lines over-expressing each of the Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase cDNAs were obtained ... petioles of the 20-oxidase seedlings were approximately 50% longer and resembled controls treated with GA3
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed Articleantisense AtGA20ox1 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were darker green
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed Articleantisense AtGA20ox3 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were ... epinastic
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed Articlelines over-expressing each of the Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase cDNAs were obtained ... petioles of the 20-oxidase seedlings were approximately 50% longer and resembled controls treated with GA3
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt the seedling stage, hypocotyl and petiole lengths ... one line transformed with antisense AtGA20ox3 (line A3–1) were reduced compared with the control line
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt the seedling stage, hypocotyl and petiole lengths in two lines transformed with antisense AtGA20ox1 cDNA (lines A1–1 and A1–2 ... were reduced compared with the control line
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed Articlelines over-expressing each of the Arabidopsis GA 20-oxidase cDNAs were obtained ... petioles of the 20-oxidase seedlings were approximately 50% longer and resembled controls treated with GA3
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed Articleantisense AtGA20ox1 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were ... epinastic
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed Articleantisense AtGA20ox3 ... Cotyledons of these antisense GA 20-oxidase lines were darker green
Coles JP, Phillips AL, Croker SJ, García-Lepe R, Lewis MJ, Hedden P - Modification of gibberellin production and plant development in Arabidopsis by sense and antisense expression of gibberellin 20-oxidase genes
Visit the PubMed Articleinvolute leaves ... icu5
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlere-1 ... showing reticulate leaves with veins greener than their interveinal regions
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleinvolute leaves ... icu4-2
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleinvolute leaves ... icu2
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlerev ... displaying large ... rosette ... leaves
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlecue1 ... showing reticulate leaves with veins greener than their interveinal regions
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledov1 ... showing reticulate leaves with veins greener than their interveinal regions
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlerot3 ... rounded leaves
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleinvolute leaves ... clf-18
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleangustifolia (an ... narrow leaves
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleinvolute leaves ... hst
Berná G, Robles P, Micol JL - A mutational analysis of leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is broad ... asymmetric leaves 2 ... as2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is broad ... asymmetric leaves 1 ... as1
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is ... weakly wrinkled ... asymmetric leaves 2 ... as2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleAdult vegetative leaves are more ... asymmetric than the juvenile ones ... as1
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articleloose rosette composed of leaves whose mar- gins show a more pronounced downward curl in the apical region ... as2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articlethe addition of GA3 to the medium anticipates the development of the wild-type Col-1 strain, producing partial phenocopies of the ser- rate mutant
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe lamina of the vegetative and cauline leaves is ... weakly wrinkled ... asymmetric leaves 1 ... as1
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleAdult vegetative leaves are more ... asymmetric than the juvenile ones ... as2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articlemargins unevenly curled downwards ... as1
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articlefas1-1 ... exhibit toothed leaves
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articleyi-1 ... exhibit toothed leaves
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleAdult vegetative leaves are more lobed ... than the juvenile ones ... as1
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articledisplay a dense rosette due to the reduced length of the petiole of the leaves ... as1
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articlemargins unevenly curled downwards ... as2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articleserrate ... se ... narrow cotyledons
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleAdult vegetative leaves are more lobed ... than the juvenile ones ... as2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articlemin-1 ... exhibit toothed leaves
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed Articleserrate ... se ... trichomes on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of all the vegetative leaves, in- cluding the juvenile ones
Serrano-Cartagena J, Robles P, Ponce MR, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of leaf form mutants from the Arabidopsis Information Service collection
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen we induced the expression of a rot3-2 allele, ROT3G80E, into a null-type rot3-1 parent, plants ... without longer leaf petioles
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTransgenic rot3-1 plants (expressing the wild-type ROT3 gene) had ... increases in length of ... leaf petioles
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTransgenic rot3-1 plants (expressing the wild-type ROT3 gene) had ... increases in length of leaf blades
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant changes in leaf width in trans- genic plants
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen we induced the expression of a rot3-2 allele, ROT3G80E, into a null-type rot3-1 parent, plants had slightly enlarged leaf blades
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTransgenic rot3-1 plants (expressing the wild-type ROT3 gene) had longer leaves
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe rot3-2 allele causes enlarged leaf blades
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe rot3-2 allele causes ... short petioles
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic overexpression of the ROT3 gene affected polar elongation of leaf petioles more significantly than that of leaf blades
Kim GT, Tsukaya H, Saito Y, Uchimiya H - Changes in the shapes of leaves and flowers upon overexpression of cytochrome P450 in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleYAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are epinastic
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleYAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are ... narrow
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... Despite the marked transformation of the adaxial epidermis, the leaves are not completely abaxialized since they retain some adaxial character
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... vasculature ... consists of central unbranched strands
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleSemi-dominant phb-1d mutations result in adaxialization of leaves
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOrgans of phb-1d homozygotes are ... radially symmetrical
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing FIL ... seedlings the SAM is disrupted
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits malformed cotyledons
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants constitutively expressing FIL ... arrested primordia-like structures form around the periphery of the SAM. At least some of these structures appear to be ... arrested leaf primordia as trichomes could be observed on their adaxial surfaces
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleorgans of phb-1d/+ heterozygotes are mosaics of adaxial and abaxial tissues
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves ... are linear
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleYAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... leaves ... decreased cell expansion
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants constitutively expressing FIL ... Despite the marked transformation of the adaxial epidermis, the leaves are not completely abaxialized since they retain some adaxial character
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOrgans of phb-1d homozygotes are nearly completely adaxialized
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing FIL ... second class of transgenic plants ... cotyledons that are purple, likely due to accumulation of anthocyanins
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleHomozygous yab3-1 plants do not display a phenotype different from wild-type plants
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... Cotyledons ... are linear
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleFIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are ... narrow
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... seedlings the SAM is disrupted
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... the abaxial leaf surfaces may be mosaics of abaxial and adaxial tissues (Fig. 6M,N). In some cases, the epidermal leaf surfaces of double mutants are not identical to either wild-type adaxial or wild-type abaxial surfaces, but instead resemble a mixture of characters from both
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... the adaxial palisade mesophyll of the leaves being largely similar to that of wild type
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleadaxial epidermises of ... leaves ... constitutively expressing FIL ... resembling wild-type abaxial epidermises
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleadaxial epidermises of ... leaves of plants constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... resembling wild-type abaxial epidermises
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves of plants constitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... In many cases, the adaxial epidermis of the leaves was not easily recognized as either wild-type abaxial or adaxial cell types, but rather appeared as a mixture of the two
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing FIL ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits malformed cotyledons
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits ... cotyledons that are purple
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil ... leaves ... no mutant phenotype
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil ... cotyledons, no mutant phenotype
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... The adaxial leaf surfaces are relatively normal
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing FIL ... the adaxial palisade mesophyll of the leaves being largely similar to that of wild type
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... Cotyledons ... are ... occasionally bifurcated
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves ... are occasionally bifurcated
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleFIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves are epinastic
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... the vasculature still retained a normal adaxial-abaxial polarity (xylem, adaxial; phloem, abaxial)
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleYAB3 ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves ... morphology is abnormal
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing FIL ... The second class of transgenic plants exhibits ... cotyledons that are purple
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleFIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... leaves ... decreased cell expansion
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... Occasionally, an ectopic SAM arises from the adaxial surface of a sinus of a bifurcated leaf
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTrumpet-shaped leaves, with an inner surface of abaxial identity and an outer surface of adaxial identity, are characteristic of phb-1d/+ heterozygotes
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... arrested leaf primordia
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutively expressing ... YAB3 ... second class of transgenic plants ... cotyledons that are purple, likely due to accumulation of anthocyanins
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves of plants constitutively expressing FIL ... In many cases, the adaxial epidermis of the leaves was not easily recognized as either wild-type abaxial or adaxial cell types, but rather appeared as a mixture of the two
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleFIL ... ectopically expressed in a constitutive manner ... first class of transgenic plants ... leaves ... morphology is abnormal
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... mesophyll appeared uniform with little evidence of polarity
Siegfried KR, Eshed Y, Baum SF, Otsuga D, Drews GN, Bowman JL - Members of the YABBY gene family specify abaxial cell fate in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAfter seed germination, we noticed that some seedlings had smaller cotyledons than normal, and they were subsequently confirmed to be ask1–1 mutant plants either by their male sterile phenotype or by PCR
Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleDuring the initial analysis of the ask1–1 mutant, it was noticed that the mutant had small rosette leaves and a short stature, as compared with the wild type
Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleask1–1 plants ... Further examination of rosette leaf epidermal cells showed that the average size of the mutant leaf cells was similar to that of the wild type
Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleDuring vegetative development, rosette leaf growth was reduced in most ask1–1 plants, resulting in rosette leaves that were slightly smaller than wild-type rosette leaves
Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn addition, abaxial epidermal cell density on the cotyledon was essentially the same between the wild-type (73 6 3 cells/mm2; n 5 15) and the ask1–1 mutant (73 6 4 cells/mm2; n 5 15)
Zhao D, Yang M, Solava J, Ma H - The ASK1 gene regulates development and interacts with the UFO gene to control floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt 16 days after germination, both 35S::ANT and control seedlings had the same number of rosette leaves, and all leaves of 35S::ANT seedlings were the same size as corresponding control leaves (Fig. 4A). However, 35S::ANT leaves continued to grow beyond the period in which corresponding control leaves ceased to grow
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlelength ... of mature ant-1 leaves were ... reduced
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic ANT expression is sufficient to increase organ size
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlewidth ... of mature ant-1 leaves were ... reduced
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic ANT expression is ... enhancing organ growth
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlethere was no difference in ... the number of leaf primordia between ant-1 and control wild-type plants
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlereduction in size of ant-1 organs
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants highly expressed the ANT transgene ... Mass of leaves ... was increased as much as three times over those in control plants
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic ANT expression ... is sufficient to increase organ ... mass
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic ANT expression did not alter ... the size ... of organ primordia
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlethere was no difference in the timing of leaf primordia initiation ... between ant-1 and control wild-type plants
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleincrease of cell numbers ... is associated with the enlarged 35S::ANT organs
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleno obvious difference in cell size was detected in the epidermis between control and 35S::ANT organs
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleant-1 cells were much larger than normal ... epidermis ... leaves
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleant-1 organs ... decrease in cell number
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleant-1 organs had fewer cells per unit area and per organ than the wild type
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants highly expressed the ANT transgene and displayed multiple organ hyperplasia
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants highly expressed the ANT transgene ... leaves ... without altering their superficial morphology
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleant-1 cells were much larger than normal ... subdermal cell- layers of ... leaves
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants highly expressed the ANT transgene ... leaves ... were dramatically enlarged
Mizukami Y, Fischer RL - Plant organ size control: AINTEGUMENTA regulates growth and cell numbers during organogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense ... The cellular basis for these growth alterations was examined by measurements of cell number and cell size in petioles of T3 plants (Table (Table2).2). Cell number per file did not differ significantly
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense ... lines were significantly smaller than controls, averaging 71% (AS), 59% (AC), and 58% (AS35) in rosette diameter as compared with the control transgenic plants. AS35 lines showed a bimodal distribution with an extremely small-sized group (1–4 cm) and a moderately small-sized group (5–7 cm). The average rosette diameter of S lines was 18% larger than that of control lines
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... sense ... lines, rosette size became greater than that in controls after day 30, which is when the largest rosette leaves started to reach full size
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense plants had smaller rosettes
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense ... AS35 lines showed much slower growth than did the other antisense lines
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... sense ... The cellular basis for these growth alterations was examined by measurements of cell number and cell size in petioles of T3 plants (Table (Table2).2). Cell number per file did not differ significantly
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... sense plants were slightly larger and matured earlier than did control plants
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense plants ... cell length was significantly ... decreased
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... sense plants ... cell length was significantly increased
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense plants ... The physical basis for these growth changes was further explored in extensometer assays, which revealed a marked reduction in the extensibility of petiole cell walls
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense plants had ... aberrant leaves as compared with controls
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtEXP10 ... antisense ... plants showed variable degrees of leaf twisting and bending along the midrib and edges (Fig. (Fig.55 A and B). The aberrant morphology generally appeared after the fifth or sixth leaf (Fig. (Fig.55B) and later-stage leaves showed more severe phenotype
Cho HT, Cosgrove DJ - Altered expression of expansin modulates leaf growth and pedicel abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpression of LEP ... Anatomical analysis of cDNAoe transgenics revealed increased ... and/or ectopic cell divisions
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet leaves ... the leaf blade was larger
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... older plants the ... cotyledon edge looked rough
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn a screen for leaf developmental mutants we isolated a transgenic line exhibiting a dominant leaf phenotype. Because of its conspicuous leafy petiole phenotype, which consisted of the formation of leaves without a petiole (Fig. 2A-D), this mutant was called lettuce (let). ... The penetrance of the leafy petiole phenotype was not complete in the first leaf pair (Fig. 2R). In let the petiole constituted 25% and 24% of total leaf length for the first and second rosette leaf (n=15) respectively, while all subsequently formed leaves lacked a petiole
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet ... No difference could be observed in the morphology of ... the primary leaves shortly after the outgrowth of the leaf primordia
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet ... conversion of the proximal petiole into a leaf blade
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... The cDNAoe-A transformants were most severely affected, developed only cotyledons and occasionally very small primary leaves (Fig. 7B). The hypocotyl of such plants was swollen at the base and the edge of the cotyledons was rough rather than smooth
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... The cDNAoe-B plants formed several rosette leaves but they remained small and the plants looked dwarfed
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Article35SDE-LEP ... the let phenotype (leafy petioles ... was observed
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet ... Cotyledon development was comparable with that of wild-type plants
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... older plants the leaf ... edge looked rough
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet ... No difference could be observed in the morphology of ... the leaf primordia
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet ... The total width ... of ... the mutant leaves were comparable to that of wild type
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo significant petiole was formed on let leaves
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... cDNAoe-B ... older plants the leaf ... edge looked rough
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... A subset of these cDNAoe-C plants had normal or slightly distorted rosette leaf formation
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet ... The total ... length of ... the mutant leaves were comparable to that of wild type
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelet ... No difference could be observed in the morphology of the apex
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo study the effect of constitutive overexpression of LEP on plant development, the coding region of LEP was amplified by ... PCR and cloned in a 35S overexpression cassette ... Leaves produced by cDNAoe-B plants initially showed a wild- type morphology, but upon further development exhibited gaps at the leaf edge resulting in a rough appearance. The formation of the rough cotyledon and leaf edges on cDNAoe-A and -B plants was caused by a loss of connection between ventral and dorsal blade tissue
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpression of LEP ... Anatomical analysis of cDNAoe transgenics revealed increased ... and/or ectopic cell divisions
van der Graaff E, Dulk-Ras AD, Hooykaas PJ, Keller B - Activation tagging of the LEAFY PETIOLE gene affects leaf petiole development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaves ... of icu5 individuals ... were ... slightly curled up
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlespongy mesophyll cells ... were found to be smaller in ... icu2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleicu2 leaves with strong involute phenotype had clearly smaller cells in all their leaf tissues
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains, respectively. Their mutant phenotype included ... flowers displayed a phenotype reminiscent of some apetala2 (ap2) mutants (Bowman et al. 1989; Figure 3B), and homeotic transformations of sepals into carpels and petals into stamens were observed mainly in the latest flowers
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe Icu phenotype is caused by ... N401
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleicu5 ... morphological analysis ... by Ru¨ffer-Turner and Napp-Zinn
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleinvolute leaves ... N314 was named hasty-5 (hst-5
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe Icu phenotype is caused by ... 10 being recessive
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAll adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells ... were found to be smaller in ... hst-5
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlespongy mesophyll cells ... were found to be smaller in clf-18
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains, respectively. Their mutant phenotype included ... small rosette size
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAll adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells, palisade ... were ... to be smaller in clf-18
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleclf ... mutants showed low fertility and a thin flowering stem when compared to the wild type (data not shown
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe Icu phenotype is caused by ... N400
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains ... mutant phenotype included involute leaves
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA2 (ICU2): Only one recessive allele, carried by N329 ... Apetala flowers
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCURVATA2 (ICU2): Only one recessive allele, carried by N329 ... Involute leaves
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleicu2 mutants showed low fertility and a thin flowering stem when compared to the wild type (data not shown
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleInternal structure of ... icu5 leaves was very similar to the wild-type En-2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Article22 mutants that consistently presented leaves curling toward their adaxial side, a phenotype that we named Incurvata (Icu
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlenumber of cells in icu2 ... may also be lower than in the wild type
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA3 (ICU3): The only mutant allele ... early ... flowering
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe Icu phenotype is caused by ... one completely dominant (in N379
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticlePatches of epidermal tissue with a reduced cell size (Figure 4E), resulting in an uneven leaf surface, were consistently present as a regular feature of the Icu2 phenotype
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA3 (ICU3): The only mutant allele ... is recessive ... involute leaves
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlespongy mesophyll cells ... were found to be smaller in ... hst-5
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA4 (ICU4): The two alleles of this locus
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleicu5 ... morphological analysis by Ru¨ffer-Turner and Napp-Zinn (1980
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA2 (ICU2): Only one recessive allele, carried by N329 ... early flowering
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticlePatches of epidermal tissue ... were randomly distributed on the adaxial side of the leaves ... leaves
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlenumber of cells in ... hst-5 mutants may also be lower than in the wild type
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaves of icu5 individuals ... were dark green
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleInternal structure of icu4-1 ... leaves was very similar to the wild-type En-2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAll adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells ... were found to be smaller in ... icu2
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleINCURVATA1 (ICU1): This group consists of eight recessive alleles, carried by the N313, N328, N345, N346, N347, N350, N351, and N419 strains, respectively. Their mutant phenotype included ... early flowering
Serrano-Cartagena J, Candela H, Robles P, Ponce MR, Pérez-Pérez JM, Piqueras P, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of incurvata mutants reveals three independent genetic operations at work in Arabidopsis leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleShoots of single pkl-15 mutants ... were slow growing
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas1-1 pkl-15 ... On rare occasions, we detected ectopic meristems arising from the adaxial side of the leaf close to the sinus
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... curling of the leaves downward
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleleaf shape of as1-1 pkl-15 double mutants was similar to that of as1-1 single mutants
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Article35S::KNAT1 leaves are ... folded upwards
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... increasing the width of the margin
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 as2 double mutant phenotype was indistinguishable from the as2 phenotype
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas1-1 pkl-15 double mutants ... close examination of the serrations and lobes of these leaves by SEM revealed ectopic growth of stipules in this region
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... The severity of the lobing phenotype increased gradually, such that the first formed leaves rarely had lobes but leaves that initiated later had one or more lobes
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe serrate (se) mutant (Fig. 1B) showed strong serration of the leaves
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleabout half of the leaves of as1 ... had lobes close to the base of the leaf
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 had lobes close to the base of the leaf
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... curling of the leaves downward
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed ArticleMore files of long straight cells could be seen along the margins of ... as2 ... thus increasing the width of the margin
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... mutants showed rumpled rosette leaves
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Article35S::KNAT1 leaves are lobed
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... increasing the width of the margin
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic meristems were also occasionally detected on the adaxial surface of as2-2 pkl-15 double mutants, near the sinus
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... mutants showed rumpled rosette leaves
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed ArticleShoots of single pkl-15 mutants were mostly normal
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articledouble mutants between se and as1 ... showed dramatic lobing of leaves
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... The severity of the lobing phenotype increased gradually, such that the first formed leaves rarely had lobes but leaves that initiated later had one or more lobes
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed ArticleMore files of long straight cells could be seen along the margins of as1 ... thus increasing the width of the margin
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articlepkl-15 mutants were ... delayed in differentiation in most organs
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articlepkl-15 ... leaf margins were not affected
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Article35S::KNAT1 leaves are ... with ectopic stipules ... in the sinus regions
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Article35S::KNAT1 leaves are ... with ectopic ... meristems in the sinus regions
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Articledouble mutants between ... se and as2 showed dramatic lobing of leaves
Ori N, Eshed Y, Chuck G, Bowman JL, Hake S - Mechanisms that control knox gene expression in the Arabidopsis shoot
Visit the PubMed Article35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... were bigger
Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... dry weight increased only 1.2-fold
Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... an increase in the total fresh weight, ranging from 1.6- to 2.6-fold
Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::NAC1 overexpressing lines ... were ... with larger leaves
Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development
Visit the PubMed ArticleScanning electron microscopy analysis (SEM) showed that cells in older leaves of the 35S::NAC1 plants were significantly larger
Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::NAC1 antisense lines ... One-week-old seedlings displayed no clear phenotype either in the aerial part
Xie Q, Frugis G, Colgan D, Chua NH - Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development
Visit the PubMed ArticleTransgenic 35S-ICK1 plants were smaller than control plants
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe fresh weight (at 3 weeks) was ... lower in a number of independ- ent 35S-ICK1 lines
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Articlesmaller size of 35S-ICK1 plants persisted through all stages of plant development ... including leaf
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe 35S-ICK1 plants showed profound changes in the morphology of organs such as leaves
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 ... majority displayed ... morphological ... changes
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 plants ... increasing the size of cells
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 plants ... there was a range of changes in leaf shape
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Articleshorter leaf petioles ... 35S-ICK1 plants
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 lines had lower fresh weight
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 ... There was no inhibition of cell expansion
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Articlecells of 35S-ICK1 plants were clearly larger
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Articlereduced cell number in 35S-ICK1 plants
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 ... In some lines, leaves were ... serrated
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Articlecells of 35S-ICK1 plants in all tissues examined (leaves ... were on average slightly larger
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 plants ... there was a strong inhibition of cell division
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Articlegrowth was ... inhibited by ICK1 overexpression
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 ... much smaller size of transformants
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 plants ... majority displayed ... growth ... changes
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ICK1 plants ... leaf ... reduction in size
Wang H, Zhou Y, Gilmer S, Whitwill S, Fowke LC - Expression of the plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ICK1 affects cell division, plant growth and morphology
Visit the PubMed Articleasymmetric leaves1 (as1) is a classical mutation in Arabidopsis that disrupts development of cotyledons
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... Early leaves have few lobes located proximally
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... later leaves have more lobes extending distally toward the leaf tip
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleasymmetric leaves1 (as1) is a classical mutation in Arabidopsis that disrupts development of ... leaves
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... pattern reflects a change in proximodistal ... patterning of the leaf
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlemagnifica ... occasionally have ectopic shoots on the adaxial surface of the petiole
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... pattern reflects a change in ... mediolateral patterning of the leaf
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAdult rosette leaves of magnifica, the first isolated mutant allele of as1 (ref. 16), have patches of callus-like growth on the leaf lamina
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... The mutant leaf lamina is subdivided into prominent outgrowths or lobes
