patterning

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pin1 mutants ... Toward the end of stage II, an area of small cells (“zone of no distinction”) was observed around the meristem, indicating that the arrest of leaf initiation was not accompanied by an arrest of meristematic cell proliferation

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage I ... 3 weeks later ... In this early developmental stage, mutants produced morphologically normal leaves whose ... shape ... comparable to those of the wild type

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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Stage I pin1pin4 ... leaf surface reaching only 40% of pin1 area

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... stage I mutant meristems had the same layered organization ... as wild-type meristems

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... the time elapsing between the initiation of two successive leaves, the plastochron, was longer

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage III leaves ... had particularly broad petioles

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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we observed that approximately one-half (18 of 31) of dissected stage III meristems had clusters of organs that violated Hofmeister’s rule (Fig. 2L

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage III leaves ... venation ... was clearly aberrant

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage III leaves ... fusion of multiple veins into a pseudo-midvein resembled venation patterns obtained after treatment with the auxin efflux inhibitor N-(1-naphthyl) phthalamic acid

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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Stage I pin1pin4 mutants were smaller

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage III leaves were often ... epinastic

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage III started approximately 5 weeks after germination and ended with the transition to flowering (Fig. 1, C and F). Although organ initiation resumed during this stage, the leaves produced clearly differed from the ones initiated during stage I ... Stage III leaves were often fused

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage II took place from 3 to 5 weeks after germination. The initiation of organs was completely abolished for the duration of this intermediate stage

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... flatter in shape, stage I mutant meristems

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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The plastochron in stage III mutants was longer than in the wild type

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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In order to determine to what extent the absence of PIN1 affects leaf initiation in Arabidopsis rosettes, the vegetative phase of pin1 mutants and wild-type plants was prolonged by growing plants under short-day conditions. In the mutant, three developmental stages with distinct morphological characteristics were observed. Stage I lasted from germination until approximately 3 weeks later. In this early developmental stage, mutants produced morphologically normal leaves whose size ... comparable to those of the wild type

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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Histological sections ... in pin1 ... indicated that the meristem remained organized and active at stage III

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage I ... 3 weeks later ... In this early developmental stage, mutants produced morphologically normal leaves whose ... venation patterns were comparable to those of the wild type

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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The plastochron in stage III mutants ... had a higher sd ... due to the simultaneous initiation of multiple leaves on the one hand and the occasional temporary arrests of organ initiation on the other hand

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... stage I mutant meristems had ... approximately the same size as wild-type meristems

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... histological sections showed a normally organized meristem during stage II

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... the time elapsing between the initiation of two successive leaves, the plastochron ... was ... more variable ... compared with the wild type

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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pin1 mutants ... Stage III leaves ... tended to form several lobes on the same leaf blade

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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we also characterized leaf positioning in pin1 mutants. The divergence angles of leaves initiated during stage I strongly deviated from the average 137° angle found in wild-type plants ... However, divergence angles at stage I seemed to be not entirely random

Guenot B, Bayer E, Kierzkowski D, Smith RS, Mandel T, Žádníková P, Benková E, Kuhlemeier C - Pin1-independent leaf initiation in Arabidopsis

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one line with a miniature stature ... ceh1

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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double mutants were constructed for ceh1 and eds16-1 ... double homozygous mutant lines ... contain negligible basal levels of SA

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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The basal level of free SA in ceh1 plants was _40-fold higher than that of the P and complementation lines

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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HDS ... RNAi ... lines display variegated (green and albino leaf sectors) phenotypes

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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CMS ... RNAi ... lines display variegated (green and albino leaf sectors) phenotypes

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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eds16-1, a SA-deficient mutant encoding a dysfunctional ICS1 ... single ... homozygous mutant lines ... contain negligible basal levels of SA

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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we analyzed wounded ... plants to determine whether the endogenous content of MEcPP ... are modulated in response to abiotic stresses ... These data show increased levels of MEcPP ... in plants treated with these abiotic stresses as compared to untreated controls

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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CMK ... RNAi ... these lines display variegated (green and albino leaf sectors) phenotypes

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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JA metabolites were comparable between ceh1 and control lines

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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MDS ... RNAi ... lines display variegated (green and albino leaf sectors) phenotypes

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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DXR ... RNAi ... lines display variegated (green and albino leaf sectors) phenotypes

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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DXS ... RNAi ... lines display variegated (green and albino leaf sectors) phenotypes

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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HDR ... RNAi ... lines display variegated (green and albino leaf sectors) phenotypes

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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we analyzed ... high-light-treated plants to determine whether the endogenous content of MEcPP ... are modulated in response to abiotic stresses ... These data show increased levels of MEcPP ... in plants treated with these abiotic stresses as compared to untreated controls

Xiao Y, Savchenko T, Baidoo EE, Chehab WE, Hayden DM, Tolstikov V, Corwin JA, Kliebenstein DJ, Keasling JD, Dehesh K - Retrograde signaling by the plastidial metabolite MEcPP regulates expression of nuclear stress-response genes

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in the induced pOpON::amiREXP leaves ... the cell number and the number of cell files were significantly (p<0.05) decreased in ... lamina

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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To investigate the cellular basis of these growth responses, a histological analysis was performed on induced and non-induced leaves (Table 1, Supp Fig 5). Contrary to the expected decrease in cell size suggested by the observed decrease in leaf lamina area (Fig. 4A, F), adaxial epidermal cells were actually significantly larger in the induced pOpON::amiREXP leaves than the controls and there was also a tendency for an increase ... in mesophyll cell size after repression of expansin gene expression

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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in the induced pOpON::amiREXP leaves ... the cell number and the number of cell files were significantly (p<0.05) decreased in ... petiole

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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Two homozygous T3 pOpON::amiREXPA10,1,5,3 (denoted pOpON::amiREXP) lines were selected for further investigation ... qPCR analysis of leaf 6 from induced or non-induced plants verified that transcripts for the target genes EXPA10, EXPA1, EXPA5 and EXPA3 were all present at significantly (p<0.05) lower levels in the induced plants, (Fig. 2E). Transcript levels for non-target EXPAs tended to be lower than in control leaves, but these differences were not statistically significant. When the pOpON::amiREXP plants were germinated on Dex-containing medium, an overt phenotype was observed, with growth greatly reduced compared with control and Dextreated wild-type plants at 30 DAS (Fig. 2F). This growth suppression was also observed in an independent transgenic line with an increasing severity of growth repression after induction with increasing Dex concentrations at 1 μM or higher

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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As shown in Fig. 5A, the growth curves of induced and mock-treated pOpON::amiREXP leaves are similar until approximately 20 DAS. Despite a head start, the growth of induced pOpON::amiREXP leaves reached a plateau earlier, resulting in a significantly (p<0.05) smaller final size. The maximum absolute rate of growth (Emax) was not significantly different between induced and noninduced leaves (Fig. 5B), however there was a more rapid decline in absolute extension rate in the induced plants during the later phase of leaf growth

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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To investigate the individual leaf basis of the changes underpinning total rosette area after repression of expansin gene expression, we first analyzed size and shape parameters of leaf 6 at maturity of the pOpON::amiREXP plants either with or without Dex-induction. These results showed that after Dex induction at concentrations of 5 μM and higher ... there was a clear and significant decrease in petiole length after repression of expansin gene expression ... with no significant effect on petiole width (Fig. 4E). These differences in petiole length were already detectable after induction with only 1 μM Dex. Thus, the repression of expansin gene expression led to a smaller leaf lamina and shorter petiole

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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To investigate the individual leaf basis of the changes underpinning total rosette area after repression of expansin gene expression, we first analyzed size and shape parameters of leaf 6 at maturity of the pOpON::amiREXP plants either with or without Dex-induction. These results showed that after Dex induction at concentrations of 5 μM and higher leaf lamina width, length and area were all significantly (at least p<0.05) decreased in the pOpON::amiREXP plants

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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To investigate the individual leaf basis of the changes underpinning total rosette area after repression of expansin gene expression, we first analyzed size and shape parameters of leaf 6 at maturity of the pOpON::amiREXP plants either with or without Dex-induction. These results showed that after Dex induction at concentrations of 5 μM and higher leaf lamina width, length and area were all significantly (at least p<0.05) decreased in the pOpON::amiREXP plants

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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To investigate the individual leaf basis of the changes underpinning total rosette area after repression of expansin gene expression, we first analyzed size and shape parameters of leaf 6 at maturity of the pOpON::amiREXP plants either with or without Dex-induction. These results showed that after Dex induction at concentrations of 5 μM and higher leaf lamina width, length and area were all significantly (at least p<0.05) decreased in the pOpON::amiREXP plants

Goh HH, Sloan J, Dorca-Fornell C, Fleming A - Inducible repression of multiple expansin genes leads to growth suppression during leaf development

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cells of fln1-1 ... contained chloroplasts with ... extreme defects

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rosettes of the fln2 alleles are smaller than wild-type

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority ... of ... fln2-2 chloroplasts ... chloroplasts were ... containing many more plastoglobuli than wild-type

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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We analyzed one FLN1 ... Progeny from plants heterozygous for each T-DNA allele were assessed for segregation of any observable phenotypes after germination of seed and subsequent growth on GM plates ... each line segregated 3:1 for a green:pale/chlorotic phenotype ... fln1-1 ... fln1 ... PCR-based genotyping revealed that the pale/chlorotic seedlings are homozygous

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Almost all fln1 chloroplasts lack internal membrane structures

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority ... of ... fln2-2 chloroplasts were ... highly vacuolated

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority ... of fln2-1 ... chloroplasts were ... chloroplasts ... highly vacuolated

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Double mutant fln1-1 fln2-1 ... produce one set of very small ... true leaves

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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fln2-1 ... chloroplasts contained some stromal thylakoid membrane

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority of fln2-1 ... chloroplasts were missing thylakoid membranes

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Seeds from FLN/fln parents were sown directly on soil and grown under continuous light ... fln1-1 seedlings have small yellow cotyledons ... that never green

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Almost all fln1 chloroplasts ... with a large number of densely staining plastoglobuli

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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FLN1/fln1-1 fln2-1 ... cotyledons never green

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Seeds from FLN/fln parents were sown directly on soil and grown under continuous light ... fln1-1 seedlings have small ... cotyledons

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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fln2 mutants grow similarly on soil and on GM plates. They have pale green cotyledons

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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In both fln2 alleles ... chloroplasts have highly disrupted internal membrane structures compared to wild-type Col-0

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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We analyzed ... two FLN2 insertion ... Progeny from plants heterozygous for each T-DNA allele were assessed for segregation of any observable phenotypes after germination of seed and subsequent growth on GM plates ... each line segregated 3:1 for a green:pale/chlorotic phenotype ... fln2-1 ... PCR-based genotyping revealed that the pale/chlorotic seedlings are homozygous

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Double mutant fln1-1 fln2-1 ... produce one set of ... white true leaves

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Seeds from FLN/fln parents were sown directly on soil and grown under continuous light ... fln1-1 seedlings ... do not produce true leaves

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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fln2-2 ... chloroplasts contained ... a few grana ... grana stacks

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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fln2-1 ... chloroplasts contained ... a few grana stacks

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority ... of fln2-1 ... chloroplasts ... were ... containing many more plastoglobuli ... than wild ... wild-type

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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fln2-2 ... chloroplasts contained some stromal thylakoid membrane

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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fln2-2 chloroplasts ... had ... reduced granal stacks

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The majority ... of ... fln2-2 chloroplasts were missing thylakoid membranes

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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We analyzed ... two FLN2 insertion ... Progeny from plants heterozygous for each T-DNA allele were assessed for segregation of any observable phenotypes after germination of seed and subsequent growth on GM plates ... each line segregated 3:1 for a green:pale/chlorotic phenotype ... fln2-2 ... PCR-based genotyping revealed that the pale/chlorotic seedlings are homozygous

Gilkerson J, Perez-Ruiz JM, Chory J, Callis J - The plastid-localized pfkB-type carbohydrate kinases FRUCTOKINASE-LIKE 1 and 2 are essential for growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Brefeldin A inhibits Golgi vesicle transport in plant cells (Nebenführ et al., 2002). Thus, we analyzed whether brefeldin A acts differently on wild-type and pht4;6 cells. To do this, we grew wild-type and mutant plants for 3 weeks on agar plates in the presence of either 10 or 15 μm brefeldin A. Without brefeldin A, wild-type and pht4;6 plants grew similarly (Figure 5b), but growth of pht4;6 was inhibited in the presence of 10 μm brefeldin A but that of wild-type plants was not (Figure 5c). At 15 μm brefeldin A, growth of mutant and wild-type plants was reduced, but pht4;6 mutants were much more affected, as indicated by strongly impaired development accompanied by chlorotic leaves

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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pht4;6 plants show a dwarf phenotype under standard growth conditions compared to wild-type plants (Figures 1a,b and 8a,b). Interestingly, addition of Pi (25 mm) to the supplied water did not alter the growth of wild-type plants significantly, but clearly stimulated growth of pht4;6 plants

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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Under standard growth conditions, Pi levels in wild-type and pht4;6 plants were similar: 4.86 ± 0.5 μmol gFW−1 in wild-type and 4.1 ± 0.52 μmol gFW−1 in mutant plants ... addition of Pi into the supplied water resulted in a slight increase in inorganic phosphate in both genotypes, reaching approximately 7.0 μmol gFW−1 ... pht4;6 plants

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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we first quantified SA levels in wild-type and pht4;6 leaves, and showed that wild-type plants accumulate free SA to a level of 0.59 nmol gFW−1, whereas pht4;6 leaves contained more than twice as much SA, i.e. 1.4 nmol free SA per gFW (Figure 6a). In plants, SA may exist in either a free form or in conjugation with other molecules (Thulke and Conrath, 1998). Interestingly, the difference between conjugated SA in wild-type and mutant tissues was even greater than observed for the free SA form. Wild-type plants accumulated approximately 7.5 nmol conjugated SA per gFW, whereas pht4;6 plants contained over seven times more conjugated SA, i.e. 58 nmol SA per gFW (Figure 6b

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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pht4;6 mutants exhibited ... small ... leaves

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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it was tempting to analyze differences in vacuolar Pi levels in wild-type and pht4;6 plants. To do this, all plant lines were grown on soil and vacuolar Pi levels were quantified by NMR. NMR is a suitable method to quantify Pi levels at the subcellular level under in vivo conditions, i.e. on intact plant material ... Both wild-type and pht4;6 plants accumulated large amounts of Pi in the vacuole (Figure 11). After quantification of the NMR signals, we determined that mutant plants contained substantially increased phosphate levels in the vacuolar compartment (4.81 ± 0.53 μmol ml tissue−1), with 40% more vacuolar Pi than present in corresponding wild-type vacuoles (3.40 ± 0.21 μmol ml tissue−1). Our NMR studies did not allow exact determination of cytoplasmic Pi levels (Figure 11), which may lead to under-estimation of the cytoplasmic Pi in wild-type plants. This is in agreement with the generally very low cytosolic Pi levels in Arabidopsis and other plant species (Pratt et al., 2009), representing only a few per cent of total cellular inorganic phosphate (Espen et al., 2000). However, the NMR signal pattern observed in our experiments concurs with recent Pi NMR data obtained on Arabidopsis leaves

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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To quantify hemicellulose composition, we grew wild-type plants and pht4;6 mutants for 4 weeks on soil, collected complete rosettes, and extracted and quantified hemicellulose-derived monosaccharides. Xylose, representing the most abundant sugar moiety, accumulates in wild-type and mutant lines to nearly identical levels, reaching approximately 30 μmol gFW−1 (fresh weight) (Figure 2). In contrast, the levels of rhamnose and mannose were slightly reduced in pht4;6 plants, and fucose and arabinose levels were significantly increased (Figure 2). These data demonstrate that impaired PHT4;6 activity correlates with altered cell-wall compositions

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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pht4;6 ... callose, representing a polysaccharide, responsible for sealing of leaf-surface injuries and known to accompany early defense reactions characterized by apoplastic H2O2 bursts, is much more abundant in mutant than in wild-type leaves

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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pht4;6 mutants ... Both, wild-type and mutant produced an identical number of leaves, namely 31 ± 2 leaves (n = 3

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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pht4;6 mutants show a unfolded protein response in their leaf tissue

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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Because both phosphate and sulfate accumulate in the vacuole (Martinoia et al., 2007), and as both types of molecules represent divalent anions, it was interesting to observe that pht4;6 plants had significantly higher SO42− levels than wild-type plants, namely 22.33 ± 0.84 μmol gFW−1 in mutants compared to 11.48 ± 1.4 μmol gFW−1 in wild-type leaves ... However, under these conditions (which stimulated growth of pht4;6 plants, Figure 8a–d), the sulfate levels in mutants were very similar to those in wild-type plants (approximately 11.0 μmol gFW−1

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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pht4;6 mutants exhibited markedly reduced growth

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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pht4;6 mutants exhibited ... curled leaves

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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Using 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining, we found that pht4;6 leaves accumulate significantly higher H2O2 levels than wild-type leaves

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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Trypan blue labels dead plant cells, and the abundance of blue areas on pht4;6 leaves was significantly higher than on corresponding wild-type leaves

Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher K, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE - Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis

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At the late developmental stage, non-fully expanded epidermal cells were visible in both the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces of the sub-2 blade (Figure 2n–q). The uneven expansion of these cells may lead to the rough and crinkled leaf surfaces as shown in Figure

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Transverse sections through the apex of 5-day-old seedlings (approximately leaf stage 3) grown at 30°C showed that the number of proliferating cells was reduced, but more vacuolated cells and intercellular gaps appeared in young leaves of sub-2, suggesting an early transition from cell proliferation to expansion

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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SUB-OE leaves ... cell size ... of single-layer palisade cells were decreased

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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we generated transgenic plants expressing SUB under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter in the Col-0 background. Among 86 independent SUB over-expression (SUB-OE) T1 plants, 54 lines showed varying degrees of ... reduced organ size

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Nuclear ploidy analysis showed that the population of 4C cells was increased, but the populations of 16C and 32C cells were greatly reduced in the leaves of SUB-OE plants compared with Col-0

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The reduced leaf area in sub-2 was mainly due to the ... incomplete development of the leaf blade

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The elongated epidermal cells along the leaf margin ... appeared to be distorted in sub-2 plants

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The elongated epidermal cells along the ... midrib appeared to be distorted in sub-2 plants

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Study of the growth dynamics of leaf primordia also confirmed that early leaf outgrowth was largely inhibited in the medio-lateral axis of sub-2, leading to the reduced leaf size

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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indicating that endo-reduplication was inhibited in the leaves of SUB-OE plants

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The shape and size of sub-2 cotyledons appeared to be similar to Col-0, indicating a role for SUB in post-embryonic leaf development

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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development of vascular tissues was also inhibited in SUB-OE leaves with reduced complexity

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Compared with the wild-type, the sub-2 leaves displayed varying degrees of defects at 30°C, including ... incomplete lamina

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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We found that the complexity and continuity of sub-2 venation was significantly reduced at 30°C, with fewer branching points and areoles but visible vascular islands

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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SUB-OE leaves ... the number of single-layer palisade cells were decreased

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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sub-2 leaves ... When grown at 22°C, the mutant phenotypes were weakened, except for the reduced leaf size

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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constitutive expression of SUB restricts organ growth by inhibiting progression from cell proliferation to cell expansion

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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the number of cell layers between adaxial and abaxial epidermis was increased in the SUB-OE leaves

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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an irregular leaf margin appeared at leaf stage 2 in sub-2 plants

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Compared with the wild-type, the sub-2 leaves displayed varying degrees of defects at 30°C, including ... twisted petiole (Figure 1a,b). In severe cases, the deformed leaf blade had >180° rotation of petiole (Figure 1c

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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we generated transgenic plants expressing SUB under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter in the Col-0 background. Among 86 independent SUB over-expression (SUB-OE) T1 plants, 54 lines showed varying degrees of dwarfing

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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sub-2 leaves ... When grown at 22°C, the mutant phenotypes were weakened, except for ... slightly rough leaf surface

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Similar to leaf shape, these defects were also alleviated at 22°C, although the venation complexity was still reduced because of the decreased number of higher-order veins in sub-2 leaves

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Some smaller cells were observed in both epidermis and internal tissues, suggesting that progression of cell growth was inhibited and was less synchronous in SUB-OE plants than in Col-0

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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the abaxial epidermal cells along the midvein were obviously twisted ... in the sub-2 leaves

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Leaf shape may be affected at various stages during leaf development. To determine the stage(s) that is severely affected by the sub-2 mutation, we performed temperature-shift experiments (Figure 5). Both Col-0 and sub-2 seedlings grown at 22°C were transferred to 30°C between 1 and 14 days after germination (DAG), and vice versa (experiments 22/30 and 30/22, respectively). The length and width of the first rosette leaf was measured at 16 DAG, and the leaf index was used as a parameter to reflect the degree of leaf defects. In both experiments, the leaf index of Col-0 plants was relatively steady and similar to that of seedlings continuously grown at 22 or 30°C. In contrast, the leaf index of sub-2 seedlings shifted at between 1 and 7 DAG in the 22/30 shift experiment was significantly reduced, especially between 4 and 7 DAG (from 1.84 to 1.37; Figure 5a,b). In the 30/22 shift experiment, the sub-2 mutant shifted at between 1 and 7 DAG displayed more severe defects the longer they were held at 30°C (Figure 5c,d). However, the leaf index of mutant seedlings shifted after 7 DAG changed little in either experiment

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The reduced leaf area in sub-2 was mainly due to the reduced leaf width

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Statistical analyses showed that the number of exterior epidermal cells at this stage and the number of palisade cells in the 25-day-old first leaf of sub-2 plants were reduced, indicating that cell proliferation was impaired during sub-2 leaf development

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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sub-2 plants ... ectopic hydathodes

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Compared with the fully expanded cells in Col-0 (Figure 7d,g,i), a large number of small cells were clustered together in the epidermal and internal tissues of SUB-OE leaves

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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sub-2 leaves ... a significant increase in the leaf index (radio of leaf length to leaf width

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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As transition from cell proliferation to cell expansion is coupled with the onset of endo-reduplication (Beemster et al., 2005), an alternative cycle in which cells undergo rounds of DNA replication without division, we measured the DNA content using flow cytometry to examine cell growth in the developing first leaves. As shown in Figure 3(g), the proportions of 4C and 8C cells in sub-2 leaves were prematurely increased, while that of 2C cells was reduced. These results indicate that the mutation in SUB results in reduced cell proliferation and earlier onset of endo-reduplication during leaf development

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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sub-2 plants ... morphological abnormalities progressed at leaf stage 3, including reduced leaf outgrowth, bilateral asymmetry, and an irregular leaf margin with ectopic hydathodes

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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a null T-DNA insertion mutant scm-2 in the Col-0 background (Kwak et al., 2005), as well as the sub-2 and sub-3 mutants in the Ler background, also showed temperature-sensitive leaf defects

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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To monitor the timing of SUB action during leaf development, we first examined the early leaf morphology at 30°C using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). At leaf stage 1 (Carland and McHale, 1996), the leaf shape and size of sub-2 appeared similar to that of Col-0

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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the shape and arrangement of mesophyll cells were irregular in the sub-2 leaves

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Compared with the wild-type, the sub-2 leaves displayed varying degrees of defects at 30°C, including reduced leaf outgrowth

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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sub-2 exhibited temperature-sensitive ... reduced plant height

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Compared with the wild-type, the sub-2 leaves displayed varying degrees of defects at 30°C, including ... bilateral asymmetry

Lin L, Zhong SH, Cui XF, Li J, He ZH - Characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants reveals a role for receptor-like kinase SCRAMBLED/STRUBBELIG in coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation during Arabidopsis leaf development

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MIM394 transgenic plants ... have narrow leaves

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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secondary ... veins ... in ... MIM394 plants were less connected

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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secondary ... veins ... in 35S::m5LCR ... were less connected

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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MIM394 ... plants have narrow leaves

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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The lcr plants display ... enlarged leaf blade

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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a curled-down leaf phenotype is observed in 35S:m5LCR

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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secondary and subsequent veins ... in ... MIM394 plants were less connected

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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The 35S:MIR394a/b transgenic plants can phenocopy the curled-up leaf phenotypes of lcr

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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a curled-down leaf phenotype is observed in ... MIM394 ... plants

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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35S:MIR394a/b transgenic plants ... phenocopy the curled-up leaf phenotypes

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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secondary and subsequent veins ... in 35S::m5LCR ... were less connected

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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in 35S:MIR394a/b ... some of the secondary veins were disrupted

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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The lcr plants display semi-dwarfism

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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MIM394 transgenic plants ... have ... severely reduced size

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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a curled-down leaf phenotype is observed ... in ... MIM394 transgenic plants

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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in 35S:MIR394a/b ... some of the secondary veins were disrupted

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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MIM394 ... plants have ... severely reduced size

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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secondary ... veins ... in ... MIM394 plants were less connected

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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The lcr plants display ... moderate upward leaf curling in the upper rosette ... of around 30 day-old seedlings

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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35S:m5LCR ... plants have ... severely reduced size

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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The lcr plants display ... moderate upward leaf curling ... in ... cauline leaves of around 30 day-old seedlings

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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in ... lcr plants, some of the secondary veins were disrupted

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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35S:m5LCR ... plants have narrow leaves

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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in 35S:m5LCR cotyledons ... a simplified vascular pattern was observed

Song JB, Huang SQ, Dalmay T, Yang ZM - Regulation of Leaf Morphology by MicroRNA394 and Its Target LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS

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secondary and subsequent veins ... in ... MIM394 plants were less connected

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To investigate the effect of SAMBA inactivation at later stages of vegetative development, we analyzed leaf growth kinematically ... the leaf size of the first leaf pair of samba plants was already larger during the initial stages of development (Fig. 3A, Inset). At 4 DAS, the size of the samba leaf initials was on average 94% larger than that of the WT (Table S2), but, during further development, it became relatively less pronounced and at maturity (24 DAS) had increased ∼36% (Fig. 3A

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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Interestingly, the analysis of samba showed an increased seed size [up to 143% of the wild type (WT)] (Fig. 2A and Fig. S2A) and embryo size

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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At 4 DAS, samba leaf initials already contained ∼56% more cells than the WT

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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To investigate the effect of SAMBA inactivation at later stages of vegetative development, we analyzed leaf growth kinematically ... the leaf size of the first leaf pair of samba plants was already larger during the initial stages of development ... Fig. 3A, Inset). At 4 DAS, the size of the samba leaf initials was on average 94% larger than that of the WT (Table S2

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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Volumetric measurements of seedlings at 12 DAS revealed that the mean SAM volume of samba was ∼40% higher (139 × 103 μm3; n = 19) than that of the WT (99 × 103 μm3; n = 16) (Fig. 2F and Fig. S2I

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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of samba plants ... Cellular measurements demonstrated that cell number (Fig. 3B) and, to a lesser extent, cell size (Fig. 3C) contributed to the increased leaf area

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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At 8 DAS, leaves 1 and 2 of samba and control lines had an equally low endoreduplication index (EI), representing the mean number of endoreduplication cycles per nucleus

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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Also when 3D reconstructions of the first leaf initials were compared at 4 DAS, leaf primordia of samba plants were on average 80% larger than those of the WT (Fig. 2G and Fig. S2J

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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samba plants ... Cellular measurements demonstrated that cell number (Fig. 3B) and, to a lesser extent, cell size (Fig. 3C) contributed to the increased leaf area

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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Additionally, samba rosettes were visibly larger

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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The increased growth of samba mutants also led to a significant increase in fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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The EI of samba leaves was significantly higher between 12 and 20 DAS than that of equivalent control leaves, particularly because of an increase in the 8C and 16C cell population (Fig. 3E, Inset

Eloy NB, Gonzalez N, Van Leene J, Maleux K, Vanhaeren H, De Milde L, Dhondt S, Vercruysse L, Witters E, Mercier R, Cromer L, Beemster GT, Remaut H, Van Montagu MC, De Jaeger G, Ferreira PC, Inzé D - SAMBA, a plant-specific anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome regulator is involved in early development and A-type cyclin stabilization

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we visualized the cellular morphology of mutant meristems by semi-thin section. Cell organization was disrupted in the L1 and L2 layers of the SAM in 8-day-old xcm9 plants compared with the highly organized cells in WT

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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xcm9 was reduced in height

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ccs52a2-3 mutants ... Statistical analysis demonstrated that that the mutant leaf cells with 16C ploidy made up a significantly lower percentage than in WT, while the mutant leaf cells of 2C ploidy showed a slightly higher percentage in the mutant

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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xcm9 mutants demonstrate premature termination ... of shoot apices ... This premature termination is evident in the primary shoot and lateral inflorescences of xcm9, which have an average of 6.97 (range from 1–14, n = 39) flowers on main stems and 9.68 (range from 1–20, n = 39) flowers on lateral inflorescences, compared with an average of 39 (range from 28–46, n = 9) flowers on WT

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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as measured by flow cytometry, the CV of SAM cells in 8-day-old ccs52a2-3 seedlings was unaffected in comparison with WT (data not shown). Despite the enlarged cell area of meristem cells in mutant SAMs (Figure 3J, K), the cell ploidy was not correspondingly changed, which means, unlike in the leaf, CCS52A2 did not induce the onset of endocycle in the shoot meristems

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The Cycle Value (CV) of 5th leaves in the cca52a2-3 plant was lower (p < 0.05) than the WT (Figure 8F) [33], consistent with lower EI of CCS52A2KO leaves determined by flow cytometry in the previous report

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The width of SAMs in mature embryos and 8-day-old seedlings of xcm9 were broadened to 41.3 ± 0.8 μm and 108.5 ± 5.8 μm, compared with 34.2 ± 0.6 μm and 75.2 ± 4.5 μm in the WT, respectively

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The ccs52a2-3 fas1-1 double mutants possessed many characteristics of both parents, but can be easily distinguished from either single mutant (Figure 9D-I). They have narrow leaves and disrupted floral phyllotaxy as in fas1-1, with bifurcation and premature termination characteristic of ccs52a2-3. However, the bifurcation ratio of inflorescences is higher than ccs52a2-3 single mutants (71% of ccs52a2-3 fas1-1, n = 32; 12.8% of ccs52a2-3, n = 39). Many ccs52a2-3 fas1-1 double mutants displayed a large number of rosette leaves with a bushy appearance in the mature plant (Figure 9E). The novel phenotype of ccs52a2-3 fas1-1 double mutants revealed that FAS1 and CCS52A2 are involved in the same downstream process

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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xcm9 mutants demonstrate ... bifurcations of shoot apices

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In comparison to WT, the 5th mature leaves of ccs52a2-3 mutants show a decrease of 13.58% in mesophyll cell size

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In comparison to WT, the 5th mature leaves of ccs52a2-3 mutants show ... significant cell size decrease (2226.4 ± 61.6um2 in ccs52a2-3; 2576.2 ± 113.7um2 in WT, p < 0.05) was also detected in abaxial epidermal cells

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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xcm9 plants ... counting of cell numbers in mutant SAM semi-thin sections showed that there was no significant difference (student t test p = 0.15 > 0.05, n = 6) with the WT

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Double mutants with clv3-2 had a novel phenotype: ccs52a2-3 clv3-2 plants (n = 48) consistently had ... larger shoot meristems

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Examination of the average cell areas in both the L1 layer and throughout the SAM both indicated that the enlargement of the SAM was mainly due to an increase of the meristem cell areas in the xcm9 mutant in comparison with WT

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ccs52a2-3 mutants appeared dwarfed

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Double mutants with clv3-2 had a novel phenotype: ccs52a2-3 clv3-2 plants (n = 48) consistently had many more rosette leaves

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ccs52a2-3 mutants ... had smaller leaves

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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While screening for phenotypic mutants from MYB-family T-DNA insertion lines, we identified a shoot apex-defective mutant segregating in SALK_074403 from the SALK T-DNA collection

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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But the SAM defects in most older ccs52a2-3 wus-1 double mutants were enhanced, producing more rosette leaves than those in wus-1 single mutants and delaying transition from the vegetative apex into the reproductive apex as is seen in wus-1

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In comparison to WT, the 5th mature leaves of ccs52a2-3 mutants show ... a decrease of 70.61% in total mesophyll cell number (13039.6 ± 2964.3 in ccs52a2-3; 44361.8 ± 6767.2 in WT, Student t test p < 0.05

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To test the interaction of WUS with CCS52A2, we constructed the ccs52a2-3 wus-1 double mutant. 34% of 12-day-old progeny of ccs52a2-3/+ wus-1/+ showed a defective SAM that resembled the wus-1 single mutant, which was higher than the 24% of wus-1/+ self progeny (Table 1). Thus ccs52a2-3 wus-1 double mutant seedlings (Figure 7M) appeared phenotypically identical to wus-1 single mutants, displaying serious defects in SAM organization, including the inability to establish normal shoot meristems followed by the development of secondary adventitious-like meristems, which resulted in more rosette leaves

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The ccs52a2-3 clv1-4 (n = 39) displayed bifurcation at a very high frequency, over 50% under our conditions, compared to 12.8% for ccs52a2-3 (n = 39

Liu Y, Ye W, Li B, Zhou X, Cui Y, Running MP, Liu K - CCS52A2/FZR1, a cell cycle regulator, is an essential factor for shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To better understand the biochemical role of MRN1-encoded proteins, the amounts of marnerol, a stable reduction product of marneral (Xiong et al., 2006), were measured by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in wild-type, mrn1, a complementation line of mrn1, and transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing MRN1 ... Because marneral is known to be very unstable in vitro, marnerol was used as a standard in this measurement. A marnerol peak was detected in the MRN1 overexpression lines in GC-MS, but not in the wild type, mrn1, and the complementation line of mrn1 (Figure 6a–d). The mass spectrum of marnerol in the leaves of MRN1 overexpression line 9 matched with that of marnerol in the standard (Figure 6e,f). The amount of marnerol was measured within the range of 1–100 μg in 100 mg lyophilized seedlings, leaves, and roots (Table 1

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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size of ... cells in mrn1 was approximately twice as small as the wild-type cells (Figure 5c). This phenotype was also observed in epidermal and mesophyll cells of the primary leaves of 7-day-old seedlings

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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formation of SAM in mrn1 was delayed by approximately 3 days when compared with the wild type

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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membrane permeability was also determined using the chlorophyll leaching assay. Leaves from 3-week-old wild-type and mrn1 were submerged in 80% ethanol for different time periods, and the concentration of chlorophylls in the solution was determined. Chlorophyll leaching occurred more rapidly in mrn1 leaves than the wild-type, but the complementation line of mrn1 showed the wild-type levels of membrane permeability

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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the number of epidermal cells were almost the same in each leaf of the wild-type and mrn1

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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We further examined the shoot apical meristems (SAM), where cell division and expansion actively occur. Similarly, no difference in cell division was observed in SAMs of the wild type and mrn1

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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As MRN1 shares the common biosynthetic intermediate, OS, with CAS1, we investigated whether the composition and content of sterols and triterpenols are altered in mrn1. Total sterols and triterpenols were extracted from the leaves of 3-week-old wild type and mrn1 and roots of 6-week-old wild type and mrn1, and were analyzed by GC-MS. As shown in Table S2, the total content of major sterols was approximately 2000-fold higher than that of major triterpenols in both leaves and roots. The total amount of sterols was decreased in mrn1 leaves and roots to approximately 11% and 10%, respectively, compared with the wild type. In contrast, the total amount of triterpenols in roots was increased by approximately 5% in mrn1 when compared with the wild type (Table S2). When the relative content of major sterols and triterpenols was compared between wild-type and mrn1 leaves and roots, the amounts of β-sitosterol were increased by approximately 20%, but the amounts of stigmasterol were reduced by approximately 20% in mrn1 roots compared with wild-type roots (Figure 7a). In addition, the α-amyrin content was decreased by approximately 15 and 3% in mrn1 leaves and roots, respectively, relative to wild type. Whereas the lupeol content was increased by approximately 15 and 2% in mrn1 leaves and roots, respectively, when compared with wild type (Figure 7b

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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The relative electrolyte leakages of the mrn1 leaves and roots were approximately twofold and threefold higher than that of the wild-type leaves and roots, respectively, suggesting that the membrane integrity of the mrn1 leaves and roots is defective. The ion leakages of the complementation line were almost rescued to the levels of the wild type in leaves and roots

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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The ratio of leaf blade length to width was decreased by approximately 45% in the mutant when compared with that of the wild type, causing round-shaped leaves in mrn1

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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mrn1 leaves were approximately twice as small as the wild-type leaves

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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the size of epidermal cells in mrn1 was approximately twice as small as the wild-type cells

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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These results indicate that cell expansion and elongation ... inhibited in leaves and root and SAMs of the mrn1

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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To better understand the biological roles of unidentified genes, T-DNA inserted Arabidopsis activation tagging lines were generated by transformation with the pSKI015 vector (Weigel et al., 2000) and were screened to isolate Arabidopsis mutants showing abnormal phenotypes under long-day conditions. From this screening, a late-flowering mutant with round-shaped rosette leaves was isolated (Figure 1a). The mutant was named mrn1 (marneral synthase 1) after the T-DNA inserted site was identified

Go YS, Lee SB, Kim HJ, Kim J, Park HY, Kim JK, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ohyama K, Muranaka T, Arseniyadis S, Suh MC - Identification of marneral synthase, which is critical for growth and development in Arabidopsis

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In the atcsp3-2 ... mutant ... the leaf index values decreased

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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fresh weight at 42 DAG also indicated that the growth of atcsp3-2 ... plants is clearly reduced relative to the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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The height of fully grown ... atcsp3-1 plants was approximately 7cm shorter than the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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palisade cells within both mutants generally appeared more circular in shape

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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atcsp3-1 ... clear reductions in leaf blade ... lengths

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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We also observed ... shortened petioles in ... atcsp3-1

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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the distance between individual cells in ... atcsp3-1 was less than the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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atcsp3-2 ... clear reductions in leaf blade ... lengths

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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atcsp3-1 leaves exhibited a curly phenotype

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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Palisade cell length along the leaf-length axis was significantly reduced in atcsp3-1

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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atcsp3-2 ... exhibited ... a reduced number of leaves relative to the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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in the atcsp3 loss-of-function mutants ... cell size were not altered until 14 DAG when the leaf primordia expanded into adult leaves after cell proliferation in 5th leaf blades

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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the distribution of palisade cells in atcsp3 mutants was more condensed relative to the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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atcsp3-1 ... exhibited smaller ... leaves relative to the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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Palisade cell length along the leaf-length axis was significantly reduced in ... atcsp3-2

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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We also observed abnormally rounded leaf blades ... in ... atcsp3-2

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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the distance between individual cells in atcsp3-2 ... was less than the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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The height of fully grown atcsp3-2 ... plants was approximately 7cm shorter than the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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Palisade cell numbers were quantified ... total cell numbers were similar between atcsp3 mutants and the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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We also observed ... shortened petioles in ... atcsp3-2

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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in the atcsp3 loss-of-function mutants ... Cell number ... were not altered until 14 DAG when the leaf primordia expanded into adult leaves after cell proliferation in 5th leaf blades

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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atcsp3-1 ... exhibited ... a reduced number of leaves relative to the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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Adaxial epidermal cells in ... atcsp3-1 ... were more densely arranged

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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In the ... atcsp3-1 mutant ... the leaf index values decreased

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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We also observed abnormally rounded leaf blades ... in ... atcsp3-1

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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  • Phenotype

fresh weight at 42 DAG also indicated that the growth of ... atcsp3-1 plants is clearly reduced relative to the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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Adaxial epidermal cells in atcsp3-2 ... were more densely arranged

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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Palisade cells in the atcsp3 mutants were smaller than that of the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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atcsp3-2 ... exhibited smaller ... leaves relative to the wild type

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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in the atcsp3 loss-of-function mutants ... Differences in cell size were observed at 21 DAG, where the cells complete the transition from the cell proliferation to the cell expansion stage

Yang Y, Karlson D - Effects of mutations in the Arabidopsis Cold Shock Domain Protein 3 (AtCSP3) gene on leaf cell expansion

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we measured the crystalline cellulose content of transgenic Arabidopsis plants showing either constitutive or inducible over-expression of MYB46 (Figure 5a). Compared to wild-type plants, two independent lines constitutively over-expressing MYB46 (OX8 and OX9) showed a substantial increase (approximately 30%) in crystalline cellulose content in leaf tissues of 3-week-old plants. Furthermore, 24 h induction of MYB46 resulted in an increase of up to 27% compared to non-induced plants

Kim WC, Ko JH, Kim JY, Kim JM, Bae HJ, Han KH - MYB46 directly regulates the gene expression of secondary wall-associated cellulose synthases in Arabidopsis

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DEX treatment of plants expressing MYB46-GFP caused ectopic secondary wall thickening in leaf epidermal and mesophyll cells, a phenotype that is typical of ectopic MYB46 over-expression as described previously

Kim WC, Ko JH, Kim JY, Kim JM, Bae HJ, Han KH - MYB46 directly regulates the gene expression of secondary wall-associated cellulose synthases in Arabidopsis

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To quantify the alteration in leaf coloration ... leaf pigments were analysed by HPLC. As expected, mutant plants contained only 58% (prps1-1) ... of WT levels of total chlorophyll (Chl a + b)

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

no homozygous mutant plants could be identified in the case of prps20-1

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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The Chl a/b ratio was also ... decreased ... to a lesser extent in prps1-1

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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no homozygous mutant plants could be identified in the case of ... prpl4-1

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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The data showed a clear decrease in maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) (FV/FM, ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence ... somewhat less pronounced effect in ... prps17-1 plants ... Col-0, 0.83 ± 0.01; Ler, 0.83 ± 0.01 ... prps17-1, 0.66 ± 0.01

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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To investigate this issue further, plastid protein synthesis was measured by monitoring the rate of incorporation of [35S]methionine into plastid proteins in young leaves of WT and ... prps17-1 ... plants in the presence of light and inhibitors of cytoplasmic protein synthesis for 5, 15 and 30 min. Subsequently, total leaf proteins were extracted and fractionated by SDS-PAGE ... moderate reductions in the levels of labelled PsbA and RbcL proteins (to about 40 and 30% of WT) were observed in ... prps17-1 leaves

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The Chl a/b ratio was also clearly decreased in prpl24-1

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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A similar picture emerged when the effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦII) was taken into account ... differences between ... prps17-1 and the corresponding WT plants were less marked ... Col-0, 0.77 ± 0.01; Ler, 0.77 ± 0.01 ... prps17-1, 0.60 ± 0.02

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

A similar picture emerged when the effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦII) was taken into account. In this case too, prpl24-1 plants were markedly impaired with respect to Col-0 ... Col-0, 0.77 ± 0.01; Ler, 0.77 ± 0.01; prpl24-1, 0.43 ± 0.02

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

A similar picture emerged when the effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦII) was taken into account ... differences between prps1-1 ... and the corresponding WT plants were less marked ... Col-0, 0.77 ± 0.01; Ler, 0.77 ± 0.01 ... prps1-1, 0.63 ± 0.01

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

To quantify the alteration in leaf coloration ... leaf pigments were analysed by HPLC. As expected, mutant plants contained only ... 50% (prps17-1) ... of WT levels of total chlorophyll (Chl a + b)

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

no homozygous mutant plants could be identified in the case of ... prpl35-1

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

To quantify the alteration in leaf coloration ... leaf pigments were analysed by HPLC. As expected, mutant plants contained only ... and 68% (prpl24-1) of WT levels of total chlorophyll (Chl a + b

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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The data showed a clear decrease in maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) (FV/FM, ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence) in prpl24-1 ... Col-0, 0.83 ± 0.01; Ler, 0.83 ± 0.01; prpl24-1, 0.47 ± 0.03

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

no homozygous mutant plants could be identified in the case of ... prpl27-1

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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To investigate this issue further, plastid protein synthesis was measured by monitoring the rate of incorporation of [35S]methionine into plastid proteins in young leaves of WT and ... prps1-1 ... plants in the presence of light and inhibitors of cytoplasmic protein synthesis for 5, 15 and 30 min. Subsequently, total leaf proteins were extracted and fractionated by SDS-PAGE ... moderate reductions in the levels of labelled PsbA and RbcL proteins (to about 40 and 30% of WT) were observed in prps1-1 ... leaves

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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  • Phenotype

The data showed a clear decrease in maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) (FV/FM, ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence ... somewhat less pronounced effect in prps1-1 ... Col-0, 0.83 ± 0.01; Ler, 0.83 ± 0.01 ... prps1-1, 0.69 ± 0.01

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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Interestingly, the Chl a/b ratio was not markedly altered in prps17-1 with respect to Ler plants, suggesting that in this case the reduction in amounts of plastid-encoded reaction centres might be accompanied by a similar decrease in antenna complexes

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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To investigate this issue further, plastid protein synthesis was measured by monitoring the rate of incorporation of [35S]methionine into plastid proteins in young leaves of WT and ... prpl24-1 ... plants in the presence of light and inhibitors of cytoplasmic protein synthesis for 5, 15 and 30 min. Subsequently, total leaf proteins were extracted and fractionated by SDS-PAGE ... In three independent experiments, the amount of PsbA and RbcL labelled in prpl24-1 plants was decreased on average to 20% of WT levels after 30 min of [35S]methionine incubation

Romani I, Tadini L, Rossi F, Masiero S, Pribil M, Jahns P, Kater M, Leister D, Pesaresi P - Versatile roles of Arabidopsis plastid ribosomal proteins in plant growth and development

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While carrying out the 35S:FtsHi1–YFP overexpression experiment in the WT (Figure 3), we noticed that leaves of some T1 plants expressing the transgene (7 out of 105) were pale and patchy or mildly variegated in appearance, and one was strongly variegated (Figure 6a). This suggested that expression of the FtsHi1 gene might be suppressed in these individuals. However, FtsHi1 transcripts were detected in all transgenic plants, though at different levels (Figure 6c). In contrast, immunoblotting (Figure 6b) showed that abundance of FtsHi1–YFP was very low in the strongly variegated plant (Figure 6a, T1 plant 72). When analyzed separately, white and green sectors of this plant had similar transcript levels, and the fusion protein was barely detectable in either sector. Though we cannot rule out that the endogenous FtsHi1 protein accumulates normally in these plants because we lack antibodies, the leaf color phenotypes and lack of FtsHi1–YFP suggest that variegation is accompanied by reduced accumulation of FtsHi1

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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To learn more about the function of FtsHi1, we analyzed a T-DNA insertion allele of At4g23940, which we designated ftsHi1-2 (Figure S2). Sequence analysis showed that the T-DNA was inserted in the first exon of FtsHi1, after codon 98 (nucleotide 294) of the FtsHi1 open reading frame. An in-frame stop codon occurred six codons (18 nucleotides) downstream in the T-DNA sequence (Figure S2). The severe truncation indicates that ftsHi1-2 is probably a null allele of FtsHi1. Homozygous mutants could not be recovered, suggesting a reproductive defect ... Among 106 progeny from self-fertilized ftsHi1-2 heterozygotes analyzed by PCR-based genotyping, 72 were heterozygous and 34 were homozygous WT. The observed 2:1 segregation ratio (χ2 = 0.222, P = 0.637) and failure to obtain ftsHi1-2 homozygotes suggested that ftsHi1-2 is embryo-lethal in the homozygous state. To investigate this further, we opened developing siliques of self-fertilized ftsHi1-2/FtsHi1 heterozygotes and looked for aborted seeds. Albino as well as green seeds were observed evenly distributed along the siliques (Figure 7a), confirming embryo-lethality. The segregation ratio, determined by counting the number of green (844) and albino (291) seeds, was close to 3:1 (χ2 = 0.247, P = 0.619), consistent with Mendelian segregation of a single recessive allele ... To determine the stage at which embryo development is arrested in ftsHi1-2 homozygotes, we visualized cleared seeds from mature siliques of self-fertilized ftsHi1-2/FtsHi1 heterozygotes by light microscopy. Embryos in green seeds, representing FtsHi1/FtsHi1 homozygotes and ftsHi1-2/FtsHi1 heterozygotes, were all at the bent cotyledon stage of development (Figure 7b, top), as in mature seeds of WT plants. In albino seeds (ftsHi1-2/ftsHi1-2 homozygotes), the earliest instances of arrest occurred at the late globular stage. Arrest was also observed at the early heart and late heart/early torpedo stages

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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  • Phenotype

arc6 ... fewer ... chloroplasts per mesophyll cell than the WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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we overexpressed 35S:FtsHi1-YFP in WT Ler ... Quantitative analysis of chloroplast number versus cell size in these individuals showed that the slopes of the regression lines were lower in plants T1 OE2 and T1 OE3 than in plant T1 LE22 or in the WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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we first examined chloroplast ultrastructure in ftsHi1-1 and the WT by electron microscopy. Tissue was harvested from the first and second leaves of 12-day-old seedlings, when mutants are still pale, and from 26-day-old mature plants, when the mutants are no longer visibly pale. In seedlings, the most obvious difference between ftsHi1-1 and the WT was the morphology of the thylakoid membranes. Clearly organized grana and stroma lamellae were evident in the WT, but in ftsHi1-1 the thylakoids appeared wavy

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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ftsHi1-1 ... in 26-day-old plants, the thylakoid membranes in the mutant did not appear distinctly different from those in the WT, except that grana stacks appeared to contain fewer appressed thylakoids

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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arc1 arc6 double mutants ... The leaves of the double mutant are also noticeably more pale than the leaves of arc6

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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we overexpressed 35S:FtsHi1-YFP in WT Ler and recovered 30 T1 transgenic plants ... Nine transgenic lines had a subtle but noticeable increase in chloroplast size relative to that in WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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arc3 ... fewer ... chloroplasts per mesophyll cell than the WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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ftsHi1-1 ... defect in chloroplast biogenesis

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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To further investigate chloroplast biogenesis in ftsHi1-1, we employed a de-etiolation assay in which dark-grown seedlings are transferred to light, whereupon etioplasts that develop in the dark differentiate into chloroplasts (Wise, 2007; Pogson and Albrecht, 2011). As etioplasts do not contain chlorophyll, quantifying the accumulation of chlorophyll during de-etiolation provides one approach for measuring the efficiency of chloroplast biogenesis (Ruckle et al., 2012). Thus, we performed de-etiolation experiments with ftsHi1-1 in three fluence rates of broad-spectrum white light: 15, 100 and 300 μmol m−2 sec−1. Increasing the fluence rate reduced the accumulation of chlorophyll during de-etiolation in ftsHi1-1 more than in the WT (Figure 5b). At the highest fluence rate, etiolated ftsHi1-1 accumulated 55% less chlorophyll than the WT, suggesting that ftsHi1-1 may attenuate chloroplast biogenesis by causing photooxidative stress

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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we overexpressed 35S:FtsHi1-YFP ... These results suggest that higher levels of the fusion protein are correlated with a decrease in chloroplast number

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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arc1 is also ... smaller than the WT early in development

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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The arc1 mutant, isolated from an ethyl methane sulfonate-mutagenized Landsberg erecta (Ler) population, has ... smaller chloroplasts than the wild type

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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arc3 ... larger chloroplasts per mesophyll cell than the WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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in ftsHi1-1 the thylakoids appeared ... less organized

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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in ftsHi1-1 the thylakoids appeared ... swollen

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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we overexpressed 35S:FtsHi1-YFP in WT Ler and recovered 30 T1 transgenic plants. Their growth and appearance were similar to those of WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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Starch grains accumulated in chloroplasts of ftsHi1-1 as well as in the WT, indicating they were metabolically active

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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The arc1 mutant, isolated from an ethyl methane sulfonate-mutagenized Landsberg erecta (Ler) population, has more ... chloroplasts than the wild type

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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chloroplast size and number in the ... arc1 arc6 double mutants are intermediate between those of the parental mutants

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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arc1 is also pale ... early in development

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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more dramatic variegation phenotypes were also observed when 35S:FtsHi1–YFP was expressed in an arc6 T-DNA insertion mutant (SAIL_693_G04) (Glynn et al., 2008) (Figure S3a), and the fusion protein was undetectable in the most strongly variegated among these plants

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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  • Phenotype

arc6 ... larger chloroplasts per mesophyll cell than the WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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we overexpressed 35S:FtsHi1-YFP ... increase in chloroplast size

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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chloroplast size and number in the arc1 arc3 ... double mutants are intermediate between those of the parental mutants

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To test whether this effect is caused only by photooxidative stress, we performed a de-etiolation experiment in ... 60% red (BR) light at a low fluence rate of 1 μmol m−2 sec−1 ... The rate of accumulation of chlorophyll in BR light was significantly reduced in ftsHi1-1 relative to the WT. By 24 h, ftsHi1-1 accumulated 28% less chlorophyll than the WT

Kadirjan-Kalbach DK, Yoder DW, Ruckle ME, Larkin RM, Osteryoung KW - FtsHi1/ARC1 is an essential gene in Arabidopsis that links chloroplast biogenesis and division

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  • Phenotype

On the ABA-supplemented media ... mda1-1 individuals displayed significantly lower fresh weight values than Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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fully expanded green cotyledons ... mda1 mutants ... at 200 mM

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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mda1 mutants ... reduced sensitivity to ABA

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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fully expanded green cotyledons ... at 200 mM NaCl ... almost abolished it in Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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The cotyledons of the mda1 seedlings exhibited less green pigmentation than the wild type

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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mda1 seeds clearly showed higher levels of seedling establishment than Col-0 on medium supplemented with ... 3 µM ABA

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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significant reduction in chlorophyll a ... levels in mda1 mutants compared with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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mda1 leaves ... margins lacked indentations

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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We did not find any noticeable differences in the mda1-1 ... mesophyll cells when we compared them with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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significant decrease in mda1 ... dry weights

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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Our microscopy studies did not reveal any significant differences in ... the number of chloroplasts ... between mda1 mutants and Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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defects in the mda1 chloroplast structure

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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Compared with Col-0, mda1-1 ... plants subjected to salt stress had a significantly reduced fresh weight

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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chloroplasts in mda1 mesophyll cells had a low starch grain number

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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The most noticeable phenotype of mda1 plants is the pale pigmentation of their rosette and cauline leaves

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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mda1 chloroplasts revealed an accumulation of plastoglobuli

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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significant decrease in mda1 fresh ... weights

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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When grown on NaCl, the soldat10 plants exhibited significantly less fresh weight when compared with Ler

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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significant reduction in ... carotenoid levels in mda1 mutants compared with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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chloroplasts in mda1 mesophyll cells had ... enlarged thylakoid lamellas

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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mda1 plants were small in size if compared with Col-0 plants

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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mda1 leaves were rounded

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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  • Phenotype

Compared with Col-0 ... mda1-2 plants subjected to salt stress had a significantly reduced fresh weight

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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significant reduction in chlorophyll ... b ... levels in mda1 mutants compared with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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soldat10 ... developed expanded cotyledons at 150 mM NaCl

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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We did not find any noticeable differences in the ... mda1-2 mesophyll cells when we compared them with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Arabidopsis MDA1, a nuclear-encoded protein, functions in chloroplast development and abiotic stress responses

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  • Phenotype

plants were sown in soil and grown under controlled conditions. Shoots of the mutants had significantly lower biomass ... approximately 17 ... of wild type for lon1-1 ... on a dry weight basis

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH - Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage

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  • Phenotype

In ... lon1-2 mutants ... another major trend to emerge was the number of enzymes in the TCA cycle whose abundances increased

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH - Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage

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  • Phenotype

In ... lon1-2 mutants, subunits from several components of the ETC were decreased in abundance. Subunits from Complex I, III, IV and the ATP synthase complex were affected. In the case of Complex I (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase), a total of 11 different subunits (seven in lon1-1 and six in lon1-2) were identified as quantitatively lower in abundance in the mutants than in wild type plants. Most of these subunits are thought to be situated either in the matrix arm or in the plant-specific matrix domain of Complex I (Meyer et al., 2011). Nine different subunits of the ATP synthase complex (from both the F and F subcomplexes) showed changing abundances in the mutants when compared to wild type. In general, most of the changing subunits were decreased in abundance in the mutants. Isoforms of all nine identified ATP synthase subunits were lower in lon1-1 while seven of the identified subunits are lower in lon1-2. Two subunits of Complex III (cytochrome bc1) were determined to be of lower abundance in lon1-2. Cytochrome-c oxidase (Complex IV) core subunits are hydrophobic and very under-represented in proteome datasets. However, we did find ev idence of less of the Complex IV substrate cytochrome c, the peripheral subunit Cox6b was also lower in lon1-1 and lon1-2, and two isoforms of Cox5b were found to be slightly more abundant in lon1-1

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH - Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage

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  • Phenotype

In ... lon1-1 ... another major trend to emerge was the number of enzymes in the TCA cycle whose abundances increased

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH - Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage

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  • Phenotype

In both lon1-1 and lon1-2 mutants, subunits from several components of the ETC were decreased in abundance

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH - Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage

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  • Phenotype

In ... lon1-1 ... subunits from several components of the ETC were decreased in abundance ... Subunits from Complex I, III, IV and the ATP synthase complex were affected. In the case of Complex I (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase), a total of 11 different subunits (seven in lon1-1 and six in lon1-2) were identified as quantitatively lower in abundance in the mutants than in wild type plants. Most of these subunits are thought to be situated either in the matrix arm or in the plant-specific matrix domain of Complex I (Meyer et al., 2011). Nine different subunits of the ATP synthase complex (from both the F and F subcomplexes) showed changing abundances in the mutants when compared to wild type. In general, most of the changing subunits were decreased in abundance in the mutants. Isoforms of all nine identified ATP synthase subunits were lower in lon1-1 while seven of the identified subunits are lower in lon1-2. Two subunits of Complex III (cytochrome bc1) were determined to be of lower abundance in lon1-2. Cytochrome-c oxidase (Complex IV) core subunits are hydrophobic and very under-represented in proteome datasets. However, we did find ev idence of less of the Complex IV substrate cytochrome c, the peripheral subunit Cox6b was also lower in lon1-1 and lon1-2, and two isoforms of Cox5b were found to be slightly more abundant in lon1-1

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH - Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage

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  • Phenotype

plants were sown in soil and grown under controlled conditions. Shoots of the mutants had significantly lower biomass ... approximately ... 32% of wild type for ... lon1-2 ... on a dry weight basis

Solheim C, Li L, Hatzopoulos P, Millar AH - Loss of Lon1 in Arabidopsis changes the mitochondrial proteome leading to altered metabolite profiles and growth retardation without an accumulation of oxidative damage

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  • Phenotype

in the pentuple mutant della, the chloroplast division phenotype is comparable with that of wild-type plants

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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An increased grana stacking was found in gai-1 (Figure 7a; Table S1), similar to changes observed in the ga1-3 mutants

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

ga1-3 mutant exhibited ... an increase of mesophyll cell number per unit leaf area (by 42.6%

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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To investigate whether GA affects the organization of the thylakoid network of chloroplasts, we examined the ultrastructure of the chloroplasts in the top layers of mesophyll cells of the fourth leaf in the ga1-3 mutant and the wild type, to avoid the shading effects on chloroplasts from upper cell layers. An increase in grana stacking (thylakoid membrane layers per granal stack) was found in ga1-3

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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a decrease of cell number per leaf (by 75.1%) was found in ga1-3 compared with the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

Application of exogenous GA largely restored the wild-type leaf anatomy phenotypes in the ga1-3 mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

ga1-3 mutant exhibited ... a decrease of mesophyll cell area (by 42.8%; Figure 1d), compared with the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

application of PAC increased grana stacking in rga-24 gai-t6

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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To test whether chloroplast division is affected in ga1-3, we estimated the chloroplast number per leaf in ga1-3 and in the wild type. A decreased chloroplast number per leaf (by 72.8%; Figure 3a) is consistent with a decreased chloroplast division frequency (measured as the percentage of dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts per random selected chloroplasts in leaf tips; n ≥ 350 chloroplasts; by 49.8%) in the ga1-3 mutant relative to the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

In the della mutant, the grana stacking phenotype is comparable with that of wild-type plants, and PAC has no significant effect on grana stacking in the della mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

ga1-3 mutant exhibited ... thicker mesophyll cell layers

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

Wild-type granal stacking traits were restored by the application of exogenous GA to ga1-3, and the application of exogenous GA to wild type plants results in a decrease in the number of thylakoid membranes per granum

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

a significant decrease in chloroplast division frequency (by 40.9%) ... in the gai-1 mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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an increased rate of photosynthesis, which was assessed by oxygen evolution rate (Figure 1h and Appendix S1), was found in ga1-3 compared with the wild type, suggesting that the dwarfed GA-deficient mutants may maintain a proper level of photosynthetic activity by possessing higher chlorophyll content per unit leaf area

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

an increase in ... chloroplast number per leaf (by 23.6%) was observed in the rga-24 gai-t6 mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

increased pigmentation was found in ga1-3 compared with the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

in ga1-3 ... an increase in chlorophyll content per unit leaf area (by 146.1%

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

an increase in chloroplast division frequency (by 48.1%) ... was observed in the rga-24 gai-t6 mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

By contrast, the chloroplast division frequency of the della mutant showed a PAC-insensitive phenotype

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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To identify the underlying causes for the increased pigmentation in ga1-3, we examined the chloroplast number per unit leaf area, which was counted from the cross sections of the fourth leaves (representing expanding leaves). An increase in the chloroplast number per unit leaf area (by 48.9%) was found in ga1-3

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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we examined the chloroplast division phenotypes in rga-24 gai-t6 ... in the presence of the GA biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol (PAC). The chloroplast division frequency of rga-24 gai-t6 (with the RGL1, RGL2 and RGL3 still present) was partially inhibited by PAC

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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we examined the stress responses of ga1-3 and wild-type plants exposed to high light irradiance (Appendix S2). During the high light treatment, the decline of the Fv/Fm ratio, which reflects the maximum potential capacity of the PSII photochemical reactions (Krause and Weis, 1991), was more significant in the wild-type plants than in ga1-3 (Figure 5b), whereas during the recovery stage, the recovery of the Fv/Fm ratio was faster in ga1-3 than in the wild type. Our results suggested that ga1-3 is more resistant to oxidative damage than the wild type, and that this correlates with an increase in chloroplast grana stacking

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

ga1-3 mutant exhibited more tightly packed mesophyll cells

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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we examined the leaf morphology and anatomy in ga1-3 and wild-type plants. A significant decrease in leaf area (by 89.6%)

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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rga-24 gai-t6 plants contained a lower grana stacking, displaying a grana-stacking phenotype similar to that of wild-type plants treated with exogenous GA

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

decreased cell number per leaf (by 75.1%) in ga1-3 compared with the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

a significant decrease in ... the chloroplast number per leaf (by 47.4%) in the gai-1 mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

the decreased chloroplast number per leaf (by 72.8% ... in ga1-3 compared with the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

A significant decrease (by 10.3%) in the number of chloroplasts per mesophyll cell was found in the gai-1 mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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To determine whether the decrease in mesophyll cell area (Figure 1c) has an impact on the chloroplast number per cell in the ga1-3 mutant, we investigated the number of chloroplasts per fully expanded palisade mesophyll cell in ga1-3. Surprisingly, we found no significant difference when compared with the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

The application of exogenous GA approximately restored wild-type chloroplast division traits in the ga1-3 mutant

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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we monitored the time-course changes for chloroplast division, cell division and cell expansion phenotypes during the treatment of exogenous GA on the ga1-3 mutant. Our results showed that GA treatment increased chloroplast number per cell (Figure 4a), chloroplast division frequency (Figure 4b), cell division rate (Figure 4d) and mesophyll cell area (Figure 4f) in ga1-3, suggesting that chloroplast division, cell division and cell expansion is coordinately promoted by GA

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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we compared the relationships between chloroplast number per cell and mesophyll cell area in ga1-3 and the wild type by using a best-fit linear plot of chloroplast number per cell versus cell area. The slope of the best-fitting line for ga1-3 (0.036) is steeper than that for the wild type (0.021; Figure 2b), corresponding with an increased number of chloroplasts per unit cell area in ga1-3 (by 67.9%), compared with the wild type

Jiang X, Li H, Wang T, Peng C, Wang H, Wu H, Wang X - Gibberellin indirectly promotes chloroplast biogenesis as a means to maintain the chloroplast population of expanded cells

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  • Phenotype

F23231 ... line exhibited dwarf phenotypes

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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we generated transgenic lines that over-express a full-length version of the BAT1 gene in Col-0 background. We found that BAT1 over-expression reverses the BR-deficient dwarf phenotype observed in the original FOX hunting line

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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To investigate possible biochemical consequences of BAT1 activity, endogenous levels of BRs were determined in aerial tissues of 5-week-old plants by GC-MS analysis using deuterium-labeled internal standards. Compared with the endogenous BR levels in wild-type plants, several major BR synthetic intermediates were drastically reduced in BAT1 over-expressing transgenic lines (Figure 4). In BAT1 over-expressing plants, endogenous levels of BR intermediates downstream of campestanol (CN), especially 6-deoxocathasterone (6-deoxoCT) and 6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone (6-deoxo3DT), were increased 1.8- and 1.9-fold, respectively, compared to wild-type levels. Interestingly, the endogenous BR intermediates of the early C6 oxidation pathway in these transgenic plants were decreased to 63% of wild-type levels for TY. Furthermore, 6-deoxoTY and 6-deoxoCS intermediates of the late C6 oxidation pathway in BAT1 over-expressing lines were decreased to 47% and 63%, respectively, compared to the wild-type. Active BL was not detectable in either wild-type or transgenic lines

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

F23231 ... line exhibited ... small ... rosettes

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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In contrast, bat1-1 knockout plants did not show any statistically significant alterations in BR levels

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

F23231 ... line exhibited ... dark-green rosettes

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

F23231 ... line exhibited ... shortened leaf petioles

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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To determine whether the BR-deficient phenotype of BAT1 over-expressing plants was caused by perturbation in BR signaling or BR metabolism, we examined whether the phenotype observed could be rescued by application of exogenous BR intermediates ... Only active BRs, BL and CS rescued the dwarf phenotypes of soil-grown mature plants (Figure 5b). Rescued plants exhibited much longer inflorescence stems, and slightly larger, less green and curled leaves than mock-treated plants

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

F23231 ... line exhibited ... rounded ... rosettes

Choi S, Cho YH, Kim K, Matsui M, Son SH, Kim SK, Fujioka S, Hwang I - BAT1, a putative acyltransferase, modulates brassinosteroid levels in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Homozygous suc5.4 or suc5.5 ... bio1.1 ... double homozygotes germinated poorly, and developed into tiny plants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio1.1 suc5.4 ... cotyledons were partially or completely white in a high percentage of seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio1.1 suc5.5 ... double homozygotes (all parent plants watered with biotin; Figure 6, right panel), we observed a high percentage of seedlings with severely aberrant cotyledon phenotypes on biotin-free medium ... A more detailed and quantitative analysis of these double mutant phenotypes is shown in Figure 7. The cotyledons of many seedlings failed to expand and were too small to lift the seed coat (Figure 7a). However, even when the expanding cotyledons lifted the seed coat, they stayed tiny and failed to turn green (Figure 7c). Other seedlings had mis-shapen, only partially green cotyledons (Figure 7b), and the few seedlings with normally shaped cotyledons were smaller than wild-type seedlings (Figure 7d). A significant number of seeds did not germinate at all or only after prolonged incubation. A quantification of the observed phenotypes (Figure 7e) demonstrated that the percentage of mis-shapen seedlings or non-germinating and late-germinating seeds was negligible in the various homozygous single mutants, but very high in the double mutants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio1.1 ... plants ... germinated poorly, and developed into tiny plants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

homozygous bio1.1 ... seeds ... After germination, the seedlings started to form normally sized, green cotyledons. However, the first pair of rosette leaves developed poorly, and was tiny and yellowish (Figure 6), and eventually these plants died before developing inflorescences

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

Homozygous suc5.4 or suc5.5 ... bio2.1 ... double homozygotes ... turned pale and eventually died

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio2.1 suc5.4 ... double homozygotes (all parent plants watered with biotin; Figure 6, right panel), we observed a high percentage of seedlings with severely aberrant cotyledon phenotypes on biotin-free medium ... A more detailed and quantitative analysis of these double mutant phenotypes is shown in Figure 7. The cotyledons of many seedlings failed to expand and were too small to lift the seed coat (Figure 7a). However, even when the expanding cotyledons lifted the seed coat, they stayed tiny and failed to turn green (Figure 7c). Other seedlings had mis-shapen, only partially green cotyledons (Figure 7b), and the few seedlings with normally shaped cotyledons were smaller than wild-type seedlings (Figure 7d). A significant number of seeds did not germinate at all or only after prolonged incubation. A quantification of the observed phenotypes (Figure 7e) demonstrated that the percentage of mis-shapen seedlings or non-germinating and late-germinating seeds was negligible in the various homozygous single mutants, but very high in the double mutants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio1.1 suc5.4 ... The cotyledons of almost all seedlings were smaller than those of wild-type seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio1.1 suc5.5 ... cotyledons were partially or completely white in a high percentage of seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio2.1 suc5.5 ... cotyledons were partially or completely white in a high percentage of seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

homozygous bio1.1 ... first pair of rosette leaves ... was tiny

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

homozygous ... bio2.1 ... first pair of rosette leaves ... was tiny

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

bio2.1 plants ... turned pale and eventually died

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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The originally described bio1.1 and bio2.1 mutations (Schneider et al., 1989; Patton et al., 1998) were induced by chemical mutagenesis. Homozygous suc5.4 or suc5.5 plants were crossed with these bio1.1 or bio2.1 mutants, and double homozygosity was determined by PCR (for the T-DNA insertions in suc5.4 and suc5.5) and by confirming the growth defect on biotin-free medium (for bio1.1 and bio2.1) in the subsequent generations ... On soil, these double homozygotes developed normal rosettes, flowered and produced fertile seeds when watered with 1 mm biotin

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

homozygous ... bio2.1 seeds ... After germination, the seedlings started to form normally sized, green cotyledons. However, the first pair of rosette leaves developed poorly, and was tiny and yellowish (Figure 6), and eventually these plants died before developing inflorescences

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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  • Phenotype

homozygous bio1.1 ... first pair of rosette leaves ... was ... yellowish

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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A significantly stronger phenotype was observed in developing seeds and embryos of bio2.1 suc5.5 double mutants that were not supplemented with biotin (0 mm biotin, Figure 4a,b). Seeds from these plants were white and smaller than seeds of bio2.1 single mutants, indicating a stronger biotin deficiency. Without biotin supplementation, no embryos were detected in these seeds, and even embryos from plants supplemented with 0.1 mm biotin showed a strong developmental phenotype. Only in seeds from plants that were supplemented with 1 mm biotin were wild-type-like embryos formed

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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The originally described bio1.1 and bio2.1 mutations (Schneider et al., 1989; Patton et al., 1998) were induced by chemical mutagenesis. Homozygous suc5.4 or suc5.5 plants were crossed with these bio1.1 or bio2.1 mutants, and double homozygosity was determined by PCR (for the T-DNA insertions in suc5.4 and suc5.5) and by confirming the growth defect on biotin-free medium (for bio1.1 and bio2.1) in the subsequent generations ... On soil, these double homozygotes developed normal rosettes, flowered and produced fertile seeds when watered with 1 mm biotin

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio2.1 plants ... germinated poorly, and developed into tiny plants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio1.1 suc5.5 ... The cotyledons of almost all seedlings were smaller than those of wild-type seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio1.1 ... plants ... turned pale and eventually died

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio2.1 suc5.5 double homozygotes (all parent plants watered with biotin; Figure 6, right panel), we observed a high percentage of seedlings with severely aberrant cotyledon phenotypes on biotin-free medium ... A more detailed and quantitative analysis of these double mutant phenotypes is shown in Figure 7. The cotyledons of many seedlings failed to expand and were too small to lift the seed coat (Figure 7a). However, even when the expanding cotyledons lifted the seed coat, they stayed tiny and failed to turn green (Figure 7c). Other seedlings had mis-shapen, only partially green cotyledons (Figure 7b), and the few seedlings with normally shaped cotyledons were smaller than wild-type seedlings (Figure 7d). A significant number of seeds did not germinate at all or only after prolonged incubation. A quantification of the observed phenotypes (Figure 7e) demonstrated that the percentage of mis-shapen seedlings or non-germinating and late-germinating seeds was negligible in the various homozygous single mutants, but very high in the double mutants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio2.1 suc5.4 ... The cotyledons of almost all seedlings were smaller than those of wild-type seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio2.1 suc5.4 ... cotyledons were partially or completely white in a high percentage of seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio1.1 suc5.4 ... double homozygotes (all parent plants watered with biotin; Figure 6, right panel), we observed a high percentage of seedlings with severely aberrant cotyledon phenotypes on biotin-free medium ... A more detailed and quantitative analysis of these double mutant phenotypes is shown in Figure 7. The cotyledons of many seedlings failed to expand and were too small to lift the seed coat (Figure 7a). However, even when the expanding cotyledons lifted the seed coat, they stayed tiny and failed to turn green (Figure 7c). Other seedlings had mis-shapen, only partially green cotyledons (Figure 7b), and the few seedlings with normally shaped cotyledons were smaller than wild-type seedlings (Figure 7d). A significant number of seeds did not germinate at all or only after prolonged incubation. A quantification of the observed phenotypes (Figure 7e) demonstrated that the percentage of mis-shapen seedlings or non-germinating and late-germinating seeds was negligible in the various homozygous single mutants, but very high in the double mutants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio2.1 seeds and embryos showed a biotin-dependent phenotype. Without biotin supplementation, the bio2.1 seeds were yellowish and pale, and embryos isolated from these seeds showed strongly retarded development (0 mm biotin, Figure 4a,b). This defect was partly rescued in plants supplemented with 0.1 mm biotin. Embryos from these plants were the same size as wild-type embryos; however, they were unable to synthesize chlorophyll and had a faint yellowish colour. Embryos from bio2.1 plants supplemented with 1 mm biotin were able to synthesize chlorophyll and looked essentially like wild-type embryos

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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Homozygous suc5.4 or suc5.5 ... bio2.1 ... double homozygotes germinated poorly, and developed into tiny plants

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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Homozygous suc5.4 or suc5.5 ... bio1.1 ... double homozygotes ... turned pale and eventually died

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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bio2.1 suc5.5 ... The cotyledons of almost all seedlings were smaller than those of wild-type seedlings

Pommerrenig B, Popko J, Heilmann M, Schulmeister S, Dietel K, Schmitt B, Stadler R, Feussner I, Sauer N - SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 5 supplies Arabidopsis embryos with biotin and affects triacylglycerol accumulation

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The SAM of 6-day-old minu1 minu2 seedlings was flat and disorganized relative to that of the wild type (Figure 4a), and consisted of large, irregularly shaped cells ... later, twin SAMs had formed in minu1 minu2 plants (Figure 4b). This finding is consistent with the bushy appearance (Figure 3d,e), and the mean number of 2.6 inflorescences per minu1 minu2 plant at bolting. The cellular organization in these later-forming SAMs was more similar to that of the wild type (Figure 4b). Although the twin minu1 minu2 meristems were vegetative at day 16 (Figure 4b), the wild-type SAM had already converted to an inflorescence meristem, as expected, giving rise to flower primordia by this time

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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None of the ... minu2 homozygous mutants displayed morphological defects under normal growth conditions, suggesting that MINU1 and MINU2 are likely to have redundant roles in plant development

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Of the 6-day-old minu1 minu2 double mutants, 16% formed three cotyledons

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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the morphological defects of minu1 minu2 seedlings grown on agar plates in the absence of sucrose or on soil were much more severe than those in plants grown on agar plates containing sucrose

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Adult soil-grown minu1 minu2 plants showed extremely delayed development ... The life cycle of minu1 minu2 was more than 3 months, whereas that of the wild type was around 2 months

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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minu1 or minu2 ... Plants homozygous for mutations in one gene and heterozygous for mutations in the other were morphologically indistinguishable from the wild type

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Overall, plant height was much reduced in minu1 minu2 plants relative to the wild type

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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minu1 or minu2 ... Plants homozygous for mutations in one gene and heterozygous for mutations in the other were morphologically indistinguishable from the wild type

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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When minu1 minu2 plants bolted, they frequently formed multiple inflorescences (2.6 ± 0.1 inflorescences per plant at ∼5 cm inflorescence height, n = 52), resulting in a bushy appearance

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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None of the minu1 ... homozygous mutants displayed morphological defects under normal growth conditions, suggesting that MINU1 and MINU2 are likely to have redundant roles in plant development

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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removing a negative regulator of WUS accumulation, CLV3, did not rescue the minu1 minu2 SAM defects (Figure 4a,g). Moreover, a visual inspection of single, double and triple mutant plants at days 8 and 14 of development did not reveal any rescue of the minu1 minu2 leaf initiation defect

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Periclinal divisions were frequently observed in the L2 layer of minu1 minu2 SAMs

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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To test if the increased WUS accumulation in 6-day-old seedlings was responsible for the morphological defect of minu1 minu2 SAMs, we constructed wus minu1 minu2 triple mutants. The SAMs of the triple mutants were similarly disorganized as those of the minu1 minu2 double mutants

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Ten days later, twin SAMs had formed in minu1 minu2 plants

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Adult soil-grown minu1 minu2 plants showed ... small stature

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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On day 6 or 7, the first true leaves of wild-type plants were visible. By contrast, no true leaves were visible in minu1 minu2 plants until they were at least 14 days old

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Some of the minu1-2 minu2-1 and minu1-3 minu2-1 embryos, but none of the minu1-2 minu2-2 and minu1-3 minu2-2 embryos, developed into viable adults (Table S1). The data suggest that minu2-1 is a weaker allele than minu2-2. The frequency of double mutant recovery was much lower for minu1-2 minu2-1 than for minu1-3 minu2-1, indicating that minu1-2 is the stronger allele ... As the recovered minu1-2 minu2-1 and minu1-3 minu2-1 double mutants showed similar post-embryonic phenotypes (Figure 3), we used minu1-3 minu2-1 for further analysis, unless otherwise indicated. We will refer to this double mutant henceforth as minu1 minu2

Sang Y, Silva-Ortega CO, Wu S, Yamaguchi N, Wu MF, Pfluger J, Gillmor CS, Gallagher KL, Wagner D - Mutations in two non-canonical Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPases cause embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance defects

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Growth retardation was also observed in rosette leaves of voz1voz2-1 ... rosette leaf growth inhibition in voz1voz2-1 was completely reversed by expression of either VOZ1 or VOZ2 under the control of each promoter (gVOZ1 lines #3, #4, and gVOZ2 lines #9, #10), a finding that indicated that the growth inhibition resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in VOZ expression

Nakai Y, Nakahira Y, Sumida H, Takebayashi K, Nagasawa Y, Yamasaki K, Akiyama M, Ohme-Takagi M, Fujiwara S, Shiina T, Mitsuda N, Fukusaki E, Kubo Y, Sato MH - Vascular plant one-zinc-finger protein 1/2 transcription factors regulate abiotic and biotic stress responses in Arabidopsis

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Growth retardation was also observed in rosette leaves of ... voz1voz2-2 double mutants ... rosette leaf growth inhibition in voz1voz2-1 was completely reversed by expression of either VOZ1 or VOZ2 under the control of each promoter (gVOZ1 lines #3, #4, and gVOZ2 lines #9, #10), a finding that indicated that the growth inhibition resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in VOZ expression

Nakai Y, Nakahira Y, Sumida H, Takebayashi K, Nagasawa Y, Yamasaki K, Akiyama M, Ohme-Takagi M, Fujiwara S, Shiina T, Mitsuda N, Fukusaki E, Kubo Y, Sato MH - Vascular plant one-zinc-finger protein 1/2 transcription factors regulate abiotic and biotic stress responses in Arabidopsis

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In both WT and voz1voz2-2, no significant differences in endogenous ABA content were observed under normal growth conditions. The endogenous ABA content decreased rapidly within 6 h at 4°C, and the concentration gradually increased up to 24 h in both WT and voz1voz2-2. Thus, there are no significant differences in the ABA content between WT and voz1voz2-2 under normal growth or cold conditions

Nakai Y, Nakahira Y, Sumida H, Takebayashi K, Nagasawa Y, Yamasaki K, Akiyama M, Ohme-Takagi M, Fujiwara S, Shiina T, Mitsuda N, Fukusaki E, Kubo Y, Sato MH - Vascular plant one-zinc-finger protein 1/2 transcription factors regulate abiotic and biotic stress responses in Arabidopsis

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we also observed a strong induction of chlorosis ... in amiR-tor lines 9 and 17 at day 10 of TOR repression, but line 20 appears to be unaffected

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In addition to changes in these abundant carbon-, hydrogen- and oxygen-containing metabolites linked to the phenylpropanoid pathways, significant changes within the pools of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing glucosinolates were detected. EST-treated amiR-tor plants tended to have higher levels of the highly abundant tryptophan-derived glucosinalate glucobrassicin (indol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate, Figure 5a) and of several methionine-derived aliphatic glucosinalates (Figure 5b), such as 3-methylsulfinylpropyl glucosinolate, 4-methylsulfinylbutyl glucosinolate, 5-methylsulfinylpentyl glucosinolate and 5-methylsulfinylpentyl glucosinolate

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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amiR-tor lines ... Initially we screened for the growth inhibitory effect of TOR repression in plants grown on half-strength MS agar plates supplemented with 1% sucrose (Figure 1b). These plants were germinated and grown for 6 days regularly, before transferring them either to estradiol-containing amiR-tor inducing, or ethanol-containing control plates. The plants were grown for up to 10 additional days under induction or control conditions, and analyzed for phenotypic alterations. As shown in Figures S1 and S2, EST-induced repression of AtTOR leads, as shown previously (Deprost et al., 2007), to severe growth arrest, which is clearly visible from day 3 after induction of TOR repression

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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amiR-tor ... plants ... have significantly smaller leaves ... which are explained by significantly smaller cells

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Six compounds of flavonoid biosynthesis were significantly increased in the repressed AtTOR plants, paralleling the observed up-regulation of flavonoid synthesis-related transcripts

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we observed a strong increase in starch content for all three amiR-tor lines upon EST induction (Figure 4a), indicating that the assumption that starch accumulation negatively correlates with growth also holds true for our plant lines

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Down-regulation of the AtTOR gene leads to global changes in the primary metabolism (Figure 3 and Table S2). A significant increase in the levels of branched chain (Leu, Ile and Val), aromatic (Tyr and Trp) and other amino acids such as Lys, ß-Ala, His, Pro, Thr and gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) was observed in the induced amiR-tor lines (Figure 3 and Table S2). Next to these changes almost all the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates, including citrate, a-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate and malate, were significantly increased in the induced amiR-tor seedlings (Figure 3, and Tables S2 and S3). In addition to the strong up-regulation of amino and organic acids, the catabolism of Arg and other polyamines appears to be significantly affected. Accordingly levels of Arg, ornithine and spermidine were strongly reduced (Figure 3 and Table S2) in the amiR-tor lines, strongly suggesting altered nitrogen metabolism/usage

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In addition to up-regulation of products of sinapate ester biosynthesis, such as 1-O-sinapoyl-ß-d-glucose and sinapoyl-(S)-malate (Milkowski and Strack, 2010) (Figure 5a), the level of 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate significantly increased in the amiR-tor lines

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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amiR-tor lines ... Using a recently established lipid-profiling platform (Giavalisco et al., 2011; Hummel et al., 2011), more than 140 lipid species, covering the 12 major lipid classes (Table S3), were quantitatively analyzed. The most dramatic effect was accumulation of various species of TAGs (Figure 4b and Table S3). Interestingly, this accumulation predominantly affected TAGs containing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, a phenotype that was recently also observed in cold-treated plants (Degenkolbe et al., 2012). Quite unexpectedly, and in contrast to these severe alterations in the total storage lipid composition, only a few minor changes were detectable for the other lipid classes (Table S3), indicating that the general composition of the membrane systems within the various compartments is not much altered

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we also observed a strong induction of ... cell death in amiR-tor lines 9 and 17 at day 10 of TOR repression, but line 20 appears to be unaffected

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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amiR-tor ... plants ... producing less biomass

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we generated inducible artificial microRNA (amiR) lines (Ossowski et al., 2008) for conditional down-regulation of the AtTOR gene ... Several independent estradiol (EST)-inducible amiR-tor lines were generated, of which three independent transformants (amiR-tor9, amiR-tor17 and amiR-tor20), differing in the extent of their transcript repression and their growth inhibition phenotype

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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amiR-tor ... plants ... have significantly smaller leaves

Caldana C, Li Y, Leisse A, Zhang Y, Bartholomaeus L, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Giavalisco P - Systemic analysis of inducible target of rapamycin mutants reveal a general metabolic switch controlling growth in Arabidopsis thaliana

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bou-2 ... leaf initiation was either absent or limited to one leaf

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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As originally demonstrated by Lawand et al. (2002), knockout mutants of BOU (bou-1 mutant) seedlings germinate in continuous light but stop growing just after the pale-green cotyledons have developed unless they are grown on sucrose-containing medium (Lawand et al., 2002). We investigated this growth defect in more detail by comparing ... shm1 at the seedling stage. Unlike the WT, which has already initiated leaves 5 days after germination ... shm1 stop growing and their development remains arrested

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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shm1 seedlings grown in vitro for 5–8 days accumulated high glycine levels ... This indicates that the ... shm1 ... lead to similar photorespiratory metabolism defects as early as the seedling stage

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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5-day-old ... shm1 seedlings had a flat ... SAM

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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we analyzed the bou-2 mutant for the hallmark features of a typical photorespiratory mutant (von Caemmerer, 2000; Somerville, 2001; Igarashi et al., 2003; Boldt et al., 2005; Voll et al., 2006; Schwarte and Bauwe, 2007; Timm et al., 2008). Mutants with a photorespiratory phenotype show strongly reduced or fully inhibited growth and chlorotic leaves in ambient air (380 ppm CO2), but are indistinguishable from wild-type (WT) plants in CO2-enriched air ... bou-2 is sensitive to ambient air as demonstrated by chlorotic leaves ... effects are almost fully compensated for when the mutant is grown at 3000 ppm CO2

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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The glycine concentration in bou-2 rapidly increased from seven times greater than WT to 17.5 times greater than WT within 17 h

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

5-day-old bou-2 ... seedlings had a ... disorganized SAM

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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bou-2 contained only 60% of the amino acid serine under both elevated and ambient CO2 conditions

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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The CO2 fixation rates measured at 400 ppm CO2 and saturating light intensity (1500 µmol photons m-1 sec-1) are strongly reduced in bou-2 (36% of WT activity) and almost fully impaired (6.9% of WT activity) in the mutant 3 days after transfer to ambient air

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

5-day-old bou-2 ... had a flat ... SAM

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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in continuous light ... At 8 days, cotyledons of ... shm1 are chlorotic (Figure 6a), suggesting a defect in photosynthesis

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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we analyzed the bou-2 mutant for the hallmark features of a typical photorespiratory mutant (von Caemmerer, 2000; Somerville, 2001; Igarashi et al., 2003; Boldt et al., 2005; Voll et al., 2006; Schwarte and Bauwe, 2007; Timm et al., 2008). Mutants with a photorespiratory phenotype show strongly reduced or fully inhibited growth and chlorotic leaves in ambient air (380 ppm CO2), but are indistinguishable from wild-type (WT) plants in CO2-enriched air ... bou-2 is sensitive to ambient air as demonstrated by ... impaired growth ... effects are almost fully compensated for when the mutant is grown at 3000 ppm CO2

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

Therefore, mitochondria were isolated from WT and bou-2 plants grown under 3000 ppm CO2, and GDC activity was determined (Figure 4b). In bou-2, the apparent rate of the GDC reaction was strongly reduced to only 15.2% of that observed for WT. The results suggest that the transport activity of BOU is linked with the function and activity of the GDC

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

As originally demonstrated by Lawand et al. (2002), knockout mutants of BOU (bou-1 mutant) seedlings germinate in continuous light but stop growing just after the pale-green cotyledons have developed unless they are grown on sucrose-containing medium (Lawand et al., 2002). We investigated this growth defect in more detail by comparing bou-2 ... at the seedling stage. Unlike the WT, which has already initiated leaves 5 days after germination ... bou-2 ... stop growing and their development remains arrested

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

γ-aminobutyrate (GABA) accumulates significantly in bou-2 before (8.5-fold) and after the shift (10.7-fold)

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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SAM of ... shm1 ... formed of enlarged and vacuolated cells

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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We performed photosynthetic gas exchange measurements and found considerably elevated CO2 compensation points for the bou-2 mutant (Figure 2c). When grown in an atmosphere enriched with 3000 ppm CO2, the CO2 compensation point of bou-2 plants (136.7 ± 9.9 µl l-1) was almost three times greater than that of WT plants (54.4 ± 0.7 µl l-1). However, 3 days after transfer of the plants to ambient air, the CO2 compensation point of bou-2 was even higher (293.8 ± 35.8 µl l-1), but the value for WT plants did not change significantly (52.8 ± 3.6 µl l-1)

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

SAM of bou-2 ... formed of enlarged and vacuolated cells

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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A striking feature of bou-2 is the accumulation of glycine at the seedling stage (Table 1). Glycine was more abundant in 5-day-old bou-2 seedlings than in WT, as were glutamine, serine, ornithine and citrulline ... bou-2 ... seedlings grown in vitro for 5–8 days accumulated high glycine levels (Figure S8). This indicates that the bou-2 ... lead to similar photorespiratory metabolism defects as early as the seedling stage

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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In bou-2, the glutamate concentration decreased to 30% of the WT level ... after the shift to ambient CO2

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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shm1 ... leaf initiation was either absent or limited to one leaf

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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As a control, we also analyzed shm1, a mutant that is deficient in mitochondrial SHM1 activity (Voll et al., 2006). With the exception of glycerate, the alterations of metabolite levels in bou-2 and shm1 were similar, suggesting a closely connected function of both proteins in photorespiratory metabolism. The relative concentrations of all quantified metabolites are presented in Table S2

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

in continuous light ... At 8 days, cotyledons of bou-2 ... are chlorotic (Figure 6a), suggesting a defect in photosynthesis

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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In bou-2 ... 2-oxoglutarate increased tenfold after the shift to ambient CO2

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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In bou-2 ... Significant changes were also detected for other photorespiratory marker metabolites such as glycolate (Figure 3f) and glycerate

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

5-day-old ... shm1 seedlings had a ... disorganized SAM

Eisenhut M, Planchais S, Cabassa C, Guivarc'h A, Justin AM, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Linka M, Gagneul D, Timm S, Bauwe H, Carol P, Weber AP - Arabidopsis A BOUT DE SOUFFLE is a putative mitochondrial transporter involved in photorespiratory metabolism and is required for meristem growth at ambient CO2 levels

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  • Phenotype

rh3–4 mutant ... ribosomes in the mutant chloroplasts were smaller than ribosomes in the wild-type chloroplasts (Figure 5e,f). Ribosomes in the cytosol were approximately 14 nm in diameter in both mutant and wild-type cells. In contrast, ribosomes in the chloroplasts of 3-day-old mutant seedlings have diameters of approximately 10 nm

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 mutant ... Three samples from 3-day-old, 1-week-old and 2-week-old cotyledon parenchyma cells were analyzed by electron tomography (Figure 5a–f). The stromal ribosome densities in the mutant cells were only 17% (3179 per µm3 versus 18 511per µm3) and 41% (7770 per µm3 versus 18 808 per µm3) of those in wild-type cells after 3 days and 1 week of growth, respectively (Figure 5g). Ribosome densities in the cytosol were comparable in the wild-type and mutant at all stages (Figure 5h

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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Mitochondria and endomembrane compartments appeared normal in rh3–4 mutant cotyledon samples prepared from the three developmental stages

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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We quantified ABA in 1-week-old wild-type and rh3–4 seedlings using an immunoassay method. Levels of ABA in rh3–4 seedlings were 56.6% of those in wild-type seedlings (Figure 7a, left). In 2-week-old mutant seedlings, in which the defective chloroplasts have recovered, the ABA level approaches that of wild-type seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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In higher-magnification electron micrographs from 3-day-old cotyledon cells, the stroma of wild-type chloroplasts was filled with ribosomes, identified as small black dots with diameters of approximately 15 nm (Figure 4k). Interestingly, ribosomes were rarely identified in the stroma of rh3–4 mutant chloroplasts

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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  • Phenotype

in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons ... chloroplasts ... Thylakoid development is stunted

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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homozygous rh3–4 ... first pair of true leaves were ... lighter green in color

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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We compared microscopic features of chloroplasts in 1-week-old cotyledons of the rh3–4 mutant and those of wild-type seedlings using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Wild-type chloroplasts were round, and their sizes ranged between 5.0 and 9.1 µm (mean 6.7 µm, standard deviation 1.0 µm) (Figure 4a,c). Chloroplasts in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons were smaller, with diameters ranging between 2.0 and 5.2 µm (mean 3.4 µm, standard deviation 0.86 µm)

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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The chlorophyll contents of the rh3–4 mutant seedlings at 1, 2 and 3 weeks after growth commenced were approximately 10, 35 and 70% of the chlorophyll contents of wild-type seedlings, respectively, in agreement with the gradual recovery in older leaves

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons ... some chloroplasts were curved

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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homozygous rh3–4 ... Cotyledons remained pale green in 1-week-old mutant seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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  • Phenotype

homozygous rh3–4 ... first pair of true leaves ... had short petioles

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 ... leaves continued to be smaller

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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homozygous rh3–4 ... first pair of true leaves were stunted

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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The albino phenotypes and the irregular leaf morphology were not present in the second pair of true leaves of 2- and 3-week-old rh3–4 seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 mutant ... In 2-week-old seedlings, chloroplasts in the mutant cotyledon increased in size (mean 4.6 µm, standard deviation 0.81 µm), but were still significantly smaller than chloroplasts in wild-type cotyledons (Figure 4g). Electron microscopy imaging revealed that normal-looking grana start to form in the mutant chloroplasts, and they are oriented in parallel with the longer axis of the chloroplast ellipsoid as in the wild-type chloroplast

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 mutant ... In 3-day-old seedlings, both wild-type and rh3–4 mutant chloroplasts had starch granules and tubular thylakoid membranes in the stroma (Figure 4i,j). The thylakoids were thicker in wild-type chloroplasts because they contain stacks of 2–3 membrane tubules (Figures 4i,k) and 5a) In contrast, the thylakoids in mutant chloroplasts consist of simple tubules

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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the reduced levels of chloroplast proteins indicate that chloroplasts are severely affected in rh3–4 mutant seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons ... In high-magnification micrographs, the stroma of mutant chloroplasts appeared coarse

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 mutant cotyledons ... Starch granules were absent in the 1-week-old mutant chloroplasts

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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The cotyledons and upper hypocotyl of 3-day-old rh3–4 homozygous mutant seedlings were albino, while those of 3-day-old wild-type seedlings were green

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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homozygous rh3–4 ... Trypan blue staining of the leaf revealed dead cells in the apical periphery as well as empty patches in the upper half where dead cells had been cleared away (Figure 2e). This abnormal cell-death phenotype was not observed in true leaves of wild-type seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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  • Phenotype

homozygous rh3–4 ... first pair of true leaves ... had ... irregular margins

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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homozygous rh3–4 ... seedlings grew more slowly than wild-type seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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Cotyledons ... are pale in homozygous rh3–4 mutant seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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homozygous rh3–4 ... The apical region of the mutant leaf was yellow but was speckled with green spots

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 ... We then examined the ultrastructure of the mutant chloroplasts by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The chloroplasts of 1-week-old wild-type cotyledons had a smooth ellipsoid profile, and their internal membrane system was well developed (Figure 4e). Chloroplasts in 1-week-old mutant cotyledons were small and had tubules enclosing cytosol in their peripheries

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 mutant ... in the cotyledon cells of 1-week-old seedlings, most chloroplast ribosomes were as large as wild-type ribosomes, although the ribosome density in the mutant chloroplasts was still less than half that in the wild-type chloroplasts

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 ... petioles were shorter

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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  • Phenotype

in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons ... chloroplast ... thylakoids were convoluted and failed to form normal grana consisting of compact layers of membrane

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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young leaves are pale in homozygous rh3–4 mutant seedlings

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons ... chloroplast ... thylakoids ... failed to form normal grana consisting of compact layers of membrane

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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Chloroplasts in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons were ... irregularly shaped

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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in rh3–4 mutant cotyledons ... Autofluorescence from the mutant chloroplasts was dimmer, in agreement with their lower chlorophyll levels

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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rh3–4 mutant plants grew normally after the seedling stage and produced viable homozygous mutant seeds

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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  • Phenotype

homozygous rh3–4 ... first pair of true leaves ... had ... pale peripheries

Lee KH, Park J, Williams DS, Xiong Y, Hwang I, Kang BH - Defective chloroplast development inhibits maintenance of normal levels of abscisic acid in a mutant of the Arabidopsis RH3 DEAD-box protein during early post-germination growth

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we analysed the effect of exogenous GA on cpk28 (Figure 6). Repeated application of 100 µm GA3 ... A GA-dependent increase of the rosette diameter was detected in cpk28 mutant plants, reaching about 90% of the treated wild-type rosette diameter

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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we analysed the effect of exogenous GA on cpk28 (Figure 6). Repeated application of 100 µm GA3 triggered a partial recovery of stem elongation, to about 75% of the height of GA-treated wild-type plants in both mutant alleles

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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  • Phenotype

cpk28-1 ... disturbed in ... vascular development, which, interestingly, only became evident after the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase of development

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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An approximately 25% reduced rosette diameter was determined after 6 weeks in cpk28

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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  • Phenotype

cpk28 mutant lines ... shorter leaf petioles

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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we analysed the effect of exogenous GA on cpk28 (Figure 6). Repeated application of 100 µm GA3 ... the enhanced anthocyanin content of cpk28 reverted to wild-type levels after GA treatment

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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  • Phenotype

cpk28-2 ... No difference was observed between mutant and wild-type lines compared during vegetative growth up to 4 weeks under long-day conditions

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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expression of active wild-type CPK28 under the tissue-specific ... pSUC2 was ... sufficient to rescue the cpk28 phenotype

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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cpk28 mutant lines ... crinkly leaves (Figure 1d), which became even more pronounced during further growth

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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  • Phenotype

cpk28-2 ... disturbed in shoot elongation

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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cpk28-1 ... No difference was observed between mutant and wild-type lines compared during vegetative growth up to 4 weeks under long-day conditions

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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  • Phenotype

cpk28-1 ... disturbed in shoot elongation

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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cpk28 ... leaf petioles were ... coloured red due to anthocyanin accumulation

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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cpk28 ... leaf petioles were ... coloured red due to anthocyanin accumulation (Figure 1d, inset). This increase in visible reddening was confirmed by colorimetric quantification of anthocyanin levels, which revealed a three- to five-fold increase in 6-week-old mutant plants

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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We next generated transgenic lines, in which the following yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-tagged CPK28 variants were expressed in the cpk28 mutant background, under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter: wild-type CPK28, a truncated variant CPK28-VK, lacking the autoinhibitory region and calmodulin-like domain and thus representing a constitutively active variant (Witte et al., 2010), and both kinase-deficient variants CPK28-D188A and CPK28-VK-D188A. At least two independent lines per construct were assessed for protein expression and for complementation of the cpk28 stem elongation phenotype in vivo (Figure 5c). Wild-type CPK28 protein, expressed under the constitutively active 35S promoter (35S::CPK28-YFP), fully restored shoot elongation after the transition into the reproductive phase, while the kinase-deficient protein variant failed to do so. Likewise, expression of CPK28 under its native promoter (pCPK28::CPK28-YFP), introduced into cpk28-1, was able to restore wild-type characteristics with respect to rosette diameter (Figure S2a), plant height (Figure S2b) as well as NST gene expression (Figure S2c,d). Interestingly, however, no overexpression phenotype with respect to stem elongation or growth was observed, either with kinase active 35S::CPK28-YFP or upon expression of truncated (constitutive active) 35S::CPK28-VK-YFP

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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After the induction of bolting in wild-type plants, usually around 30 days after germination (dag), the cpk28 mutant lines failed to elongate resulting in severely stunted shoots (Figure 1b) with an at least 10-fold reduction in plant height

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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cpk28-2 ... disturbed in ... vascular development, which, interestingly, only became evident after the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase of development

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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the expression of active wild-type CPK28 under the tissue-specific ... pKNAT1 ... was ... sufficient to rescue the cpk28 phenotype

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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Next, YFP-tagged transgenic lines of all tested phospho-site variants, S228A, S228D, S318A, S318D, S495A and S495D were generated under the control of the 35S promoter and introduced to the cpk28 background. At least two transgenic lines per construct were analysed for their ability to restore wild-type stem elongation after transition to the generative phase (Figure S7). Remarkably, each single phosphorylation variant was able to rescue the cpk28 mutant stem elongation phenotype

Matschi S, Werner S, Schulze WX, Legen J, Hilger HH, Romeis T - Function of calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK28 of Arabidopsis thaliana in plant stem elongation and vascular development

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To determine whether the presence of the C–terminus influences the regulation of RPX, we generated transgenic lines that constitutively over-express a truncated RPX protein (oxΔC) (Figure S2). Truncation of RPX resulted in dramatic reduction of leaf ... cell size

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To determine whether the presence of the C–terminus influences the regulation of RPX, we generated transgenic lines that constitutively over-express a truncated RPX protein (oxΔC) (Figure S2). Truncation of RPX resulted in dramatic reduction of leaf area

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Over-expression of RPX ... reducing total leaf area

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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increased leaf area ... rpx–2 mutant

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Over-expression of RPX resulted in a decreased cell number

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To determine whether the decreased rosette biomass of RPXΔC over-expression plants is caused by increased proteasome activity, we treated plants with non-lethal concentrations of the proteasome inhibitor MG132 (Lee and Goldberg, 1998). Seedlings were grown for 4 days on Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium and subsequently transferred to medium containing either 5 or 10 µm MG132. Measuring rosette biomass at day 13 revealed reversion of the growth phenotype of the RPX?C over-expression plants to wild type on both MG132 concentrations

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpx–2 mutant ... significant increase in mesophyll cell number

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To assess 20S proteasome activity, we used MV151, a probe that irreversibly labels the active site of proteasome subunits in an activity-dependent manner (Gu et al., 2010). MV151-labeled proteins are detected by fluorescence scanning of protein gels, revealing the activities of the three proteolytic subunits [PBB1 (ß2), PBE1 (ß5) and PBA1 (ß1)] within the core protease of the 26S proteasome. This assay revealed significantly increased proteasome activity after 6 h of RPX induction (Figure 7b,c). Similarly, increased proteasome activity was found after 8 h of RPX induction using 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin labeled LLVY peptides

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpx–1 mutant ... resulted in an increased leaf area as determined by measuring the first true leaf pair of 22-day-old plants

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To determine whether the presence of the C–terminus influences the regulation of RPX, we generated transgenic lines that constitutively over-express a truncated RPX protein (oxΔC) (Figure S2). Truncation of RPX resulted in dramatic reduction of leaf ... cell number

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Constitutive over-expression of both the full-length and truncated RPX protein resulted in higher overall proteasome activity

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To determine whether the presence of the C–terminus influences the regulation of RPX, we generated transgenic lines that constitutively over-express a truncated RPX protein (oxΔC) (Figure S2). Truncation of RPX resulted in ... twisted leaves

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

rpx–1 mutant ... significant increase in mesophyll cell number

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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RPX ... knockout lines showed a significantly decreased ... proteasome activity

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rpx–1 mutant ... mesophyll ... cell size remained unaffected

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rpx–2 mutant ... mesophyll ... cell size remained unaffected

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Over-expression of RPX resulted in a decreased ... cell size

Nguyen HM, Schippers JH, Gõni-Ramos O, Christoph MP, Dortay H, van der Hoorn RA, Mueller-Roeber B - An upstream regulator of the 26S proteasome modulates organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Overall, the results indicate that sta1-1 causes high levels of intron retention and accumulates unspliced transcript of pri-miRNAs

Ben Chaabane S, Liu R, Chinnusamy V, Kwon Y, Park JH, Kim SY, Zhu JK, Yang SW, Lee BH. - STA1, an Arabidopsis pre-mRNA processing factor 6 homolog, is a new player involved in miRNA biogenesis

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The leaves of sta1-1 were also serrated but with a slightly different pattern from se-1. The degree of serration in sta1-1 is not as strong as in se-1, and sta1-1 leaves started to show serration at about the fifth to sixth leaves, while se-1 developed serrated leaves as early as the third leaf

Ben Chaabane S, Liu R, Chinnusamy V, Kwon Y, Park JH, Kim SY, Zhu JK, Yang SW, Lee BH. - STA1, an Arabidopsis pre-mRNA processing factor 6 homolog, is a new player involved in miRNA biogenesis

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  • Phenotype

tsc10a-2 exhibited ... loss of apical dominance

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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Precursor accumulation and diversion into cholesterol synthesis apparently occurs in cpi1-1, as a statistically significant increase in cholesterol content was observed in cpi1-1 but not in cvp1-3

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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displayed cotyledon epinasty ... abcb19

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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leaf yellowing ... observed in cvp1-3

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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The levels of fatty acids and sterols ... and sitosterol levels ... were at or below the detection limit in cpi1-1

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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abcb19 ... reduced leaf expansion was observed

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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The levels of fatty acids and sterols ... and sitosterol levels ... were at or below the detection limit in ... cvp1-3

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed in cvp1-3 ... to determine whether the loss of structural sterols results in compensatory increases in lipid chain lengths. Increased long chain fatty acids were observed in cpi1-1 ... compared with the wild type

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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tsc10a-2 ... reduced leaf expansion was observed

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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tsc10a-2 displayed cotyledon epinasty

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed in ... cpi1-1 to determine whether the loss of structural sterols results in compensatory increases in lipid chain lengths. Increased long chain fatty acids were observed in ... cvp1-3 ... compared with the wild type

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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cvp1-3 ... reduced leaf expansion was observed

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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abcb19 ... exhibited the reduced inflorescence height

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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cycloeucalenol and 24-methylene cycloartanol levels are increased in cpi1-1, and may partially substitute for stigmasterol and sitosterol in the PM

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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cvp1-3 ... displayed cotyledon epinasty

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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The levels of fatty acids and sterols did not differ in abcb19 compared with the wild type (P > 0.05; Figure 1a), and sitosterol levels were unchanged in abcb19

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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tsc10a-2 exhibited the reduced inflorescence height

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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Precursor accumulation and diversion into cholesterol synthesis apparently occurs in cpi1-1, as a statistically significant increase in cholesterol content was observed in cpi1-1

Yang H, Richter GL, Wang X, Mlodzinska E, Carraro N, Ma G, Jenness M, Chao DY, Peer WA, Murphy AS - Sterols and sphingolipids differentially function in trafficking of the Arabidopsis ABCB19 auxin transporter.