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleas1-1 stm-1 ... Double-mutant vegetative shoots ... indistinguishable from ... as1 single mutants
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleas1-1 stm-1 ... Double-mutant ... leaves were indistinguishable from as1 single mutants
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn wild-type leaves the abaxial epidermis over the midvein of the leaf petiole and blade is comprised of elongated cells (Fig. 1e). In as1 there are multiple bundles of elongated cells extending from the petiole into the blade (Fig. 1f). The enhancer trap (see Methods) ET2689 marks these elongated cells (Fig. 1g) and is expressed over a much broader region in as1 extending in multiple directions from the petiole
Byrne ME, Barley R, Curtis M, Arroyo JM, Dunham M, Hudson A, Martienssen RA - Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTransgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a BRI1–GFP fusion protein ... We observed a dramatic increase of BL binding activity in the membrane fractions
Wang ZY, Seto H, Fujioka S, Yoshida S, Chory J - BRI1 is a critical component of a plasma-membrane receptor for plant steroids
Visit the PubMed ArticleTransgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a BRI1–GFP fusion protein ... had longer petioles
Wang ZY, Seto H, Fujioka S, Yoshida S, Chory J - BRI1 is a critical component of a plasma-membrane receptor for plant steroids
Visit the PubMed Articlewidth/length ratio of ... epidermal ... cells of 35S::ATHB13 plants, however, decreased by 50% with an increase of sucrose from 0% to 6%
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Articleepidermal cells in cotyledons of 35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown on medium without sugar did not differ in ... size from those of the wild-type plants
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleHigh concen- trations of sucrose also caused both wild-type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons to bend downward
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown in vitro on standard medium containing 2% sucrose ... cotyledons of 35S::ATHB13 plants were nar- rower than those of the wild type. This difference was not observed in plants grown on the same medium but with sugar omitted ... The effect of ATHB13 expression on cotyledon shape was proportional to the sucrose concentration in the media, up to 8%
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Articleepidermal cells in cotyledons of 35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown on medium without sugar did not differ in shape ... from those of the wild-type plants
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn both wild-type and 35S::ATHB13 plants, epidermal cells were somewhat longer in plants grown on media with sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB13 cells were more affected by sucrose in this aspect and their shape was nearly rectangular, with the longest axis in the length dimension, in seedlings grown on 6% sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleHigh concen- trations of sucrose also caused ... wild-type ... cotyledons to bend downward
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB13 plants grown on soil under long- day or short-day conditions ... rosette leaves were serrated
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo developmental deviations from the wild type were found ... in a null mutant line of ATHB13
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Articlethe palisade parenchyma more organized in ... wild- type ... cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe interstitial space was reduced in size ... in ... wild- type ... cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the 35S::ATHB13 plants, the width of the epidermal cells decreased signifi- cantly with increasing concentrations of sucrose in the medium, from 124±24.3 µm at 0% to 80.5±18.2 µm at 6% sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Articlethe true leaves of the 35S::ATHB13 plants differed from wild-type leaves in that their width decreased with increasing sucrose concentration in the medium
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe internal anatomy of 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons was similar to that of the wild-type cotyledons
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB13 seedlings grown in vitro on standard medium containing 2% sucrose differed in cotyledon shape from wild-type seedlings
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB13 cotyledons ... The vena- tion pattern was unaffected by growth conditions
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe interstitial space was reduced in size ... in both wild- type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB13 ... The shape of the epidermal cells also differed in the experiment, from a characteristic jigsaw puz- zle shape of the plants grown without sucrose to a more uniform outline of plants grown on sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Articlethe palisade parenchyma more organized in both wild- type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons in plants grown on ... sucrose
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed Articlethe difference in cotyledon width between wild-type and 35S::ATHB13 cotyledons is most likely caused by an inhibition of lateral cell expansion in 35S::ATHB13
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo developmental deviations from the wild type were found among 39 independent transgenic anti- sense lines with an up to threefold reduction of the ATHB13 mRNA levels
Hanson J, Johannesson H, Engström P - Sugar-dependent alterations in cotyledon and leaf development in transgenic plants expressing the HDZhdip gene ATHB13
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe positions of the deep lobes on as2-1 rosette leaves corresponded to those of the serrations on wild-type rosette leaves, as judged from their positions relative to those of hydathodes on the respective rosette leaves
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe venation in each as2 leaf lamina was bilaterally asymmetrical
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2-1 ... rosette leaves, differentiation of vascular elements, such as xylem ... cells, was unaffected
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2-1 ... leaf lobes were usually observed on leaves at positions higher than the second rosette leaf. As the plants matured, the proportion of leaves with lobes at each leaf position increased. However, no lobes were observed on the first and second leaves, namely, the juvenile leaves of as2-1 plants
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlethe patterns of venation in as2 rosette leaves were less complex than those in wild-type rosette leaves
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... leaf surface was wavy
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleeffect of the as2 mutation on venation ... In extreme cases, no midvein was obvious, and several veins of similar thickness were evident with a proximodistal orientation
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticlePetioles of as2-1 ... leaves were always shorter than those of the wild type
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articledevelopment of the third leaf of as2-1. At the early stage of the development (Fig. 4Be,f,g), most of the as2- 1 leaf lamina was normal in shape but the secondary veins were being developed in an asymmetric manner
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the as2-1 leaf lamina, the central vascular bundle was thinner than in the wild type but several parallel bundles that were almost equivalent in thickness to the central bundle were observed with a proximodistal orientation
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 leaf often had many deep and irregularly split lobes
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn as2-1 leaves, there was a wider vascular bundle in the center
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlecotyledons of the as2-1 mutant ... had shorter petioles
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleno significant differences between as2-1 and the wild type in terms of ... number of palisade mesophyll cells
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn as2-1 leaves, there was a wider vascular bundle in the center, with disconnected secondary vascular bundles on both sides of the wider bundle in the transition region
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleEven at the base of the petiole (Fig. 5D,F), the as2-1 mutant still had a single but wider vascular bundle, which was surrounded by bundle sheath cells (Fig. 5D). Such wider bundles appeared to contain several subvascular arrays, each of which consisted of xylem and phloem and was surrounded by bundle sheath-like cells
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2-1 ... rosette leaves, differentiation of vascular elements, such as ... phloem cells, was unaffected
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe complexity of venation in as2-1 cotyledons was lower than that in the wild type
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articledevelopment of the third leaf of as2-1 ... As the leaf developed into the late stage, deep asymmetric lobes were generated
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... leaf lamina was often plump and humped at its base
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleno significant differences between as2-1 and the wild type in terms of the length ... of the leaf lamina
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlecotyledons of the as2-1 mutant ... bent downwards
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticlePetioles of ... as2-2 leaves were always shorter than those of the wild type
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articledelayed development of the primary vein in as2
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleeffect of the as2 mutation on venation ... several secondary veins failed ... to connect with the midvein in the leaf lamina and sometimes they ran separately through the petiole
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlein almost all the as2-1 primordia, the primary veins bifurcated irregularly and asymmetrically
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... veins at the leaf margin were often insufficiently interconnected or were disconnected from one another
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleno significant differences between as2-1 and the wild type in terms of the ... width of the leaf lamina
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleeffect of the as2 mutation on venation ... midvein ... was thinner than the wild-type midvein even when fully matured rosette leaves were compared
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe secondary veins of as2-1 leaves developed with bilateral asymmetry, approached the primary vein at a more acute angle than in the wild type and, in some cases, did not connect with the primary vein in the leaf lamina
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2-1 ... asymmetric lamina
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlecotyledons of the as2-1 mutant ... were curled
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... leaflet-like structures on petioles
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... leaf lobes and leaflet-like structures all had single central veins, which were usually connected to a secondary vein in the basal region of the leaf lamina or the petiole
Semiarti E, Ueno Y, Tsukaya H, Iwakawa H, Machida C, Machida Y - The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana regulates formation of a symmetric lamina, establishment of venation and repression of meristem-related homeobox genes in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Transgenic cotyledons also had a reduced amount of vascular tissue
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn kan ... increase in the cross-sectional area ... of cells in abaxial cell layers
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants ... produced ... cylindrical leaves
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants ... narrow ... leaves
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe first two leaves of kan mutant seedlings ... remain cupped throughout their development
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Transgenic cotyledons also had ... abnormally thick margins, consistent with the absence of well- defined adaxial and abaxial domains
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... single cotyledons
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn kan ... increase in the cross-sectional ... number of cells in abaxial cell layers
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlekan ... decreasing trichome number on the adaxial surface of rosette leaves
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlekan mutant ... Leaves ... almost completely flat at maturity
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlekan mutant ... Leaves at higher nodes also emerge as in-rolled primordia
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transformants showed amarked and usually terminal seedling phenotype
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... fused cotyledons
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlewild-type leaves of the ecotype Columbia (Col) always curl down- wards
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transgenic seedlings ... had ... pointed cotyledons
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe first two leaves of kan mutant seedlings emerge in an upright position
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... seedlings had rectan- gular, rather than irregular, cotyledon epidermal cells
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants homozygous for kan produce abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 1 or 2. Plants heterozygous for mutant alleles of kan, including the null alleles kan-12 and kan-14, produce abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 3
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced normal plants or plants with a kan phenotype, but most had a variety of other abnormalities including narrow or cylindrical leaves (Fig. 4e) with few or no trichomes and no vasculature, single cotyledons, or fused cotyledons
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... cylindrical leaves ... with ... no vasculature
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transgenic seedlings ... had elongated ... cotyledons
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe anatomy of kan- 12 SAMs ... was indistinguishable from wild type
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn kan ... decrease in the cross-sectional area of adaxial mesophyll cells
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... transgenic ... seedlings frequently lacked ... a shoot apical meristem (SAM
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlekan mutant ... not associated with a change in leaf size
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... produced no subsequent leaves
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn kan, abaxial meso- phyll cells aremore regularly shaped
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlekan ... increasing abaxial trichome number
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconstitutive' CAMV 35S promoter fused to the KAN cDNA ... Several of the remaining transformants produced ... leaves ... with few or no trichomes
Kerstetter RA, Bollman K, Taylor RA, Bomblies K, Poethig RS - KANADI regulates organ polarity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articletransformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb-1d
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb-3d
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv ... 3
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed ArticleDominant ... phavoluta ... cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv-1
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe phb-1d mutation ... cause formation of ectopic meristems
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb ... 5d
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb-2d
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv ... 4
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phb ... 4d
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed ArticleDominant phabulosa ... cause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed Articlecause transformation of abaxial to adaxial fates in leaves ... phv ... 2
McConnell JR, Emery J, Eshed Y, Bao N, Bowman J, Barton MK - Role of PHABULOSA and PHAVOLUTA in determining radial patterning in shoots
Visit the PubMed ArticleEpidermal leaf cells of 3-week-old gpa1 mutants are signif- icantly larger
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegpa1 leaf ... morphology ... maintained
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleincrease in cell expansion ... in the gpa1 mutants
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegpa1 leaf size ... maintained
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe have found that gpa1 mutants have reduced brassinolide responsiveness
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleEpidermal leaf cells of 3-week-old gpa1 mutants are signif- icantly ... fewer
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe gpa1 mutants exhibit a rotundifolia-like (16) leaf shape when grown in light
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleover- expression of GPA1 led to ... initiation of adventitious meristems
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpres- sion of GPA1 leads to increased cell division by shortening G1
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleover- expression of GPA1 led to excessive cell division in meristematic regions
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThis increase in cell expansion compensates the reduction in cell division in the gpa1 mutants
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleInducible, ectopic expression of GPA1 in Arabidopsis conferred inducible, ectopic cell division in multiple organs
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegpa1 mutants displayed phenotypes that were consistent with a reduction in cell divi- sion throughout development
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegpa1 leaf ... fewer cells composing this organ
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleGPA1 under the control of a dexamethasone (dex)-inducible promoter ... induced phenotypes showed medium to severe reduction in growth (Fig. 5, B and C) that correlated with the level of GPA1 expression
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articledecreased cell area in leaves overexpressing GPA1 are abundant
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpres- sion of GPA1 leads to increased cell division
Ullah H, Chen JG, Young JC, Im KH, Sussman MR, Jones AM - Modulation of cell proliferation by heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... comparison of rosette leaf size between wild type and AOD4 indicated that ... leaf blade ... are longer
Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... In light-grown AOD4 plants, the levels of DWF4 substrates, CN and 6-OxoCN decreased to 89 and 39% of those of the wild type, respectively, suggesting that they are being used by elevated DWF4 activity. The levels of compounds upstream of CN, including 24-MC and CR, were increased 1.7- and 1.3-fold, respectively. Indicative of facilitated metabolic flow at the 22α-hydroxylation step, the levels of downstream intermediates in the late C-6 oxidation pathway in light-grown AOD4 plants increased: 3.8-fold for 6-DeoxoCT; 4.8-fold for 6-DeoxoTE; 3.5-fold for 6-DeoxoTY; and 1.4-fold for 6-DeoxoCS. The levels of intermediates in the early C-6 oxidation pathway were either decreased; 40% (TY) and 82% (CS) those of wild type; or not detected: cathasterone (CT), teasterone (TE) and BL
Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... To learn how light affects the metabolic flow in the early and late C-6 oxidation pathways, we analyzed the endogenous levels of BRs in dark-grown seedlings of AOD4-4. The levels of CR and the two immediate precursors of the 22α-hydroxylation reaction, CN and 6-OxoCN, dropped to 72, 80 and 53% that of the wild type, respectively. Conversely, the levels of the downstream compounds were dramatically increased 57.8-fold (6-DeoxoCT), 4.7-fold (6-DeoxoTE), 8-fold (6-DeoxoTY) and 12-fold (6-DeoxoCS) in the late C-6 oxidation pathway, and 1.5-fold (typhasterol, TY) and 1.6-fold (CS) in the early C-6 oxidation pathway. Again, the BL level was lower than the detection limit in dark-grown seedlings ... Surprisingly, we were also able to detect novel 22α-hydroxylated steroids such as 22α-hydroxycampesterol (22-OHCR) (22S,24R)-22-hydroxyergost-4-en-3-one, and (22S,24R)-22-hydroxy-5α-ergostan-3-one (Figure 1 and data not shown). 22-OHCR was detected from both wild type and AOD4, with a dramatic increase in dark-grown seedlings; the level of 22-OHCR in dark-grown AOD4-4 seedlings was 488-fold greater compared to the wild type. Detection of 22 α-hydroxylated steroids implies that DWF4 has a broader range of substrate specificity than just CN and 6-OxoCN. Thus two enzymes, DWF4 and a Δ5-Δ4 isomerase, can act on CR, leading to one of two pathways: either the early C-22 hydroxylation reaction by DWF4, or the late C-22 hydroxylation reaction initiated by a Δ5-Δ4 isomerization reaction (Figure 1). Furthermore, we were able to detect another novel compound, 3-epi-6-DeoxoCT. The levels in dark-grown wild-type and AOD4-4 seedlings were 0.75 and 24 ng g−1 FW, respectively, and the levels in light-grown mature plants of wild type and AOD4-73 were 1.5 and 11 ng g−1 FW, respectively. Detection of 3-epi-6-DeoxoCT in both wild-type and AOD4 plants suggests that the 3-epimerization could occur before a conventional C-23 hydroxylation reaction
Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo ectopically overexpress DWF4, a pOD4 construct, placing the DWF4 genomic DNA under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was made ... comparison of rosette leaf size between wild type and AOD4 indicated that petioles ... are longer
Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn light-grown dwf4-1 plants, the levels of the four compounds upstream of the 22α-hydroxylation step, 24-methylenecholesterol (24-MC), CR, CN and 6-oxocampestanol (6-OxoCN), were elevated 1.9-, 1.7-, 1.4- and 1.8-fold, respectively, compared to the levels in the wild type (Figure 1). However, the levels of the downstream intermediates were just barely detectable: 6-deoxocathasterone (6-DeoxoCT), 6-deoxotyphasterol (6-DeoxoTY), typhasterol (TY) and 6-DeoxoCS; or were not detected in comparison to the wild type: 6-deoxoteasterone (6-DeoxoTE), castasterone (CS) and BL. The BR levels in dwf4-1 suggest that a biochemical block exists at the 22α-hydroxylation step, and the blocking is nearly complete
Choe S, Fujioka S, Noguchi T, Takatsuto S, Yoshida S, Feldmann KA - Overexpression of DWARF4 in the brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway results in increased vegetative growth and seed yield in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... The surface of the radial cotyledons contained long rectangular cells, similar to those found on wild-type cotyledon margins
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlein moderately adaxialized phb-1d/+ plants, stipules surround the entire leaf base
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... the first 5-6 radial leaves had no trichomes at all, the later ones had trichomes around their entire circumference (Figure 4j). As trichomes form adaxially on the first 5-6 leaves and are later found on both leaf surfaces, we interpret these leaves as abaxialized while maintaining their normal heteroblasty. Transverse sections through these radial leaves revealed uniform radial anatomy, with subepidermal cells resembling the abaxial spongy mesophyll
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... radialized leaves ... had epidermal cell types normally found on the margins of wild-type leaves
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants. Cotyledons ... point upward
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlesmall ... cotyledons ... lesser extent by 35S::KAN3
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... The surface of the radial cotyledons contained long rectangular cells, similar to those found on wild-type cotyledon margins
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleOf 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene ... three produced a few radialized leaves
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic expression of ... KAN3 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found within those cotyledons
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found in the cotyledons and the upper three-quarters of the hypocotyl
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... On rare occasions, the cotyledons developed normally, but completely radialized leaves were formed
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants. Cotyledons are ... cup-shaped
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... Cotyledons became completely radialized
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlesmall ... cotyledons ... 35S::KAN2
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... the first 5-6 radial leaves had no trichomes at all, the later ones had trichomes around their entire circumference (Figure 4j). As trichomes form adaxially on the first 5-6 leaves and are later found on both leaf surfaces, we interpret these leaves as abaxialized while maintaining their normal heteroblasty. Transverse sections through these radial leaves revealed uniform radial anatomy, with subepidermal cells resembling the abaxial spongy mesophyll
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic expression of ... KAN1 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found within those cotyledons
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articleall lateral organs display gross morphological defects in kan1 kan2 plants
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlearrested meristem ... lesser extent by 35S::KAN3
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlein severely adaxialized homozygous phb-1d mutants no stipules are formed
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleOf 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene, 23 developed ... an arrested meristem
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleOf 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene, 23 developed only small ... cotyledons
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants ... Leaves are narrow
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlenarrow cotyledons ... lesser extent by 35S::KAN3
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic expression of ... KAN1 ... Both surfaces of the narrow cotyledons were similar in appearance to the abaxial surface of wild-type cotyledons, displaying rough topology and high density of stomata
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic meristems are commonly formed at the base of the abaxial side of the phb-1d leaves
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic expression of ... KAN3 ... Both surfaces of the narrow cotyledons were similar in appearance to the abaxial surface of wild-type cotyledons, displaying rough topology and high density of stomata
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants ... Leaves ... develop ectopic outgrowths on their abaxial side only
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants, four, and sometimes up to six, stipules are formed at the base of each leaf
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found in the cotyledons and the upper three-quarters of the hypocotyl
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... radial leaves ... no vascular elements were found
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants ... Leaves are ... dark green
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlearrested meristem ... 35S::KAN2
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants. Cotyledons are narrow
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... radial leaves ... no vascular elements were found
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... radialized leaves ... had epidermal cell types normally found on the margins of wild-type leaves
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articleplants mutated at the kan2 locus alone are indistinguishable from wild-type
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleOf 30 plants carrying the 35S::KAN1 transgene, 23 developed only ... narrow cotyledons
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN1 ... On rare occasions, the cotyledons developed normally, but completely radialized leaves were formed
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the AS1 promoter drove ... KAN2 ... Cotyledons became completely radialized
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic expression of ... KAN2 ... Both surfaces of the narrow cotyledons were similar in appearance to the abaxial surface of wild-type cotyledons, displaying rough topology and high density of stomata
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleEctopic expression of ... KAN2 ... no traces of vascular tissues were found within those cotyledons
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articlenarrow cotyledons ... 35S::KAN2
Eshed Y, Baum SF, Perea JV, Bowman JL - Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants
Visit the PubMed Articleer mutants have ... shortened petioles
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articlethe lamina in agb1 is ... ∼85% as long as that in the wild type
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articlewe addressed the interaction between agb1 and er in the control of leaf shape by analyzing the agb1 er double mutant. With one exception, the double mutant has ... a shorter lamina ... than does either single mutant
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articlewe addressed the interaction between agb1 and er in the control of leaf shape by analyzing the agb1 er double mutant. With one exception, the double mutant has a shorter petiole ... than does either single mutant
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articleagb1 has petioles ∼50% as long as those in the wild type
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articlethe lamina in agb1 is ∼125% wider
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articleer mutants have rounded leaves
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articlewe addressed the interaction between agb1 and er in the control of leaf shape by analyzing the agb1 er double mutant. With one exception, the double mutant has ... a wider lamina than does either single mutant
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articleagb1 plants also have ... short petioles
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articleagb1 plants also have rounded leaves
Lease KA, Wen J, Li J, Doke JT, Liscum E, Walker JC - A mutant Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit affects leaf, flower, and fruit development
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-1/ ucu1-1 ... being dwarf
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-1/ ucu1-1 ... hypocotyls, leaf petioles, and roots shorter than those of the wild type
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1 mutants ... petioles ... cell length was remarkably diminished
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-1/ ucu1-1 ... compact dark green rosettes
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe ucu1 mutants display ... a constitutive photomorphogenic response was shown when grown in the dark
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis
Visit the PubMed ArticleInsensitivity to 24-epibrassinolide is extreme in ucu1-1/ucu1-1
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The UCU1 Arabidopsis gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase required for cell expansion along the proximodistal axis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen grown at 100% humidity, soil-grown spk1-1 plants survived for longer periods of time but ... leaves of spk1-1 were very narrow
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt 30 to 50% humidity, the spk1-1 allele caused seedling lethality of soil-grown plants, usually within 2 to 3 days after germination
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlelateral growth rate of spk1-1 cotyledons was reduced
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt 5 DAG, the spk1-1 epidermis contained 75% more cells than the wild type
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articleseedling le- thal spk1-1 allele
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlespk1-1 ... analysis of the carbohydrate composition ... of cell walls of mutant and wild-type plants failed to reveal any signifi- cant differences
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlespk1 epidermal cells were more rounded and lacked the small protrusions that were observed along wild-type anticlinal walls
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlespk1-1 ... ultrastructure of cell walls of mutant and wild-type plants failed to reveal any signifi- cant differences
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlespk1-1 ... At 8 to 10 DAG, the cotyledon continued to expand, and the defects in cell-to-cell adhesion became quite severe
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe pavement cells of spk1-1 leaves were simple in shape; lobes were either absent or severely re- duced in size, and most cell expansion occurred along a single axis
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleWithin the midblade clusters of dividing cells, neither the cell division planes nor the direction of cell ex- pansion was oriented with respect to the long axis of the leaf (Figures 2G and 2H). Therefore, the additional cells in spk1-1 cotyledons do not contribute preferentially to cotyle- don elongation. In most spk1-1 cotyledons, a subset of epidermal cells near the tip and along the perimeter expanded preferentially along the long axis of the cotyledon
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cytoskeletal organization of spk1 epidermal cells was altered at the onset of the mutant cell shape phenotype ... At 1 DAG ... Populations of actin filaments and microtubules were present in mutant cells. However, evenly distributed cortical microtubules were detected only faintly in mutant cells, and no pattern of alternating foci of laterally associated cortical microtubules and cortical actin filaments along the perime- ter of the anticlinal walls was observed. Instead, putative membrane-associated actin filaments were detected most often at cell corners or at the ends of elongated cells (Figure 8B). At 2 DAG, cortical microtubules were aligned in an ex- tended radial pattern and often formed evenly spaced cir- cumferential hoops around elongated cells (Figure 8D). The absence of regions of highly clustered microtubules at 2 DAG was not caused by a complete lack of lateral cross-linking activity, because pairs of radial microtubules could be found in electron micrographs taken from ultrathin paradermal sections (D.B. Szymanski, unpublished results). However, distinct foci of laterally associated microtubules were not detected along the anticlinal walls of mutant cells during early developmental stages
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen grown at 100% humidity, soil-grown spk1-1 plants survived for longer periods of time but were dwarfed
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen cultured on agar-based media, spk1-1 fresh weight was similar to that of the wild type after 12 days of growth, but the organ shape and trichome defects persisted
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlespk1-1 ... The mean cell surface area was reduced 29 and 38% in 2- and 5-DAG mutant cotyledons, respectively
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlespk1-1 ... the cotyledon ... large gaps in the epidermis explain the developmental stage–specific seedling lethality of the mutant at low humidity
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlespk1 ... In expanding mutant cells at 2 and 5 DAG, cortical actin filaments in close proximity to the plasma membrane often were detected at seemingly ran- dom positions along the perimeter of the anticlinal cell wall, but their cortical localization was not correlated with any particular cell shape
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen grown at 100% humidity, soil-grown spk1-1 plants survived for longer periods of time but ... the cotyledons ... of spk1-1 were very narrow
Qiu JL, Jilk R, Marks MD, Szymanski DB - The Arabidopsis SPIKE1 gene is required for normal cell shape control and tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe number of palisade cells in the third leaves of S4 plants in the leaf width direction was ∼59% of the wild-type cell number
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleThese anatomical results suggest that a decrease in ... cell number directly affected the leaf morphology in S4 plants
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe epidermal cells of S4 transgenic plants were smaller than those of wild-type plants
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtCAP1 overexpression ... transgenic plants showed reductions of leaf blade width
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleS4 transgenic plants ... cell areas of ... palisade cells ... were ... 64.1% of the wild-type areas
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo characterize the morphological effects of AtCAP1 overexpression in Arabidopsis plants, we used young Arabidopsis seedlings that had produced and partially expanded the first two leaves before the third rosette leaf primordia were established (defined as the appearance of a leaf 1 mm long; Kim et al., 1998) to induce the accumulation of AtCAP1 protein by Dex treatment (1 μM) for 7 days. All anatomical comparisons were performed in third rosette leaves, except as noted otherwise ... typical transgenic plant overexpressing AtCAP1 showed ... rosette leaves of reduced size
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo characterize the morphological effects of AtCAP1 overexpression in Arabidopsis plants, we used young Arabidopsis seedlings that had produced and partially expanded the first two leaves before the third rosette leaf primordia were established (defined as the appearance of a leaf 1 mm long; Kim et al., 1998) to induce the accumulation of AtCAP1 protein by Dex treatment (1 μM) for 7 days ... All anatomical comparisons were performed in third rosette leaves, except as noted otherwise ... a typical transgenic plant overexpressing AtCAP1 showed cotyledons ... of reduced size
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtCAP1 overexpression ... transgenic plants showed reductions of leaf blade ... length
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe S4 plant overexpressing AtCAP1 at high levels showed the most severe phenotype, with ... 37% reductions of leaf blade ... length
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleBY-2 cells overexpressing AtCAP1 showed loss of actin filaments
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleS4 transgenic plants ... cell areas of abaxial epidermal cells ... were 78.4 ... of the wild-type areas
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe S4 plant overexpressing AtCAP1 at high levels showed the most severe phenotype ... The petiole lengths in such plants were reduced severely (73.8%) compared with those of wild-type plants
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtCAP1 overexpression ... transgenic plants showed reductions of ... petiole length
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe S4 plant overexpressing AtCAP1 at high levels showed the most severe phenotype, with 31.9 ... reductions of leaf blade width
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleThese anatomical results suggest that ... decrease in cell size ... directly affected the leaf morphology in S4 plants
Barrero RA, Umeda M, Yamamura S, Uchimiya H - Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division
Visit the PubMed ArticleMutants with ... round leaves have been categorized as compact rosette (cro) mutants (Serrano-Cartagena et al. 1999
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... mutant leaves stopped growing in the longitudinal direction earlier than wild-type leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewith small ... leaves ... N356 was designated dwf1-5 (= cro2-3
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... Cells of ... leaves ... treated with BL ... were slightly, but significantly, smaller (P <0.05; t-test) than those of the control wild-type leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... defects in cell expansion ... were restored by BL-treatment to the level of control wild-type leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in ... cell size
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewith small ... leaves ... N352 corresponding to det2-13 (= cro1-3
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... rate of growth of each leaf, in terms of the relationship between the length and width of the leaf blade, was lower
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... Plots of leaf length vs. leaf width showed that the two-dimensional growth of leaf blades was altered
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... matured leaves ... were much smaller than those of wild-type plants
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTreatment with BL completely restored the stunted leaves of the det2-13 mutant plants to normal size
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... defects in ... cell proliferation ... were restored by BL-treatment to the level of control wild-type leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in ... cell number
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... mutant leaves stopped growing in the longitudinal direction earlier than wild-type leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... Plots of leaf length vs. leaf width showed that the two-dimensional growth of leaf blades was altered
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases ... in ... cell number
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases ... in ... cell size
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... leaves ... had smaller intercellular spaces than those of wild-type plants
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... had ... darker green color of ... leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in both cell size
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... rate of growth of each leaf, in terms of the relationship between the length and width of the leaf blade, was lower
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewith small ... leaves ... N416 to det2-18 (= cro1-8
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... difference in leaf shape was a function of significant decreases in ... cell number
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... Plots of leaf length vs. leaf width showed that the two-dimensional growth of leaf blades was altered
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... had ... darker green color of the mutant leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... matured leaves ... were much smaller than those of wild-type plants
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleMutants with ... round leaves ... N356 was designated dwf1-5 (= cro2-3
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledwf1-5 ... matured leaves ... were much smaller than those of wild-type plants
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleMutants with small ... leaves have been categorized as compact rosette (cro) mutants (Serrano-Cartagena et al. 1999
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... leaves treated with BL were found to increase an average of 1.5 times in width
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... had ... darker green color of ... leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewith ... round leaves ... N352 corresponding to det2-13 (= cro1-3
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleThis correlation suggests that the expansion in the width of det2 leaves as a result of BL treatment is primarily attributable to expansion of individual leaf cells
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... leaves treated with BL ... cell size increased an average of 1.3 times in width
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... leaves ... had smaller intercellular spaces than those of wild-type plants
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleHowever, there was no corresponding ... correlation between the average increase in the length of mutant leaves ... and ... the increase in cell length ... suggesting that the increase in the length of det2 leaves following BL treatment is dependent on both cell expansion and cell proliferation
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlesize of cells in both the leaf-length and leaf-width directions of the det2-13 mutants increased following treatment with BL ... and approached the size of cells in wild-type plants (no BL treatment
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... mutant leaves stopped growing in the longitudinal direction earlier than wild-type leaves
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-18 ... leaves ... had smaller intercellular spaces than those of wild-type plants
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledet2-13 ... rate of growth of each leaf, in terms of the relationship between the length and width of the leaf blade, was lower
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewith ... round leaves ... N416 to det2-18 (= cro1-8
Nakaya M, Tsukaya H, Murakami N, Kato M - Brassinosteroids control the proliferation of leaf cells of Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the first rosette leaf of wild-type plants, lateral veins were visible only in the lamina (Fig. 2B, left), whereas vein branching in the as1 mutant occurs more proximally, appearing in the petiole
Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1-101 ... later-appearing rosette leaves ... displaying a heart- shaped architecture
Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlethe number of small veins that appear at later leaf developmental stages is reduced in ... as1 rosette ... leaves
Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1-101 ... later-appearing rosette ... are all broad at the proximal end
Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe tracheary elements in as1 petioles are dramatically increased
Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn as1 cotyledons, however, development of lateral veins seems incomplete, with only one vascular loop
Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleveins in as1 mutant petioles are much thicker than those in the wild type, mimicking the thicker lateral veins in wild-type laminae
Sun Y, Zhou Q, Zhang W, Fu Y, Huang H - ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, an Arabidopsis gene that is involved in the control of cell differentiation in leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleaxr1 mutant seedlings display a number of defects, including ... misshapen leaves
del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response
Visit the PubMed ArticleOn the basis of sequence similarity, Cys-215 of ECR1 likely functions as the active site cysteine in a RUB-activating enzyme involving ECR1 (del Pozo et al., 1998). Replacement of this cysteine with alanine abolished ECR1 activity in vitro (del Pozo et al., 1998). To explore the function of ECR1 in the plant, we generated transgenic lines expressing the ECR1C215A mutant gene under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus. A total of 15 lines were recovered that displayed a dwarf phenotype in the T1 and T2 generations
del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response
Visit the PubMed Articletransgenic lines expressing the ECR1C215A mutant gene under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... The rosettes of both transgenic lines were smaller than those of the wild type
del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response
Visit the PubMed Articletransgenic lines expressing the ECR1C215A mutant gene under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... rosettes of both transgenic lines were ... with small curled leaves
del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response
Visit the PubMed Articlewe crossed the ECR1C215A transgene into the axr1-12 mutant ... The axr1-12 plants carrying the transgene were extremely small with ... dark green/purplish rosette leaves
del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response
Visit the PubMed Articlewe crossed the ECR1C215A transgene into the axr1-12 mutant ... The axr1-12 plants carrying the transgene were extremely small with tightly curled ... rosette leaves
del Pozo JC, Dharmasiri S, Hellmann H, Walker L, Gray WM, Estelle M - AXR1-ECR1-dependent conjugation of RUB1 to the Arabidopsis Cullin AtCUL1 is required for auxin response
Visit the PubMed Articlean ... We found no difference in numbers of MTs between wild-type (wt) and mutant plants
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe palisade cells of the an-1 mutant were narrower
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed Articlerot3 ... We found no difference in numbers of MTs between wild-type (wt) and mutant plants
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed Articlean mutant ... organ-specific defect in the polarity-specific elongation of cells
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed Articlewe found that the cortical MTs in epidermal cells of the an mutant were more regularly aligned parallel to the leaf-width direction than in those of the wild type
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed Articlethere was no significant difference in the orientation of the cortical MTs between the wild type and the rot3 mutant both in longitudinal sections and in transverse sections
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed Articleorgan- specific abnormal arrangement of cortical MTs in the an mutant
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo abnormalities in the arrangement of cortical MTs were apparent in cells of internodal stems, leaf petioles and primary roots of the an mutant
Kim GT, Shoda K, Tsuge T, Cho KH, Uchimiya H, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Tsukaya H - The ANGUSTIFOLIA gene of Arabidopsis, a plant CtBP gene, regulates leaf-cell expansion, the arrangement of cortical microtubules in leaf cells and expression of a gene involved in cell-wall formation
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn anmutants, the orientation of microtubules was similar to that in the wild type
Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton
Visit the PubMed ArticleAN ... cDNA under the control of the cauliflower 35S promotor ... does not result in a new phenotype ... in a wild-type background
Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton
Visit the PubMed Articleanmutants ... A striking difference, however, was found for the relative microtubule densities within the cell. While wild-type trichomes showed an increased microtubule density in the tip regions during all stages before and at branch formation, microtubule density in an mutants was not changed along the basal±apical axis. This visual impres- sion was confirmed by determining the apical±basal ratios of microtubule density in wild-type and an mutant trichomes. In the wild type, the ratio was 4/1 (n = 18) and in an mutants it was 1.2/1 (n = 26). Thus, in the wild type, microtubule density is ~4 times higher in the tip region as compared with the basal region, whereas in an mutants no significant accumulation was found
Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton
Visit the PubMed Articlein an mutant plants expressing GFP±talin under the control of the 35S promotor (Mathur et al., 1999). The organization of the actin cytoskeleton, as visualized by the talin-mediated localization of GFP, was indistinguishable from the wild type
Folkers U, Kirik V, Schöbinger U, Falk S, Krishnakumar S, Pollock MA, Oppenheimer DG, Day I, Reddy AS, Jürgens G, Hülskamp M - The cell morphogenesis gene ANGUSTIFOLIA encodes a CtBP/BARS-like protein and is involved in the control of the microtubule cytoskeleton
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn addition to the twofold to threefold reduction in stomatal density, all three 35S-SDD1-T7–overexpressing lines exhibited the formation of arrested (at the M/GMC stage) stomata
Von Groll U, Berger D, Altmann T - The subtilisin-like serine protease SDD1 mediates cell-to-cell signaling during Arabidopsis stomatal development
Visit the PubMed ArticleStomatal density and differentiation were analyzed microscopically (the adaxial side of fully developed rosette leaves) in transformed plants selected for hygromycin resistance. Four independent transgenic wild-type lines and two transgenic sdd1-1 mutant lines overexpressing 35S-SDD1-T7 were selected according to this microscopic examination. The four transgenic wild-type lines exhibited a twofold to threefold reduction in stomatal density compared with the nontransgenic wild type (Figure 6) . In transgenic line sdd1-1 SDD1#4, the stomatal density was reduced to wild-type levels, and in transgenic line sdd1-1 SDD1#9, a further twofold to threefold reduction of stomatal density was observed (Figure 6
Von Groll U, Berger D, Altmann T - The subtilisin-like serine protease SDD1 mediates cell-to-cell signaling during Arabidopsis stomatal development
Visit the PubMed Articlecpl3 plants exhibit reduced fresh weight
Koiwa H, Barb AW, Xiong L, Li F, McCully MG, Lee BH, Sokolchik I, Zhu J, Gong Z, Reddy M, Sharkhuu A, Manabe Y, Yokoi S, Zhu JK, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM - C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth, and development
Visit the PubMed Articlecpl1 plants grow more vigorously
Koiwa H, Barb AW, Xiong L, Li F, McCully MG, Lee BH, Sokolchik I, Zhu J, Gong Z, Reddy M, Sharkhuu A, Manabe Y, Yokoi S, Zhu JK, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM - C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth, and development
Visit the PubMed ArticledsRNA lines ... with reduced AtRbx1 RNA ... At 10 days after germination, the average length of cotyledons for the dsRNA-2 transgenic plants was 0.82 mm (± 0.05 mm, n = 20) compared with 2.48 mm (± 0.12 mm, n = 23) for cotyledons of Dex-treated wild type plants
Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects
Visit the PubMed ArticledsRNA lines ... with reduced AtRbx1 RNA ... in three dsRNA lines (dsRNA-2, dsRNA-20, and dsRNA-33 ... strong leaf growth retardation and leaf expansion effects were observed
Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects
Visit the PubMed Article83% of the dsRNA lines grown for more than 30 days in the presence of Dex developed small green bushy plants (5–30%/plate), as illustrated for line dsRNA-84 (Fig. 7 C) with reduced AtRbx1 RNA and protein levels
Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects
Visit the PubMed ArticledsRNA lines ... with reduced AtRbx1 RNA ... in three dsRNA lines (dsRNA-2, dsRNA-20, and dsRNA-33), the development of the seedlings was severely impaired (as shown for line dsRNA-2; Fig. 7, F and G). In those plants, and in contrast to the control or non-induced lines, cotyledons did not develop at all (remaining white
Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhereas in the non-induced dsRNA-2 line the average area of cotyledon epidermal cells was 8259 μm2 (± 3948 μm2, n = 115), this value was reduced by a factor of 10 in the AtRbx1-silenced plants (average area of the cells was 801 μm2 (± 338 μm2, n = 115))
Lechner E, Xie D, Grava S, Pigaglio E, Planchais S, Murray JA, Parmentier Y, Mutterer J, Dubreucq B, Shen WH, Genschik P - The AtRbx1 protein is part of plant SCF complexes, and its down-regulation causes severe growth and developmental defects
Visit the PubMed ArticleLi-5-3 ... with long petiole
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleKn-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleGr-3 ... differing in their petiole length
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlelong petiole ... Gr-3
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlelanceolate leaves ... Jl-5
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleBla-1 ... showed a delayed growth that merely seems to be a consequence of the belated appearance of their first pair of leaves
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleshort petiole ... Bla-14
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleDo-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleBla-3 ... showed a delayed growth that merely seems to be a consequence of the belated appearance of their first pair of leaves
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleother accessions with delayed growth, such as ... S96
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleCondara ... the leaves were produced at a lower rate
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleBla-14 ... rounded leaves
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleother accessions with delayed growth, such as Condara
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleHl-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleBla-1 ... with long petiole
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleKä-0 ... vegetative leaves appear faster
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleBla-2 ... showed a delayed growth that merely seems to be a consequence of the belated appearance of their first pair of leaves
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleS96 ... the leaves were produced at a lower rate
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleGa-0 ... differing in their petiole length
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLa-1 ... with rounded leaves
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleGa-0 ... short petiole
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleHl-0 ... with lanceolate leaves
Pérez-Pérez JM, Serrano-Cartagena J, Micol JL - Genetic analysis of natural variations in the architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana vegetative leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleCertain large cell types in the wild-type show limited expansion in the hyp6 dwarf. These include ... trichomes
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleall of the organs found in the wild-type but is severely dwarfed at maturity ... rhl2
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleYoung hyp6 seedlings are extremely small both in the dark and light compared to wild-type
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlehyp6 can only complete the first two rounds of endoreduplication to 8C ... reduction in the number of endocycles is ... observed
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCertain large cell types in the wild-type show limited expansion in the hyp6 dwarf. These include leaf epidermal pavement cells
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlerhl2 ... can only complete the first two rounds of endoreduplication to 8C ... reduction in the number of endocycles is ... observed
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleseedlings are extremely small ... rhl2
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlehyp6 is able to form all of the organs found in the wild-type but is severely dwarfed at maturity
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlehyp6 ... fully expanded leaves have 25–30 times fewer adaxial epidermal cells than wild-type
Sugimoto-Shirasu K, Stacey NJ, Corsar J, Roberts K, McCann MC - DNA topoisomerase VI is essential for endoreduplication in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe phyB mutation resulted in ... shorter leaf blade
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleirradiation with white light ... suppressed the elongation of the leaf petiole
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlegai mutant had fewer cells inboth the leaf-width and leaf-length directions
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlegai mutant ... there was no change in cell size in the leaf-width direction
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlefarred light suppressed elongation of leaf blades
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlerot3 ... resulted in short leaf petioles
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlegai ... resulted in short leaf petioles
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articletreatment with GA3 increased ... the length of leaf blades by 17%
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe phyB mutation resulted in a longer petiole
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlelength of epidermal cells of the acl2 mutant was 81% of that of the wt
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articletreatment with GA3 ... did not affect the width of leaf blades
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articledecrease in the number of cells in leaf blades of the phyB mutant was obvious only when cell files were examined in the leaf-width direction
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleacl2 ... resulted in ... small leaf blades
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewt ... under strong light ... width of leaf blades were less affected by the difference in culture conditions
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlethe length of the epidermal cells of phyB was 240% that of the wt
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlega1 phyB leaf blades were slightly longer
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewt leaf petioles were significantly shorter under strong light
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlefarred light ... promoted elongation of leaf petioles
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleelongation of leaf blades was accelerated by irradiation with ... blue light
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlegai ... resulted in ... small leaf blades
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleirradiation with ... blue light ... suppressed the elongation of the leaf petiole
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf blades in the phyB mutant were significantly smaller
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleacl2 ... resulted in short leaf petioles
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articletreatment with GA3 increased the length of leaf petioles by 19%
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleelongation of leaf blades was accelerated by irradiation with white light
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlegai mutant had larger cells in the leaf-length direction
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlewt ... under strong light ... the length ... of leaf blades were less affected by the difference in culture conditions
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlerot3 ... resulted in ... small leaf blades
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleirradiation with ... red light ... suppressed the elongation of the leaf petiole
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlega1 ... resulted in short leaf petioles
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleelongation of leaf blades was accelerated by irradiation with ... red light
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlega1 ... resulted in ... small leaf blades
Tsukaya H, Kozuka T, Kim GT - Genetic control of petiole length in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlethe leaves of fil-8 yab3-2 stm-1 plants differed from those of fil-8 stm-1 plants in that they displayed the fil-8 yab3-2 phenotype
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe also examined the adaxial and abaxial cell types of fil-8 yab3-2 mutant leaves by scanning electron microscopy and found that the cells on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces were clearly distinguishable, indicating that polarity had not been eliminated
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... emergence of ectopic meristems ... developed most frequently toward ... near the leaf margins
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves were produced from the shoot apex in fil-8 stm-1 plants ... However, the morphology of leaves could be abnormal
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... double-mutant plants also produced bifurcated leaves ... near the margins
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type ... epidermal cell types on ... adaxial ... surfaces
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleyab3-2 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves in shape
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... emergence of ectopic meristems can occur anywhere on the leaf blade
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleemergence of ectopic meristems ... developed most frequently toward the base
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe single-mutant alleles of fil-8 ... do not have any visible aberrant vegetative phenotype under normal growth conditions
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves ... in ... size
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleyab3-2 ... indistinguishable from wild-type plants under normal growth conditions
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves ... epidermal cell types on ... abaxial surfaces
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleyab3-2 single-mutant plants ... did not show any vegetative abnormality
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant ... leaves are sometimes bifurcated near the base
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil yab3 plants ... although the leaves appeared partially radialized, they retained leaf lamina, with distinguishable cell types on the leaf surfaces and trichomes only on the adaxial surface of the early rosette leaves
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleconsistent with the retention of some polarity in the leaves of fil yab3 plants
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show ... thin ... cotyledons
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 mutants ... in some cases bifurcated ... cotyledons gave rise to ectopic meristems at the point of bifurcation
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... Ectopic inflorescence meristems arose mainly from the rosette leaves
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves were produced from the shoot apex in fil-8 stm-1 plants ... However, the morphology of leaves could be ... butterfly-shaped
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleyab3-2 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves in ... size
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves were produced from the shoot apex in fil-8 stm-1 plants ... However, the morphology of leaves ... could be ... lobed
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic vegetative ... meristems on the adaxial surfaces of the cotyledons
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 ... did not show any vegetative abnormality
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlestm-1 homozygotes lack structures at the site typically occupied by the SAM
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show ... elongated cotyledons
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleyab3-2 ... similar to wild-type leaves ... epidermal cell types on ... abaxial surfaces
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 ... has no effect on vegetative development
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe single-mutant alleles of ... yab3-2 do not have any visible aberrant vegetative phenotype under normal growth conditions
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic meristems that we observed in fil yab3 plants arose only from the adaxial surface of the mutant leaves
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn transgenic lines that overexpress BP (known previously as KNAT1) using the 35S promoter, ectopic meristems emerge from the sinuses of severely lobed leaves
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 stm-1 plants ... the leaves produced later often were radialized
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic ... inflorescence meristems on the adaxial surfaces of ... leaf blades
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic ... inflorescence meristems on the adaxial surfaces of the cotyledons
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... partial loss of leaf polarity
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articletransgenic lines that overexpress BP (known previously as KNAT1) using the 35S promoter ... severely lobed leaves
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 plants appear to phenocopy plants overexpressing the KNOX homeobox genes in that ectopic meristems arise from the leaves
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show ... partially radialized leaves
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants show an abnormal vegetative phenotype
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleyab3-2 ... similar to wild-type leaves ... epidermal cell types on ... adaxial ... surfaces
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 mutants ... in some cases bifurcated leaves ... gave rise to ectopic meristems at the point of bifurcation
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleyab3-3 ... indistinguishable from wild-type plants under normal growth conditions
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 ... double-mutant plants also produced bifurcated ... cotyledons ... near the margins
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 yab3-2 double-mutant plants ... production of ectopic vegetative ... meristems on the adaxial surfaces of the ... leaf blades
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-8 ... produce leaves that are similar to wild-type leaves in shape
Kumaran MK, Bowman JL, Sundaresan V - YABBY polarity genes mediate the repression of KNOX homeobox genes in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaves produced in swp mutants ... showed aberrant morphologies
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... This increase also concerned the stomata (mean surface of individual guard cells, 280 µm2 in wild type and 396 µm2 in the mutant
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... When plants were grown in Petri dishes, the mutant leaves ... final cell size was very comparable
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articlein swp leaves, a majority of epidermal cells stopped dividing earlier than in wild-type plants
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... significant increase (Student’s t-test, p < 0.005) of the mean cell size of ∼30% in the mutant (10 200 µm2, 100 cells measured) when compared with the wild type (6680 µm2, 101 cells measured
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... increase in final cell size
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSince cell size in the mutant was similar to the wild type during the early phases of leaf development
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP ... overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... that the total number of cells per leaf was increased by ∼54%
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleseedlings homozygous for the swp mutation ... observations favoured a model in which the primordia anlagen themselves contained reduced cell numbers
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp leaf ... increase in final cell size
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... almost radial symmetrical finger-shaped leaves
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp leaf ... decrease in cell number
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleseedlings homozygous for the swp mutation are macroscopically indistinguishable from wild-type seedlings before 6 days after sowing
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt day 8, when most of the cells in both genotypes were still proliferating, the average cell cycle durations were 25.8 and 25.6 h in wild-type and swp primordia, respectively
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articlereduction of swp leaf area
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... Due to the reduced leaf blade, the boundaries between lamina and petiole were macroscopically not very distinct
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn 20-day-old swp plants, ∼10-fold fewer cells were present than in wild-type leaves
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... Leaf shapes were variable from one individual to another at the same stage
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... reduction in the number of cells per leaf
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... cell cycle arrest in the overexpressers was less synchronized
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp leaves ... some of the mesophyll cells ... contained more DNA
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSEM images of the mature swp leaf surface (Figure 1C–F) and confocal microscopy of fixed and living swp primordia showed that differentiation of other morphological markers such as ... establishment of vascular tissue, was normal in swp.