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the growth vigor of the amiR408 plants was severely reduced (Figure 4c), resulting in significantly ... reduced leaf length ... in the adult stage

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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growth vigor of the amiR408 plants was severely reduced (Figure 4c), resulting in significantly ... reduced leaf ... width in the adult stage

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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T–DNA lines carrying insertions in the MIR408 locus ... FLAG_545E03 and ... FLAG_481E04 ... have weakened performance in all measured parameters for vegetative development, including ... leaf length ... compared with wild type

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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T–DNA lines carrying insertions in the MIR408 locus ... FLAG_545E03 and ... FLAG_481E04 ... it can be observed that the insertion lines exhibit reduced vegetative growth as soon as just after germination, with FLAG_481E04 displaying more severe growth defects than FLAG_545E03

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

miR408-OX plants ... increased ... leaf width ... the fifth rosette leaf ... increased in size in two directions ... 24% in width

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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cotyledon of the miR408-OX plants, are morphologically larger than those of wild-type plants

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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T–DNA lines carrying insertions in the MIR408 locus ... FLAG_545E03 and ... FLAG_481E04 ... have weakened performance in all measured parameters for vegetative development, including ... leaf width, compared with wild type

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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miR408-OX ... resulting in significantly higher fresh weight

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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the homozygous T–DNA mutant with At2 g47020 specifically knocked out (SALK_049729 in Figure S3) showed a growth phenotype similar to that of the wild type (Figure S3); therefore, the reduced At2 g47020 transcript level in the two FLAG lines does not contribute to the observed growth defects

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

miR408-OX plants ... increased leaf length ... the fifth rosette leaf ... increased in size in two directions ... directions ... 40% in length

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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miR408-OX plants ... petiole length of the transgenic plants were also significantly increased

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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Compared with the wild type, miR408-OX plants exhibit elevated growth vigor, even at the seedling stage

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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Finally, we sought to test whether the activation of miR408 could rescue the spl7 mutation, which causes reduced plant size and growth in low copper conditions (Yamasaki et al., 2009). To this end, we introduced the 35S:pre-miR408 transgene into the spl7 background to generate the miR408-OX/spl7 plants. In these plants, an over-accumulation of miR408 (Figure 7a) was observed, as well as downregulation of the target genes LAC13 and Plantacyanin to levels comparable with those in the wild type (Figure 7b). Consistent with the previous report (Yamasaki et al., 2009), both fresh weight and root length of spl7 plants grown on MS are significantly reduced compared with the wild type (Figure 7c,d). These severe growth defects are alleviated when the plants are supplemented with copper (Figure 7c,d). Interestingly, the miR408-OX/spl7 seedlings grown on MS exhibited clearly improved growth vigor compared with spl7 (Figure 7c), with both fresh weight and root length restored to levels significantly higher than the mutant (Figure 7d). Collectively, these results demonstrate that miR408 can partially rescue the spl7 defects, and indicate that SPL7-based regulation of miR408 is an integral part of SPL7 function

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

rosette ... leaves of the miR408-OX plants showed a serrated phenotype compared with the wild type, which became more severe for later rosette leaves

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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All leaves ... of the miR408-OX plants, are morphologically larger than those of wild-type plants

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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T–DNA lines carrying insertions in the MIR408 locus ... FLAG_545E03 and ... FLAG_481E04 ... have weakened performance in all measured parameters for vegetative development, including fresh weight ... compared with wild type

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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miR408-OX plants ... the whole rosette leaf area had significantly increased up to a maximum of 162% compared with the wild type

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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the growth vigor of the amiR408 plants was severely reduced (Figure 4c), resulting in significantly lower fresh weight ... in the seedling stage

Zhang H, Li L - SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein-like7 regulated microRNA408 is required for vegetative development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The change in stomatal number and index observed in ... cyp707a1a3 was not limited to cotyledons but was also evident in primary leaves

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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The number and density of stomata in the abi1-1 ... were higher than in WT

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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enlargement of GCs ... in aba2-2 on day 10

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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the mute aba2-2 double mutant failed to enlarge PCs in contrast with the enlargement of PC in the mute single mutant (Figures 5a,c) with increased PC number, meristemoid index in reduced cotyledon area

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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comparing cotyledons at day 11, when growth was mostly ceased ... The number of stomata per cotyledon was higher in the abi1-1 ... than in the WT ... Application of exogenous ABA rescued the stomatal index of the aba2-2 mutant, but not abi1-1

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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increase in stomatal aperture size seen in aba2-2 on day 10

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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We examined the effect of ABA application on the size of PC in aba2-2 and abi1-1 mutants on a Col background. Failure of PC enlargement in aba2-2, but not in abi1-1, was rescued by ABA application in a dose-dependent manner

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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At day 4, ploidy levels of Col varied from 2C to 16C, while the mean ploidy levels in aba2-2 were lower, with a maximum of 8C (Figure 3b). The majority of the aba2-2 cells contained 2C nuclei even on day 10 with a low proportion of high ploidy nuclei (16C and 32C) ... This finding indicates that the majority of epidermal cells in aba2-2 cotyledon was still proliferating, or had not entered into endoreduplication at a time when the majority of cells in Col had already started enlargement

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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during seedling establishment (days 3–10). The number of stomata in wild-type cotyledons increased during this period ... the cyp707a1a3 mutant showed only a modest increase in stomata during this period

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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cyp707a1a3 cells showed a high proportion of 16C and 32C nuclei compared with Col

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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In the aba2-2 mutant, which is deficient in ABA due to a defect in the xanthoxin dehydrogenase gene, the mean number of stomata found on abaxial surfaces of cotyledons was more than double compared with the wild-type (WT) plant (mutant/WT = 651 ± 100/290 ± 40)

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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prolonged and enhanced initiation of stomatal development ... in one cotyledon ... resulted in ... numerous PC ... in aba2-2 mutant

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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The cyp707a1cyp707a3 (cyp707a1a3) double mutant, in which loss-of-function mutations affect major ABA catabolic enzyme genes, produced an average of only 100 ± 16 stomata per cotyledon, significantly fewer than WT

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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The number and density of stomata in the ... abi2-1 ... were higher than in WT

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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the cyp707a1a3 mutant showed enlargement of cotyledon surface

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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initiation of stomatal development was prolonged in the aba2-2 mutant

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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enhanced expansion of GCs ... in abi1-1

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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initiation of stomatal development was ... ceased prematurely in cyp707a1a3

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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The frequency of meristemoids and GMCs was higher in aba2-2 compared with WT on days 3 and 6, and more stomata were observed on day 10. Concomitantly, enlargement of PCs was delayed in aba2-2

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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The mute aba2-2 double mutant, as well as the mute single mutant, produced the epidermis with arrested meristemoids after a few rounds of asymmetric divisions. However, the mute aba2-2 double mutant produced more meristemoid cells than the mute single mutant

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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The change in stomatal number and index observed in aba2-2 ... was not limited to cotyledons but was also evident in primary leaves

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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the aba2-2 mutant had smaller cotyledon's surface compared with WT

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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the cyp707a1a3 double mutant contained few meristemoids and GMC even on day 3, and fewer stomata were observed on days 6 and 10 compared with WT. Further, enlargement of PCs was accelerated in cyp707a1a3

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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greater variation in stomatal size was seen in the abi1-1 ... compared with Ler

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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We examined the effect of ABA application on the size of PC in aba2-2 and abi1-1 mutants on a Col background. Failure of PC enlargement in aba2-2, but not in abi1-1, was rescued by ABA application in a dose-dependent manner

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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PCs remained underdeveloped in abi1-1

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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during seedling establishment (days 3–10). The number of stomata in wild-type cotyledons increased during this period (Figure 4a), aba2-2 showed more stomata than WT

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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greater variation in stomatal size was seen in ... abi2-1 ... compared with Ler

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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prolonged and enhanced initiation of stomatal development ... in one cotyledon ... resulted in smaller ... PC ... in aba2-2 mutant

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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comparing cotyledons at day 11, when growth was mostly ceased ... The number of stomata per cotyledon was higher in ... abi2-1 ... than in the WT

Tanaka Y, Nose T, Jikumaru Y, Kamiya Y - ABA inhibits entry into stomatal-lineage development in Arabidopsis leaves

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Seven-day-old seedlings were treated for 2 h with either 50 µm MeJA or a control solution (0.5% methanol, v/v) and then dissected into cotyledons, hypocotyls and roots for separate analysis of IAA contents ... yuc8 ... yuc9 ... double mutant showed reduced responsiveness to MeJA in all organs, single mutations did not significantly affect responsiveness

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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YUC9ox lines ... displayed ... elongated leaf blades

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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we analyzed IAA levels in 7-day-old ... yuc8/yuc9 double-knockout mutants ... The most severe reduction was detected in yuc8/yuc9 double-knockout seedlings with an IAA level approximately 50% of that in the wild type compared to 70% for the yuc8 single mutant

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

homozygous YUC8ox ... displayed ... elongated leaf blades

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

YUC9ox lines ... displayed ... narrow ... leaf blades

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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homozygous ... YUC9ox lines ... displayed ... narrow ... petioles

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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YUC8ox ... plants showed considerable longevity, with some lines reaching heights of more than 1 m

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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Several independent homozygous ... YUC9ox lines ... displayed ... epinastic cotyledons

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

Several independent homozygous YUC8ox ... displayed ... epinastic cotyledons

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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YUC9ox plants ... endogenous auxin levels in our lines were increased by 1.5- to two-fold when compared to wild-type levels

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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YUC8ox ... the examined lines showed an increased resistance towards toxic 5-methyl-tryptophan

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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free IAA levels in ... YUC9ox ... overexpressing lines ... are only 1.5- to two-fold higher than those in the wild type

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

homozygous YUC8ox ... lines ... displayed ... narrow ... petioles

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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YUC9ox ... the examined lines showed an increased resistance towards toxic 5-methyl-tryptophan

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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yuc8 ... single ... knockout mutants ... showed slightly reduced ... petiole (83%) lengths

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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homozygous YUC8ox ... lines ... displayed ... narrow ... leaf blades

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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we analyzed IAA levels in 7-day-old yuc8 ... single ... knockout mutants ... mutants showed significantly reduced IAA contents

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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we analyzed IAA levels in 7-day-old ... yuc9 single ... knockout mutants ... mutants showed significantly ... reduced IAA contents ... The impact of YUC9 loss-of-function on the endogenous IAA pool was not statistically significant, with a decrease of only 5–10% compared with wild-type levels

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

yuc8/yuc9 double-knockout mutants ... showed slightly reduced ... petiole (83%) lengths

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

homozygous ... YUC9ox lines ... displayed ... elongated ... petioles

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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YUC9ox plants showed considerable longevity, with some lines reaching heights of more than 1 m

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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YUC8ox ... endogenous auxin levels in our lines were increased by 1.5- to two-fold when compared to wild-type levels

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

homozygous YUC8ox ... lines ... displayed ... elongated ... petioles

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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  • Phenotype

free IAA levels in ... YUC8ox ... overexpressing lines ... are only 1.5- to two-fold higher than those in the wild type

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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yuc9 single ... knockout mutants ... showed slightly reduced ... petiole (83%) lengths

Hentrich M, Böttcher C, Düchting P, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Berkowitz O, Masle J, Medina J, Pollmann S - The jasmonic acid signaling pathway is linked to auxin homeostasis through the modulation of YUCCA8 and YUCCA9 gene expression

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A T–DNA insertion in the single gene IPK2ß resulted in a WT phenotype, in agreement with the normal levels of IP6 measured in the mutant plants

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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AT1G32940 ... We did not observe vein defects in single insertion knock-out lines for any of the above genes, probably because each belongs to a gene family that might mask a single knock-out phenotype

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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At5 g58620/AtTZF9. Two independent insertion lines (SALK_010842 and SALK_012173 ... We found ... in some cases resulting in a trumpet-shaped cotyledon

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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Two insertions in the KEG gene (At5 g13530, SALK_049542 and SALK_018105) exhibited growth arrest

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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AT1G15340 ... We did not observe vein defects in single insertion knock-out lines for any of the above genes, probably because each belongs to a gene family that might mask a single knock-out phenotype

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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At5 g58620/AtTZF9 ... Two independent insertion lines (SALK_010842 and SALK_012173) exhibited an incompletely penetrant phenotype of cotyledon fusion

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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we tested the effect of BR supplementation on the keg insertion mutant [SALK_010842]. We observed partial rescue on 0.1 and 1 µm 24–epibrassinolide (24–eBL). At 10 days with supplementation, keg plants produced a first pair of leaves with evident xylem differentiation ... The keg mutant phenotype appears to be the result of an interplay of multiple hormones, as has been observed for numerous aspects of vascular differentiation

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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We observed aberrant cotyledon vascular patterning in ipk1 ipk2ß double mutants (Figure 4), including a bulging of tissue and callus-type outgrowths on the tips

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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AT2G26290 ... We did not observe vein defects in single insertion knock-out lines for any of the above genes, probably because each belongs to a gene family that might mask a single knock-out phenotype

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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In the ipk1 ipk2ß double mutant, significant declines are observed in IP6 and in the IP precursors IP4 and IP5 in seed and developing embryo

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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AT1G76520 ... We did not observe vein defects in single insertion knock-out lines for any of the above genes, probably because each belongs to a gene family that might mask a single knock-out phenotype

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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cotyledon vascular patterning in ipk1 ipk2ß double mutants ... unusually thickened veins

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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ipk1 ipk2ß double mutants ... Subsequent seedling growth is normal

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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At5 g58620/AtTZF9. Two independent insertion lines (SALK_010842 and SALK_012173) exhibited ... cotyledon ... vascular defects

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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ipk1 ipk2ß double mutant ... no shoot/seedling phenotypes were reported

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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cotyledon vascular patterning in ipk1 ipk2ß double mutants ... disconnected ... veins

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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Two insertions in the KEG gene ... exhibited ... delayed or no vascular differentiation in the cotyledons ... The differentiation of vascular cells correlated with the greening of cotyledon tissue, which occurred either in one (7%) or both (15%) cotyledons of the mutant seedlings. The cotyledons that did not turn green exhibited apparently arrested PC cells that did not differentiate into vascular cells

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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AT2G26290 ... We did not observe vein defects in single insertion knock-out lines for any of the above genes, probably because each belongs to a gene family that might mask a single knock-out phenotype

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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We found 5% of the seedlings showed cotyledon defects, including fusions

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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At5 g58620/AtTZF9. Two independent insertion lines (SALK_010842 and SALK_012173 ... The veins in some fused cotyledons exhibited axialization defects (non-alignment of vascular cells, Figure 5d), and resulted in extra veins that filled the entire organ

Gandotra N, Coughlan SJ, Nelson T - The Arabidopsis leaf provascular cell transcriptome is enriched in genes with roles in vein patterning

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the cotyledon greening of wrky8 mutants was more vulnerable to NaCl stress compared with the wild type. The cotyledons of most wrky8 seedlings did not expand and were yellow in the presence of 175 mm NaCl, even 10 days after germination in the light

Hu Y, Chen L, Wang H, Zhang L, Wang F, Yu D - Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance

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the soil-grown wrky8 mutants were also more sensitive to salt stress than the wild-type plants, displaying reductions in growth

Hu Y, Chen L, Wang H, Zhang L, Wang F, Yu D - Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance

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the soil-grown wrky8 mutants were also more sensitive to salt stress than the wild-type plants, displaying ... accelerated chlorosis

Hu Y, Chen L, Wang H, Zhang L, Wang F, Yu D - Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance

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bsk3,4,7,8 ... mutants ... showed ... leaves with reduced ... number at all stages of growth

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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simultaneous mutation of bsk7 and bsk8 in the bsk3,4 ... ... had a severe effect on growth of the respective quadruple (bsk3,4,7,8 ... mutants

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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bsk3,4,6,7,8 mutants ... showed ... leaves with reduced ... length

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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bsk3,4,7 ... triple mutants displayed significantly reduced growth compared to wild-type

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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bsk6,7 ... double mutants did not display any phenotype different to that of wild

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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simultaneous mutation of bsk7 and bsk8 in the ... bsk3,4,6 backgrounds had a severe effect on growth of the respective ... pentuple (bsk3,4,6,7,8) mutants

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,7,8 ... mutants ... showed ... leaves with reduced width

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,7,8 ... mutants ... showed ... leaves with reduced ... length

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,7,8 ... mutants ... showed ... leaves ... with enhanced inclination

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,6,7,8 mutants ... showed ... leaves with reduced ... number at all stages of growth

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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bsk3,4,6 ... triple mutants displayed significantly reduced growth compared to wild-type. Addition of mutations in BSK7 or BSK8 to the bsk3,4,6 mutant did not enhance the phenotype of the resulting bsk3,4,6,7 and bsk3,4,6,8 quadruple mutants

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,6,7,8 mutants ... showed ... leaves ... with enhanced inclination

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,6,7,8 mutants ... showed ... downward curled leaves

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,8 triple mutants displayed significantly reduced growth compared to wild-type

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,7,8 ... mutants ... showed ... downward curled leaves

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk7,8 ... double mutants did not display any phenotype different to that of wild-type

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4,6,7,8 mutants ... showed ... leaves with reduced width

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

bsk3,4 ... double mutants did not display any phenotype different to that of wild-type

Sreeramulu S, Mostizky Y, Sunitha S, Shani E, Nahum H, Salomon D, Hayun LB, Gruetter C, Rauh D, Ori N, Sessa G - BSKs are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis

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We next examined the possible involvement of AtML1 ... in stomatal development ... the SI, MI and SLI of atml1 ... cotyledon abaxial epidermis were not significantly different from those of wild type

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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HDG2-OX cotyledons ... The palisade mesophyll layer was thicker

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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Both CaMV35Spro::HDG2 and inducible HDG2 seedlings develop narrow ... leaves

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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To demonstrate conclusively that internal stomata were not artifacts of tissue sectioning, we took advantage of the mPS-PI staining protocol (Truernit et al., 2008). This technique enabled us to section optically through whole undamaged cotyledons to document the exact locations of internal stomata (Fig. 4; supplementary material Movies 1-3). As expected, optical scanning of wild-type cotyledons showed characteristic layers of adaxial epidermis, palisade mesophyll, midvein, spongy mesophyll and abaxial epidermis [Fig. 4A,Bi-v (top row); supplementary material Movie 1]. By contrast, optical scanning of HDG2-OX cotyledons revealed internal stomata in both palisade and spongy mesophyll layers

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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In some instances, we observed formation of multiple epidermal layers in HDG2-OX cotyledons and leaves

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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hdg2 alleles ... As total numbers of stomata and stomatal precursors, defined here as stomatal-lineage index (SLI), remained unchanged from wild type

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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In hdg2 rosette leaf abaxial epidermis, meristemoids occasionally failed to differentiate into stomata

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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C-terminal addition of the 12 amino acid repressor domain SRDX is known to convert plant TFs to dominant repressors (Hiratsu et al., 2003). The addition of the SRDX sequence significantly decreased HDG2 reporter transactivation in yeast (Fig. 6C). To test whether HDG2-SRDX mimics loss of function of HDG2 in vivo, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis carrying inducible HDG2-SRDX (Fig. 6D; supplementary material Fig. S3). The HDG2-SRDX induction conferred delayed progression of meristemoids and patches of SLGCs

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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HDG2 ectopic overexpression (HDG2-OX) affects leaf growth

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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the number of meristemoids per epidermal cell, hereafter defined as meristemoid index (MI), was significantly higher in hdg2-2, hdg2-3 and hdg2-4 than in wild type

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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Careful examination of developing (10-day-old) hdg2 cotyledons revealed increased numbers of meristemoids, which are not commonly seen in wild type at this stage ... For quantitative analysis of stomatal phenotypes, we used three T-DNA insertion alleles of HDG2: hdg2-2, hdg2-3 and hdg2-4

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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Quantitative analysis showed that all three hdg2 alleles exhibit statistically significant reduction in stomatal index

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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We next examined the possible involvement of ... PDF2 in stomatal development ... the SI, MI and SLI of ... pdf2 cotyledon abaxial epidermis were not significantly different from those of wild type

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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Because HDG2-OX induces ectopic AtML1 expression in mesophyll tissues (Fig. 3B) and because HDG2 and AtML1 are closely related, we tested whether they confer similar ectopic effects. As there is no previous report on AtML1 overexpression studies, we generated an estradiol-inducible AtML1 overexpressor (AtML1-OX) and analyzed the phenotypes of six independent transgenic lines ... Like HDG2-OX, AtML1-OX seedlings from all lines developed cotyledons with striking, internal stomatal in mesophyll tissues

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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hdg2 seedlings are delayed in progression of stomatal differentiation rather than producing more meristemoids

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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To understand the function of HDG2, we first ectopically overexpressed HDG2. CaMV35Spro::HDG2 plants were infertile

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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To understand the fate of delayed stomatal precursors, we observed fully mature, senescing cotyledon epidermis (30 dpg). In hdg2, some arrested stomatal precursors surrounded by excessive SLGCs were observed (Fig. 5K). Stomatal precursors were never observed in wild-type cotyledons at this age (not shown). Rarely, yet consistently (∼1-2 per cotyledon), some stomatal complexes resulted only in singular GCs

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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Both CaMV35Spro::HDG2 and inducible HDG2 seedlings develop ... dark-green leaves

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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Strikingly, histological sectioning revealed that HDG2-OX confers differentiation of stomata in internal tissues of cotyledons and true leaves. These internal stomata are correctly shaped: round and mirror-symmetric with paired GCs (Fig. 2E-H). Furthermore, the internal stomata express mature GC marker E994 (Fig. 2I), indicating that they possess molecular characteristics of stomata. The internal stomata phenotype was consistently observed in multiple T1 CaMV35Spro::HDG2 seedlings and in all independent inducible HDG2-OX lines analyzed in subsequent T2-T3 generations

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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HDG2-OX cotyledons ... The palisade mesophyll layer was ... tightly packed with smaller mesophyll cells

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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rosette leaf epidermis of hdg2 exhibits statistically significant increase in MI with concomitant decrease in SI

Peterson KM, Shyu C, Burr CA, Horst RJ, Kanaoka MM, Omae M, Sato Y, Torii KU - Arabidopsis homeodomain-leucine zipper IV proteins promote stomatal development and ectopically induce stomata beyond the epidermis

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fama–1 displayed immature caterpillar-like guard cells

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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J3158 displayed ... clusters of small cells and stomata

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Fenpropimorph (FEN) is an inhibitor of FK sterol C–14 reductase in Arabidopsis ... Col-0 treated with 0.1 or 1.0 µm FEN showed similar levels of stomatal development defects, but the phenotypes were more severe than for those treated with 0.01 µm FEN [as determined by the percentage of small cells in rosette leaves: 23.7% for Col-0 versus 31.6, 60.5 and 67.8% for 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 µm FEN-treated Col-0 at 5 days post-germination (dpg), respectively

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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The fk–J3158 flp–1 double mutant showed small-cell and stomata clusters similar to fk–J3158

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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J3158 seedlings ... display ... dwarfed growth

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Flow cytometric analyses indicated that fk–J3158 mature rosette leaves have higher 4C levels of DNA ploidy but lower 8C and 16C levels of DNA ploidy than those of Col-0 (Figure 10c,d), suggesting that more cells enter into the mitotic cycle, but not the endocycle, in fk–J3158 than in the wild-type

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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the fk–J3158 stomatal development and patterning defects were not rescued by exogenous application of 24–epibrassinolide (BL), stigmasterol, campesterol or a mixture of the three substances

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Analysis at the cellular level by morphometry showed that fk–J3158 adult leaves contain more ... epidermal cells than Col-0

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Compared with the single tmm ... which produced stomata clusters and showed enhanced stomata density, fk–J3158 tmm–1 ... double mutants generated small-cell clusters similar to fk–J3158, and showed a greatly increased number of small cells and stomatal density

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Compared with the single ... sdd1 ... which produced stomata clusters and showed enhanced stomata density ... fk–J3158 sdd1–1 double mutants generated small-cell clusters similar to fk–J3158, and showed a greatly increased number of small cells and stomatal density

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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fk–J79 ... had stomatal patterning defects similar to fk–J3158 with even more severe defective phenotypes (determined by the percentage of small cells: 44.4% of fk–J3158, 50.9% of fk–J79

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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In mute, all meristemoids arrested and failed to differentiate into guard mother cells

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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J3158 seedlings ... display ... multiple cotyledons

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Analysis at the cellular level by morphometry showed that fk–J3158 adult leaves contain ... smaller ... epidermal cells than Col-0

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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J3158 seedlings ... display ... dark green rosettes

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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The fk–J3158 flp–1 double mutant showed ... four-lip or caterpillar-like guard cells similar to flp–1

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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J3158 displayed severe defects in stomatal cell division

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Over-production of small cells (approximately four times the wild-type level) was observed in the leaf epidermis of sqe1–5 (Figure 3b and Table S1). However, these small cells appeared to maintain three normal sequential asymmetric divisions (almost no more than four small cells adjacent to each other, unlike the small-cell cluster of fk mutants), and no stomatal clusters were observed

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Over-expression of FK in Col-0 (35S::FK) resulted in normal stomatal development

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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Protodermal cells of fk–J3158 showed no difference from the wild-type 12 h after germination (Figure 7a,e). Once asymmetric cell divisions appeared, over-produced and bunched small cells were observed in fk–J3158 (Figure 7b–d,f–h). High mitotic activity was maintained not only in young leaf epidermis but also in expanded adult epidermis (Figure 7i–k). However, some of these bunched small cells ultimately developed into clustered small pavement cells instead of stomata, as demonstrated by their pavement cell-like lobes and necks (Figure 7i,j, brackets). These observations indicate that the stomatal development and patterning defects in fk–J3158 are caused by abnormal division of stomatal precursor cells after the first asymmetric entry division

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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smt1/cph–G213 mutants ... displayed wild-type stomatal patterning

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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In spch–1, all protodermal cells failed to establish the stomatal cell lineage and became pavement cells

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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hyd1 ... exhibited clustered small cells and stomata, resembling that of the fk mutants

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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cyp51A2–3 ... exhibited clustered small cells and stomata, resembling that of the fk mutants

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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When treated with FEN, mute showed clustered small cells and no stomata ... These dual phenotypes suggest that MUTE ... additively interact with the sterol biosynthetic pathway, but are epistatic to this pathway in some developmental contexts

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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cpi1–1 ... exhibited clustered small cells and stomata, resembling that of the fk mutants

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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When treated with FEN ... fama–1 demonstrated clustered small cells and caterpillar-like guard cells ... These dual phenotypes suggest that ... FAMA additively interact with the sterol biosynthetic pathway, but are epistatic to this pathway in some developmental contexts

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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fk–X224 ... had stomatal patterning defects similar to fk–J3158 with even more severe defective phenotypes (determined by the percentage of small cells: 44.4% of fk–J3158 ... and 69.9% of fk–X224

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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J3158 displayed severe defects in stomatal cell ... patterning

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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The double mutant fk–J3158 ice1–J3106 also displayed dual phenotypes of fk–J3158 and ice1–J3106, exhibiting small-cell clusters, inward-spiral meristemoid division, caterpillar-like guard cells and reduced stomatal density

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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FEN-treated spch–1 displayed a phenotype similar to that of the single mutants without small cells and stomata (Figure 6f), suggesting that the sterol biosynthetic pathway functions after the first entry division of protodermal cells in stomatal development

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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The levels of sterols are expected to be altered in fk–J3158 if it is a true weak allele of FK. The sterol profile and quantification of greenhouse-grown rosettes from Col-0 and fk–J3158 revealed a replacement of 80% of the pathway end-products (campesterol and sitosterol) by Δ8,14–sterols (Δ8,14-campesterol, -sitosterol and -isofucosterol) (Table 1). This clearly indicates that the FK S291L mutation in fk–J3158 very poorly catalyzes C14 reduction. In fact, the substrate of the enzyme, 4α–methylergostatrienol, was most likely converted to Δ8,14–sterols by enzymes downstream of FK in the sterol biosynthetic pathway

Qian P, Han B, Forestier E, Hu Z, Gao N, Lu W, Schaller H, Li J, Hou S - Sterols are required for cell-fate commitment and maintenance of the stomatal lineage in Arabidopsis

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ubp13 is only slightly smaller than WT

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The two genes (At1g04300 and At5g43560) defective in the DUPLO-2261 line ... adult DMs are ... bushier

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Our frd3 mutant ... photosynthetic efficiency was reduced

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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DUPLO-1202 line showed no visible phenotype under our growth conditions but, in a more detailed analysis, Rossini et al. (2006) have demonstrated that the DM shows a slight reduction in the chlorophyll content in mature leaves and a less accumulation of zeaxanthin in high light conditions ... At4g14690; At3g22840

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The DUPLO-2647 line corresponds to the DM at1g51340 at3g08040. At3g08040 codes for the MATE efflux family protein MAN1 or FERRIC REDUCTASE DEFECTIVE3 (FRD3 ... yellowish when grown on medium

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The hmgr1 mutant was smaller than WT

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The DUPLO-195 line is a cross of the loss-of-function line of TON1 recruiting motif 3 (trm3, at1g18620) and trm4 (at1g74160 ... leaves ... display a reduced effective quantum efficiency of photosystem II (FII

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In the DUPLO-1569 line, a gene pair coding for two tryptophan RNA-binding attenuator protein-like proteins (At5g47420 and At4g17420 ... DM plants are very small and die early

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The two genes (At1g04300 and At5g43560) defective in the DUPLO-2261 line code for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor (TRAF)-like proteins ... seedlings are only slightly smaller than WT seedlings

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Inactivation of At4g17420 alone in the heterozygous at5g47420 background already causes a drastic reduction in plant size, and these very small plants do not flower

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The two genes (At1g04300 and At5g43560) defective in the DUPLO-2261 line ... the efficiency of photosynthesis is reduced

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In DUPLO-2543, genes for two ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase family proteins (At1g74910 and At2g04650) are disrupted. DM seedlings are extremely tiny

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The DUPLO-195 line is a cross of the loss-of-function line of TON1 recruiting motif 3 (trm3, at1g18620) and trm4 (at1g74160) ... leaves are smaller

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The DUPLO-2647 line corresponds to the DM at1g51340 at3g08040. At3g08040 codes for the MATE efflux family protein MAN1 or FERRIC REDUCTASE DEFECTIVE3 (FRD3) ... was small

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The DUPLO-2268 line is defective for the two ubiquitin-specific proteases UBP12 (At5g06600) and 13 (At3g11910 ... plants are extremely small compared with the parental single mutants ... Plants have to be pre-grown on medium to allow survival on soil

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In the DUPLO-2098 line, genes for two proteins of unknown function (At4g24330 and At5g49945) are disrupted. This line produces extremely small and inviable seedlings

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The DUPLO-195 line is a cross of the loss-of-function line of TON1 recruiting motif 3 (trm3, at1g18620) and trm4 (at1g74160 ... leaves are ... occasionally rolled

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In DUPLO-713, two genes (HMGR1/At1g76490 and HMGR2/At2g17370) for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMGR), which catalyses the first committed step in the mevalonate (MVA) pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis in the cytoplasm, are inactivated ... DM plants germinated and grew into very small and inviable seedlings

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In the DUPLO-998 line (at5g18180 at3g03920), two genes that code for the GAR1 subunit of the H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex, which has been shown in mammalian systems to have a pseudouridine synthase activity and is important for rRNA folding and ribosome function (Watkins and Bohnsack, 2012), are defective ... the DM plants are viable but display reduced growth

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The cvp1 smt3 DM has been described before as being ... bushy

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The cvp1 smt3 DM has been described before as being smaller

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The genes inactivated in DUPLO-2589 encode eukaryote-specific aspartyl proteases (At1g66180 and At5g37540 ... the stature of the plants was slightly smaller than WT

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Our frd3 mutant was also much smaller than WT

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The two genes (At1g04300 and At5g43560) defective in the DUPLO-2261 line ... adult DMs are strongly stunted

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The DUPLO-195 line is a cross of the loss-of-function line of TON1 recruiting motif 3 (trm3, at1g18620) and trm4 (at1g74160) ... reduced height of the inflorescence

Bolle C, Huep G, Kleinbölting N, Haberer G, Mayer K, Leister D, Weisshaar B - GABI-DUPLO: a collection of double mutants to overcome genetic redundancy in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The SAM of CKX1oe is smaller than WT, but again showing no obvious changes in structure

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We compared the SAM of WT and STMoe seedlings, and found that the apical dome of the STMoe SAM is larger than WT but with no obvious changes in organisation

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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Cellular ... differentiation in the epidermal and internal mesophyll cell layers was severely inhibited in STMoe leaves compared with WT, particularly in the central region of the lamina and in the sinuses of lobes

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we generated plants ectopically expressing both CKX1 and CYCD3;1, and found that plants homozygous for both CYCD3;1oe (35S::CYCD3;1) and CKX1oe transgenes most closely resembled CYCD3;1oe, which displays twisted leaves caused by enhanced cell proliferation

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We ... examined the capacity for STM to induce ectopic meristem formation in the wus mutant background. Ectopic meristems were formed readily in the STMoe/wus background, and no apparent changes in morphology between STMoe and STMoe wus were observed. However, ectopic meristems were not maintained indefinitely, as the central zone depleted after the formation of a few leaf primordia

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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developed leaves with reduced outgrowth ... KNAT1oe

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We examined DEX-induced STM overexpression lines (STMoe lines; Scofield et al., 2007) and confirmed that these developed leaves with ... ectopic meristems

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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using our system in which DEX-induced expression occurs at high levels in the SAM in addition to other tissues (Figure 2f,g), KNAT2 failed to restore regular shoot growth to stm mutants

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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CKX1oe plants showed higher levels of endoreduplication compared with WT seedlings, with relatively smaller peaks corresponding to 2C and 4C cells compared with those for 8C, 16C and 32C (Figure 3q), correlating with the increased size of leaf epidermal cells in the CKX1oe line compared with WT and revealing that low CK levels promote endoreduplication

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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developed leaves with reduced outgrowth ... KNAT2oe lines

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We generated additional inducible transgenic lines in the Col-0 ... and compared the STMoe lines that displayed the strongest phenotypic severity when grown on DEX ... In early growth stages ... strong inhibition of cotyledon expansion and leaf outgrowth

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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In ... leaves ... we found ... reduction in the prevalence of high ploidy peaks ... in ... KNAT2oe plants

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we found that down-regulation of STM during mid-vegetative growth using dexamethasone-inducible (DEX) STM-RNAi lines (based on the TGV system; Bohner et al., 1999; Scofield et al., 2007) resulted in a loss of primary SAM organisation

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We analysed ploidy distribution profiles and observed a greater inhibition of endoreduplication in STMoe/CYCD3;1oe plants compared with STMoe (Figure 6i), consistent with the enhanced phenotypic severity

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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leaf surface ... Ectopic meristems ... were not observed in any of >40 KNAT2oe lines analysed, regardless of their expression level or phenotypic severity (Figure S1), a finding that suggested that KNAT2 is unable to activate de novo SAM formation

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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leaves with ... ectopic meristems ... KNAT1oe

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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STMoe/CYCD3;1oe ... ectopic meristems ... also formed on cotyledons where they do not typically form in STMoe

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We examined DEX-induced STM overexpression lines (STMoe lines; Scofield et al., 2007) and confirmed that these developed leaves with ... extensive lobing at the margin

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we generated plants ectopically expressing both CKX1 and CYCD3;1, and found that plants homozygous for both CYCD3;1oe (35S::CYCD3;1) and CKX1oe transgenes most closely resembled CYCD3;1oe, which displays ... reduced endoreduplication ... Endoreduplication profiles in CYCD3;1oe/CKX1oe plants showed strongly reduced endocycling compared with CKX1oe, with a profile intermediate between WT and CYCD3;1oe plants

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we examined leaf adaxial epidermal cell morphology ... STMoe/CKX1oe leaves showed considerable variation in epidermal cell ... shape

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we examined leaf adaxial epidermal cell morphology ... Epidermal cells were more expanded in CKX1oe plants compared with WT

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we found that down-regulation of STM during mid-vegetative growth using dexamethasone-inducible (DEX) STM-RNAi lines ... perturbed phyllotaxis, with leaves inappropriately initiated, often from the central zone of stem cells

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we found that down-regulation of STM during mid-vegetative growth using dexamethasone-inducible (DEX) STM-RNAi lines ... leading to meristem consumption and cessation of primary shoot growth

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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In ... leaves ... we found ... reduction in the prevalence of high ploidy peaks ... in ... KNAT1oe ... plants

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We examined DEX-induced STM overexpression lines (STMoe lines; Scofield et al., 2007) and confirmed that these developed leaves with reduced outgrowth

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we examined leaf adaxial epidermal cell morphology ... STMoe/CKX1oe leaves showed considerable variation in epidermal cell size

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we examined leaf adaxial epidermal cell morphology ... STMoe/CKX1oe ... cells were generally larger

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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leaf surface ... Ectopic meristems were also formed in KNAT1oe lines

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we examined leaf adaxial epidermal cell morphology ... Epidermal cells ... in STMoe leaves were smaller

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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A typical ploidy distribution profile for a mature WT leaf (leaf 4) is shown in Figure 1(q). Nuclei with 2C and 4C DNA content represent non-endoreduplicated cells before and after S-phase of the cell cycle (or pre-S-phase state of a cell that has already endocycled once), while a nuclear DNA content of 8C or higher is attributable only to endoreduplication. The degree of endoreduplication increases as leaf development proceeds to maturity (De Veylder et al., 2001, 2011; Dewitte et al., 2007). In STMoe leaves, analysed prior to visible ectopic meristem formation, we found a major reduction in the prevalence of high ploidy peaks with the majority of cells in the 2C or 4C state

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We analysed the ploidy distribution profiles of STMoe and STMoe/cycd3 seedlings by flow cytometry (using multiple independent transgenic lines) and consistently found a greater degree of endocycling in the STMoe/d3ko relative to STMoe-Col-0

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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Phenotypic severity was substantially reduced in STMoe/CKX1oe plants compared with STMoe (Figure 3d–m). Leaves exhibited less lobing, increased lamina expansion (leading to a flatter leaf blade) and developed a more typical leaf shape than those of STMoe

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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Ectopic meristems were formed in the region of the leaf overlying the mid-vein in STMoe/CKX1oe plants (Figure 4i), and although we found the formation of ectopic meristems to be a highly stochastic process with a high degree of variability, the frequency of formation was reduced compared with STMoe (Table S1). Such meristems appeared to have normal organisation (Figure 4j), suggesting that this aspect is not dependent on high CK levels

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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Ectopic meristems formed on the adaxial surface of STMoe/Col-0 and STMoe/cycd3 leaves (Figure 6d) with equal frequency

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we examined leaf adaxial epidermal cell morphology ... Epidermal cells ... in STMoe leaves were ... highly variable in size as described above

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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we examined leaf adaxial epidermal cell morphology ... STMoe/CKX1oe ... epidermal ... cells ... displayed the more complex sinusoidal shape typical of WT than those of STMoe

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We examined the SAM of STMoe/CKX1oe seedlings and found it to be similar in size and appearance to the SAM of CKX1oe plants (Figures 4d and S1). This finding suggests that STM acts through CK to promote the larger SAM phenotype of STMoe, indicating that STM acts through CK in controlling cell numbers in the SAM

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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leaves with ... extensive lobing at the margin ... KNAT1oe

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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STMoe/CKX1oe plants showed similar endoreduplication profiles to CKX1oe plants, with a significant increase in higher ploidy peaks compared with STMoe (Figure 3r). We conclude that the inhibition of endoreduplication by STM requires CK

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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Cellular expansion ... in the epidermal and internal mesophyll cell layers was severely inhibited in STMoe leaves compared with WT, particularly in the central region of the lamina and in the sinuses of lobes

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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We generated additional inducible transgenic lines in ... cycd3 ... and compared the STMoe lines that displayed the strongest phenotypic severity when grown on DEX ... In early growth stages ... strong inhibition of cotyledon expansion and leaf outgrowth. However, as development proceeded, leaves in the cycd3 background showed less inhibited growth, with more lamina expansion and less lobing at the leaf margin ... compared with those in the Col-0 background

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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Loss-of-function stm ... background ... DEX-induced ... STM ... fully restored SAM function as determined by sustained and regular emergence of leaves in typical phyllotactic pattern

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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STMoe/CYCD3;1oe ... leaves were densely covered in ectopic meristems

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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leaves with ... extensive lobing at the margin ... KNAT2oe lines

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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ectopic meristems were formed extensively in STMoe lines (Figure 2a,c,d), frequently covering most of the leaf surface, and showed typical meristem organisation, with a central meristematic dome flanked by developing leaf primordia

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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Loss-of-function stm ... background ... DEX-induced ... KNAT1/BP fully restored SAM function as determined by sustained and regular emergence of leaves in typical phyllotactic pattern

Scofield S, Dewitte W, Nieuwland J, Murray JA - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS has cellular and meristem-organisational roles with differential requirements for cytokinin and CYCD3 activity

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athb4-1 rev-5 (60/60) display the rev phenotype at late stages of development, and are largely indistinguishable from wt at the seedling stage

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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A fraction of hat3-3 athb4-1 seedlings produces two radialized cotyledons, a phenotype similar to that seen in less severely affected phb-6 phv-5 rev-9 plants (Emery et al., 2003). As observed in these mutants, the vasculature in the radialized cotyledons of hat3-3 athb4-1 is also radialized, with phloem surrounding the xylem (supplementary material Fig. S12). Cotyledon polarity defects were also observed in hat3-1 athb4-1 seedlings (Bou-Torrent et al., 2012).

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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Lower order leaves of hat3-3 athb4-1 show varying degrees of expansion, from expanded to completely radialized organs, whereas higher order leaves all display a severe phenotype

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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The pattern of vascular development is profoundly altered in hat3-3 athb4-1 trumpet-shaped leaves whereas hat3-3 athb4-1 radialized leaves have no recognizable vasculature

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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hat3-3 rev-5

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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Lack of ATHB2 in ... athb4-1 does not result in any major phenotype in white light

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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35S::3HA:ATHB2 leaves are severely curled upwards

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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Remarkably, the phenotype of hat3-3 athb4-1 ATHB2::ATHB2:GUS was significantly less severe than that of hat3-3 athb4-1. Most of the hat3-3 athb4-1 ATHB2::ATHB2:GUS seedlings display round and lancet cotyledons ... Moreover, ∼10% of hat3-3 athb4-1 ATHB2::ATHB2:GUS seedlings show a completely rescued phenotype characterized by round cotyledons with normal vasculature (Fig. 3Q). Also, the percentage of seedlings displaying fused/single cotyledon(s) is strongly decreased with respect to that observed in hat3-3 athb4-1 (supplementary material Fig. S10 and Table S9). It is worth noting that ATHB2:GUS expression is severely impaired in hypocotyl and root of hat3-3 athb4-1 seedlings displaying lancet and flamingo cotyledons (Fig. 3S,T), suggesting that simultaneous lack of HAT3 and ATHB4 might affect vascular development in these organs also

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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Several pieces of evidence indicate that auxin is required for lateral organ formation and that PIN1 has a key role in this process (Reinhardt et al., 2000; Reinhardt et al., 2003; Benková et al., 2003). To investigate whether there is any link between the function of HAT3 and ATHB4 and the distribution of auxin in SAM, the effects of NPA, an inhibitor of polar auxin transport, on leaf organ formation in hat3-3 athb4-1 was analyzed. After NPA application, the fusion of first leaves was infrequently observed in wt (Fig. 5E,F). By contrast, in hat3-3 athb4-1 first leaf fusion was greatly enhanced by NPA (Fig. 5K,L). A similar phenotype was observed in hat3-3 athb4-3 and hat3-2 athb4-1 (69/150 and 46/98, respectively).

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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these data indicate that a significant number of hat3-3 athb4-1 seedlings lack an active SAM, as deduced by the absence of leaf primordia (36/639, P<0.0001

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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hat3-3 athb4-1 ... trumpet-shaped leaves

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

seedlings with altered cotyledons segregated with the ratio expected for two independent and recessive mutations in the F2 of the crosses between hat3 and athb4

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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seedlings with fused/single cotyledon(s) were often found among the hat3 athb4 mutants

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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SAM activity of hat3-3 athb4-1 was analyzed. Almost all double mutants with two cotyledons display active SAM as deduced by the presence of leaf primordia (566/568).