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe quantitative analysis confirmed that the mean cell size in the leaves of the transgenic lines was reduced (Figure 9I). Nevertheless, the range of cell sizes observed in the transgenic lines was comparable with the wild type
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaves produced in swp mutants were small
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt 6 days after sowing, a reduction of ∼40% in leaf area was already observed in the mutant
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp leaves ... some of the mesophyll cells contained larger nuclei
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleAt 6 days after sowing, the mutant leaves already showed a 2- to 4-fold reduction in cell number
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... suggesting that primordia cells were able to differentiate normally
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... The similar duration of the cell cycle in mutant and wild type
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... smaller leaf size
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... cotyledons were ... somewhat darker green
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... Trichomes ... sometimes even showed reduced branching
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... When plants were grown in Petri dishes, the mutant leaves were clearly smaller than the wild-type leaves
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp mutants ... there was no obvious defect in organ polarity
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... A total of 26 lines with a similar heritable, dominant phenotype were obtained
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... Trichomes were normal in size
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articlewe found a recessive mutant with reduced ... leaf size ... named swp
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... cell cycle arrest in the overexpressers was less synchronized when compared with the wild type. This effect was very localized, suggesting a cell autonomous effect of the transgene
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe mean area of median sections through the 4-day-old mutant primordia was 1628 µm2, which represented a 28% reduction when compared with the wild type (2273 µm2
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... size of all aerial organs being severely reduced in a majority of the plants
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... increase ... cell size ... was observed in the inner leaf tissues
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp leaves had a reduced cell number very early in development
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP ... overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... structure of the organs was normal
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp leaves ... majority of the pavement cells ... contained larger nuclei
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaves produced in swp mutants ... reduced blade expansion
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articlereduction in cell number observed in mature swp leaves
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... This suggested that the arrest of cell division in the transgenic leaves was less synchronous than in the wild type
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn swp leaves, 2C, 4C and 8C cells were present; however, ∼20% of the nuclei analysed presented a 16C DNA content, reducing the proportion of 4C and 8C cells as compared with wild-type leaves (Figure 4B and C). A small 32C peak could even be detected. This showed that in swp leaves, a significant proportion of the cells went through one or even two additional rounds of endoreduplication after the arrest of mitosis
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... the maximal proliferation rates in the young primordia were comparable
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp and wild-type epidermal pavement cells revealed an increase in cell size in the mutant
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSWP function, we overexpressed the gene using a constitutive promoter ... Epidermal pavement cells with an almost normal size were intermingled with groups of much smaller cells
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe first determined the evolution of the stomatal index, which was used previously by De Veylder et al. (2001). This parameter was similar in swp and wild-type leaves (Figure 3E), indicating that cell differentiation proceeded normally
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleUntil 8 days after sowing, the relative cell division rate in swp and wild-type plants was comparable. From day 8 until day 12, however, the values were significantly lower in swp. This indicated that, in the mutant, a significant proportion of the cells had stopped dividing
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... blades ... often displayed asymmetrical serrations
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... first leaves were often more dramatically affected
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp leaves ... majority of the pavement cells ... contained more DNA
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed Articleswp ... cotyledons were slightly lanceolated
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleSEM images of the mature swp leaf surface (Figure 1C–F) and confocal microscopy of fixed and living swp primordia showed that differentiation of other morphological markers such as trichomes ... was normal in swp
Autran D, Jonak C, Belcram K, Beemster GT, Kronenberger J, Grandjean O, Inzé D, Traas J - Cell numbers and leaf development in Arabidopsis: a functional analysis of the STRUWWELPETER gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe first indication of the bop1-1 phenotype was recognized in 3-day-old seedlings (Fig. 5D,F). At this stage, most of the cells in the petiole of wild-type cotyledon had already differentiated (Fig. 5C,E). In contrast, the petiole of mutant cotyledon had clusters of young cells on the adaxial side (Fig. 5D,F). The differentiation status of these clustered cells was evident from the large nucleus and a lack of large vacuoles, which indicated that the cells were relatively undifferentiated
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... The leaves of a 37-day- old mutant were still green and viable, whereas wild-type leaves had already turned yellow
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... The petiole region of the early rosette leaves of mutants frequently fused with the basal part of the petiole of a cotyledon or adjacent leaf
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 as1-1 ... double mutants produced ... fasciated leaf petioles
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 as1-1 ... produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles (Fig. 9C,D,G,H). On the primary leaflet outgrowths of the double mutant, we observed smaller second- and third-degree leaflet outgrowths that made supercompound leaves
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... The wild-type petiole has a single, round vascular system in its centre (Fig. 3A,C,E). In contrast, the vascular system of the mutant leaves had a flattened shape (Fig. 3B,D,F). The phloem- and xylem-like tissues were located on the abaxial and adaxial sides of the leaf, respectively (Fig. 3F), which is the arrangement in wild-type petioles
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1- 1 stm-1 double mutant, rescued leaves ... were lobed
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... Ectopic organogenesis was also observed on the first rosette leaf of the mutant
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced ... fasciated leaf petioles
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1- 1 stm-1 double mutant, rescued leaves did not fully expand
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... extensive lobe formation, on both sides of the petiole midvein
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... In the cotyledons and the first two leaves of the mutant, an extended, adventitious, petiole-like organ grew out from the base of the original petiole
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe ectopic organs that formed on the rosette leaves of the bop1-1 plants also developed extensively reticulated venation systems (Fig. 4D), which were similar to those seen in the blades of wild-type rosette leaves (Fig. 4B). However, unlike the wild-type leaves, the midvein systems in the proximal region of the mutant rosette leaves revealed an extensive vasculature with numerous parallel vein elements. The secondary lateral veins branched from the ectopic midveins to the ectopic outgrowths on the bop1-1 leaves
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... presence of ectopic organ outgrowths along the leaf petioles of rosette leaves
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe abaxial side of the first rosette leaf of bop1-1 also developed ectopic outgrowths (Fig. 2F). However, the shapes of these ectopic outgrowths differed from those on the adaxial side. They never developed into blade-like structures, but remained as small, unidentifiable outgrowths
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... ectopic blade phenotype
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles (Fig. 9C,D,G,H). On the primary leaflet outgrowths of the double mutant, we observed smaller second- and third-degree leaflet outgrowths that made supercompound leaves
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleadaxial side of the basal regions of the petioles of bop1-1 cotyledons showed several outgrowths
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... leaves of the mutant exhibited extended longevity
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... The newly formed, ectopic, adventitious petioles at the base of the original petioles of the cotyledons and the first two leaves of bop1-1 (Fig. 1B,E,F, arrowheads) had features that were intermediate between stems and petioles
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cotyledons of bop1-1 plants had a typical venation pattern of wild-type cotyledons in the distal regions where no ectopic organogenesis was observed (Fig. 4C). The ectopic organ that formed on the proximal part of the mutant cotyledon developed a reticulated venation pattern that resembled that of wild-type leaf blades. However, the venation pattern was intermediate between those of cotyledons and rosette leaves of the wild type in terms of complexity: the ectopic organ in the mutant cotyledons had more complex venation than the wild-type cotyledon and less complex venation than wild-type rosette leaves
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... The formation of secondary outgrowths on the primary ectopic outgrowths was observed frequently (Fig. 3D, arrows). Interestingly, we noticed that the development of ectopic outgrowths was associated with the formation of a new structure that resembled a vascular system (Fig. 3B,D, arrowheads
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 bp-1 double mutant exhibited a lobed morphology characteristic for bop1-1
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 as1-1 ... double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... The ectopic organs (Fig. 2D, arrows) that formed on the adaxial side of the rosette leaf resembled leaf blades with flattened structures. These ectopic outgrowths appeared to possess dorsoventrality, with differential growth between the two surfaces of the blade-like structures, and trichome development on only one of the two surfaces
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... development of ectopic organs was also observed on the ... basal regions of cotyledons
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 ... flattened structure appeared to be due to the parallel development of many vascular bundles
Ha CM, Kim GT, Kim BC, Jun JH, Soh MS, Ueno Y, Machida Y, Tsukaya H, Nam HG - The BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 gene controls leaf pattern formation through the modulation of meristematic activity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlepnh; FIL::PNH ... In the wild type, the SAM develops between the two cotyledon axes. Similarly, ectopic growths formed between the two halves of 33.0% of fused double cotyledons (classes B to E; n = 488 half-seedlings) (Figure 5G). Ectopic growths were found only along the fusion zone, at the distal tip, petiole, blade, or a combination of these sites (Figures 7A to 7D) . A greater incidence of ectopic growth formation was seen in cotyledons that had two distinct lobes (classes C to E) than in those with only an indentation (class B). On separate (class F) cotyledons, the fusion zone was in virtually the same location as the normal site of adventitious SAM formation in pnh seedlings (Figures 7E and 7F); thus, these two types of SAMs could not be distinguished, and ectopic growth formation was not scored for class-F cotyledons. No ectopic growths were observed on normal (class A) cotyledons ... Ectopic growths fell into two groups: differentiated outgrowths, which were composed of large differentiated cells, and SAMs, which were defined by the production of at least one leaf-like structure such as a regular pnh SAM would produce. In 2-week-old seedlings, 56.2% of ectopic growths were SAMs (n = 73 half-seedlings), whereas in 3-week-old seedlings, 90.7% of ectopic growths were SAMs (n = 108 half-seedlings). Combined with the observation that SAMs often emerged from differentiated outgrowths, these data suggest that differentiated outgrowths typically lead to SAM formation. Ectopic SAMs occasionally were observed to produce full rosettes and inflorescences; ectopic root growth never was observed
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed Articlepnh; FIL::PNH embryos ... By the early torpedo stage, evidence of cotyledon doubling emerged as a flattening (Figure 6G) or indentation (Figure 6I) of the distal tip of the cotyledon primordium compared with the wild type ... Together, these observations suggest that each pnh; FIL::PNH embryo originally initiated two cotyledon primordia, as does the wild type, but many of these primordia proceeded to initiate two additional cotyledon primordia
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticlePlants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene had round leaf blades
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticlePNH; FIL::PNH plants exhibited upwardly curled blades in rosette leaves ... cauline leaves
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticlePNH; FIL::PNH plants exhibited upwardly curled blades in rosette leaves ... The involute morphology affected leaves from the early stages of blade outgrowth, at approximately the P8 or P9 stage, with the P1 leaf being defined as the youngest primordium that is morphologically distinguishable on the flanks of the SAM. The curling phenotype was seen until just before full expansion of the leaf. At this point, the blades corrected the curling until they nearly resembled wild-type blades (Figures 4I to 4L). This correction likely is permitted by a cessation of ectopic PNH expression in maturing leaves, because plants expressing a FIL::GUS transgene showed GUS activity in young but not maturing leaves ... When the FIL::PNH transgene was expressed in a pnh mutant background, none of the pnh defects (SAM and axillary meristem formation, floral organ morphology, and number) was rescued. The inability of abaxial PNH to rescue the mutant phenotype shows that normal localization of the PNH transcript is critical. Surprisingly, unlike PNH; FIL::PNH leaves, pnh; FIL::PNH leaves did not curl. Thus, expression of PNH in its normal domain is essential for the transgene to cause leaf curling
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed Articlepnh; FIL::PNH ... carrying a hydathode:: GUS marker gene ... Double cotyledons had two foci of stain, indicating that this structure had been duplicated
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticlePlants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene had ... leaf blades with gently ruffled surfaces
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleFIL::PNH ... ectopically expressing PNH in the abaxial leaf domain either causes an excess of cell divisions in this domain or represses cell division on the opposite, adaxial, side of the leaf ... The latter possibility seems less likely because plants expressing PNH in both leaf domains from the constitutive 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus did not show a similar degree of leaf curling
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticlePlants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene ... Occasionally, the margins of the leaves curled up, but not to the same extent seen with FIL::PNH
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn both wild-type and pnh plants, there was only one hydathode per cotyledon, as demonstrated by staining plants carrying a hydathode:: GUS marker gene
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticlePNH; FIL::PNH plants ... cotyledons ... were normal
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleWild-type cotyledons exhibited a stereotypical pattern of vascularization, which was similar in pnh mutants
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticlePlants carrying the 35S::PNH transgene ... the leaves frequently were held upright, rather than lying flat against the soil
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed Articlepnh; FIL::PNH ... Although the patterning of the vasculature was aberrant in continuity and the placement of branch points with respect to the wild type, the overall pattern was duplicated in double cotyledons rather than widened to service both sides
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo investigate the mechanism of blade curling in PNH; FIL::PNH plants, the ratios of adaxial to abaxial epidermal cell numbers were compared in curled and wild-type rosette leaves. We expected that if abnormal cell expansion caused curling, the ratio of adaxial to abaxial cells would be the same in PNH; FIL::PNH and wild-type blades; if abnormal cell division rates caused curling, we expected this ratio to change. Cells from the youngest curled PNH; FIL::PNH leaves (plastochron 8 [P8] to P10) and similarly staged wild-type leaves were counted using transverse sections of shoot apices (Figures 4E to 4H). The ratio of adaxial to abaxial epidermal blade cells changed from an average of 1.01 ± 0.04 (se) with a range of 0.9 to 1.11 in wild-type blades to 0.63 ± 0.0095 (se) with a range of 0.60 to 0.66 in curled PNH; FIL::PNH blades (n = 5 blades for each genotype).
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo observe the early stages of cotyledon doubling, pnh; FIL::PNH embryos were examined. Early and late heart-stage pnh; FIL::PNH embryos were very wide at the top, and their cotyledons were abnormally splayed compared with the wild type
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn addition, a novel phenotype was seen in pnh; FIL::PNH cotyledons. The novel phenotype consisted of cotyledon primordia splitting at various points in development to form fused or unfused “double” cotyledons
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed Articlepnh; FIL::PNH individuals germinated and grew much more slowly than wild-type individuals
Newman KL, Fernandez AG, Barton MK - Regulation of axis determinacy by the Arabidopsis PINHEAD gene
Visit the PubMed ArticleCYCD3;1 OE plants ... an increase in the number of cells present in cotyledons
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed Articlein the epidermis of mature cotyledons of CYCD3;1 OE seedlings, small nuclei and scattered cells expressing CYCB-GUS (data not shown) and mitotic figures continued to be observed, whereas in wild-type cotyledons, larger nuclei were observed and no mitotic figures could be found
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn more mature leaves of the CYCD3;1 OE plants, palisade and spongy mesophyll layers did become recognizable, but both consisted of smaller cells than in the wild type
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed Articlecell proliferation continued in CYCD3;1 OE leaves at a time when it had ceased in wild-type leaves
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn more mature leaves of the CYCD3;1 OE plants ... The morphological distinction between the adaxial and abaxial epidermis was largely lost
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleComparison of ploidy levels showed that CYCD3;1 OE cells were largely deficient in this differentiated phenotype and showed only a small proportion of nuclei with a DNA content of >4C (Figure 5F, right), whereas wild-type rosette leaves contained a substantial proportion of nuclei with DNA contents of 8C, 16C, and 32C (Figure 5F, left). Similar observations of reduced endoreduplication were made in a variety of mature tissues, including rosette leaves, bracts, and segments of the floral stalk (data not shown
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe emergence of leaves was slower in CYCD3;1-overexpressing (CYCD3;1 OE) plants than in wild-type plants
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleAlthough the density of stomata was lower in CYCD3;1 OE plants, CYCD3;1 apparently does not profoundly influence differentiation after the specification of specific cell types such as stomatal guard cells (data not shown
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed Articlethe venation pattern of CYCD3;1 OE leaves also was less symmetric than in wild-type leaves
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed Articlecotyledons of CYCD3;1 OE plants ... contained smaller cells
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpressing CYCD3;1, resulting in ectopic divisions
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleBecause cotyledons of CYCD3;1 OE plants were larger than those in wild-type plants
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe observed a striking reduction of 30% in the proportion of G1 nuclei in CYCD3;1 OE plants and an accompanying increase in G2 nuclei compared with wild-type apices (Figure 4A). No change in the proportion of S-phase nuclei was observed
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleCaMV35S-CYCD3;1 ... subsequent rosette leaves curled soon after their formation over the abaxial surface
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo quantify the effects of CYCD3;1 on cell proliferation in leaves, we performed a detailed analysis of cell number and size in the adaxial epidermal surface of rosette leaves at three stages of development (∼10 mm2, 30 to 50 mm2, and fully mature) (Figure 4E). These data show that CYCD3;1 overexpression had a dramatic effect on the number of cells present in leaves, because the adaxial epidermis of CYCD3;1 OE leaves of ∼10 mm2 already contained 20 to 30 times more cells than the epidermis of wild-type leaves
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleCaMV35S-CYCD3;1 ... rosette leaves ... remained somewhat smaller than their wild-type equivalents
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleCYCD3;1 OE ... Mature rosette leaves reached half the final surface area of the wild-type leaves
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleCell areas were measured from thin sections, and in the wild type, the shoot apical meristem was found to vary from 14 to 64 μm2, with a median value of 39 μm2 (Figure 4B, left), whereas CYCD3;1 OE meristematic cells were significantly smaller, with a size range from 10 to 55 μm2 in cross-sectional area and a median size of 26 μm2 (Figure 4B, right). Cells flanking the shoot apical meristem of CYCD3;1 OE plants (Figure 4B, arrowheads) also were smaller than comparable cells bordering wild-type meristems
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleHistological examination of CYCD3;1 OE leaves revealed that both the adaxial and abaxial epidermis of transgenic leaves were characterized by the presence of small polygon-shaped pavement cells (Figure 5C, right), in contrast to the expanded sinusoid-shaped pavement cells in the wild type (Figure 5C, left). By plotting cell area against a “shape factor” (4Π area/perimeter2), which is unity for a perfect circle and decreases for more complex shapes, we can see that for wild-type epidermal cells, an increase in cell area is accompanied by the adoption of more complex shapes as cells differentiate (Figure 5D). In CYCD3;1 OE plants, cell sizes and shape factors were clustered at higher shape factor values (Figure 5D), suggesting that they are unable to develop their mature shape
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleCaMV35S-CYCD3;1 ... In young seedlings, cotyledons were enlarged
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleConsistent with CYCD3;1 promoting precocious G1 exit, we found a reduction in the average interphase cell size in the shoot apical meristem of CYCD3;1 OE plants
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleCYCD3;1 OE ... Mature rosette leaves ... contained ∼18-fold more cells in their adaxial epidermis
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn young leaves (≤6 mm in length) of the CYCD3;1 OE plants, this typical dorsoventral organization of the leaf parenchyma into palisade and spongy mesophyll was not distinguishable, with the palisade layer apparently replaced by smaller spherical parenchyma cells and fewer intercellular air spaces present
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed ArticleCYCD3;1 OE ... mature epidermal cell size was affected dramatically, because even in mature rosette leaves, the cell area of transgenic pavement cells did not exceed 350 μm2, whereas the wild-type cells expanded from 350 to 22,000 μm2
Dewitte W, Riou-Khamlichi C, Scofield S, Healy JM, Jacqmard A, Kilby NJ, Murray JA - Altered cell cycle distribution, hyperplasia, and inhibited differentiation in Arabidopsis caused by the D-type cyclin CYCD3
Visit the PubMed Articleagb1 ... leaves ... have rounded lamina compared with their respective ecotypes
Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes
Visit the PubMed Articlegpa1 leaves ... have rounded lamina compared with their respective ecotypes
Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes
Visit the PubMed Articleagb1 lamina differ from gpa1 lamina as a result of the presence of islands of small cells that create a crinkly surface
Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes
Visit the PubMed Articlegpa1 seedlings are smaller, than wild-type seedlings
Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes
Visit the PubMed Articleagb1 seedlings are larger ... than wild-type seedlings
Ullah H, Chen JG, Temple B, Boyes DC, Alonso JM, Davis KR, Ecker JR, Jones AM - The beta-subunit of the Arabidopsis G protein negatively regulates auxin-induced cell division and affects multiple developmental processes
Visit the PubMed Articlethe number of palisade cells was reduced by 50% in drl1-2
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleStatistically significantly smaller cells were present in the dorsal epidermis of ... drl1-4
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe lamina length varied enormously among different drl1-2 individuals
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articlein the drl1-2 mutant leaves ... dorsal and ventral identity was maintained
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe lamina width ... the first and second expanded rosette leaves of a sub- population of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length were measured by image analysis and found to be reduced signifi- cantly compared with the wild type
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn serial sections through expanded first and second leaves of drl1-2 (35-day-old seedlings), palisade cells were larger
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articlein the subpopulation of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length (i.e., drl1-2 mutants had increased lamina length
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe lamina ... area of the first and second expanded rosette leaves of a sub- population of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length were measured by image analysis and found to be reduced signifi- cantly compared with the wild type
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articlein the subpopulation of drl1-2 individuals with normal leaf length (i.e., drl1-2 mutants had ... reduced petiole length
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-2 ... midvein was less pronounced
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-2 ... lamina was thicker
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articlein the drl1-2 mutant leaves ... normal polarity in vascular bundles
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-2 ... Scanning electron microscopy and sec- tions showed that upon emergence from the SAM, the leaf primordia were much smaller than in the wild type
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-2 ... In some mutant individuals, no clear transition between lamina and petiole was seen
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-2 was isolated as a mutant with narrow leaves
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleStatistically significantly smaller cells were present in the dorsal epidermis of drl1-2
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn serial sections through expanded first and second leaves of drl1-2 (35-day-old seedlings ... intercellular spaces were present next to the adaxial epidermis
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articlethe number of palisade cells ... reduced slightly in drl1-4
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-4 ... had ... normal leaf length
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe palisade layer contained significantly larger cells in ... drl1-4
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn serial sections through expanded first and second leaves of drl1-2 (35-day-old seedlings), palisade cells were ... more irregularly shaped
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-2 ... features may indicate ventralization of the leaf
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe palisade layer contained significantly larger cells in drl1-2
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed Articledrl1-4 ... had ... significantly narrower leaf lamina
Nelissen H, Clarke JH, De Block M, De Block S, Vanderhaeghen R, Zielinski RE, Dyer T, Lust S, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - DRL1, a homolog of the yeast TOT4/KTI12 protein, has a function in meristem activity and organ growth in plants
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... A second class comprising 22 plantlets ... After the emergence of three to four tiny leaflets, growth arrested with a single radialized organ
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... The majority of transgenic plants (130 of 179; class 4), were mildly dwarfed
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed Articleplants that expressed DRN-like from the CaMV35S promoter exhibited dwarfism or alterations in silique shape but maintained a functional shoot meristem during development (data not shown)
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... A third class of transgenic plants (18 of 179) was characterized by strong dwarfism, epinastic leaves
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo confirm that increased expression of DRN/ESR1 causes the drn-D phenotype, we expressed the coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants. Of 179 primary transformants carrying the transgene, 9 seedlings stopped development after the emergence of two cotyledons (class 1)
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed Articledrn-D mutants ... ∼3 weeks after germination, leaf initiation terminates with the formation of filamentous organs that lack the central vasculature
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets ... Sections through seedlings showed an enlarged ... SAM
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed Articledrn-D SAM ... premature cellular differentiation
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets ... Sections through seedlings showed ... disorganized SAM, resembling the meristems of drn-D mutant plants
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe isolated a loss-of-function allele, drn-1, from the SLAT collection ... we were unable to detect any phenotypic alteration in plants homozygous for the potential null allele compared with the wild type
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleInstead of small, meristematic cells, which are typical for the outer cell layers of the wild-type SAM, large and vacuolated cells ... cover the drn-D mutant apex
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleCompared with the wild type, histological sections show that the drn-D SAM is ... wider in diameter already in the early mutant seedling (Figures 1I and 1J). Meristem size increases further before the SAM finally fails to initiate lateral organs
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe early vegetative phase of drn-D mutants until the four- to five-leaf stage is unaffected. From leaves 6 to 8 and onward, all leaves appear increasingly radialized
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets ... After the emergence of three to four tiny leaflets
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleCompared with the wild type, histological sections show that the drn-D SAM is flat
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... second class comprising 22 plantlets was ... small, and stunted
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDRN/ESR1 ... coding region under the control of the CaMV35S promoter in transgenic plants ... A second class comprising 22 plantlets was dark green
Kirch T, Simon R, Grünewald M, Werr W - The DORNROSCHEN/ENHANCER OF SHOOT REGENERATION1 gene of Arabidopsis acts in the control of meristem ccll fate and lateral organ development
Visit the PubMed Articlechange in timing of the juvenile-to-adult transition ... hst-1
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1; kan-11 ... produced significantly more abaxial trichomes on leaves 1 and 2 than did either single mutant
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleMutations in SQUINT (SQN) ... are phenotypically similar to hst mutations in that they slightly delay leaf initiation
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe primordia of leaves 1 and 2 are also smaller than normal in 3-day-old hst-1 seedlings
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1; kan-11 double mutants had more highly up-rolled ... leaves
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 does affect the anatomy of the shoot apical meristem
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Article3-day-old hst-1 seedlings (Fig. 2F) have ... more rounded SAM
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleupper mesophyll layer of hst-1 appears normal
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 plants ... subsequent leaves curve strongly upward
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 ... up-rolling of the leaf blade
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 plants ... loss of tissue polarity within the mesophyll of the leaf blade
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1, sqn-1 plants. Double mutant seedlings had a much more severe phenotype
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 ... reduction in the size of leaves
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1; kan-11 double mutants had more highly up-rolled cotyledons
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 ... accelerated production of abaxial trichomes
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1, sqn-1 plants ... being significantly smaller than both sqn-1 and hst-1
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn hst-1, the onset of abaxial trichome production (Fig. 3A; Table 1), the increase adaxial trichome density (Fig. 3B) and the decline in blade:petiole ratio (Fig. 3C) begin with leaf 3 and proceed unusually quickly after this point ... hst-1 accelerates ... the juvenile-to-adult transition
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 seedlings exhibited a slight delay in leaf initiation during germination but went on to produce leaves at the same rate as wild type throughout the rest of vegetative development
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe first two leaves of hst-1 plants are generally flat
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe first two leaves of hst-1 plants are ... slightly up-rolled
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 ... cells in the lower spongy layer are more regular in shape
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleMutations in SQUINT (SQN) ... accelerate vegetative phase change
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Article3-day-old hst-1 seedlings (Fig. 2F) have a larger ... SAM
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 ... cells in the lower spongy layer ... have less intercellular space
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1, sqn-1 ... double mutants produced large numbers of abaxial trichomes starting with leaf 1
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe primordia of leaves 1 and 2 ... 3-day-old hst-1 seedlings ... probably because their initiation is delayed
Bollman KM, Aukerman MJ, Park MY, Hunter C, Berardini TZ, Poethig RS - HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlein the rce1 mutant ... organ length is reduced throughout development
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlerce1-1 cotyledons showed only slightly reduced vascular development
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleRosette ... morphology ... altered in the rce1 mutant
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe rosette leaves of rce1 plants are smaller than those of Ler leaves
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlerce1 plants ... crinkled leaf blades
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleaxr1-12 ... cotyledons showed only slightly reduced vascular development
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlevascular development was severely deficient in axr1-12 rce1-1 plants. Typically, one short vascular strand was visible in each cotyledon of these seedlings
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe rosette leaves of rce1 plants are ... rounder
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe rosette leaves of rce1 plants are ... with shorter petioles
Dharmasiri S, Dharmasiri N, Hellmann H, Estelle M - The RUB/Nedd8 conjugation pathway is required for early development in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Article35S::AS2/Ler ... Abaxial-like epidermal cells appeared on part of the adaxial side of laminae of the first pair of rosette leaves
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Article35S::AS2/Ler ... of the first pair of rosette leaves ... the abaxial side was almost entirely covered in cells with adaxial features
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo identify abnormalities of adaxial-abaxial polarity in as2 leaves at the cellular level, we analyzed cell patterns by transverse sectioning of as2 petioles ... The adaxial and abaxial asymmetry of petioles was lost completely in lotus-leaf petioles (Fig. 2B) and the radially symmetric portion of non-lotus-leaf petioles (data not shown) in the as2- 101 mutant. The overall epidermal characters of the radial petiole resembled those of abaxial epidermis in the wild type (for comparison, see Fig. 2A). Moreover, sub-epidermal cells in the lotus-leaf petioles seemed abnormal in shapes compared with those in the Ler plant: most cells in Ler petioles were irregularly shaped (Fig. 2A) while cells in the lotus-leaf petiole were arranged in an orderly fashion (Fig. 2B). In the asymmetric portion of the non-lotus-leaf petioles of the as2- 101 mutant, epidermal cells on the adaxial side were also aberrant as shown in Fig. 2C. In addition to the abaxial epidermal cells, cells similar to the margin epidermis seemed to occupy the adaxial positions
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Article35S::AS2/Ler transgenic plants also produced needle-like leaves amongst the first appearing rosette leaves
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleOur more recent results demonstrated that as1 ... in the Ler genetic background displayed a novel leaf structure: in some rosette leaves the petiole is attached to the abaxial surface of the leaf lamina, showing a lotus-leaf structure
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articlethe needle-like structure in 35S::AS2/Ler seedlings was an adaxialized organ
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... exhibited defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial axis
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleLer ... plants carrying 35S::AS2 had narrow leaves
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articleas2-101 plants carrying 35S::AS2 ... laminae curled upwards
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleOn the adaxial side of laminae, epidermal patterns in Ler and the 35S::AS1/Ler transgenic plants were similar
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the as2-101 mutant, however, each petiole showed a radially symmetric proximal portion, the length of which varied in a continuous series, depending upon leaf positions and leaf ages. Some leaves showed a radially symmetric portion at the very proximal end (Fig. 1E), while in others it was more distal (Fig. 1F). If the radially symmetric tissue reached high enough to affect the region where leaf lamina grew, the lotus-leaf was formed (Fig. 1G,H). The higher the radial portion ended, the smaller the whole leaf structure became. If the radially symmetric portion extended extremely distally, lamina development would be severely affected, resulting in either leaves with a very small lamina (Fig. 1I) or even needle-like organs without any lamina growth
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... exhibited defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial axis
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... structure might suggest a defect in the adaxial- abaxial axis in leaves
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articlemargins of the as1-1 petioles curled upwards
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleAbaxial epidermal cells ... 35S::AS1/Ler transgenic plants (Fig. 3I) were also similar in shape
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleOur more recent results demonstrated that ... as2 ... in the Ler genetic background displayed a novel leaf structure: in some rosette leaves the petiole is attached to the abaxial surface of the leaf lamina, showing a lotus-leaf structure
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleOn the adaxial side of laminae ... 35S::AS1 lamina contained more stomata
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... structure might suggest a defect in the adaxial- abaxial axis in leaves
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleLer plants containing 35S::AS1 displayed ... normally shaped leaves
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleLer ... plants carrying 35S::AS2 ... laminae curled upwards
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Articleas2-101 plants carrying 35S::AS2 had narrow leaves
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn comparison, the identity of adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells on laminae of the 35S::AS2/Ler transgenic plants was altered dramatically
Xu L, Xu Y, Dong A, Sun Y, Pi L, Xu Y, Huang H - Novel as1 and as2 defects in leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity reveal the requirement for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2 and ERECTA functions in specifying leaf adaxial identity
Visit the PubMed Article35S::mMYB33 caused leaves to curl upwards in many (39 of 63) primary transfor- mants
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleConstitutive expression of wild-type TCP2 or TCP4 partially rescued the leaf defects of jaw-D mutants. Leaves were less warped and elliptical than those of the parental line, but were still distinct from those of wild type
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Article35S::mTCP2 plants ... were smaller
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticlemTCP4 from the TCP4 promoter had less extreme effects than 35S::mTCP4 (see above), and the jaw-D leaf phenotype was suppressed in 11 of 15 surviving primary transformants. Notably, these plants showed a new phenotype: rounder leaves
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene ... Common defects included fusion of the cotyledons
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Articlejaw-D ... primary defect is uneven leaf shape and curvature
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe 35S::mTCP4 construct caused the same severe defects in jaw-D as in a wild-type background (not shown). Because these plants did not produce clearly identifiable ... leaves
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene. Most (35 of 57) primary transformants carrying the mutated version of TCP4 were arrested at the seedling stage
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe 35S::mTCP4 construct caused the same severe defects in jaw-D as in a wild-type background (not shown). Because these plants did not produce clearly identifiable cotyledons
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Article35S::mTCP2 plants ... were ... greener
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Articlejaw-D mutants as having serrated leaves
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleMost (63 of 76) primary 35S::TCP4 transformants were phenotypically normal
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene. Most (35 of 57) primary transformants ... Common defects included ... lack of a shoot apical meristem
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Articlethe 35S::mTCP4 plants had marked pattern defects
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Articlejaw-D ... detailed inspection revealed that the primary defect is uneven leaf shape
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast, 35S::JAW had no effect on 35S::mTCP4 transcript stability (Fig. 4c), demonstrating that the synonymous mutations in mTCP4 strongly decrease susceptibility to miRNA-guided cleavage ... we introduced the same mutations in the genomic context of the TCP4 gene ... Common defects included ... overall tubular shape of the seedlings
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Article35S::TCP4 transformants ... remainder having ... smaller leaves
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed ArticleConstitutive expression of wild-type TCP2 or TCP4 partially rescued the leaf defects of jaw-D mutants. Leaves were less warped and elliptical than those of the parental line, but were still distinct from those of wild type
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Article35S::TCP2 plants had no obvious defects
Palatnik JF, Allen E, Wu X, Schommer C, Schwab R, Carrington JC, Weigel D - Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ARGOS seed- lings displayed prolonged cell division in marginal meristems as well as in leaf blades
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ARGOS ... Leaf blades ... appeared to contain the same number of cell layers
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlepetiole length of the fifth leaf were greatly ... de- creased in ARGOS ... antisense plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe fifth leaf blades ... of 35S-anti-ARGOS plants contained ~20% fewer cells
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed ArticleUnder our growth con- dition, fifth rosette leaves emerged at ~11 days after germina- tion. The total leaf length of vector control and ARGOS transgenic plants increased similarly in the subsequent 12 days. Leaves of antisense plants ceased to elongate at ~24 days after germina- tion, followed by control leaves at 27 days. However, 35S-ARGOS leaves continued to grow even after 33 days
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleaxr1 mutant was reported to have smaller leaves ... resulting from de- creased cell numbers
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpression of ARGOS ... axr1-3 ... producing similarly sized or even larger leaves compared with wild-type leaves
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Article35S-ARGOS ... lines showed an enlarged ... leaf size
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlefresh weight of the corresponding leaf in ARGOS sense lines increased by 50 to 120%
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed ArticleARGOS ... antisense ... little difference was observed in the size of cotyledons
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpression of ARGOS ... axr1-3 ... producing similarly sized or even larger leaves compared with wild-type leaves
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlepetiole length of the fifth leaf were greatly increased ... in ARGOS sense ... plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleblade ... length ... of the fifth leaf were greatly increased ... in ARGOS sense ... plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlepavement cell size was slightly larger in anti- sense plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe fifth leaf blades of 35S-ARGOS plants contained ~30% more cells than those of vector control plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlepavement cells between vector control and ARGOS transgenic plants re- vealed little size difference between vector control and ARGOS sense plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleblade width ... of the fifth leaf were greatly ... de- creased in ARGOS ... antisense plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlea decreased dimension of palisade cells in the Z axis was observed in ARGOS-overexpressing leaves
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleaxr1 mutant was reported to have smaller leaves
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Article35S-anti-ARGOS ... Leaf blades ... appeared to contain the same number of cell layers
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed ArticleARGOS sense ... little difference was observed in the size of cotyledons
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleblade width ... of the fifth leaf were greatly increased ... in ARGOS sense ... plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Article35S-anti-ARGOS ... lines showed an ... re- duced leaf size
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articleblade ... length ... of the fifth leaf were greatly ... de- creased in ARGOS ... antisense plants
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlefresh weight of the corresponding leaf ... in the ARGOS antisense plants de- creased by 20 to 60%
Hu Y, Xie Q, Chua NH - The Arabidopsis auxin-inducible gene ARGOS controls lateral organ size
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... About 10% of both triple mutants had cotyledons that were fused along one side of their edges
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... The extent of fusion was variable in individual seedlings, usually resulting in heart-shaped cotyledons
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtGRF1 4-7 ... overexpressors ... developed larger ... cotyledons
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... 25% decrease in petiole length
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of leaves ... in comparison to wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... width of the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... Petiole cells ... were 22% shorter
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtGRF2 overexpressor ... 42% increase ... in petiole length
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaf epidermal cells of ... the triple mutant grf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... were ... smaller
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... Petioles of triple mutants were 27% shorter than those of wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtGRF2 7-2 ... overexpressors ... developed larger leaves
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf2 ... No ... visible phenotype
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller rosette leaves
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtGRF2 overexpressor ... Petiole cells ... were 38% longer
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... Petioles of triple mutants were 27% shorter than those of wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... The surface area of the third leaf blade of triple mutants was reduced by 32% compared to that of wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtGRF2 7-2 ... overexpressors ... developed larger ... cotyledons