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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The pattern of vascular development is also profoundly altered in hat3 athb4 cotyledons, and the defects correlate with the severity of the expansion phenotype. For example, fully radialized cotyledons have no recognizable vasculature

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

hat3-2, hat3-3 ... Single mutants show no obvious morphological defect in white light

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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leaves are severely curled upwards ... 35S::ATHB4:GFP

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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Embryos with altered cotyledons segregated with the ratio expected for a single recessive mutation. As expected, embryos with fused/single cotyledon(s) were observed. The remaining altered embryos display, as observed in hat3-3 athb4-1 seedlings, varying degrees of defects in cotyledon development (supplementary material

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

lack of ... PHV ... in hat3-3 and athb4-1 does not result in any obvious phenotype

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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leaves are severely curled upwards ... 35S::HAT3:GFP

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

Lack of ATHB2 in hat3-3 ... does not result in any major phenotype in white light

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

lack of ... PHB in hat3-3 and athb4-1 does not result in any obvious phenotype

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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simultaneous lack of both HAT3 and ATHB4 is associated with loss of adaxial identity

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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leaf primordia of hat3-3 athb4-1 were nearly radial with large vacuolated cells on both adaxial and abaxial sides

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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significant number of embryos isolated from hat3-3 athb4-1/+ phb-13 plants display embryo lethality (Fig. 7C,D), probably because of failure to establish normal patterning (Fig. 7E-H). Among the progeny of hat3-3 athb4-1/+ phb-13, two-cell pro-embryos in which the apical cell divided horizontally rather than vertically were observed (P<0.0001)

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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plants expressing an inducible miR 165/166-resistant variant of ATHB8 ... In the presence of β-estradiol, XVE::ATHB8d plants display upward leaf curling

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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In all double mutants characterized the cotyledon phenotype displays variable expressivity. hat3 athb4 seedlings show varying degrees of cotyledon expansion, from round-shaped to almost completely radialized organs

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

athb2-2 seedlings display ... smaller cotyledons

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

hat3-3 athb4-1 ... radialized leaves

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

the SAM phenotype of ... hat3-3 athb4-1 phb-13 seedlings with two cotyledons was analyzed. A significant number of ... triple mutants lack an active SAM

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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the SAM phenotype of hat3-3 athb4-1 phv-11 ... seedlings with two cotyledons was analyzed. A significant number of ... triple mutants lack an active SAM

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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athb4-1, athb4-3 ... Single mutants show no obvious morphological defect in white light

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

hat3-3 rev-5 (718/723) ... display the rev phenotype at late stages of development, and are largely indistinguishable from wt at the seedling stage

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

athb2-1 and athb2-3 show no obvious morphological defect in white light

Turchi L, Carabelli M, Ruzza V, Possenti M, Sassi M, Peñalosa A, Sessa G, Salvi S, Forte V, Morelli G, Ruberti I - Arabidopsis HD-Zip II transcription factors control apical embryo development and meristem function

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  • Phenotype

camta1/2/3 ... sizes ... were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

camta3 ... fresh weights were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Salicylic acid levels were at similar low levels in WT plants ... and camta1 camta2 ... double mutant plants when grown at warm temperature

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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When WT plants were exposed to low temperature (4°C), SA and SAG levels remained relatively low for the first week, followed by a marked increase between weeks 1 and 2 (Figure 1a,b). In contrast, SA and SAG levels remained low in the sid2–1 plants throughout the experiment. These results indicated that most, if not all, of the SA biosynthesis that occurs at low temperature proceeds through the ICS pathway and requires the action of ICS1

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

camta3 ... sizes ... were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

camta1/3 ... fresh weights were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

WT plants, camta1 ... sizes ... of these plants were very similar

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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camta2/3 ... sizes ... were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

WT ... and camta1 camta2 ... fresh weights of these plants were very similar

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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camta2/3 double mutant plants were also impaired in chilling-induced freezing tolerance. The camta2/3 double mutation also appeared to slightly reduce the freezing tolerance of non-acclimated plants

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

camta2/3 ... fresh weights were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

camta1/2 ... were also impaired in chilling-induced freezing tolerance

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

sid2–1 plants were considerably larger than the WT plants after prolonged exposure to low temperature

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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the levels of SA and SAG were higher in camta3 plants than in WT plants when plants were grown at warm temperature (22°C

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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camta1/3 double mutant plants were impaired in their ability to acclimate to cold. Our results confirmed this result; whereas both non-acclimated WT plants and camta1/3 double mutant plants had EL50 values of approximately -4.5°C (Figure 7d), the EL50 values of these plants after 3 weeks of cold acclimation were -11°C and -8°C, respectively

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The SA and SAG levels were progressively greater in the camta3

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

WT ... and camta1 camta2 ... sizes ... of these plants were very similar

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The SA and SAG levels were progressively greater in ... camta2/3

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The SA and SAG levels were progressively greater in ... camta1/2/3 mutant plants

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

camta1/2/3 ... fresh weights were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

WT ... and camta2 ... sizes ... of these plants were very similar

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Salicylic acid levels were at similar low levels in WT plants ... and camta2 single mutant plants ... when grown at warm temperature

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The SA and SAG levels were progressively greater in ... camta1/3

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Salicylic acid levels were at similar low levels in WT plants, camta1 ... single mutant plants ... when grown at warm temperature

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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sid2–1 plants ... grown at warm temperature did not differ in size

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

WT ... camta1 ... fresh weights of these plants were very similar

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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we found that combining either a camta1 or camta2 mutation with the camta3 mutation resulted in plants that had higher SA and SAG levels (Figure 2a,b), with the camta2 camta3 (camta2/3) combination having a greater effect than the camta1 camta3 (camta1/3) combination, and the camta1 camta2 camta3 (camta1/2/3) triple mutation having the greatest effect

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

camta1/3 ... sizes ... were progressively smaller

Kim Y, Park S, Gilmour SJ, Thomashow MF - Roles of CAMTA transcription factors and salicylic acid in configuring the low-temperature transcriptome and freezing tolerance of Arabidopsis

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Longitudinal sections prepared from the SAM of plants at 3 DAG revealed a disturbed cellular organization of the meristem. The cells of the L1 and L2 layers remain clonally distinct and undergo exclusively anticlinal divisions in WT plants, but frequently showed irregular or periclinal divisions in main-2 mutants

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Soil-grown main–1 and main–2 mutants were smaller than WT

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Soil-grown main–1 and main–2 ... most of their rosette leaves had a lanceolate shape

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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main–1 mutant ... exhibited severe defects in the ... SAM, and was therefore named main for maintenance of meristems

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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WT and main-2 mutant seedlings at 3 DAG were transferred to medium containing zeocin, the DNA-alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) or no DNA-damaging agent, and further grown for 12 days (Figure 7f). WT plants that were transferred to zeocin- or MMS-containing medium had shorter roots and smaller rosettes compared to plants transferred to MS medium. However, the main mutants were much more strongly affected by this treatment, and exhibited a hypersensitive reaction to the DNA-damaging substances

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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main–1 and main–2 ... When grown on MS medium, the developmental defects were even more obvious

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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we tested DNA integrity in main-2 mutants and WT using the comet assay (Menke et al., 2001). In this assay, the percentage of DNA in the comet tail, which represents the degree of damaged DNA, was more than twofold higher in the main mutants compared with WT, and was similar to the value for WT plants treated with 40 µg ml-1 zeocin for 7 days

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Soil-grown main–1 ... rosette leaves had ... altered vein patterning

Wenig U, Meyer S, Stadler R, Fischer S, Werner D, Lauter A, Melzer M, Hoth S, Weingartner M, Sauer N - Identification of MAIN, a factor involved in genome stability in the meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Several phenotypic classes were determined according to leaf serration, namely wt–L for plants displaying a WT-like phenotype, and LS, MS, SS and HS for lightly, moderately, severely and highly serrated phenotypes respectively ... To try to get a stronger reversion, plants over-expressing the phosphorylation-mimetic form AtKRP6T152D were produced (total n = 319), and classified as above according to the serration criteria (Figure 6c,d). The same correlation was observed between the classification of plants as wt–L, LS etc. and callogenesis capacity/cell size parameters (Figure 7h and Figures S4 and S5). Remarkably, the proportions of HS and SS plants drastically decreased among the OE-AtKRP6T152D population (0.5% and 8.0%, respectively), while the proportion of wt–L plants reached 40.9% (a 3.2-fold increase compared to the wt–L class of OE-AtKRP6WT

Guérinier T, Millan L, Crozet P, Oury C, Rey F, Valot B, Mathieu C, Vidal J, Hodges M, Thomas M, Glab N - Phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) homologs KRP6 and 7 by SNF1-related protein kinase-1 links plant energy homeostasis and cell proliferation

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  • Phenotype

reduced capacity of mesophyll cells to undergo callogenesis ... AtKRP6 over-expression

Guérinier T, Millan L, Crozet P, Oury C, Rey F, Valot B, Mathieu C, Vidal J, Hodges M, Thomas M, Glab N - Phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) homologs KRP6 and 7 by SNF1-related protein kinase-1 links plant energy homeostasis and cell proliferation

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characteristic leaf serration ... AtKRP6 over-expression

Guérinier T, Millan L, Crozet P, Oury C, Rey F, Valot B, Mathieu C, Vidal J, Hodges M, Thomas M, Glab N - Phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) homologs KRP6 and 7 by SNF1-related protein kinase-1 links plant energy homeostasis and cell proliferation

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  • Phenotype

rosette size reduction ... AtKRP6 over-expression

Guérinier T, Millan L, Crozet P, Oury C, Rey F, Valot B, Mathieu C, Vidal J, Hodges M, Thomas M, Glab N - Phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) homologs KRP6 and 7 by SNF1-related protein kinase-1 links plant energy homeostasis and cell proliferation

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OE-AtKRP6T152D ... Measuring the leaf rosette diameter confirmed this result. Indeed, the population of OE-AtKRP6T152D plants clearly shifted towards the large-rosette phenotype (38.5% of rosettes with a diameter of 40–49 mm

Guérinier T, Millan L, Crozet P, Oury C, Rey F, Valot B, Mathieu C, Vidal J, Hodges M, Thomas M, Glab N - Phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) homologs KRP6 and 7 by SNF1-related protein kinase-1 links plant energy homeostasis and cell proliferation

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  • Phenotype

increased cell size ... AtKRP6 over-expression

Guérinier T, Millan L, Crozet P, Oury C, Rey F, Valot B, Mathieu C, Vidal J, Hodges M, Thomas M, Glab N - Phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) homologs KRP6 and 7 by SNF1-related protein kinase-1 links plant energy homeostasis and cell proliferation

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quintuple ick1/2/5/6/7 ... Starting from the second pairs of true leaves, the mean length/width ratios ... were significantly higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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CDK activities in ... ick1/2/5/6/7 mutants were increased. Quantitative analysis showed that among the lines analyzed, the ick1/2/5/6/7 mutant had the highest CDK activity (2.64 ± 0.18), followed by the ick1/2/6/7 mutant (1.85 ± 0.65), the ick1/2 mutant (1.76 ± 0.63) and the ick6/7 mutant (1.38 ± 0.65), relative to the Wt

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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ick1/2/5/6/7 ... The mean cotyledon sizes of 7-day-old ... quintuple mutants were significantly larger than those of single, double and triple mutants as well as the Wt

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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We observed that the relative dry weights of ... ick1/2/5/6/7 mutants were significantly (P < 0.01) higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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ick1/2/6/7 ... At the 14-day stage, we did not observe significant differences among the five groups for the size of the first pair of leaves (Figure 3c,e ... These observations indicate that the growth of quadruple and quintuple mutants is enhanced at the early stage, but the enhancement diminishes gradually afterwards when grown in soil

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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quadruple ick1/2/6/7 ... mutants had narrower leaves

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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ick7 ... grown in soil. No significant growth enhancement was observed

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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ick1/2/5/6/7 ... abaxial stomata density of the fourth pair of leaves, which was slightly higher in the quintuple mutant, but the difference did not reach statistical significance

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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CDK activities in ... ick6/7 ... mutants were increased

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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ick1/2/5/6/7 ... adaxial pavement cells ... in leaves of the quintuple mutant were smaller ... similar observations were made in cotyledons

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick5 ... grown in soil. No significant growth enhancement was observed

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

quadruple ick1/2/6/7 ... rosette leaves curled downwards

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick6 ... CDK activities in the five single mutants were mostly higher than that in the Wt, but lower than those in the multiple mutants

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the fresh weight of the 20-day-old ick1/2/5/6/7 quintuple mutant showed a significant increase

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

quadruple ick1/2/6/7 ... Starting from the second pairs of true leaves, the mean length/width ratios ... were significantly higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the fresh weight of the ick1 single mutant ... did not significantly differ from that of the Wt

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick5 ... CDK activities in the five single mutants were mostly higher than that in the Wt, but lower than those in the multiple mutants

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... The densities of adaxial pavement cells ... were ... significantly higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... The densities of ... abaxial pavement cells ... were ... significantly higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... At the 14-day stage, we did not observe significant differences among the five groups for the size of the first pair of leaves (Figure 3c,e). Furthermore, at the 21-day stage, although the fresh weight of the quintuple mutant was slightly heavier than those of the other groups (Figure 3f), the difference did not reach statistical significance. These observations indicate that the growth of quadruple and quintuple mutants is enhanced at the early stage, but the enhancement diminishes gradually afterwards when grown in soil

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick2 ... We did not observe any growth or morphology-related phenotypic changes ... suggesting functional redundancy among different ICK/KRP members

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... The densities of ... the adaxial stomata ... were ... significantly higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

We observed that the relative dry weights ... no significant differences among Wt ... ick5

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1 ... CDK activities in the five single mutants were mostly higher than that in the Wt, but lower than those in the multiple mutants

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... abaxial pavement cells ... in leaves of the quintuple mutant were smaller ... similar observations were made in cotyledons

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

CDK activities in ... ick1/2/6/7 ... mutants were increased

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick6 ... grown in soil. No significant growth enhancement was observed

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick7 ... We did not observe any growth or morphology-related phenotypic changes ... suggesting functional redundancy among different ICK/KRP members

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick5 ... We did not observe any growth or morphology-related phenotypic changes ... suggesting functional redundancy among different ICK/KRP members

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

CDK activities in ick1/2 ... mutants were increased

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

CDK activity in the ICK1OE line was significantly reduced, as observed previously

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

20-day-old ick1/2/5/6/7 quintuple mutant showed a significant increase ... dry-weight

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick2 ... grown in soil. No significant growth enhancement was observed

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... The densities of ... mesophyll cells ... were ... significantly higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/6/7 ... The mean cotyledon sizes of 7-day-old quadruple ... mutants were significantly larger than those of single, double and triple mutants as well as the Wt

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

quintuple ick1/2/5/6/7 ... rosette leaves curled downwards

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

We observed that the relative dry weights ... no significant differences among Wt, ick2

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1 ... We did not observe any growth or morphology-related phenotypic changes ... suggesting functional redundancy among different ICK/KRP members

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

We observed that the relative dry weights of ick1/2/6/7 ... mutants were significantly (P < 0.01) higher

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

We observed that the relative dry weights ... no significant differences among Wt ... ick6

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The ick1/2/5/6/7 quintuple mutant had a higher trichome density than the Wt in the second and third pairs of leaves

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... First, for all the cell types except for the abaxial pavement cell, the quintuple mutant had a significantly higher cell density (i.e. smaller cells) than the Wt. Second, the cell size decrease became more evident with the greater number of ICK/KRPs downregulated. Interestingly, for all five cell types, the increases in cell densities from the Wt to the quintuple mutant were larger in the first pair of leaves than in the second pair of leaves (Figure 4b versus 4c

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

quintuple ick1/2/5/6/7 mutants had narrower leaves

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

We observed that the relative dry weights ... no significant differences among Wt ... and ick7

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the fresh weight of ... the ick1/2/7 triple mutant did not significantly differ from that of the Wt

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick1/2/5/6/7 ... palisade mesophyll cells ... in leaves of the quintuple mutant were smaller ... similar observations were made in cotyledons

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick2 ... CDK activities in the five single mutants were mostly higher than that in the Wt, but lower than those in the multiple mutants

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ick6 ... We did not observe any growth or morphology-related phenotypic changes ... suggesting functional redundancy among different ICK/KRP members

Cheng Y, Cao L, Wang S, Li Y, Shi X, Liu H, Li L, Zhang Z, Fowke LC, Wang H, Zhou Y - Downregulation of multiple CDK inhibitor ICK/KRP genes upregulates the E2F pathway and increases cell proliferation, and organ and seed sizes in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

cpd45 ... chloroplast division mutant

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

cpd45 ... characterized by elongated or dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

cpd25 ... characterized by ... chloroplasts that ... have a constriction defect

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

cpd25 ... characterized by ... chloroplasts that are enlarged

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

cpd25 ... chloroplast division mutant

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

cpd45 ... characterized by ... chloroplasts that are enlarged

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

cpd45 ... characterized by ... chloroplasts that ... have a constriction defect

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

cpd25 ... characterized by elongated or dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

the wild type has an average of 96 chloroplasts per cell (Figure 1a,g), the arc5 mutant has an average of five chloroplasts per cell

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

frs4/cpd25 mutant, which is a null allele, is not defective in far-red light sensing

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

Col ecotype ... the wild type has an average of 96 chloroplasts per cell

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

the wild type has an average of 96 chloroplasts per cell ... and the cpd45 mutant has an average of 27 chloroplasts per cell

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

the wild type has an average of 96 chloroplasts per cell ... the cpd25 mutant has an average of 15 chloroplasts per cell

Gao Y, Liu H, An C, Shi Y, Liu X, Yuan W, Zhang B, Yang J, Yu C, Gao H - Arabidopsis FRS4/CPD25 and FHY3/CPD45 work cooperatively to promote the expression of the chloroplast division gene ARC5 and chloroplast division

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  • Phenotype

To determine whether the duration of growth as mute-3 prior to induction influenced cluster formation, iMUTEmute plants were grown in control medium for 0–11 dag prior to inducer upshift treatments, and inspected at 16 dag (Figure 3c). When inducer was added at 0, 1 or 2 dag, stomatal pairs appeared only occasionally; stomatal cluster proportion and size increased with the time of growth before induction (Figure 3d). If inducer was added at 4 dag, approximately half of the stomatal units (see 'ß-estradiol-dependent MUTE expression complements the mute-3 phenotype' for definition) were clusters of different sizes at the end of the treatment (45.71 ± 3.34%; n = 332 stomatal units from five plants; Figure 3d). Taking into account all stomata, isolated or clustered, this treatment caused that two-thirds of them were clustered (65.99 ± 3.23%; n = 536 stomata from five plants; Figure S5a). Induction at later times resulted in similar clustering. The cluster size ranged from two to five, with stomatal pairs being the most frequent class (Figure 3d) and larger clusters appearing occasionally (Figure S5). iMUTEwt plants treated in parallel did not develop clusters

Triviño M, Martín-Trillo M, Ballesteros I, Delgado D, de Marcos A, Desvoyes B, Gutiérrez C, Mena M, Fenoll C - Timely expression of the Arabidopsis stoma-fate master regulator MUTE is required for specification of other epidermal cell types

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  • Phenotype

In non-induced iMUTEmute, cotyledon area increased marginally from 13 to 23 dag, but had doubled 10 days after induction of 13 dag plants (Figure 6a). Whole-cotyledon ploidy levels, which were lower in untreated 13 dag iMUTEmute than in iMUTEwt, also increased in upshifted iMUTEmute (Figure 6b), reaching a distribution similar to that of iMUTEwt

Triviño M, Martín-Trillo M, Ballesteros I, Delgado D, de Marcos A, Desvoyes B, Gutiérrez C, Mena M, Fenoll C - Timely expression of the Arabidopsis stoma-fate master regulator MUTE is required for specification of other epidermal cell types

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  • Phenotype

To determine whether the extra stomata in upshifted iMUTEmute came from meristemoid divisions or from small GUS-expressing cells, cell division was prevented by adding colchicine to the agar plates at the time of induction, thus inducing metaphase arrest. This treatment produced GUS-positive rounded cells, isolated or clustered (Figure 4c,e), that we interpret as GMCs derived from the meristemoid and its adjacent small cells. These plants showed a uniform cotyledon response whereby virtually all meristemoids were replaced by rounded GUS-positive cells. In 13 dag iMUTEwt, colchicine + inducer treatment produced no observable phenotype, as epidermal cell divisions had long ceased

Triviño M, Martín-Trillo M, Ballesteros I, Delgado D, de Marcos A, Desvoyes B, Gutiérrez C, Mena M, Fenoll C - Timely expression of the Arabidopsis stoma-fate master regulator MUTE is required for specification of other epidermal cell types

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  • Phenotype

iMUTEmute plants grown for 13 days in control medium formed halted lineages with a central meristemoid and a variable number of surrounding small cells (Figure 2a), like mute-3 (data not shown) or mute-1 (Pillitteri et al., 2007) plants. We added inducer to these 13 dag iMUTEmute plants (upshift treatment; Figure 2), and examined the time course of the meristemoid to stoma transition in the adaxial cotyledon epidermis. Transgene-derived MUTE transcripts were already present 4 h post-induction (hpi) and up to 6 days later (Figure S3b). Faint GUS activity was apparent in meristemoids from the first time point (12 hpi) and increased over time; at 48 hpi, the first stomata were identified, and by 60 hpi, 97.4 ± 2.6% (n = 832) of the meristemoids had synchronously produced stomata (Figure 2d). Therefore, arrested 13 dag mute-3 meristemoids retain all the components necessary for late-meristemoid fate transitions, and resume stoma differentiation upon induction of MUTE expression

Triviño M, Martín-Trillo M, Ballesteros I, Delgado D, de Marcos A, Desvoyes B, Gutiérrez C, Mena M, Fenoll C - Timely expression of the Arabidopsis stoma-fate master regulator MUTE is required for specification of other epidermal cell types

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  • Phenotype

We then quantified the DNA content of individual cells in the adaxial cotyledon epidermis. At 5 dag, nuclei from GCs (in iMUTEwt) and meristemoids (in non-induced iMUTEmute) had a similar size, which was established as the 2C DNA content and remained unchanged at 13 dag in both genotypes (Figure S7a). The remaining epidermal cells showed various ploidy levels. In 5 dag iMUTEwt, many were 4, 8 or 16C (Figure S8a,b), and appeared large and profusely lobed; only some cells in contact with stomata (most likely SLGCs) were small and diploid. Non-induced 5 dag iMUTEmute cotyledons showed a much higher 2C-cell proportion (Figures S7b and S8a); epidermal cells that were not in contact with meristemoids often had a higher DNA content and puzzle piece-like contours (Figure S8c), although most appeared smaller than in the wild-type. Cells surrounding meristemoids were always small and 2C, showing the characteristic morphology of mute-3 SLGCs. By 23 days, iMUTEwt ploidy had increased and the non-stomatal 2C cell proportion was small (Figure 6c,d). At this time, the distribution of epidermal cell ploidy levels in untreated iMUTEmute had barely changed, showing mostly 2C cells (77.1%; n = 134 from eight cotyledons) and a small proportion of 4C cells, with infrequent 8C cells (Figure 6c,e). In contrast, 10 days after upshifting 13 dag iMUTEmute plants, the 2C cell proportion decreased and more 8C and even some 16C cells appeared (Figure 6c,f). By this time after the upshift, stomata, isolated or clustered, had formed. Some PCs away from stomata were large and inter-digitized; however, most cells adjacent to stomata/clusters remained diploid and unexpanded (Figure 6f). Thus, late MUTE expression in halted 13 dag iMUTEmute plants increased overall organ and PC ploidy, but putative SLGCs remained stunted and diploid

Triviño M, Martín-Trillo M, Ballesteros I, Delgado D, de Marcos A, Desvoyes B, Gutiérrez C, Mena M, Fenoll C - Timely expression of the Arabidopsis stoma-fate master regulator MUTE is required for specification of other epidermal cell types

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  • Phenotype

iMUTEmute plants were grown without inducer for 13 days, taking epidermal imprints at 2, 6 and 13 dag. Plants were then transferred to inducer-containing plates, grown for 3 or 10 more days, and stained for GUS activity. Individual GUS-positive stomata or stomatal clusters were identified, and their cell history was tracked back in the serial imprints to their founder cells, scoring at least ten lineages corresponding to clusters or isolated stomata per genotype. We found that all stomata (n = 42) within a given cluster were the final developmental product of a stomatal lineage initiated by an individual cell at 2 dag (Figure 5c). Therefore, clustered stomata derived from a meristemoid and its SLGCs, as suggested by cell anatomy. Isolated stomata in iMUTEmute and the iMUTEwt control also formed through the canonical spiral divisions of meristemoids (Figure 5a,b); when a small cell adjacent to a stoma was GUS-positive, we were able to identify it as a true SLGC in all cases and genotypes (n = 23 for iMUTEwt; n = 13 for iMUTEmute

Triviño M, Martín-Trillo M, Ballesteros I, Delgado D, de Marcos A, Desvoyes B, Gutiérrez C, Mena M, Fenoll C - Timely expression of the Arabidopsis stoma-fate master regulator MUTE is required for specification of other epidermal cell types

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  • Phenotype

iMUTEmute first-pair leaves, whose growth started under high induction levels (from 2–6 dag) but was completed under conditions of little or no induction (from 9 days onwards), were phenotypic mosaics in which wild-type and mute-3 lineages co-existed in close proximity (Figure 7a). Stomata surrounded by large lobed cells represent wild type-like lineages, presumably formed early during leaf development when the level of ß-estradiol-dependent transcription was high; mute-3 rosette-like lineages presumably formed after the inducer effect (and thus MUTE expression) had faded. In these leaves, wild-type lineages did not seem to affect the small cells surrounding meristemoids in rosette-like arrangements (putative SLGCs) of nearby halted mute-3 lineages. Thus, these putative SLGCs showed distinct behavior as compared with PCs, and their differentiation appears to be strictly dependent on the correct timing of MUTE expression in their adjacent meristemoid. As expected from their developmental timing, the third leaves in downshifted iMUTEmute plants had only mute-3-type stomatal lineages (Figure 7b) and an epidermal cell ploidy pattern similar to non-induced iMUTEmute (Figure 7b,c). However, the area of the third leaf was significantly larger than in untreated iMUTEmute (Figure 7d), although both lacked stomata and showed arrested lineages

Triviño M, Martín-Trillo M, Ballesteros I, Delgado D, de Marcos A, Desvoyes B, Gutiérrez C, Mena M, Fenoll C - Timely expression of the Arabidopsis stoma-fate master regulator MUTE is required for specification of other epidermal cell types

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The ability of ctf7-1 plants to repair DNA double breaks was tested using the comet assay (Kozak et al., 2009) (Data S2), which has been employed in Arabidopsis mutants with defects in either chromosome cohesion or DNA repair proteins (Takahashi et al., 2010). Seven-day-old WT and ctf7-1 seedlings were exposed to a bleomycin solution (50 µg ml-1) for 1 h and the percentage of DNA present in nuclei tails after recovery times of 0, 30 and 60 min was used to estimate the level of double-strand breaks remaining in each sample (Figure S6). In WT most double-strand breaks were repaired after 30 min and only approximately 29% remained after 1 h. In contrast approximately 79% of all double-strand breaks remained unrepaired after 1 h in ctf7-1 plants

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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In WT ... stomata cells were small (Figure 7a), developed at a density of ... 590 cells mm-2 ... In cells of ctf7-1 and ctf7-2 there was a significant reduction in the density of ... stomata (250 cells mm-2

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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In WT, pavement ... cells ... covered an approximate area of 892 µm2 ... cells of ctf7-1 and ctf7-2 there was a ... significant increase in the average area of pavement cells (1300 µm2 per cell

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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Developmental defects are widespread in ctf7-1 and ctf7-2 seedlings, including defects in the distribution of leaves on the stem (e.g. phyllotaxy). In the WT all leaves are arranged in a spiral, while in ctf7-1 and ctf7-2 this arrangement shows modifications, including additional basal leaves and clusters of modified, small rosette leaves

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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the analysis of segregating populations of progeny of the ctf7-1/+ (SALK_059500) and ctf7-2/+ (SAIL_1214G06) T-DNA lines (Jiang et al., 2010; Figure 1a), we identified several slow-growing dwarf plants ... genotyping indicated that dwarf plants were homozygous for the T-DNA insert and segregated at a very low frequency (below 4%), a rate that deviated significantly from a 1:3 Mendelian ratio

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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In WT, pavement ... cells were small (Figure 7a), developed at a density of 1070 ... cells mm-2 ... In cells of ctf7-1 and ctf7-2 there was a significant reduction in the density of both pavement cells (580 cells mm-2

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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Mitotic cell cycle progression was further examined by analyzing the DNA content of leaf cells. Intact nuclei were isolated from the first leaves of 7-day-old plants, followed by flow cytometry. In WT and complementation line samples, approximately 71–73% of all nuclei had a haploid DNA content of 2, ‘2C’, which reflects normal entry into mitosis and cell division (Figure 7d). Approximately 16–17% of WT and complementation line nuclei showed a 4C value, which represents those cells that have completed DNA replication but have not entered the G2/M phase. In contrast, 55–56% of ctf7-1 and ctf7-2 nuclei showed a 4C value (Figure 7d), suggesting a defect in the ability of cells to advance into M-phase after DNA replication

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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ctf7-1 and ctf7-2 there was ... no change was observed in the area of stomatal cells under cryo-SEM

Bolaños-Villegas P, Yang X, Wang HJ, Juan CT, Chuang MH, Makaroff CA, Jauh GY - Arabidopsis CHROMOSOME TRANSMISSION FIDELITY 7 (AtCTF7/ECO1) is required for DNA repair, mitosis and meiosis

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At the whole-rosette level, the effects of GR24 and Z–CL were clear: both compounds restored the rounded leaf and compact rosette phenotypes of max3 mutants towards those of wild-type ... max3 leaves developed a narrower lamina and longer petiole upon treatment with either GR24 or Z–CL

Scaffidi A, Waters MT, Ghisalberti EL, Dixon KW, Flematti GR, Smith SM - Carlactone-independent seedling morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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At the whole-rosette level, the effects of GR24 ... were clear ... restored the rounded leaf and compact rosette phenotypes ... However, Z–CL was completely ineffective on max1 plants ... leaves developed a narrower lamina and longer petiole upon treatment with either GR24

Scaffidi A, Waters MT, Ghisalberti EL, Dixon KW, Flematti GR, Smith SM - Carlactone-independent seedling morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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At the whole-rosette level ... GR24 and Z–CL ... Atd14 mutants were resistant to the effects of both compounds

Scaffidi A, Waters MT, Ghisalberti EL, Dixon KW, Flematti GR, Smith SM - Carlactone-independent seedling morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

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At dawn, tic-2 displayed higher levels of many amino acids, most prominently alanine, valine, isoleucine, threonine, lysine, serine, tyrosine, cysteine, and proline. Interestingly, the nitrogen-rich amino acids, such as glutamine, asparagine, and arginine, were low in tic-2 (Figure 5). At dusk, tic-2 also had higher levels of alanine, serine, threonine, proline, and ß-alanine, whereas asparagine, arginine, glutamine, ornithine, and pyroglutamate were found at lower levels than in the wild type

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 has a plastochron phenotype

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 ... We did not observe changes in the level of glycine and glutamine, the amino acids involved in glutathione synthesis

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Sucrose ... levels were slightly, but significantly, elevated in tic-2, both at dawn and at dusk ... This means that tic-2 constitutively contains a higher amount of sucrose ... at night even though starch degradation during the night is impaired ... When seedlings were grown on 1% sucrose supplemented medium instead of soil, tic-2 did not show increased accumulation of sucrose

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we harvested Col and tic-2 plants when light turns on (dawn) or 1 h prior to light turning off (dusk), and determined the starch levels. Consistent with a previous study (Graf et al., 2010), the level of starch was low at dawn and high at dusk in the wild type (Figure 2a,c). tic-2 accumulated a similar amount of starch to Col at dusk; however, three times more starch was remained in tic-2 compared with Col at the end of the night (dark) period (Figure 2a,c). Moreover, an appreciable amount of starch was still left in tic-2 after an extension of the night period by 2 h (Figure 2a). Therefore, tic has defects in the starch breakdown process, which we note was similarly observed in the clock mutant gi (Eimert et al., 1995) and starch metabolism mutant sex1

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 displayed ... leaf ... reduced length-to-width ratio

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In agreement with a higher pool of glutathione, tic-2 presented increased levels of cysteine and gamma glutamyl cysteine (γ-EC), which are the substrate and intermediary, respectively, in glutathione synthesis

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The TCA cycle intermediates were invariant in the tic-2 mutant with exception of an increase in fumarate levels

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 ... elevated chlorophyll accumulation

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 grown on soil also presented dark green leaves

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 ... a substrate for methionine synthesis, homocysteine (HCys), was not changed

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We further observed the number and structure of starch granules in Col and tic-2 by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Consistent with the above results, the structure and number of the starch granules were increased in tic-2 compared with the wild type at dawn, whereas they were similar at dusk

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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fructose levels were slightly, but significantly, elevated in tic-2, both at dawn and at dusk ... This means that tic-2 constitutively contains a higher amount of ... fructose at night even though starch degradation during the night is impaired ... When seedlings were grown on 1% sucrose supplemented medium instead of soil, tic-2 did not show increased accumulation of ... fructose

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the Columbia (Col) background and compared this with its wild type. tic-2 developed a smaller rosette

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We observed that the putrescine level was decreased and spermidine accumulation was increased in tic-2, compared with the wild type

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 displayed a shorter ... petiole length

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We measured antioxidant pools in tic-2 and the wild type, but did not observe significant differences in accumulation of ascorbate and dehydroascorbate

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 ... slower rate of leaf production in comparison with the wild type ... Although the initial leaf number was similar, leaf production per day in tic-2 was steady throughout development, whereas the wild type showed an increased rate after germination

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 displayed ... enhanced leaf serration

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Leaf morphology of tic-2 was also significantly different from the wild type.

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 had constitutively high levels of uracil at dawn

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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We also found constitutively enhanced levels of myo-inositol in tic-2

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 had defects in diurnal accumulation of maltose, as no rhythmic accumulation of maltose was observed ... When seedlings were grown on 1% sucrose supplemented medium ... maltose levels still showed the same behavior as described above

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 had significantly higher amounts of proline than the wild type at dawn (Figure 3e). Proline levels increased through the day and tic maintained a higher proline level than the wild type at dusk (Figure 3e). This indicates that tic possesses higher amounts of proline even under normal watering conditions

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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xylose appeared constitutively in high amounts in tic-2

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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tic-2 displayed a shorter leaf

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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we found low levels of arginine and ornithine in tic-2, suggesting that these compounds are being employed in polyamine synthesis

Sanchez-Villarreal A, Shin J, Bujdoso N, Obata T, Neumann U, Du SX, Ding Z, Davis AM, Shindo T, Schmelzer E, Sulpice R, Nunes-Nesi A, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Davis SJ - TIME FOR COFFEE is an essential component in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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AtPES RNAi lines ... When the RNAi seedlings were grown on MS medium and transferred to (+)DEX medium for further growth, they exhibited growth arrest

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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We conclude that RNAi-induced down-regulation of AtPES induces PCD in Arabidopsis

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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AtPES RNAi seedlings ... Interestingly, RNAi seedlings incubated for 4 days on (+)DEX medium showed defects in nascent synthesis of both the 35S pre-rRNA and the mature 25S and 18S rRNAs, although the seedlings did not exhibit any visible cell death symptoms at this stage (Figure 4b). These results suggest that further perturbation of nucleolar function started to affect both rDNA transcription and overall rRNA processing. Finally, further treatment with DEX resulted in a decrease in total cellular 25S and 18S rRNAs, suggesting rRNA degradation

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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To examine DNA fragmentation as a programmed cell death (PCD) marker, we used the terminal dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay, an assay that detects single- and double-strand DNA breaks by addition of fluorescent nucleotides to free 3'-termini of the broken DNA (Gavrieli et al., 1992). Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed a strong fluorescent signal in the epidermal nuclei of the AtPES RNAi plants after 7 days of DEX treatment (DOD), suggesting DNA breaks in the nuclei (Figure 1e). In contrast, TUNEL staining was detected neither in control samples ethanol-treated for 7 days [(-)DEX-7 days] nor in (+)DEX samples at 4 DOD. As a positive control, (-)DEX plants were treated with DNase I, which resulted in DNA breaks in the nuclei

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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AtPES RNAi seedlings were grown on soil and sprayed with either ethanol (-DEX) or 30 µm DEX. Upon DEX spraying, lesions started to form spontaneously in leaves of RNAi plants, leading to premature plant death

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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We examined the impact of AtPES depletion on nascent synthesis of rRNA molecules by using in vivo [a-32P]-UTP labeling (Figure 4b). With this method, [a-32P]-UTP was incorporated into nascent rRNA transcripts and resulted in three main bands corresponding to 35S pre-rRNA, mature 25S rRNA, and mature 18S rRNA. After transfer to (-)DEX and (+)DEX media for 2 days, the levels of the 35S rRNA precursor were similar in all samples, indicating that transcription of the rRNA genes was not affected by AtPES deficiency at this stage. Nascent synthesis of mature 25S rRNA, however, was significantly reduced in the DEX-treated AtPES RNAi seedlings (Figure 4b). Synthesis of mature 18S rRNA was much less affected. Figure 4(c) presents the relative band intensity ratio of 25S rRNA to 18S rRNA shown in Figure 4(b). The 25S/18S rRNA ratio clearly shows reduced accumulation of mature 25S rRNA in DEX-treated RNAi samples, suggesting inefficient rRNA processing in the AtPES-deficient nucleolus. Consistent with this conclusion, rRNA processing intermediates were moderately accumulated in the RNAi seedlings that were DEX-treated for 2 days, based on real-time quantitative RT-PCR

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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AtPES RNAi lines ... When the RNAi seedlings were grown on MS medium and transferred to (+)DEX medium for further growth, they exhibited ... death of the aerial tissues

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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we examined cellular protein translation activity, using 35S-labeled methionine, on WT (wild-type) and AtPES RNAi seedlings (#28 and #38; Figure 4a). The seedlings were grown for 7 days on MS media, and then transferred to (-)DEX and (+)DEX media for 4 more days of growth. The profile of radioactive proteins after brief incorporation of 35S-methionine indicated that nascent protein synthesis was significantly decreased in AtPES RNAi seedlings upon DEX treatment (Figure 4a). We also performed a time-course analysis of protein translation in the AtPES RNAi seedlings (#10 and #28) using the 35S-methionine labeling (Figure S6). Protein translation was progressively reduced in RNAi-28 seedlings following 2, 3, and 4 days of DEX treatment, but the RNAi-10 seedlings that lacked AtPES gene silencing (Figures S2d and S3) did not show reduction of nascent protein synthesis at any time points of DEX treatment

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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When sowed on (+)DEX media, shoot growth of seedlings of two independent AtPES RNAi lines (#28 and #38) was immediately arrested after germination, and perished prematurely without true leaf formation

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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AtPES RNAi seedlings ... Their cell death was accompanied by excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species, as shown by brown pigment on their leaves after diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining

Cho HK, Ahn CS, Lee HS, Kim JK, Pai HS - Pescadillo plays an essential role in plant cell growth and survival by modulating ribosome biogenesis

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Transgenic plants that express the 35S::AtMBP-1 construct exhibited a distinct morphological phenotype that includes retarded vegetative growth and development, when compared with wild-type (WT) Arabidopsis plants

Kang M, Abdelmageed H, Lee S, Reichert A, Mysore KS, Allen RD - AtMBP-1, an alternative translation product of LOS2, affects abscisic acid responses and is modulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtSAP5

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Leaf size, observed at seedling and young plantlet stages, was only slightly reduced in 35S::AtMBP-1 transgenic plants grown on either Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium or soil

Kang M, Abdelmageed H, Lee S, Reichert A, Mysore KS, Allen RD - AtMBP-1, an alternative translation product of LOS2, affects abscisic acid responses and is modulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtSAP5

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Leaf size, observed at seedling and young plantlet stages, was only slightly reduced in ... transgenic plants that express the 35S::LOS2 gene construct

Kang M, Abdelmageed H, Lee S, Reichert A, Mysore KS, Allen RD - AtMBP-1, an alternative translation product of LOS2, affects abscisic acid responses and is modulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtSAP5

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To determine whether ABA treatments could facilitate the rescue of the reduced vegetative growth phenotype of AtMBP-1 over-expressing plants, ABA was applied at different concentrations to soil-grown 18 day-old WT plants and AtMBP-1 over-expressing plants twice daily for 10 days Figure 6(b). As expected growth of WT plants was inhibited by ABA application; however, AtMBP-1 over-expressing plants showed a dose-dependent increase in growth so that, at higher ABA concentrations, plant size and leaf shape was similar to WT plants under the same ABA treatment conditions. Thus, the growth inhibition mediated by transgenic expression of AtMBP-1 was reversed by ABA treatment

Kang M, Abdelmageed H, Lee S, Reichert A, Mysore KS, Allen RD - AtMBP-1, an alternative translation product of LOS2, affects abscisic acid responses and is modulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtSAP5

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retarded vegetative growth ... transgenic plants that express the 35S::LOS2 gene construct

Kang M, Abdelmageed H, Lee S, Reichert A, Mysore KS, Allen RD - AtMBP-1, an alternative translation product of LOS2, affects abscisic acid responses and is modulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtSAP5

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plants that constitutively express AtMBP–1 were shorter than WT plants

Kang M, Abdelmageed H, Lee S, Reichert A, Mysore KS, Allen RD - AtMBP-1, an alternative translation product of LOS2, affects abscisic acid responses and is modulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtSAP5

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plants ... were shorter than WT plants ... transgenic plants that express the 35S::LOS2 gene construct

Kang M, Abdelmageed H, Lee S, Reichert A, Mysore KS, Allen RD - AtMBP-1, an alternative translation product of LOS2, affects abscisic acid responses and is modulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtSAP5

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elo3 mutant seedlings ... the shoot meristem ... is not able to fully maintain its identity after germination

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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we generated 00-11 clv3-2 double mutants and again observed two classes of phenotypes. Some of the 00-11 clv3-2 appear to be identical to the small class of 00-11 seedlings, which enter growth arrest following germination. The remaining double mutant seedlings resemble the large class of 00-11 during early stages of vegetative development: elongated cotyledons and petioles, as well as extremely slow leaf growth. However, as these seedlings further develop, they evolve into a phenotype that is the combination of clv3-2 and the large 00-11 phenotypes, with enlarged shoot meristems and elongated leaves

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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This implies that, at this stage, the core cell cycle gene expression was being shut off at both the G1 to S and G2 to M transitions in the small elo3 mutants, most likely due to a DNA replication block

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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four weeks after germination, the large 00-11 mutants have generated the same number of leaves as the wildtype plants, and both genotypes have visible inflorescences

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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This led us to the conclusion that metabolic sugar reactivates cell cycle progression after elo3 enters full growth arrest, and the timing of the initial response suggests that this is one of the early events during the sugar rescue

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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In order to understand the cause of growth disruption in 00-11 mutants, we compared shoot meristem morphology between 8-day-old wildtype and 00-11 mutant seedlings using histological sections. At this developmental stage, the wildtype shoot meristem is already in a dome shape, as detected by the red Safranin O staining (Fig. 1G). In comparison, a range of size reductions was found in the shoot meristems of 00-11 mutants

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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Like 00-11, two classes of phenotypes can be found in stip-D 00-11 double mutants: some arrest growth after germination, and the others have retarded development in both the shoot and the root ( Fig. 1C) and mostly fail to develop beyond the seedling stage. The stip-D 00-11 double mutants that do grow have a phenotype that is intermediate of stip-D and 00-11

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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The phenotypes of small elo3-14 are inconsistent with the previous reports of the elo3 mutant phenotype, which resembled what we observed in the large class of elo3-14 ( Nelissen et al., 2005 and Xu et al., 2012). Although we cannot exclude the possibility that this is due to allelic differences, a closer look revealed that this discrepancy may be attributed to the different growth conditions used in each study. While it is clear that the small elo3 mutants would be seedling lethal and lost when grown on soil directly ( Xu et al., 2012), the elo3 phenotype described by Nelissen et al. (2005) was based on seedlings grown on sucrose-containing media. This raised the possibility that the addition of sucrose in the growth media could rescue the meristem cell cycle defect observed in the small elo3 mutants. Consistent with this hypothesis, no small class of elo3-14 could be found when we germinated elo3-14 on medium containing 1.5% sucrose (N=498). In addition, glucose and fructose, but not sorbitol, were also able to confer the same rescue effect, suggesting that metabolic sugar is required in this process

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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At the seedling stage, stip-D 00-11 plants resemble the 00-11 single mutants except for the epinastic cotyledons ( Fig. 1C), which is typical of stip-D

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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Two classes of phenotype were observed in 00-11 single mutants soon after germination on MS media. 66% of the seedlings (N=1049) failed to initiate growth in both the shoot and the root ( Fig. 1F) and remained arrested in growth for 1–2 weeks before death. We refer to this group as the small class. The remaining 34% of 00-11 seedlings do initiate post-embryonic development, however very slowly. We refer to this group as the large class

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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00-11 mutants only have ... elongated leaf phenotype

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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While the growth arrested small class 00-11 seedlings show little or no meristematic tissue in the shoot apex

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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Further examination revealed that the sugar-rescued elo3 seedlings were able to develop nearly wildtype-sized shoot meristems

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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A similar scenario was found in stip-1 00-11 double mutants, where high seedling lethality was observed even after the stip-1 allele was rescued by exogenous sugar

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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the stem cell cluster in the rescued elo3 seedlings remains significantly smaller than in the wildtype samples, as measured by the activities of the CLV3::GUS reporter

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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ectopic STIP expression in stip-D results in serrated leaf margins

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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the large class 00-11 seedlings have ... slightly smaller shoot meristems than those seen in wild type

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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Eight days after germination, the second pair of true leaves is visible in the wildtype seedlings ( Fig. 1D), while the large 00-11 mutants only have small first pair of true leaves

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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00-11 mutants ... delayed leaf enlargement

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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These results strongly suggest that DNA replication is not able to proceed in the meristems of the small elo3 seedlings

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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the large class 00-11 seedlings have flatter ... shoot meristems than those seen in wild type

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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00-11 mutants ... slow growth persist throughout their life cycle

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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the shoot meristem was correctly patterned in elo3

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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large 00-11 ... cotyledons are significantly elongated

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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To determine whether the sucrose rescue effect only occurs at the time of germination, when cell cycle genes were already activated in elo3 mutant, we germinated elo3-14 without supplemented sugar, then transferred the growth arrested small elo3 seedlings to sucrose-containing medium at different time points. In the small elo3 seedlings that were grown on MS medium for up to 7 days, limited root elongation and cotyledon greening could be observed 1–2 days after the transfer. One week after the transfer, they were able to develop elongated cotyledons and the first pair of true leaves

Skylar A, Matsuwaka S, Wu X - ELONGATA3 is required for shoot meristem cell cycle progression in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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sex1-1 ... photosynthetic rate ... was unaffected by the GA treatment

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Profiling of GA levels revealed a reduced metabolic flow to biologically active GAs (Yamaguchi, 2008; Hedden and Thomas, 2012), especially GA4 and GA7 ... sex1-1

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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GA4 level significantly increased at the end of day in the wild type

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Arabidopsis mutants ... defective in ... starch ... degradation ... starch excess4 ... sex4-3 ... are dwarf

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Although the amount of carbohydrates was unchanged in pgm ... the level of starvation was lower in these plants when grown at 200 μmol m2 s−1

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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sex4-3 ... reduced sugar content at night

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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sex1-1 ... reduced sugar content at night

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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pgm ... photosynthetic rate ... was unaffected by the GA treatment

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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In sex1-1, GA treatment caused a reduction in the level of starch

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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grown at 200 μmol m2 s−1 ... no significant differences were found in the GA content of wild-type ... and sex1-1 plants at the end of the day (Figure 5C), and only a moderately lower GA level was detected ... at the end of the night

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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in pgm, GAs significantly reduced Glc ... levels (see Supplemental Figure 3A online), suggesting a higher use of these carbohydrates to fuel GA-induced leaf expansion during the day

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Although the amount of carbohydrates was unchanged in ... sex1-1 ... the level of starvation was lower in these plants when grown at 200 μmol m2 s−1

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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When grown at twice the normal light intensity ... pgm ... reached a size close to that of the wild type

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Profiling of GA levels revealed a reduced metabolic flow to biologically active GAs (Yamaguchi, 2008; Hedden and Thomas, 2012), especially GA4 and GA7, in ... pgm

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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When grown at twice the normal light intensity ... sex1-1 reached a size close to that of the wild type

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Arabidopsis mutants ... defective in ... starch synthesis ... phosphoglucomutase ... pgm ... are dwarf

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Arabidopsis mutants ... defective in ... starch ... degradation ... starch excess1 ... sex1-1 ... are dwarf

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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in the wild type ... the level of GAs also was higher at the end of the day

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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in pgm, GAs significantly reduced ... Suc levels (see Supplemental Figure 3A online), suggesting a higher use of these carbohydrates to fuel GA-induced leaf expansion during the day

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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A significant reduction in KS expression was observed in the KSi plants (see Supplemental Figure 7B online), correlating with the rosette diameter (Figure 3B), thus indicating that decreased KS expression to the level observed in pgm and sex1-1 results in a comparable reduction in rosette size

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Arabidopsis mutants ... defective in ... starch synthesis ... ADP glucose phosphorylase1 ... adg1-1 ... are dwarf

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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plants grown at 200 μmol m2 s−1 ... no significant differences were found in the GA content of wild-type, pgm ... at the end of the day (Figure 5C), and only a moderately lower GA level was detected in pgm ... at the end of the night

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Exogenous GAs supplied to ... sex1-1 increased fresh weight, but not dry weight

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Arabidopsis mutants ... defective in ... starch ... degradation ... like sex four ... lsf1-1 ... are dwarf

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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we kept a batch of wild-type plants under normal day/night conditions (Figure 6A), while a second batch of plants was exposed to low light for 1 d, followed by two additional days under normal day/night conditions ... leaf elongation at night (Figures 6C and 6D) was reduced during the second night in low-light-treated plants

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Exogenous GAs supplied to pgm ... increased fresh weight, but not dry weight

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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In sex1-1, GA treatment caused a ... slight ... increase in ... fructose

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Lower kaurene content ... was detected in ... sex1-1 ... which was consistent with ... lower KS expression

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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GA4 level significantly increased at the end of day in the wild type (see Supplemental Figures 5 and 6 online), this was not the case in pgm

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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Lower kaurene content ... was detected in pgm ... which was consistent with ... lower KS expression

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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In sex1-1, GA treatment caused a ... slight ... increase in sucrose

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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KS RNA interference (RNAi) lines (hereafter, KSi) were studied. All of the KSi lines showed a dwarf phenotype

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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We then wanted to know whether leaf expansion boosted by exogenous GAs (Figures 1B and 1C) had an impact on carbon allocation, and we found that GA treatment had a negligible effect on the wild type

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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GA4 level significantly increased at the end of day in the wild type (see Supplemental Figures 5 and 6 online), this was not the case in ... sex1-1

Paparelli E, Parlanti S, Gonzali S, Novi G, Mariotti L, Ceccarelli N, van Dongen JT, Kölling K, Zeeman SC, Perata P - Nighttime sugar starvation orchestrates gibberellin biosynthesis and plant growth in Arabidopsis

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The abcg9–2 mutant showed 30% lower levels of 24–methylene cholesterol compared to the wild-type

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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cotyledon vascular pattern ... The single mutants also differed significantly with respect to the loss of complexity. The abcg11–7 line displayed the least complex vascular system (only 38% of the venation patterns were between classes III and V)

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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The double mutants abcg9–1abcg14–1 and abcg9–2abcg14–1 displayed a more complex venation pattern than the wild-type (with respectively 100 and 96%, of the cotyledon vascular pattern between classes III and V

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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Quantification of fatty acids (from 16:0 to 18:0) as well as VLCFAs (from 20:0 to 24:0) in apical parts of abcg9–2 ... revealed no differences compared to wild-type levels

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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abcg11–7 homozygous plants showed ... unexpanded fused leaves

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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The general phenotype of the various mutant lines was assessed in both 20-day-old and 4-week-old plants grown in soil ... the double mutants abcg9–1 abcg14–1 (Figure 3j,n and Figure S1d) and abcg9–2 abcg14–1 (Figure 3k,n and Figure S1d) displayed a stronger phenotype (27 and 59% smaller than the wild-type, respectively) than the single mutants

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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Whereas many neutral amino acids were significantly depleted in ... and abcg14–1 aerial tissues ... eight out of 20 neutral amino acids

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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only two amino acids (glutamine and glutamate) associated with Arabidopsis phloem cells (Schad et al., 2005) were different in abcg11–7

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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Strikingly, abcg11-7 plants carrying the mutation in ABCG11 gene in a heterozygous state were 32% smaller than the wild-type plants, on average

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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campesterol showed a 50% increase in the abcg11–7 mutant

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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cotyledon vascular pattern ... The single mutants also differed significantly with respect to the loss of complexity ... abcg9–2

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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cotyledon vascular pattern ... In addition to the reduced vascular complexity in abcg11 homozygous and heterozygous mutants, the presence of open vascular loops indicated a defect in vascular continuity

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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It has previously been shown that, when the cuticle is altered, toluidine blue (TB) permeates the epidermal surface (Tanaka et al., 2004). Therefore, we used TB to check for cuticle defects in the mutants. After treatment with TB, no staining was observed in ... abcg9–2

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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It has previously been shown that, when the cuticle is altered, toluidine blue (TB) permeates the epidermal surface ... abcg11–7 homozygous seedlings showed patches of blue staining, confirming the cuticle alteration previously described

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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To extend this analysis, measurements of conjugated sterols [sterol ester (SE), sterol glucoside and acylated sterol glucoside] were also performed. When seedlings were grown in vitro, no difference in the sterol glucoside and acylated sterol glucoside contents was detected between the wild-type and the various mutant lines (Figure S4d). However, there was a tendency towards a reduced SE content in the double mutant abcg9–2 abcg14–1 compared to the wild-type

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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Finally, abcg9-2abcg11-7abcg14-1 mutants displayed a stronger phenotype than abcg11–7 heterozygous plants (Figure 3l,n), suggesting that these mutations are additive. Moreover, the triple homozygous mutants were as small as the abcg11–7 homozygous plants and displayed the same developmental abnormalities

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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Whereas many neutral amino acids were significantly depleted in abcg9–2 ... aerial tissues (nine ... out of 20 neutral amino acids

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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In the abcg14–1 mutant, 50 and 35% decreases of 24–methylene cholesterol and sitosterol levels were measured, respectively

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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In both shoots (Figure 7a–c) and roots (Figure S4a–c), homozygous abcg11–7 ... exhibited very different metabolomic profiles from the wild-type ... Interestingly, the heterozygous abcg11–7/+ ... had metabolomic profiles intermediate between the wild-type and their respective homozygous mutant plants ... the metabolites identified as being significantly different from the wild-type belonged to three main classes: amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids/sterols. The levels of these compounds were ... in excess in abcg11–7