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... width of the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... length ... the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... increase in ... length ... of the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 ... No ... visible phenotype
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... the calculated cell numbers ... were not different from that of wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of ... cotyledons in comparison to wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... reduction in ... length ... of the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... The extent of fusion was variable in individual seedlings, usually resulting in heart-shaped cotyledons
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... increase in ... width of the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller ... cotyledons
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... About 10% of both triple mutants had cotyledons that were fused along one side of their edges
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtGRF1 4-7 ... overexpressors ... developed larger leaves
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of AtGRF1 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of leaves ... in comparison to wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller rosette leaves
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 ... No ... visible phenotype
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtGRF2 overexpressor ... the calculated cell numbers ... were not different from that of wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf3 ... No ... visible phenotype
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of AtGRF1 ... increase in ... width of the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of AtGRF1 ... Petiole length of leaves and cotyledons also increased by 24–109%
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaf epidermal cells of AtGRF2 overexpressor line 7-2 ... were larger
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-2 grf2 grf3 ... The surface area of the third leaf blade of triple mutants was reduced by 32% compared to that of wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of AtGRF1 ... showed a 35–135% increase in the surface area of ... cotyledons in comparison to wild-type plants
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of ... AtGRF2 ... Petiole length of leaves and cotyledons also increased by 24–109%
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleOverexpressors of AtGRF1 ... increase in ... length ... of the blades
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1-1 grf2 grf3 ... triple mutants had substantially smaller ... cotyledons
Kim JH, Choi D, Kende H - The AtGRF family of putative transcription factors is involved in leaf and cotyledon growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTwo as1 35S:AS2 seedlings formed narrow cotyledons that curled upward
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn 35S:AS2 leaves, veins were twisted such that this polarity was variable along the proximal-distal leaf axis
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings did not arrest, and the majority of these plants produced narrow leaves
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn 35S:AS2 ... Polarity often was disrupted, resulting in vascular bundles that formed at an abnormal angle relative to the plane of the leaf surface (data not shown). In the most extreme cases, phloem was encircled by xylem (Fig- ure 5H). Occasionally, a strand of xylem developed without any associated phloem (data not shown
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Articlepolarity was disrupted in 35S:AS2 ... leaves
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Class- IIB ... making only a few leaves that ... occasionally were radial
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe adaxial surface of 35S:AS2 leaves was not visibly different from that of wild-type leaves
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleUnlike the internal tissues, polarity defects were apparent only occasionally in the epidermal cells of 35S:AS2 plants
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings ... produced ... leaves ... that were ... twisted
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe remaining as1 35S:AS2 seedlings produced leaves that curled upward at the edges (Figure 8B), in contrast to as1 mutant leaves, which curled downward
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Articlein 35S:AS2 ... Elongated, densely packed cells that resembled pali- sade mesophyll were present beneath the abaxial epidermis, and cells on the adaxial side of the leaf resembled spongy me- sophyll (Figures 5B, 5D, and 5E). In those leaves that were ra- dial in appearance, a subepidermal ring of palisade cells was observed around the entire leaf
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 transgenic seedlings, all formed cotyledons that ... curled upward
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings did not arrest, and the majority of these plants produced ... leaves that were curled upward
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... cotyledon ... lateral veins usually did not form
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe abaxial epidermis of 35S:AS2 leaves appeared to be a mixture of adaxial and abaxial cell types. Patches of epidermis on this side of the leaf resembled the wild-type adaxial epidermis, containing cells that are uniform in size, with an absence of the characteristic large, irregular cells that typify the wild-type abax- ial epidermis
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Occasionally, the cotyle- don midvein split to form two or more veins
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 transgenic seedlings, all formed cotyledons that were narrow
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Class-I and class-IIA seedlings ... produced ... leaves that ... formed finger-like outgrowths from the abaxial leaf surface
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe venation pattern of 35S:AS2 seedlings also was different from that of the wild type
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Class- IIB seedlings ... making only a few leaves that usu- ally failed to expand
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... cotyledon midvein frequently failed to develop to the tip
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AS2 ... Class- IIB seedlings arrested after making only a few leaves
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed ArticleTwo as1 35S:AS2 seedlings formed narrow cotyledons
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Articlepolarity was disrupted in 35S:AS2 cotyledons
Lin WC, Shuai B, Springer PS - The Arabidopsis LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-domain gene ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 functions in the repression of KNOX gene expression and in adaxial-abaxial patterning
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AtCKX1 ... spatial density of veins of higher order (tertiary and quaternary veins and freely ending veinlets) was decreased
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth in ... not in 35S:AtCKX2
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtCKX1 overexpression resulted in a strong reduction of the diameter ... of the meristem
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleRo- sette leaves expanded more slowly than wild-type leaves until they reached their final size, and unlike wild-type leaves, the leaves of 35S:AtCKX1
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth in ... 35S:AtCKX3 transgenic plants
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AtCKX1 ... de- creased cell number
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articledecrease in the di- ameter of vascular bundles in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articletypical regular structure and organization of the SAM were not altered in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlelevels of IAA were reduced significantly to 53 to 66% ... in plants expressing 35S:AtCKX1
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AtCKX3, shoot growth stopped completely at the two- to four-leaf stage
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn ~30% of the seedlings of homozygotic strong expressers of 35S:AtCKX1 ... shoot growth stopped completely at the two- to four-leaf stage
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlea lower num- ber of ... phloem cells ... in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlea lower num- ber of xylem ... cells ... 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlesurface area of leaves from the main rosette was ... 30 to 38% of the wild-type area for ... 35S:AtCKX4
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AtCKX1 ... number ... of veins of higher order (tertiary and quaternary veins and freely ending veinlets) was decreased
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articletypical regular structure and organization of the SAM were not altered in 35S:AtCKX1 transgenic plants
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AtCKX2 ... In shoots harvested 14 days after germination (DAG), most of the eight different cytokinin metabolites analyzed were reduced significantly compared with wild-type tissue
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cells of 35S:AtCKX1 leaves were slightly enlarged
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AtCKX1 ... In shoots harvested 14 days after germination (DAG), most of the eight different cytokinin metabolites analyzed were reduced significantly compared with wild-type tissue
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Article35S:AtCKX ... Transverse sections through the central part of the fully de- veloped seventh leaf showed that fewer cells were formed in the dorsoventral direction and that the extent of intercellular air spaces between blade mesophyll cells was greater than that in wild-type leaves
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth ... not in ... 35S:AtCKX4
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtCKX1 overexpression resulted in a strong reduction of the ... height of the meristem
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleRo- sette leaves expanded more slowly than wild-type leaves until they reached their final size, and unlike wild-type leaves, the leaves of ... 35S:AtCKX3
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleA comparison of the vascular pattern, as visualized in whole-mount preparations of cleared leaves, showed that the leaf vasculature in 35S:AtCKX1 leaves was re- duced greatly compared with that in wild-type leaves
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlesurface area of leaves from the main rosette was 8 to 12% of the wild-type area for ... 35S:AtCKX3
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlesurface area of leaves from the main rosette was 8 to 12% of the wild-type area for 35S:AtCKX1
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtCKX1 overexpression resulted in ... fewer meristematic cells
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtCKX1 overexpression resulted in ... decreased size of the meristematic cells
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe formation of new rosette leaves was delayed throughout vegetative growth in 35S:AtCKX1
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlesurface area of leaves from the main rosette was ... 30 to 38% of the wild-type area for 35S:AtCKX2
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed Articlethe levels of IAA were reduced significantly to ... 73 to 76% of the wild-type content in plants expressing ... 35S:AtCKX2
Werner T, Motyka V, Laucou V, Smets R, Van Onckelen H, Schmülling T - Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis plants show multiple developmental alterations indicating opposite functions of cytokinins in the regulation of shoot and root meristem activity
Visit the PubMed ArticleSD-grown 35S::antiATHB16 plants did not differ significantly from wild-type in leaf size
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe average rosette leaf area of ... 35S::antiATHB16 plants 44% larger than that of the wild-type
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe width of rosette leaves were reduced in 35S::ATHB16
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe leaves of 35S::antiATHB16 plants grown under LD were larger than wild-type leaves
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of 35S::ATHB16 ... and wild-type plants showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect the thickness
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB16 plants had rosette leaves with an increased serration of edges
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB16 plants ... The length/width ratio of the rosette leaves did not differ significantly between plants
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of ... 35S::antiATHB16, and wild-type plants showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect the thickness
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast, 35S::antiATHB16 leaf epidermal cells were 43% larger than wild-type cells
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe length ... of rosette leaves were ... increased in 35S::antiATHB16 plants, as compared with wild-type
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Article35S::ATHB16 plants had rosette leaves with ... a size smaller than that of wild-type in plants grown under LD and SD
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe length ... of rosette leaves were reduced in 35S::ATHB16
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe average rosette leaf area of 35S::ATHB16 plants was approximately 30% smaller ... than that of the wild-type
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of 35S::ATHB16 ... showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect ... the anatomy of leaves
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleAs shown in Fig. 4 and Table 1, the leaf epidermal cells of 35S::ATHB16 rosette leaves, on average, were 38% smaller than the corresponding wild-type cells
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Article35S::antiATHB16 plants ... The length/width ratio of the rosette leaves did not differ significantly between plants
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCross-sections prepared from the fifth rosette leaf of ... 35S::antiATHB16 ... showed that altered levels of ATHB16 expression did not affect ... the anatomy of leaves
Wang Y, Henriksson E, Söderman E, Henriksson KN, Sundberg E, Engström P - The Arabidopsis homeobox gene, ATHB16, regulates leaf development and the sensitivity to photoperiod in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleline 1-1 expressing antisense full length DHS cDNA ... judging from the temporal patterns of chlorophyll reduction, senescence was delayed until at least 10 weeks after planting in the transgenic plants depending on the level of expression of the antisense transgene
Wang TW, Lu L, Zhang CG, Taylor C, Thompson JE - Pleiotropic effects of suppressing deoxyhypusine synthase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleSuppression of DHS expression ... resulted in ... more rapid growth
Wang TW, Lu L, Zhang CG, Taylor C, Thompson JE - Pleiotropic effects of suppressing deoxyhypusine synthase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleSuppression of DHS expression also resulted in increased biomass ... At 31 days after planting, rosette leaf biomass for transgenic lines 1-1 and 6C was ca. 40% and ca. 60% higher, respectively, than the rosette leaf biomass for wild-type plants grown in parallel in the same growth chamber (Figure 5A). Higher biomass for these transgenic lines was evident up to 38 days of growth (Figure 5A). After 38 days of age, leaf biomass expressed as fresh weight of tissue declined as the senescing tissue lost water (Figure 5A). For transgenic line 2A, which exhibited the highest level of DHS suppression, leaf biomass continued to increase through day 70 after planting in keeping with the strong inhibition of leaf senescence
Wang TW, Lu L, Zhang CG, Taylor C, Thompson JE - Pleiotropic effects of suppressing deoxyhypusine synthase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe vegetative leaves ... show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... ucu1-2
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen ucu2/ucu2 leaves are stretched on a slide for observation under a microscope, their adaxial surface wrinkles
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 plants show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... which affects ... the petiole
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articlereduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... the lamina ... of ucu1-1 ... homozygous plants
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-1 ... compact ... rosettes
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn a large-scale screening for Arabidopsis mutants displaying abnormally shaped or sized leaves ... one of the strongest leaf phenotypes found was ... vegetative leaves are rolled spirally downwards, in a circinate manner ... UCU2 complementation group included two recessive alleles, ucu2-1 (Fig. 1D) and ucu2-3, which were respectively induced by fast neutron bombardment (P. Robles and J.L. Micol, unpublished data) and T-DNA insertional mutagenesis (this work
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1 mutants display a de-etiolated phenotype
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 ... cauline leaves are reduced in length
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe aerial parts of ucu2/ucu2 seedlings ... displayed hypersensitivity to auxin efflux inhibitors
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articlereduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... petiole ... of ucu1-1 ... homozygous plants
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe vegetative leaves of ucu2/ucu2 plants show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleinner tissues of ... ucu1/ucu1 mutants ... showed a reduced number of air spaces
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe vegetative leaves ... show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... ucu1-1
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articlereduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... the petiole ... of ... ucu1-2 homozygous plants
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo obvious differences with the wild type were found in the inner tissues of ucu2/ucu2 leaves
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 ... cauline leaves are ... very wrinkled
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-2 ... dark-green rosettes
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu (ultracurvata) mutants, whose vegetative leaves are rolled spirally downwards, in a circinate manner
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 ... cauline leaves are reduced in ... wide
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-1 ... dark-green rosettes
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 plants grown in the dark displayed a wild-type photomorphogenic response because no leaves were developed
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 leaves displayed many more clustered stomata than the wild-type leaves on both the adaxial and abaxial epidermis
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articlecauline leaves ... circinate morphology ... ucu1/ucu1
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-2 ... plants are dwarf
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe abaxial pavement cells of the ucu2/ucu2 mutants ... are only slightly smaller than those of the wild type
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-2 ... compact ... rosettes
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu1-1 ... plants are dwarf
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 plants ... compact ... rosettes
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 plants are dwarf
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleBending of the ucu2/ucu2 vegetative leaves is more pronounced along the primary vein, whose length is clearly reduced compared with the wild type (Fig. 2, H and J), whereas the higher order veins and the complexity of the venation pattern seem to be much less affected, similar to that already observed in plants homozygous for the ucu1 semidominant alleles
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 plants ... dark-green rosettes
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn a large-scale screening for Arabidopsis mutants displaying abnormally shaped or sized leaves ... one of the strongest leaf phenotypes found was ... vegetative leaves are rolled spirally downwards, in a circinate manner ... the UCU1 gene was represented by one recessive (Fig. 1B) and two semidominant ethyl methanesulfonate-induced alleles
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleucu2/ucu2 plants show reduced expansion along the proximodistal axis ... which affects ... the lamina
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves are stretched on a slide for observation under a microscope, their adaxial surface wrinkles ... ucu1/ucu1 mutants
Pérez-Pérez JM, Ponce MR, Micol JL - The ULTRACURVATA2 gene of Arabidopsis encodes an FK506-binding protein involved in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling
Visit the PubMed Article35S::JAG ... Unusual outgrowth of stipules is also observed from the base of leaves
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlejag mutant rosette leaves often have mild serrations along the lateral margins, in contrast to wild type
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::JAG ... leaves are often irregular in shape
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articleanalysis of transgenic lines ... in the wild-type background. 35S::JAG transgenic plants showed ... varying degrees of cotyledon fusion (44 out of 104 T1 plants) were observed, including either a single fused cotyledon or a goblet- shaped structure resulting from fusion along both lateral cotyledon margins
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlejag-3 cotyledon shape is abnormal (Fig. 1O) with the petiole and blade regions more elongated than the wild-type organ
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::JAG ... adjacent leaves may be fused along the lateral margins
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDetailed analysis of transgenic lines is described in the wild-type background. 35S::JAG transgenic plants showed ... formation of ectopic leaf-like tissues throughout the plant
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Articlejag-3 cotyledon shape is abnormal
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::JAG cotyledons exhibit a highly irregular vasculature in which a central midvein is not identifiable and the strands do not form a closed circuit
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::JAG cotyledons exhibit a highly irregular vasculature
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleBoth 35S::JAG pedicel (Fig. 7O) and stem (Fig. 7P) epidermis contain cells that closely resemble leaf pavement cells
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleDetailed analysis of transgenic lines is described in the wild-type background. 35S::JAG transgenic plants showed disrupted organogenesis
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed Article35S::JAG cotyledons exhibit a highly irregular vasculature in which a central midvein is not identifiable
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleMany 35S::JAG seedlings also fail to develop leaves after germination
Ohno CK, Reddy GV, Heisler MG, Meyerowitz EM - The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhile leaf blade area is not significantly different, jag-1
Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn both homozygous and heterozygous jag-5D mutants ... teardrop shape
Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlejag-1 leaves, however, develop with a serrated edge
Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn both homozygous and heterozygous jag-5D mutants, the petiole ... or develops blade tissue along its edge
Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn both homozygous and heterozygous jag-5D mutants, the petiole is either absent
Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleInactivation of JAG affects the shape of most lateral organs including leaves
Dinneny JR, Yadegari R, Fischer RL, Yanofsky MF, Weigel D - The role of JAGGED in shaping lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlerosette leaf area of 35S::EXO plants were increased in comparison to wild-type plants
Coll-Garcia D, Mazuch J, Altmann T, Müssig C - EXORDIUM regulates brassinosteroid-responsive genes
Visit the PubMed ArticlePetiole length ... of 35S::EXO plants were increased in comparison to wild-type plants
Coll-Garcia D, Mazuch J, Altmann T, Müssig C - EXORDIUM regulates brassinosteroid-responsive genes
Visit the PubMed Articletransgenic lines overexpressing the full-length sequence of an ERF-type transcription factor, At1g15360 [the ERF family has also been referred to as EREBP ... Leaves of these plants were strikingly glossier than those of control plants
Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articletransgenic WIN1 overexpressors ... were ... slower growing than their wild-type counterparts
Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhereas control Arabidopsis rosette leaves do not produce wax crystals, leaves of 35S:WIN1 plants display characteristic plate-like wax crystals that are typically 1-2 μm in length ... leaf wax of lines 6 (class B) and 22 (class C) were subjected to GC-MS analysis. As shown on Fig. 3a, there were major differences both in total wax content and wax composition between leaves of WIN1 overexpressors and of control plants. Average wax content, on a fresh weight basis, ranged between 1.1- and 2-fold wild-type values [line 6/control: 77.3/72.0 μg·grams of fresh weight (gfw)-1; line 22/control: 126.9/65.5 μg·gfw-1]. Increases in the most abundant wax species in wild-type leaves, such as hentriacontane (C31 alkane) and nonacosane (C29 alkane) accounted for most of the change in wax content (Fig. 3a
Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articletransgenic WIN1 overexpressors ... were smaller in stature
Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL - WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlehlr ... Mutant plants form ... narrow ... leaves
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed ArticleMoreover, 23.8% (n=193) of the hlr plants ceased leaf production and died before bolting, whereas 100% (n=117) of wild-type plants succeeded in bolting
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed Articlehlr ... Mutant plants form ... asymmetrical leaves
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed Articlehlr ... Mutant plants form ... dentate ... leaves
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn mature embryos of the mutant, both the size and cell arrangement of the SAM were normal, and cell layers were clearly observed (Fig. 2E,F; black lines). However, the SAM was enlarged and the cell layers were disrupted in 8-day-old mutant seedlings, possibly owing to their irregular cell division planes (Fig. 2H, arrowheads). These results indicate that hlr mutants form a SAM of normal structure during embryogenesis, but fail to maintain its cellular organization after germination
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed Articlethe hlr rosettes exhibited disordered phyllotaxy with irregular angles between the leaves (Fig. 1I). To quantify the abnormality in phyllotaxis, we counted the number of plants in which the angles between serial rosette leaves were greater than 170° or less than 100°. The frequency of abnormal hlr plants was 76.6% (n=193), much greater than that of wild type (1.8% [n=117])
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed Articlehlr ... Mutant plants form abnormally shaped leaves
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed ArticleSAM activities are also abnormal in the hlr mutant
Ueda M, Matsui K, Ishiguro S, Sano R, Wada T, Paponov I, Palme K, Okada K - The HALTED ROOT gene encoding the 26S proteasome subunit RPT2a is essential for the maintenance of Arabidopsis meristems
Visit the PubMed ArticleThis result indicated that photosystem II (PSII) of the crl mutant was not impaired
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe amounts of chlorophylls ... b decreased in the crl mutant
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleproplastids in the SAM were enlarged ... in the crl mutant
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlechloroplasts in the crl mutant ... also divided unevenly
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlecrl ... Mesophyll cells were also altered in morphology
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant ... rescued ... chloroplast number
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleproplastids in the SAM were ... reduced in number in the crl mutant
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe structure of the SAM ... in the crl mutant was disorganized
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe amounts of chlorophylls a ... decreased in the crl mutant
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlecrl mutant plants ... possessed ... irregular leaf margins compared to wild-type plants
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlecrl mutant plants ... possessed crumpled laminas
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe chlorophyll a/b ratio of the crl mutant was the same as that for the wild type
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe ratio of variable fluorescence (Fv):maximum fluorescence (Fm) was identical between the crl and wild-type plants
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlecrl ... Mesophyll cells were also altered in ... organization
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlecrl mutant plants were pale green
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant ... rescued ... leaf morphology
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlecrl mutant ... chloroplasts ... were extremely enlarged compared to those of the wild type
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTEM revealed that there were no obvious differences in the organization of the thylakoid membranes between wild type and the crl mutant
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThis result suggested that the plane of orientation of cell division in the SAM was distorted in the crl mutant
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant ... rescued ... chloroplast size
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleMesophyll cells of the crl mutant contained fewer chloroplasts
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleExamination of leaf cross-sections revealed that leaf lamina of the crl mutant comprised of random-sized cells compared to those of the wild-type lines
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlecrl mutant plants ... had a reduced stature
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen the cDNA coding region of At5g51020 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter was introduced into the crl mutant, the mutant phenotype was rescued in all the mutants
Asano T, Yoshioka Y, Kurei S, Sakamoto W, Machida Y; Sodmergen - A mutation of the CRUMPLED LEAF gene that encodes a protein localized in the outer envelope membrane of plastids affects the pattern of cell division, cell differentiation, and plastid division in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn fifth leaves, wild type and rot4-1D were indistinguishable with respect to the sizes and the shapes of palisade ... cells, when transverse sections were examined
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn fifth leaves, wild type and rot4-1D were indistinguishable with respect to the sizes and the shapes of ... sponge ... cells, when transverse sections were examined
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo confirm that this gene corresponded to ROT4, we tested whether the rot4-1D phenotype was reconstituted when wild-type plants were transformed with a construct that placed the candidate gene fused with green fluorescence protein (GFP) under control of the CaMV 35S promoter (35S::ROT4-GFP). Foliage leaves of homozygous T3 plants from three independent transformants were shorter than those of wild type, as was seen in rot4-1D (Figure 3d), confirming that the candidate gene corresponded to ROT4
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaf blade of rot4-1D was ... rounded
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn fifth leaves, wild type and rot4-1D were indistinguishable with respect to the sizes and the shapes of ... epidermal cells, when transverse sections were examined
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlenumbers and sizes of the palisade cells in the first, third, and fifth rosette leaves were measured. The leaf blades of rot4-1D had fewer cells than that of the wild type, and, as in the case of the leaf blade length, this was more evident in the leaves formed at later developmental stages
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo relate the decrease in the cell number to the effect of rot4-1D on leaf shape (Figure 2a), the palisade cell numbers in both the leaf-length and leaf-width directions were counted. Again, the number of palisade cells in the leaf-length direction in rot4-1D decreased in a similar fashion to the decrease in total cell number in the subepidermal layer (Figure 2c). However, the cell numbers along the leaf-width direction in rot4-1D were not significantly different at any of the developmental stages examined
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlerot4-1D mutation ... The measurements of cell size and cell number do not account for the decrease in leaf width (Figure 2a). This discrepancy could be attributable to the combined effect of subtle decreases in the cell number in the leaf-width direction and cell size in rot4-1D
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlereductions in ... petiole length in rot4-1D
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaf blade of rot4-1D was short