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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The general phenotype of the various mutant lines was assessed in both 20-day-old and 4-week-old plants grown in soil (Figure 3a–n). Under these conditions, no clear phenotypic divergence from wild-type was observed for the weak allele abcg14–1

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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Quantification of fatty acids (from 16:0 to 18:0) as well as VLCFAs (from 20:0 to 24:0) in apical parts of ... abcg14–1 seedlings revealed no differences compared to wild-type levels

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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It has previously been shown that, when the cuticle is altered, toluidine blue (TB) permeates the epidermal surface (Tanaka et al., 2004). Therefore, we used TB to check for cuticle defects in the mutants. After treatment with TB, no staining was observed in ... abcg14–1

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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On the other hand, the abcg11–7 homozygous plants showed severe morphological abnormalities similar to previously described abcg11 alleles (Bird et al., 2007; Luo et al., 2007; Panikashvili et al., 2007; Ukitsu et al., 2007). They were dwarf

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose, xylose were significantly different in ... abcg11–7

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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In both shoots (Figure 7a–c) and roots (Figure S4a–c), homozygous ... abcg9–1, abcg9–2 ... exhibited very different metabolomic profiles from the wild-type ... heterozygous ... abcg9–2/+ plants had metabolomic profiles intermediate between the wild-type and their respective homozygous mutant plants ... the metabolites identified as being significantly different from the wild-type belonged to three main classes: amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids/sterols. The levels of these compounds were almost all reduced in abcg9–2

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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The general phenotype of the various mutant lines was assessed in both 20-day-old and 4-week-old plants grown in soil ... mild phenotype was observed for the single mutant abcg9–2 (10% smaller than the wild-type)

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose, xylose were significantly different in abg9–2

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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abcg9-2abcg11-7abcg14-1 mutants ... the cotyledons of the triple mutant displayed a significantly less complex vascular system than that of the single mutants

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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Xylose and the non-reducing sugars trehalose and raffinose were also decreased in abcg14–1

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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both shoots (Figure 7a–c) and roots (Figure S4a–c), homozygous ... abcg14–1 mutants exhibited very different metabolomic profiles from the wild-type ... by comparing their retention indices and mass spectra with entries in publicly available retention libraries (Schauer et al., 2005). For all the genotypes analyzed, the metabolites identified as being significantly different from the wild-type belonged to three main classes: amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids/sterols. The levels of these compounds were almost all reduced in ... abcg14–1

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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cotyledon vascular pattern ... The single mutants also differed significantly with respect to the loss of complexity ... abcg14–1

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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It has previously been shown that, when the cuticle is altered, toluidine blue (TB) permeates the epidermal surface (Tanaka et al., 2004). Therefore, we used TB to check for cuticle defects in the mutants. After treatment with TB, no staining was observed in ... abcg11/+

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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This observation prompted us to examine variations in the SE content in older plants (4-week-old plants grown in soil in the greenhouse). At this developmental stage, no difference in the free sterol (FS) content was observed between the wild-type and the various mutant lines (Figure 7d), but the fraction comprising FS and SE was significantly reduced, probably accounting for the difference in the SE content between the wild-type and the abcg9–2 abcg14–1 double mutant

Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H, Tellier F, Robert S, Morin H, Bako L, Bellini C - ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis

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a clear decrease in final leaf area was observed after transient RBR suppression

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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However, the FPSII values [a measure of the proportion of light absorbed by chlorophyll associated with photosystem II (PSII) that is used for photochemistry; Maxwell and Johnson, 2000; ] were decreased in the RBR-suppressed leaves at all irradiances from 200 to 1200 µmol m-2 sec-1 (Figure 6a). When the different incident irradiance on the leaves was taken into account, this difference was even more marked, with the induced RBRRNAi leaves showing a significantly (P < 0.05) lower efficiency of electron transport through photosystem II

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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With respect to the epidermal cell phenotype, quantitative analysis of the cell area distribution indicated that the induced RBRRNAi leaves contained a higher relative frequency of smaller cells than observed in control leaves at both 21 and 40 DAS (Figure 1g–j). Statistical analysis (non-parametric test) indicated that the distribution of areas of epidermal cells in the induced RBRRNAi leaves was significantly different from that in controls at both 21 and 40 DAS

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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MicroCT analysis of the pFAMA::RBRRNAi leaves indicated no significant difference in porosity distribution between induced and non-induced leaves along either the vertical axis (Figure 7i) or the horizontal axis

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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in the induced RBRRNAi and control leaves ... Analysis of anthocyanin content (an indicator of the light stress response) also did not reveal any significant difference between samples in response to high irradiance

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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Figure 4 shows an analysis of the porosity (relative amount of air space to total volume) of leaf 8 for both WT plants (treated and non-treated) and RBRRNAi plants (induced and non-induced) derived from microCT analyses of seven samples per treatment. Considering first the porosity along the vertical axis from the leaf adaxial surface to the abaxial surface, there was a small peak just below the adaxial surface for treated and non-treated WT leaves (Figure 4a), but the overall trend was for increasing porosity towards the abaxial surface, with no significant difference between induced and non-induced leaves. For the RBRRNAi leaves, the porosity along the vertical axis was generally higher for the treated leaves than for non-treated leaves, and this difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05) in the abaxial region of the leaf (where spongy mesophyll differentiation normally occurs

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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When the porosity along the horizontal axis (across the leaf lamina from the mid-vein towards the margin) was analysed, there was no significant difference between treated and non-treated WT leaves as the distance from the mid-vein increased (Figure 4c). However, analysis of the RBRRNAi samples indicated a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the treated and non-treated samples in a region distant from the mid-vein, with the induced RBRRNAi leaves having an increased porosity (Figure 4d). The porosity analysis gives a measure of the relative amount of air space to the total volume of the leaf. The datasets may also be interrogated for mean pore size, which indicates how this air space is divided within the tissue. This analysis revealed that there was an increase in relatively large pores (> 0.5 mm for the vertical axis and > 0.3 mm for the horizontal axis) in the induced RBRRNAi leaves compared with WT (Figure 4e,f

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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Analysis of the leaf epidermis indicated accumulation of smaller cells ... in DEX-treated RBRRNAi plants

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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When the photosynthetic assimilation rates of the samples under different irradiances were compared, there was no evidence of a deleterious effect on CO2 assimilation following suppression of RBR, with the induced RBR leaves showing mean assimilation rates comparable to those measured in the other treatments

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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To validate these data, we analysed a series of cleared atagp19 and wild-type leaves using differential interference contrast microscopy, and manually outlined cells and air spaces. Visual analysis of these images (Figure 8e,f) suggested a clear difference between the two genotypes, with the atagp19 images showing smaller cells and more air spaces

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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the induced RBRRNAi leaves showed higher values for non-photochemical quenching associated with absorbed light not used for photochemistry at photosynthetically active photon flux densities of 600 µmol m-2 sec-1 and below

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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we created transgenic plants in which expression of the RBRRNAi construct was under the control of the inducible pFAMA promoter ... When the induced and non-induced mature leaves were analysed for their ability to assimilate carbon dioxide (Figure 7e) and their intercellular CO2 concentration (Figure 7f), no significant different was observed under any of the three irradiance levels tested, comparable to the results observed in the induced RBRRNAi leaves

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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when the change in stomatal conductance was compared over a range of irradiance levels (Figure 7h), the induced pFAMA::RBRRNAi leaves showed a significantly (P < 0.05) lower rate of change of conductance with decreasing irradiance, suggesting an impairment in the stomatal response to altered irradiance

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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the mean mesophyll cell size in the atagp19 mutant was significantly smaller (P < 0.05) than for wild-type tissue

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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Analysis of leaf stomatal conductance (Figure 5c) indicated that, under standard growth irradiance (200 µmol m-2 sec-1), the induced RBRRNAi leaves had a slightly increased conductance compared with both non-induced RBRRNAi leaves and WT treated and non-treated leaves. When the irradiance was increased (400 µmol m-2 sec-1) this difference in conductance became significant (P < 0.05), with the induced RBRRNAi leaves showing a higher conductance. Under very high irradiance levels (1250 µmol m-2 sec-1), the induced RBRRNAi leaves showed a higher conductance compared with non-induced RBRRNAi leaves, but the variance was such that this difference was not significant compared with WT leaves

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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occurrence of aberrant stomata ... in DEX-treated RBRRNAi plants

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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we created transgenic plants in which expression of the RBRRNAi construct was under the control of the inducible pFAMA promoter ... Analysis of stomatal conductance also did not reveal any significant difference between induced and non-induced leaves at any irradiance level

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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when the pore size distribution was analysed, a significant difference along the vertical axis was observed between the atagp19 mutant and control leaves. In particular, there was a loss of relatively large pores (0.45–0.55 mm) and an increase in the frequency of relatively small pores (<0.05 mm) (Figure 8c). A decrease in the frequency of relatively large pores was also measured along the horizontal leaf axis, but no significant change in the frequency of smaller pores was noted

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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To investigate whether the changes in cellular architecture in the induced RBRRNAi leaves altered light absorption, we measured this parameter in induced and control leaves. The results indicated that the induced RBRRNAi leaves had a higher reflectance and higher transmission of light, leading to overall significantly (P < 0.05) lower percentage of light absorbance, with a mean total light absorption of 86% in control leaves compared with 80% in the induced RBRRNAi leaves (Figure 6d). Total white light absorption in the RBR-suppressed leaves was therefore approximately 93% that of control leaves

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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Although a tendency for increased intercellular CO2 concentration was observed with the DEX-treated RBRRNAi leaves (Figure 5b), this was not statistically significant in any individual comparison

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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an increase in stomatal density ... in DEX-treated RBRRNAi plants

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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we measured bulk chlorophyll levels in the induced RBRRNAi and control leaves. These results indicated no significant difference in chlorophyll level per tissue fresh weight in the induced RBRRNAi leaves relative to controls

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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we analysed an atagp19 knockout mutant by microCT. Analysis of porosity along both the vertical axis (adaxial to abaxial surface) (Figure 8a) and the horizontal axis (across the leaf from the mid-vein) (Figure 8b) revealed no significant difference relative to the WT control

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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With respect to the palisade mesophyll, there was no significant difference in mean cell area at the end of the experiment (Figure 1n), although there was a tendency for smaller cells to be present in the induced RBRRNAi leaves (Figure 1m). When a similar analysis was performed at 21 DAS (i.e. 6 days after induction, Figure 1a), the palisade cells in the induced RBRRNAi leaves showed an accumulation of smaller cells that were not apparent in controls (Figure 1k,l), and this difference was significant at the 0.01% confidence limit by non-parametric analysis

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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we created transgenic plants in which expression of the RBRRNAi construct was under the control of the inducible pFAMA promoter ... Analysis of the induced leaves revealed the presence of abnormal stomata and stomatal clusters

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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MicroCT analysis of earlier developmental stages of leaf 8 revealed a gradual increase in porosity over time. As shown in Figure S3, at 28 and 35 DAS (16 and 23 days post-induction), the pattern of porosity across the adaxial/abaxial axis of the young leaf was similar to that observed in the mature leaf (40 DAS), but the absolute levels of porosity were lower. For example, the upper mesophyll cells had a mean porosity at 28 DAS of < 15%, whereas this had increased to almost 25% by 40 DAS. Analysis of leaf 8 at 21 DAS (6 days post-induction) revealed virtually no air space under any conditions, and thus very low porosity throughout the leaf, but our analysis of the cell division pattern (Figure 1) indicated clear changes in the induced RBRRNAi plants by this time point. Thus, the change in air space distribution (porosity) occurred at some time point after the change in cell division pattern

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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DEX-treated RBRRNAi leaves ... Analysis of the integrity of the photosynthetic apparatus revealed no difference between the treatments and genotypes, with an Fv/Fm value of approximately 0.8 in all treatments (as also suggested by maintenance of the carbon assimilation rates

Dorca-Fornell C, Pajor R, Lehmeier C, Pérez-Bueno M, Bauch M, Sloan J, Osborne C, Rolfe S, Sturrock C, Mooney S, Fleming A - Increased leaf mesophyll porosity following transient retinoblastoma-related protein silencing is revealed by microcomputed tomography imaging and leads to a system-level physiological response to the altered cell division pattern

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disruption of PDAT1 in the tgd1–1 background resulted in ... aberrant leaf morphology

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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There were also 2.3-fold and 1.4-fold increases in the DAG level in developing leaves and flowers, respectively, in tgd1–1 pdat1–2 relative to tgd1–1

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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To investigate whether this is also the case in plants, detached developing leaves of single and double mutants were incubated in solutions containing various FFAs for 24 h in the light at 22°C ... developing leaves of the pdat1–2 single mutant also showed increased susceptibility to 18:1

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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To investigate whether this is also the case in plants, detached developing leaves of single and double mutants were incubated in solutions containing various FFAs for 24 h in the light at 22°C. As shown in Figure 8(a), while tgd1–1 and tgd1–1 dgat1–1 leaves remained largely normal in appearance after treatment with 2.5 mm 18:1, incubation with the same concentration of 18:1 led to severe chlorosis in developing leaves of tgd1–1 pdat1–2. Compared with 18:1, polyunsaturated FAs such as 18:2 are apparently more destructive, causing small chlorotic lesions, particularly at the leaf edge, even in tgd1–1 and tgd1–1 dgat1–1 and a severe bleaching phenotype in tgd1–1 pdat1–2 at a much lower concentration

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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In comparison, the tgd1–1 dgat1–1 double mutant showed a less pronounced decrease in the TAG level in developing leaves (34%) and flowers (25%), but a more severe decrease in the TAG content in mature (51%) and senescing (59%) leaves

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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the tgd1–1 pdat1–2 double mutant showed a 65% decrease in TAG in developing leaves and a 59% decrease in flowers, but only 27% in mature leaves and 21% in senescing leaves

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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there were limited changes in the FA profiles of TAG in tgd1–1 dgat1–1

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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Ultrastructural analysis using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that, in contrast to minute oil droplet-like structures in tgd1–1 (Figure 2c) and tgd1–1 dgat1–1 (Figure S2b), over-expression of PDAT1 in tgd1–1 led to accumulation of large cytosolic oil droplets (Figure 2d). No oil droplets were observed in wild-type and tgd1–1 pdat1–2

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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detached developing leaves were incubated with either 18:1/18:1 DAG or the more water-soluble short-chain 8:0/8:0 DAG. Compared with controls, treatment with 18:1/18:1 or 8:0/8:0 DAG did not induce any visible phenotype in tgd1–1 ... even after extended incubation for 3 days

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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the tgd1–1 pdat1–2 double mutant showed significant increases in levels of PC and PE compared with tgd1–1 (Figure 6). The FA composition of major membrane lipids was also altered. Notably, there were substantial increases in 18:1 across all lipid species examined (Figure S5), particularly PC and PE. In PC, the increase in 18:1 was accompanied by decreases in 18:0 and 18:3; In PE, there was a decrease in 18:2. There were substantial decreases in 16:3 in digalactosyldiacylglycerol and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol

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This analysis showed a 3.8-fold increase in the rate of FAS in tgd1–1 relative to that in wild-type

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no significant increase in TAG content was observed in transgenic lines over-expressing DGAT1

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Similar to what has been observed in young rosette leaves (Li et al., 2011), 16:0 and 18:3 were the most abundant FFA in developing leaves of tgd1–1, followed by 18:2 and 18:0

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the leaves of tgd1–1 pdat1–2 plants grown under aseptic conditions often displayed spontaneous necrotic lesions (Figure 3b). After transfer to soil, approximately 10% of 3-week-old tgd1–1 pdat1–2 seedlings (35/378) died within 2 weeks. Those that survived often displayed the necrotic phenotype that appeared during leaf expansion (Figure 3c). The necrotic lesions in the emerging leaves did not appear to increase substantially in size during leaf maturation (Figure 3c,d

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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Disruption of DGAT1 ... did not lead to substantial changes in FFA composition in tgd1–1

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Similar to TAG from developing leaves of tgd1–1 (Figure 1b), TAG from PDAT1 over-expressing lines was highly enriched in polyunsaturated FAs, particularly 18:2 and 18:3

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We next tested whether over-expression of PDAT1 alters the performance of tgd1–1 following challenge with exogenous FAs. To this end, developing leaves of tgd1–1 and two independent transgenic lines over-expressing PDAT1 in the tgd1–1 background were incubated with 18:1. Treatment with 2.5 mm 18:1 for 36 h led to a severe bleaching phenotype, and no obvious difference in appearance was observed between tgd1–1 and PDAT1 over-expressors

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detached developing leaves were incubated with either 18:1/18:1 DAG or the more water-soluble short-chain 8:0/8:0 DAG. Compared with controls, treatment with 18:1/18:1 or 8:0/8:0 DAG did not induce any visible phenotype in ... tgd1 pdat1–2 even after extended incubation for 3 days

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we analyzed tissue-specific and development-related variations in TAG content in the tgd1–1 mutant. On a dry weight basis, the amounts of TAG were approximately three- and tenfold higher in developing leaves than in mature and senescing leaves, respectively

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Compared with tgd1–1 ... tgd1–1 pdat1–2 showed decreased levels of 18:0 with corresponding increases in 16:0

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disruption of PDAT1 in the tgd1–1 background resulted in ... premature primary shoot meristem arrest

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quantification of the total amounts of FAs in developing leaves of 5-week-old plants by gas chromatography revealed no substantial difference between wild-type (5.26 ± 0.67 mg g-1 FW, n = 3) and tgd1–1 (4.65 ± 0.24 mg g-1 FW, n = 3), suggesting that the rate of FA breakdown in tgd1–1 increases in proportion to FAS

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while no substantial difference was noted between tgd1–1 and tgd1–1 pdat1–2, over-expression of PDAT1 resulted in a marked decrease in the rate of labeled FA degradation in tgd1–1

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In contrast to tgd1–1 pdat1–2, the increases in amounts of FFA and DAG in developing leaves and flowers of tgd1–1 dgat1–1 were much less pronounced, despite the substantial decrease in TAG content in tgd1–1 dgat1–1

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The adult tgd1–1 pdat1–2 plants were severely reduced in stature, showing a bushy, compact appearance

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Analysis of TAG content in developing leaves of 5-week-old soil-grown plants showed up to fivefold increases in three independent transgenic lines over-expressing PDAT1 compared with tgd1–1

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tgd1–1 dgat1–1 plants were visually indistinguishable from tgd1–1

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Compared with tgd1–1, the tgd1–1 pdat1–2 double mutant had a 1.8-fold increase in FFA content in developing leaves and a 2.3-fold increase in FFA in flowers

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Disruption of ... PDAT1 did not lead to substantial changes in FFA composition in tgd1–1

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detached developing leaves were pulsed with 14C-acetate for 1 h, and changes in the amount of total label in FAs were then followed for 3 days. The results showed a 3.3-fold higher mean rate of labeled FA degradation in tgd1–1 (20% per day) compared with wild-type (6% per day)

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disruption of PDAT1 in the tgd1–1 background resulted in pleiotropic phenotypes, including severe growth retardation compared with tgd1–1

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disruption of PDAT1 in tgd1–1 also resulted in a marked increase in the proportions of saturated FAs at the expense of polyunsaturated acyl chains in TAG from developing leaves (Figure 1b) and flowers (Figure S1a) compared with tgd1–1

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Compared with tgd1–1 ... tgd1–1 dgat1–1 ... showed decreased levels of 18:0 with corresponding increases in 16:0

Fan J, Yan C, Xu C - Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase-mediated triacylglycerol biosynthesis is crucial for protection against fatty acid-induced cell death in growing tissues of Arabidopsis

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detached developing leaves were incubated with either 18:1/18:1 DAG or the more water-soluble short-chain 8:0/8:0 DAG. Compared with controls, treatment with 18:1/18:1 or 8:0/8:0 DAG did not induce any visible phenotype in ... tgd1–1 dgat1–1 ... even after extended incubation for 3 days

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95.7% of the p35S::TCP3SRDX plants developed wavy leaves

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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95.7% of the p35S::TCP3SRDX plants developed ... irregular cotyledon vasculature

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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24.2% of the p35S::mTCP3 plants formed fused cotyledons, leading to early death within 4 days after germination

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Analysis of young mTCP3 ... transgenic plants revealed diverse phenotypes ... such as ... defects in vascular patterning

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Analysis of young mTCP3 seedlings confirmed the fused cotelydon phenotype described by Koyama et al. (2007

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The tt4-11 cotyledons developed a vascular pattern (Figure 5g) similar to that seen in wild-type cotyledons

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the flavonol level of p35S::TCP3SRDX plants (Figure 2d,g,j,m) was similar to that of wild-type seedlings

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p35S::mTCP3 plants produced smaller ... leaves without an obvious distinction between the leaf petiole and the leaf lamina

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adult tt4-11 plants exhibited slightly reduced plant height

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Analysis of young mTCP3 ... transgenic plants revealed diverse phenotypes ... such as ... reduced apical dominance, bushy architecture

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transgenic plants expressing p35S::mTCP3 displayed a bushy stature with reduced apical dominance, and developed a mean of 29 shoots of similar length at maturity (Figure 1m), in contrast to seven and nine shoots for wild-type and p35S::TCP3SRDX-expressing plants, respectively

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Analysis of young mTCP3 ... transgenic plants revealed diverse phenotypes ... such as altered leaf phyllotaxy

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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developing bigger leaves ... with wavy margins ... p35S::TCP3SRDX-expressing plants

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Vascular breaks were also observed for the first true leaf expressing p35S::mTCP3

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mTCP3/tt4-11 plants resembled the tt4-11 mutant (Figure 5b,e,h and Figures S7e,k and S8e–h), and auxin-related defects, such as altered phyllotaxy, abnormal leaf vasculature and a bushy appearance caused by reduced apical dominance, were not observed. These results imply that TCP3 regulates the auxin response by positively modulating flavonoid biosynthesis

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Analysis of young mTCP3 ... transgenic plants revealed diverse phenotypes ... such as ... reduced organ size

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In contrast to the regular vascular patterns observed in wild-type cotyledons (Figure 1d), p35S::mTCP3 and p35S::TCP3SRDX transgenic cotyledons developed irregular vascular xylem strands

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Wild-type and p35S::TCP3SRDX transgenic plants formed a spiral phyllotaxy, with an angle of 137.5° between the leaf initials (Figure 1a,c). In contrast, 65.0% of the p35S::mTCP3 plants showed decussate phyllotaxy, whereby each pair of leaves formed a 90° angle with the previous pair

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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p35S::mTCP3 plants produced ... dark-green leaves

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developing bigger leaves ... p35S::TCP3SRDX-expressing plants

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p35S::TCP3SRDX-expressing plants also formed irregular bulges on the adaxial side of leaves

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Anthocyanin contents were not significantly affected in p35S::TCP3SRDX seedlings but were ninefold enhanced in p35S::mTCP3 seedlings compared to wild-type

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Expression of TCP3SRDX in the tt4-11 mutant (TCP3SRDX/tt4-11) showed additive effects, such as wavy leaf margins

Li S, Zachgo S - TCP3 interacts with R2R3-MYB proteins, promotes flavonoid biosynthesis and negatively regulates the auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The Fv/Fm ratio reflects the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII photochemistry. As shown in Figure 3, PSII activity was significantly lower in thf1 (0.09 ± 0.03) than clpR4-3 (0.28 ± 0.05) or WT (0.45 ± 0.02) after exposure to high light for 6 h

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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Yellow leaves from ... sot7 had smaller chloroplasts

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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80-1 is another thf1 suppressor line that we identified from the EMS-mutagenized seeds, and displays ... slow growth

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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Yellow leaves from 47-2 ... had ... less thylakoid membrane than those from WT

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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To investigate whether clpR4-3 was able to suppress var2 leaf variegation, we generated the clpR4-3 var2 double mutant by crossing clpR4-3 with var2. Our results showed that clpR4-3 var2 displayed virescence as clpR4-3

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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47-2 displays pleiotropic phenotypes, such as ... serrated leaves

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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Yellow leaves from 47-2 ... had smaller chloroplasts

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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translational activity in clpR4-3 was assessed by the ribosomal association of plastidic mRNAs, rbcL and psbA following sucrose gradient fractionation. The proportion of polysomes associated with unassociated transcripts allows estimation of the efficiency of translation initiation and elongation (Barkan, 1993). Analysis of polysome profiles showed that the peaks of rbcL and psbA transcripts were obviously shifted to lighter fractions in the mutants (Figure S4), suggesting that plastid translation is indeed impaired in the clpR4-3 mutants

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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80-1 is another thf1 suppressor line that we identified from the EMS-mutagenized seeds, and displays phenotypes of leaf virescence

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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the plastids in the yellow sector of thf1 leaves had many membranous vesicles

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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Fv/Fm values of 47-2 were between those of the single thf1 and clpR4-3 mutants. Likewise, clpR4-3 and 47-2 showed faster recovery of Fv/Fm than thf1 in the dark, but did not reach the WT value

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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Analysis of the chlorophyll content demonstrated that sot7 ... contained about 43% of the WT chlorophyll content in young leaves, reaching about 65% of WT in mature leaves

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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clpR4-3 var2 ... grew more slowly than the var2 and clpR4-3 single mutants

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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47-2 displays pleiotropic phenotypes, such as ... smaller plant body than the wild-type

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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Analysis of the chlorophyll content demonstrated that ... 47-2 ... contained about 43% of the WT chlorophyll content in young leaves, reaching about 65% of WT in mature leaves

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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ultrastructural change in the chloroplasts observed during 47-2 ... leaf greening ... The ultrastructural difference between WT and 47-2 or sot7 disappeared when the leaf turned green

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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ultrastructural change in the chloroplasts observed during ... sot7 leaf greening ... The ultrastructural difference between WT and 47-2 or sot7 disappeared when the leaf turned green

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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47-2 displays pleiotropic phenotypes, such as virescent ... leaves

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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Yellow leaves from ... sot7 had ... less thylakoid membrane than those from WT

Wu W, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Sun Y, Quan Q, Li P, Hu P, Shi T, Lo C, Chu IK, Huang J - Proteomic evidence for genetic epistasis: ClpR4 mutations switch leaf variegation to virescence in Arabidopsis

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ale1-4 pdf2-2 mutants ... In most seedlings, cotyledons were deformed

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FLAG–PDF2 fusions were generated under the control of the PDF1 promoter ... in extreme cases, showed ... epinastic curling

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pdf2-2 single mutant seedlings ... showed toluidine blue permeability comparable to that in acr4-2 and ale1-4 mutants

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acr4-2 atml1-3 double mutant seedlings produced cotyledons in non-opposite positions

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atml1-3 single mutant seedlings showed toluidine blue permeability comparable to that in acr4-2 and ale1-4 mutants

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FLAG–PDF2 fusions were generated under the control of the PDF1 promoter ... in extreme cases ... spiralling

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In addition, the seedlings of ale1-4 pdf2-2 mutants were rarely normal ... Of 230 seedlings examined ... 23% having only one cotyledon

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More than 50% of acr4-2 pdf2-2 (from segregating populations) ... produced cotyledons in non-opposite positions

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In addition, the seedlings of ale1-4 pdf2-2 mutants were rarely normal. Of 230 seedlings examined, only 20% resembled ale1-4 seedlings, with 17% having three cotyledons

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ale1-4 pdf2-2 mutants ... Viable seedlings were highly permeable to toluidine blue compared to single mutants or wild-type

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acr4-2 mutants show slightly increased toluidine blue permeability of cotyledons and leaves compared with wild-type

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increased levels (approximately 8%) of monocotyledony were observed in acr4-2 pdf2 seedlings

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FLAG–PDF2 fusions were generated under the control of the PDF1 promoter ... production of narrow leaves

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The progeny of acr4-2 atml1-3 double mutants showed a slight increase in toluidine blue permeability, but values were not statistically significant compared to either single mutant

San-Bento R, Farcot E, Galletti R, Creff A, Ingram G - Epidermal identity is maintained by cell-cell communication via a universally active feedback loop in Arabidopsis thaliana

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many mis-shapen seeds were produced, particularly in pdf2-2 mutant plants additionally heterozygous for atml1-3 (Figure S2). When self-seed from these plants was germinated, we observed a high proportion of abnormal but viable seedlings (62%, n = 312), which, when tested, were always of the parental genotype (n = 48). Abnormal seedlings were characterized by the production of small, lumpy cotyledons that did not expand normally

San-Bento R, Farcot E, Galletti R, Creff A, Ingram G - Epidermal identity is maintained by cell-cell communication via a universally active feedback loop in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ale1-4 pdf2-2 mutants ... In most seedlings, cotyledons ... showed dramatic notching in the distal margin

San-Bento R, Farcot E, Galletti R, Creff A, Ingram G - Epidermal identity is maintained by cell-cell communication via a universally active feedback loop in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ale1-4 pdf2-2 mutants ... In most seedlings, cotyledons ... produced in non-opposite positions

San-Bento R, Farcot E, Galletti R, Creff A, Ingram G - Epidermal identity is maintained by cell-cell communication via a universally active feedback loop in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The mitochondrial population of cls1 leaf cells appeared far more heterogeneous in size and aspect (Figures 5C to 5H). While a few cls1 mitochondria (roughly 2%) had size and shape similar to those of Col-0 mitochondria (Figure 5C), most (roughly 70%) were oblong

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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In parallel to TCA cycle derivatives, most amino acids were also more abundant in cls1 than in Col-0 plants, except Glu and Gln, which were not significantly different, and Asp, which was decreased. In particular, levels of photorespiratory Gly and Ser were markedly increased in the mutant

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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Neither the shape, size, and thylakoid organization of cls1 chloroplasts (Figure 5H) nor the endomembrane system (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, vacuoles) appeared to be affected in the mutant leaf cells

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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cls1 mutant develops an exaggerated and accelerated PCD

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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in cls1 ... Fumarate, the most abundant acid in Arabidopsis, synthesized in part by a cytoplasmic fumarase (Pracharoenwattana et al., 2010), was increased only marginally

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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a higher susceptibility of cls seedlings to light quantity

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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The frequency of dead cells increased in cls1 even after 2 h of treatment with UV-C light ... whereas there was no significant increase in Col-0. For later time points, dead cells increased both in Col-0 and cls1, but more rapidly and more intensively in the mutant. In the absence of treatments, the number of dead Col-0 and cls1 cells remained almost constant throughout the experiment

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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cls1 leaf cells ... giant mitochondria (roughly 28%) were observed, with a 2- to 6-µm-long axis

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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The mitochondrial population of cls1 leaf cells appeared far more heterogeneous in size and aspect (Figures 5C to 5H). While a few cls1 mitochondria (roughly 2%) had size and shape similar to those of Col-0 mitochondria (Figure 5C), most (roughly 70%) were oblong or asymmetrical

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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The glycolate:glycerate, Gly:Ser, and Ser:glycerate ratios were higher in cls1 than in Col-0 leaves, suggesting impairment of the photorespiratory cycle

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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When transferred to long-day (LD) conditions, most cls plantlets started to bleach and die

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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Homozygous cls mutants ... were able to develop under higher light intensity, ~80 µmol m-2 s-1, but under short-day (SD) conditions only, and they displayed a pale green phenotype

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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Similar observations were done in protoplasts isolated from young in vitro–grown seedlings (Figures 4G to 4N). In Col-0 protoplasts, MitoTracker Red revealed typical small punctate mitochondria with high contrast (Figures 4G and 4H), while labeling of both small punctate mitochondria and of large organelles (arrows) was observed in cls1 protoplasts

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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When transferred to soil in LD conditions under low light (<50 µmol m-2 s-1), only a few cls plantlets were able to survive and initiate the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. cls rosette plants developed inflorescence stems in synchrony with the wild type; however, the size of leaves and inflorescence stems was severely reduced

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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we examined the content of some of the main membrane lipids. The content of total polar lipids was similar between Col-0 and cls1, but phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) + PG increased by ~19% in the mutant and phosphatidylcholine by 40%, while phosphatidic acid decreased by 12%

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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we quantified CL content in Col-0 and cls1 by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC; see Methods). While the concentration of CL in Col-0 reached 34 ± 12 ng mg-1 fresh weight, no trace of CL could be detected in cls1 seedling lipids

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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The mitochondrial population of cls1 leaf cells appeared far more heterogeneous in size and aspect (Figures 5C to 5H). While a few cls1 mitochondria (roughly 2%) had size and shape similar to those of Col-0 mitochondria (Figure 5C), most (roughly 70% ... exhibited fewer cristae

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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in cls1 ... leaves ... marked limitation at the level of ... Gly decarboxylase activities

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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In addition to the accumulation of soluble sugars in cls1 plants, most TCA cycle intermediates were more abundant in the mutant than in Col-0

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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The level of CI/CIII in cls1 mitochondrial membranes also appeared low after NADH/NBT staining

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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in cls1 ... leaves ... marked limitation at the level of glycolate oxidase ... activities

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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in proteins solubilized by digitonin, which maintains the association of supercomplexes (Pineau et al., 2008), NAD9 was essentially incorporated into CI/CIII in Col-0, whereas such supercomplexes where hardly detectable in cls1

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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Col-0 and cls1 tissues were stained with the Nernst potential-sensitive markers MitoTracker Red and 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide [DiOC6(5)]. These two probes were used in parallel not only to explore complementary spectral domains but also to appreciate nonspecific binding (to lipids and waxes), which tends to be higher with DiOC6(5), even though it is a potential-sensitive dye, than with MitoTracker Red (Bourdon et al., 2012). Using confocal microscopy, we clearly identified active mitochondria in Col-0 leaf mesophyll (Figure 4A) and epidermal (Figure 4B) cells. Both markers gave comparable observations (the former fluoresces red and the latter green), the organelles were punctate (1 µm or less), sometimes fusiform, often mobile. Aggregation of mitochondria was occasionally observed in mesophyll cells (Figure 4A). In cls1, labeling similar to Col-0 was observed in mesophyll (Figure 4D) and epidermal (Figure 4E) cells; however, very small mitochondria appeared, while mitochondrial aggregates were more frequent in the mesophyll, and fivefold larger globular structures (considering their axes) were observed in labeled DiOC6(5) epidermal cells (Figure 4E). Using 10-N-nonyl acridine orange (NAO), which was initially described to specifically bind CLs in mitochondrial membranes (Petit et al., 1992), similar classes of structures appeared in Col-0 as with the other dyes (Figure 4C). Unexpectedly, mobile NAO+ mitochondria were also observed in cls1 epidermal cells and stomata, which also contain large globular mitochondria. Furthermore, in many cells of both genotypes (Col-0 and cls1), NAO strongly labeled other membranes

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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the balance of primary metabolites, examined by gas chromatography–time of flight–mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS; Figure 8), was markedly altered in cls1 as compared with Col-0 plants

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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Homozygous cls mutants were easily recognized when these lines were germinated in vitro on gelose medium under continuous light and very low intensity (30 µmol m-2 s-1). Indeed, a few days after germination, approximately one-quarter of the seedlings of the three lines exhibited a strong dwarf phenotype accompanied by particularly short and thick roots

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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The frequency of dead cells increased in cls1 even after 2 h of treatment with ... heat shock ... whereas there was no significant increase in Col-0. For later time points, dead cells increased both in Col-0 and cls1, but more rapidly and more intensively in the mutant. In the absence of treatments, the number of dead Col-0 and cls1 cells remained almost constant throughout the experiment

Pineau B, Bourge M, Marion J, Mauve C, Gilard F, Maneta-Peyret L, Moreau P, Satiat-Jeunemaître B, Brown SC, De Paepe R, Danon A - The importance of cardiolipin synthase for mitochondrial ultrastructure, respiratory function, plant development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis

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When seeds homozygous for the 35S:KAN1-GR transgene were germinated in the presence of dexamethasone both shoot and root meristems were arrested

Merelo P, Xie Y, Brand L, Ott F, Weigel D, Bowman JL, Heisler MG, Wenkel S - Genome-wide identification of KANADI1 target genes

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When seeds homozygous for the 35S:KAN1-GR transgene were germinated in the presence of dexamethasone ... no leaf primordia were produced

Merelo P, Xie Y, Brand L, Ott F, Weigel D, Bowman JL, Heisler MG, Wenkel S - Genome-wide identification of KANADI1 target genes

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When seeds homozygous for the 35S:KAN1-GR transgene were germinated in the presence of dexamethasone ... seedlings die a few weeks post germination

Merelo P, Xie Y, Brand L, Ott F, Weigel D, Bowman JL, Heisler MG, Wenkel S - Genome-wide identification of KANADI1 target genes

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The bri1-5 hat1 hat3 mutant displayed ... reduced ... leaf petiole length

Zhang D, Ye H, Guo H, Johnson A, Zhang M, Lin H, Yin Y - Transcription factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates brassinosteroid repressed gene expression in Arabidopsis

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The bri1-5 hat1 hat3 mutant displayed ... curlier ... leaves

Zhang D, Ye H, Guo H, Johnson A, Zhang M, Lin H, Yin Y - Transcription factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates brassinosteroid repressed gene expression in Arabidopsis

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transgenic plants that over-expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-coupled HAT1–GFP under the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (HAT1OX) displayed ... narrower leaf blades

Zhang D, Ye H, Guo H, Johnson A, Zhang M, Lin H, Yin Y - Transcription factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates brassinosteroid repressed gene expression in Arabidopsis

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The bri1-5 hat1 hat3 mutant displayed ... rounder ... leaves

Zhang D, Ye H, Guo H, Johnson A, Zhang M, Lin H, Yin Y - Transcription factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates brassinosteroid repressed gene expression in Arabidopsis

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The bri1-5 hat1 hat3 mutant displayed ... darker-green leaves

Zhang D, Ye H, Guo H, Johnson A, Zhang M, Lin H, Yin Y - Transcription factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates brassinosteroid repressed gene expression in Arabidopsis

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transgenic plants that over-expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-coupled HAT1–GFP under the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (HAT1OX) displayed enhanced BR response phenotypes, with longer leaf petioles

Zhang D, Ye H, Guo H, Johnson A, Zhang M, Lin H, Yin Y - Transcription factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates brassinosteroid repressed gene expression in Arabidopsis

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The bri1-5 hat1 hat3 mutant displayed ... dwarf phenotype

Zhang D, Ye H, Guo H, Johnson A, Zhang M, Lin H, Yin Y - Transcription factor HAT1 is phosphorylated by BIN2 kinase and mediates brassinosteroid repressed gene expression in Arabidopsis

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Carotenoid content was affected in abc1k1/pgr6. In particular ... lutein levels ... significantly reduced when compared with the WT under both moderate light conditions and after a short exposure to HL

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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After a short exposure to continuous high light (HL, 500 µE m-2 sec-1) treatment, abc1k1/pgr6 ... had little or no anthocyanin ... However, abc1k1/pgr6 acclimated to prolonged HL treatment concurrently with a slight recovery of anthocyanin levels

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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the ETR defect was strongly enhanced in the pgr1 pgr6 double mutant, which carries an additional point mutation in the Rieske subunit of the Cyt b6f complex, making it hypersensitive to lumenal acidification under HL intensity in the pgr1 single mutant (Munekage et al., 2001; Jahns et al., 2002). The pgr1 pgr6 mutant showed a drastic reduction of ETR even at moderate light intensity, suggesting that the activity of the Cyt b6f complex is disturbed, even in the absence of high ∆pH (Figure S2

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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the abc1k3 single mutant was similar to the WT, but for a slight accumulation of all the detected sugars after a short HL treatment

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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NPQ was severely reduced, although abc1k1/pgr6 still exhibited light intensity-dependent NPQ induction when grown under moderate light conditions

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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Carotenoid content was affected in abc1k1/pgr6. In particular, ß–carotene ... significantly reduced when compared with the WT under both moderate light conditions and after a short exposure to HL

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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a significant increase of lutein (about 30% more than in the WT) was observed in abc1k1/pgr6 after prolonged HL treatment

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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chloroplasts from abc1k1/pgr6 leaves ... the grana appeared less organized and puffy when compared with the WT

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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Chloroplast ultrastructure was also affected in the abc1k1/pgr6 mutant, expecially after HL treatment

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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After a short exposure to continuous high light (HL, 500 µE m-2 sec-1) treatment, abc1k1/pgr6 suffered visible photodamage

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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abc1k3 photosynthetic parameters and CO2 assimilation were similar to the WT or only slightly lower (Figure 2), as previously reported

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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To determine whether the absence of starch granules observed in abc1k1/pgr6 chloroplasts (Figure 1f,g) was caused by the reduction of photosynthetic activity, starch content was first determined in total rosettes. Starch levels in abc1k1/pgr6 were reduced compared with the WT, even under moderate light conditions

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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the analysis of photosynthetic gas exchange in abc1k1/pgr6, showing a strong initial decrease in CO2 assimilation and recovery to WT levels during 8 days of exposure to HL

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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very few starch granules were detected in chloroplasts from abc1k1/pgr6 leaves

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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After a short (32–h) HL treatment starch accumulated in the WT, whereas a reduction in its content was observed in abc1k1/pgr6 (Figure 3a). After 7 days of HL treatment, starch accumulation in abc1k1/pgr6 recovered only partially and in a delayed fashion

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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Glucose, fructose and maltose levels in abc1k1/pgr6 leaves were lower than in the WT after a short HL exposure, but recovered after a prolonged HL treatment (Figure 3b–d). Remarkably, the sucrose content in abc1k1/pgr6 was maximal at about half the level of the WT after a short (56–h) HL treatment, but then accumulated to 1.5-fold the level in the WT after prolonged (156 h) exposure to continuous HL

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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the electron transport rate (ETR) in abc1k1/pgr6 was also affected in plants grown under moderate light intensities, and saturated at half the level of the WT

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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The total content of PQ–9 was also significantly lower in abc1k1/pgr6 than in WT under moderate light conditions, as well as after prolonged HL treatment, whereas PQ–9 levels in both genotypes were similar after short exposure to HL (Figure 5f). Furthermore, the redox state of the PQ–9 pool did not significantly change in abc1k1/pgr6 after HL exposure, whereas an increased percentage of the reduced form (PQH2) was detected in the WT, as previously reported

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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abc1k1/pgr6 ... After a short HL exposure, a pronounced drop in ETR (maximal after 48 h) and a lesser drop in NPQ was observed in the mutant ... However, ETR and NPQ in the mutant recovered to the original levels after 7 days of HL treatment (168 h), but did not reach those of the WT (Figure 2c,f). No overall increase of NPQ in abc1k1/pgr6 was detected after prolonged HL treatment, as was the case in the WT

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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α-, γ- and δ–T levels were similar in WT and abc1k1/pgr6 under moderate light conditions, but unlike the WT their content did not increase greatly in abc1k1/pgr6 under HL treatment (Figure 5a–c). A significantly higher accumulation of α–TQ was observed in abc1k1/pgr6 under HL treatment, whereas in the WT α–TQ was presumably recycled to α–T (Figure 5d). Moreover, in abc1k1/pgr6 the level of the PQ–9-derived VTE1 product, plastochromanol–8 (PC–8), was about half that of WT, both under moderate light conditions and throughout the HL treatment

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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abc1k1/pgr6 after prolonged HL treatment ... the ß–carotene content recovered to WT levels

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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A dramatic reduction in maximum PSII quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) was observed in the abc1k1/pgr6 mutant after a short exposure (1–2 days) to HL conditions. Fv/Fm = maximum quantum yield of Photosystem II, calculated as (Fm-F0)/Fm, where F0 and Fm are the minimal and maximal fluorescence, respectively. Strikingly, however, maximum PSII activity recovered to almost normal levels after prolonged HL treatment

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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Moderate light intensity (150 µE m-2 sec-1) affected the size ... of the abc1k1/pgr6 mutant in young rosettes (up to 3 weeks old), but they later recovered to wild-type Col–0

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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Moderate light intensity (150 µE m-2 sec-1) affected the ... morphology of the abc1k1/pgr6 mutant in young rosettes (up to 3 weeks old), but they later recovered to wild-type Col–0

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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To investigate whether the abc1k1/pgr6 single mutant has altered prenylquinone and carotenoid contents, lipids of total rosette leaves were rapidly extracted and profiled by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-APCI-QTOFMS). To highlight differences between WT and abc1k1/pgr6 after HL treatment, untargeted principal component analysis (PCA) was used. Identified prenylquinones and carotenoids are presented in Table S1. Under moderate light conditions WT and abc1k1/pgr6 samples clustered separately (Figure 4a), and the separation between them strongly increased from day 1 to day 7 of HL exposure (Figure 4b–d). PCA loadings were then investigated to identify compounds responsible for the discrimination between WT and abc1k1/pgr6. Under moderate light conditions as well as short HL treatment, higher levels of tocopherols (α-, γ- and δ–T), plastoquinone (PQ–9), plastochromanol (PC–8) and of the xanthophyll lutein were present in WT samples. In contrast, abc1k1/pgr6 clustered with two oxidized derivates of PQ–9 and PC–8 (PQ-OH and PC-OH), respectively. After 7 days of continuous HL treatment, compared with the WT, abc1k1/pgr6 accumulated higher levels of α–tocopherol quinone (α-TQ) derived from α–T by spontaneous oxidation at the thylakoid membranes, the recycling of which depends on VTE1. However, the other tocopherols were significantly increased in WT over abc1k1/pgr6 (Figure 4d). Interestingly, abc1k1/pgr6 also coincided with an increased lutein level after 7 days of HL treatment

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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No significant differences between the abc1k3 single mutant and WT plants were observed in starch levels

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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abc1k1/pgr6 leaves were slightly thinner under all light conditions

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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After a short exposure to continuous high light (HL, 500 µE m-2 sec-1) treatment, abc1k1/pgr6 ... had ... reduced chlorophyll content

Martinis J, Glauser G, Valimareanu S, Stettler M, Zeeman SC, Yamamoto H, Shikanai T, Kessler F - ABC1K1/PGR6 kinase: a regulatory link between photosynthetic activity and chloroplast metabolism

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Five-day-old seedlings on inhibitor-free agar plates were transferred to liquid MS medium containing various concentrations of yucasin, and IAA levels in shoots and roots were determined at regular intervals using GC–MS (Figure 5). After 5 h of treatment, IAA levels decreased significantly in the yucasin-treated 35S::YUC1 seedlings. In shoots, IAA levels decreased after treatment with 20 and 100 µm yucasin

Nishimura T, Hayashi K, Suzuki H, Gyohda A, Takaoka C, Sakaguchi Y, Matsumoto S, Kasahara H, Sakai T, Kato J, Kamiya Y, Koshiba T - Yucasin is a potent inhibitor of YUCCA, a key enzyme in auxin biosynthesis

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we investigated the effects of yucasin on the sur2 high-auxin mutant, which shows elevated IAA production from indole-3–acetaldoxime via the CYP79B pathway. Yucasin did not affect the high-auxin phenotype of sur2 mutants (Figure S6b), indicating that yucasin does not affect IAA biosynthesis via the CYP79B pathway

Nishimura T, Hayashi K, Suzuki H, Gyohda A, Takaoka C, Sakaguchi Y, Matsumoto S, Kasahara H, Sakai T, Kato J, Kamiya Y, Koshiba T - Yucasin is a potent inhibitor of YUCCA, a key enzyme in auxin biosynthesis

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When seedlings were grown with various concentrations of yucasin in liquid Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium, >20 µm yucasin restored the high-auxin phenotype of 35S::YUC1, including the elongated hypocotyl and epinastic cotyledons, to the wild-type (Col–0) phenotype

Nishimura T, Hayashi K, Suzuki H, Gyohda A, Takaoka C, Sakaguchi Y, Matsumoto S, Kasahara H, Sakai T, Kato J, Kamiya Y, Koshiba T - Yucasin is a potent inhibitor of YUCCA, a key enzyme in auxin biosynthesis

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exogenous IAA only partially phenocopied the high-auxin phenotype of 35S::YUC1 because of polar transport of IAA after absorption

Nishimura T, Hayashi K, Suzuki H, Gyohda A, Takaoka C, Sakaguchi Y, Matsumoto S, Kasahara H, Sakai T, Kato J, Kamiya Y, Koshiba T - Yucasin is a potent inhibitor of YUCCA, a key enzyme in auxin biosynthesis

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Indole-3–acetamide (IAM), which is converted to IAA in planta, induced high-auxin phenotypes similar to those of 35S::YUC1 in Col–0 seedlings

Nishimura T, Hayashi K, Suzuki H, Gyohda A, Takaoka C, Sakaguchi Y, Matsumoto S, Kasahara H, Sakai T, Kato J, Kamiya Y, Koshiba T - Yucasin is a potent inhibitor of YUCCA, a key enzyme in auxin biosynthesis

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The IAA level in 35S::YUC1 seedlings grown with yucasin had decreased to almost the same level as yucasin-treated Col–0 seedlings

Nishimura T, Hayashi K, Suzuki H, Gyohda A, Takaoka C, Sakaguchi Y, Matsumoto S, Kasahara H, Sakai T, Kato J, Kamiya Y, Koshiba T - Yucasin is a potent inhibitor of YUCCA, a key enzyme in auxin biosynthesis

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we have functionally complemented the twd1-3 allele by introducing an HA-tagged, truncated version that lacks the C-terminal IPM anchor (amino acid residues 338–365) expressed under the control of the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter. While the full-length version of TWD1 (HA–TWD1) complemented the ‘twisted dwarf syndrome’ in all aspects to wild-type level (Geisler et al., 2003; Bouchard et al., 2006; Figure 1, Tables S1 and S2), all independent lines that expressed the truncated version (HA–TWD1-Ct) showed a severe hypermorphic phenotype, most obviously characterized by drastically enhanced stem length, stem diameter and leaf surface

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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both TWD1 gain-of-function lines significantly export more IAA (HA–TWD1: 117.4 ± 9.6% and HA–TWD1-Ct: 138.5 ± 18.9% Wt) compared with the wild type

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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surprisingly not for both twd1 alleles that export NAA to nearly wild-type levels

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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Total leaf surface in HA–TWD1-Ct is further enhanced by the fact that HA–TWD1-Ct produces a higher number of rosette leaves

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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independently of day length, manipulation of TWD1 expression levels resulted in highly ... enhanced final ... leaf area in ... HA–TWD1-Ct

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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Using the well established leaf mesophyll protoplast system ... both twd1 alleles showed reduced IAA export from single cells [twd1-1: 53.7 ± 6.4% of Wassilewskija (Was) Wt; twd1-3: 69.9 ± 16.0% of Col Wt; Figure 4(a)], and verified previous results for twd1-1 (Bouchard et al., 2006

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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Significant up-regulation in TWD1-OX was to an even higher amount also found for NAA assayed

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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independently of day length, manipulation of TWD1 expression levels resulted in highly ... reduced ... leaf area in twd1-3

Bailly A, Wang B, Zwiewka M, Pollmann S, Schenck D, Lüthen H, Schulz A, Friml J, Geisler M - Expression of TWISTED DWARF1 lacking its in-plane membrane anchor leads to increased cell elongation and hypermorphic growth

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35S::NES1 ... The visual impression was confirmed by measuring the cotyledon chlorophyll content 72h after 20 μM nitroprusside treatment

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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Because of its strong phenotype, the T-DNA insertion mutant nes1-2/mad1 was used for further analysis ... day 5 after germination was chosen as the time for the nitric oxide treatment ... progression of senescence is determined by measuring other senescence parameters, such as ... increase of ion leakage ... ion leakage was induced and the extent of the leakage was significantly greater in the mutant

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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Because of its strong phenotype, the T-DNA insertion mutant nes1-2/mad1 was used for further analysis ... day 5 after germination was chosen as the time for the nitric oxide treatment ... A typical characteristic of senescence, whether developmental or stress induced, is the loss of chlorophyll. Treating 5-day-old seedlings with 20 μM nitroprusside for 72h caused the cotyledons to become slightly bleached in the wild type but substantially more so in the mutant (Fig. 1A). A time course showed that the cotyledons in the mutant were visibly less green by 60h of treatment, and to an even greater extent after 72h (Fig. 1B). This visual impression was confirmed by measuring the chlorophyll content (Fig. 1C), which illustrated that the mutant had started to lose chlorophyll by 48h of treatment and showed that chlorophyll loss appeared to be accelerated in the mutant by 60h compared with the wild type

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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When chlorophyll (Fig. 4C) and the F v/F m ratio were quantified (Fig. 4D), ein2 was affected more strongly than ore1. After nitric oxide treatment, the chlorophyll content decreased in the wild type (Fig. 1C). In ein2 and ore1 mutants, the percentage of chlorophyll and the F v/F m ratio rose linearly with respect to the wild type after nitric oxide treatment. This reflected that the ein2 and ore1 mutants prevented the loss of chlorophyll and of electron transport capacity with similar kinetics

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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To explore the role of ORE1 in nitric oxide-regulated cotyledon senescence, the response to nitric oxide in ore1 was checked and it was found that nitric oxide-induced cotyledon senescence was delayed in the mutant ... phenotypes were confirmed by measuring the cotyledon chlorophyll content and F v/F m ratio

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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NES1-overexpressing transgenic lines were generated by transformation of 35S::NES1. Three transgenic lines were obtained and tested, and only the strongest line was used in the experiment. In this line, the NES1 message level was almost 10 times higher than in the wild type, but was not further induced by nitroprusside (Fig. 3A). When the line was exposed to as much as 40 μM nitroprusside, the cotyledons remained green whereas those of the wild type appeared strongly bleached

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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Chemically mutagenized, light-grown seedlings were screened for enhanced cotyledon senescence in response to treatment with nitric oxide, and a line, named nes1-6, was isolated. With exposure to 20 μM SNP, cotyledon senescence in the mutant was markedly enhanced compared with the wild type

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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the overexpression of ORE1 in the ein2 background reversed the phenotype of the ein2 mutants, and caused a more rapid decline of the chlorophyll content and F v/F m ratio, compared with the wild type, under nitric oxide treatment

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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nes1-2/mad1 was used for further analysis ... progression of senescence is determined by measuring other senescence parameters, such as loss of total protein content ... cotyledons treated with nitric oxide to induce senescence also lost protein by 24h and the decrease was larger in the mutant than in the wild type

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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Because of its strong phenotype, the T-DNA insertion mutant nes1-2/mad1 was used for further analysis ... day 5 after germination was chosen as the time for the nitric oxide treatment ... To examine the photosynthetic apparatus with greater temporal precision, chlorophyll fluorescence was used to report the F v/F m parameter. At time zero, this parameter was indistinguishable in the two genotypes and, interestingly, increased by ~10% over the first hour of treatment (Fig. 1B). After that, the F v/F m ratio decreased steeply and after 2.5h had decreased significantly more in the mutant than in the wild type, indicating that the senescence programme needed only a few hours to be induced and that it happened more rapidly in the mutant

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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transgenic plants overexpressing ORE1 in the wild-type background (35S::ORE1) had accelerated cotyledon senescence under nitric oxide treatment ... phenotypes were confirmed by measuring the cotyledon chlorophyll content and F v/F m ratio

Du J, Li M, Kong D, Wang L, Lv Q, Wang J, Bao F, Gong Q, Xia J, He Y - Nitric oxide induces cotyledon senescence involving co-operation of the NES1/MAD1 and EIN2-associated ORE1 signalling pathways in Arabidopsis

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we tested the response to root flooding in accession Cvi-0, which shows a low tolerance to complete submergence, and compared it with Col-0, an accession reported to exhibit moderate submergence tolerance (Vashisht et al., 2011). Leaf movement was much less pronounced in Cvi-0 than in Col-0

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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Next, we tested whether SHYG indeed functions via activation of ACO5 and to this end established 35S:SHYG/aco5-1 and 35S:SHYG-GFP/aco5-2 lines. We found waterlogging-induced hyponastic leaf movement to be strongly impaired in both aco5 mutant backgrounds (Figures 2E and 2F; see Supplemental Movie 4 online); the lack of petiole bending was reversed by treatment of plants with ethephon, a response that was blocked by AgNO3

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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we identified two homozygous T-DNA insertion mutants, aco5-1 and aco5-2 (see Supplemental Figures 1D and 1E online), with low ACO5 expression (see Supplemental Figure 1F online). Waterlogging-induced hyponastic growth was strongly reduced in both mutants and correlated to the level of residual ACO5 expression (Figures 2C and 2D; see Supplemental Figure 1F and Supplemental Movie 3 online), indicating that ACO5 has a unique function in this process. ACO5 deficiency was virtually overcome by treating plants with the ET-releasing agent ethephon (see Supplemental Figure 5B online), a response blocked by the simultaneous application of AgNO3

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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in 35S:SHYG ... adaxial cell length remained unaffected by root flooding ... at the petiole base

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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we tested the effect of waterlogging in SHYG-IOE lines. Although root flooding alone triggered hyponastic leaf growth, as expected, this response was enhanced by treatment with β-estradiol or ACC (Figures 3A and 3B); the strongest growth effect was observed when β-estradiol and ACC were applied together to waterlogged plants, a reaction almost completely diminished in the presence of AIB or AgNO3

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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To this end, 30-d-old plants grown in individual pots in soil were placed in a flat plastic tank and roots were flooded by filling the tank with water up to a level slightly below the pot’s upper edge (for details, see Methods). Shoots remained in ambient air. For control treatments, plants were put inside the tanks without flooding. We followed hyponastic leaf movement in Col-0 wild-type plants and the two shyg T-DNA insertion mutants using a time-lapse video setup. While hyponastic petiole growth was clearly detected in the Col-0 wild type, it was strongly impaired in shyg-2 (Figures 2A and 2B; see Supplemental Movies 1 and 2 online) and shyg-1 (see Supplemental Figure 4 and Supplemental Movie 2 online) over an 8-h waterlogging time span, revealing SHYG’s critical function in this physiological response

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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in shyg-2 ... adaxial cell length remained unaffected by root flooding ... at the petiole base

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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after root flooding ... abaxial cell elongation was reduced in shyg-2 petioles

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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We determined the length of epidermal cells in petioles of wild-type, shyg, and 35S:SHYG plants. Whereas cell length in the abaxial and adaxial petiole epidermis did not significantly differ between genotypes before waterlogging (Figures 4A to 4C), abaxial cells elongated more in 35S:SHYG than wild-type petioles after root flooding

Rauf M, Arif M, Fisahn J, Xue GP, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B - NAC transcription factor speedy hyponastic growth regulates flooding-induced leaf movement in Arabidopsis

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homozygous paps1-4 mutants show similar, albeit somewhat weaker, defects than paps1-1 plants, with smaller leaves

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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In ap2-1 mutants, sepals are converted into ectopic leaves, allowing us to ask whether these ectopic leaves would respond to reduced PAPS1 function according to their identity or their position. While reducing PAPS1 function in an otherwise wild-type background increased sepal size by 36%, reducing PAPS1 function in an ap2-1 mutant background halved the size of the ectopic leaves in the first whorl of the mutant flowers (Figure 2a,b). The expression of two sepal marker genes that are strongly downregulated in ap2-1 mutant first-whorl organs compared with wild-type sepals were equally downregulated in the first whorl of ap2-1 paps1-1 plants compared with paps1-1 sepals, confirming the altered identity of these organs (Figure 2d). Thus, the effect of the paps1-1 mutation on organ size does not depend on the position of the organs on the plant, but is rather modulated by organ identity

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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ABA ... significantly reduced in paps1-1 mutants

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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To test for H2O2 accumulation in paps1-1 mutants, we made use of 3'3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining. DAB captures H2O2 when peroxidase activity is present and is converted into a brown polymer (Thordal-Christensen et al., 1997). We could not detect a stronger accumulation of H2O2 in paps1-1 leaves that could contribute to the ectopic immune response

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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To further characterize the constitutive immune response at the physiological and cellular levels, we tested for two hallmarks of the plant hypersensitive response to pathogens, the occurrence of ectopic cell death and the accumulation of H2O2 (Thordal-Christensen et al., 1997; Mur et al., 2008). Trypan Blue staining did not detect any ectopic cell death in the leaves of 9- or 12-day-old paps1-1 mutants or wild-type plants. Only 6 weeks after germination, when senescence becomes phenotypically visible in paps1-1 plants, dead cells were detected in the mutant leaves. These were visible as randomly distributed spots, whereas still none were observed in wild-type Ler leaves (Figure 5d). Thus, the constitutive immune response in paps1-1 mutants does not include ectopic cell death

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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we also generated the npr1-1 pad4-1 paps1-1 triple mutant, asking whether the additional loss of NPR1 function could enhance the partial rescue of the paps1 mutant leaf-growth defect by the pad4 mutation. Leaf growth was indistinguishable between pad4-1 paps1-1 and the triple mutant, supporting our conclusion that NPR1 is not ectopically activated in paps1 mutant leaves

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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The jar1-1 paps1-1 double mutant was indistinguishable from the paps1-1 single mutant

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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the pad3 paps1-1 double mutant was indistinguishable from the paps1-1 single mutant

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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free SA levels were indistinguishable between wild-type and paps1-1 mutants, as were IAA levels

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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In contrast with the eds1 paps1 or the pad4 paps1 double mutants, there was no phenotypic rescue of the paps1 leaf-growth defect in the npr1-1 paps1-1 double mutant (Figure 6a,b), and these were indistinguishable from paps1-1 single mutants at the rosette stage

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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jasmonates JA (jasmonic acid) and JA-isoleucine (JA-Ile ... significantly reduced in paps1-1 mutants

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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in paps1-1 mutants ... JA precursor OPDA (oxo-phytodienoic acid) was present at wild-type levels

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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paps1-2 ... leaves ... smaller than in wild-type

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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free SA levels were indistinguishable between wild-type and paps1-1 mutants

Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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Trost G, Vi SL, Czesnick H, Lange P, Holton N, Giavalisco P, Zipfel C, Kappel C, Lenhard M - Arabidopsis poly(A) polymerase PAPS1 limits founder-cell recruitment to organ primordia and suppresses the salicylic acid-independent immune response downstream of EDS1/PAD4

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Macroscopically, plants grown in the presence of HU showed visible anthocyanin pigmentation in the young leaf tissue within 48 h after transfer, whereas plants grown on control medium showed no effect of the transfer to high light

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR4 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression ... triggered an increase in DNA content

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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As catalase and ascorbate peroxidase activity are essential for the scavenging of H2O2 that is generated upon high-light exposure, we subsequently tested the effects of HU treatment on photosystem II (PSII) efficiency in 1-week-old seedlings after transfer from low- to high-light conditions. As illustrated in Figure 7B, transfer for 48 h to high light resulted in a decrease of maximum quantum efficiency of PSII. In the presence of HU, the maximum quantum efficiency of PSII decrease was even more pronounced, which again corroborates the idea that HU might interfere with H2O2 scavenging

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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in the presence of HU ... Within the SMR5KO SMR7KO double mutant, the reduction in leaf ... cell number was even less

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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we measured epidermal cell numbers in mature first leaves of control (Col-0), SMR5KO, and SMR7KO plants that were transferred for 4 d to high-light conditions at a period when their leaf cells were still undergoing cell division. This high light treatment resulted into a ... 38% reduction in cell number in ... SMR7KO plants

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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To test whether the DNA stress–induced SMR genes encode proteins with cell division inhibitory activity, SMR4 ... overexpressing ... plants were generated ... multiple lines with high transcript levels were isolated, all showing a reduction in rosette size compared with wild-type plants

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR7 ... overexpressing ... plants ... This decrease in leaf size correlated with an increase in cell size (Figures 4E to 4H), indicative of a strong inhibition of cell division

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR5 ... overexpressing ... plants ... This decrease in leaf size correlated with an increase in cell size (Figures 4E to 4H), indicative of a strong inhibition of cell division

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR4 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression not only inhibited cell division

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR4 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression ... stimulating endoreplication

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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in the presence of HU ... Within the SMR5KO SMR7KO double mutant, the reduction in leaf size and cell number was even less

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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To test whether the DNA stress–induced SMR genes encode proteins with cell division inhibitory activity ... SMR5 ... overexpressing ... plants were generated ... multiple lines with high transcript levels were isolated, all showing a reduction in rosette size compared with wild-type plants

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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we measured epidermal cell numbers in mature first leaves of control (Col-0), SMR5KO, and SMR7KO plants that were transferred for 4 d to high-light conditions at a period when their leaf cells were still undergoing cell division. This high light treatment resulted into a 34 ... % reduction in cell number in control

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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This difference was attributed to a difference in cell number. Control plants responded to the HU treatment with a 47% reduction in epidermal cell number, reflecting an activation of a stringent cell cycle checkpoint. By contrast, in SMR5KO ... plants this reduction was restricted to 29 ... %

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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we measured epidermal cell numbers in mature first leaves of control (Col-0), SMR5KO, and SMR7KO plants that were transferred for 4 d to high-light conditions at a period when their leaf cells were still undergoing cell division ... SMR5KO plants displayed only a 13% reduction in cell number

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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To address the role of the different SMR genes in DNA stress checkpoint regulation, the growth response to HU treatment of plants silenced for SMR5 ... was compared with that of control plants (Columbia-0 [Col-0]). No significant difference in leaf size was observed for plants grown under standard conditions. By contrast, when comparing plants grown for 3 weeks in the presence of HU, the leaves of the knockout plants SMR5KO ... were significantly larger than that of the control plants

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR5 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression ... triggered an increase in DNA content

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR4 ... overexpressing ... plants ... This decrease in leaf size correlated with an increase in cell size (Figures 4E to 4H), indicative of a strong inhibition of cell division

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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  • Phenotype

This difference was attributed to a difference in cell number. Control plants responded to the HU treatment with a 47% reduction in epidermal cell number, reflecting an activation of a stringent cell cycle checkpoint. By contrast, in ... SMR7KO plants this reduction was restricted to ... 30%

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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  • Phenotype

SMR7 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression ... triggered an increase in DNA content

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR5 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression ... stimulating endoreplication

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR5 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression not only inhibited cell division

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR7 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression not only inhibited cell division

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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To test whether the DNA stress–induced SMR genes encode proteins with cell division inhibitory activity ... SMR7 ... overexpressing ... plants were generated ... multiple lines with high transcript levels were isolated, all showing a reduction in rosette size compared with wild-type plants

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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SMR7 ... overexpressing ... plants ... ectopic expression ... stimulating endoreplication

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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extracts of control plants treated with HU displayed a reduced H2O2 decomposition rate

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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To address the role of the different SMR genes in DNA stress checkpoint regulation, the growth response to HU treatment of plants silenced for ... SMR7 ... was compared with that of control plants (Columbia-0 [Col-0]). No significant difference in leaf size was observed for plants grown under standard conditions. By contrast, when comparing plants grown for 3 weeks in the presence of HU, the leaves of the knockout plants ... SMR7KO were significantly larger than that of the control plants

Yi D, Alvim Kamei CL, Cools T, Vanderauwera S, Takahashi N, Okushima Y, Eekhout T, Yoshiyama KO, Larkin J, Van den Daele H, Conklin P, Britt A, Umeda M, De Veylder L - The Arabidopsis SIAMESE-RELATED cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors SMR5 and SMR7 regulate the DNA damage checkpoint in response to reactive oxygen species

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To investigate whether elevated IAA29 levels could affect JA-induced senescence, IAA29 overexpression plants were generated (Supplemental Figure 4C) and used for senescence assay. As expected, leaf senescence symptoms appeared earlier in IAA29 overexpression lines compared with wild-type plants

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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Under MeJA treatment conditions, the iaa29 mutant displayed no significant senescence phenotypes, similar to the wild type

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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To confirm our speculation, detached leaves from two wrky57 mutants (Figures 1C and 1D) and the wild type were used for JA-induced leaf senescence assays. After MeJA treatment, wrky57-1 and wrky57-2 leaves showed more serious yellowing, which is a typical characteristic of leaf senescence, when compared with wild-type and transgenic lines leaves

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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The senescence phenotypes were also in agreement with the reduced chlorophyll content ... in IAA29 overexpression plants

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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cell death rates were significantly higher in both wrky57 mutants than in the wild type and the overexpression line under MeJA treatment

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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The ... jaz8 ... displayed more severe senescence phenotypes than the wild type ... Chlorophyll contents and cell death rates were also in agreement with the phenotypes

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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Measurement of chlorophyll content showed that chlorophyll was lost more quickly in the leaves of the wrky57-1 and wrky57-2 mutants than in the wild type and in a WRKY57 overexpression line under MeJA treatment

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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detached wild-type leaves were treated with water (mock), MeJA, IAA, and MeJA+IAA. After 5 d, no senescence symptoms were observed for leaves in water or IAA; however, the leaves in MeJA showed obvious senescence symptoms whereas the leaves in MeJA+IAA showed slight senescence symptoms (Figure 6A). The chlorophyll content and cell death rate results supported these phenotypes

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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The senescence phenotypes were also in agreement with the ... increased cell death rate in IAA29 overexpression plants

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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The jaz4 ... displayed more severe senescence phenotypes than the wild type ... Chlorophyll contents and cell death rates were also in agreement with the phenotypes

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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JAZ8 overexpression plants displayed delayed senescence phenotypes ... Chlorophyll contents and cell death rates were also in agreement with the phenotypes

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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Further results also were obtained with the treatment of SA, ABA, and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (the precursor of ET) and implied that mutation of WRKY57 accelerated leaf senescence only when the senescence was induced by JA

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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JAZ4 ... overexpression plants displayed delayed senescence phenotypes ... Chlorophyll contents and cell death rates were also in agreement with the phenotypes

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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When the wrky57-1 mutant was used for senescence assay, no difference was observed between leaves treated with MeJA or MeJA+IAA ... Chlorophyll content and cell death rate results further supported these phenotypes

Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang S, Yu D - Arabidopsis WRKY57 functions as a node of convergence for jasmonic acid- and auxin-mediated signaling in jasmonic acid-induced leaf senescence

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To make a relevant comparison at the cellular level between leaves at different developmental stages, the pavement cells were subdivided in two categories. A cutoff was determined based on the size distribution of the pavement cells resulting in a lobed category and a nonlobed category, where lobed > 25 µm2 > nonlobed, corresponding to their visual appearance ... Comparable increases in nonlobed cell number and comparable decreases in lobed cell size were observed in the an3 brm1 double mutant, while the number of lobed cells was further decreased relative to the brm1 mutant

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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increased expression of SWI3C frequently led to an increase in rosette area (Figures 7A and 7E; Supplemental Figure 12A). Four out of 12 35S:SWI3C lines had significantly larger rosette sizes

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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However, the curled morphology of the brm1 and an3 brm1 leaves prevents the detection of potential subtle phenotypic differences. Therefore, leaves 1 and 2 were analyzed in more detail. Measurements of the flattened leaf areas at 22 DAS revealed a more or less equal reduction in an3 and brm1 single mutants compared with wild-type plants, while the first leaves of an3 brm1 plants were further reduced in size

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The presence of plants among the F3 offspring with the brm1 phenotype that lacked both an3 and brm1 transcripts indeed demonstrated that the visible phenotype of an3 brm1 double homozygous shoots is indistinguishable from the brm1 single mutant shoot phenotype

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Growth of AN3-GR plants on 25 µM DEX from germination onwards led to the development of larger ... leaves 1 and 2, compared with mock-treated transformants and DEX-treated control plants

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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pavement cells of ... brm1 ... leaves contained an increased percentage of small cells, which appear to have divided recently (Figure 6D). This is an indication that mutation of brm1 delays the development of individual leaves, which is consistent with the severely reduced number of leaves in 3-week-old plants

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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the an3 deletion mutant displays a milder leaf growth defect characterized by ... shorter plastochron

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The brm1 mutant has a T-DNA insert in the first exon, resulting in severe developmental defects, such as small spiral-shaped leaves

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The brm1 mutant has a T-DNA insert in the first exon, resulting in severe developmental defects, such as small spiral-shaped leaves with downward curling edges

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Growth of AN3-GR plants on 25 µM DEX from germination onwards led to the development of larger cotyledons ... compared with mock-treated transformants and DEX-treated control plants

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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the an3 deletion mutant displays a milder leaf growth defect characterized by smaller ... leaves

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The brm1 mutant has a T-DNA insert in the first exon, resulting in severe developmental defects, such as small spiral-shaped leaves

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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the an3 deletion mutant displays a milder leaf growth defect characterized by ... narrower leaves

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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To make a relevant comparison at the cellular level between leaves at different developmental stages, the pavement cells were subdivided in two categories. A cutoff was determined based on the size distribution of the pavement cells resulting in a lobed category and a nonlobed category, where lobed > 25 µm2 > nonlobed, corresponding to their visual appearance ... brm1 leaves have a decreased size and number of lobed cells, while the number of nonlobed cells was strongly increased

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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  • Phenotype

To make a relevant comparison at the cellular level between leaves at different developmental stages, the pavement cells were subdivided in two categories. A cutoff was determined based on the size distribution of the pavement cells resulting in a lobed category and a nonlobed category, where lobed > 25 µm2 > nonlobed, corresponding to their visual appearance. As such, it was confirmed that mutation of an3 significantly reduced the number of lobed cells

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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Although rosette area was similar to that of the wild type in five other 35S:SWI3C lines, closer inspection of their individual leaves revealed that four lines showed a strong increase in the size of the first leaves, whereas younger leaves were similar to or smaller than those of the wild type (Supplemental Figures 12A and 12B). In contrast, the remaining three 35S:SWI3C lines appeared to be smaller compared with wild-type plants

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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pavement cells of ... an3 brm1 leaves contained an increased percentage of small cells, which appear to have divided recently (Figure 6D). This is an indication that mutation of brm1 delays the development of individual leaves, which is consistent with the severely reduced number of leaves in 3-week-old plants

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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The brm3 mutant shows only a mild reduction in leaf growth (Figure 6C), since here T-DNA insertion gives rise to a truncated protein missing the C-terminal bromo and DNA binding domains, which does not seem to interfere with complex assembly

Vercruyssen L, Verkest A, Gonzalez N, Heyndrickx KS, Eeckhout D, Han SK, Jégu T, Archacki R, Van Leene J, Andriankaja M, De Bodt S, Abeel T, Coppens F, Dhondt S, De Milde L, Vermeersch M, Maleux K, Gevaert K, Jerzmanowski A, Benhamed M, Wagner D, Vandepoele K, De Jaeger G, Inzé D. - ANGUSTIFOLIA3 binds to SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate transcription during Arabidopsis leaf development

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We tested one of the med16 mutant alleles, sfr6-2, which carries a T-DNA insertion in the sixth intron of MED16 (Figure 1b), and found that this mutant displayed obvious chlorosis under iron-deficient conditions (Figure 2a), similar to yid1

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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med25-2 seedlings displayed obvious chlorosis under iron-deficient conditions

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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To investigate whether the chlorosis of yid1 was associated with iron homeostasis, we grew yid1 and wild-type seedlings on iron-sufficient medium (50 µm Fe) for 10 days prior to transfer to an iron-deficient medium (0 µm Fe) for 6 days. The yid1 mutants became more chlorotic compared with wild-type plants on iron-deficient medium

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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The med25-2 mutant plants showed obvious chlorosis under the 50 µm Zn and 50 µm Fe treatment, while the wild-type controls remained largely green (Figure 4b). This chlorosis phenotype was recovered by increasing the iron concentration to 250 µm

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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yid1 and sfr6-2 exhibited ... leaves that wilted easily

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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The results showed that under iron-sufficient and iron-deficient conditions (50 and 0 µm Fe, respectively), the iron content in yid1 was significantly reduced compared with that in the wild type

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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The treatment with excess zinc experiment supported the conclusion that the iron homeostasis was disturbed in the med25-2 mutant

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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Our results showed that seedlings given 50 µm of iron and treated with 30 µm of zinc resulted in chlorotic symptoms of iron deficiency in yid1 compared with the wild-type plants which showed normal growth (Figure 2b). This chlorotic iron-deficiency phenotype in yid1 was reversed by increasing the iron concentration from 50 to 250 µm (Figure 2b). The hypersensitivity of yid1 to low concentrations of excessive zinc indicates that iron homeostasis is disrupted in yid1

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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Using the T-DNA insertional mutant collection (Qin et al., 2003), we identified a chlorotic leaf mutant that displayed chlorosis between veins (Figure 1a), similar to the chlorosis phenotype caused by iron deficiency. We named this mutant yid1

Yang Y, Ou B, Zhang J, Si W, Gu H, Qin G, Qu LJ - The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED16 regulates iron homeostasis by associating with EIN3/EIL1 through subunit MED25

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35S:KAN1-GR (KAN1-GR) seedlings grown on media containing 10 µM dexamethasone (DEX ... the first true leaves of these plants emerged as small ... structures

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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soil-grown KAN1-GR plants treated with DEX every other day had relatively mild developmental defects: Petioles were shortened

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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35S:KAN1-GR (KAN1-GR) seedlings grown on media containing 10 µM dexamethasone (DEX) were strikingly similar to 35S:KAN1 plants (Eshed et al., 2001; Kerstetter et al., 2001); in addition to having narrow cotyledons

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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we observed that overexpression of the ... INCURVATA4/CORONA/ATHB-15 ... due to mutations in the microRNA complementary sites ... leads to extra cotyledon formation

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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soil-grown KAN1-GR plants treated with DEX every other day had relatively mild developmental defects ... leaves curled downward

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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we observed that overexpression of the PHABULOSA ... due to mutations in the microRNA complementary sites ... leads to extra cotyledon formation

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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35S:KAN1-GR (KAN1-GR) seedlings grown on media containing 10 µM dexamethasone (DEX ... the first true leaves of these plants emerged as ... radialized, peg-like structures

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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35S:KAN1-GR (KAN1-GR) seedlings grown on media containing 10 µM dexamethasone (DEX ... no subsequent leaves were formed indicating arrest of SAM activity

Huang T, Harrar Y, Lin C, Reinhart B, Newell NR, Talavera-Rauh F, Hokin SA, Barton MK, Kerstetter RA - Arabidopsis KANADI1 acts as a transcriptional repressor by interacting with a specific cis-element and regulates auxin biosynthesis, transport, and signaling in opposition to HD-ZIPIII factors

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The inflorescences of ... api2/api2 plants were shorter than those of wild-type plants

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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rpl36aa as2-1 double mutant exhibited radial leaves (Figure 6h), which can be interpreted as a consequence of a more severe abaxialization

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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We crossed the single mutants and found that all the doubly heterozygous plants (API2/api2;RPL36aA/rpl36aa) in the F1 progeny exhibited a pointed-leaf phenotype identical to those of the api2/api2 and rpl36aa/rpl36aa homozygous parentals (Figure 2n, q). This non-allelic non-complementation involving hypomorphic28 (partial loss-of-function) alleles of API2 and RPL36aA requires that both genes play redundant functions and are co-expressed in at least some cells

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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pointed-leaf phenotype ... api2

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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abnormal leaf shape ... api2

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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The inflorescences of rpl36aa/rpl36aa ... shorter than those of wild-type plants

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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api2 as2-1 ... double mutants exhibited trumpet-shaped (peltate) leaves

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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rpl36aa as2-1 double mutants exhibited trumpet-shaped (peltate) leaves

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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We also searched for mutant alleles of RPL36aA, and identified a publicly available T-DNA insertion line (SALK_148438) that, when homozygous for the insertion, exhibited a pointed-leaf phenotype ... We refer to this line as rpl36aa/rpl36aa

Casanova-Sáez R, Candela H, Micol JL - Combined haploinsufficiency and purifying selection drive retention of RPL36a paralogs in Arabidopsis

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SAIL_708_F05 ... lines displayed phenotypes similar to those of anu10-1, including leaves with prominent marginal teeth

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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The leaves of anu10-1 were pale green

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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SAIL_659_F07 ... these phenotypes were less severe than those of anu10-1 and were more apparent in younger rosettes, becoming indistinguishable from Col-0 14–15 das

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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EMS-induced mutants with ... dentate margins ... mutant allele of the ANU10 gene

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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the diameter of the grana and the number of grana per chloroplast section were found to be reduced in anu10-1

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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the palisade mesophyll cells were irregular in size ... in anu10-1

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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The dry weight ... of anu10-1 rosettes were significantly lower than in wild-type Ler plants throughout the study ... Rosettes of the anu10-1 mutant harvested 21 das showed a dry weight of 3.02±0.16mg ... while ... Ler were 6.02±0.91mg

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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To gain insight into the physiological basis of the pale-green phenotype of anu10-1, pigment levels were measured in the mutant ... a reduction in the levels of ... chlorophyll b ... was detected

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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projected area of anu10-1 rosettes were significantly lower than in wild-type Ler plants throughout the study ... Rosettes of the anu10-1 mutant harvested 21 das showed ... an area of 147.72±32.68mm2 ... while ... Ler ... 701.48±56.88mm2

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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Because carotenoids play an important role in photoprotection, the presence of ROS, visualized by staining with DAB, was also tested. Darker staining was observed in anu10-1 leaves relative to Ler (Supplementary Fig. S2 available at JXB online), which indicates the presence of increased levels of H2O2. In the mutant, the accumulation of H2O2 was positively correlated with light intensity

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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Chloroplasts were smaller in anu10-1 plants than in the wild type

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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SAIL_708_F05 ... these phenotypes were less severe than those of anu10-1 and were more apparent in younger rosettes, becoming indistinguishable from Col-0 14–15 das

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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decreased height of anu10-1 grana

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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SAIL_659_F07 ... lines displayed phenotypes similar to those of anu10-1, including leaves with prominent marginal teeth

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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To gain insight into the physiological basis of the pale-green phenotype of anu10-1, pigment levels were measured in the mutant ... a reduction in the levels of ... carotenoids was detected

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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When observed at high magnification, it was found that anu10-1 thylakoids failed to stack and form typical grana. Under the conditions used here, wild-type grana were composed of 8.37±2.36 layers of thylakoidal membranes, while the number of layers per grana was only 3.08±1.02 for anu10-1

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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Fewer thylakoidal membranes were observed in anu10-1 chloroplasts

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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the presence of large intercellular spaces in the palisade mesophyll of anu10-1 leaves

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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While Ler chloroplasts are typically lens shaped (Fig. 7A, B), anu10-1 chloroplasts were smaller and abnormally shaped

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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The leaves of anu10-1 ... had prominent teeth

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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The only mutant allele of the ANU10 gene, anu10-1, causes reduced rosette ... growth

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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EMS-induced mutants with ... pale-green leaves ... mutant allele of the ANU10 gene

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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the palisade mesophyll cells were ... larger ... in anu10-1

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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SAIL_659_F07 ... lines displayed phenotypes similar to those of anu10-1, including leaves with ... paler rosettes

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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Adult anu10-1 plants also exhibited a significant reduction in shoot length: 28.47±2.69cm in Ler, but only 18.22±3.55cm in anu10-1 42 das

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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Similar defects were observed in transverse sections of first-node leaves (Fig. 2H, I). In these sections, mesophyll cells filled a significantly smaller percentage of the section area, which was matched by a significant increase in the area occupied by air spaces in anu10-1 leaves

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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SAIL_708_F05 ... lines displayed phenotypes similar to those of anu10-1, including leaves with ... paler rosettes

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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EMS-induced mutants with abnormal leaf shape ... mutant allele of the ANU10 gene

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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To gain insight into the physiological basis of the pale-green phenotype of anu10-1, pigment levels were measured in the mutant ... a reduction in the levels of chlorophyll a ... was detected

Casanova-Sáez R, Mateo-Bonmatí E, Kangasjärvi S, Candela H, Micol JL - Arabidopsis ANGULATA10 is required for thylakoid biogenesis and mesophyll development

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rid2 ... at 28°C, all of those mutants grew much slower than wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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at 25°C ... rid3 developed twisted ... leaves

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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at 25°C ... rid3 developed ... leaves with deeper indentations compared with wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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rid3 ... at 28°C, all of those mutants ... displayed severe abnormalities

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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at 25°C ... rid3 ... leaves were paler, which made venation more obvious

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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When seedlings were grown at 19°C, neither of rid2 ... were much different in appearance from those of wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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at 25°C ... rid3 leaves developed longer than those of wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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we pre-cultured excised hypocotyl explants ... on CIM at 19°C, and then cultured them on SIM at various temperatures ... rgd3 explants cultured on SIM do not form irregularly large mounds of cells

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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at 25°C ... rid2 ... developed ... more pointed leaves

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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at 25°C ... rid2 leaves were much shorter than those of wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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we pre-cultured excised hypocotyl explants ... on CIM at 19°C, and then cultured them on SIM at various temperatures ... rid2 mutation inflicted temperature-dependent defect on shoot regeneration, but its influence was severer than that of rid3 mutation ... Even at 25°C, rid2 explants scarcely regenerated adventitious shoots and formed irregular mounds of cells, (Figure 4B). In rid2 explants cultured at 28°C, basic cell proliferation appeared to be suppressed

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

at 25°C ... rid2 ... developed ... narrower ... leaves

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

at 25°C ... rid2 ... developed ... narrower ... leaves

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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morphological phenotypes in leaves were not found in rgd3

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

rgd3 ... at 28°C, all of those mutants ... displayed severe abnormalities

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

at 25°C ... rid3 developed ... more pointed leaves

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

rid3 ... at 28°C, all of those mutants grew much slower than wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

at 25°C ... rid2 ... developed twisted ... leaves

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

rgd3 ... at 28°C, all of those mutants grew much slower than wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

rid2 ... at 28°C, all of those mutants ... displayed severe abnormalities

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

at 25°C ... rid2 ... leaves were paler, which made venation more obvious

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

at 25°C ... rid2 ... developed ... leaves with deeper indentations compared with wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

at 25°C ... rid3 developed ... narrower ... leaves

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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we pre-cultured excised hypocotyl explants ... on CIM at 19°C, and then cultured them on SIM at various temperatures. When cultured at 25°C or lower temperatures, rid3 explants regenerated shoots at high frequency (Figure 4A). At 28°C, however, they were unable to regenerate shoots and formed irregularly large mounds of cells instead of adventitious buds (Figure 4B), as reported before

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

When seedlings were grown at 19°C ... nor rgd3 seedlings were much different in appearance from those of wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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When seedlings were grown at 19°C, neither of ... rid3 ... were much different in appearance from those of wild type

Shinohara N, Ohbayashi I, Sugiyama M - Involvement of rRNA biosynthesis in the regulation of CUC1 gene expression and pre-meristematic cell mound formation during shoot regeneration

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  • Phenotype

35S:GIF1 did not display obvious signs of delayed senescence per se

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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AS1:rGRF3 ... the increase in leaf area was due to a higher cell number

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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Interestingly, co-expression of 35S:GIF1 and rGRF3 caused a clear increase in leaf size in addition to the effects of rGRF3 alone (Figure 3a, b). We found that rGRF3 increases the size of the first pair of leaves 1.7 times with respect to wild-type, while the simultaneous expression of rGRF3 and 35S:GIF1 generated a 2.3-fold increase

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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rGRF3 ... caused an obvious delay of leaf senescence. Sixty-day-old Arabidopsis plants (Col-0) display visual signs of senescence including yellowish leaves (Figure 5a). In contrast, leaves of plants harboring rGRF3 were still green and turgid

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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We next studied the role of the GRFs in leaf senescence in more detail. To quantify the effects we turned to another approach using dark-induced senescence of detached leaves and followed the process by measuring the photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of Photosystem II (PSII) (Oh et al., 1997). We observed that rGRF3 caused a delay of senescence also in this system: wild-type and 35S:GIF1 leaves senesced 8 days after detaching, whereas rGRF3 did 12 days after detaching

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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ANT:rGRF3 ... the area of the cells were unchanged

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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We then characterized in more detail the growth of the first pair of leaves harboring different alleles of GRF3 (Figures 2e and S1a). Initially, leaves of rGRF3 and control lines grew at the same rate (Figure 2e). However, after 12 days the growth rate of control plants began to decrease, whereas rGRF3 leaves continued to grow. As a result of this extended period of growth, the leaf blade of rGRF3 almost doubled those of wild-type plants

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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Plants harboring 35S:miR396b have a stronger reduction in leaf size as expected from a reduced expression of several GRFs with redundant function

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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cells of rGRF3/an3-1 are larger than wild-type (Figure 3g) and similar to an3-1

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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rGRF3 increases the number of cells in leaves

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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AS1:rGRF3 ... the area of the cells were unchanged

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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The cell size in fully expanded leaves was unaffected by the presence of rGRF3

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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Cells of rGRF3x35S:GIF1 had a final size similar to cells of the control plants

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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plants ectopically expressing miR396 had smaller leaves

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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grf5-1 mutants displayed a mild acceleration of the senescence program

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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we observed that plants overexpressing miR396 senesced significantly faster than wild-type

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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We also observed that plants overexpressing GRF5 have an obvious delay in senescence

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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The reduction in leaf size was similar to that of grf5-1, which has been previously reported (Horiguchi et al., 2005)

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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Analysis of ... ANT:rGRF3 first leaves size showed that these plants had a significant increase in leaf area with respect to wild-type plants ... 2.2 times

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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Analysis of AS1:rGRF3 ... first leaves size showed that these plants had a significant increase in leaf area with respect to wild-type plants, 1.7 ... times

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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We measured the area of the first pair of leaves ... The grf3-1 mutant had smaller leaves than wild-type, approximately 15%

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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grf3-1 ... mutants displayed a mild acceleration of the senescence program

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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AS1:rGRF3 and wild-type leaves senesce rather similarly, even though their ample difference in leaf size

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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ANT:rGRF3 ... the increase in leaf area was due to a higher cell number

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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The larger size of an3-1 cells has been noted before as part of a compensation process to maintain the size of the organ (Tsukaya, 2005; Kawade et al., 2010; Horiguchi and Tsukaya, 2011

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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Leaves of transgenic plants harboring an extra copy of a wild-type GRF3 gene were slightly bigger than the control

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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We found that the an3-1 mutant also has an accelerated senescence

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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ANT:rGRF3 ... and wild-type leaves senesce rather similarly, even though their ample difference in leaf size

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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Then we studied the regulation of GRF3 by miR396 and generated transgenic plants that express a mutated version of GRF3 insensitive to miR396 regulation under its own promoter (rGRF3) ... We observed that rGRF3 primary transgenic plants were bigger than control plants (Figure 2c, d). The first leaves of rGRF3 plants had an increase in their size of more than 70% with respect to an empty vector

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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we first generated Arabidopsis plants expressing 35S:GIF1 (Figures 3a and S1b). The first leaves of these plants showed a slight increase in leaf area, which was not statistically significant in our experimental conditions

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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rGRF3x35S:GIF1 caused an obvious delay of leaf senescence. Sixty-day-old Arabidopsis plants (Col-0) display visual signs of senescence including yellowish leaves (Figure 5a). In contrast, leaves of plants harboring rGRF3 were still green and turgid

Debernardi JM, Mecchia MA, Vercruyssen L, Smaczniak C, Kaufmann K, Inze D, Rodriguez RE, Palatnik JF - Post-transcriptional control of GRF transcription factors by microRNA miR396 and GIF co-activator affects leaf size and longevity

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in ftshi4-1 ... No normally developed thylakoids were observed in mutant plastids

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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Since transgenic RNAi mutant plants displayed chlorosis in both cotyledons and leaves, we measured the chlorophyll contents in RNAi mutant plants. The results showed that ... chlorophyll b ... significantly reduced in the cotyledons of FtsHi4-RNAi mutant ... 0.1 mg/g in RNAi plants vs. 0.65 mg/g in WT for chlorophyll b

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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The observation that no homozygous ftshi4 plants were recovered suggested that homozygous mutants are completely embryonic lethal. To investigate embryo development, we cleared the seeds from ftshi4 heterozygous plants and observed them under a Nomarski microscope. At the globular embryo stage, which is the onset of chlorophyll accumulation [2], no obvious defects in embryo development were observed (n = 526). At the heart-shaped stage, the mutant embryos in the same siliques were mostly at the globular stage (Fig. 2A, D). When wild-type embryos reached the mature stage, about 80% (n≥60) of mutant embryos were arrested at the globular stage, whereas the remaining 20% were able to reach the heart-shaped stage, although an obvious abnormal division pattern was observed

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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Since transgenic RNAi mutant plants displayed chlorosis in both cotyledons and leaves, we measured the chlorophyll contents in RNAi mutant plants. The results showed that ... chlorophyll a ... significantly reduced in the cotyledons of FtsHi4-RNAi mutant ... 0.20 mg/g in RNAi plants vs. 0.68 mg/g in WT for chlorophyll a

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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emb2083-1, emb2083-2, and emb2083-4 for FtsHi2, named ftshi2-1, ftshi2-2, and ftshi2-3 ... After genotyping by PCR using a combination of gene- and T-DNA left border-specific primers, no homozygous mutants were identified from these lines, suggesting that homozygous mutants may be embryo-lethal ... At the mature stage, ~80% (n≥60) of mutant embryos were arrested at the globular stage, and the remaining 20% reached the heart-shaped stage with an abnormal division pattern

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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GK_723C06 and GK_555D09 for FtsHi3, named ftshi3-1 and ftshi3-2 ... The T-DNA insertion lines for FtsHi3 did not show any visible phenotypes under our conditions

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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The Salk_113657 line showed the same phenotypes as ftshi4-1, which also produced 25% white ovules in the heterozygous line

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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RNAi-FtsHi4 mutant ... the leaf area of the RNAi plants was ~40% smaller than WT plants 26 d after germination

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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ftshi4 mutant ... siliques contained roughly 25% albino embryos arrested at early embryogenesis; other seeds appeared green due to chlorophyll accumulation

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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FtsHi4-RNAi mutant ... leaves ... the chlorophyll b content was similar

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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emb2458 for FtsHi5, named ftshi5 ... After genotyping by PCR using a combination of gene- and T-DNA left border-specific primers, no homozygous mutants were identified from these lines, suggesting that homozygous mutants may be embryo-lethal ... At the mature stage, ~80% (n≥60) of mutant embryos were arrested at the globular stage, and the remaining 20% reached the heart-shaped stage with an abnormal division pattern

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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SAIL_262_D04 for FtsHi1, named ftshi1 ... After genotyping by PCR using a combination of gene- and T-DNA left border-specific primers, no homozygous mutants were identified from these lines, suggesting that homozygous mutants may be embryo-lethal ... At the mature stage, ~80% (n≥60) of mutant embryos were arrested at the globular stage, and the remaining 20% reached the heart-shaped stage with an abnormal division pattern

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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RNAi-FtsHi4 mutant ... growth was significantly reduced

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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in ftshi4-1 embryos, plastids were ... poorly differentiated with very few internal membranes

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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The 5-week-old leaves from wild type and the RNAi-FtsHi4 mutant were sectioned to examine their chloroplast structure. The mutant plastids had straight thylakoids but lacked granal lamellae

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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RNAi-FtsHi4 mutant showed ... yellowish leaves

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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ftshi2 ... mutant plastids were morphologically polymorphic and accumulated very few internal membranes

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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ftshi5 ... mutant plastids were morphologically polymorphic and accumulated very few internal membranes

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

plastid biogenesis ... largely impaired in ftshi4 mutant embryos

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

in ftshi4-1 embryos, plastids were ... polymorphic

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

RNAi-FtsHi4 ... mutant plants were smaller than WT plants throughout their life cycle

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

RNAi-FtsHi4 mutant showed a strong phenotype in leaf color. Unlike the wild type, which had green cotyledons and mature leaves, the mutant plants had white cotyledons

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

in ftshi4-1 embryos, plastids were morphologically irregular

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Fv/Fm (the ratio between variable fluorescence and maximum fluorescence) reflects the maximum potential capacity of the photochemical reactions of PSII [47]. Analyses of the chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm ratio with dark-adapted leaves revealed a significant reduction in RNAi plants compared with WT (0.68 vs. 0.85), suggesting that FtsHi4 knock-down affected energy transfer within PSII

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

FtsHi4-RNAi mutant ... chlorophyll a levels in the RNAi plant leaves decreased to 64% compared to WT (0.58 vs. 0.9 mg/g

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

ftshi1 ... mutant plastids were morphologically polymorphic and accumulated very few internal membranes

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

thylakoid differentiation ... largely impaired in ftshi4 mutant embryos

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang C - FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the shoot apical meristems (SAM) of ... psi2-1 psi3-1 plants were smaller compared to wt

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

A colorimetric assay confirmed reduced starch levels in the knock-out plants in particular in psi1-1 psi3-1

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Staining of leaves ... for starch with Lugol´s solution in the middle of the light period revealed a dark blue stain in wt indicative of a high starch content ... psi3-1 ... plants were only weakly stained indicative of less starch accumulation

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 psi3-1 plants ... impairement of ... cell proliferation in the shoot

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

shoot fresh weights ... of psi3-1 ... were considerably reduced

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

At the vegetative stage the rosette sizes of ... psi2-1 plants were comparable to wt when grown in either long day (Fig. 2c) or short day

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

At the vegetative stage the rosette sizes of psi1-1 ... were comparable to wt when grown in either long day (Fig. 2c) or short day

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

We next supplemented wt and psi1-1 psi3-1 plants with 0.25–1.5 % sucrose as an energy source (Fig. 8b). At 0.25 % sucrose psi1-1 psi3-1 plants were severely growth-retarded. Addition of higher sucrose concentrations partially rescued this mutant phenotype indicating that PSI proteins may have a function in carbohydrate metabolism. In support of such a role expression of PSI3 was induced by sucrose (Fig. 8c

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 psi3-1 double knockout plants displayed ... reduction in cell size

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

2.3-fold reduced leaf size of psi1-1 psi3-1 plants

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 psi3-1 plants showed an exaggerated dwarf phenotype

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 psi3-1 ... plastochron was unaltered

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 psi3-1 double knockout plants ... cell proliferation was reduced

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

shoots of psi3-1 were smaller than wt

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the leaf areas of psi3-1 ... plants ... were considerably reduced

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

most psi2-1 psi3-1 plants died prematurely

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

By contrast, rosettes of PSI3ox2 and PSI3ox8 lines were larger than wt rosettes suggesting that PSI3 was limiting a factor for vegetative plant growth

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

≥4-fold reduction in shoot fresh weight of psi2-1 psi3-1 plants

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi3-1 ... number of pavement cells increased 2.4-fold

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 ... number of pavement cells increased 2.4-fold

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 psi3-1 double knockout plants displayed a much more severe growth reduction

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

shoot fresh weights ... of ... psi2-1 psi3-1 plants ... were considerably reduced

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi2-1 psi3-1 plants ... impairement of ... cell growth ... in the shoot

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

A colorimetric assay confirmed ... starch levels ... elevated levels in PSI3ox8 plants

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

A colorimetric assay confirmed reduced starch levels in the knock-out plants in particular in ... psi2-1 psi3-1

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the number of stomata per area increased only 1.5-fold in psi2-1

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi1-1 psi3-1 ... epidermal cells that were 1.2 times smaller than epidermal cells of wt

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the leaf areas of ... psi2-1 psi3-1 plants were considerably reduced

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

psi1-1 psi3-1 ... plastochron was unaltered

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Shoot growth of 4-week-old plants was not enhanced by overexpression of PSI1 ... indicating that the abundance of PSI1 ... was not limiting at the vegetative stage

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Shoot growth of 4-week-old plants was not enhanced by overexpression of ... PSI2 indicating that the abundance of ... PSI2 was not limiting at the vegetative stage

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

A time course analysis of growth of the first true leaf over a 42-day period revealed that leaves grew at a lower rate ... and growth was arrested after 4 weeks ... psi2-1 psi3-1

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the shoot apical meristems (SAM) of psi1-1 psi3-1 ... plants were smaller compared to wt

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

early leaf senescence in psi1-1 psi3-1

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

early leaf senescence in ... psi2-1 psi3-1

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

A time course analysis of growth of the first true leaf over a 42-day period revealed that leaves grew at a lower rate ... and growth was arrested after 4 weeks ... psi1-1 psi3-1

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

the number of stomata per area increased only 1.5-fold in ... psi3-1 as compared to wt

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Staining of leaves ... for starch with Lugol´s solution in the middle of the light period revealed a dark blue stain in wt indicative of a high starch content ... psi1-1 psi3-1 plants were only weakly stained indicative of less starch accumulation

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

To test the hypothesis that PSI1 controls cell expansion by regulating proton pump activity at the plasma membrane, tissue from 5-day-old wt and psi1-1 seedlings was infiltrated with or without 1 µM FC for 30 min and microsomal vesicles were isolated and analyzed for H+-ATPase activity according to Gräf and Weiler (1989). Plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity is known to be pH-dependent hence assays were performed at pH 7.3 which is close to the cellular pH, and at pH 6.3 (Supplemental Fig. S5a). FC did not induce H+-ATPase activity in vesicles from wt and psi1-1 seedlings when assayed at pH 6.3 whereas H+-ATPase activity was enhanced by FC when assayed at pH 7.3. H+-ATPase activity increased in response to FC to a similar degree in both genotypes indicating that PSI1 was not required for the activation of H+-ATPase by FC and that PSI1 activity does not involve regulation of proton extrusion. To further test this conclusion FC-induced acidification was analyzed in planta in wt and psi1-1 seedlings (Supplemental Fig. S5b). Treatment of hypocotyls with 1 µM FC led to the acidification of the surrounding medium in wt and psi1-1 indicating that acidification did not depend on PSI1 supporting the in vitro results on H+-ATPase activity

Stührwohldt N, Hartmann J, Dahlke RI, Oecking C, Sauter M - The PSI family of nuclear proteins is required for growth in arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Since it is well known that inhibition of PAT has an effect on vessel formation in cotyledons and since we had found that AtMPK10 expression was affected by auxin transport inhibition but not by exogenous auxin, we tested whether PAT inhibition affects vein patterning in the atmpk10 mutant. Exposing cotyledons of mutants lacking AtMPK10 ... activity to HFCA treatment (5 μM) restored the venation pattern to wild-type levels

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Exposing cotyledons of mutants lacking ... AtMKK2 activity to HFCA treatment (5 μM) restored the venation pattern to wild-type levels

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

For simplicity and to emphasize the differences, we categorized the five venation pattern groups into two classes (Figure 4A). Groups 1 and 2 representing simple vein architecture were pooled in class I. Groups 3 to 5 representing high vein complexity were pooled in class II. While the frequency of simple venation patterns was approximately 20% higher in atmpk10 lines than in wild-type, the transgenic mpk10 lines expressing the LOF construct (Pro35S:: AtMPK10 AEF) showed an approximately 10%–15% lower complexity ( Figure 4C). Moreover, expression of the wild-type allele under control of the strong CaMV-35S promoter (Pro35S::AtMPK10) in mpk10 plants shifted the venation pattern in the opposite direction, thus confirming that AtMPK10 kinase activity is required for establishing a complex venation architecture. Notably, the rate of more complex venation patterns in these lines increased up to 10% over wild-type levels