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlerot4-1D ... the reduction in leaf blade length was more pronounced in leaves formed at later developmental stages
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlethese results suggest that the main effect of the rot4-1D mutation is a decrease in cell proliferation along the leaf-length direction
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn addition, the palisade cell sizes in bottom, middle, and top portions of first and third leaves in rot4-1D were comparable to the corresponding wild-type leaves and portions (Figures 1e and 2d). Although the cell size in the bottom portion of the fifth leaf in rot4-1D was smaller than that of wild type (Figure 2d), this might be because of a retardation in fifth leaf expansion as rot4-1D plants grow slightly slower than wild type. Cells in older leaves of rot4-1D expanded to a similar extent to wild-type cells
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlethe length of the leaf margin is significantly decreased in the rot4-1D mutant
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlereductions in leaf blade ... length in rot4-1D were more severe than those in leaf blade width
Narita NN, Moore S, Horiguchi G, Kubo M, Demura T, Fukuda H, Goodrich J, Tsukaya H - Overexpression of a novel small peptide ROTUNDIFOLIA4 decreases cell proliferation and alters leaf shape in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleNone of the single ahk mutants (i.e., ahk2-1, ahk3-1, and ahk4-1) exhibited significant defective phenotype as to their growth, at least under the standard growth conditions
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... decreased density of veins
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant exhibited a reduced seedling size with small cotyledons
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants ... numbers of abaxial epidermal cells were also decreased
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant, showed compact rosettes
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... higher ordered veins were not formed
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... development of ... trichomes occurred normally
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... showed ... small leaf blades
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlefor the ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant (Figure 5G). The longitudinal length of leaf blades was affected much more than the lateral length, so the leaf shape was slightly altered
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... areas of the leaves ... were ∼55 ... % ... of those of the controls
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk4-1 ... exhibited normal sized rosette structures
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... SAM ... size ... was reduced
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant exhibited a semidwarf phenotype
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants ... final size of the leaf cells was the same
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... decreased density of veins
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants ... In the middle of leaf development (from 10 to 13 DAG), the cells in the triple mutant were slightly larger than those in other plants (Figure 6C), suggesting an earlier onset of cell expansion
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk3-1 ahk4-1 double mutants exhibited normal sized rosette structures
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... leaf vasculature ... was impaired
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlesmall seedlings are homozygous for the mutant alleles (i.e., ahk2-1, ahk3-1, and ahk4-1) at all three loci
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... numbers of abaxial epidermal cells were also decreased
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... mature leaves ... contained ∼50 ... % ... cells compared with those of the wild-type plants
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... showed ... small leaf blades
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... leaf vasculature ... was impaired
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... final size of the leaf cells was the same
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 ... SAM region of the triple mutant at 12 d after germination (DAG) exhibited a typical regular structure and organization
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... leaf vasculature ... was impaired
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... SAM ... cell number was reduced
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... The rate of leaf primordial formation was slightly decreased
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe leaves of the ... ahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutants expanded slower than those of the wild-type controls
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... higher ordered veins were not formed
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... the phyllotaxy seemed to be normal
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... development of stomatal guard cells ... occurred normally
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk4-1 ... double mutants, constructed by means of genetic crosses, also grew normally
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleNone of the single ahk mutants (i.e., ahk2-1, ahk3-1, and ahk4-1) exhibited significant defective phenotype as to their growth, at least under the standard growth conditions
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 ... areas of the leaves ... were ... 20% of those of the controls
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe ahk4-1 mutant is less sensitive to exogenous cytokinins than the wild type but exhibits no other obvious phenotype in the absence of exogenous cytokinins
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk3-1 ahk4-1 double mutants, constructed by means of genetic crosses, also grew normally
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... showed ... shortened petioles
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... showed ... shortened petioles
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe leaves of the ahk2-1 ahk3-1 double mutant ... expanded slower than those of the wild-type controls
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... higher ordered veins were not formed
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 triple mutant ... The slow leaf primordial formation suggested that the function of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) was moderately affected
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-2 ahk3-2 double mutant ... decreased density of veins
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ahk4-1 ... mature leaves ... contained ... 20% cells compared with those of the wild-type plants
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleahk2-1 ahk3-1 ... double mutant, showed compact rosettes
Nishimura C, Ohashi Y, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Ueguchi C - Histidine kinase homologs that act as cytokinin receptors possess overlapping functions in the regulation of shoot and root growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... quadruple mutant plants were greatly reduced in overall size
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articleneither the kan1 kan2 ... plants have leaves that grow to the normal length
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 kan1-2/+ kan2-1 plants had short ... leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... the first two leaves appeared nearly radial
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 ... fil yab3 ... quadruple mutants only grew to 20% of the normal length of wild-type leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed ArticleAS1>>KAN2 plants, the leaves that developed were radialized
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 ... the blade outgrowths on the abaxial side of leaves represent a novel phenotype. To address their nature, anatomical, morphological and molecular characterizations were carried out. The outgrowths appeared first in a row on the lower third of the leaf, with additional outgrowths continuing to initiate and expand for as long as the leaf differentiates (Fig. 1G-H, Fig. 4A). The epidermis of these outgrowths in mature leaves had a high density of stomata interspersed amongst long rectangular cells similar to those found typically at leaf margins. In wild-type seedlings, the unique leaf marginal cells exhibited specific GUS staining in the enhancer trap marker line YJ158 (Fig. 4B). The outgrowths of kan1 kan2 young leaves showed GUS expression of this marker throughout their circumference (Fig. 4C), suggesting acquisition of radial blade identity
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... lacked stipules entirely
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 kan1-2/+ kan2-1 plants had ... narrow leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articleleaf primordia of ... kan1 kan2 kan3 seedlings were nearly radial
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlenor the fil yab3 plants have leaves that grow to the normal length
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed ArticleAnatomical analyses of the kan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 leaves revealed a dramatic loss of tissue asymmetry (Fig. 5G-I). Subepidermal cells on both the abaxial and adaxial sides resemble each other, and exhibited an overall similarity to adaxial cell types. In the first two leaves, vascular bundles were greatly reduced with normal phloem/xylem orientation. In the later produced leaves, there were 10-12 cell layers and vasculature was often lacking
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 kan3 leaves ... with a fan-like blade at their distal end
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 ... leaves were narrow
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articleleaf primordia of kan1 kan2 ... were nearly radial
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic meristems could occasionally be found at the abaxial base of kan1 kan2 kan3 leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... lacked stipules entirely
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 kan3 ... giving rise to long narrow leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articleonly grew to 20% of the normal length of wild-type leaves, similar in size to homozygous phb1-d leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... the first two leaves appeared nearly radial
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed ArticleAS1>>KAN2 plants, the leaves that developed were ... abaxialized
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in ... thick structures
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in short ... structures
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants ... leaves were ... dark green
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-5 yab3-1 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in ... thick structures
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed ArticleAll lateral organs had gross morphological defects in kan1 kan2 plants
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 kan3 leaves were nearly radial at initiation, these leaves still displayed some polarity, as trichomes were not present on the abaxial sides of the first leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves of kan1 kan2 syd were radially symmetric and lacked outgrowths
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 kan3 ... giving rise to long narrow leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articleleaves of kan1 kan2 syd were ... adaxialized
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlefil-5 yab3-1 kan1-2/+ kan2-1 plants had short and narrow leaves, with trichomes on both sides of the first produced leaves
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... leaves lacked a clear plane of blade symmetry and expanded at random orientations, resulting in short ... structures
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 leaves were 10-20 cells across, compared to only six cell layers in wild type
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed ArticleCells on the abaxial side of kan1 kan2 leaf primordia maintained a densely cytoplasmic appearance for a prolonged time, and periclinal divisions were common
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1-2 kan2-1 fil-8 yab3-2 ... quadruple mutant plants were greatly reduced in overall size
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed Articlekan1 kan2 plants ... leaves ... developed ectopic outgrowths on their abaxial side
Eshed Y, Izhaki A, Baum SF, Floyd SK, Bowman JL - Asymmetric leaf development and blade expansion in Arabidopsis are mediated by KANADI and YABBY activities
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo organ identity or floral determinacy defects were obvious in ... hua2-1 hen3
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlehen3 single mutant plants also exhibited shorter stems
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaf adaxial epidermal cells ... the hen3 mutants had ... Taking into account the differences in leaf size, these genotypes have roughly the same number of cells in the fifth leaves
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe isolated ... recessive mutations in a gene we named HUA ENHANCER3 (HEN3). hen3-1 ... resulted in loss of reproductive organ identity and floral determinacy in the hua1-1 hua2-1 background
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlewe did not observe any differences in the morphology of the SAM ... between Ler and hen3-1 in longitudinal sections or by SEM
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe HEN3-HA ... transgene was able to rescue the hen3-1 silique ... and stem elongation defect (not shown), suggesting that the fusion protein was functional
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlewe did not observe any differences in the morphology of ... leaf primordia between Ler and hen3-1 in longitudinal sections or by SEM
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo organ identity or floral determinacy defects were obvious in hua1-1 hen3
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleNo organ identity or floral determinacy defects were obvious in ... hen3 mutants
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe ... performed scanning electron microscopy to examine leaf adaxial epidermal cells in the four genotypes ... the hen3 mutants had, on average, smaller cells than wild type
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe isolated ... recessive mutations in a gene we named HUA ENHANCER3 (HEN3 ... hen3-3 ... resulted in loss of reproductive organ identity and floral determinacy in the hua1-1 hua2-1 background
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe isolated ... recessive mutations in a gene we named HUA ENHANCER3 (HEN3 ... hen3-2 ... resulted in loss of reproductive organ identity and floral determinacy in the hua1-1 hua2-1 background
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe area of the fully expanded fifth leaf ... in ... hen3-2 allele caused a nearly 50% reduction in leaf size
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlewe generated a translational fusion of HEN3 toβ -glucuronidase (GUS) under the control of the HEN3 promoter. This fusion construct was introduced into hen3-1 and found to largely rescue the hen3-1 vegetative phenotypes
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe observed that all three hen3 alleles resulted in the reduction of leaf size
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlehen3 mutants ... it appears that the reduction in leaf size ... is due to reduced cell expansion rather than cell division
Wang W, Chen X - HUA ENHANCER3 reveals a role for a cyclin-dependent protein kinase in the specification of floral organ identity in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleron2-2 ... leaves of the mutants were wider
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleron2-1 ... leaves of the mutants were wider
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlelonger total leaf length ... in the ron2-1 plants
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWild-type and ron2-1 mutant leaves had similar lamina lengths
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe serial transverse sections revealed that both the organization ... was not altered in the tissues of ron2-1 plants
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cell area of ... the palisade parenchyma was significantly larger in leaf 3 of the ron2-1 plants than that of the wild type
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe serial transverse sections revealed that ... polarity was not altered in the tissues of ron2-1 plants
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlelarger laminas in the ron2-1 plants, as confirmed by lamina area measurements
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlewidth of the lamina were larger ... in the ron2-1 plants
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleron2-2 ... leaves of the mutants were ... serrated
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articlelength of the petiole ... were larger ... in the ron2-1 plants
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleron2-1 ... number of palisade cells in the mutant does not differ significantly from that of the wild type
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cell area of ... the upper epidermis ... was significantly larger in leaf 3 of the ron2-1 plants than that of the wild type
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articleron2-1 ... leaves of the mutants were ... serrated
Cnops G, Jover-Gil S, Peters JL, Neyt P, De Block S, Robles P, Ponce MR, Gerats T, Micol JL, Van Lijsebettens M - The rotunda2 mutants identify a role for the LEUNIG gene in vegetative leaf morphogenesis
Visit the PubMed Articledark green leaves ... were also observed ... the T-DNA insertion allele arf2-5
Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe arf1 mutant alone did not show any obvious phenotypes in either differential growth (Figure 6C) or any other aspects of plant growth and development that were examined
Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articledark green leaves ... were also observed in the ... arf2-2
Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlearf2-3 mutants displayed ... dark green leaves
Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articledark green leaves ... were also observed in the arf2-1
Li H, Johnson P, Stepanova A, Alonso JM, Ecker JR - Convergence of signaling pathways in the control of differential cell growth in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleBoth rosette and cauline leaves of the mutant (termed shn) had a more brilliant, shiny green color when compared with wild-type plants
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe first true leaves of 35S:SHN1/WIN1 seedlings contained much lower numbers of trichomes, ranging from complete absence up to a maximum of 8 to 10 trichomes per leaves
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen trichomes were present on the first leaves of 35S:SHN1/WIN1, they were nearly all single branched
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe phenotype of most of the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 lines (both primary transformants and subsequent generations) was more severe compared with the original shn mutant ... their leaves were strongly curved, even rolled
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants overexpressing ... SHN3 showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... reduction in trichome number
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants overexpressing ... SHN3 showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including the more brilliant, shiny green color of both rosette and cauline leaves
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast with the wild type, we detected more wax crystals on both adaxial and abaxial sides of rosette and cauline leaves of shn ... The leaf surface was not entirely covered by crystals, as in the case of wild-type siliques and stems, but rather had irregular patches of plate-like wax crystals
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlestomatal density on the abaxial side of the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 lines were reduced compared with wild-type leaves
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe shn mutant wax phenotype was characterized by a sixfold increase in wax coverage over the wild type, expressed as mass of extractable cuticular lipids per surface area (Table 1). Wild-type leaf wax was found to contain approximately equal amounts of compounds from the acyl reduction pathway (primary alcohols and alkyl esters) and from the decarbonylation pathway (alkanes, secondary alcohols, and ketones). By sharp contrast, the shn mutant wax was characterized by differences in amounts of compounds resulting from both pathways. Whereas primary alcohols and alkyl esters showed only 2.8- and 1.4-fold increases, the alkanes, secondary alcohols, and ketones were increased by 9.0-, 11.9-, and 11.0-fold, respectively. Aldehydes, regarded as intermediates of the decarbonylation pathway, showed 2.2-fold higher levels in the mutant wax mixture. Similarly, other compound classes (fatty acids, branched alcohols, and steroids) were also found at elevated levels in the mutant wax, albeit only with moderate increases ... In both wild-type and mutant leaf waxes the fatty acids, aldehydes, and primary alcohols were dominated by constituents with even carbon numbers, as expected for acyl derivatives resulting from C2 elongation cycles (Figure 3). The alkanes, secondary alcohols, and ketones showed a clear preponderance of odd-numbered representatives, typical for metabolites from the elongation/decarbonylation route. The wild-type wax showed chain length distributions dominated by C32/C34 for fatty acids and aldehydes, by C31 for alkanes, and by C26/C28 for primary alcohols. Only C29 secondary alcohol and ketone, with functional groups both in the C14 and C15 position, could be detected. As compared with these wild-type patterns, the mutant leaf wax contained much higher concentrations of C30 fatty acid, C30 aldehyde, and C27/C29 alkanes, compensating for lower relative amounts of C34 fatty acid, C34 aldehyde, and C33 alkane, respectively (Figure 3). The chain length distribution of secondary alcohols, ketones, and primary alcohols were similar in the wild type and the mutant
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants overexpressing ... SHN3 showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... leaf curling
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleSHN1/WIN1 ... was cloned and constitutively expressed in Arabidopsis under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... all the transgenic plants raised (20 individuals) showed a phenotype resembling the original activation tag line, in particular the shn brilliant green leaf
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants overexpressing SHN2 ... showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... leaf curling
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants overexpressing SHN2 ... showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including ... reduction in trichome number
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen trichomes were present on the first leaves of 35S:SHN1/WIN1 ... located on leaf blade margins
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlepavement cell density ... on the abaxial side of the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 lines were reduced compared with wild-type leaves
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleBoth rosette and cauline leaves of the mutant (termed shn) ... often had curved-down edges
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleplants overexpressing SHN2 ... showed an identical visual phenotype to the one obtained when overexpressing the SHN1/WIN1 gene, including the more brilliant, shiny green color of both rosette and cauline leaves
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCalculating the stomatal index revealed that it was reduced by 41% in the 35S:SHN1/WIN1 leaves compared with the wild type
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleSHN1/WIN1 ... was cloned and constitutively expressed in Arabidopsis under the control of the 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus ... all the transgenic plants raised (20 individuals) showed a phenotype resembling the original activation tag line, in particular the shn ... downward curling of the leaves
Aharoni A, Dixit S, Jetter R, Thoenes E, van Arkel G, Pereira A - The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleBRI1-overexpressing transgenic line that displays longer ... rosette leaves compared with the wild-type plants
Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1
Visit the PubMed ArticleTTL-TTL–overexpressing transgenic plants displayed rounder rosette leaves
Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1
Visit the PubMed Articlethe two ttl mutants were bigger than the wild-type plants of the same developmental age with ... longer petioles
Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1
Visit the PubMed ArticleBRI1-overexpressing transgenic line that displays ... narrower rosette leaves compared with the wild-type plants
Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1
Visit the PubMed ArticleTTL-TTL–overexpressing transgenic plants displayed ... rosette leaves with shorter petioles
Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1
Visit the PubMed Articlethe two ttl mutants were bigger than the wild-type plants of the same developmental age with larger rosette leaves
Nam KH, Li J - The Arabidopsis transthyretin-like protein is a potential substrate of BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE 1
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cell size in ... GIF1-RNAi leaves ... was slightly larger than that in the corresponding wild-type plants
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlethe grf1–2 grf3 gif1 triple mutant displayed an additional decrease in cell numbers compared to its parental mutants
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cell size in gif1 ... leaves ... was slightly larger than that in the corresponding wild-type plants
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1–2 grf3 gif1 ... Its leaf area was reduced to one-half and one-third, respectively, of that of gif1 and the grf triple mutant
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegif1 ... This reduction in leaf area was primarily due to a nearly 40% decrease in leaf width
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegif1 ... Leaf ... length were reduced by ~20%
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleRNAi construct designed to reduce the level of GIF1 mRNA ... These lines displayed 43–53% reduction in blade area
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe reduction in the width of the other rosette and cauline leaves of gif1 mutants was similar to that of the first two rosette leaves, although there was only a marginal decrease in the length of the leaf blade and the petiole
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegif1 ... The surface area of the first two mature rosette leaves was reduced by nearly 50%
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegrf1–2 grf3 gif1 ... The triple mutant had much smaller leaves than did the parental grf triple and gif1 single mutants
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCompared to Col wild-type plants, gif1 mutants developed ... narrower rosette leaves
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cell numbers were reduced in ... the gif1 ... plants by ~35% ... for the first two leaves
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlegif1 ... petiole length were reduced by ~20%
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleRNAi construct designed to reduce the level of GIF1 mRNA ... decrease in blade width
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleCompared to Col wild-type plants, gif1 mutants developed shorter ... rosette leaves
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cell numbers were reduced in ... RNAi plants by ~35% ... for the first two leaves
Kim JH, Kende H - A transcriptional coactivator, AtGIF1, is involved in regulating leaf growth and morphology in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleLoss-of-function alleles of ZIP accelerate the expres- sion of adult-phase vegetative traits
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlehst-1 ... accelerate the juvenile-to-adult transition
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlesgs3-11 ... accelerate an otherwise normal transition to the adult phase
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlesgs3-11 ... produce abaxial trichomes precociously ... Abaxial trichomes ap- pear ... at the base of leaf 4 in sgs3-11, and gradually increase in extent over the next few leaves
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleLoss-of-function alleles of ZIP ... phenotype of these mutations is most apparent in the first two leaves of the rosette, which are elongated
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlerdr6-11 ... produce abaxial trichomes precociously ... Abaxial trichomes ap- pear at the base of leaf 3 in zip-1 and rdr6-11 ... and gradually increase in extent over the next few leaves
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlesqn-1 ... accelerate the juvenile-to-adult transition
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlerdr6-11 ... accelerate an otherwise normal transition to the adult phase
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlezip mutations produce a forward shift in abaxial trichome production ... Abaxial trichomes ap- pear at the base of leaf 3 in zip-1 ... and gradually increase in extent over the next few leaves
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleLoss-of-function alleles of ZIP ... phenotype of these mutations is most apparent in the first two leaves of the rosette, which ... curl downward
Peragine A, Yoshikawa M, Wu G, Albrecht HL, Poethig RS - SGS3 and SGS2/SDE1/RDR6 are required for juvenile development and the production of trans-acting siRNAs in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo investigate the role of eIF3h in Arabidopsis, we isolated a recessive mutant allele (eif3h-1) carrying a T-DNA insertion in the 10th exon (Figure 2A ... After germination in darkness, hypocotyl length was reduced and seedlings displayed an open hook and separation of the cotyledons (Figure 3C), features characteristic of a defect in etiolation
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleMorphological phenotypes of the eif3h-1 mutant, such as bushiness, epinastic cotyledons, warped leaves, poor gravitropism, occasional pin-formed inflorescence bolts, and a short primary root with few root hairs (Figures 2C and 3F; data not shown), suggested an altered auxin response
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleFurthermore, at or above 2% sucrose, full germination of eif3h-1 was inhibited (Figure 5C), and purple anthocyanin pigments persisted in the hypocotyl
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the absence of sucrose in the medium, eif3h-1 mutant seedlings arrested their development before primary leaf expansion (Figure 5A, left column). By contrast, 1% sucrose prevented the developmental arrest, indicating that eif3h-1 needs an exogenous sugar source after germination
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleHomozygous eif3h-1 mutant plants displayed postembryonic growth retardation ... Vegetative shoot and root growth, flowering, and senescence were delayed compared with the wild type
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticlePartial rescue of root growth by 1% sucrose, inhibition of germination by 6% sucrose, and sucrose-dependent anthocyanin accumulation were also observed in the csn1/fus6 mutant
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleTo investigate the role of eIF3h in Arabidopsis, we isolated a recessive mutant allele (eif3h-1) carrying a T-DNA insertion in the 10th exon (Figure 2A ... After germination in darkness, hypocotyl length was reduced and seedlings displayed an open hook and separation of the cotyledons (Figure 3C), features characteristic of a defect in etiolation
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleApproximately 80% of eif3h-1 mutant plants arrested their development as vegetative rosettes (Figure 3A) and died, regardless of whether the plants were grown in soil or on sterile medium. In the remaining plants, shoot axillary meristems often became activated late in the growth period, leading to a bushy appearance characteristic of a loss of apical dominance
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleApproximately 80% of eif3h-1 mutant plants arrested their development as vegetative rosettes (Figure 3A) and died, regardless of whether the plants were grown in soil or on sterile medium. In the remaining plants, shoot axillary meristems often became activated late in the growth period, leading to a bushy appearance characteristic of a loss of apical dominance
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleMorphological phenotypes of the eif3h-1 mutant, such as bushiness, epinastic cotyledons, warped leaves, poor gravitropism, occasional pin-formed inflorescence bolts, and a short primary root with few root hairs (Figures 2C and 3F; data not shown), suggested an altered auxin response
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the absence of sucrose in the medium, eif3h-1 mutant seedlings arrested their development before primary leaf expansion
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleFurthermore, at or above 2% sucrose, full germination of eif3h-1 was inhibited (Figure 5C), and purple anthocyanin pigments persisted in the hypocotyl
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the absence of sucrose in the medium, eif3h-1 mutant seedlings arrested their development before primary leaf expansion (Figure 5A, left column). By contrast, 1% sucrose prevented the developmental arrest, indicating that eif3h-1 needs an exogenous sugar source after germination. However, 1% sucrose also delayed the greening process (Figure 5A, second column