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The observed AtMPK10 promoter activity in veins, the altered size of cotyledons, and the delayed flowering phenotype prompted us to study the potential role of the AtMKK2/AtMPK10 kinase cascade in vascular development. In cotyledons, the number of secondary vein loops originating from the midvein served as an indicator for vein complexity. As defined by Cnops et al. (2006), veins appearing on cotyledons can be classified into five groups representing increasing venation complexity ( Figure 4A). The first group (simple closed) represents cotyledons showing the lowest complexity with two secondary loops. Group 2 (medium open) have three secondary vein loops and in group 3 (medium closed) they are connected with each other. Group 4 (complex open) represents patterns with two secondary vein loops plus one or two not fully connected veins. Cotyledons with four connected secondary loops originating from the midvein show a maximum of complexity and constitute group 5 (complex ... In the mutants, the frequency of cotyledons with simple venation patterns (groups 1 and 2) was approximately 10% higher compared to the wild-type, while the frequency of those with higher complexity (groups 3 to 5) was decreased accordingly ... mkk2 mutant lines had a significantly less complex venation architecture compared to wild-type

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

This extremely narrow time window of MPK10 expression gave rise to the question for a visible phenotype. We found that atmpk10 mutant lines did not show any germination or root elongation defects when compared to wild-type plants ( Figure 3A). Furthermore, we tested various hormone and abiotic stress conditions to investigate a potential function of MPK10 in development and stress responses. Mutant plants were exposed to the hormones abscisic acid (ABA) or indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), to the stress factors mannitol (osmotic stress), sodium chloride (salt stress), or salicylic acid (biotic stress), or were exposed to drought stress. As exemplified in Figure 3B for salicylic acid (SA), no obvious differences in germination rate or plant growth could be observed between mpk10 and Col-0 wild-type plants in any instance

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Cotyledons of atmpk10 plants were slightly smaller than in wild-type

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Transgenic atmpk10/Pro35S::AtMPK10 plants formed larger cotyledons

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

The observed AtMPK10 promoter activity in veins, the altered size of cotyledons, and the delayed flowering phenotype prompted us to study the potential role of the AtMKK2/AtMPK10 kinase cascade in vascular development. In cotyledons, the number of secondary vein loops originating from the midvein served as an indicator for vein complexity. As defined by Cnops et al. (2006), veins appearing on cotyledons can be classified into five groups representing increasing venation complexity ( Figure 4A). The first group (simple closed) represents cotyledons showing the lowest complexity with two secondary loops. Group 2 (medium open) have three secondary vein loops and in group 3 (medium closed) they are connected with each other. Group 4 (complex open) represents patterns with two secondary vein loops plus one or two not fully connected veins. Cotyledons with four connected secondary loops originating from the midvein show a maximum of complexity and constitute group 5 (complex ... In the mutants, the frequency of cotyledons with simple venation patterns (groups 1 and 2) was approximately 10% higher compared to the wild-type, while the frequency of those with higher complexity (groups 3 to 5) was decreased accordingly ... mpk10 ... mutant lines had a significantly less complex venation architecture compared to wild-type

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

infiltration of mpk10 mutant leaves with low amounts of auxin (1 μM) had no effect on vein patterning

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

mpk10 ... Also at later stages, when plants were grown under short-day conditions (8-h light) for vegetative growth, no apparent differences with wild-type plants were seen

Stanko V, Giuliani C, Retzer K, Djamei A, Wahl V, Wurzinger B, Wilson C, Heberle-Bors E, Teige M, Kragler F - Timing is everything: highly specific and transient expression of a MAP kinase determines auxin-induced leaf venation patterns in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

hua2–7 hulk2 hulk3 mutants ... displayed randomly initiated and mis-shapen leaf primordia

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

hua2–7 hulk2 hulk3 mutants ... displayed ... shoots with abnormal phyllotaxis

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

hua2–7 hulk2 hulk3 mutants ... displayed ... abnormal leaf shapes

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

Triple hua2–7 hulk2 hulk3 seedlings were smaller than wild-type

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

Triple mutant hua2–7 hulk1 hulk3 plants were reduced in size

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

As assessed by serial longitudinal sections of the vegetative meristem, hua2–7 hulk2 hulk3 mutants had a flattened shoot apical meristem with an abnormal and reduced rib zone, as opposed to the wild-type shoot apical meristem with a high central dome on top of an expanded rib zone comprising well-defined large, round and lightly stained cells

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

As assessed by serial longitudinal sections of the vegetative meristem, hua2–7 hulk2 hulk3 mutants had a flattened shoot apical meristem

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

Triple mutant hua2–7 hulk1 hulk3 plants ... with small leaves

Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V - A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development

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  • Phenotype

To determine whether VCC overexpression can also affect vasculature organization in rosette leaves, we analyzed the first leaves of 3-week-old T1 plants. To evaluate leaf vein complexity patterns, we quantified the number of vein branching points and free-ending veins according to Dhondt et al. (2012; Fig. 3C). We found that, compared with control plants transformed with an empty plasmid, the VCC-overexpressing leaves were significantly larger in surface area

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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  • Phenotype

Consistent with the published analysis of ops-1 and ops-2 (Truernit et al., 2012), ops-3 and ops-4 showed reductions in the complexity of vascular networks in cotyledons ... the cotyledons from vcc-3 ops-4 double homozygous mutants showed drastic reductions in vein complexity. High-complexity vein networks (4-1, 4-0, and 3-1) were present in more than 75% of wild-type cotyledons but in less than 5% of the vcc-3 ops-4 mutant cotyledons. In addition, 60% to 70% of the vcc-3 ops-4 cotyledons showed gaps/disconnections in the distal veins (open distal areoles), which represents a 2.5- to 4-fold increase in the occurrence of vein disconnections compared with the single vcc and ops mutant lines (Figs. 2D and 6B). We also classified all the vascular networks with open distal areoles observed in vcc-3, ops-4, and vcc-3 ops-4 cotyledons (Fig. 6C). We observed that approximately 16% of the vcc ops double mutants show vascular networks with two open distal areoles per cotyledon and discontinuous/fragmented veins. These vein networks were not seen in either single ops or vcc mutants, indicating that, besides the increase in open distal areole frequency, new abnormal vascular networks appeared in the double vcc ops mutant

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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  • Phenotype

Three independent mutant lines for At2g32280 showed abnormal vein networks in cotyledons of 1-week-old seedlings (Fig. 2), and thus we named this gene VCC. We designated these mutant alleles vcc-1, vcc-2, and vcc-3. VCC gene organization and the position of the T-DNA insertions are shown in Figure 2A. Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis of RNA extracts from mutant plants demonstrated that vcc-1, vcc-2, and vcc-3 are knockout mutants, as they lack detectable VCC transcripts

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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Mutations in VCC could affect either the patterning of procambial cell specification in cotyledons or the differentiation of vascular tissues from normally established procambial strands. If the first scenario is correct, cotyledon procambial strands should show the same architectural alterations seen in differentiated vascular bundles after germination. To determine the distribution of procambial strands, we analyzed iron accumulation patterns in developing embryos. Iron accumulates inside vacuoles of the proendodermal layer around procambial strands during embryo maturation; iron detection has been used successfully as a marker to visualize defects in provasculature continuity (Roschzttardtz et al., 2009, 2010). The type and frequency of proendodermal/procambial networks revealed by iron staining in vcc mutant developing embryos (Fig. 4A; Supplemental Fig. S2) were comparable to those observed in cotyledons from 1-week-old vcc seedlings (Fig. 2D). These results indicate that alterations in vasculature organization in the vcc cotyledons happened early during embryo provasculature development

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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VCC-overexpressing leaves ... no differences were found in the number of vein end points per leaf area

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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To analyze the effect of overexpressing VCC in plants, we transformed wild-type plants with a construct containing pCaMV35S:VCC or with an empty vector as a control. We isolated multiple T1 transgenic lines and determined VCC mRNA accumulation by RT-PCR (Fig. 3A). We then analyzed vascular network organization in cotyledons of T2 seeds from seven control lines transformed with the empty vector and nine pCaMV35S:VCC plants (Fig. 3B; Supplemental Table S2). The VCC-overexpressing lines showed an increase in cotyledon vein complexity, as evidenced by a 10% increase in cotyledons with four closed areoles (4-0) and a 10% decrease in cotyledons with two closed distal areoles and two open proximal areoles (2-2). For six of the nine VCC-overexpressing lines, between 30% and 45% of cotyledons showed four closed areoles (4-0 and 4-1), whereas no control line showed more than 26% of cotyledons with these categories

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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To analyze changes in cotyledon vascular organization in vcc lines, we classified patterns of vein complexity into different categories (Fig. 2C). We considered the number of closed areoles (two, three, or four) formed by the secondary veins and the number of vein branches/incomplete areoles in the proximal (closest to the petiole) part of the cotyledon. Open distal (closest to the apex) areoles resulted from vein gaps and were considered vein disconnections. Whereas more than 60% of wild-type cotyledons showed either four closed areoles (4-0) or three closed areoles with one open proximal areole (3-1; Fig. 2D), approximately 40% of the cotyledons from the three independent vcc mutant lines showed a simpler vein network with only two closed areoles (2-0). In addition, in contrast to wild-type cotyledons in which the distal areoles are almost always closed (99% of the examined wild-type cotyledons), cotyledons of the three vcc mutant lines displayed between 17% (vcc-2) and 28% (vcc-1) open distal areoles (Fig. 2D; Supplemental Table S1). This indicates that mutations in VCC negatively affect the complexity and connectivity of cotyledon veins

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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Similar to vcc mutants, embryonic iron distribution was affected in vcc-3 ops-4 cotyledons, indicating an early provasculature developmental defect

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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To further understand the developmental problems associated with the abnormal embryo vasculature in the vcc-3 ops-4 mutant, we stained mature embryos that were rehydrated overnight and removed from the seed coat with modified pseudo-Schiff propidium iodide (Fig. 7). The Columbia-0 (Col-0) cotyledons showed closed areoles with well-developed vascular (xylem and phloem) initials (Fig. 7, A and B). In the vcc mutant, consistent with the iron staining results (Fig. 4A), the differentiation of initials within the cotyledon veins was incomplete; we detected fewer vascular initials in the distal part of the veins, suggesting that procambial cells in the vcc mutant failed to divide to give rise to phloem and xylem cells (Fig. 7, F–J). In ops mutant cotyledons, vein gaps were due to a gradual loss of procambial cell division that led ultimately to a complete absence of procambium at the distal part of the vein (Fig. 7, C–E). Similar defects in the division of procambial cells were observed in vcc-3 ops-4 mutants but with a higher frequency, suggesting an additive effect of these two mutations

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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the number of vein branching points per leaf area was higher in VCC-overexpressing leaves compared with control leaves

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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VCC-overexpressing leaves were significantly larger ... showing more vein ends and vein branching points per leaf

Roschzttardtz H, Paez-Valencia J, Dittakavi T, Jali S, Reyes FC, Baisa G, Anne P, Gissot L, Palauqui JC, Masson PH, Bednarek SY, Otegui MS - The VASCULATURE COMPLEXITY AND CONNECTIVITY gene encodes a plant-specific protein required for embryo provasculature development

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the thickness of mature leaves was 45% reduced by low light (P=0.000; Fig. 6A). Detailed analysis of the thickness over time showed that at 5 DAS there was already a small, but significant reduction in leaf thickness in low light (Figs 6A, 7). This difference progressively increased during further development. Curiously, in contrast to areal expansion rates (Fig 5B), the timing of anticlinal expansion was very similar between high and low light. The main difference in leaf thickness appears to be generated between 6 and 15 DAS (Fig. 6A), when anticlinal expansion rates of low light leaves are only half of those of high light plants ... Quantification of individual cell layers indicated that all cell layers contributed to some extent to this reduced thickness, but the decrease was largest in the palisade (49%; P=0.000) and spongy mesophyll (48%; P=0.008) compared with the adaxial (22%; P=0.018) and abaxial (27%; P=0.003) epidermis (Fig. 6C). Consistent with earlier reports (Dengler, 1980; Kim et al., 2005), the decrease in thickness was associated with a decrease of one layer of palisade cells (Figs. 6D, 7). By determining the number of cell layers throughout the development of the leaf, the aim was to determine the timing of periclinal divisions in order to identify the difference in the division patterns that decreases the palisade by one layer in the low light conditions. Surprisingly, it was found that the final number of layers was already established at 5 DAS, when the kinematic analysis started in both light conditions. Therefore, the differences in the number of cell layers between high and low light were already established before this time point—immediately after germination ... These results indicate that the division forming the additional cell layer in high light grown leaves precedes the analysis conducted here and must occur during, or immediately after, germination, whereas the expansion that generates differences in leaf thickness occurs at a later stage (Fig. 6A, B). This suggests that the effect of light on the periclinal cell divisions that determine the number of cell layers and on expansion that determines leaf thickness are clearly separated in time. This led to the hypothesis that these effects can be uncoupled by changing the light conditions shortly after germination. To test this possibility, plants were germinated and grown in low and high light until 3 DAS and half of them were transferred to the opposite conditions (low to high and high to low light, respectively) till 18 DAS. As predicted, it was found that leaves germinated under low light, but grown in high light had only six cell layers, whereas leaves germinated under high light and grown in low light had seven layers of cells (P=0.06; Fig. 8A, B). Nevertheless, light conditions during germination had only a very small effect on thickness at maturity, which was almost completely dependent on light conditions during the growth period at later stages (Fig. 8A, C

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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To investigate potential differences in anticlinal cell division rates, that increase the number of cells per layer, it was decided to compare palisade mesophyll tissues and abaxial epidermal cells. These two layers were chosen because they were the most homogeneous, due to the lack of trichomes which are present in the adaxial epidermis and due to fewer intercellular air spaces which are substantial in the spongy mesophyll and complicate the calculations. Both the abaxial epidermis and palisade mesophyll are therefore easy to study. First the surface area of the first leaf pair was measured to calculate leaf expansion rates, because relative rates of changes in cell size depend on the balance between cell growth (measured as the evolution of leaf area) and cell division rate (that partitions this growing area; Green, 1976). Then, individual areas of epidermis and palisade cells were determined by quantitative image analysis on periclinal optical sections of the leaf, and cell numbers were calculated by dividing the total leaf area by the average cell area of each individual layer. From 7 to 9 DAS, there was a 4-fold increase in leaf area (Fig. 4A). At this stage, the palisade cell area was significantly smaller than the epidermal cell area (Fig. 4C, I), resulting in a slightly higher number of cells in the palisade layer than in the epidermis (Fig. 4D). From day 13 onwards, this situation was reversed (Fig. 4C, D), indicating that the relative rate of size increase was higher in the palisade than in the epidermal cells (Fig. 4E), so that in the mature leaf the palisade cell area was 1.5-fold larger than that of the average epidermal cell (Fig. 4C, I). Because average rates of cell expansion (Fig. 4B) are equal in both layers, different size evolution rates must be due to differences in the division rates in both layers. Indeed, cell division rates in palisade cells declined much faster and divisions stopped around day 13 (when rates became 0), which is ~2 d earlier than in the epidermal layer (Fig. 4F). This extended division period can be related to meristemoid activity driving guard cell development in the epidermal cell layer as the number of guard cells increased more rapidly than the number of pavement cells during this period (Fig. 4H). Consequently, the stomatal index, the ratio of guard cells and total number of epidermal cells of the abaxial epidermis, increased rapidly from 7 to 15 DAS, exactly the period where division rates in the epidermis exceed those of the mesophyll (Fig. 4G). In conclusion, these results show that division rates and the timing of exit from cell division differ between these two cell layers

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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plants were grown under ... low (10–20 μmol m–2 s–1 PAR) light intensities ... Light intensity not only affected thickness, but also had a profound effect on leaf area. Under low light, leaves were significantly smaller throughout their development; leaf area increased at a lower rate and the final leaf surface area was decreased by 30%

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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the petiole in low light is initiated at a greater length (Fig. 5C) and in contrast to the blade grows at a much faster rate than at high light

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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plants were grown under high (120–130 μmol m–2 s–1 PAR) and low (10–20 μmol m–2 s–1 PAR) light intensities ... the ratio between blade and petiole length was 2-fold smaller in low light leaves compared with high light

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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plants were grown under ... low (10–20 μmol m–2 s–1 PAR) light intensities ... the expansion rate during the early stages of leaf development was about one-third of those of high light plants, which was partly compensated by an increase in the duration of the expansion process

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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The evolution of the leaf length/width ratio of low light plants reflected this slower development as it followed the same pattern as in high light, namely starting close to 2 in young primordia and declining to 1 at 13 DAS, which is 4 d later than in the high light leaves (Fig. 5E). An expected phenotype of the low light leaves was the increase in the length of the petiole, which reached to 6.4mm on 30 DAS, whereas in high light plants it was only 3.7mm (P=0.000). Interestingly, this increased petiole length was obtained despite the petiole being formed later than in high light leaves (Fig. 5C

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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To quantify the leaf growth process in relation to these three axes, cell division and expansion rates were determined in the first leaf pair of A. thaliana from germination at day 5 till maturity at 25 DAS ... Directly after emergence at 5 DAS, there is no distinction between blade and petiole. At 8 DAS, the petiole is formed, contributing 27% of the total leaf length (Fig. 2A). Both the leaf blade and petiole grow exponentially until 18 DAS, when they reach their mature size (Fig. 2A). Interestingly, petiole elongation rates were higher than those of the blade between day 12 and 18 (Fig. 2B), so that in the mature leaf the petiole contributes 39% of the total length ... In young primordia, at 5 DAS, the width of a leaf is <50% of its length (Fig. 2C, E). Like length, leaf width also increased at exponential rates, but the lateral expansion rates were higher than the longitudinal rates until 10 DAS (Fig. 2D), so that the length/width ratio of the blade gradually declines from 2 to 1, meaning that the length and width become roughly equal (Fig. 2E). After that the leaf continues to expand at low rates that are balanced in lateral and longitudinal directions until the leaf attains its final size around day 20 (Fig. 2D, E ... Expansion rates in the anticlinal direction (i.e. increasing thickness) were an order of magnitude lower than areal expansion rates, explaining the flattened morphology of the leaf. Interestingly, anticlinal expansion occurred during the same time frame as areal expansion, but with different dynamics. Maximal areal rates were occurring at the earliest time point, while the highest anticlinal expansion occurred between 7 and 12 DAS, when areal expansion rates were rapidly declining (Fig. 2D ... The contribution of different tissue layers to anticlinal growth was next examined. At the first observation on 5 DAS, the mesophyll contributed 76% of the total thickness of the leaf blade (Fig. 3A). Although anticlinal expansion occurred throughout leaf development in all tissues, the rates were higher in the mesophyll than in the epidermis (Fig. 3B), so that in the mature leaf the mesophyll contributed 81% of the total leaf thickness (Fig. 3A ... Within the mesophyll, the palisade cells contributed 53% and the spongy mesophyll 23% of total leaf thickness in the youngest stages (Fig. 3A). Anticlinal expansion rates of the spongy mesophyll tissue were consistently roughly double those of the palisade mesophyll tissue throughout development (Fig. 3B). Consequently, in the mature leaf, both layers contributed almost equally (44% and 37%, for palisade and spongy mesophyll, respectively) to the total leaf thickness (Fig. 3A ... Taken together, the results show that, although the period of cell expansion is similar in all tissues and directions, the periclinal expansion rates are by definition equal between all tissue layers since they do not slide relative to one another. In contrast, the expansion in anticlinal and periclinal orientation differs by an order of magnitude. Moreover, the anticlinal expansion rates vary greatly between adjacent cell layers and within each cell type

Kalve S, Fotschki J, Beeckman T, Vissenberg K, Beemster GT - Three-dimensional patterns of cell division and expansion throughout the development of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves

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the size of abs5-1D is comparable to that of wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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The most prominent phenotype of abs5-1D is the upward curling of leaf margins, in contrast to the slightly downward curvature usually observed in wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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Closer examination of leaf anatomy revealed that although the general arrangements of the palisade ... mesophyll cells are not grossly changed in abs5-1D

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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Statistical analysis of the measurements showed that the number of epidermal cells on either the adaxial or the abaxial side of the leaves was about the same in abs5-1D ... compared to that of wild type, suggesting epidermal cell proliferation was not grossly altered

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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auxin homeostasis ... likely perturbed by the abs5-1D mutation

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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we tested whether the over-expression of At2g32460 was the cause for curly leaves in abs7-1D. Figure 6C shows that independent At2g32460 OE lines phenocopied abs7-1D and the up-regulations of At2g32460 in these lines were confirmed via semi-quantitative RT-PCR

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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the number of cells composing the vascular bundles were increased in abs5-1D compared with that of wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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To confirm that the over-expression of At1g68810 led to the abs5-1D phenotypes, a vector harboring a full-length cDNA of At1g68810 under the control of the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter was constructed and transformed into wild type Arabidopsis. Independent transgenic lines recapitulated the leaf curling up phenotypes of abs5-1D in T1 and T2 generations

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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Since Arabidopsis cotyledons display simple and predictable patterns of vasculature development, we compared mature cotyledon vein patterns of wild type and abs5-1D. Under our growth conditions, wild type cotyledons predominantly displayed two, three or four areoles (45.1%, 40.9% and 13.8%, respectively) (Table 2; Figure 4H) [35]. In contrast, abs5-1D cotyledons displayed a different distribution of cotyledon vein patterns (Table 2; Figure 4I–J). The proportions of cotyledons with four or more areoles were increased while those with two or three areoles were decreased in abs5-1D (Table 2; Figure 4I). Notably, 6.8% of abs5-1D cotyledons developed veins with five areoles, which is usually not seen in wild type (Figure 4I–J). In addition, in abs5-1D cotyledons with three or four areoles, vein patterns were usually more complex than those of wild type, due to the presence of multiple free-ending tertiary veins

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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During the course of our work, we isolated another curly leaf mutant, which was designated abs7-1D, also from our activation tagging T-DNA mutant pools ... Overall abs7-1D displayed upwardly curly leaf phenotypes

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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In abs5-1D, the upward leaf curling was more obvious in newly emerged young leaves while old leaves were only slightly curled up in marginal areas

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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in abs7-1D young leaves at the center of the rosette were not curled up, the upwardly curling leaf phenotype was more conspicuous in mature leaves in abs7-1D

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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Statistical analysis of the measurements showed that the number of epidermal cells on either the adaxial or the abaxial side of the leaves was about the same in ... abs7-1D compared to that of wild type, suggesting epidermal cell proliferation was not grossly altered

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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the average length of adaxial epidermal cells of abs5-1D ... was significantly reduced compared to that of wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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Closer examination of leaf anatomy revealed that although the general arrangements of the ... spongy mesophyll cells are not grossly changed in abs5-1D

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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overall plant stature of homozygous abs7-1D was considerably smaller than that of wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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vascular development ... likely perturbed by the abs5-1D mutation

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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the average length of abaxial epidermal cells of abs5-1D ... was comparable to that of wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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A transposon tagged line (SM_3_20727 ... obtained from ABRC for ABS5/T5L1 ... PCR and sequencing analysis confirmed that the transposon was inserted in the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of ABS5/T5L1, 19 bp upstream of its start codon, and the homozygous line was named abs5-1 (Figure S2A–B). Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the accumulation of ABS5/T5L1 transcripts was reduced in abs5-1 (Figure S2C). Under our growth conditions, we did not observe major developmental abnormalities with abs5-1, suggesting that the partial loss of ABS5/T5L1 is not detrimental to plant growth

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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multiple lines that express PAtML1::ABS5 showed the curly leaf phenotype, similar to that observed in abs5-1D

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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For the putative ABS7/MYB101 knockout line SALK_149918, T-DNA was confirmed to be inserted in the second exon of ABS7/MYB101, 1408 bp downstream of the start codon, and the homozygous line was named abs7-1 (Figure S3A–B). Full-length ABS7/MYB101 transcripts were not detected in abs7-1 (Figure S3C). However, abs7-1 plants were indistinguishable from wild type plants, suggesting ABS7/MYB101 is dispensable for normal plant growth and development, at least under lab conditions and there might be additional genes sharing redundant functions with ABS7/MYB101

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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the average length of adaxial epidermal cells of ... abs7-1D was significantly reduced compared to that of wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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fusion constructs with ... ABS7/MYB101 cDNA under the control of epidermal layer specific Arabidopsis Meristem Layer 1 promoter (PAtML1) were generated ... transgenic lines with epidermal-specific expressions of ABS7/MYB101 phenocopied abs7-1D

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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the average length of abaxial epidermal cells of ... abs7-1D was comparable to that of wild type

An R, Liu X, Wang R, Wu H, Liang S, Shao J, Qi Y, An L, Yu F - The over-expression of two transcription factors, ABS5/bHLH30 and ABS7/MYB101, leads to upwardly curly leaves

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lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 ... fused ... cotyledons were observed for approximately 1–3% of the seedlings

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-1 ... We isolated total RNA from seedlings of wild type and the T-DNA insertion lines and resolved it on agarose or polyacrylamide gels (Figure 7). The ethidium bromide (EtBr) staining of the gels shows the mature rRNAs that are not altered in the mutants (Figure 7b,c), which was also observed for mutants of other ribosome biogenesis factors with altered pre-rRNA abundance (Lange et al., 2008, 2011; Zakrzewska-Placzek et al., 2010). Furthermore, the amount of chloroplast rRNAs (16S, 23S-1, 23S-2, 23S-3, 5S and 4.5S; Figure 7b,c) or tRNAs (Figure 7c) is not affected in the mutant lines ... Northern Blotting using the probes indicated (Figure 7a) revealed the previously described pattern of pre-rRNAs (Zakrzewska-Placzek et al., 2010; Lange et al., 2011; Missbach et al., 2013). All probes recognize the first visible precursor 35S (starting from site P) on the agarose gel. The 35S pre-rRNA still contains the 3′-ETS (Figure 7b, p.6) and accumulates in lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 compared to lsg1-1 and WT. Probes p2/p4, p3 and p5 recognize the 33S pre-rRNA that is already processed at the mature 3′-end of 25S rRNA and starts at site P′, which is not altered in the mutants (Figure 7b). The abundance of direct precursors for the 60S ribosomal subunit (27SA, 27SB, 7S, 6S and 5′-5.8S) is not changed in all three mutant lines compared to wild type

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-1 ... no morphological alterations

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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all rosette leaves of lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 were curled upwards ... while wild type leaves are normally slightly curled downward ... At later stages, the curling of the rosette leaves diminished

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-2.2 ... the amount of pre-rRNAs leading to 5.8S rRNA is not altered

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The absence of lethality of the individual mutants prompted us to generate double T-DNA insertion lines. We crossed lsg1-1 with lsg1-2.2 because both lines for LSG1-2 showed similar phenotypes. The F2 generation was screened for a double homozygous knockout (Figure 9), which was not obtained as PCR analysis revealed the existence of one wild type allele in each obtained plant (Figure S7). This argues for a certain redundancy of LSG1-1 and LSG1-2, because most of the RBFs are essential in A. thaliana and a homozygous line usually cannot be obtained

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 show a severe delay in development of the first true rosette leaves (Figure S6; Boyes et al., 2001), which appeared on wild type at day 9 and in the mutants on day 13

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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As expected from the absence of an association with pre-ribosomal complexes of atLSG1-1, in lsg1-1 rRNA processing is comparable to wild type (Figure 7). Furthermore, the amount of pre-rRNAs leading to 5.8S rRNA is not altered

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-1 with lsg1-2.2 ... we analysed the rRNA processing phenotype in flowers of the double mutant lines (Figure 9b). In the WT/Hom line we again observed the appearance of the 20S pre-rRNA (Figure 9b), as can be seen in seedlings (Figure 7b). Interestingly, the Het/Hom line shows accumulation of almost all detected large pre-rRNAs (Figure 9b), suggesting a general delay in rRNA processing whereas transcription seems to be unaffected. In contrast, small rRNAs (7S, 6S, and 5′-5.8S) do not accumulate in any mutant

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-1 grew only slightly slower than wild type

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 ... triple cotyledons were observed for approximately 1–3% of the seedlings

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-2.1 ... We isolated total RNA from seedlings of wild type and the T-DNA insertion lines and resolved it on agarose or polyacrylamide gels (Figure 7). The ethidium bromide (EtBr) staining of the gels shows the mature rRNAs that are not altered in the mutants (Figure 7b,c), which was also observed for mutants of other ribosome biogenesis factors with altered pre-rRNA abundance (Lange et al., 2008, 2011; Zakrzewska-Placzek et al., 2010). Furthermore, the amount of chloroplast rRNAs (16S, 23S-1, 23S-2, 23S-3, 5S and 4.5S; Figure 7b,c) or tRNAs (Figure 7c) is not affected in the mutant lines ... Northern Blotting using the probes indicated (Figure 7a) revealed the previously described pattern of pre-rRNAs (Zakrzewska-Placzek et al., 2010; Lange et al., 2011; Missbach et al., 2013). All probes recognize the first visible precursor 35S (starting from site P) on the agarose gel. The 35S pre-rRNA still contains the 3′-ETS (Figure 7b, p.6) and accumulates in lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 compared to lsg1-1 and WT. Probes p2/p4, p3 and p5 recognize the 33S pre-rRNA that is already processed at the mature 3′-end of 25S rRNA and starts at site P′, which is not altered in the mutants (Figure 7b). The abundance of direct precursors for the 60S ribosomal subunit (27SA, 27SB, 7S, 6S and 5′-5.8S) is not changed in all three mutant lines compared to wild type

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Interestingly, the last pre-rRNAs leading to 18S rRNA strongly accumulate in both lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2. The 18S-A3 fragment (previously designated as 20S pre-rRNA; Zakrzewska-Placzek et al., 2010; Missbach et al., 2013) accumulates as compared to wild type. Furthermore, a new pre-rRNA can be seen in lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2. This precursor can only be recognized by probe p3 just located 3′ to the 18S rRNA before site A2 (Figure 7a). Probes located between site A2 and A3 do not recognize this precursor (Figure S5, p34). Thus, this pre-rRNA is the 20S pre-rRNA (according to yeast nomenclature; Woolford and Baserga, 2013) ranging from the mature 5′-end of 18S rRNA to site A2. In summary, lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 lines show an accumulation of rRNA precursors leading to 18S rRNA from the small ribosomal subunit

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-2.1 ... the amount of pre-rRNAs leading to 5.8S rRNA is not altered

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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lsg1-2.2 ... We isolated total RNA from seedlings of wild type and the T-DNA insertion lines and resolved it on agarose or polyacrylamide gels (Figure 7). The ethidium bromide (EtBr) staining of the gels shows the mature rRNAs that are not altered in the mutants (Figure 7b,c), which was also observed for mutants of other ribosome biogenesis factors with altered pre-rRNA abundance (Lange et al., 2008, 2011; Zakrzewska-Placzek et al., 2010). Furthermore, the amount of chloroplast rRNAs (16S, 23S-1, 23S-2, 23S-3, 5S and 4.5S; Figure 7b,c) or tRNAs (Figure 7c) is not affected in the mutant lines ... Northern Blotting using the probes indicated (Figure 7a) revealed the previously described pattern of pre-rRNAs (Zakrzewska-Placzek et al., 2010; Lange et al., 2011; Missbach et al., 2013). All probes recognize the first visible precursor 35S (starting from site P) on the agarose gel. The 35S pre-rRNA still contains the 3′-ETS (Figure 7b, p.6) and accumulates in lsg1-2.1 and lsg1-2.2 compared to lsg1-1 and WT. Probes p2/p4, p3 and p5 recognize the 33S pre-rRNA that is already processed at the mature 3′-end of 25S rRNA and starts at site P′, which is not altered in the mutants (Figure 7b). The abundance of direct precursors for the 60S ribosomal subunit (27SA, 27SB, 7S, 6S and 5′-5.8S) is not changed in all three mutant lines compared to wild type

Weis BL, Missbach S, Marzi J, Bohnsack MT, Schleiff E - The 60S associated ribosome biogenesis factor LSG1-2 is required for 40S maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana

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transmission electron micrographs of representative chloroplasts from fully expanded wild-type and imgi2 leaves just prior to flowering: imgi2 chloroplasts are smaller than normal (thus confirming the protoplast data in Fig. 4, B and C) but otherwise have normal-appearing internal membrane structures

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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A second prediction of our model is that an enhanced GA response should cause a repression of cytokinin signaling and, consequently, a reversal of the suppression phenotypes associated with imgi2 (all green, delayed flowering). To test this, we sprayed 4-week-old imgi2 plants with GA3 for 6 weeks. In accord with our model, the treated plants were variegated at all developmental stages and transitioned to flowering earlier than the nontreated imgi2 plants

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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Another well-characterized phenotype of gi that has the potential to ameliorate EPs is starch accumulation (Eimert et al., 1995). To explore this question in imgi2, we monitored leaf starch content by staining intact plants (the wild type, im, imgi2, and gi2) with Lugol’s iodine solution; the plants were removed from the soil and stained when they were at the same developmental stage (just prior to flowering). Figure 9A shows that starch levels are significantly elevated in imgi2 and gi2 compared with im and the wild type. This conclusion was confirmed by quantitative measurements: vegetative leaves of prebolting imgi2 and gi2 accumulate about twice as much starch as the wild type on a fresh weight basis (Fig. 9B). The high levels of starch are also apparent from electron micrographs (Fig. 4

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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Because valid interpretations of the experiments in this report rely on the ability to compare wild-type and mutant plants at the same stage of development (versus the same chronological age), it was necessary to obtain a global assessment of the developmental profiles of imgi2, the wild type (Columbia-0 [Col-0]), im, and gi2. These data are shown in Figure 1D and summarized in Figure 1C. For these experiments, we chose to examine plants at three time points after germination, designated stage I (4 weeks), stage II (10 weeks), and stage III (12 weeks). These times were selected because they correlate with the timing of the dramatic phenotypic changes in imgi2 leaf coloration: emerging leaves are variegated during early vegetative development (stage I, until approximately 9 weeks), less variegated starting at about 10 weeks (stage II), and finally all green during late vegetative development (stage III, 12 weeks). Flowering commences 14 or so weeks after imgi2 germination (Fig. 1B). The development of gi2 proceeds in a manner similar to imgi2, with the exception that gi2 begins to flower earlier (during stage III). Finally, im and the wild type have similar growth profiles, with developmental phases that are reduced in duration compared with gi2 or imgi2: stage I corresponds to the vegetative phase, stage II to flowering, and stage III to senescence. It should be pointed out that the four genotypes in these experiments were grown under conditions of continuous illumination to eliminate circadian clock-mediated effects of gi2

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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light micrographs of leaf cross sections from the wild type and imgi2 at the same developmental stage (just prior to flowering, stage I versus stage III, respectively) show that imgi2 leaves are significantly thicker than normal, devoid of air spaces, and filled with many tightly packed cells, most of which appear to be smaller than normal

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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alterations suggest that rates of chloroplast division are enhanced in imgi2 leaves

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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In Figure 2, we were interested in assessing the morphology and pigment contents of fully expanded leaves from the various plants at each developmental stage. Figure 2A shows that the four types of leaves are morphologically similar at stage I but that, by stage II, they have become more diverse in structure. At stage II, im and imgi2 leaves differ from one another and from wild-type and gi2 leaves; the latter two closely resemble one another. By stage III, imgi2 leaves have begun to look more like those of gi2

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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The chloroplasts in imgi2 protoplasts also have significant reductions in surface area ... compared with the wild type

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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Col-0, im ... we grew im on soil for 2 weeks and then watered the plants with PAC (35 mg L−1) for 4 weeks. Consistent with our hypothesis, PAC treatment suppressed the im variegation phenotype and newly emerging leaves were all green

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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The chloroplasts in imgi2 protoplasts also have significant reductions in ... volume ... compared with the wild type

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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As a first approach to address this question, we sprayed 3-week-old Col-0 and im for a period of 2 weeks with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), a widely used synthetic adenine-type cytokinin. As illustrated in Figure 3, A and C, variegation is suppressed in im leaves that emerge after BAP treatment

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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pigment amounts in gi2 are significantly higher than in the wild type at all developmental stages

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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To obtain an overview of the role of ROS generation and quenching in the suppression of im variegation, we assayed the accumulation of O2− and H2O2 in im, gi2, imgi2, and Col-0 leaves by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) and 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining, respectively. Figure 8A shows that ROS accumulation is very low in gi2 throughout development, consistent with previous observations (Kurepa et al., 1998a), but that O2− and H2O2 levels are high in im and imgi2, especially early in development. Strikingly, gi2 is able to sharply reduce the high amounts of ROS that are present in im. This suppression occurs during stages II and III of imgi2 development (when newly emerging leaves are becoming all green) and is accompanied by prolonged, high-level expression of stromal and thylakoid APXs (Shigeoka et al., 2002; Fig. 8B). Similar to imgi2, gi2 has high levels of APX expression at all three developmental stages; in contrast, expression levels fall markedly in the wild type and im after stage I (just prior to flowering) and either continue to fall (thylakoid APX) or increase dramatically (stromal APX) during senescence (stage III). Considered together, the data in Figure 8 suggest that gi2 is epistatic to im with respect to having an enhanced ROS scavenging capacity during late plant development. We conclude that this could be a contributing factor to reduce EPs in imgi2, thus suppressing variegation

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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Figure 2, B and C, shows the pigment contents (on a fresh weight basis) of the leaves in Figure 2A. Not surprisingly, pigment accumulation in im and imgi2 leaves reflects the extent of their variegation, with imgi2 closely resembling im during early development and gi2 during late development. However, a striking feature of these analyses is that pigment amounts in gi2 are significantly higher than in the wild type at all developmental stages. This is also true for stage III (all-green) imgi2 leaves (i.e. the suppression phenotype is accompanied by high, gi2-like pigment levels).

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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Another well-characterized phenotype of gi that has the potential to ameliorate EPs is starch accumulation (Eimert et al., 1995). To explore this question in imgi2, we monitored leaf starch content by staining intact plants (the wild type, im, imgi2, and gi2) with Lugol’s iodine solution; the plants were removed from the soil and stained when they were at the same developmental stage (just prior to flowering). Figure 9A shows that starch levels are significantly elevated in imgi2 and gi2 compared with im and the wild type. This conclusion was confirmed by quantitative measurements: vegetative leaves of prebolting imgi2 and gi2 accumulate about twice as much starch as the wild type on a fresh weight basis (Fig. 9B). The high levels of starch are also apparent from electron micrographs (Fig. 4

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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imgi2 cells also have higher than normal chloroplast numbers, as illustrated by light microscopy of protoplasts from the wild type and imgi2 (again, isolated from leaves at the same developmental stages

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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The chloroplasts in imgi2 protoplasts also have significant reductions in ... diameter compared with the wild type

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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imgi2 plants have higher than normal leaf numbers

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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we generated carbon assimilation rate-internal CO2 concentration curves at a constant photosynthetic photon flux density (200 μmol m−2 s−1) using fully expanded leaves from plants at the same stage of development (just prior to flowering). Figure 10C shows that carbon assimilation rates are significantly higher in the all-green leaves of imgi2 and gi2 versus the wild type; lower than normal values for im reflect the presence of contaminating white sectors in the leaf samples (Aluru et al., 2007). It is likely that the enhancement in assimilation in imgi2 is caused, in part, by increased photosynthetic electron transport capacity, inasmuch as chlorophyll fluorescence analyses revealed that imgi2 leaves have lower than normal EPs and higher than normal electron transport rates (Fig. 10, A and B). The latter experiments were conducted under a range of light intensities using leaves from imgi2 and the wild type at the same stage of development (just prior to flowering

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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imgi2spy4 mutants were variegated throughout their development

Putarjunan A, Rodermel S - gigantea suppresses immutans variegation by interactions with cytokinin and gibberellin signaling pathways

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cct ... had rounder leaves than wt

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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Exogenously applied GA3 accelerated abaxial trichome production ... in ... cct

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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gct ... loss-of-function mutations ... some mutant seedlings have ... short petioles ... but continue to grow and develop

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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cct ... loss-of-function mutations ... are fully penetrant, they display variable expressivity: some mutant seedlings have small leaves ... but continue to grow and develop

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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In long-day conditions ... cct plants had over twice as many leaves without abaxial trichomes as wt plants

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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gct ... had rounder leaves than wt

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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gct ... loss-of-function mutations ... are fully penetrant, they display variable expressivity: some mutant seedlings have small leaves ... but continue to grow and develop

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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gct ... loss-of-function mutations ... some mutant seedlings have ... malformed cotyledons but continue to grow and develop

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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gct ... loss-of-function mutations ... germinate and produce a root, but do not form leaf primordia and arrest at this stage (we refer to this as the ‘arrest’ phenotype ... 54% of gct seedlings ... seedlings display the arrest phenotype

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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the rate of leaf initiation was almost identical in wt ... and cct

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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In long-day conditions, gct ... had over twice as many leaves without abaxial trichomes as wt plants

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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cct ... loss-of-function mutations ... some mutant seedlings have ... malformed cotyledons but continue to grow and develop

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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Exogenously applied GA3 accelerated abaxial trichome production ... in gct

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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gct ... began to produce serrated leaves later and with a slower rate of increase in serration number than wt plants

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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35S::MIM156 had this same effect in the ... cct mutant backgrounds: transgenic ... cct plants ... had more serrated (Fig. 5B) and more highly elongated (Fig. 5C) leaves than wt plants

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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35S::MIM156 had this same effect in the gct ... transgenic gct ... had more serrated (Fig. 5B) and more highly elongated (Fig. 5C) leaves than wt plants

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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the rate of leaf initiation was almost identical in wt, gct

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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cct ... loss-of-function mutations ... germinate and produce a root, but do not form leaf primordia and arrest at this stage (we refer to this as the ‘arrest’ phenotype ... 24% of cct seedlings display the arrest phenotype

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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cct ... began to produce serrated leaves later and with a slower rate of increase in serration number than wt plants

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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cct ... loss-of-function mutations ... some mutant seedlings have ... short petioles ... but continue to grow and develop

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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To determine if the increased expression of miR156 in gct and cct mutants is responsible for their effect on vegetative phase change, we reduced miR156 levels in these mutants using a 35S::MIM156 transgene. This transgene expresses an imperfect miR156 target site, which reduces free miR156 in the cell by sequestering this miRNA in inactive RISC complexes (Franco-Zorrilla et al., 2007). Consistent with previous reports (Wu et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2009), wt plants carrying a single 35S::MIM156 transgene failed to express juvenile leaf traits: they produced abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 1 (instead of leaf 5.5) (Fig. 5A), and all of their rosette leaves had the pattern of leaf serrations (Fig. 5B) and the elongated shape (Fig. 5C) characteristic of adult leaves. 35S::MIM156 had this same effect in the gct ... mutant backgrounds ... transgenic gct ... plants produced abaxial trichomes on leaf 1 ... instead of 16

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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To determine if the increased expression of miR156 in gct and cct mutants is responsible for their effect on vegetative phase change, we reduced miR156 levels in these mutants using a 35S::MIM156 transgene. This transgene expresses an imperfect miR156 target site, which reduces free miR156 in the cell by sequestering this miRNA in inactive RISC complexes (Franco-Zorrilla et al., 2007). Consistent with previous reports (Wu et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2009), wt plants carrying a single 35S::MIM156 transgene failed to express juvenile leaf traits: they produced abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 1 (instead of leaf 5.5) (Fig. 5A), and all of their rosette leaves had the pattern of leaf serrations (Fig. 5B) and the elongated shape (Fig. 5C) characteristic of adult leaves. 35S::MIM156 had this same effect in the ... cct mutant backgrounds: transgenic ... cct plants produced abaxial trichomes on leaf 1 ... instead of ... 15.5

Gillmor CS, Silva-Ortega CO, Willmann MR, Buendía-Monreal M, Poethig RS - The Arabidopsis Mediator CDK8 module genes CCT (MED12) and GCT (MED13) are global regulators of developmental phase transitions

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  • Phenotype

twr-1 plants ... were smaller

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mterf9 leaves were markedly dentate

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rpl24 ... homozygous mutants displayed stunted growth

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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dry weights ... were reduced in mterf9 compared with the WT

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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fewer starch grains were found in mterf9

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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chlorophyll a ... levels showed a significant reduction in mterf9 when compared with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rpl24 ... displayed ... loss of pigmentation

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Loss of MTERF9 function pleiotropically affects development

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mterf9 plants exhibited hindered growth

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rps5 ... displayed ... loss of pigmentation

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The observed perturbation in chloroplast development and the pale pigmentation and small size of the mterf9 plants led us to study whether photoautotrophic growth was altered in the mutant. Accordingly, we sowed WT and mterf9 seeds in media supplemented or not with 1% sucrose (see section 'Materials and methods'). Absence of sucrose did not appreciably affect either the growth rate or morphology of mterf9 plants (4.7 ± 1.2 and 3.7 ± 2.5% of the WT and mutant seedlings, respectively, showed arrested development in the absence of sucrose 21 das).

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mterf9 rug2-2 ... plants ... showed increased paleness ... mterf9 rug2-2, whose vegetative leaves exhibited green and yellowish sectors

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rps5 homozygous mutants displayed stunted growth

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mterf9 mda1-1 ... development was arrested early after germination when seedlings displayed bleached expanded cotyledons and only a first pair of small pale leaves

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mterf9 soldat10 plants ... grew more slowly than their parentals

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Paleness was almost completely suppressed in mterf9 plants grown for 3 weeks at 26°C

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Chloroplast number was similar in Col-0 and mterf9

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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twr-1 plants ... paler

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In mterf9 leaves, the lamina was not uniformly pale and the vasculature was distinguishable on the paler green interveinal regions. This phenotype is, to some extent, similar to that of the reticulated or variegated mutants

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rpl31 ... displayed ... loss of pigmentation

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To further explore the effect of defective MTERF9 on chloroplast development, we studied chloroplast ultrastructure in mterf9 and Col-0 leaf mesophyll cells by transmission electron microscopy. Consistently with the confocal microscopy results, mterf9 chloroplasts were found smaller than those of Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The F1 progeny of the twr-1 × mterf9 cross exhibited a mutant phenotype to some extent intermediate between those of the parentals (Fig. S1). Besides, all the F2 plants from the selfed F1 individuals showed the Mterf9 phenotype, which was stronger in a quarter of them, as expected for homozygous twr-1/twr-1 plants (χ2 = 1.30; P = 0.24). These results confirmed that twr-1 and mterf9 are allelic, as we corroborated by genotyping

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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in mterf9 ... We detected no vacuole or plastoglobuli accumulation

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mterf9 rug2-2 ... plants ... grew more slowly than their parentals

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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twr-1 plants ... exhibited deeper leaf indentations than mterf9

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the Col-0 and mterf9 plants grown at 15°C exhibited a strong reduction in size (especially mterf9

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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chlorophyll ... b ... levels showed a significant reduction in mterf9 when compared with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Our confocal microscopy observations of the internal leaf structure of mterf9 revealed ... reduced ... chloroplasts size compared with those of the WT

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mterf9 rug2-2 ... plants were smaller

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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rpl31 ... homozygous mutants displayed stunted growth

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mterf9 ... thylakoid lamellae were enlarged

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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To further explore the effect of defective MTERF9 on chloroplast development, we studied chloroplast ultrastructure in mterf9 and Col-0 leaf mesophyll cells by transmission electron microscopy. Consistently with the confocal microscopy results, mterf9 chloroplasts ... internal structure was altered

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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As expected from the chloroplast defects found in mterf9 cells, the mutant plants were pale, in particular at early stages of development because germinated seedlings are bleached

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mterf9 rug2-2 ... plants ... showed ... increased ... leaf indentations

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Mitochondrial morphology was also similar in mterf9 and Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

twr-1 plants grew more slowly

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Our confocal microscopy observations of the internal leaf structure of mterf9 revealed ... reduced mesophyll cell density

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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mterf9 soldat10 plants were smaller

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the Col-0 and mterf9 plants grown at 15°C exhibited a strong reduction in ... fresh weight ... the differences recorded between the WT and mutant plants were not statistically significant (65.5 and 72.7% of fresh weight reduction for Col-0 and mterf9, respectively

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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carotenoid levels showed a significant reduction in mterf9 when compared with Col-0

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mterf9 plants exhibited ... a reduction in size

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

fresh ... weights ... were reduced in mterf9 compared with the WT

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mterf9 soldat10 plants ... showed increased paleness

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

mterf9 soldat10 plants ... showed increased ... leaf indentations

Robles P, Micol JL, Quesada V - Mutations in the plant-conserved MTERF9 alter chloroplast gene expression, development and tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

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two typical senescence-related physiological parameters, the decrease in chlorophyll content and the increase in lipid peroxidation, were also delayed in ... rev5

Xie Y, Huhn K, Brandt R, Potschin M, Bieker S, Straub D, Doll J, Drechsler T, Zentgraf U, Wenkel S - REVOLUTA and WRKY53 connect early and late leaf development in Arabidopsis

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Overexpression of the small leucine-zipper-type microProtein ZPR3, which largely reduces the activity of HD-ZIPIIIs, led to a further enhancement of the senescence phenotype

Xie Y, Huhn K, Brandt R, Potschin M, Bieker S, Straub D, Doll J, Drechsler T, Zentgraf U, Wenkel S - REVOLUTA and WRKY53 connect early and late leaf development in Arabidopsis

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wrky53 mutant showing delayed senescence

Xie Y, Huhn K, Brandt R, Potschin M, Bieker S, Straub D, Doll J, Drechsler T, Zentgraf U, Wenkel S - REVOLUTA and WRKY53 connect early and late leaf development in Arabidopsis

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two typical senescence-related physiological parameters, the decrease in chlorophyll content and the increase in lipid peroxidation, were also delayed in ... rev5 wrky53 mutants

Xie Y, Huhn K, Brandt R, Potschin M, Bieker S, Straub D, Doll J, Drechsler T, Zentgraf U, Wenkel S - REVOLUTA and WRKY53 connect early and late leaf development in Arabidopsis

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two typical senescence-related physiological parameters, the decrease in chlorophyll content and the increase in lipid peroxidation, were also delayed in wrky53

Xie Y, Huhn K, Brandt R, Potschin M, Bieker S, Straub D, Doll J, Drechsler T, Zentgraf U, Wenkel S - REVOLUTA and WRKY53 connect early and late leaf development in Arabidopsis

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plants carrying mutations in REV or plants with greatly reduced HD-ZIPIII activity are significantly delayed in senescence, while overall development is not retarded, which clearly confirms a role of HD-ZIPIII proteins in this process (Fig. 5; supplementary material Figs S5, S6). Furthermore, the phenotype of rev5 was even stronger than that of wrky53, indicating that WRKY53 might not be the only senescence-associated gene regulated by REV

Xie Y, Huhn K, Brandt R, Potschin M, Bieker S, Straub D, Doll J, Drechsler T, Zentgraf U, Wenkel S - REVOLUTA and WRKY53 connect early and late leaf development in Arabidopsis

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Loss-of-function wrky53 mutant plants do not show obvious developmental defects during early leaf development, indicating that WRKY53 is not required for REV function at these stages of development

Xie Y, Huhn K, Brandt R, Potschin M, Bieker S, Straub D, Doll J, Drechsler T, Zentgraf U, Wenkel S - REVOLUTA and WRKY53 connect early and late leaf development in Arabidopsis

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pgm3 pgm1 mutants revealed an elevated starch amount both in the light and in the dark compared to pgm1. However, when plants were grown under 12 h light/12 h dark or 16 h light/8 h dark, these results were not reproduced, as starch content was similar in pgm1 and both double mutants under these photoperiod regimes (data not shown).

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Protein crude extracts of Col-0 and pgm2/3 leaves were subjected to native PAGE and PGM activity staining (Fig. 1D). In all pgm2/3 lines the two bands of cPGM activity were below the limit of detection (cPGM activity was not observed, even if 75 µg of protein crude extracts were loaded on the gel; data not shown). In addition, PGM activities in protein crude extracts were measured (Fig. S3A in File S1). In all three transgenic lines a strong reduction in total PGM activity was observed (residual activity 30–34%, [wt = 100%]).

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm2/3 leaves revealed small

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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In order to analyze the influence of different growth conditions on pgm2 and pgm3 mutants, plants were cultivated under various light/dark conditions (light phase: 7 h, 8 h, 10 h or 14 h). Still both mutants revealed a similar growth phenotype (data not shown) and starch content compared to the Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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With respect to metabolites all pgm2/3 lines showed increased starch content at the end of the dark phase compared to Col-0 (Fig. 2A). The increased starch content was also detected at the end of the light phase except for pgm2/3a. Similarly, starch content was significantly increased in pgm2/3 lines compared to Col-0 when grown in 14 h light/10 h dark regime (data not shown).

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Despite of the tiny amount of available leaf material, initial analysis of the starch content in pgm2/3d pgm1 was performed revealing that pgm2/3d pgm1 plants possess very low amounts of starch (0.21±0.02 µmol glc. equiv./g FW), similar to pgm1 (0.25±0.06 µmol glc. equiv./g FW) at the middle of the day

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Transgenic pgm2/3 lines ... In contrast the amount of fructose was comparable in the transgenic lines and Col-0 ... Similar results were also obtained, if metabolite content was evaluated on a dry weight basis (data not shown

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Total PGM activity was reduced to 38±2% for pgm3 pgm1

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Transgenic pgm2/3 lines displayed increased levels of glucose ... on a fresh weight basis ... Similar results were also obtained, if metabolite content was evaluated on a dry weight basis (data not shown

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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After approximately three weeks cp-pgm plants were transferred to soil at different light/dark conditions: 12 h light/12 h dark, 14 h light/10 h dark and continuous illumination. Independent of growth conditions, plants were very tiny

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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The total reduction in PGM activity was determined to be ... 35% in pgm2 plants compared to control Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm2/3 ... abnormally curled leaves

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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An amiRNA cPGM construct was therefore transformed into Col-0 plants and four independent lines were generated. Transgenic pgm2/3 lines ... revealed diminished fresh weight compared to Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm3 pgm1 ... possess very low yet still detectable amounts of starch

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm2 pgm1 ... possess very low yet still detectable amounts of starch

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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An amiRNA cPGM construct was therefore transformed into Col-0 plants and four independent lines were generated. Transgenic pgm2/3 lines were strongly retarded in growth

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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transgenic pgm2/3 plants grown under prolonged day conditions (14 h light/10 h dark) revealed similar results with transgenic plants being significantly smaller than Col-0, but larger as compared to the 12 h light/12 h dark grown plants

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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the phenotype exhibited by the lack of total PGM activity was corroborated by crossing pgm2/3d with pgm1 (named pgm2/3d pgm1 plants) which displayed the same phenotype as cp-pgm plants

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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The total reduction in PGM activity was determined to be 23% in pgm3 plants ... compared to control Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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some transgenic cp-pgm plants were even able to develop normal looking flowering buds under continuous illumination (Fig. 6D–E), but further development of flowers failed as buds shriveled within one week (Fig. 6F). Even if plants were supplied for the entire growth period with exogenous sugars (MS medium+sucrose) they failed to grow to maturity

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm2/3 leaves ... slightly elevated chlorophyll levels

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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After approximately three weeks cp-pgm plants were transferred to soil at different light/dark conditions: 12 h light/12 h dark, 14 h light/10 h dark and continuous illumination. Independent of growth conditions, plants ... rapidly became chlorotic and dry ... However, under prolonged light conditions and continuous illuminations plants stayed green longer

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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As G1P is strictly connected with formation of UDP-glucose in the cytosol, which acts as a major substrate for synthesis of cell wall constituents [40], crystalline cellulose and matrix component were analyzed. The pgm2/3 lines displayed increased amounts of cell wall matrix components and in two of the lines the crystalline cellulose amount was altered (Table 2). Additionally, samples of cell wall matrix were hydrolyzed and the monomer composition was analyzed using HPAEC-PAD. The transgenic lines were characterized by an increased amount of all analyzed monosaccharides and changes in the arabinose/galactose ratio in comparison to Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Transgenic pgm2/3 lines displayed increased levels of ... sucrose on a fresh weight basis ... Similar results were also obtained, if metabolite content was evaluated on a dry weight basis (data not shown

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm2 pgm1 ... double mutants displayed elevated levels of soluble sugar compared to Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Given that PGMs catalyze the interconversion of G1P and G6P, levels of sugar phosphates were determined. The pgm2/3 plants displayed increased levels of G6P and fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) but G1P levels were similar to those in Col-0 (Fig. 2D–E). Nevertheless, further enzymes involved in the metabolism (DPE2 and phosphorylases) were not affected (Fig. S3D in File S1). In addition metabolic profiling was performed, revealing that numerous metabolites were increased both at the end of light and dark phase. At the end of the light period clear increases were seen in a range of sugars including maltose, glucose, trehalose, isomaltose and raffinose as well as the sugar alcohols galactinol, inositol and erythritol or threitol but fructose was unchanged or even decreased. Similarly, a large number of amino and organic acids were increased in the transgenic lines including tryptophan, proline, galacturonic acid, malate and shikimate (Fig. 3, Table S3 in File S1). By contrast, relatively few metabolites were consistently decreased in the transgenic lines at this time point those that were included were ornithine, phosphoric acid, asparagine, glutamine, and malonate. Consistent with these global effects on the primary metabolome being strongly influenced by the sugar status and more specifically by a likely inhibition of sucrose export, they became considerably stronger and more consistent by the end of the night. At this time point all three transgenic lines display alterations including maltose, glucose, trehalose, isomaltose, raffinose, galactinol, inositol, and erythritol or threitol, fructose 6-phosphates, tryptophan, proline, galacturonic acid, malate, and shikimate, which were also elevated in the day. Additionally, the levels of amino adipic acid, guanadine, glutamate, glycolate, lactate, and the branched chain amino acid increased in the dark. As for the situation observed in the light this is most likely the result of inhibition of sucrose export from the leaves. By contrast, at the end of the night the levels of malonate, pyruvate, glutamine and to a lesser extent succinate were significantly decreased in the transgenic lines. The exact reasons underlying these decreases are, however, unclear from the current study

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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In order to analyze the influence of different growth conditions on pgm2 and pgm3 mutants, plants were cultivated under various light/dark conditions (light phase: 7 h, 8 h, 10 h or 14 h). Still both mutants revealed a similar growth phenotype (data not shown) and starch content compared to the Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Arabidopsis lines with a substantial reduction of total PGM were generated by introducing the cPGM amiRNA construct into pgm1 mutants by Agrobacterium mediated transformation (cp-pgm plants). Seeds were germinated on MS medium supplemented with sucrose and antibiotics and transformants with well developed leaves and roots were identified (Fig. 6A). It was noted that sucrose is essential for cp-pgm seed germination, as seeds sown on sucrose-free MS medium with appropriate antibiotics were not able to germinate

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm1 ... displayed elevated levels of soluble sugar compared to Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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pgm3 pgm1 ... double mutants displayed elevated levels of soluble sugar compared to Col-0

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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PGM activity was reduced to ... 36±2% for pgm2 pgm1 plants

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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The pgm2 plants displayed an increased level of sucrose under different growth conditions but this was not observed for pgm3 (Table 1). Most likely, PGM2 has a higher impact on glucose-phosphate turnover

Malinova I, Kunz HH, Alseekh S, Herbst K, Fernie AR, Gierth M, Fettke J - Reduction of the cytosolic phosphoglucomutase in Arabidopsis reveals impact on plant growth, seed and root development, and carbohydrate partitioning

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Low concentrations of exogenous BR decreased leaf thickness of det2

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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this study, leaf thickness of ... BRZ treated plants displayed diminished enhancement from day 0 to day 6

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Application of BRZ to the wild type ... did not significantly reduce cell numbers

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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exogenous BR ... Higher concentrations caused an increase of leaf thickness in the wild type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Examination of plastid ultrastructure revealed intact chloroplasts in BR deficient plants ... CPD-antisense ... chloroplasts tended to develop a thylakoid network with reduced grana stacking at day 3 and to a more minor extent at day 6

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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from day 0 to day 6 ... leaf thickness of cbb1 plants increased more

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Low concentrations of exogenous BR decreased leaf thickness of ... wild-type plants

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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the BR-deficient cbb1/dwf1-6 mutant [13],[30] were treated with 200 nM brassinolide (BL) for three weeks ... The growth defect of cbb1 plants was partly complemented by exogenous BR (Figure 2, day 0). Fresh weight of 21-day-old cbb1 shoots was identical to the wild type. However, leaf length and width were diminished in comparison to the wild type, leaves were more erect and had a slightly crinkled surface, and rosettes appeared compact. Thus, exogenous BR could not fully substitute for endogenous BR

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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In line with previous reports, starch levels were diminished in ... BRZ treated plants from day 3 onwards

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Examination of plastid ultrastructure revealed intact chloroplasts in BR deficient plants ... BRZ treated ... chloroplasts tended to develop a thylakoid network with reduced grana stacking at day 3 and to a more minor extent at day 6

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Leaf discs were incubated in [3:4-14C]-glucose or [1-14C]-glucose. CO2 from the C3 and C4 positions is preferentially released by the actions of pyruvate dehydrogenase or malic enzyme [51],[52]. Feeding with [3:4-14C]-glucose to BRZ treated leaves resulted in a lower evolution of 14CO2 in comparison to the control (Figure 11A). C1 of glucose is released either by an enzyme of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP), namely 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, or an enzyme of the TCA cycle, isocitrate dehydrogenase [51],[52]. Feeding of BRZ treated plants with [1-14C]-glucose tended to result in a lower 14CO2 evolution in comparison to mock-treated plants (Figure 11B ... The relative content of TCA cycle intermediates was determined by mass spectrometry. Aspartate is synthesized by transamination of oxaloacetate and can be used to estimate oxaloacetate levels. Levels of several TCA cycle intermediates were increased in BRZ treated plants (Figure 12). Levels of citrate, malate, and aspartate were significantly different from the control (Additional file 1: Table S2). A tendency to higher levels of TCA cycle intermediates was also observed in the cbb1 mutant (Additional file 1: Figure S5). The ketoglutarate level was significantly increased at day 6 (Additional file 1: Table S3 ... Lower CO2 release from [3:4-14C]-glucose by the pyruvate decarboxylase and/or malic enzyme and increased levels of TCA cycle intermediates suggest a weaker TCA cycle activity in BR deficient plants. The release of CO2 from [1-14C]-glucose is furthermore consistent with a reduced flux through the TCA cycle, but could also suggest a reduced activity of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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In line with previous reports, starch levels were diminished in CPD-antisense ... from day 3 onwards ... The reduction of starch levels in CPD-antisense ... plants is relatively small in comparison to previously determined levels ... This may reflect the lack of severe cellular abnormalities that were avoided by the initial BR supplementation

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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CPD-antisense (aCPD) plants ... were treated with 200 nM brassinolide (BL) for three weeks ... BR supplementation fully normalized the morphology and biomass production of CPD-antisense plants. The CPD-antisense plants were nearly indistinguishable from the wild type

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Significant differences in shoot fresh weight and length of rosette leaves three and four developed after one day in cbb1 plants ... At the end of the analysed period (day 14), cbb1 ... plants had 36% ... of the wild-type fresh weight

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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BR deficient mutants such as det2 exhibited an increased leaf thickness

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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similar size of palisade and spongy parenchyma cells in CPD-antisense ... and wild-type plants were observed at day 0 (Figure 6A and B), suggesting that the previous BR application normalized cell expansion. Later on, palisade and spongy parenchyma cells of CPD-antisense ... became smaller in comparison to the wild type (Figure 6A and B). Similar results were obtained for younger leaves

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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The cbb1 leaves exhibited a tendency towards lower cell numbers, indicating an incomplete normalization of cell division rates by the previous BR treatment

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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in CPD-antisense ... plants ... Hexose and sucrose levels were not significantly altered

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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In line with previous reports, starch levels were diminished in ... cbb1 ... plants from day 3 onwards ... The reduction of starch levels in ... cbb1 plants is relatively small in comparison to previously determined levels [30]. This may reflect the lack of severe cellular abnormalities that were avoided by the initial BR supplementation

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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in ... cbb1 ... plants ... Hexose and sucrose levels were not significantly altered

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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In this study, leaf thickness of CPD-antisense plants ... displayed diminished enhancement from day 0 to day 6

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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BRZ treated plants ... leaf width were reduced

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Significant differences in shoot fresh weight and length of rosette leaves three and four ... CPD-antisense plants became significantly different from the wild type after six days and one day, respectively ... At the end of the analysed period (day 14 ... CPD-antisense plants had ... 68% of the wild-type fresh weight

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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BRZ treated plants ... Leaf length ... were reduced

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Application of BRZ to the wild type reduced cell sizes

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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similar size of palisade and spongy parenchyma cells in ... cbb1, and wild-type plants were observed at day 0 (Figure 6A and B), suggesting that the previous BR application normalized cell expansion. Later on, palisade and spongy parenchyma cells of ... cbb1 plants became smaller in comparison to the wild type (Figure 6A and B). Similar results were obtained for younger leaves

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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Examination of plastid ultrastructure revealed intact chloroplasts in BR deficient plants ... cbb1 chloroplasts tended to develop a thylakoid network with reduced grana stacking at day 3 and to a more minor extent at day 6

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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BRZ treated plants exhibited a small reduction in the shoot fresh weight at day 1 (Figure 3A). The biomass difference to control plants increased over time

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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CPD-antisense plants were identical to the wild type at day 0 and later

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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In this study, leaf thickness of ... plants displayed diminished enhancement from day 0 to day 6

Schröder F, Lisso J, Obata T, Erban A, Maximova E, Giavalisco P, Kopka J, Fernie AR, Willmitzer L, Müssig C - Consequences of induced brassinosteroid deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves

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introduction of a pro35S:OSR2 RNAi construct into ARLi plants enhanced the size reduction of leaves

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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knockout of OSR2 ... in ARLi plants but had no obvious effect on cell number

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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transgenic plants harboring a 35S promoter-driven specific OSR2 RNAi construct (pro35S:OSR2 RNAi) did not exhibit any organ-size phenotype

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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we generated transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) plants harboring a pro35S:OSR2 construct. All 35 of the T1 transgenic lines (independent transgenic events) overexpressing OSR2 exhibited, to varying extents, enlarged organs as compared with the empty vector control plants. Careful examination of three of the independent T3 homozygous lines (L1, L2, L3) showed that the ectopic expression of OSR2 resulted in an obviously increased size of various organs such as ... cotyledons

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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mesophyll cells in p35S:OSR2 leaves ... the estimated cell numbers did not differ from the control

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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quadruple mutant argos-1 osr1 ARLi OSR2i plants ... Cytological analysis of epidermal cells of the third leaves in these plants indicated that this reduction was primarily caused by a decrease in cell numbers

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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The transgenic plants overexpressing OSR2 also displayed longer ... petioles

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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knockout of OSR2 led to size reduction of epidermal cells in ARLi plants

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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reduced the final size of their organs ... quadruple mutant argos-1 osr1 ARLi OSR2i plants

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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p35S:OSR2 plants ... The estimated numbers of epidermal cells per leaf were not obviously altered in the transgenic plants

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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The transgenic plants overexpressing OSR2 ... plant heights were also increased in these plants as compared with the controls

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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osr2 plants didn’t show an obvious reduction in organ size when compared with wild-type

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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To define the exact role of OSR2 in cell expansion rate and duration, we further compared the expansion kinetics of epidermal cells in both the tips and the basal regions of the third leaves in control and p35S:OSR2 L1 plants. As shown in Figure 3A and B, the cell expansion rates of both the tips and the bases of p35S:OSR2 leaves were indeed much higher than those of controls from day 9 to day 16, whereas the cell expansion rates in the two genotypes were almost the same after day 21; cell expansion ceased after day 27(Figure 3A,B). These observations strongly suggest that ectopic expression of OSR2 mainly affects the rate of cell expansion rather than the duration of cell expansion phase

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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mesophyll cells in p35S:OSR2 leaves were enlarged

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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As cell endoreduplication is known to contribute to final cell size [35],[36], we investigated whether the enlarged cells in the p35S:OSR2 leaves were attributable to alteration of endoreduplication. Flow cytometry analysis of the nuclei of fully expanded leaves of 27-day-old plants showed that, although the percentages of cells from 4C and 8C were slightly different between the two genotypes, the overall distribution of cells from 2C to 16C remained comparable between two genotypes (Figure 3C). This result indicates that OSR2-mediated cell expansion is not related to the nuclear DNA endoreduplication of leaf cells

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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argos mutation to osr2 ARLi plants ... Cytological analysis of epidermal cells of the third leaves in these plants indicated that this reduction was primarily caused by a decrease in cell numbers

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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ectopic expression of OSR2 resulted in larger mesophyll cells in cotyledons

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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leaf size in osr2 ARLi plants L6 and L8 was decreased by about 24.4 and 22.7%, respectively

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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the introduction of argos mutation to osr2 ARLi plants further reduced the final size of their organs

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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The final size of the third leaf of the ARLi transgenic plants was reduced by about 9% as compared with that of either the WT or osr2

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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Detailed quantification of fully expanded third leaves revealed that the average blade areas of the pro35S:OSR2 L1, L2, and L3 plants were increased by 46.8, 44.4, and 24.1%, respectively, as compared with those of control plants

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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we generated transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) plants harboring a pro35S:OSR2 construct. All 35 of the T1 transgenic lines (independent transgenic events) overexpressing OSR2 exhibited, to varying extents, enlarged organs as compared with the empty vector control plants. Careful examination of three of the independent T3 homozygous lines (L1, L2, L3) showed that the ectopic expression of OSR2 resulted in an obviously increased size of various organs such as leaves

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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quadruple mutant argos-1 osr1 ARLi OSR2i plants ... we observed that epidermal cells of leaves ... were slightly smaller than those of the osr2 ARLi plants

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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ectopic expression of OSR2 ... the mesophyll cell number in cotyledons did not differ from the control

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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p35S:OSR2 plants ... the average size of the epidermal cells in fully-expanded third leaves of L1, L2, and L3 plants was increased by 42.3, 36.4, and 22.7%, respectively

Qin Z, Zhang X, Zhang X, Feng G, Hu Y - The Arabidopsis ORGAN SIZE RELATED 2 is involved in regulation of cell expansion during organ growth

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The number of cells in the drl1-101 mutant leaf blades was significantly reduced compare to that in WT leaf blades and resulted in 82% of WT

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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the palisade cells in the drl1-101 mutant leaf blades exhibited ... reduced numbers

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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the leaf blades of the drl1-101 mutant were abaxialized

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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The size of cells in the drl1-101 mutant leaf blades was increased compare to that in WT leaf blades and resulted in 107% of WT

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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the leaves of the drl1-101 mutant were ... diminished in size during the early stages of leaf development, compared to the WT

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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In this study, we found that the leaves of the drl1-101 mutant were serrated

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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the palisade cells in the drl1-101 mutant leaf blades exhibited irregular sizes

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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Morphological analysis of longitudinal sections from 10-day-old seedlings in a previous study showed that the SAM structure in the drl1-101 mutant was defective (Cho et al., 2007). To examine alterations in the drl1-101 SAM in detail, we observed the external shape and size of the SAM using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM analysis showed that the drl1-101 SAM was smaller in size compared to the WT

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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The SEM analysis showed that the drl1-101 SAM ... external shape was flatter than that of the WT

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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cell division ... altered in drl1-101 mutant leaves

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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The shapes and sizes of palisade cells in the drl1-101 mutant leaf blades were very similar to those of sponge cells in WT leaves

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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cell differentiation ... altered in drl1-101 mutant leaves

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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the palisade cells in the drl1-101 mutant leaf blades ... accompanied by an increase in the intracellular spaces

Jun SE, Cho KH, Hwang JY, Abdel-Fattah W, Hammermeister A, Schaffrath R, Bowman JL, Kim GT - Comparative analysis of the conserved functions of Arabidopsis DRL1 and yeast KTI12

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To confirm whether the decreased cell number was related to the effect of ROT4 o/x and OsRTFL3 o/x on leaf shape, the palisade cell numbers in both the leaf-length and leaf-width direction were counted. The results showed that the cell number of ... ROT4 o/x in the leaf-length direction decreased in a similar pattern as the decrease in total cell number in the subepidermal layer

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ROT4 o/x ... showed ... reduction in ... petiole length

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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The total number of palisade cells per leaf blade in ... OsRTFL3 o/x decreased significantly

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

OsRTFL3 o/x showed ... reduction in ... petiole length

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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OsRTFL3 o/x showed ... reduction in blade area

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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cell numbers along the leaf-width direction in OsRTFL3 o/x significantly decreased compared with wild type and ROT4 o/x

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ROT4 o/x ... showed ... reduction in blade area

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

ROT4 o/x ... showed ... reduction in ... blade ... width

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

OsRTFL3 o/x showed ... reduction in ... blade ... width

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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To confirm whether the decreased cell number was related to the effect of ROT4 o/x and OsRTFL3 o/x on leaf shape, the palisade cell numbers in both the leaf-length and leaf-width direction were counted. The results showed that the cell number of OsRTFL3 o/x ... in the leaf-length direction decreased in a similar pattern as the decrease in total cell number in the subepidermal layer

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

OsRTFL3 o/x showed ... reduction in ... blade length

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

The total number of palisade cells per leaf blade in ... ROT4 o/x ... decreased significantly

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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ROT4 o/x ... showed ... reduction in ... blade length

Guo P, Yoshimura A, Ishikawa N, Yamaguchi T, Guo Y, Tsukaya H - Comparative analysis of the RTFL peptide family on the control of plant organogenesis

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  • Phenotype

slo3 ... When grown in soil for 6 weeks ... most of the rosette leaves were curly

Hsieh WY, Liao JC, Chang CY, Harrison T, Boucher C, Hsieh MH - The SLOW GROWTH3 Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Is Required for the Splicing of Mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit7 Intron 2 in Arabidopsis

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slo3 ... has ... delayed development phenotypes

Hsieh WY, Liao JC, Chang CY, Harrison T, Boucher C, Hsieh MH - The SLOW GROWTH3 Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Is Required for the Splicing of Mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit7 Intron 2 in Arabidopsis

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slo3 ... retarded growth

Hsieh WY, Liao JC, Chang CY, Harrison T, Boucher C, Hsieh MH - The SLOW GROWTH3 Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Is Required for the Splicing of Mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit7 Intron 2 in Arabidopsis

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A mature slo3 mutant plant could grow to about two-thirds of the height of the wild type

Hsieh WY, Liao JC, Chang CY, Harrison T, Boucher C, Hsieh MH - The SLOW GROWTH3 Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Is Required for the Splicing of Mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit7 Intron 2 in Arabidopsis

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Nad7 is a subunit of the mitochondrial electron transport chain complex I (NADH dehydrogenase). The splicing defect in nad7 may directly affect the activity of complex I in the slo3 mutant. We used blue native (BN) PAGE (BN-PAGE) and in-gel activity staining to examine the activity of complex I in wild-type, slo3, and 35S:SLO3-GFP-complemented plants. Compared with that of the wild type, the activity of complex I was significantly reduced in the slo3 mutant (Fig. 8). In complemented plants, the complex I activity was restored to levels similar to those of the wild type

Hsieh WY, Liao JC, Chang CY, Harrison T, Boucher C, Hsieh MH - The SLOW GROWTH3 Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Is Required for the Splicing of Mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit7 Intron 2 in Arabidopsis

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leaves of rev-1 mutants grew abnormally large

Talbert PB, Adler HT, Parks DW, Comai L - The REVOLUTA gene is necessary for apical meristem development and for limiting cell divisions in the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rosette leaves of rev-1 plants were not readily distinguishable from wild-type No-0 leaves prior to bolting. As bolting began, however, the youngest rosette leaves became abnormally large ... as they matured

Talbert PB, Adler HT, Parks DW, Comai L - The REVOLUTA gene is necessary for apical meristem development and for limiting cell divisions in the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rev-1 mutation caused overgrowth of both rosette and cauline leaves

Talbert PB, Adler HT, Parks DW, Comai L - The REVOLUTA gene is necessary for apical meristem development and for limiting cell divisions in the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rosette leaves of rev-1 plants were not readily distinguishable from wild-type No-0 leaves prior to bolting. As bolting began, however, the youngest rosette leaves became ... distorted or uneven in shape as they matured

Talbert PB, Adler HT, Parks DW, Comai L - The REVOLUTA gene is necessary for apical meristem development and for limiting cell divisions in the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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mutants with a syndrome con- sisting of revolute (downwardly curled) leaves ... rev-1, rev-2 and rev-4

Talbert PB, Adler HT, Parks DW, Comai L - The REVOLUTA gene is necessary for apical meristem development and for limiting cell divisions in the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Both the leaves and the primary shoots of rev-1 mutants were often darker green than those of wild type

Talbert PB, Adler HT, Parks DW, Comai L - The REVOLUTA gene is necessary for apical meristem development and for limiting cell divisions in the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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The difference in leaf size between wild-type and rev-1 plants was not obvious in the earlier rosette leaves, but we measured significant size differences in the cotyledons and first and third leaves from cohort 3 (Table 2). Later leaves differed more dramatically: the mean length of the longest rosette leaf (ordinarily the youngest leaf) of rev-1 plants was about 39% longer than wild-type controls, and rev-1 cauline leaves became up to twice as long as their wild-type counterparts

Talbert PB, Adler HT, Parks DW, Comai L - The REVOLUTA gene is necessary for apical meristem development and for limiting cell divisions in the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana

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there are very few effects of the ant-9 mutation on vegetative development. The ... leaves arise in normal ... shapes

Elliott RC, Betzner AS, Huttner E, Oakes MP, Tucker WQ, Gerentes D, Perez P, Smyth DR - AINTEGUMENTA, an APETALA2-like gene of Arabidopsis with pleiotropic roles in ovule development and floral organ growth

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there are very few effects of the ant-9 mutation on vegetative development. The ... leaves arise in normal numbers

Elliott RC, Betzner AS, Huttner E, Oakes MP, Tucker WQ, Gerentes D, Perez P, Smyth DR - AINTEGUMENTA, an APETALA2-like gene of Arabidopsis with pleiotropic roles in ovule development and floral organ growth

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there are very few effects of the ant-9 mutation on vegetative development. The cotyledons ... arise in normal numbers

Elliott RC, Betzner AS, Huttner E, Oakes MP, Tucker WQ, Gerentes D, Perez P, Smyth DR - AINTEGUMENTA, an APETALA2-like gene of Arabidopsis with pleiotropic roles in ovule development and floral organ growth

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there are very few effects of the ant-9 mutation on vegetative development. The cotyledons ... arise in normal ... shapes

Elliott RC, Betzner AS, Huttner E, Oakes MP, Tucker WQ, Gerentes D, Perez P, Smyth DR - AINTEGUMENTA, an APETALA2-like gene of Arabidopsis with pleiotropic roles in ovule development and floral organ growth

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  • Phenotype

In ... double mutants ... an as1 ... the mutated phenotypes were the sum of those of the parents, namely ... shrunken leaf blades in the an as1 mutant

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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  • Phenotype

The ... number of leaf parenchymatous cells in the as1 mutant were not very different from the wild type

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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numbers of hydathodes in margins of leaf blades were significantly decreased by the as1 mutation. The decrease in hydathodes was more significant in later leaves (Fig. 6), which had deep lobes in the blade

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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  • Phenotype

In ... double mutants ... acl1-3 as1 ... the mutated phenotypes were the sum of those of the parents, namely ... small ... leaf blades in the acl1-3 as1 mutant

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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The ... size ... of leaf parenchymatous cells in the as1 mutant were not very different from the wild type

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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In cotyledons also, the as1 mutant showed no defect in number of leaf cells

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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Sometimes we found that secondary branches of trichomes bent ab- normally in the as1 mutant

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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In ... double mutants ... an as1 ... the mutated phenotypes were the sum of those of the parents ... narrow ... leaf blades in the an as1 mutant

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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In addition, no significant difference in the fresh weight of leaf blades was found between the wild type and the as1 mutant. The mean values for the fresh weight of the fifth leaf blade from the wild type and the as1 mutant were 54.1 ‹ 10.0 (n = 17) and 54.7 ‹ 16.5 (n = 17), res- pectively

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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  • Phenotype

In ... double mutants ... acl1-3 as1 ... the mutated phenotypes were the sum of those of the parents, namely ... shrunken leaf blades in the acl1-3 as1 mutant

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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as1 mutant ... primordia of the fifth leaves are normal in morphology at early stages

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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The morphology ... of leaf parenchymatous cells in the as1 mutant were not very different from the wild type

Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - Genetic analyses of the formation of the serrated margin of leaf blades in Arabidopsis: combination of a mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis with the characterization of a specific marker gene expressed in hydathodes and stipules

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Scanning electron micrographs of the surface of rosette leaves ... reveal that the epidermal cells of the mutant did not expand in the lateral direction ... ago1

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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T-DNA carrying the AGO1-cDNA in sense orientation under the control of the 35S-CMV promoter ... led, in a few transgenic plants, to the formation of goblet-like rosette leaves

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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Plants homozygous for ago1 ... increase in leaf thickness

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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we visually examined mutagenized A.thaliana populations for individuals with aberrant leaf morphology ... we named these mutants argonaute

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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ago1 ... The examination of rosette leaf and cotyledon cross sections reveals their reduced, but still visible adaxial/abaxial differentiation

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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Heterozygous (ago1/AGO1) lines were indistinguishable from the wild- type

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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Plants homozygous for ago1 ... increase in leaf thickness correlates with an increase in the number of mesophyll cell layers

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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transgenic plants expressing the AGO1-cDNA in antisense orientation under the control of the 35S-CMV promoter ... showed abnormal rosette leaves

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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Scanning electron micrographs of the surface of ... cotyledons ... reveal that the epidermal cells of the mutant did not expand in the lateral direction ... ago1

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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plants with a T-DNA carrying the AGO1-cDNA in sense orientation under the control of the 35S-CMV promoter ... showed abnormal rosette leaves

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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mutants ... could be recognized easily by their unexpanded pointed cotyledons ... argonaute

Bohmert K, Camus I, Bellini C, Bouchez D, Caboche M, Benning C - AGO1 defines a novel locus of Arabidopsis controlling leaf development

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phb-1d ... It is more difficult to assign ad- versus abaxial fates to the epidermal cells of rodshaped leaves based on cell shape. Rod-shaped leaves have cells that are similar in size to blade epidermal cells but they are less jigsaw-shaped and more rectangular

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d heterozygotes have leaves ... dark green

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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Comparing wild-type and phb-1d epidermal leaf cell shapes further supports the conclusion that phb-1d leaves are adaxialized

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d ... Trumpet-shaped leaves have larger, less complex cells on the outside of the �bell� than on the inside (Fig. 3H-J). This is similar to the difference seen between the wild-type adaxial and abaxial blade epidermis

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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In stm-1; phb-1d double mutants, an abnormal determinate structure is present at the site normally occupied by the SAM at germination (Fig. 8D). The position of this structure and its early appearance are consistent with it forming directly from the presumptive SAM

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d heterozygotes have leaves ... exhibit ... loss of blade outgrowth

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d ... mutation was isolated in a screen for EMS-induced mutants altered in SAM development

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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the SAM of phb-1d/+ mutant embryos is enlarged relative to wild-type indicating that a stronger �meristem promoting� signal may be present in phb-1d mutant embryos (Fig. 8A,B

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The dominant phb-1d mutation causes a transformation of abaxial cell fates to adaxial cell fates in leaves

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The expressivity of the phb-1d mutant phenotype is variable. Some leaves are rod-like

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d heterozygotes have leaves with adaxial epidermal characters ... around their circumference

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The cells are smaller overall in the phb-1d mutant than in the wild type

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d leaves grow nearly vertically rather than bending away from the plant. The upright posture of mutant leaves is consistent with equal growth rates of both sides of the leaf, as expected if identical cell fates are specified on both faces of the developing primordium

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d organs are smaller than wild-type organs

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d heterozygotes have leaves ... exhibit varying degrees of radial symmetry

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d ... homozygotes have more fully ... adaxialized leaves than the heterozygotes

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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Internal tissues are also affected in phb-1d mutants (Fig. 2IL). The more extremely radialized leaves either entirely lack a vascular strand or possess single xylem elements. In such leaves, phloem (normally found in the abaxial pole of the vascular strand) was not seen. In less extremely affected leaves, vascular tissue in which xylem surrounds phloem tissue has been observed

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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ectopic SAMs form on the undersides of phb-1d mutant leaves

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The expressivity of the phb-1d mutant phenotype is variable. Some leaves ... are shaped like trumpets. The latter have adaxial tissue on their outer surfaces and abaxial tissue on the inside of the �bell� of the trumpet

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The phb-1d mutant phenotype is temperature sensitive. At low temperatures (17�C), the phb-1d phenotype is somewhat alleviated and phb-1d/+ plants are weakly self-fertile

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d ... homozygotes have more fully radialized ... leaves than the heterozygotes

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d heterozygotes have leaves ... trichome-rich surfaces

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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The dominant phb-1d mutation ... alters organ shape

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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phb-1d heterozygotes have leaves ... glossy

McConnell JR, Barton MK - Leaf polarity and meristem formation in Arabidopsis

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thickness of palisade cells of the rot3-2 mutant were 112%–126% of those of wild type at the fully expanded stage

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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length ... of palisade cells of the rot3-2 mutant were 112%–126% of those of wild type at the fully expanded stage

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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The width of the true leaves of the ... rot3-3 mutants were similar to those of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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leaves of the rot3-2 mutant were wider than those of the wild type, the rot3-1, and rot3-3 mutants

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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The length of adaxial epidermal cells in the peti- ole of the rot3-2 mutant was 52% of that of wild type at the fully expanded stage

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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The lengths of all the true leaves (foliage leaves) of the rot3-1 ... were shorter than those of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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the mean area of individual epidermal cells of the rot3-2 mutant was elevated on both the ad- axial and the abaxial side (Fig. 2E,F). The cell areas on the abaxial and the adaxial side were 134% and 141% of the wild-type areas, respectively

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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leaves of the rot3-2 mutant were longer than those of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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The lengths of all the true leaves (foliage leaves) of the ... rot3-3 mutants were shorter than those of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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rot3 mutant ... exhibited ... characteristic fea- tures of ... round leaves

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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the width ... of palisade cells of the rot3-2 mutant were 112%–126% of those of wild type at the fully expanded stage

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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The numbers of palisade cells in the fifth rosette leaf of the rot3-2 mutant in the leaf- width direction and in the leaf-length direction were not very different from the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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  • Phenotype

rot3 mutant ... exhibited ... characteristic fea- tures of ... short petioles

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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rot3-2 mutant had a clearly dis- tinct phenotype, having enlarged leaf blades

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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The width of the true leaves of the rot3-1 ... mutants were similar to those of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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Petioles of all rot3 mutant plants were shorter than those of the wild type

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reduction in the length of petioles of the rot3-2 mutant (see Table 1) was attributed to a defect in cell elongation

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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the rot3-1 mutant had a defect in the elon- gation of leaf palisade cells, specifically in the leaf-length direction (Tsuge et al. 1996)

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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cotyledons of the rot3-2 mutant were slightly larger than those of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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the rot3-1 mutant had normal cotyledons

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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The epider- mal cells of the rot3-1 mutant had smaller numbers of protrusions in the leaf-length direction (Tsuge et al. 1996)

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The ROTUNDIFOLIA3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a new member of the cytochrome P-450 family that is required for the regulated polar elongation of leaf cells

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  • Phenotype

clf mutants ... have narrow ... leaf blades

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The surface area of each epider- mal cell in the clf-25 mutant was reduced on both the abaxial and the adaxial sides, as compared to the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The morphology of the cotyledons of the clf-25 mutant was similar (Fig. 1B; Table 1) to that of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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the expansion of the fifth leaf of the clf-25 mutant was complete within 15 to 18 d after sowing, whereas that of the wild-type leaf continued beyond this time

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

the total number of cells in the clf-25 leaf blade was also significantly smaller than that in the wild-type leaf blade

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

In transverse sections, the width of palisade cells of the clf-25 mutant was 59% of that of the wild type in the fully expanded fifth leaf

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

In longitudinal sections, the length ... of ... palisade cells of the clf-25 mutant were 59%

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The rate of cell production was lower in the clf-25 mutant than in the wild type throughout the period of cell division after the appearance of the leaf primordium

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

All the foliage leaves of the ... clf-81 ... curled upwards

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

an clf-25 ... cells themselves were also smaller in the leaf-width and leaf-length directions than in either single mutant. In the leaf-thickness direction, the length of cells was intermediate between those of the two single mutants

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The an clf-25 double mutant had fewer cells in the leaf-width and leaf-length directions than either single mutant

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The number of palisade cells in the leaf blade of the clf-25 mutant was 55% in the leaf-width direction and 67% in the leaf-length direction, respectively, of the number in the wild type (Table 3). In the sections, the layers of parenchyma cells which aligned in the leaf- thickness direction in the leaf blade of both the clf-25 mutant and the wild type were four

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

clf mutants ... have ... curled leaf blades

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The growth of the leaf of the clf-25 mutant was slower than that of the wild type throughout its development

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

All the foliage leaves of the clf-25 ... were ... short

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

In longitudinal sections, the ... thickness of ... palisade cells of the clf-25 mutant were ... 65%

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

clf mutants ... have ... leaf blades of reduced length

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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While cells were dividing, the size of cells in the clf-25 mutant did not differ from that in the wild type (Fig. 3E,F). After the completion of the cell- division phase (8 d after the appearance of the leaf primordium), in the observed area of the leaf blade, expansion continued in both the wild type and the clf-25 mutant. The rate of cell elongation at this stage was lower in the clf-25 mutant than in the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

All the foliage leaves of the ... clf-81 ... were narrow

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

All the foliage leaves of the ... clf-81 ... were ... short

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The shapes of epidermal cells of the clf-25 mutant were slightly different from those of the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

All the foliage leaves of the clf-25 ... were narrow

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The growth of the fifth leaf of the an clf-25 double mutant was reduced in ... leaf-length ... directions ... as compared to the wild type and both single mutants

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

All the foliage leaves of the clf-25 ... curled upwards

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

Four days after the appearance of the primordium, the division of palisade cells ceased in both the wild type and the clf-25 mutant

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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The fifth leaf primordium (a leaf 1 mm long was observed, according to the above definition) was initiated earlier in the clf-25 mutant than in the wild type

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The growth of the fifth leaf of the an clf-25 double mutant was reduced in ... the leaf-width directions ... as compared to the wild type and both single mutants

Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Uchimiya H - The CURLY LEAF gene controls both division and elongation of cells during the expansion of the leaf blade in Arabidopsis thaliana

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  • Phenotype

The binary Ti plasmid (pMON29925) containing the 20-oxidase cDNA driven by an enhanced 35S promoter ... plants containing the transgene also had lighter-green leaves

Huang S, Raman AS, Ream JE, Fujiwara H, Cerny RE, Brown SM - Overexpression of 20-oxidase confers a gibberellin-overproduction phenotype in Arabidopsis

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  • Phenotype

Defects in meristem formation in pnh mutants have been described previously (McConnell and Barton, 1995; Moussian et al., 1998)

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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ago1-7/+; pnh-2/pnh-2 mutants also show changes in leaf morphology

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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SAM defects are common to ... pnh

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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ago1 ... have additional phenotypes not found in pnh mutants, such as radialized leaves

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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None of the pnh mutant alleles isolated to date are completely penetrant with respect to the effects on embryonic SAM formation (Table 2). A proportion of pnh homozygotes, ranging from 26% to 90%, forms apparently normal SAMs. This is true even for the presumed loss-of-function alleles pnh-2 and pnh-8. When a SAM is not properly formed, it may terminate in (in decreasing order of severity) a flat meristem, a small radially symmetric pin-like structure that lacks a vascular strand, a radially symmetric leaf, a single leaf or two leaves fused on their adaxial sides (McConnell and Barton, 1995; Fig. 2B,C; Table 2)

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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ago1 pnh ... seedlings are highly abnormal

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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SAM defects are common to ago1

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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ago1 leaf epidermal cells exhibit unusual morphology and cannot be characterized as adaxial or abaxial

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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In plants homozygous for ... ago1-7 ... the primary SAM occasionally is replaced by a single determinate pin-like organ

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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  • Phenotype

The internal anatomy of ago1 mutant rosette leaves has normal ad/abaxial polarity (Fig. 8F) indicating that AGO1 is not required for the development of internal leaf polarity

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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Mutants homozygous for the ... ago1-8 ... exhibit ... thickened rosette leaves

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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Mutants homozygous for the ago1-7 ... exhibit ... thickened rosette leaves

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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  • Phenotype

axillary meristem ... defects are common to ... pnh

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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Mutants homozygous for the ago1-7 ... exhibit narrow ... rosette leaves

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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ago1 pnh ... shoot system is disorganized, producing slender, filamentous organs in an unpredictable arrangement. These organs have stomata on their epidermis and contain xylem elements (Fig. 7H,I). However, xylem elements are not always arranged in a contiguous strand and individual xylem cells often are misshapen

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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ago1-7/ago1-7; pnh-2/+ ... Rosette leaves also are affected. These appear radialized in about two-thirds of the ago1 plants in group A (34/50) in contrast to the flattened rosette leaves in ago1 single mutants

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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In plants homozygous ... ago1-8 ... the primary SAM occasionally is replaced by a single determinate pin-like organ

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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During embryogenesis, we find that ago1 mutants can be distinguished from their wild-type siblings at the torpedo stage ... The cotyledons of ago1 mutants fail to make the transition from outward-directed to upward-directed growth and thus stand at a 45� angle from the embryo axis rather than vertically

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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Mutants homozygous for the ... ago1-8 ... exhibit narrow ... rosette leaves

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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ago1-7/ago1-7; pnh-2/+ ... Internally, the normal polar organization of the vasculature is disrupted such that xylem, an adaxial cell type, is surrounded by phloem, an abaxial cell type

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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The radialized leaf phenotype suggests that ago1 mutants ... suffer an alteration in organ polarity

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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Thus axillary meristem ... defects are common to ago1

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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Axillary meristems often are absent in pnh plants (McConnell and Barton, 1995; Fig. 2D

Lynn K, Fernandez A, Aida M, Sedbrook J, Tasaka M, Masson P, Barton MK - The PINHEAD/ZWILLE gene acts pleiotropically in Arabidopsis development and has overlapping functions with the ARGONAUTE1 gene

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The Ei-5 ecotype (N1128; isolated in Eifel, Germany) showed a venation pattern simpler than that of Ler ... in leaves

Candela H, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Venation pattern formation in Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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The Ei-5 ecotype (N1128; isolated in Eifel, Germany) showed a venation pattern simpler than that of Ler ... in cotyledons ... displaying only two loops in Ei-5 instead of the four loops usually found in Ler

Candela H, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Venation pattern formation in Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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The second ecotype displaying an atypical leaf venation pattern was Ba-1 (N952; isolated in Blackmount, UK). Free-ending vascular strands were found with unusual frequency at the apical region of their leaves

Candela H, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Venation pattern formation in Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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excess of hydathodes in the first leaf compared with Ws-2. This mutation, which appeared to be associated to clearly marked lateral teeth in young first leaves has been named extrahydathodes (ehy; Fig. 5). Although the Extrahydathodes phenotype appeared with incomplete penetrance, it was shown to be monogenic and recessive after studying F1 individuals of an ehy/ehy 3

Candela H, Martínez-Laborda A, Micol JL - Venation pattern formation in Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves

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  • Phenotype

The fab2 mutant was originally isolated in a screen of seed fatty acid composition because it contained an increased level of stearate (18:0) in seeds. The 18:0 content of fab2 seeds was raised from a wild-type level of 2-4% of total seed fatty acids to a level of 8% or more in the mutant

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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the leaf lami-nas of fab2 plants were at least as large as wild-type and were 30- to 50-fold larger in area than those of mutant plants grown at 22°C

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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at 36°C ... the first true leaves of the mutant were generally elongated rather than exhibiting the rounded shape of the first true leaves of wild-type plants

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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palisade ... cells ... are small compared with wild-type

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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fab2 plants ... at 36°C the 18:0 content was unaffected ... The stearate content of leaves from fab2 plants grown at 36°C displayed the same increases as those observed at 22°C

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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An increase in 18:0 is found in all the major membrane lipids isolated from leaf tissue with the largest increases occurring in lipids of the extra-chloroplast membranes such as phosphatidylcholine which contained 26% 18:0 in the mutant compared with 2% in the same lipid from wild-type

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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the wild-type once again displays the differentiation of the mesophyll into palisade and spongy layers which are not distinguishable in the mutant

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The dynamics of leaf development in dicots commonly results in a basipetal gradient in mesophyll cell size ... The data from wild-type leaves shown in Table 1 clearly reflect the expected gradient in cross-sectional area with the largest cells in the leaf tip and the smallest at the leaf base. By contrast, the very much smaller cells of the fab2 palisade showed no gradient in cross-sectional area

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The mesophyll cells of fab2 grown at 36°C ... was clearly organized into distinct palisade and spongy mesophyll layers

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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fab2 ... at 36°C ... and wild-type did remain morphologically distinct

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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mutant ... decrease in ... size ... of ... epidermal cells

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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cotyledons ... of the mutant exhibit ... reductions in size ... very much less than the changes seen in leaves and in flowers

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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fab2 plants ... at 36°C the dwarf phenotype was substantially corrected

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The leaves of fab2 plants (Figure 2a) average less than 2% of the ... fresh weight of their wild-type counterparts

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The number of rosette leaves at the onset of flowering was the same in wild-type and mutant plants (average 11.8 ± 0.4 and 11.6 ± 0.5, respectively

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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we mutagenized fab2 mutant seed with ethyl-methane sulfonate and screened for plants in which the dwarf phenotype was suppressed. From a screen of 20 000 Mt plants, one chimeric individual, labeled R61, was identified as having a putative wild-type growing sector

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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palisade cells ... In ... the mutant ... Like the wild-type ... are also highly vacuolate

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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Leaf anatomy of progeny from the normal growing plants was examined with freeze-fracture scanning electron microscopy and was indistinguishable from wild-type

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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In leaves of 14-day-old plants stearate comprises 16% of the total fatty acids compared with less than 1% stearate in wild-type leaves grown in identical conditions

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The growth rate of fab2 plants at 36°C (measured as the increase in shoot fresh weight) was the same as that of the wild-type controls

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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In the mutant ... Chloroplasts ... were smaller in size than the wild-type

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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trichomes of the fab2 leaves are comparable in size with the same cell types of wild-type plants

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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In the mutant ... Chloroplasts ... low levels of starch accumulation in

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The alteration of 18:0 content in fab2 has been attributed to a decrease in activity of the 18:0-acyl-carrier-protein desaturase that is responsible for synthesis of 18:1-acyl-carrier-protein in chloroplasts and other plastids

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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Since the 18:0 content of the leaf lipids was unaffected by growth at high temperature, our results suggest the possibility that the consequences of high 18:0 on fab2 plants may be mediated through an effect on membrane structure

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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In the wild-type mesophyll ... the airspace which surrounds large portions of the palisade parenchyma. In the mutant mesophyll ... no airspace is apparent

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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cotyledons ... of the mutant exhibit substantial increases in 18:0 relative to wild-type

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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the wild- type palisade (Figure 3b) is seen to be composed of regular, well-rounded cells surrounded by large airspaces. The cells are clearly vacuolate and contain large numbers of chloroplasts ... fab2 ... cells in this layer ... no airspaces are apparent

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The fab2 chloroplasts frequently displayed less well-developed thylakoid stacks

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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fab2 plants ... at 36°C ... For example ... did not show the very long petioles that were a feature of the wild-type rosette leaves at this temperature

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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an increase in 18:0 also occurs in leaf tissue where 18:0 accounts for more than 10% of total fatty acids in fab2 compared with less than 1 % in wild-type leaves. The 18:0 content varied with leaf age, from a high of approximately 20% of total fatty acids in the youngest true leaves to slightly more than 10% as these leaves aged

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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suppressor mutation simultaneously restores normal lipid composition and normal growth provides definitive evidence that the two traits are causally related. We have named the mutation identified in R61 shs, for suppressor of high stearate

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The most striking phenotype of the fab2 mutant is ... an extreme miniature phenotype (Figure 2) which affects, to varying degrees, all the plant organs examined

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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This increase in lipid bodies correlates with a twofold increase, relative to wild-type, in the proportion of triacylglycerols in leaf lipids of fab2 plants

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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mutant ... decrease in ... size ... of mesophyll ... cells

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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In the wild-type mesophyll ... the columnar appearance and highly vacuolate nature of the palisade cells is clearly evident ... In the mutant mesophyll ... the palisade cell layer shows only very limited elongation

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The leaves of fab2 plants (Figure 2a) average less than 2% of the area ... of their wild-type counterparts

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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mutant ... decrease in leaf size is a consequence of reduced expansion of many, but not all, cell types

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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the wild- type palisade (Figure 3b) is seen to be composed of regular, well-rounded cells surrounded by large airspaces. The cells are clearly vacuolate and contain large numbers of chloroplasts ... fab2 ... cells in this layer are isodia-metric

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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The mesophyll cells of fab2 grown at 36°C (Figure 6c) were considerably larger than those of fab2 plants grown at 22°C

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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stomatal guard cells ... of the fab2 leaves are comparable in size with the same cell types of wild-type plants

Jonathan Lightner, Douglas W. James Jr., Hugo K. Dooner, John Browse - Altered body morphology is caused by increased stearate levels in a mutant of Arabidopsis

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There was no statistically significant difference in final leaf area between elo1 ... and WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell areas ... there was no consistent difference between the elongator mutants ... elo4 ... and WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ang4 produced significantly smaller epidermal cell areas when compared with WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ron2-1 produced significantly larger epidermal cells ... when compared with WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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elo2 plants produced significantly smaller leaf areas than WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ron2-1 plants produced significantly larger leaf areas than the Landsberg erecta wild type (WT)

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell areas ... there was no consistent difference between the elongator mutants ... elo2 ... and WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell number ... was significantly decreased in ang4

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell number was not significantly different from the wild type in ... elo4 ... leaves

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Under light conditions, the duration of leaf expansion was significantly increased in the elongator mutants when compared with WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In contrast, the duration of leaf expansion was not consistently affected in ang4

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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ang4 ... plants produced significantly smaller leaf areas than WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell number ... was significantly decreased ... in ... elo2

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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maximal absolute leaf expansion rate (LERmax) was significantly ... decreased in the ... ang4 mutants

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Under light conditions, the duration of leaf expansion was significantly increased in the elongator mutants when compared with WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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maximal absolute leaf expansion rate (LERmax) ... there were no significant differences among elo1 ... and WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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Under light conditions, the duration of leaf expansion was significantly increased in the elongator mutants when compared with WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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There was no statistically significant difference in final leaf area between ... elo4 and WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell areas ... there was no consistent difference between the elongator mutants (elo1 ... and WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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maximal absolute leaf expansion rate (LERmax) was significantly ... decreased in the elo2 ... mutants

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell number was not significantly different from the wild type in ron2-1 ... leaves

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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epidermal cell number was not significantly different from the wild type ... in ... elo1 ... leaves

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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maximal absolute leaf expansion rate (LERmax) was significantly increased in ron2-1 ... mutants

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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maximal absolute leaf expansion rate (LERmax) ... there were no significant differences among ... elo4 ... and WT

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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In contrast, the duration of leaf expansion was not consistently affected in ... ron2-1

SARAH J. COOKSON1, MIEKE VAN LIJSEBETTENS, CHRISTINE GRANIER, - Correlation between leaf growth variables suggest intrinsic and early controls of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana

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