Kim TH, Kim BH, Yahalom A, Chamovitz DA, von Arnim AG - Translational regulation via 5' mRNA leader sequences revealed by mutational analysis of the Arabidopsis translation initiation factor subunit eIF3h
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-3 ... a single ectopic outgrowth from the leaf petiole region in approximately 2–3% of the homozygous plants
Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articleapproximately three out of four bop1- 1/+ plants formed a small ectopic outgrowth on one or two of their rosette leaves
Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 leaves are misshapen of the blade
Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticlePlants carrying the bop1-4 RNA null allele also have a weak phenotype, displaying a single ectopic leaf outgrowth
Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticlePlants carrying the bop1-4 RNA null allele also have a weak phenotype, displaying ... mild leaf lobing
Ha CM, Jun JH, Nam HG, Fletcher JC - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 encodes a BTB/POZ domain protein required for leaf morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtE2Fa dri- ven by a constitutively enhanced CaMV 35S pro- moter ... narrower leaves
He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtE2Fa over- expression ... at the older leaf stage, the cell size of the leaves from transgenic plants was in- creased by about 30
He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtE2Fa dri- ven by a constitutively enhanced CaMV 35S pro- moter ... with narrower leaves that were nevertheless similar in length
He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtE2Fa dri- ven by a constitutively enhanced CaMV 35S pro- moter ... more than 50% of these R1 transgenic plants exhibited narrower leaves than the wild-type control plants
He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleAtE2Fa over- expression ... at the younger stage, leaf cell number of the transgenic plants was reduced by about 33
He SS, Liu J, Xie Z, O'Neill D, Dotson S - Arabidopsis E2Fa plays a bimodal role in regulating cell division and cell growth
Visit the PubMed Articlevenation pattern is simpler through the ... as2 leaf blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlein as1 ... first leaves ... midvein differentiation frequently terminated before the leaf apex or veered away from the leaf tip (Figures 4E and 4G
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as1 ... smaller than wild-type leaves
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as2 ... curl inward
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... generally having smaller ... blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... generally having ... more curled ... blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as2 ... show little petiole development
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as1 ... wider at the distal than the proximal end of the blade
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... generally having ... shorter petioles
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as2 ... wider at the distal than the proximal end of the blade
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlein as1 ... first leaves ... As in the wild type, distal secondary veins were initiated at the apical end of the midvein (Figures 4A and 4D), although more frequently than in the wild type, one secondary vein was initiated later than the other or was initiated below the distal tip of the midvein
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... shows increased numbers of veins within the petiole
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlein ... as2 first leaves ... midvein differentiation frequently terminated before the leaf apex or veered away from the leaf tip (Figures 4E and 4G
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... generally having smaller ... blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleFirst and fifth leaves of ... as2 plants are obviously distinct from the wild type in shape
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleFirst and fifth leaves of both as1 ... obviously distinct from the wild type in shape
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... generally having ... heart-shaped blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn first leaves, the margin is continuous except for the distal margin gap. In fifth leaves, the distal margin gap is also present (Figures 2A and 2B), and a margin gap involving a similar number of cells also occurs infrequently at the tips of leaf serrations (one gap observed in four leaves, Figure 2D). In ... as2 first leaves, margin gaps are seen in variable positions within the proximal half of the leaf and contain cell types similar to those seen on the abaxial leaf surface, often interspersed with stomata
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... shows increased numbers of veins within the petiole
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn ... wild-type leaves treated with 10−6 M 2,4-D ... 10 DAG treated leaves usually remain small with little midvein differentiation
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... generally having ... shorter petioles
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... generally having ... heart-shaped blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlein ... as2 first leaves ... As in the wild type, distal secondary veins were initiated at the apical end of the midvein (Figures 4A and 4D), although more frequently than in the wild type, one secondary vein was initiated later than the other or was initiated below the distal tip of the midvein
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleshorter petioles from which asymmetric lobes emerge, and protrusions from the leaf blade that are larger and asymmetrically placed compared with wild-type serrations
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas1 ... generally having ... shorter petioles from which asymmetric lobes emerge, and protrusions from the leaf blade that are larger and asymmetrically placed compared with wild-type serrations
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleTreatment of developing ... wild-type leaves with 10−7 M 2,4-D results in an auxin response that appears somewhat more intense and more widespread than in untreated leaves (cf. Figures 6A to 6H with 5A to 5L). Nevertheless, the mature leaf shape ... of treated leaves ... appears unchanged compared with untreated leaves
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn first leaves, the margin is continuous except for the distal margin gap. In fifth leaves, the distal margin gap is also present (Figures 2A and 2B), and a margin gap involving a similar number of cells also occurs infrequently at the tips of leaf serrations (one gap observed in four leaves, Figure 2D). In ... as1 ... first leaves, margin gaps are seen in variable positions within the proximal half of the leaf and contain cell types similar to those seen on the abaxial leaf surface, often interspersed with stomata
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlewe examined development of vascular pattern in as1 and as2 first leaves (Table 4, Figure 4). The differentiating midvein in mutant first leaves was visible in essentially the normal position and normal acropetal direction, although it occurred slightly later (6 DAG) than in the wild type (5 DAG; Figure 4A
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlevenation pattern is simpler through the as1 ... leaf blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as2 ... smaller than wild-type leaves
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlewe examined development of vascular pattern in as1 and as2 first leaves (Table 4, Figure 4). The differentiating midvein in mutant first leaves was visible in essentially the normal position and normal acropetal direction, although it occurred slightly later (6 DAG) than in the wild type (5 DAG; Figure 4A
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleFirst and fifth leaves of ... as1 ... obviously distinct from the wild type in ... size
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articleas2 ... generally having ... more curled ... blades
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlein ... as2 first leaves ... The distal secondary veins rejoined the midvein at a more proximal point of the midvein than in the wild type, resulting in larger distal secondary loops (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). These large loops were often divided by subsequent intercalary formation of secondary veins (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). Differentiation of secondary veins, as indicated by xylem thickenings, occurred basipetally in both the wild type and mutants (Figures 4B, 4E, and 4H). Initiation of proximal secondary veins, which occurs from the distal secondaries at about the midpoint of the leaf blade in the wild type (Figures 4B and 4C), occurs at a more distal point in the mutant leaves (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as1 ... curl inward
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlein as1 ... first leaves ... The distal secondary veins rejoined the midvein at a more proximal point of the midvein than in the wild type, resulting in larger distal secondary loops (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). These large loops were often divided by subsequent intercalary formation of secondary veins (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I). Differentiation of secondary veins, as indicated by xylem thickenings, occurred basipetally in both the wild type and mutants (Figures 4B, 4E, and 4H). Initiation of proximal secondary veins, which occurs from the distal secondaries at about the midpoint of the leaf blade in the wild type (Figures 4B and 4C), occurs at a more distal point in the mutant leaves (Figures 4E, 4F, 4H, and 4I
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleLeaf primordia of ... as1 ... show little petiole development
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed ArticleTreatment of developing ... wild-type leaves with 10−7 M 2,4-D results in an auxin response that appears somewhat more intense and more widespread than in untreated leaves (cf. Figures 6A to 6H with 5A to 5L). Nevertheless, the mature leaf ... vascular pattern of treated leaves ... appears unchanged compared with untreated leaves
Zgurski JM, Sharma R, Bolokoski DA, Schultz EA - Asymmetric auxin response precedes asymmetric growth and differentiation of asymmetric leaf1 and asymmetric leaf2 Arabidopsis leaves
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous ... blue light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen seedlings were grown in sucrose-free medium and then transferred to fresh medium containing 2% sucrose, the growth of the leaf blade and petiole was enhanced in both white light and darkness, as compared with seedlings transferred to 0% sucrose (data not shown). This result suggests that sucrose promotes the growth of both the leaf blade and the petiole, irrespective of the light conditions, despite the fact that photoreceptor signals act differentially in the regulation of the growth of the leaf blade and petiole
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn white light, the proportion of 2C nuclei decreased, with a corresponding increase in the 4C nuclei, and the levels of 8C and 16C nuclei were unchanged (Fig. 2C). In leaves treated with white light (120 μmol m–2 s–1) for 72 h, the leaf blades expanded by 3.9 ± 0.9 mm (mean ± SD; n ≥ 15), but the leaf blades did not expand during dark treatment. These results suggest that the light dependency of leaf blade expansion is correlated with an enhanced endoreduplication cycle
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast, in blue light, the cry1 ... showed very similar decreases in the relative leaf blade expansion
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of the cryptochrome mutants ... in red light
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous ... blue light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous ... red ... light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous ... far-red ... light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn blue light, the relative lengths of the petioles of the ... cry1cry2 double mutant ... 101.9%
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlein blue light ... in the relative leaf blade expansion ... no differences were observed between the wild type and the phot1phot2 mutant
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe leaf petiole elongation in red light was weakest in the phyB mutant among the single mutants examined
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous white ... light inhibited leaf petiole elongation; this effect also increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn addition, there were no differences in the leaf blade expansion of the wild type and the abi4 mutant. These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous white ... light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe ploidy profiles of the leaf blades remained constant during the dark treatment
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn blue light, leaf blades of the aba1 ... expanded much less than those of the wild type, but no differences were evident in darkness or red light ... These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe also examined the effects of the light condition on the cell number of the petiole. During the dark treatment for 42h, the number of mes- ophyll cells was increased slightly compared with before the treatment
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn blue light, the relative lengths of the petioles of the cry1 mutant ... 77.7 ... %
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous ... far-red ... light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of the cryptochrome mutants ... in red light
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of ... the phototropin mutants ... in red light
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlein blue light, the ... cry1cry2 ... showed very similar decreases in the relative leaf blade expansion
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlethe leaf blade expansion in red light was weakest in the phyB mutant, and similar results were also obtained in the phyAphyB and phyBphyD double mutants
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThus, the ctr1 mutation appears to have a negative effect on the growth of the leaf blade and the petiole, except for the leaf petiole elongation in red light, suggesting that ethylene signal transduction is inactive in the leaf petiole in red light
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe increase in the leaf petiole length in darkness also correlated with an increase in the length of the mesophyll cells (Table 2), with the mesophyll cells in the basal portion of the leaf petiole elongating more than those in the apical portion
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn blue light, leaf blades of the ... aba2 ... expanded much less than those of the wild type, but no differences were evident in darkness or red light ... These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleWhen seedlings were grown in sucrose-free medium and then transferred to fresh medium containing 2% sucrose, the growth of the leaf blade and petiole was enhanced in both white light and darkness, as compared with seedlings transferred to 0% sucrose (data not shown). This result suggests that sucrose promotes the growth of both the leaf blade and the petiole, irrespective of the light conditions, despite the fact that photoreceptor signals act differentially in the regulation of the growth of the leaf blade and petiole
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype, aba1 ... plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn blue light, leaf blades of the ... aba3 ... expanded much less than those of the wild type, but no differences were evident in darkness or red light ... These results suggest that in blue light, a portion of the growth promotion of the leaf blade is dependent on endogenous ABA
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast, in leaf petioles, only small differences in the levels of 4C to 16C nuclei were observed between plants grown in light and dark conditions (Fig. 2B, D). The leaf petioles elongated by 3.5 ± 0.9 mm (mean ± SD; n ≥ 15) when exposed to white light (120 μmol m–2 s–1) for 72 h, and by 12.8 ± 1.0 mm (mean ± SD; n ≥ 15) when held in darkness for 72 h. These data indicate that in the petiole, endoreduplication proceeds independently of the light conditions and the extent of growth
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype ... aba3 ... plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype ... abi4 plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlethe increase in the area of the leaf blade promoted by white light correlated with an increase in the areas of the palisade cells. The areas of the cells in the middle portion of the leaf blades increased most dramatically
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn the ctr1 mutant, as in the aba mutants, less leaf blade expansion occurred in blue light
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf petiole elongation of the wildtype ... aba2 ... plants, irrespective of the light conditions ... These results suggest that endogenous ABA is not required for the portion of leaf petiole elongation that responds to the light environment
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleDuring the dark treatment, the expansion of leaf blades almost completely ceased, whereas the leaf blades nearly doubled in area during white light treatment
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlethe ctr1 mutant ... less leaf blade expansion was also observed in red light
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlecontinuous ... red ... light enhanced the growth of the leaf blade, which increased with the light intensity
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed Articlethe increase in the area of the leaf blade promoted by white light correlated with an increase in the areas of the palisade cells. The areas of the cells in the middle portion of the leaf blades increased most dramatically
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe increase in the leaf petiole length in darkness also correlated with an increase in the length of the mesophyll cells (Table 2), with the mesophyll cells in the basal portion of the leaf petiole elongating more than those in the apical portion
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were no significant differences in the leaf blade expansion of ... the wild type in red light
Kozuka T, Horiguchi G, Kim GT, Ohgishi M, Sakai T, Tsukaya H - The different growth responses of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf blade and the petiole during shade avoidance are regulated by photoreceptors and sugar
Visit the PubMed ArticleOn the other hand, levels of BRs were almost same as WT in cyp72c1-1 plants
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels
Visit the PubMed Article13% of plants overexpressing At1g17060 did recapitulate the dwarf phenotype
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels
Visit the PubMed ArticleAll the rosette leaves ... had short petioles ... shk1-D
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe selected one of these dwarf mutants that had dark green leaves ... shk1-D
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels
Visit the PubMed ArticleUsing gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring analysis, we revealed that endogenous levels of CS, 6-deoxoCS and 6-deoxotyphasterol (6-deoxoTY) in shk1-D were greatly reduced compared with WT (Table 1). However, endogenous levels of 6-deoxo-3-dehydroteasterone (6-deoxo3DT), 6-deoxoteasterone (6-deoxoTE), 6-deoxocathasterone (6-deoxoCT) and typhasterol (TY) in shk1-D were almost same as WT. These four BRs are intermediate precursors of BL
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels
Visit the PubMed Articlewe could not detect any obvious phenotype in rosette and cauline leaves, stems and siliques in cyp72c1-1
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels
Visit the PubMed ArticleAll the rosette leaves were round ... shk1-D
Takahashi N, Nakazawa M, Shibata K, Yokota T, Ishikawa A, Suzuki K, Kawashima M, Ichikawa T, Shimada H, Matsui M - shk1-D, a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene, has altered brassinosteroid levels
Visit the PubMed Articlethe adaxial side of the basal regions of the petioles of bop1-1 cotyledons showed several outgrowths
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe petals of bop1-1 plants had some ectopic outgrowths in their proximal regions
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... Mutant flowers ... had more variable numbers of ... petals
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe first indication of the bop1-1 phenotype was recognized in 3-day-old seedlings ... the petiole of mutant cotyledon had clusters of young cells on the adaxial side
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articleunlike the wild-type leaves, the midvein systems in the proximal region of the mutant rosette leaves revealed an extensive vasculature with numerous parallel vein elements
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1 ... 1 ... Ectopic organogenesis was also observed on the first rosette leaf of the mutant
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleOn ... rosette leaves of ... mutant plants the ectopic organs were clearly seen on the adaxial surfaces
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlethe bop1-1 bp-1 double mutant exhibited ... short pedicles and downward-oriented siliques
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... The leaves of the mutant exhibited extended longevity
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articleectopic outgrowths on blade-like structures were observed at the base of the cauline leaves in the mutant
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlein the bop1-1 stm-1 double mutant, rescued leaves did not fully expand and were lobed
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlethe vascular system of the ectopic organs had a eustelic arrangement of vascular bundles
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIdentification of the bop1-1 mutation was based on its pronounced phenotype, i.e., the presence of ectopic organ outgrowths along the leaf petioles of rosette leaves
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 as2-2 double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe vegetative rosette leaves of the bop1-1 bp-1 double mutant exhibited a lobed morphology characteristic for bop1-1
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... Mutant flowers were often slightly distorted
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... The vegetative growth of mutant plants was extended compared to that of wild-type plants
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1 ... The ectopic organs ... that formed on the adaxial side of the rosette leaf resembled leaf blades with flattened structures
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleOn ... cotyledons ... of 17-day-old mutant plants the ectopic organs were clearly seen on the adaxial surfaces
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe cotyledons of bop1-1 plants had a typical venation pattern of wild-type cotyledons in the distal regions where no ectopic organogenesis was observed
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1 ... numerous ... leaf primordia were found in the proximal region of the leaf
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlethe bop1-1 as1-1 ... double mutants produced numerous leaflet-like structures along the fasciated leaf petioles
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 bp-1 double mutant ... The reproductive shoot of the double mutant produced a compact inflorescence meristem
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleIn contrast to wild-type petals, filamentous organs of an unidentified nature developed at the base of mutant sepals
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe surface of the mutant stem, unlike the smooth surface of the wild-type stem (Fig. 7A), was rough in certain places along the longitudinal direction, and ectopic protrusions were evident in the areas of roughness
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... In the cotyledons ... an extended, adventitious, petiole-like organ grew out from the base of the original petiole
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... The mutant flower also contained a slightly reduced number of stamens
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... In ... the first two leaves of the mutant, an extended, adventitious, petiole-like organ grew out from the base of the original petiole
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... The petiole region of the early rosette leaves of mutants frequently fused with the basal part of the petiole of a cotyledon or adjacent leaf
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlethe ectopic organ in the mutant cotyledons had more complex venation than the wild-type cotyledon
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1 ... numerous trichomes ... were found in the proximal region of the leaf
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlea pith-like structure was observed in the region surrounding the central vascular system
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlebop1-1 mutation ... Mutant flowers ... had more variable numbers of sepals
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlethe vascular system of the mutant leaves had a flattened shape
Norberg M, Holmlund M, Nilsson O - The BLADE ON PETIOLE genes act redundantly to control the growth and development of lateral organs
Visit the PubMed Articlein bop1 bop2 ... blade development was derepressed along the petiole, resulting in the loss of distinct proximal and distal zones in the leaf
Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleFor this, we crossed the bop1 bop2 double mutant with the pan-3 mutant and used PCR genotyping to identify bop1 bop2 pan-3 triple mutants in the resulting F2 population. The vegetative leaf phenotype and floral organ abscission phenotype of these triple mutants was identical to that of the bop1 bop2 parent
Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articlein bop1 bop2 ... blade development was derepressed along the petiole
Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaf growth in bop1 bop2 was indeterminate along the proximal-distal leaf axis
Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe earliest notable defect in the bop1 bop2 double mutant was in leaf morphology
Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleleaf growth in bop1 bop2 was indeterminate along the proximal-distal leaf axis, resulting in abnormally long leaves
Hepworth SR, Zhang Y, McKim S, Li X, Haughn GW - BLADE-ON-PETIOLE-dependent signaling controls leaf and floral patterning in Arabidopsis
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpression of ACK1 ... reduction in leaf size
Han W, Rhee HI, Cho JW, Ku MS, Song PS, Wang MH - Overexpression of Arabidopsis ACK1 alters leaf morphology and retards growth and development
Visit the PubMed ArticleThere were profound changes in the morphology of organs such as leaves ... in the transgenic plants ... overexpression of ACK1
Han W, Rhee HI, Cho JW, Ku MS, Song PS, Wang MH - Overexpression of Arabidopsis ACK1 alters leaf morphology and retards growth and development
Visit the PubMed Articleoverexpression of ACK1 ... resulting in altered leaf margin serration
Han W, Rhee HI, Cho JW, Ku MS, Song PS, Wang MH - Overexpression of Arabidopsis ACK1 alters leaf morphology and retards growth and development
Visit the PubMed Articleno direct defect was observed on the cell cycle transitions or on the endocycling; therefore, the effect of the elo and drl mutations on cell division is probably not related to core cell cycle activity
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlethree independent RNA interference lines of ELO3 (N3981, N3982, and N3983) in Wassilewskija (Ws-2) ecotype had leaf and root phenotypes (see below) very similar to those of the elo mutants
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlepetiole ... length ... increased significantly in elo1
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articleupon germination, seedling growth was delayed in all elo mutants
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleTwo T-DNA ... lines ... for the ELO1 gene ... N503548 and N579793 ... displayed a narrow leaf phenotype very similar to that of the elo mutants but with incomplete penetrance
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlestruwwelpeter1 (swp1) recessive mutation, which was isolated in a Ws-2 background, also causes ... with a reduced cell number
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlethe distance between the nuclei, which is a direct measure of cell size (19), was significantly higher in the elo mutants
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleT-DNA allele of the AtELP3 gene ... Wassilewskija (Ws-2) ecotype had leaf and root phenotypes (see below) very similar to those of the elo mutants
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlemutants ... reduced cell number as measured by the number of palisade cells
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articletotal leaf length were increased significantly in ... elo2
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleCol-0 genetic background of the SALK lines suppressed to some extent the elo leaf phenotype
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlepetiole ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo4/drl1-4
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlelamina ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo4/drl1-4
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlepetiole ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo2
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlelamina width was smaller in all mutants
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articletotal leaf length were increased significantly in ... elo4/drl1-4
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articletotal leaf length were increased significantly in elo1
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlelamina ... length ... increased significantly in ... elo2
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlestruwwelpeter1 (swp1) recessive mutation, which was isolated in a Ws-2 background, also causes narrow leaves
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articleelo mutants were originally isolated as leaf mutants
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlethe ploidy levels were measured by flow cytometry in the first two leaves of mutants and wild-type plants at several time points during development ... no shift ... shift in the G1-to-G2 populations could be determined at the first time points ... shift ... in Elongator mutant plants, indicating a similar effect on both the G1-to-S and G2-to-M transition points of the cell cycle
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed Articlelamina ... increased significantly in elo1
Nelissen H, Fleury D, Bruno L, Robles P, De Veylder L, Traas J, Micol JL, Van Montagu M, Inzé D, Van Lijsebettens M - The elongata mutants identify a functional Elongator complex in plants with a role in cell proliferation during organ growth
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe tkv mutant was first identified from a mutant screen by its increased thickness of major veins in juvenile rosette leaves (Fig. 1, A and B). This phenotype was more conspicuous in adult rosette leaves, which were also smaller than those of wild type and had more veins per square area (Fig. 1, E and F
Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
Visit the PubMed ArticleWe found polar auxin transport in tkv stems to be 66.2% of that in wild type
Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
Visit the PubMed ArticleIntroduction of the ACL5 promoter-driven wild-type ACL5 transgene into the tkv mutant fully complemented the mutant phenotype with respect to both the thick veins and the short internodes for five independent transgenic lines
Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe tkv mutant was first identified from a mutant screen by its increased thickness of major veins in juvenile rosette leaves (Fig. 1, A and B). This phenotype was more conspicuous in adult rosette leaves, which were also smaller than those of wild type and had more veins per square area (Fig. 1, E and F
Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe tkv mutant ... increased vein thickness was attributable to an increased number of both xylem and phloem cells as well as an increased number of procambial cells in between
Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe tkv mutant was first identified from a mutant screen by its increased thickness of major veins in juvenile rosette leaves (Fig. 1, A and B). This phenotype was more conspicuous in adult rosette leaves, which were also smaller than those of wild type and had more veins per square area
Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
Visit the PubMed ArticleThe tkv mutant ... Cell size for all the leaf cell types appears normal at least cross-sectionally
Clay NK, Nelson T - Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
Visit the PubMed ArticleSections through cauline leaves of phenotypically severe SMP1-overexpressing plants indicated that the leaves were thinner
Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf
Visit the PubMed ArticleAINTEGUMENTA (ANT). Inactivation ... reduced ... final cell number in lateral organs
Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf
Visit the PubMed Articlesmp ... vascular cells, which were normally sized
Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf
Visit the PubMed Articlesmp mutant was identified from a mutant screen by ... narrow ... venation pattern
Clay NK, Nelson T - The recessive epigenetic swellmap mutation affects the expression of two step II splicing factors required for the transcription of the cell proliferation gene STRUWWELPETER and for the timing of cell cycle arrest in the Arabidopsis leaf